7 #ifndef CVN_TFNETHANDLER_H 8 #define CVN_TFNETHANDLER_H 55 #endif // CVN_TFNETHANDLER_H TFNetHandler(const fhicl::ParameterSet &pset)
Constructor which takes a pset with DeployProto and ModelFile fields.
std::vector< std::vector< float > > Predict(const PixelMap &pm)
Return prediction arrays for PixelMap.
Wrapper for caffe::Net which handles construction and prediction.
unsigned int fImageWires
Number of wires for the network to classify.
int NOutput() const
Number of outputs in neural net.
Utility class for truth labels.
std::unique_ptr< tf::Graph > fTFGraph
Tensorflow graph.
int NFeatures() const
Number of outputs in neural net.
unsigned int fImageTDCs
Number of tdcs for the network to classify.
std::vector< float > PredictFlavour(const PixelMap &pm)
Return four element vector with summed numu, nue, nutau and NC elements.
std::string fLibPath
Library path (typically dune_pardata...)
bool fUseLogChargeScale
Is the charge using a log scale?
std::vector< bool > fReverseViews
Do we need to reverse any views?
PixelMap, basic input to CVN neural net.
std::string fTFProtoBuf
location of the tf .pb file in the above path