3 standard_tpcvechitfinder2:
5 module_type: tpcvechitfinder2
6 TPCClusterLabel: "tpcclusterpass1"
8 PrintLevel: 0 # Debug printout: 0: none, 1: track parameters and residuals, 2: everything
9 NPasses: 2 # number of passes to reassign hits from vector hits with poor chisquareds
11 # all parameters below are indexed by pass number
13 TPCClusterRCut: [ 280.0, 280.0 ] # in cm. To remove the outer pads which may have distorted hits. No longer needed with new sim
14 TPCClusterGapCut: [ 2.0, 2.0 ] # in cm -- skip TPC clusters within this distance of a gap
15 MaxVecHitLen: [ 20.0, 20.0 ] # max vector hit length in cm for patrec alg #2
16 VecHitRoad: [ 2.0, 2.0 ] # max dist from a vector hit to a hit to assign it. for patrec alg #2. in cm.
17 VecHitMinTPCClusters: [ 5, 5 ] # minimum number of hits for a vector hit to be considered
18 C2Cut: [ 0.5, 0.5 ] # "chisquared" per ndof cut to reassign hits
20 LineFitAlg: 1 # 3D line fit algorithm. 0: six least squares fits, 1: PCA