Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //Copyright (C) 2011 Carl Rogers
2 //Released under MIT License
3 //license available in LICENSE file, or at
4 // "vendored" from
6 #ifndef LIBCNPY_H_
7 #define LIBCNPY_H_
9 #include<string>
10 #include<stdexcept>
11 #include<sstream>
12 #include<vector>
13 #include<cstdio>
14 #include<typeinfo>
15 #include<iostream>
16 #include<zlib.h>
17 #include<map>
18 #include<memory>
19 #include<stdint.h>
20 #include<numeric>
22 namespace cnpy {
24  struct NpyArray {
25  NpyArray(const std::vector<size_t>& _shape, size_t _word_size, bool _fortran_order) :
26  shape(_shape), word_size(_word_size), fortran_order(_fortran_order)
27  {
28  num_vals = 1;
29  for(size_t i = 0;i < shape.size();i++) num_vals *= shape[i];
30  data_holder = std::shared_ptr<std::vector<char>>(
31  new std::vector<char>(num_vals * word_size));
32  }
36  template<typename T>
37  T* data() {
38  return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&(*data_holder)[0]);
39  }
41  template<typename T>
42  const T* data() const {
43  return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&(*data_holder)[0]);
44  }
46  template<typename T>
47  std::vector<T> as_vec() const {
48  const T* p = data<T>();
49  return std::vector<T>(p, p+num_vals);
50  }
52  size_t num_bytes() const {
53  return data_holder->size();
54  }
56  std::shared_ptr<std::vector<char>> data_holder;
57  std::vector<size_t> shape;
58  size_t word_size;
60  size_t num_vals;
61  };
63  using npz_t = std::map<std::string, NpyArray>;
65  char BigEndianTest();
66  char map_type(const std::type_info& t);
67  template<typename T> std::vector<char> create_npy_header(const std::vector<size_t>& shape);
68  void parse_npy_header(FILE* fp,size_t& word_size, std::vector<size_t>& shape, bool& fortran_order);
69  void parse_npy_header(unsigned char* buffer,size_t& word_size, std::vector<size_t>& shape, bool& fortran_order);
70  void parse_zip_footer(FILE* fp, uint16_t& nrecs, size_t& global_header_size, size_t& global_header_offset);
75  template<typename T> std::vector<char>& operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const T rhs) {
76  //write in little endian
77  for(size_t byte = 0; byte < sizeof(T); byte++) {
78  char val = *((char*)&rhs+byte);
79  lhs.push_back(val);
80  }
81  return lhs;
82  }
84  template<> std::vector<char>& operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const std::string rhs);
85  template<> std::vector<char>& operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const char* rhs);
88  template<typename T> void npy_save(std::string fname, const T* data, const std::vector<size_t> shape, std::string mode = "w") {
89  FILE* fp = NULL;
90  std::vector<size_t> true_data_shape; //if appending, the shape of existing + new data
92  if(mode == "a") fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"r+b");
94  if(fp) {
95  //file exists. we need to append to it. read the header, modify the array size
96  size_t word_size;
97  bool fortran_order;
98  parse_npy_header(fp,word_size,true_data_shape,fortran_order);
99  if (fortran_order) {
100  throw std::runtime_error("npy_save: unexpected fortran order");
101  }
103  if(word_size != sizeof(T)) {
104  std::cerr<<"libnpy error: "<<fname<<" has word size "<<word_size<<" but npy_save appending data sized "<<sizeof(T)<<"\n";
105  if( word_size != sizeof(T) ) {
106  throw std::runtime_error("npy_save: illegal word size");
107  }
108  }
109  if(true_data_shape.size() != shape.size()) {
110  std::cerr<<"libnpy error: npy_save attempting to append misdimensioned data to "<<fname<<"\n";
111  throw std::runtime_error("npy_save: misdimensioned data");
112  // original assert() had a bug, I think.
113  }
115  for(size_t i = 1; i < shape.size(); i++) {
116  if(shape[i] != true_data_shape[i]) {
117  std::cerr<<"libnpy error: npy_save attempting to append misshaped data to "<<fname<<"\n";
118  throw std::runtime_error("npy_save: misdimensioned data");
119  }
120  }
121  true_data_shape[0] += shape[0];
122  }
123  else {
124  fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"wb");
125  true_data_shape = shape;
126  }
128  std::vector<char> header = create_npy_header<T>(true_data_shape);
129  size_t nels = std::accumulate(shape.begin(),shape.end(),1,std::multiplies<size_t>());
131  fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET);
132  fwrite(&header[0],sizeof(char),header.size(),fp);
133  fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END);
134  fwrite(data,sizeof(T),nels,fp);
135  fclose(fp);
136  }
138  template<typename T> void npz_save(std::string zipname, std::string fname, const T* data, const std::vector<size_t>& shape, std::string mode = "w")
139  {
140  //first, append a .npy to the fname
141  fname += ".npy";
143  //now, on with the show
144  FILE* fp = NULL;
145  uint16_t nrecs = 0;
146  size_t global_header_offset = 0;
147  std::vector<char> global_header;
149  if(mode == "a") fp = fopen(zipname.c_str(),"r+b");
151  if(fp) {
152  //zip file exists. we need to add a new npy file to it.
153  //first read the footer. this gives us the offset and size of the global header
154  //then read and store the global header.
155  //below, we will write the the new data at the start of the global header then append the global header and footer below it
156  size_t global_header_size;
157  parse_zip_footer(fp,nrecs,global_header_size,global_header_offset);
158  fseek(fp,global_header_offset,SEEK_SET);
159  global_header.resize(global_header_size);
160  size_t res = fread(&global_header[0],sizeof(char),global_header_size,fp);
161  if(res != global_header_size){
162  throw std::runtime_error("npz_save: header read error while adding to existing zip");
163  }
164  fseek(fp,global_header_offset,SEEK_SET);
165  }
166  else {
167  fp = fopen(zipname.c_str(),"wb");
168  }
170  std::vector<char> npy_header = create_npy_header<T>(shape);
172  size_t nels = std::accumulate(shape.begin(),shape.end(),1,std::multiplies<size_t>());
173  size_t nbytes = nels*sizeof(T) + npy_header.size();
175  //get the CRC of the data to be added
176  uint32_t crc = crc32(0L,(uint8_t*)&npy_header[0],npy_header.size());
177  crc = crc32(crc,(uint8_t*)data,nels*sizeof(T));
179  //build the local header
180  std::vector<char> local_header;
181  local_header += "PK"; //first part of sig
182  local_header += (uint16_t) 0x0403; //second part of sig
183  local_header += (uint16_t) 20; //min version to extract
184  local_header += (uint16_t) 0; //general purpose bit flag
185  local_header += (uint16_t) 0; //compression method
186  local_header += (uint16_t) 0; //file last mod time
187  local_header += (uint16_t) 0; //file last mod date
188  local_header += (uint32_t) crc; //crc
189  local_header += (uint32_t) nbytes; //compressed size
190  local_header += (uint32_t) nbytes; //uncompressed size
191  local_header += (uint16_t) fname.size(); //fname length
192  local_header += (uint16_t) 0; //extra field length
193  local_header += fname;
195  //build global header
196  global_header += "PK"; //first part of sig
197  global_header += (uint16_t) 0x0201; //second part of sig
198  global_header += (uint16_t) 20; //version made by
199  global_header.insert(global_header.end(),local_header.begin()+4,local_header.begin()+30);
200  global_header += (uint16_t) 0; //file comment length
201  global_header += (uint16_t) 0; //disk number where file starts
202  global_header += (uint16_t) 0; //internal file attributes
203  global_header += (uint32_t) 0; //external file attributes
204  global_header += (uint32_t) global_header_offset; //relative offset of local file header, since it begins where the global header used to begin
205  global_header += fname;
207  //build footer
208  std::vector<char> footer;
209  footer += "PK"; //first part of sig
210  footer += (uint16_t) 0x0605; //second part of sig
211  footer += (uint16_t) 0; //number of this disk
212  footer += (uint16_t) 0; //disk where footer starts
213  footer += (uint16_t) (nrecs+1); //number of records on this disk
214  footer += (uint16_t) (nrecs+1); //total number of records
215  footer += (uint32_t) global_header.size(); //nbytes of global headers
216  footer += (uint32_t) (global_header_offset + nbytes + local_header.size()); //offset of start of global headers, since global header now starts after newly written array
217  footer += (uint16_t) 0; //zip file comment length
219  //write everything
220  fwrite(&local_header[0],sizeof(char),local_header.size(),fp);
221  fwrite(&npy_header[0],sizeof(char),npy_header.size(),fp);
222  fwrite(data,sizeof(T),nels,fp);
223  fwrite(&global_header[0],sizeof(char),global_header.size(),fp);
224  fwrite(&footer[0],sizeof(char),footer.size(),fp);
225  fclose(fp);
226  }
228  template<typename T> void npy_save(std::string fname, const std::vector<T> data, std::string mode = "w") {
229  std::vector<size_t> shape;
230  shape.push_back(data.size());
231  npy_save(fname, &data[0], shape, mode);
232  }
234  template<typename T> void npz_save(std::string zipname, std::string fname, const std::vector<T> data, std::string mode = "w") {
235  std::vector<size_t> shape;
236  shape.push_back(data.size());
237  npz_save(zipname, fname, &data[0], shape, mode);
238  }
240  template<typename T> std::vector<char> create_npy_header(const std::vector<size_t>& shape) {
242  std::vector<char> dict;
243  dict += "{'descr': '";
244  dict += BigEndianTest();
245  dict += map_type(typeid(T));
246  dict += std::to_string(sizeof(T));
247  dict += "', 'fortran_order': False, 'shape': (";
248  dict += std::to_string(shape[0]);
249  for(size_t i = 1;i < shape.size();i++) {
250  dict += ", ";
251  dict += std::to_string(shape[i]);
252  }
253  if(shape.size() == 1) dict += ",";
254  dict += "), }";
255  //pad with spaces so that preamble+dict is modulo 16 bytes. preamble is 10 bytes. dict needs to end with \n
256  int remainder = 16 - (10 + dict.size()) % 16;
257  dict.insert(dict.end(),remainder,' ');
258  dict.back() = '\n';
260  std::vector<char> header;
261  header += (char) 0x93;
262  header += "NUMPY";
263  header += (char) 0x01; //major version of numpy format
264  header += (char) 0x00; //minor version of numpy format
265  header += (uint16_t) dict.size();
266  header.insert(header.end(),dict.begin(),dict.end());
268  return header;
269  }
272 }
274 #endif
Definition: cnpy.h:34
std::string string
void npz_save(std::string zipname, std::string fname, const T *data, const std::vector< size_t > &shape, std::string mode="w")
Definition: cnpy.h:138
char map_type(const std::type_info &t)
Definition: cnpy.cxx:21
void parse_zip_footer(FILE *fp, uint16_t &nrecs, size_t &global_header_size, size_t &global_header_offset)
Definition: cnpy.cxx:162
npz_t npz_load(std::string fname)
Definition: cnpy.cxx:246
unsigned short uint16_t
Definition: stdint.h:125
NpyArray npy_load(std::string fname)
Definition: cnpy.cxx:343
size_t num_vals
Definition: cnpy.h:60
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: stdint.h:124
void npy_save(std::string fname, const T *data, const std::vector< size_t > shape, std::string mode="w")
Definition: cnpy.h:88
size_t word_size
Definition: cnpy.h:58
bool fortran_order
Definition: cnpy.h:59
std::map< std::string, NpyArray > npz_t
Definition: cnpy.h:63
std::vector< T > as_vec() const
Definition: cnpy.h:47
NpyArray(const std::vector< size_t > &_shape, size_t _word_size, bool _fortran_order)
Definition: cnpy.h:25
unsigned int uint32_t
Definition: stdint.h:126
char BigEndianTest()
Definition: cnpy.cxx:16
std::vector< size_t > shape
Definition: cnpy.h:57
std::vector< char > create_npy_header(const std::vector< size_t > &shape)
Definition: cnpy.h:240
void parse_npy_header(FILE *fp, size_t &word_size, std::vector< size_t > &shape, bool &fortran_order)
Definition: cnpy.cxx:107
Definition: cnpy.h:22
const T * data() const
Definition: cnpy.h:42
byte_as<> byte
Type of data size stored in bytes, in long long precision.
Definition: datasize.h:98
std::vector< char > & operator+=(std::vector< char > &lhs, const T rhs)
Definition: cnpy.h:75
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< char > > data_holder
Definition: cnpy.h:56
T * data()
Definition: cnpy.h:37
std::string to_string(ModuleType const mt)
Definition: ModuleType.h:34
size_t num_bytes() const
Definition: cnpy.h:52