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3 standard_tracker1:
4 {
5  module_type: tracker1
6  HitLabel: "hit"
8  HitRCut: 243.0 # in cm. To remove the outer pads which may have distorted hits
9  PatRecAlg: 2 # 1: x-sorted algorithm. 2: vector-hit algorithm
10  PatRecLookBack1: 5 # number of hits to look back for a linear extrapolation
11  PatRecLookBack2: 10 # number of hits to look back for a linear extrapolation
12  HitResolYZ: 1.0 # resolution in hit position in yz (cm) to use in the pattern recognition step
13  HitResolX: 0.5 # resolution in the drift coordinate (cm)
14  SigmaRoad: 5.0 # number of sigma allowed for a hit to be associated to a track
15  MaxVecHitLen: 10.0 # max vector hit length in cm for patrec alg #2
16  VecHitRoad: 2.0 # max dist from a vector hit to a hit to assign it. for patrec alg #2. in cm.
17  VecHitMinHits: 3 # minimum number of hits for a vector hit to be considered
19  VecHitMatchCos: 0.9 # for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits in alg #2 -- maybe iterate?
20  VecHitMatchPos: 60.0 # for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits in alg #2; 3D distance in cm
21  VecHitMatchPEX: 6.0 # for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits in alg #2; miss distance in cm
22  VecHitMatchEta: 1.2 # for for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits in alg #2; cross of distance and avg of directions (cm)
23  VecHitMatchLambda: 0.05 # for for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits in alg #2; delta Lambda cut (rad)
25  SortOrder: "AlongLength" # for presenting hits to the fitter. Options are "X" and "AlongLength"
26  MinNumHits: 20 # minimum number of hits on a track
27  InitialTPNHits: 100 # number of hits to use for initial trackpar estimate, if present
28  TrackPass: 1 # which pass of tracks to save as the output -- set to 1 while we work on 2
29  PrintLevel: 0 # Debug printout: 0: none, 1: track parameters and residuals, 2: everything
30  DumpTracks: 0 # separate track dump printout
31  HitResolYZinFit: 4.0 # resolution in cm in YZ used in the Kalman filter step in the fit
32  RoadYZinFit: 1000.0 # how far in cm to keep a hit in the fit step
33  FirstPassFitType: "Kalman" # helix or Kalman
34  SecondPassFitType: "Kalman" # helix or Kalman
35  KalCurvStepUncSq: 1.0E-9 # square of constant uncertainty term on each step of Kalman fit -- curvature
36  KalPhiStepUncSq: 1.0E-9 # square of constant uncertainty term on each step of Kalman fit -- phi
37  KalLambdaStepUncSq: 1.0E-4 # square of constant uncertainty term on each step of Kalman fit -- lambda
39 }