Utilities Directory Reference


directory  test


file  AssociationUtil.h [code]
file  BulkAllocator.h [code]
 Memory allocator for large amount of (small) objects.
file  ChiSquareAccumulator.h [code]
 Computes a simple χ² sum from data and a expectation function.
file  CollectionView.h [code]
 Provides the features of a collections, from begin and end iterators.
file  ComputePi_module.cc [code]
 Computes pi.
file  CountersMap.h [code]
 Map of counters, stored compactly.
file  databaseutil.fcl [code]
file  DatabaseUtil.h [code]
file  databaseutil_bo.fcl [code]
file  DatabaseUtil_service.cc [code]
file  Dereference.h [code]
file  eventdump.fcl [code]
file  FastMatrixMathHelper.h [code]
 Classes with hard-coded (hence "fast") matrix math.
file  filterRangeFor.h [code]
 Utilities to manipulate range for loops.
file  FindManyInChainP.h [code]
 Utility to navigate chains of associations.
file  ForEachAssociatedGroup.h [code]
 Helper functions to access associations in order.
file  GeometryUtilities.cxx [code]
file  GeometryUtilities.h [code]
file  GridContainerIndices.h [code]
 Classes to manage containers with indices in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions.
file  GridContainers.h [code]
 Containers with indices in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions.
file  larfft.fcl [code]
file  LArFFT.h [code]
file  larfft_bo.fcl [code]
file  LArFFT_service.cc [code]
file  LArFFTW.cxx [code]
file  LArFFTW.h [code]
file  LArFFTWPlan.cxx [code]
file  LArFFTWPlan.h [code]
file  magfield_larsoft.fcl [code]
file  MakeIndex.h [code]
 Procedures to create maps of object locations.
file  messageservice.fcl [code]
file  NestedIterator.h [code]
 Iterators recursing though nested collections.
file  PxHitConverter.cxx [code]
file  PxHitConverter.h [code]
file  PxUtils.h [code]
file  Range.cxx [code]
file  Range.h [code]
 Class def header for a class Range.
file  RangeForWrapper.h [code]
 Utility function to enable range-for on different type iterators.
file  resourcetracking_services.fcl [code]
file  SeedCreator.h [code]
 Tools and modules for checking out the basics of the Monte Carlo.
file  services_lartpcdetector.fcl [code]
file  SignalShaping.cxx [code]
 Generic signal shaping class.
file  SignalShaping.h [code]
 Generic class for shaping signals on wires.
file  SimpleFits.h [code]
 Classes performing simple fits.
file  standard_reco.fcl [code]
file  TensorIndices.h [code]
 TensorIndices class to flatten multi-dimension indices into linear.
file  timeservice.fcl [code]
file  TupleLookupByTag.h [code]
 Utilities to address elements of a tuple-like class by tag.
file  UniqueRangeSet.cxx [code]
file  UniqueRangeSet.h [code]
 Class def header for a class UniqueRangeSet.
file  UtilException.cxx [code]
file  UtilException.h [code]
 Class def header for exception classes used in GeometryUtilities.