EventDisplay Directory Reference


directory  3DDrawers
directory  ExptDrawers
directory  SimDrawers
directory  wfHitDrawers


file  AnalysisBaseDrawer.cxx [code]
file  AnalysisBaseDrawer.h [code]
file  AnalysisDrawingOptions.h [code]
file  AnalysisDrawingOptions_service.cc [code]
file  CalorPad.cxx [code]
file  CalorPad.h [code]
file  CalorView.cxx [code]
file  CalorView.h [code]
file  ChangeTrackers.h [code]
file  ColorDrawingOptions.h [code]
file  ColorDrawingOptions_service.cc [code]
file  Display3DPad.cxx [code]
file  Display3DPad.h [code]
file  Display3DView.cxx [code]
file  Display3DView.h [code]
file  DrawingPad.cxx [code]
file  DrawingPad.h [code]
file  evd.fcl [code]
file  EVD_module.cc [code]
file  evd_uboone_analysis.fcl [code]
file  evd_uboone_efficiency.fcl [code]
file  evd_uboone_purity.fcl [code]
file  EvdLayoutOptions.h [code]
file  EvdLayoutOptions_service.cc [code]
file  evdservices.fcl [code]
file  evdservices_base.fcl [code]
file  eventdisplay.h [code]
file  GraphCluster_module.cc [code]
file  GraphClusterAlg.cxx [code]
file  GraphClusterAlg.h [code]
file  HeaderDrawer.cxx [code]
file  HeaderDrawer.h [code]
file  HeaderPad.cxx [code]
file  HeaderPad.h [code]
file  HitSelector.cxx [code]
 /// Class to perform operations needed to select hits and pass them to InfoTransfer.
file  HitSelector.h [code]
 Class to perform operations needed to select hits and pass them to a cluster.
file  InfoTransfer.h [code]
file  InfoTransfer_service.cc [code]
file  LinkDef.h [code]
file  MCBriefPad.cxx [code]
file  MCBriefPad.h [code]
file  Ortho3DPad.cxx [code]
 Drawing pad showing an orthographic rendering of 3D objects in the detector.
file  Ortho3DPad.h [code]
 Drawing pad showing an orthographic projection of 3D objects in the detector.
file  Ortho3DView.cxx [code]
 Orthographic view display window.
file  Ortho3DView.h [code]
 A view showing an orthographic projection of 3D objects.
file  OrthoProj.h [code]
 Define OrthoProj_t enum for selecting orthographic view.
file  RawDataDrawer.cxx [code]
file  RawDataDrawer.h [code]
file  RawDrawingOptions.h [code]
file  RawDrawingOptions_service.cc [code]
file  RecoBaseDrawer.cxx [code]
file  RecoBaseDrawer.h [code]
file  RecoDrawingOptions.h [code]
file  RecoDrawingOptions_service.cc [code]
file  SimulationDrawer.cxx [code]
file  SimulationDrawer.h [code]
file  SimulationDrawingOptions.h [code]
file  SimulationDrawingOptions_service.cc [code]
file  Style.cxx [code]
file  Style.h [code]
file  TQPad.cxx [code]
 Drawing pad for time or charge histograms.
file  TQPad.h [code]
 Drawing pad for time or charge histograms.
file  TWireProjPad.cxx [code]
 Drawing pad for X-Z or Y-Z projections of events.
file  TWireProjPad.h [code]
 Drawing pad showing a single X-Z or Y-Z projection of an event.
file  TWQMultiTPCProjection.cxx [code]
 The "main" event display view that most people will want to use.
file  TWQMultiTPCProjection.h [code]
file  TWQProjectionView.cxx [code]
 The "main" event display view that most people will want to use.
file  TWQProjectionView.h [code]
 A view showing the time vs wire, charge and charge vs time information for an event.