5 module_type: tpctrackfit2
6 PatRecLabel: "patrec" # module label producing patrec tracks and TPCCluster assoications
8 DumpTracks: 0 # separate track dump printout
9 RoadYZinFit: 1000.0 # how far in cm to keep a TPCCluster in the fit step
10 FirstPassFitType: "Kalman" # helix or Kalman -- only Kalman supported for now
11 SecondPassFitType: "Kalman" # helix or Kalman -- only Kalman supported for now
12 KalCurvStepUncSq: 1.0E-8 # square of constant uncertainty term on each step of Kalman fit -- curvature
13 KalPhiStepUncSq: 1.0E-8 # square of constant uncertainty term on each step of Kalman fit -- phi
14 KalLambdaStepUncSq: 1.0E-4 # square of constant uncertainty term on each step of Kalman fit -- lambda
15 KalCovZYMeasure: 4.0 # constant uncertainty term on measurement in Kalman (the R matrix) in cm
16 SortAlg: 2 # 1: old sort alg, 2: greedy distance sorting
17 SortTransWeight: 0.1 # for use in hit sorting algorithm #1 -- transverse distance weight factor
18 SortDistBack: 2.0 # for use in hit sorting algorithm #1 -- how far to go back before raising the distance figure of merit
19 SortDistCut: 20.0 # distance cut for sort algorithm #2
20 MinNumTPCClusters: 15 # minimum number of TPCClusters on a track
21 InitialTPNTPCClusters: 100 # number of TPCClusters to use for initial trackpar estimate, if present
22 PrintLevel: 0 # Debug printout: 0: none, 1: track parameters and residuals, 2: everything
23 MinIonizGapCut: 5.0 # Do not compute dE/dx for dx over this
25 TPCClusterResid__CROC_b: 0.1593 # parameters to estimate residuals in YZ plane
26 TPCClusterResid__CROC_m: 0.0126 # used in the chi-squared calculation. cm.
27 TPCClusterResid__IROC_b: 0.1027 # Not used in computing point of closest
28 TPCClusterResid__IROC_m: 0.0238 # approach between the fit and the cluster
29 TPCClusterResid_IOROC_b: 0.0927 #
30 TPCClusterResid_IOROC_m: 0.0322 #
31 TPCClusterResid_OOROC_b: 0.0749 #
32 TPCClusterResid_OOROC_m: 0.0883 #
37 module_type: dayonetrackfit
38 PatRecLabel: "dayone" # module label producing patrec tracks and TPCCluster assoications
40 TPCClusterResolXY: 0.3 # resolution in XY
41 TPCClusterResolZ: 0.3 # resolution in Z
42 DumpTracks: 0 # separate track dump printout
43 RoadYZinFit: 1000.0 # how far in cm to keep a TPCCluster in the fit step
44 MinNumTPCClusters: 3 # minimum number of TPCClusters on a track
45 PrintLevel: 0 # Debug printout: 0: none, 1: track parameters and residuals, 2: everything
46 MinIonizGapCut: 5.0 # Do not compute dE/dx for dx over this