Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # python script to generate configoptions.cpp and config.doc from config.xml
3 #
4 # Copyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch.
5 #
6 # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
7 # documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
8 # granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
9 # for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
10 # See the GNU General Public License for more details.
11 #
12 # Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
13 # input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
14 #
15 import xml.dom.minidom
16 import sys
17 import re
18 import textwrap
19 from xml.dom import minidom, Node
21 def transformDocs(doc):
22  # join lines, unless it is an empty line
23  # remove doxygen layout constructs
24  doc = doc.strip()
25  doc = doc.replace("\n", " ")
26  doc = doc.replace("\r", " ")
27  doc = doc.replace("\t", " ")
28  doc = doc.replace("\\&", "&")
29  doc = doc.replace("(\\c ", "(")
30  doc = doc.replace("\\c ", " ")
31  doc = doc.replace("\\b ", " ")
32  doc = doc.replace("\\e ", " ")
33  doc = doc.replace("\\$", "$")
34  doc = doc.replace("\\#include ", "#include ")
35  doc = doc.replace("\\#undef ", "#undef ")
36  doc = doc.replace("-# ", "\n - ")
37  doc = doc.replace(" - ", "\n - ")
38  doc = doc.replace("\\sa", "\nSee also: ")
39  doc = doc.replace("\\par", "\n")
40  doc = doc.replace("@note", "\nNote:")
41  doc = doc.replace("\\note", "\nNote:")
42  doc = doc.replace("\\verbatim", "\n")
43  doc = doc.replace("\\endverbatim", "\n")
44  doc = doc.replace("<code>", "")
45  doc = doc.replace("</code>", "")
46  doc = doc.replace("`", "")
47  doc = doc.replace("\\<", "<")
48  doc = doc.replace("\\>", ">")
49  doc = doc.replace("\\@", "@")
50  doc = doc.replace("\\\\", "\\")
51  # \ref name "description" -> description
52  doc = re.sub('\\\\ref +[^ ]* +"([^"]*)"', '\\1', doc)
53  # \ref specials
54  # \ref <key> -> description
55  doc = re.sub('\\\\ref +doxygen_usage', '"Doxygen usage"', doc)
56  doc = re.sub('\\\\ref +extsearch', '"External Indexing and Searching"',
57  doc)
58  doc = re.sub('\\\\ref +external', '"Linking to external documentation"',
59  doc)
60  # fallback for not handled
61  doc = re.sub('\\\\ref', '', doc)
62  #<a href="address">description</a> -> description (see: address)
63  doc = re.sub('<a +href="([^"]*)" *>([^<]*)</a>', '\\2 (see: \\1)', doc)
64  # LaTeX name as formula -> LaTeX
65  doc = doc.replace("\\f$\\mbox{\\LaTeX}\\f$", "LaTeX")
66  # Other forula's (now just 2) so explicitely mentioned.
67  doc = doc.replace("\\f$2^{(16+\\mbox{LOOKUP\\_CACHE\\_SIZE})}\\f$",
68  "2^(16+LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE)")
69  doc = doc.replace("\\f$2^{16} = 65536\\f$", "2^16=65536")
70  # remove consecutive spaces
71  doc = re.sub(" +", " ", doc)
72  # a dirty trick to get an extra empty line in Doxyfile documentation.
73  # <br> will be removed later on again, we need it here otherwise splitlines
74  # will filter the extra line.
75  doc = doc.replace("<br>", "\n<br>\n")
76  # a dirty trick to go to the next line in Doxyfile documentation.
77  # <br/> will be removed later on again, we need it here otherwise splitlines
78  # will filter the line break.
79  doc = doc.replace("<br/>", "\n<br/>\n")
80  #
81  doc = doc.splitlines()
82  split_doc = []
83  for line in doc:
84  split_doc += textwrap.wrap(line, 78)
85  # replace \ by \\, replace " by \", and ' ' by a newline with end string
86  # and start string at next line
87  docC = []
88  for line in split_doc:
89  if (line.strip() != "<br/>"):
90  docC.append(line.strip().replace('\\', '\\\\').
91  replace('"', '\\"').replace("<br>", ""))
92  return docC
95 def collectValues(node):
96  values = []
97  for n in node.childNodes:
98  if (n.nodeName == "value"):
99  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
100  if n.getAttribute('name') != "":
101  if n.getAttribute('show_docu') != "NO":
102  name = "<code>" + n.getAttribute('name') + "</code>"
103  desc = n.getAttribute('desc')
104  if (desc != ""):
105  name += " " + desc
106  values.append(name)
107  return values
110 def addValues(var, node):
111  for n in node.childNodes:
112  if (n.nodeName == "value"):
113  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
114  name = n.getAttribute('name')
115  print(" %s->addValue(\"%s\");" % (var, name))
118 def parseHeader(node,objName):
119  doc = ""
120  for n in node.childNodes:
121  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
122  if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
123  if (n.getAttribute('doxyfile') != "0"):
124  doc += parseDocs(n)
125  docC = transformDocs(doc)
126  print(" %s->setHeader(" % (objName))
127  rng = len(docC)
128  for i in range(rng):
129  line = docC[i]
130  if i != rng - 1: # since we go from 0 to rng-1
131  print(" \"%s\\n\"" % (line))
132  else:
133  print(" \"%s\"" % (line))
134  print(" );")
137 def prepCDocs(node):
138  type = node.getAttribute('type')
139  format = node.getAttribute('format')
140  defval = node.getAttribute('defval')
141  adefval = node.getAttribute('altdefval')
142  doc = "";
143  if (type != 'obsolete'):
144  for n in node.childNodes:
145  if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
146  if (n.getAttribute('doxyfile') != "0"):
147  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
148  doc += parseDocs(n)
149  if (type == 'enum'):
150  values = collectValues(node)
151  doc += "<br/>Possible values are: "
152  rng = len(values)
153  for i in range(rng):
154  val = values[i]
155  if i == rng - 2:
156  doc += "%s and " % (val)
157  elif i == rng - 1:
158  doc += "%s." % (val)
159  else:
160  doc += "%s, " % (val)
161  if (defval != ""):
162  doc += "<br/>The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (defval)
163  elif (type == 'int'):
164  minval = node.getAttribute('minval')
165  maxval = node.getAttribute('maxval')
166  doc += "<br/>%s: %s, %s: %s, %s: %s." % (" Minimum value", minval,
167  "maximum value", maxval,
168  "default value", defval)
169  elif (type == 'bool'):
170  if (node.hasAttribute('altdefval')):
171  doc += "<br/>%s: %s." % ("The default value is", "system dependent")
172  else:
173  doc += "<br/>%s: %s." % ("The default value is", "YES" if (defval == "1") else "NO")
174  elif (type == 'list'):
175  if format == 'string':
176  values = collectValues(node)
177  rng = len(values)
178  for i in range(rng):
179  val = values[i]
180  if i == rng - 2:
181  doc += "%s and " % (val)
182  elif i == rng - 1:
183  doc += "%s." % (val)
184  else:
185  doc += "%s, " % (val)
186  elif (type == 'string'):
187  if format == 'dir':
188  if defval != '':
189  doc += "<br/>The default directory is: <code>%s</code>." % (
190  defval)
191  elif format == 'file':
192  abspath = node.getAttribute('abspath')
193  if defval != '':
194  if abspath != '1':
195  doc += "<br/>The default file is: <code>%s</code>." % (
196  defval)
197  else:
198  doc += "<br/>%s: %s%s%s." % (
199  "The default file (with absolute path) is",
200  "<code>",defval,"</code>")
201  else:
202  if abspath == '1':
203  doc += "<br/>The file has to be specified with full path."
204  elif format =='image':
205  abspath = node.getAttribute('abspath')
206  if defval != '':
207  if abspath != '1':
208  doc += "<br/>The default image is: <code>%s</code>." % (
209  defval)
210  else:
211  doc += "<br/>%s: %s%s%s." % (
212  "The default image (with absolute path) is",
213  "<code>",defval,"</code>")
214  else:
215  if abspath == '1':
216  doc += "<br/>The image has to be specified with full path."
217  else: # format == 'string':
218  if defval != '':
219  doc += "<br/>The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (
220  defval)
221  # depends handling
222  if (node.hasAttribute('depends')):
223  depends = node.getAttribute('depends')
224  doc += "<br/>%s \\ref cfg_%s \"%s\" is set to \\c YES." % (
225  "This tag requires that the tag", depends.lower(), depends.upper())
227  docC = transformDocs(doc)
228  return docC;
230 def parseOption(node):
231  # Handling part for Doxyfile
232  name = node.getAttribute('id')
233  type = node.getAttribute('type')
234  format = node.getAttribute('format')
235  defval = node.getAttribute('defval')
236  adefval = node.getAttribute('altdefval')
237  depends = node.getAttribute('depends')
238  setting = node.getAttribute('setting')
239  docC = prepCDocs(node);
240  if len(setting) > 0:
241  print("#if %s" % (setting))
242  print(" //----")
243  if type == 'bool':
244  if len(adefval) > 0:
245  enabled = adefval
246  elif defval == '1':
247  enabled = "TRUE"
248  else:
249  enabled = "FALSE"
250  print(" cb = cfg->addBool(")
251  print(" \"%s\"," % (name))
252  rng = len(docC)
253  for i in range(rng):
254  line = docC[i]
255  if i != rng - 1: # since we go from 0 to rng-1
256  print(" \"%s\\n\"" % (line))
257  else:
258  print(" \"%s\"," % (line))
259  print(" %s" % (enabled))
260  print(" );")
261  if depends != '':
262  print(" cb->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends))
263  elif type == 'string':
264  print(" cs = cfg->addString(")
265  print(" \"%s\"," % (name))
266  rng = len(docC)
267  for i in range(rng):
268  line = docC[i]
269  if i != rng - 1: # since we go from 0 to rng-1
270  print(" \"%s\\n\"" % (line))
271  else:
272  print(" \"%s\"" % (line))
273  print(" );")
274  if defval != '':
275  print(" cs->setDefaultValue(\"%s\");" % (defval))
276  if format == 'file':
277  print(" cs->setWidgetType(ConfigString::File);")
278  elif format == 'image':
279  print(" cs->setWidgetType(ConfigString::Image);")
280  elif format == 'dir':
281  print(" cs->setWidgetType(ConfigString::Dir);")
282  if depends != '':
283  print(" cs->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends))
284  elif type == 'enum':
285  print(" ce = cfg->addEnum(")
286  print(" \"%s\"," % (name))
287  rng = len(docC)
288  for i in range(rng):
289  line = docC[i]
290  if i != rng - 1: # since we go from 0 to rng-1
291  print(" \"%s\\n\"" % (line))
292  else:
293  print(" \"%s\"," % (line))
294  print(" \"%s\"" % (defval))
295  print(" );")
296  addValues("ce", node)
297  if depends != '':
298  print(" ce->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends))
299  elif type == 'int':
300  minval = node.getAttribute('minval')
301  maxval = node.getAttribute('maxval')
302  print(" ci = cfg->addInt(")
303  print(" \"%s\"," % (name))
304  rng = len(docC)
305  for i in range(rng):
306  line = docC[i]
307  if i != rng - 1: # since we go from 0 to rng-1
308  print(" \"%s\\n\"" % (line))
309  else:
310  print(" \"%s\"," % (line))
311  print(" %s,%s,%s" % (minval, maxval, defval))
312  print(" );")
313  if depends != '':
314  print(" ci->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends))
315  elif type == 'list':
316  print(" cl = cfg->addList(")
317  print(" \"%s\"," % (name))
318  rng = len(docC)
319  for i in range(rng):
320  line = docC[i]
321  if i != rng - 1: # since we go from 0 to rng-1
322  print(" \"%s\\n\"" % (line))
323  else:
324  print(" \"%s\"" % (line))
325  print(" );")
326  addValues("cl", node)
327  if depends != '':
328  print(" cl->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends))
329  if format == 'file':
330  print(" cl->setWidgetType(ConfigList::File);")
331  elif format == 'dir':
332  print(" cl->setWidgetType(ConfigList::Dir);")
333  elif format == 'filedir':
334  print(" cl->setWidgetType(ConfigList::FileAndDir);")
335  elif type == 'obsolete':
336  print(" cfg->addObsolete(\"%s\");" % (name))
337  if len(setting) > 0:
338  print("#else")
339  print(" cfg->addDisabled(\"%s\");" % (name))
340  print("#endif")
343 def parseGroups(node):
344  name = node.getAttribute('name')
345  doc = node.getAttribute('docs')
346  print("%s%s" % (" //-----------------------------------------",
347  "----------------------------------"))
348  print(" cfg->addInfo(\"%s\",\"%s\");" % (name, doc))
349  print("%s%s" % (" //-----------------------------------------",
350  "----------------------------------"))
351  print("")
352  for n in node.childNodes:
353  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
354  parseOption(n)
356 def parseGroupCDocs(node):
357  for n in node.childNodes:
358  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
359  type = n.getAttribute('type')
360  name = n.getAttribute('id')
361  docC = prepCDocs(n);
362  if type != 'obsolete':
363  print(" doc->add(")
364  print(" \"%s\"," % (name))
365  rng = len(docC)
366  for i in range(rng):
367  line = docC[i]
368  if i != rng - 1: # since we go from 0 to rng-1
369  print(" \"%s\\n\"" % (line))
370  else:
371  print(" \"%s\"" % (line))
372  print(" );")
374 def parseOptionDoc(node, first):
375  # Handling part for documentation
376  name = node.getAttribute('id')
377  type = node.getAttribute('type')
378  format = node.getAttribute('format')
379  defval = node.getAttribute('defval')
380  adefval = node.getAttribute('altdefval')
381  depends = node.getAttribute('depends')
382  setting = node.getAttribute('setting')
383  doc = ""
384  if (type != 'obsolete'):
385  for n in node.childNodes:
386  if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
387  if (n.getAttribute('documentation') != "0"):
388  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
389  doc += parseDocs(n)
390  if (first):
391  print(" \\anchor cfg_%s" % (name.lower()))
392  print("<dl>")
393  print("")
394  print("<dt>\\c %s <dd>" % (name))
395  else:
396  print(" \\anchor cfg_%s" % (name.lower()))
397  print("<dt>\\c %s <dd>" % (name))
398  print(" \\addindex %s" % (name))
399  print(doc)
400  if (type == 'enum'):
401  values = collectValues(node)
402  print("")
403  print("Possible values are: ")
404  rng = len(values)
405  for i in range(rng):
406  val = values[i]
407  if i == rng - 2:
408  print("%s and " % (val))
409  elif i == rng - 1:
410  print("%s." % (val))
411  else:
412  print("%s, " % (val))
413  if (defval != ""):
414  print("")
415  print("")
416  print("The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (defval))
417  print("")
418  elif (type == 'int'):
419  minval = node.getAttribute('minval')
420  maxval = node.getAttribute('maxval')
421  print("")
422  print("")
423  print("%s: %s%s%s, %s: %s%s%s, %s: %s%s%s." % (
424  " Minimum value", "<code>", minval, "</code>",
425  "maximum value", "<code>", maxval, "</code>",
426  "default value", "<code>", defval, "</code>"))
427  print("")
428  elif (type == 'bool'):
429  print("")
430  print("")
431  if (node.hasAttribute('altdefval')):
432  print("The default value is: system dependent.")
433  else:
434  print("The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (
435  "YES" if (defval == "1") else "NO"))
436  print("")
437  elif (type == 'list'):
438  if format == 'string':
439  values = collectValues(node)
440  rng = len(values)
441  for i in range(rng):
442  val = values[i]
443  if i == rng - 2:
444  print("%s and " % (val))
445  elif i == rng - 1:
446  print("%s." % (val))
447  else:
448  print("%s, " % (val))
449  print("")
450  elif (type == 'string'):
451  if format == 'dir':
452  if defval != '':
453  print("")
454  print("The default directory is: <code>%s</code>." % (
455  defval))
456  elif format == 'file':
457  abspath = node.getAttribute('abspath')
458  if defval != '':
459  print("")
460  if abspath != '1':
461  print("The default file is: <code>%s</code>." % (
462  defval))
463  else:
464  print("%s: %s%s%s." % (
465  "The default file (with absolute path) is",
466  "<code>",defval,"</code>"))
467  else:
468  if abspath == '1':
469  print("")
470  print("The file has to be specified with full path.")
471  elif format =='image':
472  abspath = node.getAttribute('abspath')
473  if defval != '':
474  print("")
475  if abspath != '1':
476  print("The default image is: <code>%s</code>." % (
477  defval))
478  else:
479  print("%s: %s%s%s." % (
480  "The default image (with absolute path) is",
481  "<code>",defval,"</code>"))
482  else:
483  if abspath == '1':
484  print("")
485  print("The image has to be specified with full path.")
486  else: # format == 'string':
487  if defval != '':
488  print("")
489  print("The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (
490  defval))
491  print("")
492  # depends handling
493  if (node.hasAttribute('depends')):
494  depends = node.getAttribute('depends')
495  print("")
496  print("%s \\ref cfg_%s \"%s\" is set to \\c YES." % (
497  "This tag requires that the tag", depends.lower(), depends.upper()))
498  return False
501 def parseGroupsDoc(node):
502  name = node.getAttribute('name')
503  doc = node.getAttribute('docs')
504  print("\section config_%s %s" % (name.lower(), doc))
505  # Start of list has been moved to the first option for better
506  # anchor placement
507  # print "<dl>"
508  # print ""
509  first = True
510  for n in node.childNodes:
511  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
512  first = parseOptionDoc(n, first)
513  if (not first):
514  print("</dl>")
517 def parseGroupsList(node, commandsList):
518  list = ()
519  for n in node.childNodes:
520  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
521  type = n.getAttribute('type')
522  if type != 'obsolete':
523  commandsList = commandsList + (n.getAttribute('id'),)
524  return commandsList
527 def parseDocs(node):
528  doc = ""
529  for n in node.childNodes:
530  if n.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
531  doc += n.nodeValue.strip()
532  if n.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
533  doc += n.nodeValue.rstrip("\r\n ").lstrip("\r\n")
534  #doc += "<br>"
535  return doc
538 def parseHeaderDoc(node):
539  doc = ""
540  for n in node.childNodes:
541  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
542  if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
543  if (n.getAttribute('documentation') != "0"):
544  doc += parseDocs(n)
545  print(doc)
548 def parseFooterDoc(node):
549  doc = ""
550  for n in node.childNodes:
551  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
552  if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
553  if (n.getAttribute('documentation') != "0"):
554  doc += parseDocs(n)
555  print(doc)
558 def main():
559  if len(sys.argv)<3 or (not sys.argv[1] in ['-doc','-cpp','-wiz']):
560  sys.exit('Usage: %s -doc|-cpp|-wiz config.xml' % sys.argv[0])
561  try:
562  doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(sys.argv[2])
563  except Exception as inst:
564  sys.stdout = sys.stderr
565  print("")
566  print(inst)
567  print("")
568  sys.exit(1)
569  elem = doc.documentElement
570  if (sys.argv[1] == "-doc"):
571  print("/* WARNING: This file is generated!")
572  print(" * Do not edit this file, but edit config.xml instead and run")
573  print(" * python -doc config.xml to regenerate this file!")
574  print(" */")
575  # process header
576  for n in elem.childNodes:
577  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
578  if (n.nodeName == "header"):
579  parseHeaderDoc(n)
580  # generate list with all commands
581  commandsList = ()
582  for n in elem.childNodes:
583  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
584  if (n.nodeName == "group"):
585  commandsList = parseGroupsList(n, commandsList)
586  print("\\secreflist")
587  for x in sorted(commandsList):
588  print("\\refitem cfg_%s %s" % (x.lower(), x))
589  print("\\endsecreflist")
590  # process groups and options
591  for n in elem.childNodes:
592  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
593  if (n.nodeName == "group"):
594  parseGroupsDoc(n)
595  # process footers
596  for n in elem.childNodes:
597  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
598  if (n.nodeName == "footer"):
599  parseFooterDoc(n)
600  elif (sys.argv[1] == "-cpp"):
601  print("/* WARNING: This file is generated!")
602  print(" * Do not edit this file, but edit config.xml instead and run")
603  print(" * python -cpp config.xml to regenerate this file!")
604  print(" */")
605  print("")
606  print("#include \"configoptions.h\"")
607  print("#include \"config.h\"")
608  print("#include \"portable.h\"")
609  print("#include \"settings.h\"")
610  print("")
611  print("void addConfigOptions(Config *cfg)")
612  print("{")
613  print(" ConfigString *cs;")
614  print(" ConfigEnum *ce;")
615  print(" ConfigList *cl;")
616  print(" ConfigInt *ci;")
617  print(" ConfigBool *cb;")
618  print("")
619  # process header
620  for n in elem.childNodes:
621  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
622  if (n.nodeName == "header"):
623  parseHeader(n,'cfg')
624  for n in elem.childNodes:
625  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
626  if (n.nodeName == "group"):
627  parseGroups(n)
628  print("}")
629  elif (sys.argv[1] == "-wiz"):
630  print("/* WARNING: This file is generated!")
631  print(" * Do not edit this file, but edit config.xml instead and run")
632  print(" * python -wiz config.xml to regenerate this file!")
633  print(" */")
634  print("#include \"configdoc.h\"")
635  print("#include \"docintf.h\"")
636  print("")
637  print("void addConfigDocs(DocIntf *doc)")
638  print("{")
639  for n in elem.childNodes:
640  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
641  if (n.nodeName == "header"):
642  parseHeader(n,'doc')
643  for n in elem.childNodes:
644  if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
645  if (n.nodeName == "group"):
646  parseGroupCDocs(n)
647  print("}")
649 if __name__ == '__main__':
650  main()
def parseFooterDoc(node)
def parseGroups(node)
def addValues(var, node)
def parseOptionDoc(node, first)
def main()
def transformDocs(doc)
def collectValues(node)
def parseGroupsList(node, commandsList)
def prepCDocs(node)
def parseHeaderDoc(node)
def parseHeader(node, objName)
def parseGroupsDoc(node)
def parseOption(node)
def parseDocs(node)
def parseGroupCDocs(node)