Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef TGUIManager_hxx_seen
2 #define TGUIManager_hxx_seen
4 #include <TGButton.h>
5 #include <TGListBox.h>
6 #include <TGTextEntry.h>
8 namespace EDep {
9  class TGUIManager;
10 }
13 /// This creates the GUI interface for the event display, and then provides
14 /// handles so that other functions can connect to the interface. A pointer
15 /// to each interface widget can be accessed by a method named by it's
16 /// function. For instance, the "Read Next Event" button is named
17 /// "GetNextEventButton()", and returns a TGButton pointer. This is managed
18 /// by the EDep::TEventDisplay class which returns it via the GetGUI() method.
19 ///
20 /// \note This does not connect any actions to the buttons. It only
21 /// constructs the GUI and then allows access to the GUI widget.
22 ///
23 /// \note The default state of widgets (e.g. the button widgets) is set when
24 /// the widget is created. This is how the default drawing attributes can be
25 /// set.
27 public:
28  /// Actually construct all the GUI.
29  TGUIManager();
30  ~TGUIManager();
32  //////////////////////
34  //////////////////////
36  /// Get the next event button widget.
37  TGButton* GetNextEventButton() {return fNextEventButton;}
39  /// Get the redraw current event button widget.
40  TGButton* GetDrawEventButton() {return fDrawEventButton;}
42  /// Get the previous event button widget.
43  TGButton* GetPrevEventButton() {return fPrevEventButton;}
45  /// Get the check button selecting if reconstruction objects are shown.
46  TGButton* GetShowFitsButton() {return fShowFitsButton;}
48  /// Get the check button selecting if hits associated with shown
49  /// reconstruction objects should be drawn.
52  /// Get the check button selecting if hits associated with shown
53  /// reconstruction objects should be drawn.
56  /// Get the button to show constituent clusters of an object or not.
60  /// Get the button to select if hits are drawn for the cluster.
62  {return fShowClusterHitsButton;}
64  /// Get the button to select if raw or calibrated digits should be drawn.
68  /// Get the check button selecting if trajectories should be shown.
71  /// Get the check button selecting if G4 hits should be shown.
72  TGButton* GetShowG4HitsButton() {return fShowG4HitsButton;}
74  /// Get the check button selecting if view point should be recalculated.
77  /// Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
80  /// Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
83  /// Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
86  /// Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
89  /// Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
92  /// Get the button to draw the X plane digits.
95  /// Get the button to draw the V plane digits.
98  /// Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
101  /// Get the button to select if raw or calibrated digits should be drawn.
104  /// Get the button to select if all digit samples are drawn.
107  /// Get the button to select if any digit samples are drawn.
111  //////////////////////
113  //////////////////////
115  /// Get the list box with the select results to show.
116  TGListBox* GetResultsList() {return fResultsList;}
118  /// The get text entry widget for the default result to show.
119  TGTextEntry* GetDefaultResult() {return fDefaultResult;}
121 private:
123  /// Make a tab in the browser for control buttons.
124  void MakeControlTab();
126  ////////////////////////////////////////
127  // Widgets in the control tab.
128  ////////////////////////////////////////
129  TGButton* fNextEventButton;
130  TGButton* fDrawEventButton;
131  TGButton* fPrevEventButton;
133  TGButton* fShowFitsButton;
139  TGButton* fShowG4HitsButton;
153  /// Make a tab in the browser to select algorithms shown.
154  void MakeResultsTab();
156  ////////////////////////////////////////
157  // Widgets in the results tab.
158  ////////////////////////////////////////
160  /// A widget containing a list of possible TAlgorithmResult object names
161  /// to be displayed (when selected).
162  TGListBox* fResultsList;
164  /// A regular expression to select the default result(s) to be selected.
165  TGTextEntry* fDefaultResult;
167 };
168 #endif
TGButton * fDrawTimeChargeButton
TGButton * fShowVTimeChargeButton
TGButton * GetShowUTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:90
TGButton * GetShowFullDigitsButton()
Get the button to select if all digit samples are drawn.
TGButton * GetShowClusterUncertaintyButton()
Get the button to select if raw or calibrated digits should be drawn.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:65
TGButton * fNextEventButton
TGButton * fShowTrajectoriesButton
TGTextEntry * fDefaultResult
A regular expression to select the default result(s) to be selected.
TGTextEntry * GetDefaultResult()
The get text entry widget for the default result to show.
TGButton * fFitTimeChargeButton
TGButton * fDrawUDigitsButton
TGButton * fShowDigitSamplesButton
TGListBox * fResultsList
TGButton * fDrawXDigitsButton
TGButton * GetShowDigitSamplesButton()
Get the button to select if any digit samples are drawn.
TGButton * fShowRawDigitsButton
TGButton * GetShowFitsButton()
Get the check button selecting if reconstruction objects are shown.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:46
TGButton * fShowClusterUncertaintyButton
Actually construct all the GUI.
Definition: TGUIManager.cxx:15
TGButton * GetShowTrajectoriesButton()
Get the check button selecting if trajectories should be shown.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:69
TGButton * fShowG4HitsButton
TGButton * GetDrawXDigitsButton()
Get the button to draw the X plane digits.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:93
TGButton * fShowFitsHitsButton
TGButton * fShowFitsButton
TGButton * fShowFullDigitsButton
TGButton * GetNextEventButton()
Get the next event button widget.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:37
TGButton * GetRecalculateViewButton()
Get the check button selecting if view point should be recalculated.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:75
TGButton * fPrevEventButton
TGListBox * GetResultsList()
Get the list box with the select results to show.
TGButton * fShowClusterHitsButton
TGButton * GetDrawTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:78
TGButton * GetShowFitsHitsButton()
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:50
TGButton * GetDrawUDigitsButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:99
TGButton * fDrawVDigitsButton
void MakeControlTab()
Make a tab in the browser for control buttons.
Definition: TGUIManager.cxx:20
TGButton * GetShowG4HitsButton()
Get the check button selecting if G4 hits should be shown.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:72
TGButton * GetDrawVDigitsButton()
Get the button to draw the V plane digits.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:96
TGButton * fShowConstituentClustersButton
TGButton * fRecalculateViewButton
TGButton * fShowUTimeChargeButton
TGButton * GetPrevEventButton()
Get the previous event button widget.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:43
void MakeResultsTab()
Make a tab in the browser to select algorithms shown.
TGButton * GetFitTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:81
TGButton * GetShowRawDigitsButton()
Get the button to select if raw or calibrated digits should be drawn.
TGButton * fDrawEventButton
TGButton * GetDrawEventButton()
Get the redraw current event button widget.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:40
TGButton * GetShowConstituentClustersButton()
Get the button to show constituent clusters of an object or not.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:57
TGButton * GetShowFitsDirectionButton()
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:54
TGButton * GetShowVTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:87
TGButton * fShowXTimeChargeButton
TGButton * GetShowClusterHitsButton()
Get the button to select if hits are drawn for the cluster.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:61
TGButton * GetShowXTimeChargeButton()
Get the button to draw the U plane digits.
Definition: TGUIManager.hxx:84
TGButton * fShowFitsDirectionButton