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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011]
 Cgeoalgo::AABoxRepresentation of a 3D rectangular box which sides are aligned w/ coordinate axis. A representation of an Axis-Aligned-Boundary-Box, a simple & popular representation of
3D boundary box for collision detection. The concept was taken from the reference,
Real-Time-Collision-Detection (RTCD), and in particular Ch. 4.2 (page 77):
 Cgeo::details::AbsIDtypeStruct< ID, Index, typename >
 Cgeo::details::AbsIDtypeStruct< ID, Index, std::enable_if_t<(Index==ID::Level)> >
 CAbsorptionReweighterReweight a MC survival probabiity when the particles through volumes
 CAbsorptionReweighterReweight a MC survival probabiity when the particles through volumes
 CAbsorptionReweighterReweight a MC survival probabiity when the particles through volumes
 CAbsSorter< Data >
 Cgeo::vect::details::AccumulateImpl< Op, T >
 Cgeo::vect::details::AccumulateImpl< Op, First, Second, Others... >
 Cgeo::vect::details::AccumulateImpl< Op, T >
 Cgeo::details::ActiveAreaCalculatorClass computing the active area of the plane
 Cevd::details::ADCCorrectorClassApplies Birks correction
 Cutil::add_tag< T, Tag >
 Cutil::AddressTakerFunctor returning the address in memory of the operand
 Cgeo::AffinePlaneBase< Vector, Point >
 Cgeo::AffinePlaneBase< Direction_t, Position_t >
 Cgeo::AffinePlaneBase< geo::Vector_t, geo::Point_t >
 Cart::detail::AggregateTuple< I >
 Cart::detail::AggregateTuple< 0u >
 Cgar::rec::alg::AlgCluster< T >
 Cgenie::AlgCmpEncapsulates an enumeration of possible algorithm comparisons
 Cgenie::AlgConfigPoolA singleton class holding all configuration registries built while parsing all loaded XML configuration files
 Cgenie::AlgFactoryThe GENIE Algorithm Factory
 Cgenie::AlgIdAlgorithm ID (algorithm name + configuration set name)
 Cgenie::AlgorithmAlgorithm abstract base class
 Cgenie::AlgStatusEncapsulates an enumeration of possible algorithm execution states
 Cstd::allocator< T >STL class
 Cfhicl::detail::AllowedConfiguration< T, Enable >
 Cgenie::alvarezruso::AlvarezRusoCOHPiPDXsec5d differential cross section for Alvarez-Ruso Coherent Pion Production xsec
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::always_true_v< typename T::value_t >
 Cevd::AnalysisBaseDrawerAid in the rendering of AnalysisBase objects
 Cgar::evd::AnalysisBaseDrawerAid in the rendering of AnalysisBase objects
 Cart::detail::are_cv_compatible< T1, T2 >
 Cart::detail::are_handles< T, U >
 Clar::details::are_same_types< Types >
 Clar::details::are_types_contained< Types >
 Clar::details::are_types_contained< First >
 Clar::details::are_types_contained< First, OtherTypes... >
 Clar::util::simple_geo::AreaBase< Point >Area/volume delimited by points: base/1D implementation
 Cgeo::part::AreaOwnerA basic interface for objects owning an area
 CArgumentThis class contains the information about the argument of a function or template
 Cstd::array< T >STL class
 Clar::dump::ArrayDumper< Array >Dumps the first N elements of an array
 Cgar::dump::ArrayDumper< Array >Dumps the first N elements of an array
 Clar::dump::ArrayDumper< T * >
 Cgar::dump::ArrayDumper< T * >
 Cgar::dump::ArrayDumper< T const * >
 Clar::dump::ArrayDumper< T const * >
 Cgenie::alvarezruso::ARSampledNucleusNucleus class for Alvarez-Ruso Coherent Pion Production xsec
 Cgenie::alvarezruso::ARWavefunctionWave function class for AlvarezRuso Coherent pion production xsec
 Cgenie::alvarezruso::ARWFSolutionAbstract base class for Alvarez-Ruso wavefunction solution
 Cart::Assns< L, R, D >
 Cart::Assns< raw::RawDigit, recob::recob::Hit >
 Cart::Assns< recob::Cluster, recob::Hit >
 Cart::Assns< recob::Edge, recob::PFParticle >
 Cart::Assns< recob::Hit, recob::SpacePoint >
 Cart::Assns< recob::PFParticle, recob::Cluster >
 Cart::Assns< recob::PFParticle, recob::PCAxis >
 Cart::Assns< recob::PFParticle, recob::Seed >
 Cart::Assns< recob::recob::Wire, recob::recob::Hit >
 Cart::Assns< recob::Seed, recob::Hit >
 Cart::Assns< recob::SpacePoint, recob::Edge >
 Cart::Assns< recob::SpacePoint, recob::PFParticle >
 Cart::Assns< simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle, sim::GeneratedParticleInfo >
 Clar::util::assns_iterator_type< Assns >Trait: type is iterator of Assns
 Clar::util::assns_iterator_type< art::Assns< L, R, D > >
 Clar::util::assns_iterator_type< art::Assns< L, R, void > >
 Clar::util::assns_metadata_type< Assns >Trait: type is metadata in Assns (association or its node)
 Clar::util::assns_metadata_type< art::Assns< L, R, D > >
 Clar::util::assns_metadata_type< art::AssnsNode< L, R, D > >
 Clar::util::assns_metadata_type< ArtAssnsIterValue >
 Clar::util::assns_metadata_type< std::pair< art::Ptr< L >, art::Ptr< R > > >
 Clar::util::assns_traits< Assns >Data types for the specified association type (or its node)
 Clar::util::assns_traits< art::Assns< L, R > >
 Clar::util::assns_traits< art::Assns< L, R, D > >
 Clar::util::assns_traits< ArtAssnsIter::value_type >
 Cart::AssnsNode< L, R, D >
 Cutil::details::AssnsNodeGetter< I, L, R, D >
 Cutil::details::AssnsNodeGetter< 0U, L, R, D >
 Cutil::details::AssnsNodeGetter< 1U, L, R, D >
 Cutil::details::AssnsNodeGetter< 2U, L, R, D >
 Cproxy::details::AssociatedData< Main, Aux, Metadata, Tag >Object to draft associated data interface
 Cproxy::AssociatedDataProxyMakerBase< Main, Aux, Metadata, AuxTag >Creates an associated data wrapper for the specified types
 Cproxy::AssociatedDataProxyMakerBase< Main, Aux, Metadata, Tag >
 Cproxy::details::AssociatedDataProxyMakerWrapper< Aux, Metadata, AuxTag >
 Clar_content::BranchGrowingAlgorithm::AssociationAssociation class
 Clar::example::AtomicNumberProvides information about the active material in the TPC
 Cshims::catchall_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 Cfhicl::uint_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 Cfhicl::real_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 Cfhicl::hex_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 Cfhicl::dbid_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 Cfhicl::bin_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 Cfhicl::ass_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 Cfhicl::dss_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 Cfhicl::binding_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 CTemplateFilterFactory::AutoRegister< T >Helper class for registering a filter function
 CTemplateNodeFactory::AutoRegister< T >Helper class for registering a template AST node
 Cgeo::AuxDetExptGeoHelperInterfaceInterface to a service with detector-specific geometry knowledge
 Cgar::geo::AuxDetExptGeoHelperInterfaceInterface to a service with detector-specific geometry knowledge
 Cgeo::AuxDetGeometryThe geometry of one entire detector, as served by art
 Cgar::geo::AuxDetGeometryThe geometry of one entire detector, as served by art
 Cgeo::AuxDetGeometryCoreDescription of geometry of one set of auxiliary detectors
 Cgar::geo::AuxDetGeometryCoreDescription of geometry of one set of auxiliary detectors
 Cgar::geo::AuxDetGeometryData_tData in the geometry description
 Csim::AuxDetIDEMC truth information to make RawDigits and do back tracking
 Cgar::sdp::AuxDetIDEMC truth information to make RawDigits and do back tracking
 Csim::AuxDetSimChannelCollection of particles crossing one auxiliary detector cell
 Cgar::sdp::AuxDetSimChannelCollection of particles crossing one auxiliary detector cell
 Cgenie::AxialFormFactorA class holding the Axial Form Factor
 Clar::debug::BacktracePrintOptionsBacktrace printing options
 Cgenie::BardinIMDRadCorIntegrandAuxiliary scalar function for the internal integration in Bardin's IMD d2xsec/dxdy cross section algorithm
 Cgenie::BaryonResListEncapsulates a list of baryon resonances
 Cgenie::BaryonResonanceAn enumeration of Baryon Resonances more frequently used in resonance neutrino-nucleon/nucleus models
 Cbase_iterator< Value >
 Cbase_iterator< int >
 Cbase_iterator< int const >
 Cactions::BaseAction< T >Base class for testing actions
 Cgeo::vect::details::BaseCoordTypes< Vector, SetterType >
 Cgeo::vect::details::BaseCoordTypes< Vector, void >
 Ctesting::BasicEnvironmentConfigurationClass holding a configuration for a test environment
 Cart::detail::BcollHelper< ProdB >
 Cvoronoi2d::BeachLineThis defines the actual beach line. The idea is to implement this as a self balancing binary search tree
 Clar_content::VertexSelectionBaseAlgorithm::BeamConstantsBeam constants class
 Clar::sparse_vector< T >::const_iterator::special::begin
 Cgeo::details::geometry_iterator_types::BeginPos_tStructures to distinguish the constructors
 Cgar::geo::details::geometry_iterator_types::BeginPos_tStructures to distinguish the constructors
 Clar::deep_const_fwd_iterator_nested< ITER, INNERCONTEXTRACT >::BeginPositionTag
 Cgenie::mueloss::BetheBlochMaterialParamsBethe Bloch parameters for various materials
 Cgenie::mueloss::BezrukovBugaevIntegrandAuxiliary scalar function for the internal integration in Bezrukov Bugaev model
 Ccet::sqlite::detail::bind_parameters< TUP, N >
 Ccet::sqlite::detail::bind_parameters< TUP, 1 >
 Cgeo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, N >
 Cgeo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImplBase< Vector, N >
 Cgeo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImplBase< Vector, 2U >
 Cgeo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImplBase< Vector, 3U >
 Cgeo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImplBase< Vector, 4U >
 Ccet::bit_size< U, bool >Struct bit_size<U>
 Ccet::bit_size< U, true >
 Cgar::geo::BitFieldCoderHelper class for decoding and encoding a bit field of 64bits for convenient declaration
 Cgar::geo::BitFieldValueHelper class for BitFieldCoder that corresponds to one field value
 Cutil::flags::BitMask< Storage >A class containing a set of flags
 Cutil::flags::BitMaskFromValuesTagType for constructor tag from values
 Cutil::flags::Bits_t< Storage >Type identifying a set of bits
 Cutil::flags::Bits_t< Storage_t >
 Cgenie::BLI2DNonUnifObjectGrid< ZObject, IndexType, XType, YType >A class template that performs bilinear interpolation on a non-uniform grid with an implementation similar to that of genie::BLI2DNonUnifGrid
 Cgenie::BLI2DNonUnifObjectGrid< genie::TabulatedLabFrameHadronTensor::TableEntry >
 Cproxy::details::BoundaryList< Iter >Builds and keeps track of internal boundaries in a sequence
 Cproxy::details::BoundaryList< associated_data_iterator_t >
 Cgeo::vect::details::BoundCoordGetter< CoordHelper, StoredVector >
 Cgeo::BoxBoundedGeoA base class aware of world box coordinatesAn object describing a simple shape can inherit from this one to gain access to a common boundary checking interface
 Cdune::AnalysisTreeDataStruct::BoxedArray< Array_t >A wrapper to a C array (needed to embed an array into a vector)
 Cdune::AnaRootParserDataStruct::BoxedArray< Array_t >A wrapper to a C array (needed to embed an array into a vector)
 Cdune::AnalysisTreeDataStruct::BranchCreatorLittle helper functor class to create or reset branches in a tree
 Cdune::AnaRootParserDataStruct::BranchCreatorLittle helper functor class to create or reset branches in a tree
 Cvoronoi2d::BSTNodeBSTNode class definiton specifically for use in constructing Voronoi diagrams. We are trying to follow the prescription described in "Computational Geometry" by Mark de Berg, et al
 CBufStrBuffer used to store strings
 CC1Class C1 in group 1
 CC2Class C2 in group 1
 CC3Class C3 in group 2
 CC4Class C4 in group 2
 CC5Class C5 in the third group
 CDefinitionContext< T >::Cachable< ClassContext::Private >
 CDefinitionContext< T >::Cachable< MemberContext::Private >
 CDefinitionContext< T >::Cachable< NamespaceContext::Private >
 CDefinitionContext< T >::Cachable< PageContext::Private >
 Cgenie::CacheGENIE Cache Memory
 Clar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID::CalibrationInfo_tInternal structure containing the calibration information
 Clar::debug::CallInfo_tStructure with information about a single call, parsed
 Cgar::debug::CallInfo_tStructure with information about a single call, parsed
 Clar::debug::CallInfoPrinterClass handling the output of information in a CallInfo_t object
 Cgar::debug::CallInfoPrinterClass handling the output of information in a CallInfo_t object
 Cart::CannotGetView< T >
 Cart::CannotGetView< std::vector< bool, A > >
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::category_of_t< Cat, typename >
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::category_of_t< Cat, std::void_t< typename Cat::category_t > >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::category_of_type< Cat, typename >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::category_of_type< Cat, std::void_t< typename Cat::category_t > >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::category_traits< Cat >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::CategoryBaseAn non-mandatory base class for interval and point categories
 Chit::CCHitFinderAlgHit finder algorithm designed to work with Cluster Crawler
 Cevd::details::CellGridClassManages a grid-like division of 2D space
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::CentralValuesAndUncertaintiesA class to manage parameter central values and their uncertanities
 Cgeo::ChannelMapAlgInterface for a class providing readout channel mapping to geometry
 Cgeo::ChannelMapSetupToolInterface for a tool creating a channel mapping object
 Clariov::ChannelStatusServiceService providing information about the quality of channels
 Crecob::ChargedSpacePointCollectionCreatorCreates a collection of space points with associated charge
 Cproxy::ChargedSpacePointsProxy tag for a recob::SpacePoint collection with charge
 Ccluster::HoughBaseAlg::ChargeInfo_tData structure collecting charge information to be filled in cluster
 Clar::example::CheatTrackPseudo-track object for TotallyCheatTracks example
 Clar::util::ChiSquareAccumulator< F, T >Computes a χ² from expectation function and data points
 CCiteConstsString constants for citations
 CCiteDictCite database access class
 CCiteInfoCitation-related data
 CClangParserWrapper for to let libclang assisted parsing
 Cutil::details::ClassNameStaticDumper< T >Implementation detail of staticDumpClassName()
 Cgenie::Cache::CleanerProper de-allocation of the singleton object
 Cgenie::AlgFactory::CleanerSingleton cleaner
 Cdetinfo::details::ClockForImpl< TimeScale, typename >
 Cdetinfo::details::ClockForImpl< detinfo::timescales::OpticalTimeCategory >
 Cdetinfo::details::ClockForImpl< detinfo::timescales::TPCelectronicsTimeCategory >
 Cdetinfo::details::ClockForImpl< detinfo::timescales::TriggerTimeCategory >
 Cdetinfo::details::ClockForImpl< TimeScale::category_t >
 Ccet::_::has_clone< T >::cloneable< U, const >
 Crecob::ClusterSet of hits with a 2D structure
 Clar_content::VertexBasedPfoMopUpAlgorithm::ClusterAssociationClusterAssociation class
 Clar_content::ClusterExtensionAlgorithm::ClusterAssociationClusterAssociation class
 Clar_content::ClusterAssociationAlgorithm::ClusterAssociationClusterAssociation class
 Clar_content::ClusterAssociationClusterAssociation class
 Ccluster::ClusterCreatorClass managing the creation of a new recob::Cluster object
 Clar_content::TwoDSlidingFitSplittingAndSplicingAlgorithm::ClusterExtensionClusterExtension class
 Clar_content::SlidingConePfoMopUpAlgorithm::ClusterMergeClusterMerge class
 Clar_content::SlidingConeClusterMopUpAlgorithm::ClusterMergeClusterMerge class
 Ccluster::ClusterMergerClass merging clusters: recomputes start and end position and hit list
 Clar_content::LArHitWidthHelper::ClusterParametersClusterParameters class
 Ccluster::ClusterParamsAlgBaseAlgorithm collection class computing cluster parameters
 Ccluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::ClusterStoreStruct of temporary clusters
 Cgenie::CmdLnArgParserCommand line argument parser
 Ccustom::collection< T >
 Cutil::details::collection_from_reference_impl< CollRef, typename >
 Cutil::details::collection_from_reference_impl < CollRef, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< CollRef > > >
 Cutil::details::collection_from_reference_impl < CollRef, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< CollRef > > >
 Cutil::details::collection_from_reference_impl< std::remove_reference_t< CollRef > >
 Cutil::details::collection_from_reference_impl< T * >
 Cutil::details::collection_from_reference_impl< T[]>
 Cutil::details::collection_from_reference_impl< T[N]>
 Cutil::details::collection_value_access_type_impl< Coll, typename >
 Cutil::details::collection_value_access_type_impl< T *, void >
 Cutil::details::collection_value_constant_access_type_impl< Coll, typename >
 Cutil::details::collection_value_constant_access_type_impl< T *, void >
 Cutil::collection_value_type< Coll >Trait of value contained in the template collection Coll
 Cutil::details::collection_value_type_impl< Coll, typename >
 Cutil::details::collection_value_type_impl_pointer< Ptr >
 Cutil::details::collection_value_type_impl_pointer< Ptr::pointer >
 Cutil::details::collection_value_type_impl_pointer< std::decay_t< Coll > >
 Cutil::details::collection_value_type_impl_pointer< std::decay_t< Coll >::pointer >
 Cutil::details::collection_value_type_impl_pointer< T * >
 Cutil::details::collection_value_type_impl_pointer< T[]>
 Cutil::details::collection_value_type_impl_pointer< T[N]>
 Clar::details::CollectionExtremes< BeginIter, EndIter >Class storing a begin and a end iterator
 Cproxy::CollectionProxyElement< CollProxy >An element of a collection proxy
 Cproxy::details::CollectionProxyImplFromTraitsImpl< Traits, typename, Args >
 Cproxy::details::CollectionProxyImplFromTraitsImpl< Traits, std::enable_if_t< util::always_true_v < typename Traits::template collection_proxy_impl_t< Args... > > >, Args... >
 Cproxy::CollectionProxyMakerBase< CollProxy >Class to assemble the required proxy
 Cproxy::CollectionProxyMakerBase< Tracks >
 Cproxy::CollectionProxyMakerTraits< Proxy, Selector >Collection of data type definitions for collection proxies
 Cproxy::CollectionProxyMakerTraits< ChargedSpacePoints::SpacePointDataProduct_t >
 Cproxy::CollectionProxyMakerTraits< CollectionProxy< MainColl > >
 Cproxy::CollectionProxyMakerTraits< std::vector< T > >
 Cproxy::CollectionProxyMakerTraits< Tracks::TrackDataProduct_t >
 Ccet::sqlite::column< T, Constraints >
 Ccet::sqlite::column< T, Constraints... >
 Ctesting::details::CommandLineArgumentsReads and makes available the command line parameters
 CCompAccept< T >
 CCompAccept< DocAutoList >
 CCompAccept< DocAutoListItem >
 CCompAccept< DocDiaFile >
 CCompAccept< DocDotFile >
 CCompAccept< DocHRef >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlBlockQuote >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlCaption >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlCell >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlDescData >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlDescList >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlDescTitle >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlHeader >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlList >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlListItem >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlRow >
 CCompAccept< DocHtmlTable >
 CCompAccept< DocImage >
 CCompAccept< DocInternal >
 CCompAccept< DocInternalRef >
 CCompAccept< DocLink >
 CCompAccept< DocMscFile >
 CCompAccept< DocPara >
 CCompAccept< DocParamSect >
 CCompAccept< DocParBlock >
 CCompAccept< DocRef >
 CCompAccept< DocRoot >
 CCompAccept< DocSecRefItem >
 CCompAccept< DocSecRefList >
 CCompAccept< DocSection >
 CCompAccept< DocSimpleList >
 CCompAccept< DocSimpleSect >
 CCompAccept< DocText >
 CCompAccept< DocTitle >
 CCompAccept< DocVhdlFlow >
 CCompAccept< DocXRefItem >
 Cart::ComparePtrs< Comp >
 Cgeo::details::Comparer< T, Key, KeyExtractor, KeyComparer >Class managing comparisons between T objects via a Key key
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Comparer::ComparerImpl< A, B, typename >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Comparer::ComparerImpl< A, B, std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< decltype(std::declval< A >()!=std::declval< B >()), bool >::value > >
 Clar_content::VertexBasedPfoMopUpAlgorithm::ConeParametersConeParameters class
 Cgeo::DumpChannelMap::ConfigModule configuration
 Cgeo::GeometryConfigurationWriter::ConfigService configuration
 Cgeo::GeometryBuilderStandard::ConfigConfiguration parameters
 Crecob::DumpChargedSpacePoints::ConfigConfiguration parameters
 Crecob::DumpClusters::ConfigConfiguration object
 Crecob::DumpPCAxes::ConfigConfiguration parameters
 Crecob::DumpSpacePoints::ConfigConfiguration parameters
 Crecob::DumpTracks::ConfigConfiguration object
 Cart::detail::maybe_has_Parameters< T, std::void_t< typename T::Parameters > >::Config
 Clar::example::RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints::ConfigModule configuration data
 Clar::example::SpacePointIsolationAlg::ConfigAlgorithm configuration
 Clar::example::TotallyCheatTracker::ConfigModule configuration data
 Clar::example::AtomicNumber::ConfigCollection of configuration parameters for the service
 Clar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID::ConfigCollection of configuration parameters for the service
 Clar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale::ConfigCollection of configuration parameters for the service
 Cnnet::EmTrack< N >::Config
 Cevgen::MarleyGen::ConfigCollection of configuration parameters for the module
 Cevgen::MarleyTimeGen::ConfigCollection of configuration parameters for the module
 Csim::POTaccumulator::ConfigCollection of configuration parameters for the module
 Cgar::geo::GeometryGArConfigurationWriter::ConfigService configuration
 Csim::DumpGTruth::ConfigCollection of configuration parameters for the module
 Csim::DumpMCTruth::ConfigCollection of configuration parameters for the module
 Cart::detail::config_impl< T, typename >
 Cart::detail::config_impl< T, std::void_t< typename T::Parameters > >
 Cdetinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard::Configuration_tStructure for configuration parameters
 Cdetinfo::LArPropertiesStandard::Configuration_tStructure with all configuration parameters
 Cspdp::DetectorPropertiesProtoDUNEsp::Configuration_tStructure for configuration parameters
 Clar::example::PointIsolationAlg< Coord >::Configuration_tType containing all configuration parameters of the algorithm
 Cgar::detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard::Configuration_tStructure for configuration parameters
 Cgar::detinfo::ECALPropertiesStandard::Configuration_tStructure with all configuration parameters
 Cgar::detinfo::GArPropertiesStandard::Configuration_tStructure with all configuration parameters
 Cart::const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir >
 Clar::details::const_datarange_iterator< T >
 Clar::sparse_vector< T >::const_iteratorIterator to the sparse vector values
 Clar::sparse_vector< T >::const_referenceSpecial little box to allow void elements to be treated as references
 Clar::const_value_box< T >Little class storing a value
 Cgenie::alvarezruso::ConstantsClass containing constants for AlvarezRuso coherent pion production xsec
 CTemplateListIntf::ConstIteratorAbstract interface for a iterator of a list
 Clar_content::LArHitWidthHelper::ConstituentHitConstituentHit class
 Cutil::details::ContainerStorageBase< Cont >
 Cutil::details::ContainerStorageBase< Mapping >
 Cutil::details::ContainerStorageBase< phot::IPhotonLibrary::Functions_t >
 Cutil::details::ContainerStorageBase< phot::IPhotonLibrary::T0s_t >
 Cutil::details::ContainerTraitsImpl< Cont >
 Cutil::details::ContainerTraitsImpl< std::remove_reference_t< util::collection_from_reference_t< util::strip_referenceness_t< Cont > > > >
 Cutil::details::ContainerTraitsImpl< T * >
 Cdune::ContainerValueType< C >Class whose "type" contains the base data type of the container
 Cdune::ContainerValueType< std::vector< AnalysisTreeDataStruct::BoxedArray< A > > >
 Cdune::ContainerValueType< std::vector< AnaRootParserDataStruct::BoxedArray< A > > >
 Cdune::ContainerValueType< std::vector< T > >
 Cart::PtrRemapperDetail::ContReturner< CONT, PROD, CALLBACK >
 Cart::PtrRemapperDetail::ContReturner< CONT, PROD, CONT const &(PROD::*)() const >
 Cart::PtrRemapperDetail::ContReturner< CONT, PROD, CONT PROD::*const >
 Cgeo::vect::details::ConvertToDispatcher< Vector, Vector >
 Cgeo::vect::details::ConvertToDispatcher< Vector, Vector, Dim >
 Cgeo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, T * >
 Cgeo::vect::details::ConvertToImplBase< Dest, Source >
 Cgeo::vect::details::ConvertToImplBase< Dest, std::array< T, Dim > >
 Cgeo::vect::details::ConvertToImplBase< Dest, T >
 Cgeo::vect::details::ConvertToImplDim< Dest, Source, Dim >
 Cgeo::vect::details::ConvertToImplDim< Dest, Source, dimension< Source >()>
 Creco::ConvexHullDefine a container for working with the convex hull
 Clar_cluster3d::ConvexHullConvexHull class definiton
 Cgeo::vect::CoordConstIterator< Vector >Constant iterator to vector coordinates
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordGetter< Vector >Helper class for read of a single vector coordinate
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordGetterTraits< Vector >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagerImpl< Vector, Dim >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagerImpl< Vector, 1U >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagerImpl< Vector, 2U >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagerImpl< Vector, 3U >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagerImpl< Vector, 4U >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagersImpl< Vector, N >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagersImplBase< Vector, N >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagersImplBase< Vector, 2U >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagersImplBase< Vector, 3U >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagersImplBase< Vector, 4U >
 Cgeo::vect::details::CoordManagerTraits< Vector, SetterType >
 Clar::example::CoordRange< Coord >Range of coordinates
 Clar::example::CoordRange< Coord_t >
 Clar::example::ShowerCalibrationGalore::Correction_tA correction factor with global uncertainty
 Cutil::count_iterator< T >An iterator dereferencing to a counter value
 Cutil::details::count_tags_in_tuple< Extractor, Target, TagTuple >
 Cutil::count_type_in_tuple< Target, Tuple >Holds whether the Target type is element of the specified std::tuple
 Cutil::count_type_in_tuple< Extractor< Target >::type, Tags... >
 Clar::CountersMap< KEY, COUNTER, SIZE, ALLOC, SUBCOUNTERS >::CounterKey_tStructure with the index of the counter, split as needed
 Clar::CountersMap< KEY, COUNTER, SIZE, ALLOC, SUBCOUNTERS >Map storing counters in a compact way
 Clar::details::CountersMapTraits< KEY, COUNTER, SIZE >
 Clar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::CRCandidateClass to encapsulate the logic required determine if a Pfo should or shouldn't be tagged as a cosmic ray
 Cevgb::CRYHelperInterface to the CRY cosmic-ray generator
 Cgeo::CryostatGeo::CryostatGeoCoordinatesTagTag for vectors in the "local" GDML coordinate frame of the cryostat
 Cgeo::CryostatIDThe data type to uniquely identify a cryostat
 Cctp::CTPHelperClass containing some utility functions for all things CVN
 Cctp::CTPResultClass containing some utility functions for all things CVN
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::custom_timescale_traits< typename, typename >
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::custom_timescale_traits< Cat >
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::custom_timescale_traits< WC::category_t >
 Ccvn::CVNImageUtilsClass containing some utility functions for all things CVN
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperBox< RangeRef >::DataBox
 Cart::detail::DataCollHelper< DATA >
 CDataCreatorBaseInterface of an object creating data to be tested on
 Clar::util::details::DataTracker< PWR, T, W >Class tracking sums of variables up to a specified power
 Clar::util::details::DataTracker< 1, Data_t >
 Clar::util::details::DataTracker< 2, Data_t, Weight_t >
 Clar::util::details::DataTracker< Degree *2, Data_t >
 Clar::util::details::DataTracker< Degree, Data_t >
 Clar_cluster3d::DBScanAlg_DUNE35tDBScanAlg_DUNE35t class definiton
 Clar_cluster3d::DBScanParamsUtility class for keeping track of the state of a hit for DBScan
 Cart::debugging_allocator< T >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::MemberAccessor::declval< Iter >().operator->())> > >
 Cgeo::DecomposedVector< ProjVector >
 Cgeo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >Class with methods to decompose and compose back vectors
 Cgeo::Decomposer< Direction_t, Position_t, Projection_t >
 Cgeo::Decomposer< geo::Vector_t, geo::Point_t, WidthDepthProjection_t >
 Cgeo::Decomposer< geo::Vector_t, geo::Point_t, WireCoordProjection_t >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Decrementer::DecrementerImpl< Iter, typename >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Decrementer::DecrementerImpl< Iter, std::enable_if_t< is_type_v< decltype(--(std::declval< Iter >()))> > >
 Ccet::default_clone< Element >
 Ccet::default_copy< Element >
 Cart::detail::default_invocation< T >
 Cart::detail::default_invocation< R(ARGS...)>
 Cart::detail::default_invocation< void(DETAIL &)>
 Cart::detail::default_invocation< void(PrincipalProcessor< DETAIL > const &, EventPrincipal const &)>
 Cart::detail::default_invocation< void(PrincipalProcessor< DETAIL > const &, RunPrincipal const &)>
 Cart::detail::default_invocation< void(PrincipalProcessor< DETAIL > const &, SubRunPrincipal const &)>
 Ctesting::DefaultSetupProviderClass< Prov >A default implementation for provider setup class
 CDefineManagerSingleton that manages the defines available while proprocessing files
 CDefinitionContext< T >
 CDefinitionContext< ClassContext::Private >
 CDefinitionContext< DirContext::Private >
 CDefinitionContext< FileContext::Private >
 CDefinitionContext< MemberContext::Private >
 CDefinitionContext< ModuleContext::Private >
 CDefinitionContext< NamespaceContext::Private >
 CDefinitionContext< PageContext::Private >
 CTemplateVariant::DelegateHelper class to create a delegate that can store a function/method call
 Clar_content::DeltaRayMatchingContainersDeltaRayMatchingContainers class
 Clar::util::details::dereference_class< T, CanDereference >Functor returning the dereferenced value of the argument
 Clar::util::details::dereference_class< T, true >
 Clar::util::details::dereferenced_type< T, CanDereference >Class holding the type dereferenced from an object of type T
 Clar::util::details::dereferenced_type< T, details::has_dereference_class< T >::value >
 Clar::util::details::dereferenced_type< T, true >
 Clar::util::detail::DereferenceIteratorBase< Iter, Value >Base class for dereferencing iterators
 Cutil::DereferencerFunctor dereferencing the operand
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Dereferencer::DereferencerImpl< Result, Iter, typename >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Dereferencer::DereferencerImpl< Result, Iter, std::enable_if_t< is_type_v< decltype(*(std::declval< Iter >()))> > >
 Cdetinfo::DetectorClocksClass used for the conversion of times between different formats and references
 Cdetinfo::DetectorClocksDataContains all timing reference information for the detector
 Cdetinfo::DetectorClocksWithUnitsA partial detinfo::DetectorClocksData supporting units
 Clar::util::details::DeterminantHelperBase< N >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Difference::DifferenceImpl< A, B, typename >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Difference::DifferenceImpl< A, B, std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< decltype(std::declval< A >()-std::declval< B >()), RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::difference_type >::value > >
 Cutil::details::DiffIterTagTag for internal use
 Clar_content::DiscreteProbabilityVector::DiscreteProbabilityDatumDiscreteProbabilityData class
 Clar_content::DiscreteProbabilityVectorDiscreteProbabilityVector class
 Cgenie::DISStructureFuncA class holding Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) Form Factors (invariant structure funstions)
 Cgenie::DMInteractionListGeneratorConcrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the DMEL EventGenerator
 Cart::detail::do_call_hasMoreData< T >
 Cart::detail::do_not_call_hasMoreData< T >
 CDocCmdMapperCommand mapper
 CDocVisitorAbstract visitor that participates in the visitor pattern
 Cart::DoMakePartner< T >
 Cart::DoNotMakePartner< T >
 Cart::DoNotSetPtr< T >
 Cart::DoSetPtr< T >
 CDoxygenThis class serves as a namespace for global variables used by doxygen
 CCRT::DQMPlotter< TFS >
 Cevd::DrawingPadBase class for event display drawing pads
 Cgar::evd::DrawingPadBase class for event display drawing pads
 Cgeo::DriftPartitionsSet of drift volumes
 Cgeo::DriftPartitions::DriftVolume_tData associated to a single drift volume
 Cdump::DumperBaseBase class for data dumpers
 Cdune_ana::DUNEAnaUtilsBaseDUNEAnaUtilsBase class containing some template functions
 Crecob::EdgeEdge is an object containing the results of a Principal Components Analysis of a group of space points
 Cdetinfo::ElecClockClass representing the time measured by an electronics clock
 Clar_content::OverlapMatrix< T >::ElementElement class
 Clar_content::OverlapTensor< T >::ElementElement class
 CElementMapper< T >
 CElementMapper< AnchorHandler >
 CElementMapper< ChildNodeHandler >
 CElementMapper< CodeLineHandler >
 CElementMapper< CompoundHandler >
 CElementMapper< CopyHandler >
 CElementMapper< DocHandler >
 CElementMapper< DocInternalHandler >
 CElementMapper< DocSectionHandler >
 CElementMapper< DotFileHandler >
 CElementMapper< EdgeLabelHandler >
 CElementMapper< EMailHandler >
 CElementMapper< EntryHandler >
 CElementMapper< FormulaHandler >
 CElementMapper< GraphHandler >
 CElementMapper< HighlightHandler >
 CElementMapper< HRulerHandler >
 CElementMapper< ImageHandler >
 CElementMapper< IncludeHandler >
 CElementMapper< IndexEntryHandler >
 CElementMapper< ItemizedListHandler >
 CElementMapper< LineBreakHandler >
 CElementMapper< LinkedTextHandler >
 CElementMapper< LinkHandler >
 CElementMapper< ListItemHandler >
 CElementMapper< ListOfAllMembersHandler >
 CElementMapper< MainHandler >
 CElementMapper< MarkupHandler >
 CElementMapper< MemberHandler >
 CElementMapper< NodeHandler >
 CElementMapper< OrderedListHandler >
 CElementMapper< ParagraphHandler >
 CElementMapper< ParameterHandler >
 CElementMapper< ParameterItemHandler >
 CElementMapper< ParameterListHandler >
 CElementMapper< ParamHandler >
 CElementMapper< ProgramListingHandler >
 CElementMapper< RefHandler >
 CElementMapper< RowHandler >
 CElementMapper< SectionHandler >
 CElementMapper< SimpleSectHandler >
 CElementMapper< SymbolHandler >
 CElementMapper< TableHandler >
 CElementMapper< TemplateParamListHandler >
 CElementMapper< TitleHandler >
 CElementMapper< TocItemHandler >
 CElementMapper< TocListHandler >
 CElementMapper< ULinkHandler >
 CElementMapper< VariableListEntryHandler >
 CElementMapper< VariableListHandler >
 CElementMapper< VerbatimHandler >
 Cgenie::ELFormFactorsA class holding the Elastic Form Factors Ge,Gm
 Cmf::ELslProxy< ELgen >
 CEmptyClass< typename >
 Cnnet::EmTrack< N >
 Cnnet::EmTrack< 2 >
 Cnnet::EmTrack< 3 >
 Cnnet::EmTrack< 4 >
 Cart::enable_if_function_exists_t< void(T::*)(std::vector< void const * > &), &T::getView >
 Cphot::details::enable_if_t< util::always_true_v< decltype( generic_size(std::declval< Cont >()) )> >
 Cphot::details::enable_if_t< util::always_true_v< decltype( std::declval< Cont const >().empty() )> >
 Cphot::details::enable_if_t< util::always_true_v< decltype( std::declval< Cont const >().is_valid() )> >
 Cphot::details::enable_if_t< util::always_true_v< decltype( std::declval< Cont const >().isValid() )> >
 Clar::details::enable_if_type_exists< T, R >
 Clar::util::GaussianFit< T >::EncodeExtractor< VPred, UPred >
 Clar::util::GaussianFit< T >::EncodeExtractor< Pred, void >
 Clar::sparse_vector< T >::const_iterator::special::end
 CElementMapper< T >::EndElementHandler
 Ccluster::EndPointAlgAlgorithm to find 2D end points
 Clar::deep_const_fwd_iterator_nested< ITER, INNERCONTEXTRACT >::EndPositionTag
 Cgar::rec::alg::EnergyCut< T >
 Cdune::NeutrinoEnergyRecoAlg::EnergyRecoInputHolderEnergyRecoInputHolder struct
 Clar::EnsureOnlyOneSchedule< T >
 Cart::detail::EnsurePointer< TO, FROM >
 Cart::detail::EnsurePointer< TO, PFROM * >
 Cart::detail::EnsurePointer< TO, Ptr< PTRVAL > >
 Cutil::EventChangeTracker_tDetects the presence of a new event
 Clar_content::TrainedVertexSelectionAlgorithm::EventFeatureInfoEvent feature info class
 CEventInfoFramework includes
 Cvoronoi2d::EventUtilitiesInternal class definitions to facilitate construction of diagram
 Cgenie::exceptions::EVGThreadExceptionAn exception thrown by EventRecordVisitorI when the normal processing sequence has to be disrupted (fast-fwd at the end or step-back)
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cart::ExecutionCounts< ARGS >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< Element >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::DelayedReader const >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::detail::ServiceCacheEntry const >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::Event const >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::Group const >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::HLTGlobalStatus >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::PrincipalBase const >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::ProductProvenance const >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::ProductTables const >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::RunPrincipal >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::RunPrincipal const >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::ServicesManager >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::SubRunPrincipal >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< art::Worker >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< base_engine_t >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< detail::art::detail::ModuleConfigInfo const >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< fhicl::detail::ParameterBase >
 Ccet::exempt_ptr< simb::MCParticle >
 Cfhicl::detail::no_defaults::expected_types< T >
 Cfhicl::detail::no_defaults::expected_types< std::string >
 CExprAstBase class for all nodes in the abstract syntax tree of an expression
 CExpressionParserRecursive decent parser for Django style template expressions
 CExpressionParser::ExprTokenClass representing a token within an expression
 Cgeo::ExptGeoHelperInterfaceInterface to a service with detector-specific geometry knowledge
 Cgar::geo::ExptGeoHelperInterfaceInterface to a service with detector-specific geometry knowledge
 Cutil::extract_to_tuple_type< SrcTuple, Extractor, TargetClass >Returns type TargetClass<U...> from a SrcTuple<T...>
 Cutil::details::extract_to_tuple_type_impl< TargetClass, Extractor, Tuple, I, N, T >Implementation for extract_to_tuple_type
 Cutil::details::extract_to_tuple_type_impl< TargetClass, Extractor, Tuple, N, N, T... >End-of-recursion specialization: packs all types already extracted into the target type
 Cutil::details::extract_to_tuple_type_impl_simple< SrcTuple, Extractor, TargetClass, I >
 Cutil::details::ExtractTensorDimension< RANK, DIM >
 Cutil::details::ExtractTensorDimension< RANK, 0U >
 Cgeo::details::GeoIDdataContainerIterator< GeoIDmapperClass, BaseIterator >::ExtraData_t
 CTestManagerClass< T >::FailureInfo_tData structure to document failure of a single action
 Clar::util::details::FastMatrixOperationsBase< T, DIM >Base class with common definitions for "fast" matrix operations
 Clar::util::details::FastMatrixOperationsBase< T, 2 >
 Clar::util::details::FastMatrixOperationsBase< T, 3 >
 Clar::util::details::FastMatrixOperationsBase< T, 4 >
 Cgenie::masterclass::FastSimCherenkovFast simulation of the response of a Cherenkov detector
 Cgenie::masterclass::FastSimScintCaloFast simulation of the response of a scintillator calorimeter
 Clar_content::SupportVectorMachine::FeatureInfoFeatureInfo class
 Canab::FeatureVector< N >
 Cgenie::FermiMomentumTableA table of Fermi momentum constants
 Cgenie::FermiMomentumTablePoolSingleton class to load & serve tables of Fermi momentum constants
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< T >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::OptionalAtom< T > >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::OptionalSequence< T, SZ > >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::OptionalTable< T > >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::OptionalTableAs< T, Config > >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::OptionalTuple< ARGS... > >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::OptionalTupleAs< T(ARGS...)> >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::Sequence< T, SZ > >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::Table< T, KeysToIgnore > >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::TableAs< T, Config > >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::Tuple< ARGS... > >
 Ctt::fhicl_type_impl< fhicl::TupleAs< T(ARGS...)> >
 Cgenie::geometry::FidShapeSome simple volumes that know how to calculate where a ray intercepts them
 Cart::detail::FileNamesHandler< wantFileServices >
 Cart::detail::FileNamesHandler< art::Source_wantFileServices< T >::value >
 Cart::detail::FileNamesHandler< false >
 Cart::detail::FileNamesHandler< true >
 CFilterAddThe implementation of the "add" filter
 CFilterAlphaIndexThe implementation of the "alphaIndex" filter
 CFilterAppendThe implementation of the "append" filter
 CFilterDefaultThe implementation of the "default" filter
 CFilterDivisibleByThe implementation of the "divisibleby" filter
 CFilterFlattenThe implementation of the "flatten" filter
 CFilterGetThe implementation of the "get" filter
 CFilterGroupByThe implementation of the "groupBy" filter
 CFilterLengthThe implementation of the "length" filter
 CFilterListThe implementation of the "list" filter
 CFilterListSortThe implementation of the "listsort" filter
 CFilterNoWrapThe implementation of the "default" filter
 CFilterPaginateThe implementation of the "paginate" filter
 CFilterPrependThe implementation of the "prepend" filter
 Cutil::details::FilterRangeForStruct< Range, Pred >
 CFilterRawThe implementation of the "raw" filter
 CFilterRelativeThe implementation of the "relative" filter
 CFilterStripPathThe implementation of the "default" filter
 CFilterTexIndexThe implementation of the "texindex" filter
 CFilterTexLabelThe implementation of the "texlabel" filter
 Cutil::details::find_type_impl< Index, Skip, T, Types >
 Cutil::details::find_type_impl< 0U, StartFrom, T, Types... >
 Clar::util::details::FindAllP< Source, Dest >Query object reading all the associations between two classes
 Clar::details::findFirstMatching_answer< Match, Target, IsMatch, Candidates >
 Clar::details::findFirstMatching_answer< Match, Target, Match< FirstCandidate, Target >::value, FirstCandidate, OtherCandidates... >
 Clar::details::findFirstMatching_answer< Match, Target, true >
 Clar::details::findFirstMatching_dispatcher< Match, Target, Candidates >
 Clar::details::findFirstMatching_dispatcher< Match, Target, Candidates... >
 Clar::FindManyInChainP< Target, Intermediate >Query object collecting a list of associated objects
 Clar::details::findNextMatching_impl< NSkip, Match, Target, Candidates >
 Clar::util::details::FitDataCollector< T, D >Class providing data collection for the simple polynomial fitters
 Cevgen::MarleyTimeGen::FitParametersStores parsed fit parameters from a single time bin and neutrino type in a "fit"-format spectrum file
 Clar_content::FitSegmentFitSegment class
 Cfhiclcpp_types::FixtureBase< Config >
 Cgenie::FKRSimple struct-like class holding the Feynmann-Kislinger-Ravndall (FKR) baryon excitation model parameters
 Cutil::flags::Flag_t< Storage >Type identifying a flag. Operations are implemented as free functions
 CCRT::FlatDirectory< DIRPTR >
 CFn_TestFn_Test class
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelper::FoldingParametersFoldingParameters class
 CCRT::OnlinePlotter< TFS >::ForeverPlots
 Cart::FragmentSemantic< L >
 Cgenie::FRHadronicSystemGeneratorGenerates the f/s hadronic system in diffractive interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface
 Clar::details::CollectionExtremes< BeginIter, EndIter >::FromContainerTag
 CFTextStreamSimplified and optimized version of QTextStream
 Cart::ProducerTable< UserConfig, ImplicitConfig, UserKeysToIgnore >::FullConfig< T, U >
 Cart::ToolConfigTable< UserConfig, UserKeysToIgnore >::FullConfig< T >
 Cart::detail::Analyzer::Table< UserConfig, UserKeysToIgnore >::FullConfig< T >
 Cart::FullSemantic< Level >
 Cgenie::SmithMonizUtils::Func1D< C >
 Chit::details::FuncSum< NFunc, Func, NFuncParams >A sum of NFunc base functions Func
 Chit::details::FuncSum< 0U, Func, NFuncParams >
 Canab::FVectorWrapperBaseHelper functions for MVAReader/Writer and FVecReader/Writer wrappers
 Chit::GausFitCacheA set of TF1 linear sum of base functions (Gaussians)
 Ccvn::GCNFeatureUtilsClass containing some utility functions for all things CVN
 Ccvn::GCNGraphGCNGraph, basic input for the GCN
 Ccvn::GCNParticleFlowGCNParticleFlow, a map of true particles to their parents
 Csim::GeneratedParticleInfoContains information about a generated particle
 Cgeoalgo::GeoAlgoAlgorithm to compute various geometrical relation among geometrical objects. In particular functions to inspect following relations are implemented:
0) Distance between geometrical objects
1) Closest point of approach
2) Intersection points
3) Containment/Overlap of objects
4) Common Origin functions
5) Bounding Sphere functions
 Cgeo::details::GeoContainerData< T >
 Cgeo::details::GeoContainerData< geo::ColdBoxChannelMapAlg::PlaneInfo_t >
 Cgeo::details::GeoContainerData< PlaneColl_t >
 Cgeo::details::GeoContainerData< readout::readout::ROPID >
 Cgeo::details::GeoContainerData< readout::TPCsetID >
 Cgeo::details::GeoContainerData< TPCColl_t >
 Cgeo::details::GeoContainerData< unsigned int >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< T, Mapper >Container with one element per geometry TPC
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< geo::ColdBoxChannelMapAlg::PlaneInfo_t, geo::PlaneIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< PlaneColl_t, readout::ROPIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< readout::readout::ROPID, geo::PlaneIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< readout::TPCsetID, geo::TPCIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< T, geo::PlaneIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< T, geo::TPCIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< T, readout::ROPIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< T, readout::TPCsetIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< TPCColl_t, readout::TPCsetIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< unsigned int, readout::TPCsetIDmapper<> >
 Cgeo::GeoIDmapper< IDType, Index >Class managing the mapping between geometry/readout ID and flat index
 Cgeo::GeoIDmapper< geo::PlaneID, Index >
 Cgeo::GeoIDmapper< geo::TPCID, Index >
 Cgeo::GeoIDmapper< readout::ROPID, Index >
 Cgeo::GeoIDmapper< readout::TPCsetID, Index >
 Cgenie::GeomAnalyzerIDefines the GENIE Geometry Analyzer Interface
 Ctrkf::Geometric3DVertexFitter3D vertex fitter based on the geometric properties (start position, direction, covariance) of the tracks
 Cboost::polygon::geometry_concept< dcel2d::Point >
 Cgeo::details::geometry_iterator_typesBase class for geometry iterators, containing some type definitions
 Cgar::geo::details::geometry_iterator_typesBase class for geometry iterators, containing some type definitions
 Cgeo::GeometryBuilderManages the extraction of LArSoft geometry information from ROOT
 Csumdata::GeometryConfigurationInfoDescription of the current configuration of detector geometry
 Cgar::sumdata::GeometryConfigurationInfoDescription of the current configuration of detector geometry
 Cgeo::GeometryCoreDescription of geometry of one entire detector
 Cgar::geo::GeometryCoreDescription of geometry of one entire detector
 Cgeo::GeometryData_tData in the geometry description
 Cgar::evd::GeometryDrawerAid in the rendering of Geometry objects
 Cgeo::GeometryTestAlgPerforms tests on the geometry as seen by Geometry service
 Cgar::geo::GeometryTestAlgPerforms tests on the geometry as seen by Geometry service
 Cgenie::geometry::GeomVolSelectorIGENIE Interface for user-defined volume selector functors
 Cgeo::GeoNodePathRepresentation of a node and its ancestry
 Cutil::details::get_elements_impl< Coll, First, Others >
 Cart::detail::get_helper< L, R, D >
 Cart::detail::GetProduct< COLLECTION >
 Cgenie::GEVGDriverGENIE Event Generation Driver. A minimalist user interface object for generating neutrino interactions. Each such object is configured for a given initial state and it drives all relevant GENIE neutrino interaction physics simulation code for that state. To set-up MC jobs involving a multitude of possible initial states, including arbitrarily complex neutrino flux and detector geometry descriptions, see the GMCJDriver object
 Cgenie::GEvGenMode_tEnumeration of GENIE event generation modes
 CGFAbsRecoHitProducerAbstract interface class for GFRecoHitProducer
 Cgenie::flux::GFlavorMixerFactoryA class for generating concrete GFlavorMixerI derived classes based on the factory pattern. This code supplies a CPP macro which allows the classes to self-register and thus no modification of this class is needed in order to expand the list of classes it knows about
 Cgenie::flux::GFlavorMixerIGENIE interface for flavor modification
 Cgenie::flux::GFluxDriverFactoryA class for generating concrete GFluxI derived classes based on the factory pattern. This code supplies a CPP macro which allows the classes to self-register and thus no modification of this class is needed in order to expand the list of classes it knows about
 Cgenie::flux::GFluxExposureIGENIE interface for uniform flux exposure iterface
 Cgenie::GFluxIGENIE Interface for user-defined flux classes
 Cgenf::GFRecoHitFactoryFactory object to create RecoHits from digitized and clustered data
 Cgenie::GHepFlagAn enumeration of event flags. Each represents a physical condition or a computational error. If any is set the event would be marked as unphysical
 Cgenie::GHepStatusGHepParticle Status
 Cgenie::GHepVirtualListFolderA singleton class to manage all named GHepVirtualLists
 Cgenie::GiBUURESFormFactorSingleton to load and serve data tables provided by the GiBUU group
 Cart::GlobalSignal< SignalResponseType, ResultType, Args >
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void()>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(art::Event const &, art::ScheduleContext)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(art::ModuleContext const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(art::ModuleDescription const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(art::PathContext const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(art::Run const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(art::RunID const &, art::Timestamp const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(art::ScheduleContext)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(art::SubRun const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(art::SubRunID const &, art::Timestamp const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(std::string const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void()>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::Event const &, art::ScheduleContext)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::EventPrincipal &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::InputSource *, std::vector< art::Worker * > const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::ModuleContext const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::ModuleDescription const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::OutputFileInfo const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::PathContext const &, art::HLTPathStatus const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::Run const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::RunPrincipal &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::SubRun const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(art::SubRunPrincipal &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(std::string const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::LIFO, void(std::string const &, art::HLTPathStatus const &)>
 Cart::GlobalSignal< SRTYPE, ResultType(Args...)>
 Cgenie::GMCJDriverA GENIE `MC Job Driver'. Can be used for setting up complicated event generation cases involving detailed flux descriptions and detector geometry descriptions
 Cgenie::GMCJMonitorSimple class to create & update MC job status files and env. vars. This is used to be able to keep track of an MC job status even when all output is suppressed or redirected to /dev/null
 Cgenie::GNuMcMainFrameGENIE Neutrino Masterclass app main frame
 Cevd::details::GridAxisClassManages a cell-like division of a coordinate
 Cutil::details::GridContainerBase< DATUM, IXMAN >Base class for a container of data arranged on a grid
 Cutil::details::GridContainerBase< PointIter, IXMAN >
 Cutil::details::GridContainerIndicesBase< DIMS >Index manager for a container of data arranged on a DIMS-dimension grid
 Cgenie::GRV89LOGRV98LO parton density functions (pdf). Concrete implementation of the PDFModelI interface
 CGSimFilesHolds GENIE simulation outputs (cross-section ROOT files, simulated event samples in GHEP, GST or other format) typically used as inputs in physics validation / tuning apps
 Cgenie::GVldContextValidity Context for an Event Generator
 Cgenie::LwlynSmithFFDeltaS::hIs a concrete implementation of the QELFormFactorsModelI: Form Factors for Quasi Elastic CC vN Delta S=1 scattering
 Cgenie::HadronTensorIAbstract interface for an object that computes the elements a hadron tensor $W^{\mu\nu}$. Also computes the contraction of the hadron tensor with the lepton tensor $L_{\mu\nu}W^{\mu\nu}$ for one or more kinds of projectile (e.g., neutrinos, electrons)
 Cgenie::TabulatedHadronTensorModelI::HadronTensorIDStruct used to provide a unique ID for each tensor object
 Cgeoalgo::HalfLineRepresentation of a 3D semi-infinite line. Defines a semi-infinite 3D line by having a start point (Point_t) and direction (Vector_t)
along which the line extends. It hides the start and direction attributes from users for
protecting the dimensionality
 Cart::Handle< T >
 Cgallery::Handle< T >
 Cart::Handle< larpandoraobj::PFParticleMetadata >
 Cart::Handle< recob::Cluster >
 Cart::Handle< recob::lar_pandora::Slice >
 Cart::Handle< recob::PCAxis >
 Cart::Handle< recob::PFParticle >
 Cart::Handle< recob::Shower >
 Cart::Handle< recob::SpacePoint >
 Cart::Handle< recob::Track >
 Cart::Handle< recob::Vertex >
 Cart::Handle< std::vector< raw::RawDigit > >
 Cart::Handle< std::vector< raw::RDTimeStamp > >
 Cart::Handle< std::vector< recob::Cluster > >
 Cart::Handle< std::vector< recob::Hit > >
 Cart::Handle< std::vector< recob::OpFlash > >
 Cart::Handle< std::vector< recob::OpHit > >
 Cart::Handle< std::vector< recob::Track > >
 Cart::Handle< std::vector< simb::MCTruth > >
 Cart::Handle< std::vector< T > >
 Cart::Handle< T >::HandleTag
 Cart::ValidHandle< T >::HandleTag
 Cgallery::Handle< T >::HandleTag
 Cgallery::ValidHandle< T >::HandleTag
 Ccet::_::has_clone< T >
 Clar::details::has_duplicate_types< Types >
 Cgar::details::has_duplicate_types< Types >
 Cutil::details::has_duplicate_types_unwrapper< Tuple >
 Cart::has_getView< T, typename >
 Cfhicl::has_insertion_operator_impl::has_insertion_operator< T >
 Cart::detail::has_three_arg_insert< T >
 Cart::detail::has_two_arg_insert< T >
 Clar::details::has_type< Target, Types >
 Clar::details::has_type< Target, Others... >
 Cgeo::vect::details::HasGetter< Vector >
 Clar::util::details::hash< T >Hash functions for art and larsoft objects
 Cart::Hash< I >
 Cstd::hash< art::ProductID >
 Cstd::hash< art::Ptr< T > >
 Cstd::hash< art::ScheduleID >
 Cart::Hash< ParentageType >
 Cart::Hash< ProcessHistoryType >
 Cstd::hash< std::tuple< TT... > >
 Cstd::hash< util::quantities::concepts::Interval< Q, Cat > >Hash function of a interval or point is delegated to its quantity
 Cstd::hash< util::quantities::concepts::Point< Q, Cat, IV > >
 Cstd::hash< util::quantities::concepts::Quantity< Args... > >Hash function of a quantity is delegated to its value
 Cdune::PennMicroSlice::HeaderHeader of ethernet packet
 Cgenie::HEDISStrcuFuncSingleton class to load Structure Functions used in HEDIS
 Cgar_content::HelixHelix class
 Crecob::Hit2D representation of charge deposited in the TDC/wire plane
 Clar_cluster3d::Hit2DSetCompareWhat follows are several highly useful typedefs which we want to expose to the outside world
 Crecob::HitAndAssociationsWriterBaseBase class handling a collection of hits and its associations
 Crecob::HitAndAssociationsWriterManager< Writer >A helper to centralise creation of a hit collection data product
 Crecob::HitAndAssociationsWriterManager< HitCollectionCreator >
 Clar_content::TrackClusterCreationAlgorithm::HitAssociationHitAssociation class
 Chit::CCHitFinderAlg::HitChannelInfo_tExchange data about the originating wire
 Crecob::HitCreatorClass managing the creation of a new recob::Hit object
 Ctrkf::HitStateClass for a measurement on a recob::tracking::Plane (plane defined by a wire and the drift direction)
 ChtmlEntityInfoStructure defining all HTML4 entities, doxygen extensions and doxygen commands representing special symbols
 CHtmlEntityMapperSingleton helper class to map html entities to other formats
 Clar_cluster3d::IClusterAlgIClusterAlg interface class definiton
 Clar_cluster3d::IClusterModAlgIClusterModAlg interface class definiton
 Clar_cluster3d::IClusterParametersBuilderClusterParamsBuilder class definiton
 CICompoundThe interface to a compound in the object model
 Cgeo::fhicl::IDConfig< IDtype >Type of ID configuration structure (requires specialization)
 Cgeo::fhicl::IDConfig< readout::CryostatID >
 Csim::IDEIonization at a point of the TPC sensitive volume
 Cutil::pre_std::identityTransparent functor that returns its argument just as passed
 Clar::Identity< T >Functor returning the object specified as argument
 Clar::util::identityA unary functor returning its own argument (any type)
 Cgeo::GeoIDdataContainer< T, Mapper >::IDextractorFunctor to extract an ID data member
 Cart::IDNumber< Level >
 Cart::IDNumber< Level::Event >
 Cart::IDNumber< Level::Run >
 Cart::IDNumber< Level::SubRun >
 Cgeo::fhicl::IDparameterTraits< IDparam >Traits for ID parameter objects
 Cgeo::fhicl::IDparameterTraits< geo::fhicl::IDparameter< ID > >
 Clar_cluster3d::IHit3DBuilderIHit3DBuilder interface class definiton
 Creco3d::IHitReaderIHitReader interface class definiton
 CIIncludeInclude relation
 CILinkedTextBase interface for hyperlinked text
 CILinkedTextIteratorIterates over a list of ILinkedText fragments
 Cfhicl::Table< T, KeysToIgnore >::Impl
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Incrementer::IncrementerImpl< Iter, typename >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Incrementer::IncrementerImpl< Iter, std::enable_if_t< is_type_v< decltype(++(std::declval< Iter >()))> > >
 Cdump::DumperBase::Indenter< Stream >Helper class to keep track of indenting
 Crecob::dumper::IndentOptions_tStructure collecting indentation options
 Cutil::details::index_of_type_helper< Extractor, Target, Tuple >
 Cgar::details::index_with_type< FindType, AmongTypes >Hosts the index of type FindType in the list of types AmongTypes
 Cgar::details::index_with_type_impl< Key, Types >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::IndexAccessor::IndexAccessorImpl< Result, Iter, typename >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::IndexAccessor::IndexAccessorImpl< Result, Iter, std::enable_if_t< is_type_v< decltype((std::declval< Iter >())[0])> > >
 Cproxy::details::IndexBasedIterator< Cont >Iterator to random access collection storing a current index
 CIndexIntfAbstract interface for index generators
 Cutil::details::infinite_endcount_iterator< T >Class used as end iterator (sentinel) for an infinite loop
 Clar::util::detail::DereferenceIteratorBase< Iter, Value >::initialize_tagTag used for initialization
 Clar_content::MvaTypes::InitializedDoubleInitializedDouble class used to define mva features
 Chit::details::CompiledGausFitCacheBaseStruct::InitializeFuncSumVector< NFunc, Func >A helper class initializing the function vector
 Chit::details::CompiledGausFitCacheBaseStruct::InitializeFuncSumVector< 0U, Func >
 Cevd::InputSeekerThis is obviously a hack, but it's modeled on what EventDisplayBase does
 Carttest::IntArray< N >
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::InteractionChainDataInformation about the chain of interactions leading to a neutrino
 CInteractionChainReweightingInterfaceThe interface for classes that reweight a chain of interactions, as needed for MIPP
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::InteractionDataThe information about a hadronic interaction needed to calculate weights
 Clar_content::LArInteractionTypeHelper::InteractionParametersInteraction parameters
 CInteractionReweightingInterfaceThis is the interface for classes that reweight interactions. The constructor for these classes should look like myInteractionReweighting(int iuniv,ParameterTable& cv_pars, ParameterTable& univ_pars);
 Cgenie::InteractionTypeEnumeration of interaction types: e/m, weak cc, weak nc
 Cgenie::Interpolator2DA 2D interpolator using the GSL spline type If GSL version is not sufficient, does an inefficient version using TGraph2D
 Cgeo::IntersectionPointAndOffsets< Point >Data structure for return values of LineClosestPointAndOffsets()
 Cgenie::IntranukeModeAn enumeration of intranuke modes
 Cgenie::exceptions::INukeExceptionAn exception thrown by SimulateHadronState for kinematics problems. TwoBodyCollision/Kinematics used a lot, has various failure modes. When failure occurs in HAIntranuke, rechoose the fate
 Cgenie::INukeHadroDataSingleton class to load & serve hadron x-section splines used by GENIE's version of the INTRANUKE cascade MC
 Cgenie::INukeHadroFatesAn enumeration of possible hadron "fates" taken into account by the INTRANUKE hadron transport MC
 CINukeNucleonCorrCorrection to free NN xsec in nuclear matter
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::invert_ratio< R >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::invert_ratio< std::ratio< Num, Den > >
 CIParamRepresentation of a parameter of a function
 Cphot::IPhotonLibraryInterface shared by all PhotonLibrary-like classes
 Cphot::IPhotonMappingTransformationsCollection of functions to transform photon mapping data
 Cart::detail::IPRHelper< ProdA, ProdB, Data, DATACOLL, EVENT >
 Cis_assn< N >
 Cis_assn< art::Assns< L, R, D > >
 Cboost::unit_test::is_forward_iterable< EventRange >
 CISectionThe interface to a section in the object model
 CIsfiniteTester< Vector, Dim >
 CIsfiniteTester< Vector, 2U >
 CIsfiniteTester< Vector, 3U >
 CIsfiniteTester< Vector, 4U >
 CIStringRead only interface to a string
 Cfhicl::detail::it_value_get< T, Enable >
 Cfhicl::detail::it_value_get< std::complex< U >, typename tt::disable_if< std::is_reference_v< std::complex< U > >|| std::is_pointer_v< std::complex< U > > >::type >
 Cfhicl::detail::it_value_get< intermediate_table::sequence_t & >
 Cfhicl::detail::it_value_get< intermediate_table::sequence_t >
 Cfhicl::detail::it_value_get< intermediate_table::sequence_t const & >
 Cfhicl::detail::it_value_get< intermediate_table::table_t & >
 Cfhicl::detail::it_value_get< intermediate_table::table_t >
 Cfhicl::detail::it_value_get< intermediate_table::table_t const & >
 Cfhicl::detail::it_value_get< T, typename tt::disable_if< std::is_reference_v< T >|| std::is_pointer_v< T > >::type >
 Cart::detail::ItemGetter< T, C >
 Cart::detail::ItemGetter< std::pair< cet::map_vector_key, T >, cet::map_vector< T > >
 Cart::detail::ItemGetter< T, cet::map_vector< T > >
 CSDict< T >::Iterator
 CSIntDict< T >::Iterator
 Cshims::map< Key, T, Compare, Allocator >::iterator_tuple
 Cutil::MappedContainer< Cont, Mapping >::IteratorBase< Container, Reference >
 Clar::util::detail::IteratorBox< BeginIter, EndIter >
 Cgar::geo::IteratorBox< Iter, BeginFunc, EndFunc >
 CSIntDict< T >::IteratorDict
 CSDict< T >::IteratorDict
 Clar::details::iteratorRange< BITER, EITER >Enclosure to use two iterators representing a range in a range-for loop
 CKalmanFilterFinalTrackFitterProducer for fitting Trajectories and TrackTrajectories using TrackKalmanFitter
 CKalmanFilterTrajectoryFitterProducer for fitting Trajectories and TrackTrajectories using TrackKalmanFitter
 Clar_cluster3d::kdTreeKdTree class definiton
 Clar_content::kdtree_type_adaptor< T >Kdtree_type_adaptor
 Clar_content::KDTreeBoxT< DIM >Box structure used to define 2D field. It's used in KDTree building step to divide the detector space (ECAL, HCAL...) and in searching step to create a bounding box around the demanded point (Track collision point, PS projection...)
 Clar_content::KDTreeLinkerAlgo< DATA, DIM >Class that implements the KDTree partition of 2D space and a closest point search algorithm
 Clar_content::KDTreeLinkerAlgo< const pandora::CaloHit *, 2 >
 Clar_cluster3d::kdTree::KdTreeNodeDefine a kd tree node
 Clar_content::KDTreeNodeInfoT< DATA, DIM >Data stored in each KDTree node. The dim1/dim2 fields are usually the duplication of some PFRecHit values (eta/phi or x/y). But in some situations, phi field is shifted by +-2.Pi
 Clar_content::KDTreeNodeInfoT< const pandora::CaloHit *, DIM >
 Clar_content::KDTreeNodeT< DATA, DIM >KDTree node
 Clar_content::KDTreeNodeT< const pandora::CaloHit *, DIM >
 Cutil::KeepByPositionFilterTagTag for filters
 Clarg4::KeepByPositionFilterTagTag for filters
 Cgar::garg4::KeepByPositionFilterTagTag for filters
 Clar_content::RPhiFeatureTool::KernelEstimateKernel estimate class
 Cart::key_traits< K >
 Cart::key_traits< std::pair< U, V > >
 Cart::key_traits< std::string >
 Cfhicl::KeysToIgnore< H, T >
 Ctrkf::KFTrackStateExtension of a TrackState to perform KalmanFilter calculations
 Ctrkf::KGMatrix< N >Kalman gain matrix, dimension 5xN
 Ctrkf::KHMatrix< N >Kalman H-matrix, dimension Nx5
 Cgenie::KinePhaseSpaceEnumeration of kinematical phase spaces
 Cgenie::KineVarEnumeration of kinematic variables
 Ctrkf::KMatrix< N, M >General matrix, dimension NxM
 Cgenie::mueloss::KokoulinPetrukhinIntegrandAuxiliary scalar function for the internal integration in Kokulin Petrukhin model
 Ctrkf::KSymMatrix< N >Symmetric matrix, dimension NxN
 Ctrkf::KSymMatrix< 5 >
 Ctrkf::KVector< N >Define a shortened alias for ublas namespace
 Ctrkf::KVector< 5 >
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraEvent::LabelsClass to handle the required producer labels
 Clar_content::LArClusterHelperLArClusterHelper class
 CLArContentLArContent class
 Clar_pandora::LArDaughterDriftVolumeDaughter drift volume class to hold properties of daughter drift volumes
 Clar_pandora::LArDetectorGapDrift volume class to hold properties of drift volume
 Clar_content::LArDiscreteProbabilityHelperLArDiscreteProbabilityHelper class
 CLArDLContentLArDLContent class
 Clar_dl_content::LArDLHelperLArDLHelper class
 Clar_pandora::LArDriftVolumeDrift volume class to hold properties of drift volume
 Clar_content::LArFileHelperLArFileHelper class
 Clar_content::LArFormattingHelperLArFormattingHelper class
 Clar_content::LArGeometryHelperLArGeometryHelper class
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelperLArHierarchyHelper class
 Clar_content::LArHitWidthHelperLArHitWidthHelper class
 Clar_content::LArInteractionTypeHelperLArInteractionTypeHelper class
 Clar_content::LArMCParticleHelperLArMCParticleHelper class
 Clar_content::LArMonitoringHelperLArMonitoringHelper class
 Clar_content::LArMuonLeadingHelperLArMuonLeadingHelper class
 Clar_content::LArMvaHelperLArMvaHelper class
 Clar_content::LArObjectHelperLArObjectHelper class
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraDetectorTypeEmpty interface to map pandora to specifics in the LArSoft geometry
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraEventLArPandoraEvent class
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraGeometryLArPandoraGeometry class
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraHelperLArPandoraHelper class
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraInputLArPandoraInput class
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraSliceIdHelperHelper class for slice id tools
 Clar_content::LArParticleIdPluginsLArParticleIdPlugins class
 Clar_content::LArPcaHelperLArPcaHelper class
 Clar_content::LArPfoHelperLArPfoHelper class
 Clar_content::LArPointingClusterLArPointingCluster class
 Clar_content::LArPointingClusterHelperLArPointingClusterHelper class
 Clar_content::LArShowerPCALArShowerPCA class
 Clar_content::LArStitchingHelperLArStitchingHelper class
 Clar_content::MasterAlgorithm::LArTPCHitListLArTPCHitList class
 Clar_content::TransverseAssociationAlgorithm::LArTransverseClusterLArTransverseCluster class
 Clar_content::LArVertexHelperLArVertexHelper class
 Clar_content::LayerFitContributionLayerFitContribution class
 Clar_content::LayerFitResultClass LayerFitResult
 Clar_content::LayerInterpolationLayerInterpolation class
 CLayoutDocEntryBase class representing a piece of a documentation page
 CLayoutDocManagerSingleton providing access to the (user configurable) layout of the documentation
 CLayoutNavEntryBase class for the layout of a navigation item at the top of the HTML pages
 Cutil::LazyVector< T, A >A contiguous data container expanded on write
 Cutil::LazyVector< float >
 Cutil::LazyVector< std::vector< float > >
 Cutil::LazyVector< TF1 >
 Cless< T >
 Cstd::less< art::InputTag >
 Cstd::less< gar::sdp::BeamGateInfo * >
 Cstd::less< geoalgo::Vector * >
 Cstd::less< lariov::ChData * >
 Cstd::less< optdata::ChannelData * >
 Cstd::less< optdata::FIFOChannel * >
 Cstd::less< optdata::OpticalRawDigit * >
 Cstd::less< optdata::PMTTrigger * >
 Cstd::less< raw::OpDetWaveform * >
 Cstd::less< sim::BeamGateInfo * >
 Cstd::less< sim::LArVoxelID * >
 Cstd::less< sim::MCEnDep * >
 Cstd::less< sim::MCHit * >
 Cstd::less< sim::MCHitCollection * >
 Cstd::less< sim::MCWire * >
 Cstd::less< sim::MCWireCollection * >
 Cstd::less< simb::MCParticle * >
 Cstd::less< util::Range< T > * >
 Cphot::details::LibraryDataValidatorStructStandardImpl_pointer_branch< T >
 Cphot::details::LibraryDataValidatorStructStandardImpl_pointer_branch< T * >
 Cphot::details::LibraryDataValidatorStructStandardImpl_pointer_branch< T[N]>
 Cphot::details::LibraryDataValidatorStructStandardImpl_size< Cont, typename >
 Cphot::details::LibraryDataValidatorStructStandardImpl_size< Cont >
 Cphot::details::LibraryDataValidatorStructStandardImpl_size< T * >
 Cphot::details::LibraryDataValidatorStructStandardImpl_unique_ptr < Cont, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< Cont > > >
 Cgeoalgo::LineRepresentation of a 3D infinite line. Defines an infinite 3D line by having 2 points which completely determine the line along which the line extends. It hides the point attributes from users for
protecting the dimensionality
 Cgeoalgo::LineSegmentRepresentation of a simple 3D line segment Defines a finite 3D straight line by having the start and end position (Point_t).
 Cstd::list< T >STL class
 Cart::LocalSignal< SignalResponseType, ResultType, Args >
 Cart::LocalSignal< STYPE, ResultType(Args...)>
 Cgeo::LocalTransformation< StoredMatrix >Class to transform between world and local coordinates
 Cgar::geo::LocalTransformation< StoredMatrix >Class to transform between world and local coordinates
 Cgeo::LocalTransformation< geo::TransformationMatrix >
 Cgeo::LocalTransformation< ROOT::Math::Transform3D >
 Cutil::details::lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl_final< T >
 Cutil::details::lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl_final< T & >
 Cutil::details::lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl_wrapper< T, typename >
 Cutil::details::lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl_wrapper < T, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< T > > >
 Cutil::details::lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl_wrapper< T >
 Cproxy::details::MainCollectionProxy< MainColl >Wrapper for the main collection of a proxy
 Cutil::details::make_collection_reference_impl< Coll, typename >
 Cutil::details::make_collection_reference_impl < Coll, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< Coll > > >
 Cutil::details::make_collection_reference_impl < Coll, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< Coll > > >
 Cutil::details::make_collection_reference_impl < Ptr, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< std::decay_t< Ptr > > > >
 Cutil::details::make_collection_reference_impl< std::remove_reference_t< Coll > >
 Clar::util::details::make_pointer_class< T, CanDereference >Functor returning the pointer to a value in the argument
 Clar::util::details::make_pointer_class< T, true >
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< fhicl::tag::ass, Modifiers >
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< fhicl::tag::bin, Modifiers >
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< fhicl::tag::binding, Modifiers >
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< fhicl::tag::dbid, Modifiers >
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< fhicl::tag::dss, Modifiers >
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< fhicl::tag::hex, Modifiers >
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< fhicl::tag::real, Modifiers >
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< fhicl::tag::uint, Modifiers >
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< shims::tag::catchall, Modifiers >
 Ctesting::StopWatch< DefaultUnit, Clock >::makeDurationTrait< typename >Trait whose type member is a std::chrono::duration type
 Ctesting::StopWatch< DefaultUnit, Clock >::makeDurationTrait< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Duration > >
 Ctesting::StopWatch< DefaultUnit, Clock >::makeDurationTrait< std::ratio< Num, Den > >
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::MakeReweightA class to make the reweight event by event
 Cstd::map< K, T >STL class
 Cshims::map< Key, T, Compare, Allocator >
 CCRT::map< VALUE, KEY >
 Cutil::details::map_values_impl< Map, NElement >
 Cutil::details::map_values_impl< std::map< Key, Value, Args... > >
 Cutil::details::map_values_impl< std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Args... > >
 Ccet::map_vector< Value >
 CDataMap::MapEntry< T >
 CDataMap::MapEntry< std::vector< T > >
 Cutil::MappedContainerBaseNon-template base class for MappedContainer
 Cshims::map< Key, T, Compare, Allocator >::maps_tuple
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelper::MatchInfoMatcheInfo class
 Clar_pandora::PFParticleValidation::MatchingDetailsMatchingDetails class
 Cevgen::LightSource::MaterialPointFilterFilters a point according to the material at that point
 Clarg4::MaterialPropertyLoaderStores material properties and sends them to GEANT4 geometry
 Cart::detail::maybe_beginJob< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(),&DETAIL::beginJob > >
 Ctt::maybe_const< T, C >
 Ctt::maybe_const< T, const_flavor::require_const >
 Cart::detail::maybe_endJob< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(),&DETAIL::endJob > >
 Cart::detail::maybe_postProcessEvent< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(), &DETAIL::postProcessEvent > >
 Cart::detail::maybe_postProcessRun< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(), &DETAIL::postProcessRun > >
 Cart::detail::maybe_postProcessSubRun< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(), &DETAIL::postProcessSubRun > >
 Cart::detail::maybe_preProcessEvent< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(), &DETAIL::preProcessEvent > >
 Cart::detail::maybe_preProcessRun< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(),&DETAIL::preProcessRun > >
 Cart::detail::maybe_preProcessSubRun< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(), &DETAIL::preProcessSubRun > >
 Cart::detail::maybe_processEventPrincipal< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(Provenance const &), &DETAIL::processEventProvenance > >
 Cart::detail::maybe_processRunPrincipal< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(Provenance const &), &DETAIL::processRunProvenance > >
 Cart::detail::maybe_processSubRunPrincipal< DETAIL, enable_if_function_exists_t< void(DETAIL::*)(Provenance const &), &DETAIL::processSubRunProvenance > >
 Cfhicl::detail::yes_defaults::maybe_quotes< T >
 Cfhicl::detail::yes_defaults::maybe_quotes< std::string >
 Ccet::maybe_ref< T >
 CCRT::ChannelView::MaybeDeleter< T >
 Cart::MaybeGetView< cet::map_vector< T > >
 Cart::MaybeGetView< std::deque< T, A > >
 Cart::MaybeGetView< std::list< T, A > >
 Cart::MaybeGetView< std::set< T, A > >
 Cart::MaybeGetView< std::vector< T, A > >
 Cart::MaybeGetView< T, std::enable_if_t< has_getView< T >::value > >
 Cart::MaybeIncrementCounts< Level, T >
 Cart::MaybeIncrementCounts< Level::Event, T >
 Cmf::MaybeLogger_< SEV, VERBATIM >
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelper::MCHierarchyMCHierarchy class
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelper::MCMatchesMCMatches class
 Csimb::MCNeutrinoEvent generator information
 Crecob::MCSFitResultClass storing the result of the Maximum Likelihood fit of Multiple Coulomb Scattering angles between segments within a Track or Trajectory
 Ccheat::ParticleInventory::MCTObjectsA simple struct to contain the MC Truth information
 Csimb::MCTruthEvent generator information
 Cgenie::masterclass::MCTruthDisplayDisplay MC truth info
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::MemberAccessor::MemberAccessorImpl< Result, Iter, typename >
 Cgeo::vect::details::MemberFuncClassType< T >
 Cgeo::vect::details::MemberFuncClassType< Func Class::* >
 Cgeo::vect::details::MemberFuncReturnType< T >
 Clar::details::bulk_allocator::BulkAllocatorBase< T >::MemoryChunk_tInternal memory chunk; like a std::vector, but does not construct
 Cgenie::MessengerA more convenient interface to the log4cpp Message Service
 Cart::detail::MetadataCollectorFor< S >
 Cart::detail::MetadataSummaryFor< S >
 Cgeo::vect::MiddlePointAccumulatorDim< N >Helper class to compute the middle point in a point set
 Clar::util::MinMaxCollector< T >Keeps track of the minimum and maximum value we observed
 Clar::util::MinMaxCollector< float >
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::MIPPNumiMCA class to manage the MC value for MIPP NuMI
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::MIPPNumiYieldsBinsA class to manage the bin definitions for MIPP Numi Yields
 Cart::detail::mix_offset< C >
 Cart::detail::mix_offset< cet::map_vector< P > >
 Cart::MixFilterTable< T >
 Clar_content::ThreeDKinkBaseTool::ModificationModification class
 Clar_content::TwoViewThreeDKinkTool::ModificationModification class
 CCRT::DQMPlotter< TFS >::ModulePlots< DIRECTORY >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< T >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< EDAnalyzer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< EDFilter >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< EDProducer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< OutputModule >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< ReplicatedAnalyzer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< ReplicatedFilter >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< ReplicatedOutputModule >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< ReplicatedProducer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< SharedAnalyzer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< SharedFilter >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< SharedOutputModule >
 Cart::detail::ModuleThreadingTypeDeducer< SharedProducer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< T >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< EDAnalyzer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< EDFilter >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< EDProducer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< OutputModule >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< ReplicatedAnalyzer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< ReplicatedFilter >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< ReplicatedOutputModule >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< ReplicatedProducer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< SharedAnalyzer >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< SharedFilter >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< SharedOutputModule >
 Cart::detail::ModuleTypeDeducer< SharedProducer >
 Ctesting::details::MovableClassWrapperBaseA base class with a virtual table
 Cutil::details::MoveFromPointersImpl< Coll, PtrColl >
 Cutil::details::MoveFromPointersImpl< std::vector< Data >, PtrColl >
 Cgenie::mueloss::MuELMaterialEnumeration of materials for which the MuELoss package knows how to calculate muon energy losses
 Cgenie::MuELossICross Section Calculation Interface
 Cgenie::mueloss::MuELProcessEnumeration of muon energy loss processes
 CMultiPandoraApiMultiPandoraApi class
 CMultiPandoraApiImplMultiPandoraApiImpl class
 Cutil::MultipleChoiceSelectionBaseBase class of util::MultipleChoiceSelection with basics independent of the option type
 Cutil::details::MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices >Class representing one of the available options to be selected
 Ccluster::details::MultiValueClass holding a value of one among some selected types..
 Ccet::detail::must_have_id< K, V, const >
 Canab::MVADescription< N >
 Clar_content::MvaInterfaceMvaInterface class
 Clar_content::MvaTypesMvaTypes class
 Canab::MVAWrapperBaseHelper functions for MVAReader and MVAWriter wrappers
 CMyPtr< T >
 CMyServiceTemplate< Provider >
 Cmy::MyTuple< Data >
 CMyUIntTemplate_t< int, typename >
 CMyULongTemplate_t< long, typename >
 Ccet::name_of< T >
 Ccet::name_of< bool >
 Ccet::name_of< char >
 Ccet::name_of< double >
 Ccet::name_of< float >
 Ccet::name_of< int >
 Ccet::name_of< long >
 Ccet::name_of< long double >
 Ccet::name_of< long long >
 Ccet::name_of< short >
 Ccet::name_of< signed char >
 Ccet::name_of< std::istream >
 Ccet::name_of< std::nullptr_t >
 Ccet::name_of< std::ostream >
 Ccet::name_of< std::string >
 Ccet::name_of< T & >
 Ccet::name_of< T * >
 Ccet::name_of< T const >
 Ccet::name_of< T const volatile >
 Ccet::name_of< T volatile >
 Ccet::name_of< T[N]>
 Ccet::name_of< unsigned char >
 Ccet::name_of< unsigned int >
 Ccet::name_of< unsigned long >
 Ccet::name_of< unsigned long long >
 Ccet::name_of< unsigned short >
 Ccet::name_of< void >
 Ctesting::NameSelector::NameResponse_tA data structure containing how to react to a name
 Ctesting::NameSelectorManages a set of names
 Cgenie::NaturalIsotopesSingleton class to load & serve tables of natural occurring isotopes
 Cdune::NeutrinoEnergyRecoAlgNeutrinoEnergyRecoAlg class
 Cgenie::utils::neutron_oscUtilities for simulating neutron oscillation
 Cgenie::NeutronOscPrimaryVtxGeneratorUtilities for simulating neutron oscillation
 Crecob::dumper::NewLine< Stream >Starts a new line in a output stream
 Cgenie::utils::nhlUtilities for simulating the decay of Neutral Heavy Leptons
 Cgenie::NHLDecayModeEnumeration of NHL decay modes
 Cgenie::exceptions::NievesQELExceptionAn exception thrown by NievesQELCCPXSec for kinematics problems. When failure occurs, set xsec = 0
 Cgenie::utils::gsl::wrap::NievesQELIntegrandAuxiliary scalar function for integration over the nuclear density when calculaing the Coulomb correction in the Nieves QEL xsec model
 Cgenie::NNBarOscModeEnumeration of neutron oscillation annihilation modes
 Cgar::rec::alg::NNDistance< HitClass, PosType >
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelper::MCHierarchy::NodeNode class
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelper::RecoHierarchy::NodeNode class
 Clar_content::AdaBoostDecisionTree::NodeNode class used for representing a decision tree
 CCRT::detail::Node< void, ID >
 Clar::util::details::node_of< Assns >
 Clar::util::details::node_of< art::Assns< L, R, D > >
 Clar::util::details::node_of< art::Assns< L, R, void > >
 Cgenie::NtpMCFormatEncapsulates an enumeration of possible GENIE output TTree formats
 Cgenie::NtpMCJobConfigStores the GENIE configuration in ROOT TFolders along with the output event tree
 Cgenie::NtpMCJobEnvStores a snapshot of your environment in ROOT TFolder along with the output event tree
 Cgenie::NtpWriterA utility class to facilitate creating the GENIE MC Ntuple from the output GENIE GHEP event records
 Ccet::sqlite::Ntuple< Args >
 Ccet::sqlite::Ntuple< string, double, string >
 Ccet::sqlite::Ntuple< string, string, string, double, double >
 Ccet::sqlite::Ntuple< string, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, double, double >
 Ccet::sqlite::Ntuple< string, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, string, string, string, double, double >
 Ccet::sqlite::Ntuple< uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, double >
 Ccet::sqlite::Ntuple< uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, string, double >
 Ccet::sqlite::Ntuple< uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, string, string, string, double >
 Cgenie::NuclearModelEncapsulates an enumeration of nuclear model types
 Cgenie::utils::nucleon_decayUtilities for simulating nucleon decay
 Cgenie::NucleonDecayModeEnumeration of nucleon decay modes
 CNeutrinoFluxAuxiliar::NuWeightGet the weight to get the neutrino probability flux in one point
 Clar_content::NViewMatchingControlNViewMatchingControl class
 CObjCacheCache for objects
 Csim::OnePhotonAll information of a photon entering the sensitive optical detector volume
 Cproxy::details::OneTo01Data< Main, Aux, Metadata, Tag >Object for one-to-zero/or/one associated data interface
 Cproxy::OneTo01DataProxyMakerBase< Main, Aux, Metadata, AuxTag >Creates an one-to-(zero-or-one) wrapper for the specified types
 Cproxy::OneTo01DataProxyMakerBase< Main, Aux, Metadata, Tag >
 Cproxy::details::OneTo01DataProxyMakerWrapper< Aux, Metadata, AuxTag >
 CCRT::OnlinePlotter< TFS >
 CCRT::OnlinePlotter< std::shared_ptr< CRT::FlatDirectory > >
 Csim::OpDetBacktrackerRecordEnergy deposited on a readout Optical Detector by simulated tracks
 COperatorClass representing operators that can appear in template expressions
 Clar::debug::CallInfoPrinter::optSet of options for printing
 Cgar::debug::CallInfoPrinter::optSet of options for printing
 Cgeo::OpticalLocalCoordinateSystemTagThe tag defining the optical detector local reference frame
 Clar::OptionalHexFloatHelper for formatting floats in base 16
 Clar::details::OptionalHexFloatFormatter< T >
 Ctrkmkr::OptionalOutputsStruct holding optional TrackMaker outputs
 Ctrkmkr::OptionalPointElementStruct holding point-by-point elements used in OptionalOutputs
 Cfhicl::OptionalTableAs< T, Config >
 Cfhicl::OptionalTupleAs< T, ARGS >
 Cfhicl::OptionalTupleAs< T(ARGS...)>
 Ctesting::BasicTesterEnvironment< ConfigurationClass >::Options_tTest environment options
 COurClass< Coll >
 Clar_content::OverlapMatrix< T >OverlapMatrix class
 Clar_content::OverlapMatrix< TwoViewDeltaRayOverlapResult >
 Clar_content::OverlapMatrix< TwoViewTransverseOverlapResult >
 Clar_content::OverlapTensor< T >OverlapTensor class
 Clar_content::OverlapTensor< DeltaRayOverlapResult >
 Clar_content::OverlapTensor< float >
 Clar_content::OverlapTensor< FragmentOverlapResult >
 Clar_content::OverlapTensor< LongitudinalOverlapResult >
 Clar_content::OverlapTensor< ShowerOverlapResult >
 Clar_content::OverlapTensor< TransverseOverlapResult >
 COverload_TestA short description
 Clar::PairSecond< T >
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraEventDump::PandoraDataClass holding the handle for all of the data types from Pandora
 Cproxy::details::ParallelData< AuxColl, Aux, Tag >Object to draft parallel data interface
 Cproxy::details::ParallelData< AuxProxyColl, Aux, Tag >
 Cproxy::ParallelDataProxyMakerBase< Main, AuxColl, Aux, AuxTag >Creates an parallel data wrapper for the specified types
 Cproxy::ParallelDataProxyMakerBase< Main, AuxColl, Aux, Tag >
 Cproxy::details::ParallelDataProxyMakerWrapper< Aux, AuxTag, AuxColl >
 Cproxy::details::ParallelDataProxyMakerWrapper< Aux, AuxTag, void >
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::ParameterTableA list/table of parameter names and values
 Cfhicl::detail::ParameterWalker< C >
 Cfhicl::detail::ParameterWalker< tt::const_flavor::require_const >
 Cfhicl::detail::ParameterWalker< tt::const_flavor::require_non_const >
 CParserInterfaceAbstract interface for programming language parsers
 CParserManagerManages programming language parsers
 Clar_content::OvershootTracksTool::ParticleParticle class
 Clar_content::UndershootTracksTool::ParticleParticle class
 Clar_content::CosmicRayBaseMatchingAlgorithm::ParticleParticle class
 Clar_content::CosmicRayTrackRecoveryAlgorithm::ParticleParticle class
 Clar_content::DeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm::ParticleParticle class
 Clar_content::VertexBasedPfoRecoveryAlgorithm::ParticleParticle class
 Clar_content::MissingTrackSegmentTool::ParticleParticle class
 Clar_content::TrackSplittingTool::ParticleParticle class
 Clar_content::TwoViewThreeDKinkTool::ParticleParticle class
 Ccheat::ParticleInventory::ParticleInventoryConfigFHICL Validation Object This struct is used for loading the fhicl configuration
 CParticlesThroughVolumesThe information about the distance (multiplied by the density) of the particles passed by a volume
 Cgeo::part::PartitionDataDescriber< Data >Class providing custom dump for data contained in the partition
 Cgeo::part::PartitionDataDescriber< geo::TPCGeo >Describes a geo::TPCGeo object for Partition::describe()
 Cgeo::part::details::PartitionSorterByAreaRangeLower< Range >Ordering class to sort partition by specified range (lower boundary)
 Cgenie::geometry::PathSegmentListObject to be filled with the neutrino path-segments representing geometry volume steps (generally boundary-to-boundary) along with geometry materials. Good for a single starting position and travelling along the direction of the neutrino 4-momentum
 Cdune::PennMicroSlice::Payload_CounterCounter payload description
 Cdune::PennMicroSlice::Payload_HeaderFrame header : Common header to everything except warning words
 Cdune::PennMicroSlice::Payload_TriggerTrigger description
 Cgenie::PDFA class to store PDFs
 Cgenie::PDF_tA struct to hold PDF set data
 Cgenie::PDGLibrarySingleton class to load & serve a TDatabasePDG
 Cdune::PdspHDFFileReaderThe PdspHDFFileReader is a class which implements the methods needed by art::Source
 Cfhicl::detail::per_entry< SIZE, TUPLE >
 Cfhicl::detail::per_entry< 0, TUPLE >
 Cfhicl::detail::per_thread_holder< T >
 CCRT::OnlinePlotter< TFS >::PerRunPlots
 Cart::PerScheduleContainer< T >
 Cart::PerScheduleContainer< art::EventSelector::ScheduleData >
 Cart::PerScheduleContainer< art::PathsInfo >
 Cart::PerScheduleContainer< art::RandomNumberGenerator::ScheduleData >
 Cart::PerScheduleContainer< std::shared_ptr< art::ModuleBase > >
 Cart::PerScheduleContainer< std::unique_ptr< art::EventPrincipal > >
 Cgenie::mueloss::PetrukhinShestakovIntegrandAuxiliary scalar function for the internal integration in Petrukhin Shestakov model
 Clar_content::StitchingCosmicRayMergingTool::PfoAssociationPfoAssociation class
 Clar_content::VertexBasedPfoMopUpAlgorithm::PfoAssociationPfoAssociation class
 Clar_content::NeutrinoHierarchyAlgorithm::PfoInfoPfoInfo class
 Clar_content::RecursivePfoMopUpAlgorithm::PfoMergeStatsPfoMergeStats class: Object to compare PFO before/after merging algs have run to see if anything changed
 Crecob::PFParticleHierarchical representation of particle flow
 Clarpandoraobj::PFParticleMetadataMetadata associated to PFParticles
 Csim::PhotonVoxelRepresentation of a single small volume (voxel)
 Csim::PhotonVoxelDefRepresentation of a region of space diced into voxels
 Ccvn::PixelMapPixelMap, basic input to CVN neural net
 Ccvn::PixelMapProducerProducer algorithm for PixelMap, input to CVN neural net
 Ccvn::PixelMapSimProducerProducer algorithm for PixelMap, input to CVN neural net
 Ccvn::PixelMapWireProducerProducer algorithm for PixelMap, input to CVN neural net
 Crecob::tracking::PlaneClass defining a plane for tracking. It provides various functionalities to convert track parameters and covariance matrices from global to local coordinates
 Clar_content::BdtBeamParticleIdTool::PlanePlane class
 Clar_content::BeamParticleIdTool::PlanePlane class
 Cgeo::PlaneBase< Vector >A base for a plane in space
 Cgeo::PlaneBase< Direction_t >
 Cgeo::PlaneBase< geo::Vector_t >
 Cgeo::ChannelMap35Alg::PlaneData_tAll data we need for each APA
 Cgeo::ChannelMap35OptAlg::PlaneData_tAll data we need for each APA
 Cgeo::ChannelMapAPAAlg::PlaneData_tAll data we need for each APA
 Cgeo::DuneApaChannelMapAlg::PlaneData_tAll data we need for each APA
 Cgeo::PlaneDecomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >Class with methods for projection of vectors on a plane
 Cgeo::PlaneDecomposer< Direction_t, Position_t, Projection_t >
 Cgeo::PlaneDecomposer< geo::Vector_t, geo::Point_t, WidthDepthProjection_t >
 Cgeo::PlaneDecomposer< geo::Vector_t, geo::Point_t, WireCoordProjection_t >
 Cgeo::PlaneGeoGeometry information for a single wire plane.The plane is represented in the geometry by a solid which contains wires. Currently, only box solids are well supported. The box which is representation of the plane has some thickness, and it should not be assumed that the wires are in the median section of it, that is, the center of the box may not lie on the plane defined by the wires
 Cgeo::PlaneGeo::PlaneGeoCoordinatesTagTag for vectors in the "local" GDML coordinate frame of the plane
 Cgeo::ColdBoxChannelMapAlg::PlaneInfo_tCollection of information on one plane
 Ccet::PluginTypeDeducer< T >
 Ccet::PluginTypeDeducer< art::EmptyEventTimestampPlugin >
 Ccet::PluginTypeDeducer< art::FileCatalogMetadataPlugin >
 Ccet::PluginTypeDeducer< art::ResultsProducer >
 Ccet::PluginTypeDeducer< cettest::TestPluginBase >
 Ccet::PluginTypeDeducer< mf::service::ELdestination >
 Clar::util::simple_geo::Point2D< Data >2D point (x, y) (by default, with double precision)
 Clar::util::simple_geo::Point3D< Data >3D point (x, y, z) (by default, with double precision)
 Cboost::polygon::point_traits< dcel2d::Point >
 Crecob::PointChargeCharge reconstructed in the active volume
 Cdetails::PointerToData_t< T >
 Cutil::details::PointerVectorMaker< Coll, typename >
 Cutil::details::PointerVectorMaker < Coll, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< typename Coll::value_type > > >
 CINukeOsetTable::PointHandlerHandle table's index and weights for given density and energy
 Clar::example::PointIsolationAlg< Coord >Algorithm to detect isolated space points
 Clar::example::details::PointTraits_t< Point >
 Clar::PolymorphicClassA simple polymorphic class, providing a virtual table
 Clar::example::PositionExtractor< Point >Helper extractor for point coordinates
 Clar::example::PositionExtractor< recob::SpacePoint >Specialization of PositionExtractor for recob::SpacePoint
 Clar::example::details::PositionExtractorFromArray< Cont, Data >Base for PositionExtractor on random-access containers
 Clar::example::details::PositionExtractorFromArray< std::array< T, 3U >, T >
 Clar::example::details::PositionExtractorFromArray< std::vector< T >, T >
 Clar::example::details::PositionExtractorFromArray< T *, T >
 Ccet::detail::pow< N, T, unsigned >
 Ccet::detail::pow< 0u, T, 0u >
 Ccet::detail::pow< 1u, T, 1u >
 Ccet::detail::pow< 2u, T, 0u >
 Ccet::detail::pow< N, T, 0u >
 Ccet::detail::pow< N, T, 1u >
 Ccet::detail::pow< N/2u, T >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::Prefix< R >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::Prefix< prefixes::exbi >Prefix for 2^60
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::Prefix< prefixes::gibi >Prefix for 1073741824 (2^30)
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::Prefix< prefixes::kibi >Prefix for 1024 (2^10)
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::Prefix< prefixes::mebi >Prefix for 1048576 (2^20)
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::Prefix< prefixes::pebi >Prefix for 2^50
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::Prefix< prefixes::tebi >Prefix for 2^40
 Cart::prevent_recursion< T >
 Cart::prevent_recursion< Sampled< T > >
 Clar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::PrimaryParametersPrimaryParameters class
 Clar_cluster3d::PrincipalComponentsAlgCluster3D class
 Cart::detail::PrincipalProcessor< DETAIL >
 Cfhicl::PrinterForTypes< Args >
 CTemplateEngine::PrivatePrivate data of the template engine
 CTemplateStruct::PrivatePrivate data of a template struct object
 CTemplateList::PrivatePrivate data of a template list object
 Carttest::ProdTypeA< T >
 Carttest::ProdTypeB< T >
 Cart::ProductToken< T >
 Cart::ProductToken< std::vector< sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecord > >
 Cart::detail::ProductTypeIDs< T >
 Cart::detail::ProductTypeIDs< Assns< L, R, D > >
 Cart::detail::ProductTypeIDs< Assns< L, R, void > >
 Ccet::propagate_const< T >
 CPropertyMapper< T >::PropertyFuncIntf
 CPropertyMapper< T >Helper class to map a property name to a handler member function
 CPropertyMapper< ArgumentContext::ArgumentContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< ClassContext::ClassContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< ClassHierarchyContext::ClassHierarchyContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< ClassIndexContext::ClassIndexContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< ClassMembersIndexContext::ClassMembersIndexContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< ClassTreeContext::ClassTreeContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< DirContext::DirContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< DoxygenContext::DoxygenContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< ExampleTreeContext::ExampleTreeContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< FileContext::FileContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< FileTreeContext::FileTreeContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< GlobalsIndexContext::GlobalsIndexContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< IncludeInfoContext::IncludeInfoContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< InheritanceGraphContext::InheritanceGraphContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< InheritanceNodeContext::InheritanceNodeContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< InheritedMemberInfoContext::InheritedMemberInfoContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< MemberContext::MemberContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< MemberGroupInfoContext::MemberGroupInfoContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< MemberInfoContext::MemberInfoContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< MemberListInfoContext::MemberListInfoContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< ModuleContext::ModuleContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< ModuleTreeContext::ModuleTreeContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< NamespaceContext::NamespaceContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< NamespaceMembersIndexContext::NamespaceMembersIndexContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< NamespaceTreeContext::NamespaceTreeContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< NavPathElemContext::NavPathElemContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< NestingNodeContext::NestingNodeContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< PageContext::PageContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< PageTreeContext::PageTreeContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< SearchIndexContext::SearchIndexContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< SymbolContext::SymbolContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< SymbolGroupContext::SymbolGroupContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< SymbolIndexContext::SymbolIndexContext::Private >
 CPropertyMapper< TranslateContext::TranslateContext::Private >
 Clar_content::ThreeDHitCreationAlgorithm::ProtoHitProto hits are temporary constructs to be used during iterative 3D hit procedure
 Cart::ProvenanceDumperConfig< DETAIL, Enable >
 Cart::ProvenanceDumperConfig< DETAIL, std::void_t< typename DETAIL::Config > >
 Cart::detail::ProvenanceDumperImpl< DETAIL >
 Csvc::ProviderCA service provider class
 Ctesting::ProviderListContainer of service providers accessed by type and optional label
 Clar::ProviderPack< Providers >Container for a list of pointers to providers
 Cgar::ProviderPack< Providers >Container for a list of pointers to providers
 Clar::details::ProviderPackComparer< APack, BPack, Providers >
 Clar::details::ProviderPackComparerBase< APack, BPack >
 Clar::details::ProviderPackExtractor< Services >
 Clar::details::ProviderPackExtractor< First, Others... >
 Clar::details::ProviderPackExtractor< Service >
 Ctesting::details::ProviderPackFiller< TestEnv, Pack, Provs >
 Ctesting::details::ProviderPackFiller< TestEnv, Pack >
 Ctesting::details::ProviderPackFiller< TestEnv, Pack, Prov, Others... >Helper to fill a provider pack: main specialisation
 Ctesting::ProviderSetupClass< detinfo::DetectorClocksStandard >Set up a detinfo::DetectorClocksStandard from a parameter set
 Ctesting::ProviderSetupClass< detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard >Set up a detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard from a parameter set
 Ctesting::ProviderSetupClass< detinfo::LArPropertiesStandard >Set up a detinfo::LArPropertiesStandard from a parameter set
 Cproxy::ProxyAsAuxProxyMakerBase< Main, AuxProxy, AuxTag >Creates a proxy wrapper for merging into another proxy ("main")
 Cproxy::ProxyAsAuxProxyMakerBase< Main, AuxProxy, Tag >
 Cart::Ptr< T >
 Cart::Ptr< double >
 Cart::Ptr< gar::rec::CaloHit >
 Cart::Ptr< gar::rec::Track >
 Cart::Ptr< L >
 Cart::Ptr< R >
 Cart::Ptr< raw::ExternalTrigger >
 Cart::Ptr< raw::RawDigit >
 Cart::Ptr< rec::CaloHit >
 Cart::Ptr< rec::Hit >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::Cluster >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::Hit >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::OpFlash >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::OpHit >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::PFParticle >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::Shower >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::SpacePoint >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::Track >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::Vertex >
 Cart::Ptr< recob::Wire >
 Cart::Ptr< sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecord >
 Cart::Ptr< sim::OpDetDivRec >
 Cart::Ptr< sim::SimChannel >
 Cart::Ptr< simb::MCParticle >
 Cart::Ptr< simb::MCTruth >
 Cptr_to_T< T >
 Cart::PtrMaker< T >
 Cart::PtrMaker< recob::Edge >
 Cart::PtrMaker< recob::recob::Hit >
 Cart::PtrMaker< recob::recob::PointCharge >
 Cart::PtrMaker< recob::recob::SpacePoint >
 Cart::PtrMaker< recob::SpacePoint >
 Cpyexample.PyClassDocumentation for a class
 CQCharLight-weight Unicode character
 CQCharRefHelper class for QString
 CQCollectionBase class of all Qt collections
 CQDataStreamSerialization of binary data to a QIODevice
 CQDateDate functions
 CQDateTimeDate and time functions
 CQDirTraverses directory structures and contents in a platform-independent way
 Cgenie::QELFormFactorsA class holding Quasi Elastic (QEL) Form Factors
 CQFileInfoSystem-independent file information
 CQGArrayInternal class for implementing the QArray class
 CQGCacheIteratorAn internal class for implementing QCacheIterator and QIntCacheIterator
 CQGDictIteratorAn internal class for implementing QDictIterator and QIntDictIterator
 CQGListIteratorInternal class for implementing QListIterator
 CQIODeviceBase class of I/O devices
 CQLNodeInternal class for the QList template collection
 CQMap< Key, T >
 CQMap< QString, HighlightHandler::HighlightKind >
 CQMap< QString, IChildNode::NodeRelation >
 CQMap< QString, QString >
 CQMap< QString, QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::ExternEntity >
 CQMap< QString, QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::ExternParameterEntity >
 CQMap< QString, SimpleSectHandler::Types >
 CQMapConstIterator< K, T >
 CQMapIterator< K, T >
 CQRegExpPattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards
 CQSharedThe QShared struct is internally used for implementing shared classes
 CQStringAbstraction of Unicode text and the classic C null-terminated char array (char*)
 CQTextCodecProvides conversion between text encodings
 CQTextDecoderState-based decoder
 CQTextEncoderState-based encoder
 CQTextOStreamIterator< T >
 CQTextStreamBasic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice
 CQTimeClock time functions
 CQTstyle_TestA test class
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelper::QualityCutsQualityCuts class
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::Quantity< Unit, T >A value measured in the specified unit
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::quantity_value_type_impl< T, typename >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::quantity_value_type_impl< T >
 Ccet::sqlite::query_result< Args >
 CQValueList< T >
 CQValueList< QCString >
 CQValueList< QMap< QString, QString > >
 CQValueList< QString >
 CQValueList< TemplateVariant >
 CQValueListConstIterator< T >
 CQValueListIterator< T >
 CQValueListNode< T >
 CQValueListNode< QCString >
 CQValueListNode< QMap< QString, QString > >
 CQValueListNode< QString >
 CQValueListNode< TemplateVariant >
 Cgenie::QvalueShfiterThis class is responsible to compute a relative shift to a Qvalue
 CQXmlAttributesXML attributes
 CQXmlContentHandlerInterface to report logical content of XML data
 CQXmlDeclHandlerInterface to report declaration content of XML data
 CQXmlDTDHandlerInterface to report DTD content of XML data
 CQXmlEntityResolverInterface to resolve extern entities contained in XML data
 CQXmlErrorHandlerInterface to report errors in XML data
 CQXmlInputSourceSource where XML data is read from
 CQXmlLexicalHandlerInterface to report lexical content of XML data
 CQXmlLocatorXML handler classes with information about the actual parsing position
 CQXmlNamespaceSupportHelper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support
 CQXmlParseExceptionUsed to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface
 CQXmlReaderInterface for XML readers (i.e. parsers)
 Cgenie::RandomGenA singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should take place through this class. Ensures that the random number generator seed is set consistently to all GENIE modules and that all modules use the preferred rndm number generator
 Clar::util::simple_geo::Range< Data >Definition of a range along one dimension
 Cutil::Range< T >"Range" w/ notion of ordering. A range is defined by a pair of "start" and "end" values. This is stored in std::pair
attribute util::Range::_window. This attribute is protected so that the start/end cannot
be changed w/o a check that start is always less than end. Note the specialization
requires a template class T to have less operator implemented.
 Cgenie::Range1D_tA simple [min,max] interval for doubles
 Cgenie::Range1F_tA simple [min,max] interval for floats
 Cgenie::Range1I_tA simple [min,max] interval for integers
 Clar::util::simple_geo::Range< Data_t >
 Clar::util::simple_geo::Range< double >
 Clar::range_t< SIZE >A range (interval) of integers
 Clar::range_t< size_type >
 Cart::RangedFragmentSemantic< Level >
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperBox< RangeRef >Class offering begin/end iterators of the same type out of a range of iterators of different types
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >
 Cutil::RangeForWrapperTagTag marking the use of RangeForWrapperBox
 Cutil::details::RangeForWrapperTraits< RangeRef >Class defining types and traits for RangeForWrapperBox
 Cgeo::part::details::RangeLowerBoundExtractor< Range >Class extracting the lower bound of the specified range of an area
 Clar::details::RangeTraits< Range >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::ratio_simplifier< R >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::ratio_simplifier< std::ratio< Num, Den > >
 Cgar::evd::RawDataDrawerAid in the rendering of RawData objects
 Cevd::RawDataDrawerAid in the rendering of RawData objects
 Craw::RawDigitCollection of charge vs time digitized from a single readout channel
 Cgar::raw::RawDigitCollection of charge vs time digitized from a single readout channel
 Cevd::details::RawDigitCacheDataClassCached set of RawDigitInfo_t
 Cevd::details::RawDigitInfo_tInformation about a RawDigit; may contain uncompressed duplicate of data
 Cgar::evd::RawDrawingOptionsDisplay parameters for the raw data
 Cgeo::ColdBoxChannelMapAlg::ReadoutMappingInfo_tCollected information about TPC sets and readout planes in the geometry
 CReal2dData< F >
 CReal2dData< float >
 CReal2dDftData< F >
 Clar::util::RealComparisons< RealType >Provides simple real number checks
 Clar::util::RealComparisons< geo::Length_t >
 CRealDftData< F >
 Cart::debugging_allocator< T >::rebind< U >
 Clar::BulkAllocator< T >::rebind< U >
 Cevd::RecoBaseDrawerAid in the rendering of RecoBase objects
 Cgar::evd::RecoBaseDrawerAid in the rendering of RecoBase objects
 Creco::RecobClusterParametersA utility class used in construction of 3D clusters
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelper::RecoHierarchyRecoHierarchy class
 Clar_content::LArHierarchyHelper::MCHierarchy::ReconstructabilityCriteriaReconstructabilityCriteria class
 Cgenie::evtlib::RecordLoaderHelper for SimpleRecordList and OnDemandRecordList
 Clar::util::simple_geo::Rectangle< Data >Definition of a rectangle from dimension ranges
 Clar::util::simple_geo::Rectangle< double >
 CRefCountedContextHelper class to support reference counting
 Cutil::reference_addresserFunctor applying the proper referenced_address() function
 Clar::details::bulk_allocator::ReferenceCounterA simple reference counter, keep track of a number of users
 Cutil::details::referenced_address_impl< T, typename >
 Cutil::details::referenced_address_impl < T, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< T > > >
 Cgenie::RefFrameAn enumeration of reference frames
 Ccnn::RegCNNImageUtilsClass containing some utility functions for all things RegCNN
 Ccnn::RegCNNNumuHandlerWrapper for caffe::Net which handles construction and prediction
 Ccnn::RegCNNResultRegCNNResult, basic output of CNN neural net
 Ccnn::RegCNNVtxHandlerRegCNNVtxHandler, basic output of CNN neural net
 Cgenie::RegistryA registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters
 Ccet::registry< K, V >
 Ccet::registry_via_id< K, V >
 Cgenie::RegistryItemIRegistry item pABC
 Cgenie::RegistryItemTypeDefDefinition of Registry item types
 Cgenie::RegistryItemTypeIdAn enumeration of Registry item types
 Ccnn::RegPixelMapRegPixelMap, basic input to CNN neural net
 Ccnn::RegPixelMap3DRegPixelMap3D, input to 3D CNN neural net
 Ccnn::RegPixelMap3DProducerProducer algorithm for RegPixelMap3D, input to CVN neural net
 Ccnn::RegPixelMapProducerProducer algorithm for RegPixelMap, input to CVN neural net
 Cgeo::details::RelIDtypeStruct< ID, UpIndex >
 Cgeo::details::RelIDtypeStruct< ID, 0U >
 Cutil::remove_tag< Tagged >Trait holding the type contained in a TaggedType (or the type itself)
 Cutil::remove_tag< TaggedType< T, Tag > >
 CResourceCompiled resource
 CResourceMgrSingleton for managing resources compiled into an executable
 Cart::detail::respondToXXX_function< T, >
 Ccvn::ResultResult, basic output of CVN neural net
 CResults_tStructure to hold enough information to computed the expected results
 Ctt::return_type_impl< T >
 Ctt::return_type_impl< fhicl::Atom< T > >
 Ctt::return_type_impl< fhicl::Sequence< T, SZ > >
 Ctt::return_type_impl< fhicl::Table< S, KeysToIgnore > >
 Ctt::return_type_impl< fhicl::TableAs< T, Config > >
 Ctt::return_type_impl< fhicl::Tuple< ARGS... > >
 Ctt::return_type_impl< fhicl::TupleAs< T(ARGS...)> >
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::ReweightDriverA class to manage and drive the weight calculation procedure
 Cevgb::RNGWrapper< T >
 Cgeo::ROOTGeometryNavigatorExecutes an operation on all the nodes of the ROOT geometry
 Cgeo::ROOTGeoNodeForwardIteratorIterator to navigate through all the nodes
 Cgar::geo::ROOTGeoNodeForwardIteratorIterator to navigate through all the nodes
 Cutil::RootGraphicsEnablingServiceTrojan service to inject initialization code
 Cdune::ROOTTreeCode< T >Contains ROOTTreeCode<>::code, ROOT tree character for branch of type T
 Cdune::ROOTTreeCode< Double_t >
 Cdune::ROOTTreeCode< Int_t >
 Cdune::ROOTTreeCode< Short_t >
 Cgenie::RSHelicityAmplA class holding the Rein-Sehgal's helicity amplitudes
 CRStarAcceptAny< Node, Leaf >
 CRStarAcceptEnclosing< Node, Leaf >
 CRStarAcceptOverlapping< Node, Leaf >
 CRStarBoundedItem< dimensions >
 CRStarBoundingBox< dimensions >
 CRStarRemoveLeaf< Leaf >
 CRStarRemoveSpecificLeaf< Leaf >
 CRStarTree< LeafType, dimensions, min_child_items, max_child_items >Implementation of an RTree with an R* index
 CRStarTree< int, 2, 32, 64 >
 Cgenie::RunningThreadInfoKeep info on the event generation thread currently on charge. This is used so that event generation modules invoked by the thread can see the "bigger picture" and access the cross section model for the thread, look-up info for modules that run before or are scheduled to run after etc
 Cgenie::RunOptSome common run-time GENIE options
 Cart::detail::safe_input_tag< ProdA, ProdB, Data >
 Clar::SameAsDataTagType for default tag in FindManyInChainP constructors
 Cutil::details::SameIterTagTag for internal use
 Cart::Sampled< T >
 Cart::SampledInfo< T >
 CscalarFromTree< T >
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::ScaledUnit< U, R >
 Cgenie::ScatteringTypeEnumeration of scattering types
 CScopedPtr< T >Scoped smart pointer
 CScopedPtr< DotCallGraph >
 CScopedPtr< DotClassGraph >
 CScopedPtr< DotDirDeps >
 CScopedPtr< DotGfxHierarchyTable >
 CScopedPtr< DotGroupCollaboration >
 CScopedPtr< DotInclDepGraph >
 CScopedPtr< TemplateVariant >
 CSDict< T >
 CSDict< ClassDef >
 CSDict< Definition >
 CSDict< DirDef >
 CSDict< DirRelation >
 CSDict< DocSets::NodeDef >
 CSDict< DotFilePatcher >
 CSDict< Example >
 CSDict< FilePair >
 CSDict< GenericsCollection >
 CSDict< GroupDef >
 CSDict< IndexField >
 CSDict< MemberDef >
 CSDict< MemberList >
 CSDict< MemberName >
 CSDict< MemberNameInfo >
 CSDict< NamespaceDef >
 CSDict< PageDef >
 CSDict< QCString >
 CSDict< RefItem >
 CSDict< SearchDefinitionList >
 CSDict< SearchDocEntry >
 CSDict< SectionInfo >
 CSDict< UseEntry >
 CSDict< void >
 Clar_cluster3d::SeedFinderAlgBaseSeedFinderAlgBase class
 Clar_content::MissingTrackSegmentTool::SegmentOverlapSegmentOverlap class
 Cutil::self_type< T >Trait returning the very same type as in the template argument
 Crecob::Cluster::SentryArgument_tType of sentry argument
 Cart::ServiceHandle< T, SCOPE >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< AdcCompressService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< AdcDistortionService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< AdcSuppressService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< art::CatalogInterface >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< art::FileTransfer >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< art::TFileService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< art::TFileService const >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< ChannelNoiseService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< cheat::BackTrackerService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< cheat::BackTrackerService const >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< cheat::cheat::BackTrackerService const >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< cheat::cheat::ParticleInventoryService const >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< cheat::ParticleInventoryService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< cheat::ParticleInventoryService const >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< cheat::PhotonBackTrackerService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< dune::PdspChannelMapService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< geo::GeometryGAr >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< HardwareMapperService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< ifbeam_ns::IFBeam >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< ifdh_ns::IFDH >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< opdet::OpDigiProperties >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< PedestalAdditionService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< sim::LArG4Parameters const >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< SimChannelExtractService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< util::CrpGainService >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< util::LArFFT >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< util::SignalShapingServiceDUNE >
 Cart::ServiceHandle< util::SignalShapingServiceDUNEDPhase >
 CServiceHandleBase< Service >
 CServiceHandleBase< MyOtherService >
 CServiceHandleBase< MyService >
 CServiceHandleBase< YetAnotherService >
 Cart::detail::ServiceHelper< SERVICE >
 Cart::detail::ServiceHelper< MyOtherService >
 Cart::detail::ServiceHelper< MyService >
 Cart::detail::ServiceHelper< YetAnotherService >
 Cgar::ServiceProviderInterfaceWrapper< PROVIDER >Service returning a provider interface
 Clar::ServiceProviderInterfaceWrapper< PROVIDER >Service returning a provider interface
 Clar::details::ServiceProviderRequirementsChecker< PROVIDER >Compiles only if PROVIDER class satisfied service provider requirements
 Cgar::details::ServiceProviderRequirementsChecker< PROVIDER >Compiles only if PROVIDER class satisfied service provider requirements
 Cgar::details::ServiceProviderRequirementsChecker< provider_type >
 Clar::details::ServiceProviderRequirementsChecker< provider_type >
 Clar::details::ServiceRequirementsChecker< SERVICE >
 Cgar::details::ServiceRequirementsChecker< SERVICE >
 Cstd::set< K >STL class
 Clar::details::SetFrom< DestPack, SourcePack, ExtractProviders >Implementation detail for the extraction constructor
 Cgar::details::SetFrom< DestPack, SourcePack, ExtractProviders >Implementation detail for the extraction constructor
 Clar::details::SetFrom< DestPack, SourcePack >
 Clar::details::SetFrom< DestPack, SourcePack, FirstProvider, OtherProviders... >
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraInput::SettingsSettings class
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraOutput::SettingsSettings class
 Clarg4::LArVoxelReadout::Setup_tCollection of what it takes to set a LArVoxelReadout up
 Clarg4::LArVoxelReadoutGeometry::Setup_tCollection of all it takes to set up this object
 Ctesting::details::MovableClassWrapper< T >::share_t
 CSharedPtr< T >Reference counting smart pointer
 CSharedPtr< AllMembersListContext >
 CSharedPtr< ArgumentListContext >
 CSharedPtr< ClassContext >
 CSharedPtr< DirContext >
 CSharedPtr< FileContext >
 CSharedPtr< IncludeInfoContext >
 CSharedPtr< IncludeInfoListContext >
 CSharedPtr< InheritanceListContext >
 CSharedPtr< InheritedMemberInfoListContext >
 CSharedPtr< MemberContext >
 CSharedPtr< MemberGroupListContext >
 CSharedPtr< MemberListContext >
 CSharedPtr< MemberListInfoContext >
 CSharedPtr< ModuleContext >
 CSharedPtr< NamespaceContext >
 CSharedPtr< NestingContext >
 CSharedPtr< PageContext >
 CSharedPtr< SymbolGroupListContext >
 CSharedPtr< SymbolIndicesContext >
 CSharedPtr< SymbolListContext >
 CSharedPtr< TemplateList >
 CSharedPtr< TemplateStruct >
 CSharedPtr< UsedFilesContext >
 Clar_content::VertexSelectionBaseAlgorithm::ShowerClusterShower cluster class
 Clar_content::ShowerOverlapResultShowerOverlapResult class
 Creco::shower::ShowerUniqueProductPtr< T >
 Csim::SimChannelEnergy deposited on a readout channel by simulated tracks
 Csim::SimEnergyDepositEnergy deposition in the active material
 Csim::SimPhotonsLiteCompact representation of photons on a channel
 Clar_content::SimpleConeSimpleCone class
 Ctesting::SimpleEnvironmentSetupClass< Prov, TestEnv >Environment helper to set up a service provider
 Ctesting::SimpleEnvironmentSetupClass < detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard, TestEnv >Environment setup helper for DetectorPropertiesStandard
 Ctesting::SimpleEnvironmentSetupClass < lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID, TestEnv >Environment setup helper for ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID
 Ctesting::SimpleEnvironmentSetupClass < lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale, TestEnv >Environment setup helper for ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale
 Ctesting::SimpleEnvironmentSetupClass< detinfo::DetectorClocksStandard, TestEnv >Environment setup helper for DetectorClocksStandard
 Ctesting::SimpleEnvironmentSetupClass< detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard, TestEnv >Environment setup helper for DetectorPropertiesStandard
 Ctesting::SimpleEnvironmentSetupClass< detinfo::LArPropertiesStandard, TestEnv >Environment setup helper for LArPropertiesStandard
 Clar::util::details::SimpleFitterInterface< T, N >Simple fitter abstract interface
 Clar::util::details::SimpleFitterInterface< T, 3 >
 Clar::util::details::SimpleFitterInterface< T, D+1 >
 Clar_pandora::PFParticleValidation::SimpleMatchedPfoSimpleMatchedPfo class
 Clar_pandora::PFParticleValidation::SimpleMCPrimarySimpleMCPrimary class
 Clar_content::ParticleRecoveryAlgorithm::SimpleOverlapTensorSimpleOverlapTensor class
 Clar::util::details::SimplePolyFitterDataBase< T, D >Base class providing data collection for the simple polynomial fitters
 Clar::SimpleServiceProviderWrapper< PROVIDER >Service returning a provider
 Cgar::SimpleServiceProviderWrapper< PROVIDER >Service returning a provider
 CSIntDict< T >
 CSIntDict< MemberGroup >
 CSIntDict< SearchIndexList >
 CSIntDict< uint >
 Clar_cluster3d::SkeletonAlgCluster3D class
 Clar_content::SlicingAlgorithm::SliceSlice class
 Clar_pandora::SliceSlice class
 Clar_content::BdtBeamParticleIdTool::SliceFeatureParametersSliceFeatureParameters class
 Clar_content::BdtBeamParticleIdTool::SliceFeaturesSlice features class
 Clar_content::NeutrinoIdTool< T >::SliceFeaturesSlice features class
 Clar_pandora::SliceIdBaseToolAbstract base class for a slice ID tool
 Clar_pandora::LArPandoraSliceIdHelper::SliceMetadataClass to hold MC metdata about slices
 Cdune::SlidingAverage< T >
 Clar_content::VertexSelectionBaseAlgorithm::SlidingFitDataSliding fit data class
 Cutil::flags::details::SmallestUIntType< NBits >
 Clariov::Snapshot< T >
 Clariov::Snapshot< lariov::ChannelStatus >
 Clariov::Snapshot< lariov::DetPedestal >
 Clariov::Snapshot< lariov::ElectronicsCalib >
 Clariov::Snapshot< lariov::PmtGain >
 CSomeNiceClassPretty nice class
 Clar_cluster3d::SeedFinderAlgBase::Sort3DHitsByAbsArcLen3DDefine a comparator which will sort hits by the absolute value of arc length so hits are ordered closed to PCA origin to furthest
 Clar_cluster3d::SeedFinderAlgBase::Sort3DHitsByArcLen3DDefine a comparator which will sort hits by arc length along a PCA axis
 Clar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::SortByDistanceAlongLineSortByDistanceAlongLine class
 Clar_content::LArHitWidthHelper::ConstituentHit::SortByDistanceToPointSortByDistanceToPoint class
 Clar_content::LArHitWidthHelper::SortByHigherXExtremaSortByHigherExtrema class
 CSorterByKey< Key, ExtractKey, Comparer >
 Cutil::details::SorterFrom< Comparer >
 Cart::Source_generator< DETAIL >
 Cart::Source_generator< dune::PdspHDFFileReader >Specialize an art source trait to tell art that we don't care about source.fileNames and don't want the files services to be used
 Cart::Source_wantFileServices< DETAIL >
 Cart::detail::maybe_has_Parameters< T, std::void_t< typename T::Parameters > >::Config::SourceConfig
 Cart::SourceTable< T >
 Clar::example::SpacePartition< PointIter >A container of points sorted in cells
 Clar::example::SpacePointIsolationAlgAlgorithm to detect isolated space points
 Crecob::dumper::SpacePointPrintOptions_tCollection of available printing style options
 Ctriton_span::Span< T >
 Ctriton_span::Span< ShapeType::const_iterator >
 Cutil::span_baseNon-templated base class for span
 Clar::sparse_vector< T >A sparse vector
 Clar::sparse_vector< Data_t >
 Clar::sparse_vector< float >
 Clar::sparse_vector< T >::const_iterator::specialNamespace for special initialization
 CSpehereRepresentation of a 3D sphere Defines a 3D Sphere having an center (Point_t) and a radius (double)
 Cgenie::SppChannelEnumeration of single pion production channels
 Ccaf::SRGArND-GAr reconstruction output
 Ccaf::SRNDLArND-LAr reconstruction output
 Ccaf::SRVector3DA 3-vector with more efficient storage than TVector3
 Ccaf::StandardRecordThe StandardRecord is the primary top-level object in the Common Analysis File trees
 CElementMapper< T >::StartElementHandler
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTickImpl< TickPoint, TimeTickScale >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTickImpl< detinfo::timescales::optical_tick, detinfo::timescales::electronics_tick_d >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTickImpl< detinfo::timescales::TPCelectronics_tick_d, detinfo::timescales::electronics_tick_d >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTickImpl< TickPoint, TickPoint >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTimeImpl< TimePoint, TimeScale, typename >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTimeImpl< detinfo::timescales::electronics_time, TimeScale, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< TimeScale, detinfo::timescales::electronics_time > > >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTimeImpl< TimePoint, TimeScale, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< TimePoint, detinfo::timescales::electronics_time > && !std::is_same_v< TimeScale, detinfo::timescales::electronics_time > && !std::is_same_v< TimeScale, TimePoint > > >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTimeImpl< detinfo::timescales::optical_time, detinfo::timescales::electronics_time >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTimeImpl< detinfo::timescales::simulation_time, detinfo::timescales::electronics_time >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTimeImpl< detinfo::timescales::TPCelectronics_time, detinfo::timescales::electronics_time >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTimeImpl< detinfo::timescales::trigger_time, detinfo::timescales::electronics_time >
 Cdetinfo::details::StartTimeImpl< TimePoint, TimePoint >
 Clar::debug::static_assert_on< T, Enable >
 Clar::debug::static_assert_on< T, false >
 Clar::debug::static_assert_on< value_type, std::is_const_v< std::remove_reference_t< Coll > > >
 Cproxy::details::StaticAsserts< Obj >
 Cgar::detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard::SternheimerParameters_tParameters for Sternheimer density effect corrections
 Cspdp::DetectorPropertiesProtoDUNEsp::SternheimerParameters_tParameters for Sternheimer density effect corrections
 Cdetinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard::SternheimerParameters_tParameters for Sternheimer density effect corrections
 Ctesting::StopWatch< DefaultUnit, Clock >Provides time interval measurements
 CStorageIntfAbstract interface for file based memory storage operations
 CCatch::StringMaker< Hexable< T > >
 Cutil::details::strip_referenceness_type_impl_wrapref< T, typename >
 Cutil::details::strip_referenceness_type_impl_wrapref< T >
 CCRT::ValidationPlotter< TFS >::StripPlots
 Clar_content::AdaBoostDecisionTree::StrongClassifierStrongClassifier class used in application of adaptive boost decision tree
 Cdune::AnalysisTreeDataStruct::SubRunData_tInformation from the subrun
 Cdune::AnaRootParserDataStruct::SubRunData_tInformation from the subrun
 Cproxy::details::SubstituteWithAuxList< Tuple >
 Cproxy::details::SubstituteWithAuxList< std::tuple< T... > >
 Cproxy::details::SubstituteWithAuxList< typename collection_proxy_t::aux_collections_t >
 Clar::util::details::FitDataCollector< T, D >::SumExtractor< Power, N >
 Clar::util::details::FitDataCollector< T, D >::SumExtractor< Power, 0U >
 Cart::SummedValue< T >
 Cart::SummedValue< sumdata::POTSummary >
 CSummer< T >
 Clar_content::SupportVectorMachine::SupportVectorInfoSupportVectorInfo class
 CSymbolModifiersHolds modifiers (ie attributes) for one symbol (variable, function, etc)
 Clar_content::LArFormattingHelper::TableTable class
 Cfhicl::TableAs< T, Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< T >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< art::ActionTable::art::Scheduler::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< art::art::OutputModule::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< art::DecrepitRelicInputSourceImplementation::art::EmptyEvent::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< art::MinimalToolConfig >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< art::MixHelper::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< art::Observer::EOConfig >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< art::OutputModule::art::FileDumperOutput::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< art::OutputModule::art::ProvenanceCheckerOutput::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< art::OutputModule::art::test::PMTestOutput::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< ELostreamOutput::mf::file_mfPluginConfig::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< ELstatistics::mf::file_mfStatsPluginConfig::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< mf::MFDestinationConfig::mf::MFConfig::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< mf::priv::FileConfig >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< mf::service::ELdestination::mf::service::ELostreamOutput::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< mf::service::ELdestination::mf::service::ELstatistics::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< mf::service::ELdestination::mfplugins::ELsyslog::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< mf::service::ELdestination::MsgStatistics::mf::service::ELdestination::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< OutputModule::arttest::EventProcessorTestOutput::Config >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< priv::FileConfig >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< SourceConfig >
 Cfhicl::TableFragment< typename DETAIL::Config >
 Cutil::details::TagExtractorImpl< Tagged, typename >
 Cutil::details::TagExtractorImpl< Tagged, std::enable_if_t < always_true_type< typename std::remove_reference_t< Tagged >::tag >::value > >
 Cutil::details::TagExtractorImpl< Tagged >
 CTaggedType< Tag, Payload >
 CTaggedType< Tag, void >
 Cutil::TagN<... >Tag class parametrized by a sequence of numbers
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::TargetDataThe information about the hadron that exits the target
 Crecob::test::HitDataProductChecker::TargetInfo_tConfiguration for a single data product check
 Ctcl_scanStructure containing information about current scan context
 CTemplateAbstract interface for a template
 Cproxy::details::TemplateAdaptorOnePlus< F,... >
 Cproxy::details::TemplateAdaptorOnePlus< F, First, Others... >
 Chit::details::TemplateArgument< NArg, Args >Struct with member type corresponding to the NArg-th type from Args
 Chit::details::TemplateArgumentHelper< NArg, FirstArg, Args >Struct with member type corresponding to the NArg-th type from Args
 CTemplateAutoRef< T >
 CTemplateAutoRef< TemplateStruct >
 CTemplateBlockContextClass holding stacks of blocks available in the context
 CTemplateContextAbstract interface for a template context
 CTemplateEngineEngine to create templates and template contexts
 CTemplateEscapeIntfInterface used to escape characters in a string
 CTemplateFilterFactoryFactory singleton for registering and creating filters
 CTemplateKeyValueA container to store a key-value pair
 CTemplateLexerLexer class for turning a template into a list of tokens
 CTemplateListIntfAbstract read-only interface for a context value of type list
 CTemplateNodeBase class of all nodes in a template's AST
 CTemplateNodeFactoryFactory class for creating tag AST nodes found in a template
 CTemplateParserParser for templates
 CTemplateSpacelessIntfInterface used to remove redundant spaces inside a spaceless block
 CTemplateStructIntfAbstract interface for a context value of type struct
 CTemplateTokenClass representing a lexical token in a template
 CTemplateVariantVariant type which can hold one value of a fixed set of types
 Cutil::TensorIndices< RANK >Converts a tensor element specification into a linear index
 Cutil::TensorIndices< 1U >
 Cutil::TensorIndices< DIMS >
 Cutil::TensorIndicesBasicTypesTypes for TensorIndices class
 CTest< T, i >A Test class
 CTest< void *, 200 >
 Ctest_vectorAccess< Vector >
 Ctest_vectorAccess< Vector const >
 CTestExtractTag< Tagged >
 CTestManagerClass< T >Test manager class
 Ctesting::TestSharedGlobalResource< RES >Utility class providing singleton objects to the derived classes
 CTestTagged< Tag >
 Cgeo::details::TestTrackerClassBaseClass telling whether a test needs to be run
 Cgar::geo::details::TestTrackerClassBaseClass telling whether a test needs to be run
 CEDep::TEventDisplayA singleton class for an event display based on EVE
 Ccvn::TFNetHandlerWrapper for caffe::Net which handles construction and prediction
 Ccnn::TFRegNetHandlerWrapper for caffe::Net which handles construction and prediction
 Clar::debug::details::THE_TYPE_IS< T >
 Clar::debug::details::THE_TYPE_IS< value_type >
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::ThinTargetBinsA class to manage the bin definitions for MIPP Numi Yields
 CNeutrinoFluxReweight::ThinTargetMCA class to manage the MC value for thin target
 Cart::thread_safe_registry_via_id< K, M >
 Cart::detail::three_arg_insert_func< T, RET, OutIter, InIter, >
 Clar_content::ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultThreeDSlidingConeFitResult class
 Clar_content::ThreeDSlidingFitResultThreeDSlidingFitResult class
 Cdetinfo::details::TickConverter< FromTime, TargetTick, typename >
 Cevgen::MarleyTimeGen::TimeFitStores fitting parameters for all neutrino types from a single time bin in a "fit"-format spectrum file
 Cdump::raw::OpDetWaveformDumper::TimeLabelMakerBase functor for printing time according to tick number
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::timescale_traits_base< Cat, TimeUnit >A template traits for time scale of category Cat
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::timescale_traits_base< ElectronicsTimeCategory >
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::timescale_traits_base< OpticalTimeCategory >
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::timescale_traits_base< TPCelectronicsTimeCategory >
 Cdetinfo::timescales::details::timescale_traits_base< TriggerTimeCategory >
 Cdetinfo::details::TimeScaleConverter< FromTime, TargetTime, typename >
 Cdetinfo::details::TimeScaleConverter< FromTick, TargetTime, std::enable_if_t< detinfo::timescales::is_tick_v< FromTick > > >
 Cdetinfo::details::TimeScaleConverter< TargetTime, TargetTime >
 CTokenInfoData associated with a token used by the comment block parser
 Cart::detail::tool_type< T, typename >
 Cart::detail::tool_type< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_class< T >::value > >
 Cart::detail::tool_type< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_function< T >::value > >
 Cutil::details::ToStringImpl< T, typename >
 Cutil::details::ToStringImpl< T, std::enable_if_t< util::is_basic_string_type_v< T > > >
 Cutil::details::ToStringImpl< T, std::enable_if_t< util::is_basic_string_view_type_v< T > > >
 Ctotal_extent< T >Total_extent<T>::value has the total number of elements of an array
 Clar::example::TotallyCheatTrackingAlgReconstructs tracks from simulated particles
 Cgeo::TPCGeo::TPCGeoCoordinatesTagTag for vectors in the "local" GDML coordinate frame of the TPC
 Clarg4::TPCID_tSimple structure holding a TPC and cryostat number
 Crecob::TrackTrack from a non-cascading particle.A recob::Track consists of a recob::TrackTrajectory, plus additional members relevant for a "fitted" track:
 Ctrkmkr::TrackCreationBookKeeperHelper class to aid the creation of a recob::Track, keeping data vectors in sync
 Crecob::TrackFitHitInfoObject storing per-hit information from a track fit
 Crecob::TrackHitMetaData related to recob::Hit associated with recob::Track.The purpose is to collect several variables that do not work well alone inside track class and are related to 2D hits along the 3D trajectory. So in the first place it is the hit index along the trajectory. There is also dx associated to hit to help dE/dx calculations
 Csim::TrackIDEIonization energy from a Geant4 track
 Ctrkf::TrackKalmanFitterFit tracks using Kalman Filter fit+smooth
 Ctrkmkr::TrackMakerBase abstract class for tools used to fit tracks
 Clar_content::TrackOverlapResultTrackOverlapResult class
 Cproxy::TrackPointIterator< TrackProxy >
 Cproxy::details::TrackPointIteratorBox< CollProxy >Structure for range-for iteration
 Cproxy::TrackPointWrapper< Data >Wrapper for a track data proxy
 Cproxy::TrackPointWrapper< TrackPointData >
 Cproxy::TracksProxy tag for a recob::Track collection proxy
 Csim::TrackSDPIonization photons from a Geant4 track
 Ctrkf::TrackStateClass for track parameters (and errors) defined on a recob::tracking::Plane
 Ctrkf::TrackStatePropagatorClass for propagation of a trkf::TrackState to a recob::tracking::Plane
 Ctrkmkr::TrackTrajectoryCreationBookKeeperHelper class to aid the creation of a recob::TrackTrajectory, keeping data vectors in sync
 Clar_content::TrackTwoViewOverlapResultTrackTwoViewOverlapResult class
 Ccvn::TrainingDataThe TrainingData objects contains a PixelMap and the output class type, and any other bit that goes into the ANN
 Crecob::TrajectoryA trajectory in space reconstructed from hits
 Ctrkf::TrajectoryMCSFitterClass for Maximum Likelihood fit of Multiple Coulomb Scattering angles between segments within a Track or Trajectory
 Crecob::tracking::TrajectoryPoint_tA point in the trajectory, with position and momentum
 Crecob::TrajectoryPointFlagsSet of flags pertaining a point of the track
 Crecob::TrajectoryPointFlagTraitsNamespace for the trajectory point flags
 Clar_content::ThreeDHitCreationAlgorithm::TrajectorySampleTrajectory samples record the results of sampling a particles in a particular view
 Cgeo::details::TransformationMatrixConverter< Dest, Src >
 Cart::Transient< T >
 Cart::Transient< art::BranchDescription::Transients >
 Cart::Transient< art::FileIndex::Transients >
 Cart::Transient< art::ProcessHistory::Transients >
 Cart::Transient< art::ProductProvenance::Transients >
 CShowerQuality::TreeParams_tFor convenience: struct to define a set of parameters per shower to be stored in TTree
 Crecob::tracking::Plane::TrigCacheStruct caching trigonometric function results
 Clartriton::TritonData< IO >
 Cgenie::TuneIdGENIE tune ID
 Cart::tuple_element< I, Node >
 Cart::detail::tuple_element< I, Node >
 Cart::detail::tuple_element< 0, AssnsNode< L, R, D > >
 Cstd::tuple_element< 0U, art::AssnsNode< L, R, D > >
 Cart::detail::tuple_element< 1, AssnsNode< L, R, D > >
 Cstd::tuple_element< 1U, art::AssnsNode< L, R, D > >
 Cart::detail::tuple_element< 2, AssnsNode< L, R, D > >
 Cstd::tuple_element< 2U, art::AssnsNode< L, R, D > >
 Cart::tuple_element< I, AssnsNode< L, R, D > >
 Cstd::tuple_element< I, my::MyTuple< T... > >
 Cfhicl::TupleAs< T, ARGS >
 Cfhicl::TupleAs< fhicl::Vec(int, int, int)>
 Cfhicl::TupleAs< T(ARGS...)>
 Cart::detail::two_arg_insert_func< T, InIter, >
 Cart::detail::TwoArgInsert< CONTAINER >
 Cart::detail::TwoArgInsert< cet::map_vector< T > >
 Clar_content::TwoDSlidingFitResultTwoDSlidingFitResult class
 Clar_content::TwoDSlidingShowerFitResultTwoDSlidingShowerFitResult class
 Clar_content::TwoViewDeltaRayOverlapResultTwoViewDeltaRayOverlapResult class
 Clar_content::TwoViewXOverlapTwoViewXOverlap class
 Ctype< T >
 Cgar::UncopiableAndUnmovableClassAn empty class that can't be copied nor moved
 Clar::UncopiableClassAn empty class that can't be copied (moving is allowed)
 Clar::util::details::UniqueAssociationCache< Source, Dest >A class holding many associations between objects
 Clar::util::details::UniqueAssociationCache< Source_t, Dest_t >
 Clar::UnmovableClassAn empty class that can't be moved (copy is allowed)
 Clar_content::EventValidationBaseAlgorithm::ValidationInfoValidationInfo class
 CCRT::ValidationPlotter< TFS >
 Cgallery::ValidHandle< T >
 Cart::ValidHandle< T >
 Cgeo::fhicl::ValidIDConfigHelper class holding the ID validity flag
 Cutil::VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare >::value_compare
 Ccet::value_ptr< Element, Cloner, Deleter >
 Ccet::value_ptr< T >
 Cfhicl::sequence_detail::ValueHolder< T >
 Cfhicl::tuple_detail::ValueHolder< Defaults >
 Cproxy::details::IteratorWrapperBase< Iter, DataIter, ValueType >::ValuePtr< Value >Value box for use with pointer dereference operator->()
 Cutil::details::values_impl< Coll, typename >
 Cutil::details::ValueToString< Value, typename >
 Cutil::details::ValueToString< Value, std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible_v< Value, std::string > ||std::is_constructible_v< std::string, Value > > >
 Cutil::details::ValueToString< Value, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< Value > > >
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 CVectorTraitsTester::Vector0D< C >
 Clar::util::Vector2DComparison< RealType >Class comparing 2D vectors
 Clar::util::Vector2DComparison< typename Comp_t::Value_t >
 Clar::util::Vector3DComparison< RealType >Class comparing 2D vectors
 Cutil::manip::details::Vector3DStruct< Vect >Utility class to store and print a 3D vector
 Cvector< bool >
 Cvector< double >
 Cvector< float >
 Cvector< int >
 Clar::dump::VectorDumper< Vector >Manipulator managing the dump of the vector content into a stream
 Cgar::dump::VectorDumper< Vector >Manipulator managing the dump of the vector content into a stream
 Clar::dump::VectorDumper< std::array< T, 3U > >
 CvectorFromTree< T >
 Cutil::VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare >
 Cutil::VectorMap< int, double >
 Cgeo::vect::details::VectorScalar< Vector >
 Clar_content::LArPointingCluster::VertexVertex class
 Crecob::VertexDefinition of vertex object for LArSoft
 Crecob::VertexAssnMetaClass storing the meta-data for track-vertex association: status, propagation distance, impact parameter, impact parameter error, chi2
 Clar_content::ThreeDChargeFeatureTool::VertexComparatorVertexComparator class for comparison of two points wrt neutrino vertex position
 Clar_content::TrainedVertexSelectionAlgorithm::VertexFeatureInfoVertex feature info class
 Clar_content::VertexSelectionBaseAlgorithm::VertexScoreVertexScore class
 Clar_content::TrainedVertexSelectionAlgorithm::VertexSharedFeatureInfoShared vertex feature info class
 Ctrkf::VertexWrapperWrapper class to facilitate vertex production
 CVhdlStringMinimal string class with std::string like behaviour that fulfills the JavaCC string requirements
 Cart::View< T >
 Cart::ViewToken< Element >
 Cutil::details::void_t< decltype(std::to_string(std::declval< Value >()))>
 Cfhicl::detail::void_t< decltype(typename T::Parameters{ std::declval< fhicl::Name >()})>
 Cvoronoi2d::VoronoiDiagramVoronoiDiagram class definiton
 Ctca::Vtx3StoreStruct of temporary 3D vertices
 Ccluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::Vtx3StoreStruct of temporary 3D vertices
 Ctca::VtxStoreStruct of temporary 2D vertices (end points)
 Ccluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::VtxStoreStruct of temporary 2D vertices (end points)
 Cdune::PennMicroSlice::Warning_WordInternal warning word
 Clar_content::AdaBoostDecisionTree::WeakClassifierWeakClassifier class containing a decision tree and a weight
 Cevd::WebEVDServer< T >
 Cevd::WebEVDServer< art::Event >
 Clar::util::details::WeightTracker< W >
 Clar::util::details::WeightTracker< Data_t >
 Cgeo::PlaneGeo::WidthDepthReferenceTagTag for plane frame base vectors
 Crecob::WireClass holding the regions of interest of signal from a channel
 Cgeo::PlaneGeo::WireCoordinateReferenceTagTag for wire base vectors
 Crecob::WireCreatorClass managing the creation of a new recob::Wire object
 Cgeo::WireGeoGeometry description of a TPC wireThe wire is a single straight segment on a wire plane. Different wires may be connected to the same readout channel. That is of no relevance for the geometry description
 Cgeo::WireGeo::WireGeoCoordinatesTagTag for vectors in the "local" GDML coordinate frame of the plane
 Cutil::details::with_const_as_dispatch_ref < Base, Key, std::enable_if_t< std::is_lvalue_reference_v< Base > > >
 Cutil::details::with_const_as_dispatch_ref < Base, Key, std::enable_if_t< std::is_rvalue_reference_v< Base > > >
 Cutil::details::with_const_as_impl< Base, typename, typename >
 Cutil::details::with_const_as_impl < Base, Key, std::enable_if_t< std::is_const_v< Key > > >
 Cutil::details::with_const_as_impl< Base, Key >
 Cutil::details::with_const_as_impl< Base, std::remove_reference_t< Key > >
 CWithAssociatedStructHelper to create associated data proxy
 Cproxy::details::WithAssociatedStructBase< Aux, Metadata, ArgTuple, ProxyMaker, AuxTag >Helper to create associated data proxy
 Cutil::quantities::concepts::details::WithCategory< Cat >An object belonging to a category Cat
 Cproxy::details::WithProxyAsAuxStructBase< AuxProxy, ArgTuple, AuxTag >Helper to create a proxy as auxiliary data for another proxy
 Cutil::details::WrapRangeForDispatcher< BaseRange, SameIteratorsType >
 Cutil::details::WrapRangeForDispatcher< BaseRange, false >
 Cutil::details::WrapRangeForDispatcher< BaseRange, true >
 Cgar::rec::alg::XIndex< T, N >
 Cgenie::XmlParserStatusEncapsulates an XML document parsing status
 Clar_content::XOverlapXOverlap class
 Clar_content::ThreeViewShowersAlgorithm::XSamplingXSampling class
 Clar_content::BoundedClusterMopUpAlgorithm::XSamplingXSampling class
 Cgenie::XSecSplineListList of cross section vs energy splines
 Cutil::details::zip_iterator< Lead, Iters >
 Cutil::details::zip_iterator< Lead >