9 #ifndef DETINFO_GArProperties_H 10 #define DETINFO_GArProperties_H 55 #endif // DETINFO_IGArProperties_H virtual double ExcitationEnergy() const =0
Mean excitation energy of the gas (eV)
virtual double AtomicNumber() const =0
Atomic number of the gas.
virtual double AtomicMass() const =0
Atomic mass of the gas (g/mol)
virtual double LongitudinalDiffusion() const =0
Diffusion constants.
virtual ~GArProperties()=default
General LArSoft Utilities.
General GArSoft Utilities.
virtual double TransverseDiffusion() const =0
GArProperties & operator=(const GArProperties &)=delete
virtual double RadiationLength() const =0
virtual double FanoFactor() const =0
Fano Factor for the gas.