file | AssnsNodeAsTuple.h [code] |
| Specializations of STL tuple utilities for art::AssnsNode .
file | AssnsTraits.h [code] |
| Traits for art associations.
file | AssociatedData.h [code] |
| Auxiliary data from one-to-many sequential association.
file | AssociatedDataProxyMaker.h [code] |
| Infrastructure to add associated data to a collection proxy.
file | CollectionProxy.h [code] |
| Utilities for the collection proxy object.
file | CollectionProxyElement.h [code] |
| Utilities for a single element of a collection proxy.
file | CollectionProxyMaker.h [code] |
| Infrastructure for the creation of a collection proxy.
file | getCollection.h [code] |
| Creation of a collection proxy.
file | MainCollectionProxy.h [code] |
| Utilities for the main collection of a collection proxy.
file | makeAssociatedDataFrom.h [code] |
| Helper functions to create an AssociatedData object.
file | makeOneTo01dataFrom.h [code] |
| Helper functions to create data structures associated to a proxy.
file | makeParallelDataFrom.h [code] |
| Helper functions to create proxy::ParallelData objects.
file | OneTo01Data.h [code] |
| Auxiliary data from one-to-(zero-or-one) sequential association.
file | OneTo01DataProxyMaker.h [code] |
| Infrastructure for merging optional associated data to a proxy.
file | ParallelData.h [code] |
| Auxiliary data from parallel data products.
file | ParallelDataProxyMaker.h [code] |
| Infrastructure for the addition of parallel data to a proxy.
file | ProxyAsAuxProxyMaker.h [code] |
| Infrastructure for a collection proxy as auxiliary data for a proxy.
file | ProxyAsParallelData.h [code] |
| Data encapsulating a collection proxy as auxiliary data.
file | withAssociated.h [code] |
| Functions to add associated data to a collection proxy.
file | WithAssociatedStructBase.h [code] |
| Template class to declare addition of associated data to a proxy.
file | withCollectionProxy.h [code] |
| Creation of a collection proxy as auxiliary data for another proxy.
file | withParallelData.h [code] |
| Interface to add auxiliary data from parallel collections to a proxy.
file | WithProxyAsAuxStructBase.h [code] |
| Infrastructure for a collection proxy as auxiliary data for a proxy.
file | withZeroOrOne.h [code] |
| Interface to add optional associated data to a collection proxy.