Go to the documentation of this file.
5 #include "MIPPNumiYieldsBins.h"
6 #include "MIPPNumiMC.h"
7 #include <iostream>
9 namespace NeutrinoFluxReweight{
11  MIPPNumiKaonYieldsReweighter::MIPPNumiKaonYieldsReweighter(int iuniv, const ParameterTable& cv_pars, const ParameterTable& univ_pars): cvPars(cv_pars), univPars(univ_pars), iUniv(iuniv){
14  vbin_datacv_pip.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_pip_MIPPNuMI());
15  vbin_datacv_pim.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_pim_MIPPNuMI());
16  vbin_datasys_pip.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_pip_MIPPNuMI());
17  vbin_datasys_pim.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_pim_MIPPNuMI());
18  vbin_datasta_pip.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_pip_MIPPNuMI());
19  vbin_datasta_pim.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_pim_MIPPNuMI());
21  vbin_datacv_kap_pip.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_K_MIPPNuMI());
22  vbin_datacv_kam_pim.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_K_MIPPNuMI());
23  vbin_datasys_kap_pip.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_K_MIPPNuMI());
24  vbin_datasys_kam_pim.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_K_MIPPNuMI());
25  vbin_datasta_kap_pip.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_K_MIPPNuMI());
26  vbin_datasta_kam_pim.reserve(MIPPbins->GetNbins_K_MIPPNuMI());
28  //const boost::interprocess::flat_map<std::string, double>& univ_table = univPars.getMap();
29  //const boost::interprocess::flat_map<std::string, double>& cv_table = cvPars.getMap();
30  prt_no_inter = univPars.getParameterValue("prt_no_interacting");
32  char namepar[100];
33  for(int ii=0;ii<MIPPbins->GetNbins_pip_MIPPNuMI();ii++){
34  sprintf(namepar,"MIPP_NuMI_%s_sys_%d","pip",ii);
35  double data_cv = cvPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
36  double data_sys = univPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
37  sprintf(namepar,"MIPP_NuMI_%s_stats_%d","pip",ii);
38  double data_sta = univPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
39  data_sys /= (1.0-prt_no_inter);
40  data_sta /= (1.0-prt_no_inter);
41  data_cv /= (1.0-prt_no_inter);
42  vbin_datacv_pip.push_back(data_cv);
43  vbin_datasys_pip.push_back(data_sys);
44  vbin_datasta_pip.push_back(data_sta);
45  }
47  for(int ii=0;ii<MIPPbins->GetNbins_pim_MIPPNuMI();ii++){
48  sprintf(namepar,"MIPP_NuMI_%s_sys_%d","pim",ii);
49  double data_cv = cvPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
50  double data_sys = univPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
51  sprintf(namepar,"MIPP_NuMI_%s_stats_%d","pim",ii);
52  double data_sta = univPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
53  data_sys /= (1.0-prt_no_inter);
54  data_sta /= (1.0-prt_no_inter);
55  data_cv /= (1.0-prt_no_inter);
56  vbin_datacv_pim.push_back(data_cv);
57  vbin_datasys_pim.push_back(data_sys);
58  vbin_datasta_pim.push_back(data_sta);
59  }
60  for(int ii=0;ii<MIPPbins->GetNbins_K_MIPPNuMI();ii++){
61  sprintf(namepar,"MIPP_NuMI_%s_sys_%d","kap_pip",ii);
62  double data_cv = cvPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
63  double data_sys = univPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
64  sprintf(namepar,"MIPP_NuMI_%s_stats_%d","kap_pip",ii);
65  double data_sta = univPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
66  vbin_datacv_kap_pip.push_back(data_cv);
67  vbin_datasys_kap_pip.push_back(data_sys);
68  vbin_datasta_kap_pip.push_back(data_sta);
70  sprintf(namepar,"MIPP_NuMI_%s_sys_%d","kam_pim",ii);
71  data_cv = cvPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
72  data_sys = univPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
73  sprintf(namepar,"MIPP_NuMI_%s_stats_%d","kam_pim",ii);
74  data_sta = univPars.getParameterValue(std::string(namepar));
75  vbin_datacv_kam_pim.push_back(data_cv);
76  vbin_datasys_kam_pim.push_back(data_sys);
77  vbin_datasta_kam_pim.push_back(data_sta);
78  }
79  aux_par = univPars.getParameterValue("aux_parameter");
80  if(aux_par<1.e-15)aux_par = 1.0;
82  }
85  }
89  std::vector<bool> this_nodes;
90  for(size_t ii=0;ii<(aa.interaction_chain).size();ii++){
91  this_nodes.push_back(false);
92  }
94  //Look for MIPP Numi events for kaons
95  //if the code find a MIPP Numi event, it will look
96  //for how many interaction nodes covers
97  //if not, return all nodes false.
98  //bool is_there_mipp = false;
99  TargetData tar = aa.tar_info;
101  //Cheking if the particle is a kaon plus or kaon minus or neutral kaon:
102  if(tar.Tar_pdg != 321 && tar.Tar_pdg != -321 && tar.Tar_pdg != 130 && tar.Tar_pdg != 310)return this_nodes;
104  //kinematic coverage:
105  if(tar.Pz<20.0 || tar.Pz>80.0 || tar.Pt>2.0)return this_nodes;
107  //data:
108  //Kaons:
109  int binID = MIPPbins->BinID(tar.Pz,tar.Pt,tar.Tar_pdg);
110  if(binID<0) return this_nodes;
112  //Looking for a pion data:
113  int pip_bin = MIPPbins->BinID(tar.Pz,tar.Pt, 211);
114  int pim_bin = MIPPbins->BinID(tar.Pz,tar.Pt,-211);
115  if(tar.Tar_pdg == 321 && pip_bin<0)return this_nodes;
116  if(tar.Tar_pdg ==-321 && pim_bin<0)return this_nodes;
117  if(tar.Tar_pdg == 130 || tar.Tar_pdg == 310){
118  if(pip_bin<0 || pim_bin<0)return this_nodes;
119  }
121  //Now that we know that we have a MIPP Numi event,
122  //we will see how many nodes are covered.
123  std::vector<InteractionData> this_interactions = aa.interaction_chain;
125  //Now we have the index of the hadron that exit the target in the
126  //ancesty chain:
127  if(tar.Idx_ancestry>=0){
128  for(int ii=0;ii<tar.Idx_ancestry;ii++){
129  this_nodes[ii] = true;
130  }
131  }
133  return this_nodes;
134  }
137  double wgt = 1.0;
141  double low_value = 1.e-18;
143  TargetData tar = aa.tar_info;
145  //fast check:
146  if(tar.Tar_pdg != 321 && tar.Tar_pdg != -321 && tar.Tar_pdg != 130 && tar.Tar_pdg != 310)return aux_par;
147  if(tar.Pz<20.0 || tar.Pz>80.0 || tar.Pt>2.0)return aux_par;
148  int binID = MIPPbins->BinID(tar.Pz,tar.Pt,tar.Tar_pdg);
149  if(binID<0){
150  return aux_par;
151  }
152  //Now looking for pions bin ID:
153  int pip_bin = MIPPbins->BinID(tar.Pz,tar.Pt, 211);
154  int pim_bin = MIPPbins->BinID(tar.Pz,tar.Pt,-211);
155  if(tar.Tar_pdg == 321 && pip_bin<0)return aux_par;
156  if(tar.Tar_pdg ==-321 && pim_bin<0)return aux_par;
157  if(tar.Tar_pdg == 130 || tar.Tar_pdg == 310){
158  if(pip_bin<0 || pim_bin<0)return aux_par;
159  }
161  //Now, looking for the MC value:
162  double binC = MCval->getMCval(tar.Pz,tar.Pt,tar.Tar_pdg);
163  if(binC<low_value){
164  //std::cout<<"LOW MC VAL: "<<binC <<std::endl;
165  return aux_par;
166  }
168  float K_data_cv = -1.0;
169  float K_data_sys = -1.0;
170  float K_data_sta = -1.0;
171  float K_data = -1.0;
172  float K_aux = -1.0;
174  if(tar.Tar_pdg == 321){
175  K_data_cv = vbin_datacv_pip[pip_bin] *vbin_datacv_kap_pip[binID];
176  K_data_sys = vbin_datasys_pip[pip_bin]*vbin_datasys_kap_pip[binID];
177  K_data_sta = vbin_datasta_pip[pip_bin]*vbin_datasta_kap_pip[binID];
178  K_data = K_data_sys + K_data_sta - K_data_cv;
180  }
181  else if(tar.Tar_pdg ==-321){
182  K_data_cv = vbin_datacv_pim[pim_bin] *vbin_datacv_kam_pim[binID];
183  K_data_sys = vbin_datasys_pim[pim_bin]*vbin_datasys_kam_pim[binID];
184  K_data_sta = vbin_datasta_pim[pim_bin]*vbin_datasta_kam_pim[binID];
185  K_data = K_data_sys + K_data_sta - K_data_cv;
186  }
187  else if(tar.Tar_pdg ==310 || tar.Tar_pdg ==130){
188  //pip:
189  K_data_cv = vbin_datacv_pip[pip_bin] *vbin_datacv_kap_pip[binID];
190  K_data_sys = vbin_datasys_pip[pip_bin]*vbin_datasys_kap_pip[binID];
191  K_data_sta = vbin_datasta_pip[pip_bin]*vbin_datasta_kap_pip[binID];
192  K_aux = K_data_sys + K_data_sta - K_data_cv;
193  //pim:
194  K_data_cv = vbin_datacv_pim[pim_bin] *vbin_datacv_kam_pim[binID];
195  K_data_sys = vbin_datasys_pim[pim_bin]*vbin_datasys_kam_pim[binID];
196  K_data_sta = vbin_datasta_pim[pim_bin]*vbin_datasta_kam_pim[binID];
197  K_data = K_data_sys + K_data_sta - K_data_cv;
198  K_data *= 3.;
199  K_data += K_aux;
200  K_data *= 0.25;
201  }
203  //check:
204  if(K_data_cv<low_value || K_data_sys<low_value || K_data_sta<low_value || K_data<low_value){
205  return 1.0;
206  }
208  wgt = double(K_data)/binC;
210  if(wgt<low_value){
211  // std::cout<<"TTMIPPK check wgt(<0) "<<iUniv<<" "<<tar.Pz<<" "<<tar.Pt<<" "<<tar.Tar_pdg<<std::endl;
212  return aux_par;
213  }
214  return wgt;
216  }
218 }
int Idx_ancestry
The index of the hadron leaving the target in the ancestry chain.
Definition: TargetData.h:51
double getMCval(double pz, double pt, int pdgcode)
MC value for this HP production.
Definition: MIPPNumiMC.cpp:222
A list/table of parameter names and values.
A class to manage the MC value for MIPP NuMI.
Definition: MIPPNumiMC.h:16
MIPPNumiKaonYieldsReweighter(int iuniv, const ParameterTable &cv_pars, const ParameterTable &univ_pars)
std::string string
Definition: nybbler.cc:12
Information about the chain of interactions leading to a neutrino.
double getParameterValue(const std::string &name) const
get the value of a parameter. throw an exception of a well defined type if we don&#39;t have it ...
std::vector< InteractionData > interaction_chain
vector of neutrino ancestors
int Tar_pdg
pdg code of the particle
Definition: TargetData.h:24
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:92
static MIPPNumiMC * getInstance()
Definition: MIPPNumiMC.cpp:295
const double e
int BinID(double pz, double pt, int pdgcode)
Return the Bin ID for this data.
virtual std::vector< bool > canReweight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
Look through the InteractionChainData input and identify those Interactions that can be reweighted as...
virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
calculate a weight for this interaction chain given the central value parameters and the parameters f...
A class to manage the bin definitions for MIPP Numi Yields.
static MIPPNumiYieldsBins * getInstance()
double Pt
Transversal momentum (GeV/c) of the particle.
Definition: TargetData.h:39
The information about the hadron that exits the target.
Definition: TargetData.h:12
double Pz
Longitudinal momentum (GeV/c) of the particle.
Definition: TargetData.h:27
TargetData tar_info
Information about the hadron which exited the target.