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1 #
2 # Configuration of trigger algorithm service class -- Kazu 08/22/13
3 #
8 standard_triggeralgo:
9 {
10  PreceedingWindow: 25600 # N time slices for readout window BEFORE the trigger timestamp in unit of trigger time slice
11  ProceedingWindow: 76800 # N time slices for readout window AFTER the trigger timestamp in unit of trigger time slice
12  DeadTime: 102400 # N time slices for trigger deadtime after the trigger timestamp in unit of trigger time slice
13  ModuleName_PMT: "optreadout" # Input LArSoft module name key for FIFOChannel and PMTTrigger objects
14  ModuleName_DAQ: "daq" # Input LArSoft module name key for RawDigit object
15  ModuleName_BeamSim: "generator" # Input LArSoft module name key for BeamGateInfo object
16  ClockFrequency_Trigger: 16 # Clock frequency of trigger module in MHz ... for now we use same as PMT --Kazu 08/22/13
17  ClockFrequency_PMT: 64 # Clock freqnency of PMT FEM module in MHz
18  ClockFrequency_TPC: 2 # Clock frequency of TPC FEM module in MHz
19  FrameSize_PMT: 102400 # Frame size of PMT FEM data in terms of PMT FEM time slice unit
20  FrameSize_TPC: 3200 # Frame size of TPC FEM data in terms of TPC FEM time slice unit
21  FrameSize_Trigger: 25600 # Frame size of Trigger data in terms of Trigger time slice unit
22 }
24 microboone_triggeralgo: @local::standard_triggeralgo