Thread safety summary Safe binding_modifier h exception cc exception h fwd h ParameterArgumentTypes h parse_shims cc parse_shims h parse_shims_opts h print_mode h Protection cc Protection h tokens h type_traits_error_msgs h type_traits h validationException h(unused) Not Safe Atom.h Atom.icc AtomBase.h Comment.h ConfigPredicate.h DatabaseSupport.cc DatabaseSupport.h DelegateBase.h DelegatedParameter.cc DelegatedParameter.h Indentation.h KeyAssembler.cc KeyAssembler.h KeysToIgnore.h(testing only) MaybeDisplayParent.cc MaybeDisplayParent.h Name.cc Name.h NameStackRegistry.cc NameStackRegistry.h OptionalAtom.h OptionalAtom.icc OptionalDelegatedParameter.cc OptionalDelegatedParameter.h OptionalSequence.h OptionalSequence.icc OptionalTable.h OptionalTable.icc OptionalTuple.h OptionalTupleAs.h ParameterBase.h ParameterMetadata.h ParameterSet.cc ParameterSet.h ParameterSetID.cc ParameterSetID.h ParameterSetImplHelpers.h ParameterSetRegistry.cc ParameterSetRegistry.h ParameterSetWalker.h ParameterWalker.h Prettifier.cc Prettifier.h PrettifierAnnotated.cc PrettifierAnnotated.h PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.cc PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.h PrintAllowedConfiguration.cc PrintAllowedConfiguration.h SeqVectorBase.h Sequence.h Sequence.icc SequenceBase.h Table.h Table.icc TableBase.h TableFragment.h TableMemberRegistry.h Tuple.h TupleAs.h ValidateThenSet.cc ValidateThenSet.h coding.cc coding.h encode_extended_value.cc encode_extended_value.h extended_value.cc extended_value.h intermediate_table.cc intermediate_table.h make_ParameterSet.cc make_ParameterSet.h optional_parameter_message.h ostream_helpers.cc ostream_helpers.h parse.cc parse.h printing_helpers.cc printing_helpers.h stdmap_shims.h strip_containing_names.cc strip_containing_names.h try_blocks.h-----Thread-safety summary by subsystem and component.Parameter File Parsing extended_value.cc extended_value.h Protection.cc Protection.h stdmap_shims.h intermediate_table.cc intermediate_table.h parse.cc parse.h tokens.h binding_modifier.h parse_shims.cc parse_shims.h parse_shims_opts.h encode_extended_value.cc encode_extended_value.h coding.cc coding.h Parameter Storage/Retrieval DatabaseSupport.cc DatabaseSupport.h ParameterSet.cc ParameterSet.h ParameterSetImplHelpers.h try_blocks.h KeyAssembler.cc KeyAssembler.h ParameterSetID.cc ParameterSetID.h ParameterSetRegistry.cc ParameterSetRegistry.h fwd.h make_ParameterSet.cc make_ParameterSet.h Parameter Validation Atom.h Atom.icc AtomBase.h Comment.h ConfigPredicate.h DelegateBase.h DelegatedParameter.cc DelegatedParameter.h KeysToIgnore.h(testing only) Name.cc Name.h NameStackRegistry.cc NameStackRegistry.h OptionalAtom.h OptionalAtom.icc OptionalDelegatedParameter.cc OptionalDelegatedParameter.h OptionalSequence.h OptionalSequence.icc OptionalTable.h OptionalTable.icc OptionalTuple.h OptionalTupleAs.h ParameterArgumentTypes.h ParameterBase.h ParameterMetadata.h ParameterWalker.h PrintAllowedConfiguration.cc PrintAllowedConfiguration.h SeqVectorBase.h Sequence.h Sequence.icc SequenceBase.h Table.h Table.icc TableBase.h TableFragment.h TableMemberRegistry.h Tuple.h TupleAs.h ValidateThenSet.cc ValidateThenSet.h optional_parameter_message.h ostream_helpers.cc ostream_helpers.h strip_containing_names.cc strip_containing_names.h type_traits_error_msgs.h validationException.h(unused) Parameter Pretty-Printing Indentation.h MaybeDisplayParent.cc MaybeDisplayParent.h PrettifierAnnotated.cc PrettifierAnnotated.h Prettifier.cc Prettifier.h PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.cc PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.h printing_helpers.cc printing_helpers.h print_mode.h Parameter Utility Routines ParameterSetWalker.h exception.cc exception.h type_traits.h-----boost THREADING CALLED ONLY AT lib which is PROGRAM global destructor time | ParameterSetRegistry ()-THREADING-+ParameterSetRegistry(ParameterSet const &)=delete |
| ParameterSetRegistry (ParameterSet &&)=delete |
The | instance_ () private static member function manages a function-local static variable s_registry which is the process-wide single instance of the ParameterSetRegistry class.This means the private default const ructor with no arguments is run the first time the instance_() function is executed.It is worth noting that the C++Standard guarantees that function local static initialization is thread-safe and that g++does correctly implement this requirement using a critical section.The first time the instance_() function is run is in art |
The private default constructor with no arguments first calls | openPrimaryDB () to initialize the primaryDB_ data member |
The private default constructor with no arguments first calls then sets stmt_ to the and then default initializes the registry_ data member it would be better to initialize primaryDB_ to and then calls | sqlite3_exec () to create the ParameterSets table.On failure of either step throwOnSQLiteFailure() is called.The creation of the ParameterSets table is done in a transaction so either it appears |
The private default constructor with no arguments first calls then sets stmt_ to the and then default initializes the registry_ data member it would be better to initialize primaryDB_ to and then calls or on error it does there will never be a partially created table The | throwOnSQLiteFailure () function is passed a local database pointer and a local pointer to the sql error message which was created by sqlite3.It copies the message and uses sqlite3_free to release the message storage.If the database pointer is the nullptr it throws a fhicl::exception. Otherwise it calls sqlite3_errcode to retrieve the pending error code from sqlite and then uses sqlite3_errstr to translate the code to a message. Then it calls sqlite3_errmsg passing it the local database pointer to retrieve further information. Then it throws a fhicl::exception. THREADING - ParameterSetRegistry construction is not thread-safe. The uses of sqlite3 interfaces in the ParameterSetRegistry private default constructor with no arguments form a transaction that must not be interleaved with another attempted construction. The thread-safety of sqlite3 is not clear, callgrind traces show that pthread mutexes are being used, so there is some attempt being made, must investigate interactions with tbb. THREADING - sqlite3 thread-safety uses pthread, is it compatible with tbb? Construction of the ParameterSetRegistry should not be interleaved with any other uses of the sqlite3 interfaces to manipulate the parameter set database. And possibly should not be mixed with any other used of sqlite3, this needs further investigation. Careful thought must also be given to the interaction of exception handling with the thread tasking system in use. THREADING - Must know how throwing an exception in a thread safely shuts down the other threads. THREADING - Nearly all ParameterSetRegistry interfaces use instance_() and so may result in construction of the singleton instance at a time when it is not safe. ----- Detailed source-based analysis of ParameterSet::put(string const&, extended_value const&) template<> void ParameterSet:: put(string const& key, extended_value const& value) auto insert = [this, &key, &value]() insert_(key, boost::any(detail::encode(value))) |
THREADING encode may do a any const &value | check_put_local_key (key) |
| check_put_local_key (string const &key) if(key.find('.')! |
| if (!mapping_.emplace(key, value).second)-THREADING-throw exception(cant_insert)<< "key "<< key<< " already exists." |
id_ | invalidate () |
THREADING | fill_src_info (value, key, srcMapping_) |
| fill_src_info (extended_value const &value, string const &key, ParameterSet::annot_t &src_map) src_map[key] |
THREADING | if (!value.is_a(SEQUENCE)) return |
size_t | i (0) |
| for (auto const &xval:extended_value::sequence_t(value))-THREADING-ostringstream oss |
| oss<< key<< "["<< i++<< "]";src_map[oss.str()]=xval.src_info;-THREADING-fill_src_info(xval, oss.str(), src_map);-THREADING-detail::try_insert(insert, key);...runs insert(), throws on error, uses key for error msg-----Analyzed by callgrind.make_ParameterSet(intermediate_table const &, ParameterSet &) ParameterSet::put< extended_value > (string const &key, extended_value const &value) detail |
| tables () const |
| last () const |
name_ string indices_ vector SequenceKey string const name, vector const indices name_ | name () const |
| indices () const |
keys | erase (remove(keys.begin(), keys.end(),""), keys.end()) |
| if (keys.empty()) |
keys | pop_back () |
return | descend_ (keys.tables(), ps)?ps.get_one_(keys.last() |
| for (auto const &table:names).........if(!p-> get_one_(table, tmp)) return false |
| R ((\]\[|\[|\]))") |
tokens | erase (tokens.begin()) |
THREADING | if (iter==mapping_.end()) return false-THREADING-......auto a |
if * | iter ()) return false;.........a=seq[*iter];.........return find_an_any(++it, cend, a |
THREADING | if (iter!=registry_.cend()) return iter |
THREADING | if (stmt_==nullptr)-THREADING-..................sqlite3_prepare_v2(primaryDB_ |
| make_ParameterSet (reinterpret_cast< char const * >(sqlite3_column_text(stmt_, 0)), pset) |
| parse_document (string, tbl) |
| make_ParameterSet (tbl, ps) |
THREADING | sqlite3_reset (stmt_) |
| catch (exception const &e)......ostringstream errmsg |
| make_ParameterSet (raw_config, main_pset) |
| make_ParameterSet (psEntry.second.pset_, pset) |
void | make_ParameterSet (string const &str, ParameterSet &pset)...intermediate_table tbl |
| parse_document (str, tbl) |
void | make_ParameterSet (string const &filename, cet::filepath_maker &, ParameterSet &pset)...intermediate_table tbl |
| parse_document (filename, maker, tbl) |
| for (auto I=tbl.begin(), E=tbl.end();I!=E;++I).........if(!I-> second.in_prolog) ............pset.put(I->first, I->second) |
try | make_ParameterSet (fname,*policy_ptr, pset) |
| catch (cet::exception &e) cerr<< "Configuration file \""<< fname<< "\" "<< "parsing failed with exception "<< e.what()<< ".\n"<< "Default configuration will be used instead.\n" |
string const | pstr (ss.str()) |
| make_ParameterSet (pstr, pset) |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold and | tableids (@id::[0-9A-Fa-f]+)(hex representation of a ParameterSetID).enum value_tag UNKNOWN |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold and TABLEID enum Protection PROTECT_IGNORE PROTECT_ERROR unsigned char NONE | to_string (Protection p) |
| extended_value (bool in_prolog, value_tag tag, boost::any value, Protection protection, string const &src={}) |
| extended_value (bool in_prolog, value_tag tag, boost::any value, string const &src={}) |
is_a(value_tag t) const | empty () const |
names_ vector | instance () static |
bool | is_sequence (par_type const pt) |
bool | is_table (par_type const pt) |
key_ string | ParameterMetadata ()=default+ParameterMetadata(Name const &name |
| TableMemberRegistry ()=default+TableMemberRegistry(TableMemberRegistry const &)=delete+TableMemberRegistry(TableMemberRegistry &&)=delete+TableMemberRegistry &operator |
value_ | Comment ("")} |
| Atom (Name &&name, Comment &&comment) explicit |
| Atom (Name &&name, Comment &&comment, function< bool()> maybeUse) explicit |
| Atom (Name &&name, T const &dflt_value) explicit |
| Atom (Name &&name, Comment &&comment, T const &dflt_value) explicit |
| Atom (Name &&name, Comment &&comment, function< bool()> maybeUse, T const &dflt_value) explicit |
| operator() () const |
Thread safety summary Safe binding_modifier h exception cc exception h fwd h ParameterArgumentTypes h parse_shims cc parse_shims h parse_shims_opts h print_mode h Protection cc Protection h tokens h type_traits_error_msgs h type_traits h validationException h(unused) Not Safe Atom.h Atom.icc AtomBase.h Comment.h ConfigPredicate.h DatabaseSupport.cc DatabaseSupport.h DelegateBase.h DelegatedParameter.cc DelegatedParameter.h Indentation.h KeyAssembler.cc KeyAssembler.h KeysToIgnore.h(testing only) MaybeDisplayParent.cc MaybeDisplayParent.h Name.cc Name.h NameStackRegistry.cc NameStackRegistry.h OptionalAtom.h OptionalAtom.icc OptionalDelegatedParameter.cc OptionalDelegatedParameter.h OptionalSequence.h OptionalSequence.icc OptionalTable.h OptionalTable.icc OptionalTuple.h OptionalTupleAs.h ParameterBase.h ParameterMetadata.h ParameterSet.cc ParameterSet.h ParameterSetID.cc ParameterSetID.h ParameterSetImplHelpers.h ParameterSetRegistry.cc ParameterSetRegistry.h ParameterSetWalker.h ParameterWalker.h Prettifier.cc Prettifier.h PrettifierAnnotated.cc PrettifierAnnotated.h PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.cc PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.h PrintAllowedConfiguration.cc PrintAllowedConfiguration.h SeqVectorBase.h Sequence.h Sequence.icc SequenceBase.h Table.h Table.icc TableBase.h TableFragment.h TableMemberRegistry.h Tuple.h TupleAs.h ValidateThenSet.cc ValidateThenSet.h coding.cc coding.h encode_extended_value.cc encode_extended_value.h extended_value.cc extended_value.h intermediate_table.cc intermediate_table.h make_ParameterSet.cc make_ParameterSet.h optional_parameter_message.h ostream_helpers.cc ostream_helpers.h parse.cc parse.h printing_helpers.cc printing_helpers.h stdmap_shims.h strip_containing_names.cc strip_containing_names.h try_blocks.h-----Thread-safety summary by subsystem and component.Parameter File Parsing extended_value.cc extended_value.h Protection.cc Protection.h stdmap_shims.h intermediate_table.cc intermediate_table.h parse.cc parse.h tokens.h binding_modifier.h parse_shims.cc parse_shims.h parse_shims_opts.h encode_extended_value.cc encode_extended_value.h coding.cc coding.h Parameter Storage/Retrieval DatabaseSupport.cc DatabaseSupport.h ParameterSet.cc ParameterSet.h ParameterSetImplHelpers.h try_blocks.h KeyAssembler.cc KeyAssembler.h ParameterSetID.cc ParameterSetID.h ParameterSetRegistry.cc ParameterSetRegistry.h fwd.h make_ParameterSet.cc make_ParameterSet.h Parameter Validation Atom.h Atom.icc AtomBase.h Comment.h ConfigPredicate.h DelegateBase.h DelegatedParameter.cc DelegatedParameter.h KeysToIgnore.h(testing only) Name.cc Name.h NameStackRegistry.cc NameStackRegistry.h OptionalAtom.h OptionalAtom.icc OptionalDelegatedParameter.cc OptionalDelegatedParameter.h OptionalSequence.h OptionalSequence.icc OptionalTable.h OptionalTable.icc OptionalTuple.h OptionalTupleAs.h ParameterArgumentTypes.h ParameterBase.h ParameterMetadata.h ParameterWalker.h PrintAllowedConfiguration.cc PrintAllowedConfiguration.h SeqVectorBase.h Sequence.h Sequence.icc SequenceBase.h Table.h Table.icc TableBase.h TableFragment.h TableMemberRegistry.h Tuple.h TupleAs.h ValidateThenSet.cc ValidateThenSet.h optional_parameter_message.h ostream_helpers.cc ostream_helpers.h strip_containing_names.cc strip_containing_names.h type_traits_error_msgs.h validationException.h(unused) Parameter Pretty-Printing Indentation.h MaybeDisplayParent.cc MaybeDisplayParent.h PrettifierAnnotated.cc PrettifierAnnotated.h Prettifier.cc Prettifier.h PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.cc PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.h printing_helpers.cc printing_helpers.h print_mode.h Parameter Utility Routines ParameterSetWalker.h exception.cc exception.h type_traits.h-----boost THREADING CALLED ONLY AT lib | unload |
Thread safety summary Safe binding_modifier h exception cc exception h fwd h ParameterArgumentTypes h parse_shims cc parse_shims h parse_shims_opts h print_mode h Protection cc Protection h tokens h type_traits_error_msgs h type_traits h validationException h(unused) Not Safe Atom.h Atom.icc AtomBase.h Comment.h ConfigPredicate.h DatabaseSupport.cc DatabaseSupport.h DelegateBase.h DelegatedParameter.cc DelegatedParameter.h Indentation.h KeyAssembler.cc KeyAssembler.h KeysToIgnore.h(testing only) MaybeDisplayParent.cc MaybeDisplayParent.h Name.cc Name.h NameStackRegistry.cc NameStackRegistry.h OptionalAtom.h OptionalAtom.icc OptionalDelegatedParameter.cc OptionalDelegatedParameter.h OptionalSequence.h OptionalSequence.icc OptionalTable.h OptionalTable.icc OptionalTuple.h OptionalTupleAs.h ParameterBase.h ParameterMetadata.h ParameterSet.cc ParameterSet.h ParameterSetID.cc ParameterSetID.h ParameterSetImplHelpers.h ParameterSetRegistry.cc ParameterSetRegistry.h ParameterSetWalker.h ParameterWalker.h Prettifier.cc Prettifier.h PrettifierAnnotated.cc PrettifierAnnotated.h PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.cc PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.h PrintAllowedConfiguration.cc PrintAllowedConfiguration.h SeqVectorBase.h Sequence.h Sequence.icc SequenceBase.h Table.h Table.icc TableBase.h TableFragment.h TableMemberRegistry.h Tuple.h TupleAs.h ValidateThenSet.cc ValidateThenSet.h coding.cc coding.h encode_extended_value.cc encode_extended_value.h extended_value.cc extended_value.h intermediate_table.cc intermediate_table.h make_ParameterSet.cc make_ParameterSet.h optional_parameter_message.h ostream_helpers.cc ostream_helpers.h parse.cc parse.h printing_helpers.cc printing_helpers.h stdmap_shims.h strip_containing_names.cc strip_containing_names.h try_blocks.h-----Thread-safety summary by subsystem and component.Parameter File Parsing extended_value.cc extended_value.h Protection.cc Protection.h stdmap_shims.h intermediate_table.cc intermediate_table.h parse.cc parse.h tokens.h binding_modifier.h parse_shims.cc parse_shims.h parse_shims_opts.h encode_extended_value.cc encode_extended_value.h coding.cc coding.h Parameter Storage/Retrieval DatabaseSupport.cc DatabaseSupport.h ParameterSet.cc ParameterSet.h ParameterSetImplHelpers.h try_blocks.h KeyAssembler.cc KeyAssembler.h ParameterSetID.cc ParameterSetID.h ParameterSetRegistry.cc ParameterSetRegistry.h fwd.h make_ParameterSet.cc make_ParameterSet.h Parameter Validation Atom.h Atom.icc AtomBase.h Comment.h ConfigPredicate.h DelegateBase.h DelegatedParameter.cc DelegatedParameter.h KeysToIgnore.h(testing only) Name.cc Name.h NameStackRegistry.cc NameStackRegistry.h OptionalAtom.h OptionalAtom.icc OptionalDelegatedParameter.cc OptionalDelegatedParameter.h OptionalSequence.h OptionalSequence.icc OptionalTable.h OptionalTable.icc OptionalTuple.h OptionalTupleAs.h ParameterArgumentTypes.h ParameterBase.h ParameterMetadata.h ParameterWalker.h PrintAllowedConfiguration.cc PrintAllowedConfiguration.h SeqVectorBase.h Sequence.h Sequence.icc SequenceBase.h Table.h Table.icc TableBase.h TableFragment.h TableMemberRegistry.h Tuple.h TupleAs.h ValidateThenSet.cc ValidateThenSet.h optional_parameter_message.h ostream_helpers.cc ostream_helpers.h strip_containing_names.cc strip_containing_names.h type_traits_error_msgs.h validationException.h(unused) Parameter Pretty-Printing Indentation.h MaybeDisplayParent.cc MaybeDisplayParent.h PrettifierAnnotated.cc PrettifierAnnotated.h Prettifier.cc Prettifier.h PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.cc PrettifierPrefixAnnotated.h printing_helpers.cc printing_helpers.h print_mode.h Parameter Utility Routines ParameterSetWalker.h exception.cc exception.h type_traits.h-----boost THREADING CALLED ONLY AT lib which is PROGRAM | EXIT |
operator=(ParameterSet const &)=delete art art Framework IO Root config_dumper | cc |
art art Framework Principal Event | ps = *p |
art art Framework Principal Run | temp |
The private default constructor with no arguments first calls then sets stmt_ to the | nullptr |
The private default constructor with no arguments first calls then sets stmt_ to the and then default initializes the registry_ data member | FIXME |
The private default constructor with no arguments first calls then sets stmt_ to the and then default initializes the registry_ data member it would be better to initialize primaryDB_ to and then calls or on error it does | not |
return | get_if_present (key, result)?result |
return T &value const auto | keys = detail::get_names(key) |
| __pad0__ |
string const | last = keys.back() |
return | Keys {keys, last} |
return | value |
| __pad1__ |
ParameterSet &ps const ParameterSet const * | p {this} |
ParameterSet | tmp |
return | true |
| __pad2__ |
T &value const try auto | skey = detail::get_sequence_indices(key) |
| __pad3__ |
auto const | name = tokens.front() |
vector< size_t > | indices |
return | SequenceKey {name, indices} |
map< string, boost::any >::const_iterator | iter = mapping_.find(skey.name()) |
if(!detail::find_an_any(skey.indices().cbegin(), skey.indices().cend(), a)) throw exception(error | __pad4__ |
if(!detail::find_an_any(skey.indices().cbegin(), skey.indices().cend(), a)) throw exception(error cit_size_t const | cend |
auto const | seq = boost::any_cast<ps_sequence_t>(a) |
THREADING problem if a is a ParameterSetID and value is a | ParameterSet |
THREADING problem if a is a ParameterSetID and value is a ParameterSet &result ParameterSetID | id = any_cast<ParameterSetID>(a) |
| result = ParameterSetRegistry::get(id) |
THREADING | __pad5__ |
THREADING | __pad6__ |
& | stmt_ |
THREADING auto | idString = id.to_string() |
THREADING switch(result)..................case SQLITE_DONE case | SQLITE_ROW |
THREADING | __pad7__ |
THREADING | pset |
intermediate_table | tbl |
| __pad8__ |
THREADING | break |
default | __pad9__ |
if(iter==cend()) throw exception(error THREADING return iter | second |
mapping_ | __pad10__ |
mapping_ boost::any THREADING all three data members must be interlocked against writers | srcMapping_ |
mapping_ boost::any THREADING all three data members must be interlocked against writers string THREADING all three data members must be interlocked against writers | id_ |
mapping_ boost::any THREADING all three data members must be interlocked against writers string THREADING all three data members must be interlocked against writers bool annotate | const |
mapping_ boost::any THREADING all three data members must be interlocked against writers string THREADING all three data members must be interlocked against writers bool annotate detail::print_mode pm T &value T T convert(Via const &)) const for auto & | handler |
mapping_ boost::any THREADING all three data members must be interlocked against writers string THREADING all three data members must be interlocked against writers bool annotate detail::print_mode pm T &value T T convert(Via const &)) const for auto | raw_config |
| maker_ |
ParameterSet | main_pset |
iterate over intermediate table use ParameterSet::put(key, value) ParameterSetRegistry o root input | files |
iterate over intermediate table use ParameterSet::put(key, value) ParameterSetRegistry o root input parameter set blobs and the newer per file db | Uses |
and | __pad11__ |
copies from on disk db into in memory | db |
Or | __pad12__ |
o encode called by ParameterSet::put() Uses | And |
return | default_config |
And | __pad13__ |
This is the output of a fcl file | parse |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold | values |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold | sequences |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold | tables |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold and | NIL |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold and | BOOL |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold and | NUMBER |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold and | COMPLEX |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold and | STRING |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold and | SEQUENCE |
This is the output of a fcl file normally held as a data member of an intermediate_table The structure is recursive and may hold and | TABLE |
key_ string Comment const & | comment = Comment("") |
key_ string Comment const par_style const | parStyle = par_style::NTYPES |
key_ string Comment const par_style const par_type const | parType |
tables_ | __pad14__ |
return | registry |
value_ | __pad15__ |