Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // EndPointAlg class
4 //
5 // joshua.spitz@yale.edu
6 //
7 // This algorithm is designed to find (weak) vertices from hits after deconvolution and hit finding.
8 // A weak end point is a end point that has been found using a dedicated end point finding algorithm only. A
9 // strong end point is a end point that has been found using a dedicated end point finding algorithm and matched
10 // to a crossing of two or more HoughLineFinder lines. The End PointMatch module finds strong vertices.
11 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 /// The algorithm is based on:
13 ///C. Harris and M. Stephens (1988). "A combined corner and edge detector". Proceedings of the 4th Alvey
14 ///Vision Conference. pp. 147-151.
15 ///B. Morgan (2010). "Interest Point Detection for Reconstruction in High Granularity Tracking Detectors".
16 ///arXiv:1006.3012v1 [physics.ins-det]
17 //Thanks to B. Morgan of U. of Warwick for comments and suggestions
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <fstream>
21 #include <math.h>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "TMath.h"
25 #include "TString.h"
27 // Framework includes
31 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/FindManyP.h"
33 #include "cetlib/pow.h"
47 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 {
50  fTimeBins = p.get<int>("TimeBins");
51  fMaxCorners = p.get<int>("MaxCorners");
52  fGsigma = p.get<double>("Gsigma");
53  fWindow = p.get<int>("Window");
54  fThreshold = p.get<double>("Threshold");
55  fSaveVertexMap = p.get<int>("SaveVertexMap");
56 }
58 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 double
60 cluster::EndPointAlg::Gaussian(int x, int y, double sigma) const
61 {
62  double const Norm = 1. / std::sqrt(2 * TMath::Pi() * cet::square(sigma));
63  return Norm * exp(-cet::sum_of_squares(x, y) / (2 * cet::square(sigma)));
64 }
66 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 double
69 {
70  double const Norm = 1. / (std::sqrt(2 * TMath::Pi()) * cet::cube(fGsigma));
71  return Norm * (-x) * exp(-cet::sum_of_squares(x, y) / (2 * cet::square(fGsigma)));
72 }
74 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 double
77 {
78  double const Norm = 1. / (std::sqrt(2 * TMath::Pi()) * cet::cube(fGsigma));
79  return Norm * (-y) * exp(-cet::sum_of_squares(x, y) / (2 * cet::square(fGsigma)));
80 }
82 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 //this method saves a BMP image of the vertex map space, which can be viewed with gimp
84 void
85 cluster::EndPointAlg::VSSaveBMPFile(const char* fileName, unsigned char* pix, int dx, int dy) const
86 {
87  std::ofstream bmpFile(fileName, std::ios::binary);
88  bmpFile.write("B", 1);
89  bmpFile.write("M", 1);
90  int bitsOffset = 54 + 256 * 4;
91  int size = bitsOffset + dx * dy; //header plus 256 entry LUT plus pixels
92  bmpFile.write((const char*)&size, 4);
93  int reserved = 0;
94  bmpFile.write((const char*)&reserved, 4);
95  bmpFile.write((const char*)&bitsOffset, 4);
96  int bmiSize = 40;
97  bmpFile.write((const char*)&bmiSize, 4);
98  bmpFile.write((const char*)&dx, 4);
99  bmpFile.write((const char*)&dy, 4);
100  short planes = 1;
101  bmpFile.write((const char*)&planes, 2);
102  short bitCount = 8;
103  bmpFile.write((const char*)&bitCount, 2);
104  int i, temp = 0;
105  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
106  bmpFile.write((const char*)&temp, 4); // zero out optional color info
107  // write a linear LUT
108  char lutEntry[4]; // blue,green,red
109  lutEntry[3] = 0; // reserved part
110  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
111  lutEntry[0] = i;
112  lutEntry[1] = i + 1;
113  lutEntry[2] = i + 2;
114  bmpFile.write(lutEntry, sizeof lutEntry);
115  }
116  // write the actual pixels
117  bmpFile.write((const char*)pix, dx * dy);
118 }
120 //......................................................
121 size_t
123  std::vector<recob::EndPoint2D>& vtxcol,
125  art::Event const& evt,
126  std::string const& label) const
127 {
130  auto const clock_data = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService const>()->DataFor(evt);
131  auto const det_prop =
134  //Point to a collection of vertices to output.
135  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> hit;
137  art::FindManyP<recob::Hit> fmh(clusIn, evt, label);
139  int flag = 0;
140  int windex = 0; // the wire index to make sure the end point finder does not
141  // fall off the edge of the hit map
142  int tindex = 0; // the time index to make sure the end point finder does not
143  // fall off the edge of the hit map
144  int n = 0; // index of window cell. There are 49 cells in the 7X7 Gaussian and
145  // Gaussian derivative windows
146  unsigned int numberwires = 0;
147  const unsigned int numbertimesamples = det_prop.ReadOutWindowSize();
148  const float TicksPerBin = numbertimesamples / fTimeBins;
150  double MatrixAAsum = 0.;
151  double MatrixBBsum = 0.;
152  double MatrixCCsum = 0.;
153  std::vector<double> Cornerness2;
154  //gaussian window definitions. The cell weights are calculated here to help the algorithm's speed
155  double w[49] = {0.};
156  double wx[49] = {0.};
157  double wy[49] = {0.};
158  int ctr = 0;
159  for (int i = -3; i < 4; ++i) {
160  for (int j = 3; j > -4; --j) {
161  w[ctr] = Gaussian(i, j, fGsigma);
162  wx[ctr] = GaussianDerivativeX(i, j);
163  wy[ctr] = GaussianDerivativeY(i, j);
164  ++ctr;
165  }
166  }
168  unsigned int wire = 0;
169  unsigned int wire2 = 0;
170  for (auto view : geom->Views()) {
173  hit.clear();
174  size_t cinctr = 0;
175  while (clusterIter != clusIn.end()) {
176  if ((*clusterIter)->View() == view) {
177  hit = fmh.at(cinctr);
178  } //end if cluster is in the correct view
179  clusterIter++;
180  ++cinctr;
181  }
183  if (hit.size() == 0) continue;
185  geo::WireID wid = hit[0]->WireID();
186  numberwires = geom->Cryostat(wid.Cryostat).TPC(wid.TPC).Plane(wid.Plane).Nwires();
187  mf::LogInfo("EndPointAlg") << " --- endpoints check " << numberwires << " " << numbertimesamples
188  << " " << fTimeBins;
190  std::vector<std::vector<double>> MatrixAsum(numberwires);
191  std::vector<std::vector<double>> MatrixBsum(numberwires);
192  std::vector<std::vector<double>> hit_map(numberwires); //the map of hits
194  //the index of the hit that corresponds to the potential corner
195  std::vector<std::vector<int>> hit_loc(numberwires);
197  std::vector<std::vector<double>> Cornerness(numberwires); //the "weight" of a corner
199  for (unsigned int wi = 0; wi < numberwires; ++wi) {
200  hit_map[wi].resize(fTimeBins, 0);
201  hit_loc[wi].resize(fTimeBins, -1);
202  Cornerness[wi].resize(fTimeBins, 0);
203  MatrixAsum[wi].resize(fTimeBins, 0);
204  MatrixBsum[wi].resize(fTimeBins, 0);
205  }
206  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hit.size(); ++i) {
207  wire = hit[i]->WireID().Wire;
208  const float center = hit[i]->PeakTime(), sigma = hit[i]->RMS();
209  const int iFirstBin = int((center - 3 * sigma) / TicksPerBin),
210  iLastBin = int((center + 3 * sigma) / TicksPerBin);
211  for (int iBin = iFirstBin; iBin <= iLastBin; ++iBin) {
212  const float bin_center = iBin * TicksPerBin;
213  hit_map[wire][iBin] += Gaussian(bin_center, center, sigma);
214  }
215  }
217  // Gaussian derivative convolution
218  for (unsigned int wire = 1; wire < numberwires - 1; ++wire) {
220  for (int timebin = 1; timebin < fTimeBins - 1; ++timebin) {
221  MatrixAsum[wire][timebin] = 0.;
222  MatrixBsum[wire][timebin] = 0.;
223  n = 0;
224  for (int i = -3; i <= 3; ++i) {
225  windex = wire + i;
226  if (windex < 0) windex = 0;
227  // this is ok, because the line before makes sure it's not negative
228  else if ((unsigned int)windex >= numberwires)
229  windex = numberwires - 1;
231  for (int j = -3; j <= 3; ++j) {
232  tindex = timebin + j;
233  if (tindex < 0)
234  tindex = 0;
235  else if (tindex >= fTimeBins)
236  tindex = fTimeBins - 1;
238  MatrixAsum[wire][timebin] += wx[n] * hit_map[windex][tindex];
239  MatrixBsum[wire][timebin] += wy[n] * hit_map[windex][tindex];
240  ++n;
241  } // end loop over j
242  } // end loop over i
243  } // end loop over time bins
244  } // end loop over wires
246  //calculate the cornerness of each pixel while making sure not to fall off the hit map.
247  for (unsigned int wire = 1; wire < numberwires - 1; ++wire) {
249  for (int timebin = 1; timebin < fTimeBins - 1; ++timebin) {
250  MatrixAAsum = 0.;
251  MatrixBBsum = 0.;
252  MatrixCCsum = 0.;
253  //Gaussian smoothing convolution
254  n = 0;
255  for (int i = -3; i <= 3; ++i) {
256  windex = wire + i;
257  if (windex < 0) windex = 0;
258  // this is ok, because the line before makes sure it's not negative
259  else if ((unsigned int)windex >= numberwires)
260  windex = numberwires - 1;
262  for (int j = -3; j <= 3; ++j) {
263  tindex = timebin + j;
264  if (tindex < 0)
265  tindex = 0;
266  else if (tindex >= fTimeBins)
267  tindex = fTimeBins - 1;
269  MatrixAAsum += w[n] * pow(MatrixAsum[windex][tindex], 2);
270  MatrixBBsum += w[n] * pow(MatrixBsum[windex][tindex], 2);
271  MatrixCCsum += w[n] * MatrixAsum[windex][tindex] * MatrixBsum[windex][tindex];
272  ++n;
273  } // end loop over j
274  } // end loop over i
276  if ((MatrixAAsum + MatrixBBsum) > 0)
277  Cornerness[wire][timebin] =
278  (MatrixAAsum * MatrixBBsum - pow(MatrixCCsum, 2)) / (MatrixAAsum + MatrixBBsum);
279  else
280  Cornerness[wire][timebin] = 0;
282  if (Cornerness[wire][timebin] > 0) {
283  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hit.size(); ++i) {
284  wire2 = hit[i]->WireID().Wire;
285  //make sure the end point candidate coincides with an actual hit.
286  if (wire == wire2 && std::abs(hit[i]->TimeDistanceAsRMS(
287  timebin * (numbertimesamples / fTimeBins))) < 1.) {
288  //this index keeps track of the hit number
289  hit_loc[wire][timebin] = i;
290  Cornerness2.push_back(Cornerness[wire][timebin]);
291  break;
292  }
293  } // end loop over hits
294  } // end if cornerness > 0
295  } // end loop over time bins
296  } // end wire loop
298  std::sort(Cornerness2.rbegin(), Cornerness2.rend());
300  for (int vertexnum = 0; vertexnum < fMaxCorners; ++vertexnum) {
301  flag = 0;
302  for (unsigned int wire = 0; wire < numberwires && flag == 0; ++wire) {
303  for (int timebin = 0; timebin < fTimeBins && flag == 0; ++timebin) {
304  if (Cornerness2.size() > (unsigned int)vertexnum)
305  if (Cornerness[wire][timebin] == Cornerness2[vertexnum] &&
306  Cornerness[wire][timebin] > 0. && hit_loc[wire][timebin] > -1) {
307  ++flag;
309  //thresholding
310  if (Cornerness2.size())
311  if (Cornerness[wire][timebin] < (fThreshold * Cornerness2[0]))
312  vertexnum = fMaxCorners;
313  vHits.push_back(hit[hit_loc[wire][timebin]]);
315  // get the total charge from the associated hits
316  double totalQ = 0.;
317  for (size_t vh = 0; vh < vHits.size(); ++vh)
318  totalQ += vHits[vh]->Integral();
320  recob::EndPoint2D endpoint(hit[hit_loc[wire][timebin]]->PeakTime(),
321  hit[hit_loc[wire][timebin]]->WireID(),
322  Cornerness[wire][timebin],
323  vtxcol.size(),
324  view,
325  totalQ);
326  vtxcol.push_back(endpoint);
327  vtxHitsOut.push_back(vHits);
328  vHits.clear();
330  // non-maximal suppression on a square window. The wire coordinate units are
331  // converted to time ticks so that the window is truly square.
332  // Note that there are 1/0.0743=13.46 time samples per 4.0 mm (wire pitch in ArgoNeuT),
333  // assuming a 1.5 mm/us drift velocity for a 500 V/cm E-field
335  double drifttick = det_prop.DriftVelocity(det_prop.Efield(), det_prop.Temperature());
336  drifttick *= sampling_rate(clock_data) * 1.e-3;
337  double wirepitch = geom->WirePitch();
338  double corrfactor = drifttick / wirepitch;
340  for (int wireout =
341  (int)wire -
342  (int)((fWindow * (numbertimesamples / fTimeBins) * corrfactor) + .5);
343  wireout <=
344  (int)wire + (int)((fWindow * (numbertimesamples / fTimeBins) * corrfactor) + .5);
345  ++wireout) {
346  for (int timebinout = timebin - fWindow; timebinout <= timebin + fWindow;
347  timebinout++) {
348  if (std::sqrt(pow(wire - wireout, 2) + pow(timebin - timebinout, 2)) <
349  fWindow) //circular window
350  Cornerness[wireout][timebinout] = 0;
351  }
352  }
353  }
354  }
355  }
356  }
357  Cornerness2.clear();
358  hit.clear();
359  if (clusterIter != clusIn.end()) clusterIter++;
361  if ((int)wid.Plane == fSaveVertexMap) {
362  unsigned char* outPix = new unsigned char[fTimeBins * numberwires];
363  //finds the maximum cell in the map for image scaling
364  int cell = 0;
365  int pix = 0;
366  int maxCell = 0;
367  //int xmaxx, ymaxx;
368  for (int y = 0; y < fTimeBins; ++y) {
369  for (unsigned int x = 0; x < numberwires; ++x) {
370  cell = (int)(hit_map[x][y] * 1000);
371  if (cell > maxCell) { maxCell = cell; }
372  }
373  }
374  for (int y = 0; y < fTimeBins; ++y) {
375  for (unsigned int x = 0; x < numberwires; ++x) {
376  //scales the pixel weights based on the maximum cell value
377  if (maxCell > 0) pix = (int)((1500000 * hit_map[x][y]) / maxCell);
378  outPix[y * numberwires + x] = pix;
379  }
380  }
382  // add 3x3 pixel squares to with the harris vertex finders to the .bmp file
384  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < vtxcol.size(); ++ii) {
385  if (vtxcol[ii].View() == (unsigned int)view) {
386  pix = (int)(255);
387  outPix[(int)(vtxcol[ii].DriftTime() * (fTimeBins / numbertimesamples)) * numberwires +
388  vtxcol[ii].WireID().Wire] = pix;
389  outPix[(int)(vtxcol[ii].DriftTime() * (fTimeBins / numbertimesamples)) * numberwires +
390  vtxcol[ii].WireID().Wire - 1] = pix;
391  outPix[(int)(vtxcol[ii].DriftTime() * (fTimeBins / numbertimesamples)) * numberwires +
392  vtxcol[ii].WireID().Wire + 1] = pix;
393  outPix[(int)((vtxcol[ii].DriftTime() * (fTimeBins / numbertimesamples)) - 1) *
394  numberwires +
395  vtxcol[ii].WireID().Wire] = pix;
396  outPix[(int)((vtxcol[ii].DriftTime() * (fTimeBins / numbertimesamples)) + 1) *
397  numberwires +
398  vtxcol[ii].WireID().Wire] = pix;
399  outPix[(int)((vtxcol[ii].DriftTime() * (fTimeBins / numbertimesamples)) - 1) *
400  numberwires +
401  vtxcol[ii].WireID().Wire - 1] = pix;
402  outPix[(int)((vtxcol[ii].DriftTime() * (fTimeBins / numbertimesamples)) - 1) *
403  numberwires +
404  vtxcol[ii].WireID().Wire - 2] = pix;
405  outPix[(int)((vtxcol[ii].DriftTime() * (fTimeBins / numbertimesamples)) + 1) *
406  numberwires +
407  vtxcol[ii].WireID().Wire + 1] = pix;
408  outPix[(int)((vtxcol[ii].DriftTime() * (fTimeBins / numbertimesamples)) + 1) *
409  numberwires +
410  vtxcol[ii].WireID().Wire + 2] = pix;
411  }
412  }
414  VSSaveBMPFile(Form("harrisvertexmap_%d_%d.bmp", (*clusIn.begin())->ID(), wid.Plane),
415  outPix,
416  numberwires,
417  fTimeBins);
418  delete[] outPix;
419  }
420  } // end loop over views
422  return vtxcol.size();
423 }
algorithm to find 2D endpoints
Encapsulate the construction of a single cyostat.
AdcChannelData::View View
std::string string
Definition: nybbler.cc:12
unsigned int ID
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
iterator begin()
Definition: PtrVector.h:217
constexpr T sum_of_squares(T x, T y)
Definition: pow.h:139
std::set< geo::View_t > const & Views() const
Returns a list of possible views in the detector.
constexpr T pow(T x)
Definition: pow.h:72
struct vector vector
CryostatID_t Cryostat
Index of cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:212
constexpr T square(T x)
Definition: pow.h:21
geo::Length_t WirePitch(geo::PlaneID const &planeid) const
Returns the distance between two consecutive wires.
art framework interface to geometry description
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:92
T abs(T value)
constexpr T cube(T x)
Definition: pow.h:27
void VSSaveBMPFile(const char *fileName, unsigned char *pix, int dx, int dy) const
Definition: EndPointAlg.cxx:85
typename data_t::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: PtrVector.h:55
EndPointAlg(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
Definition: EndPointAlg.cxx:48
Definition: dumpTree.py:9
IDparameter< geo::WireID > WireID
Member type of validated geo::WireID parameter.
void push_back(Ptr< U > const &p)
Definition: PtrVector.h:435
std::void_t< T > n
T get(std::string const &key) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:271
iterator end()
Definition: PtrVector.h:231
size_t EndPoint(const art::PtrVector< recob::Cluster > &clusIn, std::vector< recob::EndPoint2D > &vtxcol, std::vector< art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > > &vtxHitsOut, art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label) const
Definition: test.py:223
CryostatGeo const & Cryostat(geo::CryostatID const &cryoid) const
Returns the specified cryostat.
PlaneID_t Plane
Index of the plane within its TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:493
size_type size() const
Definition: PtrVector.h:302
double GaussianDerivativeY(int x, int y) const
Definition: EndPointAlg.cxx:76
double Gaussian(int x, int y, double sigma) const
Definition: EndPointAlg.cxx:60
Declaration of signal hit object.
Encapsulate the construction of a single detector plane.
const TPCGeo & TPC(unsigned int itpc) const
Return the itpc&#39;th TPC in the cryostat.
Definition: CryostatGeo.cxx:93
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:269
def center(depos, point)
Definition: depos.py:117
double GaussianDerivativeX(int x, int y) const
Definition: EndPointAlg.cxx:68
list x
Definition: train.py:276
PlaneGeo const & Plane(geo::View_t view) const
Return the plane in the tpc with View_t view.
Definition: TPCGeo.cxx:263
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:7
Index of the TPC within its cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:406
double sampling_rate(DetectorClocksData const &data)
Returns the period of the TPC readout electronics clock.
void clear()
Definition: PtrVector.h:533
Encapsulate the construction of a single detector plane.