Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 /// @file
3 /// @brief Module that allows for sampling neutrino energies and times from
4 /// time-dependent supernova spectra. This module uses MARLEY to help generate
5 /// events.
6 ///
7 /// @author Steven Gardiner <>
8 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 // standard library includes
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include <limits>
13 #include <memory>
14 #include <regex>
15 #include <string>
17 // framework includes
22 #include "art_root_io/TFileService.h"
23 #include "art_root_io/TFileDirectory.h"
25 #include "cetlib_except/exception.h"
26 #include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
28 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Table.h"
32 // art extensions
33 #include "nurandom/RandomUtils/NuRandomService.h"
35 // LArSoft includes
43 // ROOT includes
44 #include "TFile.h"
45 #include "TH1D.h"
46 #include "TH2D.h"
47 #include "TTree.h"
49 // MARLEY includes
50 #include "marley/marley_root.hh"
51 #include "marley/marley_utils.hh"
52 #include "marley/Integrator.hh"
54 // Anonymous namespace for definitions local to this source file
55 namespace {
57  // The number of times to attempt to sample an energy uniformly
58  // before giving up
59  constexpr int MAX_UNIFORM_ENERGY_ITERATIONS = 1000;
61  // Neutrino vertices generated using unbiased sampling are assigned
62  // unit weight
63  constexpr double ONE = 1.;
65  // Number of sampling points to use for numerical integration
66  // (via the Clenshaw-Curtis method)
67  constexpr int NUM_INTEGRATION_SAMPLING_POINTS = 100;
69  // Multiply an energy in MeV by this factor to convert to erg
70  // (based on 2017 PDG "Physical Constants" article)
71  constexpr double MeV_to_erg = 1.6021766208e-6; // erg / MeV
73  // The PDG codes that represent one of the varieties of "nu_x"
74  constexpr std::array<int, 4> NU_X_PDG_CODES
75  {
76  marley_utils::MUON_NEUTRINO, marley_utils::MUON_ANTINEUTRINO,
77  marley_utils::TAU_NEUTRINO, marley_utils::TAU_ANTINEUTRINO,
78  };
80  // Helper function that tests whether a given PDG code represents
81  // a "nu_x"
82  bool is_nux(int pdg_code) {
83  return std::find(std::begin(NU_X_PDG_CODES),
84  std::end(NU_X_PDG_CODES), pdg_code) != std::end(NU_X_PDG_CODES);
85  }
87  // Matches comment lines and empty lines in a "fit"-format spectrum file
88  const std::regex rx_comment_or_empty = std::regex("\\s*(#.*)?");
90  // Compute the flux-averaged total cross section (MeV^[-2]) for all
91  // defined reactions and for a particular neutrino source
92  double flux_averaged_total_xs(marley::NeutrinoSource& nu_source,
93  marley::Generator& gen);
95  // Overloaded version that allows access to the flux integral
96  // (which will be loaded into source_integ) and the xs * flux integral
97  // (which will be loaded into tot_xs_integ)
98  double flux_averaged_total_xs(marley::NeutrinoSource& nu_source,
99  marley::Generator& gen, double& source_integ, double& tot_xs_integ);
101  // Returns a numerical integral of the function f on the interval
102  // [x_min, x_max]
103  double integrate(const std::function<double(double)>& f, double x_min,
104  double x_max);
105 }
107 namespace evgen {
108  class MarleyTimeGen;
109 }
113  public:
115  using Name = fhicl::Name;
118  /// Ignore the marley_parameters FHiCL table during the validation
119  /// step (MARLEY will take care of that by itself)
120  struct KeysToIgnore {
121  std::set< std::string > operator()()
122  {
123  return { "marley_parameters" };
124  }
125  };
127  /// Collection of configuration parameters for the module
128  struct Config {
131  Name("vertex"),
132  Comment("Configuration for selecting the vertex location(s)")
133  };
136  Name("module_type"),
137  Comment(""),
138  "MARLEYTimeGen" // default value
139  };
141  fhicl::Atom<std::string> sampling_mode_ {
142  Name("sampling_mode"),
143  Comment("Technique to use when sampling times and energies. Valid"
144  " options are \"histogram\", \"uniform time\","
145  " and \"uniform energy\""),
146  std::string("histogram") // default value
147  };
150  Name("nu_per_event"),
151  Comment("The number of neutrino vertices to generate in"
152  " each art::Event"),
153  1u // default value
154  };
156  fhicl::Atom<std::string> spectrum_file_format_ {
157  Name("spectrum_file_format"),
158  Comment("Format to assume for the neutrino spectrum file."
159  " Valid options are \"th2d\" (a ROOT file containing a "
160  " TH2D object) and \"fit\" (an ASCII text file containing"
161  " fit parameters for each time bin). This parameter is not"
162  " case-sensitive."),
163  "th2d" // default value
164  };
166  fhicl::Atom<std::string> spectrum_file_ {
167  Name("spectrum_file"),
168  Comment("Name of a file that contains a representation"
169  " of the incident (not cross section weighted) neutrino spectrum"
170  " as a function of time and energy.")
171  };
173  fhicl::OptionalAtom<std::string> pinching_parameter_type_ {
174  Name("pinching_parameter_type"),
175  Comment("Type of pinching parameter to assume when parsing"
176  " the time-dependent fit parameters for the incident neutrino"
177  " spectrum. Valid options are \"alpha\" and \"beta\". This"
178  " parameter is not case-sensitive."),
179  [this]() -> bool {
180  auto spectrum_file_format
181  = marley_utils::to_lowercase(spectrum_file_format_());
182  return (spectrum_file_format == "fit");
183  }
184  };
187  Name("namecycle"),
188  Comment("Name of the TH2D object to use to represent the"
189  " incident neutrino spectrum. This value should match the"
190  " name of the TH2D as given in the ROOT file specified"
191  " in the \"spectrum_file\" parameter. The TH2D should use "
192  " time bins on the X axis (seconds) and energy bins on the "
193  " Y axis (MeV)."),
194  [this]() -> bool {
195  auto spectrum_file_format
196  = marley_utils::to_lowercase(spectrum_file_format_());
197  return (spectrum_file_format == "th2d");
198  }
199  };
202  Name("fit_Emin"),
203  Comment("Minimum allowed neutrino energy (MeV) for a \"fit\" format"
204  " spectrum file"),
205  [this]() -> bool {
206  auto spectrum_file_format
207  = marley_utils::to_lowercase(spectrum_file_format_());
208  return (spectrum_file_format == "fit");
209  }
210  };
213  Name("fit_Emax"),
214  Comment("Maximum allowed neutrino energy (MeV) for a \"fit\" format"
215  " spectrum file"),
216  [this]() -> bool {
217  auto spectrum_file_format
218  = marley_utils::to_lowercase(spectrum_file_format_());
219  return (spectrum_file_format == "fit");
220  }
221  };
223  }; // struct Config
225  // Type to enable FHiCL parameter validation by art
228  // @brief Configuration-checking constructor
229  explicit MarleyTimeGen(const Parameters& p);
231  virtual void produce(art::Event& e) override;
232  virtual void beginRun(art::Run& run) override;
234  virtual void reconfigure(const Parameters& p);
236  protected:
238  /// @brief Stores parsed fit parameters from a single time bin and neutrino
239  /// type in a "fit"-format spectrum file
241  public:
243  FitParameters(double Emean, double alpha, double luminosity)
244  : fEmean(Emean), fAlpha(alpha), fLuminosity(luminosity) {}
246  /// @brief Mean neutrino energy (MeV)
247  double Emean() const { return fEmean; }
248  /// @brief Pinching parameter (dimensionless)
249  double Alpha() const { return fAlpha; }
250  /// @brief Luminosity (erg / s)
251  double Luminosity() const { return fLuminosity; }
253  /// @brief Set the mean neutrino energy (MeV)
254  void set_Emean(double Emean) { fEmean = Emean; }
255  /// @brief Set the pinching parameter
256  void set_Alpha(double alpha) { fAlpha = alpha; }
257  /// @brief Set the luminosity (erg / s)
258  void set_Luminosity(double lum) { fLuminosity = lum; }
260  /// @brief Converts an iterator that points to a FitParameters
261  /// object into an iterator that points to that object's
262  /// fLuminosity member.
263  /// @details This function helps us to be able to sample time bins
264  /// with a std::discrete_distribution using the bin luminosities
265  /// without redundnant storage.
266  template<typename It> static marley::IteratorToMember<It, double>
268  {
269  return marley::IteratorToMember<It, double>(
271  }
273  protected:
274  double fEmean; ///< Mean neutrino energy (MeV)
275  double fAlpha; ///< Pinching parameter
276  double fLuminosity; ///< Luminosity (erg / s)
277  };
279  /// @brief Stores fitting parameters for all neutrino types from a single
280  /// time bin in a "fit"-format spectrum file
281  class TimeFit {
282  public:
283  TimeFit(double time, double Emean_nue, double alpha_nue,
284  double lum_nue, double Emean_nuebar, double alpha_nuebar,
285  double lum_nuebar, double Emean_nux, double alpha_nux,
286  double lum_nux) : fTime(time),
287  fNueFitParams(Emean_nue, alpha_nue, lum_nue),
288  fNuebarFitParams(Emean_nuebar, alpha_nuebar, lum_nuebar),
289  fNuxFitParams(Emean_nux, alpha_nux, lum_nux) {}
291  /// @brief Returns the low edge (in s) of the time bin that uses
292  /// these fit parameters
293  /// @details Time zero is defined to be the core bounce
294  double Time() const { return fTime; }
296  protected:
297  /// @brief Helper function that returns a pointer-to-member
298  /// for the FitParameters object appropriate for a given
299  /// neutrino type
300  /// @param pdg_code PDG code for the neutrino type of interest
302  int pdg_code)
303  {
304  if (pdg_code == marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO) {
305  return &TimeFit::fNueFitParams;
306  }
307  else if (pdg_code == marley_utils::ELECTRON_ANTINEUTRINO) {
309  }
310  else if ( is_nux(pdg_code) )
311  {
312  // The PDG code represents one of the varieties of nu_x
313  return &TimeFit::fNuxFitParams;
314  }
315  else throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Invalid neutrino"
316  << " PDG code " << pdg_code << " encountered in MARLEYTimeGen"
317  << "::TimeFit::GetFitParametersMemberPointer()";
318  return nullptr;
319  }
321  public:
323  /// @brief Retrieves fit parameters for a specific neutrino type
324  /// for this time bin
325  /// @param pdg_code The PDG code for the desired neutrino type
326  const FitParameters& GetFitParameters(int pdg_code) const {
327  return this->*GetFitParametersMemberPointer(pdg_code);
328  }
330  /// @brief Converts an iterator that points to a TimeFit
331  /// object into an iterator that points to the appropriate
332  /// (based on the neutrino PDG code) FitParameters member
333  /// owned by the TimeFit object.
334  /// @details This function helps us to be able to sample time bins
335  /// with a std::discrete_distribution using the bin luminosities
336  /// without redundnant storage.
337  /// @param pdg_code PDG code for the neutrino type of interest
338  /// @param iterator An iterator to a TimeFit object that will be
339  /// converted
340  template<typename It> static marley::IteratorToMember<It,
342  It iterator)
343  {
344  return marley::IteratorToMember<It, FitParameters>(
345  iterator, GetFitParametersMemberPointer(pdg_code) );
346  }
348  protected:
349  /// @brief Time bin low edge (s)
350  double fTime;
352  /// @brief Fitting parameters for electron neutrinos in this time bin
355  /// @brief Fitting parameters for electron antineutrinos in this time
356  /// bin
359  /// @brief Fitting parameters for non-electron-flavor neutrinos in this
360  /// time bin
362  };
364  /// @brief Creates a simb::MCTruth object using a uniformly-sampled
365  /// neutrino energy
366  /// @details This function samples a reacting neutrino energy uniformly
367  /// from the full range of energies allowed by the incident spectrum and
368  /// the currently defined reactions.
369  simb::MCTruth make_uniform_energy_mctruth(double E_min, double E_max,
370  double& E_nu, const TLorentzVector& vertex_pos);
372  /// @brief Create a MARLEY neutrino source object using a set of fit
373  /// parameters for a particular time bin
374  std::unique_ptr<marley::NeutrinoSource> source_from_time_fit(
375  const TimeFit& fit);
377  /// @brief Create simb::MCTruth and sim::SupernovaTruth objects using
378  /// spectrum information from a ROOT TH2D
379  void create_truths_th2d(simb::MCTruth& mc_truth,
380  sim::SupernovaTruth& sn_truth, const TLorentzVector& vertex_pos);
382  /// @brief Create simb::MCTruth and sim::SupernovaTruth objects using a
383  /// neutrino spectrum described by a previously-parsed "fit"-format file
384  void create_truths_time_fit(simb::MCTruth& mc_truth,
385  sim::SupernovaTruth& sn_truth, const TLorentzVector& vertex_pos);
387  /// @brief Helper function that makes a final dummy TimeFit object so that
388  /// the final real time bin can have a right edge
389  void make_final_timefit(double time);
391  /// @brief Makes ROOT histograms showing the emitted neutrinos in each time
392  /// bin when using a "fit"-format spectrum file
393  void make_nu_emission_histograms() const;
395  /// @brief Object that provides an interface to the MARLEY event generator
396  std::unique_ptr<evgen::MARLEYHelper> fMarleyHelper;
398  /// @brief Algorithm that allows us to sample vertex locations within the
399  /// active volume(s) of the detector
400  std::unique_ptr<evgen::ActiveVolumeVertexSampler> fVertexSampler;
402  /// @brief unique_ptr to the current event created by MARLEY
403  std::unique_ptr<marley::Event> fEvent;
405  /// @brief ROOT TH2D that contains the time-dependent spectrum to use when
406  /// sampling neutrino times and energies.
407  /// @details This member is only used when reading the spectrum from a ROOT
408  /// file.
409  std::unique_ptr<TH2D> fSpectrumHist;
411  /// @brief Vector that contains the fit parameter information for each time
412  /// bin when using a "fit"-format spectrum file.
413  /// @details This member is unused when the spectrum is read from a ROOT
414  /// file.
415  std::vector<TimeFit> fTimeFits;
417  /// @enum TimeGenSamplingMode
418  /// @brief Enumerated type that defines the allowed ways that a neutrino's
419  /// energy and arrival time may be sampled
420  ///
421  /// @var TimeGenSamplingMode::HISTOGRAM
422  /// @brief Sample from the input spectrum histogram directly (after cross
423  /// section weighting), without any biasing
424  ///
425  /// @var TimeGenSamplingMode::UNIFORM_TIME
426  /// @brief Sample energies without biasing, sample times uniformly
427  /// over the entire allowed range
428  ///
429  /// @var TimeGenSamplingMode::UNIFORM_ENERGY
430  /// @brief Sample energies uniformly over the entire allowed range,
431  /// sample times without biasing
432  enum class TimeGenSamplingMode { HISTOGRAM, UNIFORM_TIME, UNIFORM_ENERGY };
434  /// @brief Represents the sampling mode to use when selecting neutrino
435  /// times and energies
438  /// @enum PinchParamType
439  /// @brief Enumerated type that defines the pinching parameter conventions
440  /// that are understood by this module
441  ///
442  /// @var PinchParamType::ALPHA
443  /// @brief Use the fitting convention in which the pinching parameter
444  /// is called @f$\alpha@f$
445  /// @details In the "alpha" convention, the probability density
446  /// function @f$p(E_\nu)@f$ describing the distribution of neutrino
447  /// energies @f$E_\nu@f$ is given by
448  /// @f$p(E_\nu) = @f$\left(\frac{\alpha + 1}{\left<E_\nu\right>}
449  /// \right)^{\alpha + 1}\frac{E_\nu^\alpha}{\Gamma(\alpha + 1)}
450  /// \exp\left(\frac{-[\alpha + 1]E_\nu}{\left<E_\nu\right>}\right)@f$
451  ///
452  /// @var PinchParamType::BETA
453  /// @brief Use the fitting convention in which the pinching parameter
454  /// is called @f$\beta@f$
455  /// @details In the "beta" convention, the probability density
456  /// function @f$p(E_\nu)@f$ describing the distribution of neutrino
457  /// energies @f$E_\nu@f$ is given by
458  /// @f$p(E_\nu) = @f$\left(\frac{\beta}{\left<E_\nu\right>}
459  /// \right)^{\beta}\frac{E_\nu^(\beta - 1)}{\Gamma(\beta)}
460  /// \exp\left(\frac{-\beta E_\nu}{\left<E_\nu\right>}\right)@f$
461  /// Note that this differs from the "alpha" convention via
462  /// @f$\beta = \alpha + 1@f$.
463  enum class PinchParamType { ALPHA, BETA };
465  /// @brief The pinching parameter convention to use when interpreting the
466  /// time-dependent fits
469  /// @enum SpectrumFileFormat
470  /// @brief Enumerated type that defines the allowed neutrino spectrum input
471  /// file formats
472  ///
473  /// @var SpectrumFileFormat::RootTH2D
474  /// @brief The incident neutrino spectrum is described by a TH2D object
475  /// stored in a ROOT file
476  /// @details The X axis of the TH2D should be the time axis (s) and the
477  /// Y axis should be the energy axis (MeV).
478  // TODO: add information about the bin value units
479  ///
480  /// @var SpectrumFileFormat::FIT
481  /// @brief The incident neutrino spectrum is described by a set of fitting
482  /// parameters for each time bin
483  // TODO: add a "fit"-format description here
484  enum class SpectrumFileFormat { RootTH2D, FIT };
486  /// @brief Format to assume for the neutrino spectrum input file
489  /// @brief The event TTree created by MARLEY
490  /// @details This tree will be saved to the "hist" output file for
491  /// validation purposes. The tree contains the same information as the
492  /// generated simb::MCTruth objects, but in MARLEY's internal format
493  TTree* fEventTree;
495  /// @brief Run number from the art::Event being processed
496  uint_fast32_t fRunNumber;
497  /// @brief Subrun number from the art::Event being processed
498  uint_fast32_t fSubRunNumber;
499  /// @brief Event number from the art::Event being processed
500  uint_fast32_t fEventNumber;
502  /// @brief Time since the supernova core bounce for the current MARLEY
503  /// neutrino vertex
504  double fTNu;
506  /// @brief Statistical weight for the current MARLEY neutrino vertex
507  double fWeight;
509  /// @brief Flux-averaged total cross section (fm<sup>2</sup>, average is
510  /// taken over all energies and times for all defined reactions) used by
511  /// MARLEY to generate neutrino vertices
514  /// @brief The number of MARLEY neutrino vertices to generate in each
515  /// art::Event
516  unsigned int fNeutrinosPerEvent;
518  /// @brief Minimum neutrino energy to consider when using a "fit"-format
519  /// spectrum file
520  double fFitEmin;
522  /// @brief Maximum neutrino energy to consider when using a "fit"-format
523  /// spectrum file
524  double fFitEmax;
525 };
527 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
529  : EDProducer{ p.get_PSet() }, fEvent(new marley::Event), fRunNumber(0),
531 {
532  // Configure the module (including MARLEY itself) using the FHiCL parameters
533  this->reconfigure(p);
535  // Create a ROOT TTree using the TFileService that will store the MARLEY
536  // event objects (useful for debugging purposes)
538  fEventTree = tfs->make<TTree>("MARLEY_event_tree",
539  "Neutrino events generated by MARLEY");
540  fEventTree->Branch("event", "marley::Event", fEvent.get());
542  // Add branches that give the art::Event run, subrun, and event numbers for
543  // easy match-ups between the MARLEY and art TTrees. All three are recorded
544  // as 32-bit unsigned integers.
545  fEventTree->Branch("run_number", &fRunNumber, "run_number/i");
546  fEventTree->Branch("subrun_number", &fSubRunNumber, "subrun_number/i");
547  fEventTree->Branch("event_number", &fEventNumber, "event_number/i");
548  fEventTree->Branch("tSN", &fTNu, "tSN/D");
549  fEventTree->Branch("weight", &fWeight, "weight/D");
551  produces< std::vector<simb::MCTruth> >();
552  produces< std::vector<sim::SupernovaTruth> >();
553  produces< art::Assns<simb::MCTruth, sim::SupernovaTruth> >();
554  produces< sumdata::RunData, art::InRun >();
555 }
557 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
560  run.put(std::make_unique<sumdata::RunData>(geo->DetectorName()));
561 }
563 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
565  sim::SupernovaTruth& sn_truth, const TLorentzVector& vertex_pos)
566 {
567  // Get a reference to the generator object created by MARLEY (we'll need
568  // to do a few fancy things with it other than just creating events)
569  marley::Generator& gen = fMarleyHelper->get_generator();
572  {
573  // Generate a MARLEY event using the time-integrated spectrum
574  // (the generator was already configured to use it by reconfigure())
575  mc_truth = fMarleyHelper->create_MCTruth(vertex_pos,
576  fEvent.get());
578  // Find the time distribution corresponding to the selected energy bin
579  double E_nu = fEvent->projectile().total_energy();
580  int E_bin_index = fSpectrumHist->GetYaxis()->FindBin(E_nu);
581  TH1D* t_hist = fSpectrumHist->ProjectionX("dummy_time_hist", E_bin_index,
582  E_bin_index);
583  double* time_bin_weights = t_hist->GetArray();
585  // Sample a time bin from the distribution
586  std::discrete_distribution<int> time_dist;
587  std::discrete_distribution<int>::param_type time_params(time_bin_weights,
588  &(time_bin_weights[t_hist->GetNbinsX() + 1]));
589  int time_bin_index = gen.sample_from_distribution(time_dist, time_params);
591  // Sample a time uniformly from within the selected time bin
592  double t_min = t_hist->GetBinLowEdge(time_bin_index);
593  double t_max = t_min + t_hist->GetBinWidth(time_bin_index);
594  // sample a time on [ t_min, t_max )
595  fTNu = gen.uniform_random_double(t_min, t_max, false);
596  // Unbiased sampling was used, so assign this neutrino vertex a
597  // unit statistical weight
598  fWeight = ONE;
602  }
605  {
606  // Generate a MARLEY event using the time-integrated spectrum
607  // (the generator was already configured to use it by reconfigure())
608  mc_truth = fMarleyHelper->create_MCTruth(vertex_pos,
609  fEvent.get());
611  // Sample a time uniformly
612  TAxis* time_axis = fSpectrumHist->GetXaxis();
613  // underflow bin has index zero
614  double t_min = time_axis->GetBinLowEdge(1);
615  double t_max = time_axis->GetBinLowEdge(time_axis->GetNbins() + 1);
616  // sample a time on [ t_min, t_max )
617  fTNu = gen.uniform_random_double(t_min, t_max, false);
619  // Get the value of the true dependent probability density (probability
620  // of the sampled time given the sampled energy) to use as a biasing
621  // correction in the neutrino vertex weight.
622  double E_nu = fEvent->projectile().total_energy();
623  int E_bin_index = fSpectrumHist->GetYaxis()->FindBin(E_nu);
624  TH1D* t_hist = fSpectrumHist->ProjectionX("dummy_time_hist", E_bin_index,
625  E_bin_index);
626  int t_bin_index = t_hist->FindBin(fTNu);
627  double weight_bias = t_hist->GetBinContent(t_bin_index) * (t_max - t_min)
628  / ( t_hist->Integral() * t_hist->GetBinWidth(t_bin_index) );
630  fWeight = weight_bias;
634  }
637  {
638  // Select a time bin using the energy-integrated spectrum
639  TH1D* t_hist = fSpectrumHist->ProjectionX("dummy_time_hist");
640  double* time_bin_weights = t_hist->GetArray();
642  // Sample a time bin from the distribution
643  std::discrete_distribution<int> time_dist;
644  std::discrete_distribution<int>::param_type time_params(time_bin_weights,
645  &(time_bin_weights[t_hist->GetNbinsX() + 1]));
646  int time_bin_index = gen.sample_from_distribution(time_dist, time_params);
648  // Sample a time uniformly from within the selected time bin
649  double t_min = t_hist->GetBinLowEdge(time_bin_index);
650  double t_max = t_min + t_hist->GetBinWidth(time_bin_index);
651  // sample a time on [ t_min, t_max )
652  fTNu = gen.uniform_random_double(t_min, t_max, false);
654  // Sample an energy uniformly over the entire allowed range
655  // underflow bin has index zero
656  TAxis* energy_axis = fSpectrumHist->GetYaxis();
657  double E_min = energy_axis->GetBinLowEdge(1);
658  double E_max = energy_axis->GetBinLowEdge(energy_axis->GetNbins() + 1);
660  double E_nu = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
662  // Generate a MARLEY event using a uniformly sampled energy
663  mc_truth = make_uniform_energy_mctruth(E_min, E_max, E_nu, vertex_pos);
665  // Get the value of the true dependent probability density (probability
666  // of the sampled energy given the sampled time) to use as a biasing
667  // correction in the neutrino vertex weight.
668  //
669  // Get a 1D projection of the energy spectrum for the sampled time bin
670  TH1D* energy_spect = fSpectrumHist->ProjectionY("energy_spect",
671  time_bin_index, time_bin_index);
673  // Create a new MARLEY neutrino source object using this projection (this
674  // will create a normalized probability density that we can use) and load
675  // it into the generator.
676  auto nu_source = marley_root::make_root_neutrino_source(
677  marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO, energy_spect);
678  double new_source_E_min = nu_source->get_Emin();
679  double new_source_E_max = nu_source->get_Emax();
680  gen.set_source(std::move(nu_source));
681  // NOTE: The marley::Generator object normalizes the E_pdf to unity
682  // automatically, but just in case, we redo it here.
683  double E_pdf_integ = integrate([&gen](double E_nu)
684  -> double { return gen.E_pdf(E_nu); }, new_source_E_min,
685  new_source_E_max);
687  // Compute the likelihood ratio that we need to bias the neutrino vertex
688  // weight
689  double weight_bias = (gen.E_pdf(E_nu) / E_pdf_integ) * (E_max - E_min);
691  fWeight = weight_bias;
695  }
697  else {
698  throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Unrecognized sampling mode"
699  << " encountered in evgen::MarleyTimeGen::produce()";
700  }
702 }
704 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
706 {
709  // Get the run, subrun, and event numbers from the current art::Event
710  fRunNumber =;
711  fSubRunNumber = e.subRun();
712  fEventNumber = e.event();
714  // Prepare associations and vectors of truth objects that will be produced
715  // and loaded into the current art::Event
716  std::unique_ptr< std::vector<simb::MCTruth> >
717  truthcol(new std::vector<simb::MCTruth>);
719  std::unique_ptr< std::vector<sim::SupernovaTruth> >
720  sn_truthcol(new std::vector<sim::SupernovaTruth>);
722  std::unique_ptr< art::Assns<simb::MCTruth, sim::SupernovaTruth> >
725  // Create temporary truth objects that we will use to load the event
726  simb::MCTruth truth;
727  sim::SupernovaTruth sn_truth;
729  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < fNeutrinosPerEvent; ++n) {
731  // Sample a primary vertex location for this event
732  TLorentzVector vertex_pos = fVertexSampler->sample_vertex_pos(*geo);
734  // Reset the neutrino's time-since-supernova to a bogus value (for now)
735  fTNu = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
738  create_truths_th2d(truth, sn_truth, vertex_pos);
739  }
741  create_truths_time_fit(truth, sn_truth, vertex_pos);
742  }
743  else {
744  throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Invalid spectrum file"
745  << " format encountered in evgen::MarleyTimeGen::produce()";
746  }
748  // Write the marley::Event object to the event tree
749  fEventTree->Fill();
751  // Add the truth objects to the appropriate vectors
752  truthcol->push_back(truth);
754  sn_truthcol->push_back(sn_truth);
756  // Associate the last entries in each of the truth object vectors (the
757  // truth objects that were just created for the current neutrino vertex)
758  // with each other
759  truth_assns->addSingle(art::PtrMaker<simb::MCTruth>{e}(truthcol->size() - 1),
760  art::PtrMaker<sim::SupernovaTruth>{e}(sn_truthcol->size() - 1));
761  }
763  // Load the completed truth object vectors and associations into the event
764  e.put(std::move(truthcol));
766  e.put(std::move(sn_truthcol));
768  e.put(std::move(truth_assns));
769 }
771 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
773 {
774  const auto& seed_service = art::ServiceHandle<rndm::NuRandomService>();
775  const auto& geom_service = art::ServiceHandle<geo::Geometry const>();
777  // Create a new evgen::ActiveVolumeVertexSampler object based on the current
778  // configuration
779  fVertexSampler = std::make_unique<evgen::ActiveVolumeVertexSampler>(
780  p().vertex_, *seed_service, *geom_service, "MARLEY_Vertex_Sampler");
782  // Create a new marley::Generator object based on the current configuration
783  const fhicl::ParameterSet marley_pset = p.get_PSet()
784  .get< fhicl::ParameterSet >( "marley_parameters" );
785  fMarleyHelper = std::make_unique<MARLEYHelper>( marley_pset,
786  *seed_service, "MARLEY" );
788  // Get the number of neutrino vertices per event from the FHiCL parameters
789  fNeutrinosPerEvent = p().nu_per_event_();
791  // Determine the current sampling mode from the FHiCL parameters
792  const std::string& samp_mode_str = p().sampling_mode_();
793  if (samp_mode_str == "histogram")
795  else if (samp_mode_str == "uniform time")
797  else if (samp_mode_str == "uniform energy")
799  else throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen")
800  << "Invalid sampling mode \"" << samp_mode_str << "\""
801  << " specified for the MARLEYTimeGen module.";
803  MF_LOG_INFO("MARLEYTimeGen") << fNeutrinosPerEvent << " neutrino vertices"
804  << " will be generated for each art::Event using the \"" << samp_mode_str
805  << "\" sampling mode.";
807  // Retrieve the time-dependent neutrino spectrum from the spectrum file.
808  // Use different methods depending on the file's format.
809  std::string spectrum_file_format = marley_utils::to_lowercase(
810  p().spectrum_file_format_());
812  if (spectrum_file_format == "th2d")
814  else if (spectrum_file_format == "fit") {
817  std::string pinch_type;
818  if ( !p().pinching_parameter_type_(pinch_type) ) {
819  throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Missing pinching parameter"
820  << " type for a \"fit\" format spectrum file";
821  }
823  marley_utils::to_lowercase_inplace(pinch_type);
824  if (pinch_type == "alpha") fPinchType = PinchParamType::ALPHA;
825  else if (pinch_type == "beta") fPinchType = PinchParamType::BETA;
826  else throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen")
827  << "Invalid pinching parameter type \"" << pinch_type
828  << "\" specified for the MARLEYTimeGen module.";
830  if ( !p().fit_Emin_(fFitEmin) ) throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen")
831  << "Missing minimum energy for a \"fit\" format spectrum"
832  << " used by the MARLEYTimeGen module.";
834  if ( !p().fit_Emax_(fFitEmax) ) throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen")
835  << "Missing maximum energy for a \"fit\" format spectrum"
836  << " used by the MARLEYTimeGen module.";
838  if (fFitEmax < fFitEmin) throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen")
839  << "Maximum energy is less than the minimum energy for"
840  << " a \"fit\" format spectrum used by the MARLEYTimeGen module.";
841  }
842  else throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen")
843  << "Invalid spectrum file format \"" << p().spectrum_file_format_()
844  << "\" specified for the MARLEYTimeGen module.";
846  // Determine the full file name (including path) of the spectrum file
847  std::string full_spectrum_file_name
848  = fMarleyHelper->find_file(p().spectrum_file_(), "spectrum");
850  marley::Generator& gen = fMarleyHelper->get_generator();
854  // Retrieve the time-dependent neutrino flux from a ROOT file
855  std::unique_ptr<TFile> spectrum_file
856  = std::make_unique<TFile>(full_spectrum_file_name.c_str(), "read");
857  TH2D* temp_h2 = nullptr;
858  std::string namecycle;
859  if ( !p().namecycle_(namecycle) ) {
860  throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Missing namecycle for"
861  << " a TH2D spectrum file";
862  }
864  spectrum_file->GetObject(namecycle.c_str(), temp_h2);
865  fSpectrumHist.reset(temp_h2);
867  // Disassociate the TH2D from its parent TFile. If we fail to do this,
868  // then ROOT will auto-delete the TH2D when the TFile goes out of scope.
869  fSpectrumHist->SetDirectory(nullptr);
871  // Compute the flux-averaged total cross section using MARLEY. This will be
872  // used to compute neutrino vertex weights for the sim::SupernovaTruth
873  // objects.
875  // Get a 1D projection of the energy spectrum (integrated over time)
876  TH1D* energy_spect = fSpectrumHist->ProjectionY("energy_spect");
878  // Create a new MARLEY neutrino source object using this projection
879  // TODO: replace the hard-coded electron neutrino PDG code here (and in
880  // several other places in this source file) when you're ready to use
881  // MARLEY with multiple neutrino flavors
882  std::unique_ptr<marley::NeutrinoSource> nu_source
883  = marley_root::make_root_neutrino_source(marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO,
884  energy_spect);
886  // Factor of hbar_c^2 converts from MeV^(-2) to fm^2
887  fFluxAveragedCrossSection = marley_utils::hbar_c2
888  * flux_averaged_total_xs(*nu_source, gen);
890  // For speed, sample energies first whenever possible (and then sample from
891  // an energy-dependent timing distribution). This avoids unnecessary calls
892  // to MARLEY to change the energy spectrum.
895  {
896  gen.set_source(std::move(nu_source));
897  }
899  } // spectrum_file_format == "th2d"
903  // Clear out the old parameterized spectrum, if one exists
904  fTimeFits.clear();
906  std::ifstream fit_file(full_spectrum_file_name);
909  bool found_end = false;
911  // current line number
912  int line_num = 0;
913  // number of lines checked in last call to marley_utils::get_next_line()
914  int lines_checked = 0;
916  double old_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
918  while ( line = marley_utils::get_next_line(fit_file, rx_comment_or_empty,
919  false, lines_checked), line_num += lines_checked, !line.empty() )
920  {
921  if (found_end) {
922  MF_LOG_WARNING("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Trailing content after last time"
923  << " bin found on line " << line_num << " of the spectrum file "
924  << full_spectrum_file_name;
925  }
927  double time;
928  double Emean_nue, alpha_nue, luminosity_nue;
929  double Emean_nuebar, alpha_nuebar, luminosity_nuebar;
930  double Emean_nux, alpha_nux, luminosity_nux;
931  std::istringstream iss(line);
932  bool ok_first = static_cast<bool>( iss >> time );
934  if (time <= old_time) throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen")
935  << "Time bin left edges given in the spectrum file must be"
936  << " strictly increasing. Invalid time bin value found on line "
937  << line_num << " of the spectrum file " << full_spectrum_file_name;
938  else old_time = time;
940  bool ok_rest = static_cast<bool>( iss >> Emean_nue >> alpha_nue
941  >> luminosity_nue >> Emean_nuebar >> alpha_nuebar >> luminosity_nuebar
942  >> Emean_nux >> alpha_nux >> luminosity_nux
943  );
945  if (ok_first) {
946  // We haven't reached the final bin, so add another time bin
947  // in the typical way.
948  if (ok_rest) {
949  fTimeFits.emplace_back(time, Emean_nue, alpha_nue, luminosity_nue,
950  Emean_nuebar, alpha_nuebar, luminosity_nuebar, Emean_nux,
951  alpha_nux, luminosity_nux);
952  }
953  else {
954  make_final_timefit(time);
955  found_end = true;
956  }
957  }
958  else throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Parse error on line "
959  << line_num << " of the spectrum file " << full_spectrum_file_name;
960  }
962  if (!found_end) {
964  size_t num_time_bins = fTimeFits.size();
965  if (num_time_bins < 2) throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen")
966  << "Missing right edge for the final time bin in the spectrum file "
967  << full_spectrum_file_name << ". Unable to guess a bin width for the "
968  << " final bin.";
970  // Guess that the width of the penultimate time bin and the width of
971  // the final time bin are the same
972  double delta_t_bin = fTimeFits.back().Time()
973  - - 2).Time();
975  double last_bin_right_edge = fTimeFits.back().Time() + delta_t_bin;
977  make_final_timefit(last_bin_right_edge);
979  MF_LOG_WARNING("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Missing right"
980  << " edge for the final time bin in the spectrum file "
981  << full_spectrum_file_name << ". Assuming a width of "
982  << delta_t_bin << " s for the final bin.";
983  }
986  // Compute the flux-averaged total cross section for the fitted spectrum.
987  // We will need this to compute neutrino vertex weights.
988  std::vector< std::unique_ptr< marley::NeutrinoSource > > fit_sources;
989  for (const auto& fit : fTimeFits) {
990  fit_sources.emplace_back( source_from_time_fit(fit) );
991  }
993  // TODO: add handling for non-nu_e neutrino types when suitable data become
994  // available in MARLEY
995  auto temp_source = std::make_unique<marley::FunctionNeutrinoSource>(
996  marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO, fFitEmin, fFitEmax,
997  [&fit_sources, this](double E_nu) -> double {
998  double flux = 0.;
999  for (size_t s = 0; s < fit_sources.size(); ++s) {
1001  const TimeFit& current_fit = this->;
1002  const auto& current_source =;
1003  const FitParameters& params = current_fit.GetFitParameters(
1004  current_source->get_pid() );
1006  double lum = params.Luminosity();
1008  // Skip entries with zero luminosity, since they won't contribute
1009  // anything to the overall integral. Skip negative luminosity ones as
1010  // well, just in case.
1011  if (lum <= 0.) continue;
1013  flux += lum * current_source->pdf(E_nu);
1014  }
1015  return flux;
1016  }
1017  );
1019  double flux_integ = 0.;
1020  double tot_xs_integ = 0.;
1021  flux_averaged_total_xs(*temp_source, gen, flux_integ, tot_xs_integ);
1023  // Factor of hbar_c^2 converts from MeV^(-2) to fm^2
1024  fFluxAveragedCrossSection = marley_utils::hbar_c2
1025  * tot_xs_integ / flux_integ;
1029  } // spectrum_file_format == "fit"
1031  else {
1032  throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Unrecognized neutrino spectrum"
1033  << " file format \"" << p().spectrum_file_format_() << "\" encountered"
1034  << " in evgen::MarleyTimeGen::reconfigure()";
1035  }
1037  MF_LOG_INFO("MARLEYTimeGen") << "The flux-averaged total cross section"
1038  << " predicted by MARLEY for the current supernova spectrum is "
1039  << fFluxAveragedCrossSection << " fm^2";
1041 }
1043 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1045  sim::SupernovaTruth& sn_truth, const TLorentzVector& vertex_pos)
1046 {
1047  // Get a reference to the generator object created by MARLEY (we'll need
1048  // to do a few fancy things with it other than just creating events)
1049  marley::Generator& gen = fMarleyHelper->get_generator();
1051  // Initialize the time bin index to something absurdly large. This will help
1052  // us detect strange bugs that arise when it is sampled incorrectly.
1053  size_t time_bin_index = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
1055  // Create an object to represent the discrete time distribution given in
1056  // the spectrum file. Use the luminosity for each bin as its sampling weight.
1057  // This distribution will actually be used to sample a neutrino arrival time
1058  // unless we're using the uniform time sampling mode, in which case it will
1059  // be used to help calculate the neutrino vertex weight.
1060  int source_pdg_code = gen.get_source().get_pid();
1062  const auto fit_params_begin = TimeFit::make_FitParameters_iterator(
1063  source_pdg_code, fTimeFits.begin() );
1064  const auto fit_params_end = TimeFit::make_FitParameters_iterator(
1065  source_pdg_code, fTimeFits.end() );
1067  const auto lum_begin = FitParameters::make_luminosity_iterator(
1068  fit_params_begin);
1069  const auto lum_end = FitParameters::make_luminosity_iterator(
1070  fit_params_end);
1072  std::discrete_distribution<size_t> time_dist(lum_begin, lum_end);
1076  {
1077  time_bin_index = gen.sample_from_distribution(time_dist);
1078  }
1081  int last_time_index = 0;
1082  if (fTimeFits.size() > 0) last_time_index = fTimeFits.size() - 1;
1083  std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> uid(0, last_time_index);
1084  // for c2: time_bin_index has already been declared
1085  time_bin_index = gen.sample_from_distribution(uid);
1086  }
1088  else {
1089  throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Unrecognized sampling mode"
1090  << " encountered in evgen::MarleyTimeGen::produce()";
1091  }
1093  // Sample a time uniformly from within the selected time bin. Note that
1094  // the entries in fTimeFits use the time_ member to store the bin left
1095  // edges. The module creates fTimeFits in such a way that its last element
1096  // will always have luminosity_ == 0. (zero sampling weight), so we may
1097  // always add one to the sampled bin index without worrying about going
1098  // off the edge.
1099  double t_min =;
1100  double t_max = + 1).Time();
1101  // sample a time on [ t_min, t_max )
1102  fTNu = gen.uniform_random_double(t_min, t_max, false);
1104  // Create a "beta-fit" neutrino source using the correct parameters for the
1105  // sampled time bin. This will be used to sample a neutrino energy unless
1106  // we're using the uniform time sampling mode. For uniform time sampling,
1107  // it will be used to determine the neutrino event weight.
1108  const auto& fit =;
1109  std::unique_ptr<marley::NeutrinoSource> nu_source = source_from_time_fit(fit);
1113  {
1114  // Replace the generator's old source with the new one for the current
1115  // time bin
1116  gen.set_source(std::move(nu_source));
1118  // Generate a MARLEY event using the updated source
1119  mc_truth = fMarleyHelper->create_MCTruth(vertex_pos, fEvent.get());
1122  // Unbiased sampling creates neutrino vertices with unit weight
1123  fWeight = ONE;
1125  sim::kUnbiased);
1126  }
1127  else {
1128  // fSamplingMode == TimeGenSamplingMode::UNIFORM_TIME
1130  // Multiply by the likelihood ratio in order to correct for uniform
1131  // time sampling if we're using that biasing method
1132  double weight_bias = time_dist.probabilities().at(time_bin_index)
1133  / (t_max - t_min) * ( fTimeFits.back().Time()
1134  - fTimeFits.front().Time() );
1136  fWeight = weight_bias;
1139  }
1140  }
1143  {
1144  double E_nu = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
1145  mc_truth = make_uniform_energy_mctruth(fFitEmin, fFitEmax, E_nu,
1146  vertex_pos);
1148  // Get the value of the true dependent probability density (probability
1149  // of the sampled energy given the sampled time) to use as a biasing
1150  // correction in the neutrino vertex weight.
1152  // Load the generator with the neutrino source that represents the
1153  // true (i.e., unbiased) energy probability distribution. This will
1154  // create a normalized probability density that we can use to determine
1155  // the neutrino vertex weight.
1156  double nu_source_E_min = nu_source->get_Emin();
1157  double nu_source_E_max = nu_source->get_Emax();
1158  gen.set_source(std::move(nu_source));
1160  // NOTE: The marley::Generator object normalizes the E_pdf to unity
1161  // automatically, but just in case, we redo it here.
1162  double E_pdf_integ = integrate([&gen](double E_nu)
1163  -> double { return gen.E_pdf(E_nu); }, nu_source_E_min,
1164  nu_source_E_max);
1166  // Compute the likelihood ratio that we need to bias the neutrino vertex
1167  // weight
1168  double weight_bias = (gen.E_pdf(E_nu) / E_pdf_integ)
1169  * (fFitEmax - fFitEmin);
1171  fWeight = weight_bias;
1174  }
1176  else {
1177  throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Unrecognized sampling mode"
1178  << " encountered in evgen::MarleyTimeGen::produce()";
1179  }
1181 }
1183 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1184 std::unique_ptr<marley::NeutrinoSource>
1186 {
1187  // Create a "beta-fit" neutrino source using the given fit parameters.
1189  // The two common fitting schemes (alpha and beta) differ in their
1190  // definitions by \beta = \alpha + 1.
1191  // TODO: add handling for non-nu_e neutrino types
1192  const FitParameters& nue_parameters
1193  = fit.GetFitParameters(marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO);
1195  double beta = nue_parameters.Alpha();
1196  if (fPinchType == PinchParamType::ALPHA) beta += 1.;
1197  else if (fPinchType != PinchParamType::BETA) {
1198  throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Unreognized pinching parameter"
1199  << " type encountered in evgen::MarleyTimeGen::source_from_time_fit()";
1200  }
1202  // Create the new source
1203  std::unique_ptr<marley::NeutrinoSource> nu_source
1204  = std::make_unique<marley::BetaFitNeutrinoSource>(
1205  marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO, fFitEmin, fFitEmax,
1206  nue_parameters.Emean(), beta);
1208  return nu_source;
1209 }
1211 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1213  double E_max, double& E_nu, const TLorentzVector& vertex_pos)
1214 {
1215  marley::Generator& gen = fMarleyHelper->get_generator();
1217  // Sample an energy uniformly over the entire allowed range
1218  double total_xs;
1219  int j = 0;
1220  do {
1221  // We have to check that the cross section is nonzero for the sampled
1222  // energy (otherwise we'll generate an unphysical event). However, if the
1223  // user has given us a histogram that is below threshold, the
1224  // program could get stuck here endlessly, sampling rejected energy
1225  // after rejected energy. Just in case, we cap the total number of tries
1226  // and quit if things don't work out.
1228  throw cet::exception("MARLEYTimeGen") << "Exceeded the maximum of "
1229  << MAX_UNIFORM_ENERGY_ITERATIONS << " while attempting to sample"
1230  << " a neutrino energy uniformly.";
1231  }
1232  // Sample an energy uniformly on [ E_min, E_max )
1233  E_nu = gen.uniform_random_double(E_min, E_max, false);
1234  total_xs = 0.;
1235  // Check that at least one defined reaction has a non-zero total
1236  // cross section at the sampled energy. If this is not the case, try
1237  // again.
1238  for (const auto& react : gen.get_reactions()) {
1239  total_xs += react->total_xs(marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO, E_nu);
1240  }
1242  ++j;
1243  } while (total_xs <= 0.);
1245  // Replace the existing neutrino source with a monoenergetic one at the
1246  // neutrino energy that was just sampled above
1247  std::unique_ptr<marley::NeutrinoSource> nu_source
1248  = std::make_unique<marley::MonoNeutrinoSource>(
1249  marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO, E_nu);
1250  gen.set_source(std::move(nu_source));
1252  // Generate a MARLEY event using the new monoenergetic source
1253  auto mc_truth = fMarleyHelper->create_MCTruth(vertex_pos, fEvent.get());
1255  return mc_truth;
1256 }
1258 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1260 {
1261  // The final time bin has zero luminosity, and therefore zero sampling
1262  // weight. We need it to be present so that the last nonzero weight bin
1263  // has a right edge.
1264  fTimeFits.emplace_back(time, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
1265 }
1267 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1269 {
1270  // To make a histogram with variable size bins, ROOT needs the bin
1271  // low edges to be contiguous in memory. This is not true of the
1272  // stored times in fTimeFits, so we'll need to make a temporary copy
1273  // of them.
1274  std::vector<double> temp_times;
1275  for (const auto& fit : fTimeFits) temp_times.push_back(fit.Time());
1277  // If, for some reason, there are fewer than two time bins, just return
1278  // without making the histograms.
1279  // TODO: consider throwing an exception here
1280  if (temp_times.size() < 2) return;
1282  // Get the number of time bins
1283  int num_bins = temp_times.size() - 1;
1285  // Create some ROOT TH1D objects using the TFileService. These will store
1286  // the number of emitted neutrinos of each type in each time bin
1288  TH1D* nue_hist = tfs->make<TH1D>("NueEmission",
1289  "Number of emitted #nu_{e}; time (s); number of neutrinos in time bin",
1290  num_bins,;
1291  TH1D* nuebar_hist = tfs->make<TH1D>("NuebarEmission",
1292  "Number of emitted #bar{#nu}_{e}; time (s); number of neutrinos in"
1293  " time bin", num_bins,;
1294  TH1D* nux_hist = tfs->make<TH1D>("NuxEmission",
1295  "Number of emitted #nu_{x}; time (s); number of neutrinos in time bin",
1296  num_bins,;
1298  // Load the histograms with the emitted neutrino counts
1299  for (size_t b = 1; b < temp_times.size(); ++b) {
1300  const TimeFit& current_fit = - 1);
1301  const TimeFit& next_fit =;
1302  double bin_deltaT = next_fit.Time() - current_fit.Time();
1304  const auto& nue_params = current_fit.GetFitParameters(
1305  marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO);
1306  const auto& nuebar_params = current_fit.GetFitParameters(
1307  marley_utils::ELECTRON_ANTINEUTRINO);
1308  const auto& nux_params = current_fit.GetFitParameters(
1309  marley_utils::MUON_NEUTRINO);
1311  // Convert from bin luminosity to number of neutrinos by
1312  // multiplying by the bin time interval and dividing by the
1313  // mean neutrino energy
1314  double num_nue = 0.;
1315  double num_nuebar = 0.;
1316  double num_nux = 0.;
1317  if (nue_params.Emean() != 0.) num_nue = nue_params.Luminosity()
1318  * bin_deltaT / (nue_params.Emean() * MeV_to_erg);
1319  if (nuebar_params.Emean() != 0.) num_nuebar = nuebar_params.Luminosity()
1320  * bin_deltaT / (nuebar_params.Emean() * MeV_to_erg);
1321  if (nux_params.Emean() != 0.) num_nux = nux_params.Luminosity()
1322  * bin_deltaT / (nux_params.Emean() * MeV_to_erg);
1324  nue_hist->SetBinContent(b, num_nue);
1325  nuebar_hist->SetBinContent(b, num_nuebar);
1326  nux_hist->SetBinContent(b, num_nux);
1327  }
1329 }
1332 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1333 // Anonymous namespace function definitions
1334 namespace {
1336  double flux_averaged_total_xs(marley::NeutrinoSource& nu_source,
1337  marley::Generator& gen, double& source_integ, double& tot_xs_integ)
1338  {
1339  // Get an integral of the source PDF (in case it isn't normalized to 1)
1340  source_integ = integrate(
1341  [&nu_source](double E_nu) -> double { return nu_source.pdf(E_nu); },
1342  nu_source.get_Emin(), nu_source.get_Emax()
1343  );
1345  tot_xs_integ = integrate(
1346  [&nu_source, &gen](double E_nu) -> double
1347  {
1348  double xs = 0.;
1349  for (const auto& react : gen.get_reactions()) {
1350  xs += react->total_xs(marley_utils::ELECTRON_NEUTRINO, E_nu);
1351  }
1352  return xs * nu_source.pdf(E_nu);
1353  }, nu_source.get_Emin(), nu_source.get_Emax()
1354  );
1356  return tot_xs_integ / source_integ;
1357  }
1359  double flux_averaged_total_xs(marley::NeutrinoSource& nu_source,
1360  marley::Generator& gen)
1361  {
1362  double dummy1, dummy2;
1363  return flux_averaged_total_xs(nu_source, gen, dummy1, dummy2);
1364  }
1366  double integrate(const std::function<double(double)>& f, double x_min,
1367  double x_max)
1368  {
1369  static marley::Integrator integrator(NUM_INTEGRATION_SAMPLING_POINTS);
1370  return integrator.num_integrate(f, x_min, x_max);
1371  }
1373 }
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
double fLuminosity
Luminosity (erg / s)
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
Enumerated type that defines the allowed neutrino spectrum input file formats.
EventNumber_t event() const
virtual void produce(art::Event &e) override
LArSoft interface to the MARLEY (Model of Argon Reaction Low Energy Yields) supernova neutrino event ...
FitParameters fNuebarFitParams
Fitting parameters for electron antineutrinos in this time bin.
double beta(double KE, const simb::MCParticle *part)
SpectrumFileFormat fSpectrumFileFormat
Format to assume for the neutrino spectrum input file.
uint_fast32_t fEventNumber
Event number from the art::Event being processed.
double Alpha() const
Pinching parameter (dimensionless)
Stores fitting parameters for all neutrino types from a single time bin in a "fit"-format spectrum fi...
TimeFit(double time, double Emean_nue, double alpha_nue, double lum_nue, double Emean_nuebar, double alpha_nuebar, double lum_nuebar, double Emean_nux, double alpha_nux, double lum_nux)
double fTime
Time bin low edge (s)
std::string string
void create_truths_time_fit(simb::MCTruth &mc_truth, sim::SupernovaTruth &sn_truth, const TLorentzVector &vertex_pos)
Create simb::MCTruth and sim::SupernovaTruth objects using a neutrino spectrum described by a previou...
void set_Alpha(double alpha)
Set the pinching parameter.
virtual void reconfigure(const Parameters &p)
EDProducer(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
Definition: EDProducer.h:20
ChannelGroupService::Name Name
PinchParamType fPinchType
The pinching parameter convention to use when interpreting the time-dependent fits.
double fEmean
Mean neutrino energy (MeV)
FitParameters fNueFitParams
Fitting parameters for electron neutrinos in this time bin.
Stores parsed fit parameters from a single time bin and neutrino type in a "fit"-format spectrum file...
uint size() const
Definition: qcstring.h:201
std::unique_ptr< evgen::ActiveVolumeVertexSampler > fVertexSampler
Algorithm that allows us to sample vertex locations within the active volume(s) of the detector...
std::unique_ptr< evgen::MARLEYHelper > fMarleyHelper
Object that provides an interface to the MARLEY event generator.
art framework interface to geometry description
double fFluxAveragedCrossSection
Flux-averaged total cross section (fm2, average is taken over all energies and times for all defined ...
Definition: Run.h:17
double fWeight
Statistical weight for the current MARLEY neutrino vertex.
TTree * fEventTree
The event TTree created by MARLEY.
double Time() const
Returns the low edge (in s) of the time bin that uses these fit parameters.
void set_Luminosity(double lum)
Set the luminosity (erg / s)
uint_fast32_t fSubRunNumber
Subrun number from the art::Event being processed.
Arrival times were sampled uniformly.
Algorithm that samples vertex locations uniformly within the active volume of a detector. It is fully experiment-agnostic and multi-TPC aware.
uint_fast32_t fRunNumber
Run number from the art::Event being processed.
std::unique_ptr< marley::NeutrinoSource > source_from_time_fit(const TimeFit &fit)
Create a MARLEY neutrino source object using a set of fit parameters for a particular time bin...
const double e
FitParameters fNuxFitParams
Fitting parameters for non-electron-flavor neutrinos in this time bin.
#define DEFINE_ART_MODULE(klass)
Definition: ModuleMacros.h:67
Enumerated type that defines the allowed ways that a neutrino&#39;s energy and arrival time may be sample...
std::string DetectorName() const
Returns a string with the name of the detector, as configured.
static marley::IteratorToMember< It, double > make_luminosity_iterator(It it)
Converts an iterator that points to a FitParameters object into an iterator that points to that objec...
std::void_t< T > n
def move(depos, offset)
void create_truths_th2d(simb::MCTruth &mc_truth, sim::SupernovaTruth &sn_truth, const TLorentzVector &vertex_pos)
Create simb::MCTruth and sim::SupernovaTruth objects using spectrum information from a ROOT TH2D...
double fTNu
Time since the supernova core bounce for the current MARLEY neutrino vertex.
Enumerated type that defines the pinching parameter conventions that are understood by this module...
double alpha
Definition: doAna.cpp:15
void set_Emean(double Emean)
Set the mean neutrino energy (MeV)
virtual void beginRun(art::Run &run) override
static FitParameters TimeFit::* GetFitParametersMemberPointer(int pdg_code)
Helper function that returns a pointer-to-member for the FitParameters object appropriate for a given...
simb::MCTruth make_uniform_energy_mctruth(double E_min, double E_max, double &E_nu, const TLorentzVector &vertex_pos)
Creates a simb::MCTruth object using a uniformly-sampled neutrino energy.
SubRunNumber_t subRun() const
ProductID put(std::unique_ptr< PROD > &&edp, std::string const &instance={})
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:686
double fFitEmax
Maximum neutrino energy to consider when using a "fit"-format spectrum file.
static marley::IteratorToMember< It, FitParameters > make_FitParameters_iterator(int pdg_code, It iterator)
Converts an iterator that points to a TimeFit object into an iterator that points to the appropriate ...
MarleyTimeGen(const Parameters &p)
RunNumber_t run() const
static int max(int a, int b)
const FitParameters & GetFitParameters(int pdg_code) const
Retrieves fit parameters for a specific neutrino type for this time bin.
FitParameters(double Emean, double alpha, double luminosity)
auto const & get_PSet() const
Definition: ProducerTable.h:47
#define MF_LOG_INFO(category)
double Luminosity() const
Luminosity (erg / s)
std::unique_ptr< TH2D > fSpectrumHist
ROOT TH2D that contains the time-dependent spectrum to use when sampling neutrino times and energies...
std::unique_ptr< marley::Event > fEvent
unique_ptr to the current event created by MARLEY
#define Comment
unsigned int fNeutrinosPerEvent
The number of MARLEY neutrino vertices to generate in each art::Event.
Stores extra MC truth information that is recorded when generating events using a time-dependent supe...
void line(double t, double *p, double &x, double &y, double &z)
Collection of configuration parameters for the module.
Sample directly from cross-section weighted spectrum.
TimeGenSamplingMode fSamplingMode
Represents the sampling mode to use when selecting neutrino times and energies.
double fFitEmin
Minimum neutrino energy to consider when using a "fit"-format spectrum file.
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
void make_final_timefit(double time)
Helper function that makes a final dummy TimeFit object so that the final real time bin can have a ri...
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:72
std::vector< TimeFit > fTimeFits
Vector that contains the fit parameter information for each time bin when using a "fit"-format spectr...
Event generator information.
Definition: MCTruth.h:32
#define MF_LOG_WARNING(category)
void make_nu_emission_histograms() const
Makes ROOT histograms showing the emitted neutrinos in each time bin when using a "fit"-format spectr...
LArSoft geometry interface.
Definition: ChannelGeo.h:16
void function(int client, int *resource, int parblock, int *test, int p)
Event Generation using GENIE, cosmics or single particles.
Neutrino energies were sampled uniformly.
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
double Emean() const
Mean neutrino energy (MeV)