Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include <boost/graph/copy.hpp>
3 namespace WireCell {
5  class SimpleCluster : public ICluster {
6  public:
8  : m_ident(ident)
9  {
10  boost::copy_graph(g, m_graph);
11  }
12  virtual int ident() const { return m_ident; }
13  virtual ~SimpleCluster() { }
14  const cluster_graph_t& graph() const { return m_graph; }
16  // Non-const access for creators
17  cluster_graph_t& graph() { return m_graph; }
19  private:
20  int m_ident;
22  };
23 }
SimpleCluster(const cluster_graph_t &g, int ident=0)
Definition: SimpleCluster.h:7
static const double g
Definition: Units.h:145
cluster_graph_t & graph()
Definition: SimpleCluster.h:17
const cluster_graph_t & graph() const
Definition: SimpleCluster.h:14
boost::adjacency_list< boost::setS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, cluster_node_t > cluster_graph_t
Definition: ICluster.h:87
virtual int ident() const
Return an identifying number.
Definition: SimpleCluster.h:12
Definition: Main.h:22
cluster_graph_t m_graph
Definition: SimpleCluster.h:21