IFunctorT< InputType, OutputType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for IFunctorT< InputType, OutputType >, including all inherited members.

input_type typedefIFunctorT< InputType, OutputType >
operator()(const std::shared_ptr< const input_type > &in, std::shared_ptr< const output_type > &out)=0IFunctorT< InputType, OutputType >pure virtual
output_type typedefIFunctorT< InputType, OutputType >
pointer typedefWireCell::IComponent< IFunctor >
signature()IFunctorT< InputType, OutputType >inlinevirtual
this_type typedefIFunctorT< InputType, OutputType >
vector typedefWireCell::IComponent< IFunctor >
~IComponent()WireCell::IComponent< IFunctor >inlinevirtual
~IFunctorT()IFunctorT< InputType, OutputType >inlinevirtual