30 UInt_t
GetNPads(UInt_t sector,UInt_t row)
const {
67 static UInt_t
GetTPCUniqueID(UInt_t sector, UInt_t row, UInt_t pad){UInt_t uid=pad+row*140+sector*140*159;
return uid; }
UInt_t fNInnerWiresPerPad
Number of wires per pad.
Float_t fOuterPadWidth
Outer pad width.
Float_t fOuterFrameSpace
space for outer frame in the phi direction
Float_t fOuter1PadLength
Outer pad length.
Float_t fOuterRadiusUp
upper radius of outer sector-IP
AliTPCROC & operator=(const AliTPCROC &roc)
UInt_t fNRowUp1
number of short pad rows per sector up -set
UInt_t fNPadsLow[100]
Lower sector, number of pads per row -calculated.
Float_t GetOuterAngle() const
static Float_t GetIdealPosition(UInt_t sector, UInt_t row, UInt_t pad, coordType coord)
Float_t fOuterOffWire
oofset of first wire to the begining of the sector
UInt_t GetNChannels(UInt_t sector) const
Float_t GetZLength(Int_t sector) const
Float_t fOuter2PadPitchLength
Outer pad pitch length.
Float_t fInnerPadWidth
Inner pad width.
auto coord(Vector &v, unsigned int n) noexcept
Returns an object to manage the coordinate n of a vector.
Float_t GetOuterPadWidth() const
Float_t fYInner[100]
Inner sector, wire-length.
Float_t fOuterAngle
angular coverage
UInt_t fNtRows
total number of rows in TPC -calculated
Float_t fRInnerFirstWire
position of the first wire -calculated
UInt_t GetNSector() const
Float_t GetInnerPadLength() const
Float_t GetPadRowRadii(UInt_t isec, UInt_t irow) const
Float_t GetInnerAngle() const
Float_t GetOuter1PadLength() const
UInt_t fNRowUp2
number of long pad rows per sector up -set
const UInt_t * GetRowIndexes(UInt_t sector) const
Float_t fInnerWireMount
space for wire mount, inner sector
UInt_t fOuterDummyWire
number of wires without pad readout
static AliTPCROC * Instance()
UInt_t GetNRows(UInt_t sector) const
Float_t fOuterPadPitchWidth
Outer pad pitch width.
UInt_t GetNRowLow() const
Float_t fZLength
length of the drift region of the TPC
Float_t fInnerPadPitchWidth
Inner pad pitch width.
Float_t fROuterLastWire
position of the last wire -calculated
UInt_t fNOuter1WiresPerPad
Number of wires per pad.
Float_t GetOuterRadiusUp() const
static AliTPCROC * fgInstance
Float_t fYOuter[100]
Outer sector, wire-length.
Float_t fROuterFirstWire
position of the first wire -calulated
Float_t GetInnerFrameSpace() const
Float_t fLastWireUp1
position of the last wire in outer1 sector
UInt_t GetNOuterSector() const
UInt_t * fRowPosIndex[2]
index array - inner - outer
UInt_t GetNSectors() const
UInt_t fNRows[2]
number of row - inner outer
UInt_t fNOuter2WiresPerPad
Number of wires per pad.
Float_t fOuterRadiusLow
lower radius of outer sector-IP
Float_t GetOuterWireMount() const
Float_t fInnerAngle
angular coverage
Float_t fInnerOffWire
oofset of first wire to the begining of the sector
Float_t GetPadRowRadiiLow(UInt_t irow) const
UInt_t fNRowLow
number of pad rows per low sector -set
Float_t fPadRowUp[100]
Upper sector, pad row radii -calculated.
Float_t fPadRowLow[100]
Lower sector, pad row radii -calculated.
Float_t fOuterWireMount
space for wire mount, outer sector
Float_t fInnerWWPitch
pitch between wires in inner sector - calculated
Float_t GetOuterRadiusLow() const
Float_t fOuterWWPitch
pitch between wires in outer sector -calculated
Float_t fInnerPadPitchLength
Inner pad pitch length.
Geometry class for a single ROC.
Float_t GetPadRowRadiiUp(UInt_t irow) const
UInt_t GetNInnerSector() const
UInt_t fInnerDummyWire
number of wires without pad readout
UInt_t GetNRowUp2() const
UInt_t GetNPads(UInt_t sector, UInt_t row) const
Float_t fInnerFrameSpace
space for inner frame in the phi direction
Float_t GetInnerWireMount() const
Float_t fOuter2PadLength
Outer pad length.
UInt_t fNPadsUp[100]
Upper sector, number of pads per row -calculated.
UInt_t fNSectors[2]
number of sectors - inner outer
Float_t fInnerRadiusUp
upper radius of inner sector-IP
UInt_t fNSectorsAll
number of sectors
UInt_t fNRowUp
number of pad rows per sector up -calculated
Float_t fOuter1PadPitchLength
Outer pad pitch length.
static UInt_t GetTPCUniqueID(UInt_t sector, UInt_t row, UInt_t pad)
UInt_t fNChannels[2]
total number of pads - inner sector - outer sector
Float_t GetInnerPadWidth() const
Float_t GetOuter2PadLength() const
Float_t GetOuterFrameSpace() const
Float_t fInnerPadLength
Inner pad length.
UInt_t GetNRowUp1() const
Float_t fRInnerLastWire
position of the last wire -calculated
Float_t GetInnerRadiusUp() const
Float_t GetInnerRadiusLow() const
void GetPositionLocal(UInt_t sector, UInt_t row, UInt_t pad, Float_t *pos)
void GetPositionGlobal(UInt_t sector, UInt_t row, UInt_t pad, Float_t *pos)
UInt_t * fNPads[2]
number of pads in row - inner - outer
Float_t fInnerRadiusLow
lower radius of inner sector-IP