1 #ifndef TGUIManager_hxx_seen 2 #define TGUIManager_hxx_seen 6 #include <TGTextEntry.h> TGButton * fDrawTimeChargeButton
TGButton * fShowVTimeChargeButton
TGButton * GetShowUTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
TGButton * GetShowFullDigitsButton()
Get the button to select if all digit samples are drawn.
TGButton * GetShowClusterUncertaintyButton()
Get the button to select if raw or calibrated digits should be drawn.
TGButton * fNextEventButton
TGButton * fShowTrajectoriesButton
TGTextEntry * fDefaultResult
A regular expression to select the default result(s) to be selected.
TGTextEntry * GetDefaultResult()
The get text entry widget for the default result to show.
TGButton * fFitTimeChargeButton
TGButton * fDrawUDigitsButton
TGButton * fShowDigitSamplesButton
TGButton * fDrawXDigitsButton
TGButton * GetShowDigitSamplesButton()
Get the button to select if any digit samples are drawn.
TGButton * fShowRawDigitsButton
TGButton * GetShowFitsButton()
Get the check button selecting if reconstruction objects are shown.
TGButton * fShowClusterUncertaintyButton
Actually construct all the GUI.
TGButton * GetShowTrajectoriesButton()
Get the check button selecting if trajectories should be shown.
TGButton * fShowG4HitsButton
TGButton * GetDrawXDigitsButton()
Get the button to draw the X plane digits.
TGButton * fShowFitsHitsButton
TGButton * fShowFitsButton
TGButton * fShowFullDigitsButton
TGButton * GetNextEventButton()
Get the next event button widget.
TGButton * GetRecalculateViewButton()
Get the check button selecting if view point should be recalculated.
TGButton * fPrevEventButton
TGListBox * GetResultsList()
Get the list box with the select results to show.
TGButton * fShowClusterHitsButton
TGButton * GetDrawTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
TGButton * GetShowFitsHitsButton()
TGButton * GetDrawUDigitsButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
TGButton * fDrawVDigitsButton
void MakeControlTab()
Make a tab in the browser for control buttons.
TGButton * GetShowG4HitsButton()
Get the check button selecting if G4 hits should be shown.
TGButton * GetDrawVDigitsButton()
Get the button to draw the V plane digits.
TGButton * fShowConstituentClustersButton
TGButton * fRecalculateViewButton
TGButton * fShowUTimeChargeButton
TGButton * GetPrevEventButton()
Get the previous event button widget.
void MakeResultsTab()
Make a tab in the browser to select algorithms shown.
TGButton * GetFitTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
TGButton * GetShowRawDigitsButton()
Get the button to select if raw or calibrated digits should be drawn.
TGButton * fDrawEventButton
TGButton * GetDrawEventButton()
Get the redraw current event button widget.
TGButton * GetShowConstituentClustersButton()
Get the button to show constituent clusters of an object or not.
TGButton * GetShowFitsDirectionButton()
TGButton * GetShowVTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
TGButton * fShowXTimeChargeButton
TGButton * GetShowClusterHitsButton()
Get the button to select if hits are drawn for the cluster.
TGButton * GetShowXTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
TGButton * fShowFitsDirectionButton