std::string m_currentPfoListReplacement
The name of the pfo list to replace the current list.
pandora::StatusCode Reset()
pandora::StatusCode Run()
pandora::StringVector m_clusterListNames
The list of cluster list names.
unsigned int m_listCounter
The counter appended to output (and replacement current) list names and reset each event...
Default constructor.
pandora::StringVector m_caloHitListNames
The list of calo hit list names.
pandora::StringVector m_vertexListNames
The list of vertex list names.
PostProcessingAlgorithm class.
pandora::StringVector m_pfoListNames
The list of pfo list names.
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)
pandora::StatusCode RenameList(const std::string &oldListName) const
Rename a list of relevant type with specified name - the new name will be the old name with appended ...