1 #include "evdservices_base.fcl"
2 #include "trackfindermodules.fcl"
3 #include "particleid.fcl"
4 #include "cluster_microboone.fcl"
5 #include "showerfindermodules.fcl"
11 # Load the service that manages root files for histograms.
14 RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
15 message: @local::evd_message
16 @table::microboone_disp
21 #Look at the input files
24 module_type: RootInput
25 fileNames: [ "data.root" ]
26 maxEvents: -1 # Number of events to create
27 #inputCommands:["keep*","drop sim::PMTHits_*_*_*"]
32 # Define and configure some modules to do work on each event.
33 # First modules are defined; they are scheduled later.
34 # Modules are grouped by type.
40 graph: @local::microboone_graphcluster
41 showeranglecluster: @local::microboone_showeranglecluster
42 showerreco: @local::microboone_shower
49 evdisp:{module_type: EVD}
53 #list the modules for this path, order matters, filters reject all following items
55 recopath: [graph,showeranglecluster,showerreco]
56 #end_path are things that do not modify art::Event, includes analyzers
57 #and output modules. all items here can be run simultaneously
58 trigger_paths: [recopath]
61 services.EvdLayoutOptions.ShowSideBar: 1
62 services.EvdLayoutOptions.ShowClusterSection: 1
63 services.EvdLayoutOptions.ChangeWire: 1
64 services.EvdLayoutOptions.EnableMCTruthCheckBox: 0
65 services.RecoDrawingOptions.ClusterModuleLabels: ["graph"]
66 services.AnalysisDrawingOptions.CalorimetryModuleLabels: ["showerreco"]
67 services.RecoDrawingOptions.DrawClusters: 1
68 physics.producers.showeranglecluster.ClusterModuleLabel: "graph"
69 physics.producers.spacepts.ClusterModuleLabel: "graph"
72 services.ScanOptions.Categories: ["Interaction Type", "Particles Coinciding wih the Vertex"]
73 services.ScanOptions.FieldLabels: ["nu_e CC", "nu_mu CC", "NC","unknown",
74 "# of muons ","# of protons","# of charged pions","# other tracks",
75 "# of electrons","# of single photons","# of pi0" ]
76 services.ScanOptions.FieldTypes: ["RadioButton", "RadioButton", "RadioButton","RadioButton",
77 "Number","Number","Number","Number","Number","Number","Number"] # type of each fieldd
78 services.ScanOptions.FieldsPerCategory: [4,7]