Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file larpandoracontent/LArThreeDReco/LArTransverseTrackMatching/MissingTrackSegmentTool.h
3  *
4  * @brief Header file for the missing track segment tool class.
5  *
6  * $Log: $
7  */
13 #include <unordered_map>
15 namespace lar_content
16 {
18 /**
19  * @brief MissingTrackSegmentTool class
20  */
22 {
23 public:
24  /**
25  * @brief Default constructor
26  */
29  bool Run(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, TensorType &overlapTensor);
31 private:
32  /**
33  * @brief Particle class
34  */
35  class Particle
36  {
37  public:
38  /**
39  * @brief Constructor
40  *
41  * @param element the tensor element
42  */
43  Particle(const TensorType::Element &element);
45  const pandora::Cluster *m_pShortCluster; ///< Address of the short cluster
46  const pandora::Cluster *m_pCluster1; ///< Address of long cluster in view 1
47  const pandora::Cluster *m_pCluster2; ///< Address of long cluster in view 2
48  pandora::HitType m_shortHitType; ///< The hit type of the short cluster
49  pandora::HitType m_hitType1; ///< The hit type of the long cluster in view 1
50  pandora::HitType m_hitType2; ///< The hit type of the long cluster in view 2
51  float m_shortMinX; ///< The min x coordinate of the short cluster
52  float m_shortMaxX; ///< The max x coordinate of the short cluster
53  float m_longMinX; ///< The min x coordinate of the long clusters
54  float m_longMaxX; ///< The max x coordinate of the long clusters
55  };
57  /**
58  * @brief SegmentOverlap class
59  */
61  {
62  public:
63  /**
64  * @brief Default constructor
65  */
68  unsigned int m_nSamplingPoints; ///< The number of sampling points
69  unsigned int m_nMatchedSamplingPoints; ///< The number of matched sampling points
70  float m_pseudoChi2Sum; ///< The pseudo chi2 sum
71  float m_matchedSamplingMinX; ///< The min matched sampling point x coordinate
72  float m_matchedSamplingMaxX; ///< The max matched sampling point x coordinate
73  };
75  pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle);
77  typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::Cluster *, SegmentOverlap> SegmentOverlapMap;
78  typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::ClusterList> ClusterMergeMap;
80  /**
81  * @brief Find remaining tracks, hidden by missing track segments (and maybe other ambiguities) in the tensor
82  *
83  * @param pAlgorithm address of the calling algorithm
84  * @param overlapTensor the overlap tensor
85  * @param protoParticleVector to receive the list of proto particles
86  * @param clusterMergeMap to receive the cluster merge map
87  */
88  void FindTracks(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const TensorType &overlapTensor,
89  ProtoParticleVector &protoParticleVector, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const;
91  /**
92  * @brief Select a list of the relevant elements from a set of connected tensor elements
93  *
94  * @param elementList the full list of connected tensor elements
95  * @param usedClusters the list of clusters already marked as to be added to a pfo
96  * @param iteratorList to receive a list of iterators to long track-like elements
97  */
98  void SelectElements(const TensorType::ElementList &elementList, const pandora::ClusterSet &usedClusters, IteratorList &iteratorList) const;
100  /**
101  * @brief Whether a provided tensor element can be used to construct a pfo
102  *
103  * @param pAlgorithm address of the calling algorithm
104  * @param element the tensor element
105  * @param usedClusters the list of used clusters
106  * @param clusterMergeMap to receive the cluster merge map
107  */
108  bool PassesParticleChecks(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const TensorType::Element &element,
109  pandora::ClusterSet &usedClusters, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const;
111  /**
112  * @brief Get a list of candidate clusters, which may represent missing track segments for a provided particle
113  *
114  * @param pAlgorithm address of the calling algorithm
115  * @param particle the particle
116  * @param candidateClusters to receive the list of candidate clusters
117  */
118  void GetCandidateClusters(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const Particle &particle, pandora::ClusterList &candidateClusters) const;
120  /**
121  * @brief Get a sliding fit result map for the list of candidate clusters
122  *
123  * @param pAlgorithm address of the calling algorithm
124  * @param candidateClusters the list of candidate clusters
125  * @param slidingFitResultMap to receive the sliding fit result map
126  */
127  void GetSlidingFitResultMap(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const pandora::ClusterList &candidateClusterList,
128  TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &slidingFitResultMap) const;
130  /**
131  * @brief Get a segment overlap map, describing overlap between a provided particle and all clusters in a sliding fit result map
132  *
133  * @param pAlgorithm address of the calling algorithm
134  * @param particle the particle
135  * @param slidingFitResultMap the sliding fit result map
136  * @param segmentOverlapMap to receive the segment overlap map
137  */
138  void GetSegmentOverlapMap(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const Particle &particle,
139  const TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &slidingFitResultMap, SegmentOverlapMap &segmentOverlapMap) const;
141  /**
142  * @brief Make decisions about whether to create a pfo for a provided particle and whether to make cluster merges
143  *
144  * @param particle the particle
145  * @param slidingFitResultMap the sliding fit result map
146  * @param segmentOverlapMap the segment overlap map
147  * @param usedClusters the list of used clusters
148  * @param clusterMergeMap to receive details of cluster merges clusterMergeMap
149  *
150  * @return whether to make the particle
151  */
152  bool MakeDecisions(const Particle &particle, const TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &slidingFitResultMap,
153  const SegmentOverlapMap &segmentOverlapMap, pandora::ClusterSet &usedClusters, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const;
155  /**
156  * @brief Whether the segment overlap object passes cuts on matched sampling points, etc.
157  *
158  * @param segmentOverlap the segment overlap
159  *
160  * @return boolean
161  */
162  bool PassesSamplingCuts(const SegmentOverlap &segmentOverlap) const;
164  /**
165  * @brief Whether the cluster could be merged with the candidate particle
166  *
167  * @param pCluster address of the cluster
168  * @param particle the particle
169  * @param segmentOverlap the segment overlap
170  * @param slidingFitResultMap the sliding fit result map
171  *
172  * @return boolean
173  */
174  bool IsPossibleMerge(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster, const Particle &particle, const SegmentOverlap &segmentOverlap,
175  const TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &slidingFitResultMap) const;
177  float m_minMatchedFraction; ///< The min matched sampling point fraction for particle creation
178  unsigned int m_minMatchedSamplingPoints; ///< The min number of matched sampling points for particle creation
179  unsigned int m_minMatchedSamplingPointRatio; ///< The min ratio between 1st and 2nd highest msps for simple ambiguity resolution
181  float m_minInitialXOverlapFraction; ///< The min x overlap fraction (between long clusters and short cluster vs. shared overlap)
182  float m_minFinalXOverlapFraction; ///< The min x overlap fraction between extended short cluster and the long clusters
184  unsigned int m_minCaloHitsInCandidateCluster; ///< The min no. of calo hits in a candidate cluster, for matching with long clusters
185  float m_pseudoChi2Cut; ///< The pseudo chi2 cut to determine whether a sampling point is matched
187  unsigned int m_makePfoMinSamplingPoints; ///< The min number of sampling points in order to be able to make pfo
188  unsigned int m_makePfoMinMatchedSamplingPoints; ///< The min number of matched sampling points in order to be able to make pfo
189  float m_makePfoMinMatchedFraction; ///< The min matched sampling point fraction in order to be able to make pfo
190  float m_makePfoMaxImpactParameter; ///< The max transverse impact parameter in order to be able to make pfo
192  float m_mergeMaxChi2PerSamplingPoint; ///< The max value of chi2 per sampling point in order to merge cluster with parent
193  float m_mergeXContainmentTolerance; ///< The tolerance in determining whether candidate cluster is contained in x window
194 };
196 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
199  m_nSamplingPoints(0),
200  m_nMatchedSamplingPoints(0),
201  m_pseudoChi2Sum(0.f),
202  m_matchedSamplingMinX(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()),
203  m_matchedSamplingMaxX(-std::numeric_limits<float>::max())
204 {
205 }
207 } // namespace lar_content
209 #endif // #ifndef MISSING_TRACK_SEGMENT_TOOL_H
float m_minMatchedFraction
The min matched sampling point fraction for particle creation.
float m_longMaxX
The max x coordinate of the long clusters.
std::vector< ProtoParticle > ProtoParticleVector
unsigned int m_minMatchedSamplingPoints
The min number of matched sampling points for particle creation.
const pandora::Cluster * m_pShortCluster
Address of the short cluster.
std::vector< TensorType::ElementList::const_iterator > IteratorList
enum cvn::HType HitType
void GetSegmentOverlapMap(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const Particle &particle, const TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &slidingFitResultMap, SegmentOverlapMap &segmentOverlapMap) const
Get a segment overlap map, describing overlap between a provided particle and all clusters in a slidi...
bool IsPossibleMerge(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster, const Particle &particle, const SegmentOverlap &segmentOverlap, const TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &slidingFitResultMap) const
Whether the cluster could be merged with the candidate particle.
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)
STL namespace.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::ClusterList > ClusterMergeMap
float m_matchedSamplingMaxX
The max matched sampling point x coordinate.
float m_minInitialXOverlapFraction
The min x overlap fraction (between long clusters and short cluster vs. shared overlap) ...
bool PassesParticleChecks(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const TensorType::Element &element, pandora::ClusterSet &usedClusters, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const
Whether a provided tensor element can be used to construct a pfo.
float m_matchedSamplingMinX
The min matched sampling point x coordinate.
void GetCandidateClusters(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const Particle &particle, pandora::ClusterList &candidateClusters) const
Get a list of candidate clusters, which may represent missing track segments for a provided particle...
bool Run(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, TensorType &overlapTensor)
Run the algorithm tool.
bool MakeDecisions(const Particle &particle, const TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &slidingFitResultMap, const SegmentOverlapMap &segmentOverlapMap, pandora::ClusterSet &usedClusters, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const
Make decisions about whether to create a pfo for a provided particle and whether to make cluster merg...
unsigned int m_makePfoMinMatchedSamplingPoints
The min number of matched sampling points in order to be able to make pfo.
float m_makePfoMaxImpactParameter
The max transverse impact parameter in order to be able to make pfo.
bool SegmentOverlap(double Ax, double Ay, double Bx, double By, double Cx, double Cy, double Dx, double Dy)
Definition: Polygon2D.cxx:21
const pandora::Cluster * m_pCluster1
Address of long cluster in view 1.
unsigned int m_minCaloHitsInCandidateCluster
The min no. of calo hits in a candidate cluster, for matching with long clusters. ...
std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, SegmentOverlap > SegmentOverlapMap
unsigned int m_nSamplingPoints
The number of sampling points.
Header file for the three view transverse tracks algorithm class.
void SelectElements(const TensorType::ElementList &elementList, const pandora::ClusterSet &usedClusters, IteratorList &iteratorList) const
Select a list of the relevant elements from a set of connected tensor elements.
void FindTracks(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const TensorType &overlapTensor, ProtoParticleVector &protoParticleVector, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const
Find remaining tracks, hidden by missing track segments (and maybe other ambiguities) in the tensor...
const pandora::Cluster * m_pCluster2
Address of long cluster in view 2.
static int max(int a, int b)
float m_pseudoChi2Cut
The pseudo chi2 cut to determine whether a sampling point is matched.
pandora::HitType m_hitType1
The hit type of the long cluster in view 1.
unsigned int m_minMatchedSamplingPointRatio
The min ratio between 1st and 2nd highest msps for simple ambiguity resolution.
unsigned int m_makePfoMinSamplingPoints
The min number of sampling points in order to be able to make pfo.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, TwoDSlidingFitResult > TwoDSlidingFitResultMap
float m_minFinalXOverlapFraction
The min x overlap fraction between extended short cluster and the long clusters.
float m_longMinX
The min x coordinate of the long clusters.
float m_mergeXContainmentTolerance
The tolerance in determining whether candidate cluster is contained in x window.
unsigned int m_nMatchedSamplingPoints
The number of matched sampling points.
pandora::HitType m_shortHitType
The hit type of the short cluster.
MissingTrackSegmentTool class.
Particle(const TensorType::Element &element)
bool PassesSamplingCuts(const SegmentOverlap &segmentOverlap) const
Whether the segment overlap object passes cuts on matched sampling points, etc.
float m_makePfoMinMatchedFraction
The min matched sampling point fraction in order to be able to make pfo.
float m_shortMaxX
The max x coordinate of the short cluster.
float m_mergeMaxChi2PerSamplingPoint
The max value of chi2 per sampling point in order to merge cluster with parent.
float m_shortMinX
The min x coordinate of the short cluster.
void GetSlidingFitResultMap(ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm, const pandora::ClusterList &candidateClusterList, TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &slidingFitResultMap) const
Get a sliding fit result map for the list of candidate clusters.
pandora::HitType m_hitType2
The hit type of the long cluster in view 2.