RandomUtils Directory Reference


directory  Providers


file  GlobalEngineUserTestService.h [code]
 Test service registering its own engine.
file  GlobalEngineUserTestService_service.cc [code]
file  globalseedtest_linear.fcl [code]
file  globalseedtest_perevent.fcl [code]
file  globalseedtest_predefined.fcl [code]
file  RandomManagerTest01.fcl [code]
file  RandomManagerTest02.fcl [code]
file  RandomManagerTest03.fcl [code]
file  RandomManagerTest_module.cc [code]
 Test of the random engine managing interface of NuRandomService.
file  seedtest_query_seeds.fcl [code]
file  seedtest_register_on_process_event.fcl [code]
file  seedtest_register_on_run_registered.fcl [code]
file  seedtest_register_on_run_unregistered.fcl [code]
file  seedtest_register_on_subrun.fcl [code]
file  SeedTestPolicy_module.cc [code]
 Test the NuRandomService.
file  SeedTestQuerySeeds_module.cc [code]
 Tests query of seeds in various contexts.
file  SeedTestRegisterOnProcessEvent_module.cc [code]
 Tests engine registration and query of seeds in analyze() context.
file  SeedTestRegisterOnRun_module.cc [code]
 Tests engine registration and query of seeds in beginRun() context.
file  SeedTestRegisterOnSubRun_module.cc [code]
 Tests engine registration and query of seeds in beginSubRun() context.
file  SeedTestUtils.cxx [code]
 Functions used in NuRandomService tests (implementation file)
file  SeedTestUtils.h [code]
 Functions used in NuRandomService tests.
file  testPerEvent01.fcl [code]
file  testPerEventErr01.fcl [code]