enum cvn::TFInteraction TFInteractionType
enum cvn::TFResult TFResultType
Enumeration to describe the order of the TF network output.
enum cvn::TFFlavour TFFlavourType
Nutau CC Resonant interaction.
enum cvn::TFMultioutputs TFMultioutputsType
Nutau CC, other than above.
Nutau CC DIS interaction.
Nue CC, other than above.
Numu CC Resonant interaction.
Nutau CC Resonant interaction.
Enumeration to describe the order of the TF network output.
enum cvn::Interaction InteractionType
Utility class for truth labels.
enum cvn::TFTopologyProtons TFTopologyProtonsType
Numu CC, other than above.
Nue CC Resonant interaction.
Nue CC, other than above.
enum cvn::topology_type TopologyType
enum cvn::TFTopologyNeutrons TFTopologyNeutronsType
enum cvn::tau_type TauType
Numu CC Resonant interaction.
Number of interaction types, used like a vector size.
enum cvn::topology_type_alt TopologyTypeAlt
Nutau CC DIS interaction.
Something else. Tau? Hopefully we don't use this.
enum cvn::TFIsAntineutrino TFIsAntineutrinoType
Numu CC, other than above.
Nutau CC, other than above.
Nue CC Resonant interaction.
enum cvn::TFTopologyPions TFTopologyPionsType
enum cvn::TFTopologyPizeros TFTopologyPizerosType