1 #ifndef FILLIMAPHISTS_H 2 #define FILLIMAPHISTS_H 6 #include "dk2nu/tree/dk2nu.h" 7 #include "dk2nu/tree/dkmeta.h" 64 #endif // FILLIMAPHISTS_H NeutrinoFluxReweight::MIPPNumiKaonYieldsReweighter * NumiKaons
Reweighter of thin target nucleonA interactions.
double FillOneEntry(bsim::Dk2Nu *dk2nu, bsim::DkMeta *dkmeta, HistList *hists, const FillIMapHistsOpts *opts, FillIMapHistsReweighters *reweighters)
NeutrinoFluxReweight::ThinTargetMesonIncidentReweighter * ThinTargetMesonIncident
Reweighter of thin target nC interactions.
Reweighter of thin target pion production.
double FillIMapHists(TChain *tdk2nu, TChain *dkmeta, HistList *hists, const FillIMapHistsOpts *opts)
NeutrinoFluxReweight::ThinTargetpCPionReweighter * ThinTargetpCPion
Reweight a chain of interactions that are covered by the NuMI target pi+ and pi- yields measured by M...
NeutrinoFluxReweight::MIPPNumiPionYieldsReweighter * NumiPions
Reweighter of thin target meson production.
NeutrinoFluxReweight::ThinTargetnucleonAReweighter * ThinTargetnucleonA
NeutrinoFluxReweight::ThinTargetpCKaonReweighter * ThinTargetpCKaon
int FindIndexFromParticleName(const std::string &wanted)
int FindIndexFromVolume(const std::string &volname)
Reweight a chain of interactions that are covered by the NuMI target K/pi ratios measured by MIPP...
Reweighter of thin target K production.
NeutrinoFluxReweight::ThinTargetnCPionReweighter * ThinTargetnCPion
Reweighter of thin target p,n production.
NeutrinoFluxReweight::ThinTargetpCNucleonReweighter * ThinTargetpCNucleon