Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 /// \file ParticleListAction.cxx
3 /// \brief Use Geant4's user "hooks" to maintain a list of particles generated by Geant4.
4 ///
5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 #include "nug4/G4Base/PrimaryParticleInformation.h"
10 #include "Geometry/GeometryGAr.h"
16 #include "Geant4/G4Event.hh"
17 #include "Geant4/G4Track.hh"
18 #include "Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh"
19 #include "Geant4/G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
20 #include "Geant4/G4PrimaryParticle.hh"
21 #include "Geant4/G4DynamicParticle.hh"
22 #include "Geant4/G4VUserPrimaryParticleInformation.hh"
23 #include "Geant4/G4Step.hh"
24 #include "Geant4/G4StepPoint.hh"
25 #include "Geant4/G4VProcess.hh"
26 #include "Geant4/G4String.hh"
28 #include <TGeoManager.h>
29 #include <TGeoMaterial.h>
30 #include <TGeoNode.h>
31 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
32 #include <TString.h>
34 #include <algorithm>
35 #include <regex>
37 //unused const G4bool debug = false;
39 namespace gar {
40  namespace garg4 {
42  // Initialize static members.
46  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47  // Dropped particle test
49  {
50  return !p || p->Trajectory().empty();
51  } // ParticleListAction::isDropped()
53  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
54  // Constructor.
56  bool storeTrajectories,
57  bool keepEMShowerDaughters,
58  std::string EMShowerDaughterMatRegex )
59  : fEnergyCut (energyCut)
60  , fParticleList (new sim::ParticleList())
61  , fstoreTrajectories (storeTrajectories)
62  , fKeepEMShowerDaughters(keepEMShowerDaughters)
63  , fEMShowerDaughterMatRegex(EMShowerDaughterMatRegex)
64  {
65  fParentIDMap.clear();
66  }
68  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
69  // Destructor.
71  {
72  // Delete anything that we created with "new'.
73  delete fParticleList;
74  }
76  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
77  // Begin the event
79  {
80  // Clear any previous particle information.
82  fParticleList->clear();
83  fParentIDMap.clear();
84  fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex.clear();
87  }
89  //-------------------------------------------------------------
90  // figure out the ultimate parentage of the particle with track ID
91  // trackid. Assume assume that the current track id has already
92  // been added to the fParentIDMap
93  int ParticleListAction::GetParentage(int trackid) const
94  {
95  int parentid = sdp::NoParticleId;
97  // search the fParentIDMap recursively until we have the parent id
98  // of the first EM particle that led to this one
100  while( itr != fParentIDMap.end() ){
101  MF_LOG_DEBUG("ParticleListAction")
102  << "parentage for " << trackid
103  << " " << (*itr).second;
105  // set the parentid to the current parent ID, when the loop ends
106  // this id will be the first EM particle
107  parentid = (*itr).second;
108  itr = fParentIDMap.find(parentid);
109  }
110  MF_LOG_DEBUG("ParticleListAction") << "final parent ID " << parentid;
112  return parentid;
113  }
115  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
116  // Create our initial simb::MCParticle object and add it to the sim::ParticleList.
117  void ParticleListAction::PreTrackingAction(const G4Track* track)
118  {
119  // Particle type.
120  G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition = track->GetDefinition();
121  G4int pdgCode = particleDefinition->GetPDGEncoding();
124  TGeoManager *geomanager = geo->ROOTGeoManager();
126  // Get Geant4's ID number for this track. This will be the same
127  // ID number that we'll use in the ParticleList.
128  G4int trackID = track->GetTrackID() + fTrackIDOffset;
129  fCurrentTrackID = trackID;
130  size_t mcTruthIndex = 0;
132  // And the particle's parent:
133  G4int parentID = track->GetParentID() + fTrackIDOffset;
135  std::string process_name = "unknown";
137  // Is there an MCTruth object associated with this G4Track? We
138  // have to go up a "chain" of information to find out:
139  const G4DynamicParticle* dynamicParticle = track->GetDynamicParticle();
140  const G4PrimaryParticle* primaryParticle = dynamicParticle->GetPrimaryParticle();
141  if ( primaryParticle ){
142  const G4VUserPrimaryParticleInformation* gppi = primaryParticle->GetUserInformation();
143  const g4b::PrimaryParticleInformation* ppi = dynamic_cast<const g4b::PrimaryParticleInformation*>(gppi);
144  if ( ppi != 0 ){
145  // If we've made it this far, a PrimaryParticleInformation
146  // object exists and we are using a primary particle, set the
147  // process name accordingly
148  process_name = "primary";
150  // primary particles should have parentID = 0, even if there
151  // are multiple MCTruths for this event
152  parentID = 0;
154  mcTruthIndex = ppi->MCTruthIndex();
155  } // end else no primary particle information
156  } // Is there a G4PrimaryParticle?
157  // If this is not a primary particle...
158  else{
159  // check if this particle was made in an EM shower, don't put it in the particle
160  // list as we don't care about secondaries, tertiaries, etc for these showers
161  // figure out what process is making this track - skip it if it is
162  // one of pair production, compton scattering, photoelectric effect
163  // bremstrahlung, annihilation, any ionization - reduces memory and the
164  // volume of the output files.
166  // trj Dec. 4, 2019 -- add in a feature to optionally skip EM shower daughter MCParticle recording
167  // in dense media. This is so we can keep the shower daughters in TPC gas but not the calorimeters or rock
169  process_name = track->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessName();
170  bool is_em_shower_daughter = ( process_name.find("conv") != std::string::npos ||
171  process_name.find("LowEnConversion") != std::string::npos ||
172  process_name.find("Pair") != std::string::npos ||
173  process_name.find("compt") != std::string::npos ||
174  process_name.find("Compt") != std::string::npos ||
175  process_name.find("Brem") != std::string::npos ||
176  process_name.find("phot") != std::string::npos ||
177  process_name.find("Photo") != std::string::npos ||
178  process_name.find("hIoni") != std::string::npos ||
179  process_name.find("eIoni") != std::string::npos ||
180  process_name.find("ionIoni") != std::string::npos ||
181  (process_name.find("Ion") != std::string::npos &&
182  process_name.find("mu") != std::string::npos) ||
183  process_name.find("annihil") != std::string::npos );
184  const G4ThreeVector& trackpos = track->GetPosition();
185  std::string matname = "";
186  auto geonode = geomanager->FindNode(trackpos[0]/CLHEP::cm,
187  trackpos[1]/CLHEP::cm,
188  trackpos[2]/CLHEP::cm);
189  if (geonode)
190  {
191  matname = geonode->GetMedium()->GetMaterial()->GetName();
192  }
194  std::regex const re_material(fEMShowerDaughterMatRegex);
196  if( is_em_shower_daughter &&
198  ! std::regex_match(matname, re_material)))
199  {
201  // figure out the ultimate parentage of this particle
202  // first add this track id and its parent to the fParentIDMap
203  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
205  fCurrentTrackID = -1 * this->GetParentage(trackID);
207  // check that fCurrentTrackID is in the particle list - it is possible
208  // that this particle's parent is a particle that did not get tracked.
209  // An example is a partent that was made due to muMinusCaptureAtRest
210  // and the daughter was made by the phot process. The parent likely
211  // isn't saved in the particle list because it is below the energy cut
212  // which will put a bogus track id value into the list if we don't check it.
213  if(!fParticleList->KnownParticle(fCurrentTrackID))
216  // clear current particle as we are not stepping this particle and
217  // adding trajectory points to it
219  return;
221  } // end if not keeping EM shower daughters or skipping some processes
224  // Check the energy of the particle. If it falls below the energy
225  // cut, don't add it to our list.
226  G4double energy = track->GetKineticEnergy();
227  if( energy * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV < fEnergyCut ){
230  // do add the particle to the parent id map though
231  // and set the current track id to be it's ultimate parent
232  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
234  fCurrentTrackID = -1 * this->GetParentage(trackID);
236  return;
237  }
239  //std::cout << "In GArG4 particle list action: ->" << matname << "<- " << fEMShowerDaughterMatRegex << std::endl;
240  //std::cout << "track position: " << trackpos[0]/CLHEP::cm << " " << trackpos[1]/CLHEP::cm << " " << trackpos[2]/CLHEP::cm << std::endl;
241  //std::cout << "Keeping mcparticle " << process_name << " " << energy << std::endl;
244  // check to see if the parent particle has been stored in the particle navigator
245  // if not, then see if it is possible to walk up the fParentIDMap to find the
246  // ultimate parent of this particle. Use that ID as the parent ID for this
247  // particle
248  if( !fParticleList->KnownParticle(parentID) ){
249  // do add the particle to the parent id map
250  // just in case it makes a daughter that we have to track as well
251  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
252  int pid = this->GetParentage(parentID);
254  // if we still can't find the parent in the particle navigator,
255  // we have to give up
256  if( !fParticleList->KnownParticle(pid) ){
257  MF_LOG_WARNING("ParticleListAction")
258  << "can't find parent id: "
259  << parentID
260  << " in the particle list, or fParentIDMap."
261  << " Make "
262  << parentID
263  << " the mother ID for"
264  << " track ID "
265  << fCurrentTrackID
266  << " in the hope that it will aid debugging.";
267  }
268  else
269  parentID = pid;
270  }
272  // Attempt to find the MCTruth index corresponding to the
273  // current particle. If the fCurrentTrackID is not in the
274  // map try the parent ID, if that is not there, throw an
275  // exception
277  mcTruthIndex =;
278  else if(fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex.count(parentID) > 0 )
279  mcTruthIndex =;
280  else
281  throw cet::exception("ParticleListAction")
282  << "Cannot find MCTruth index for track id "
283  << fCurrentTrackID
284  << " or "
285  << parentID;
287  }// end if not a primary particle
289  // This is probably the PDG mass, but just in case:
290  double mass = dynamicParticle->GetMass() * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV;
292  // Create the sim::Particle object.
295  pdgCode,
296  process_name,
297  parentID,
298  mass);
300  // if we are not filtering, we have a decision already
301  if (!fFilter) fCurrentParticle.keep = true;
303  // Polarization.
304  const G4ThreeVector& polarization = track->GetPolarization();
305  fCurrentParticle.particle->SetPolarization( TVector3(polarization.x(),
306  polarization.y(),
307  polarization.z()) );
309  // Save the particle in the ParticleList.
312  MF_LOG_DEBUG("ParticleListAction")
313  << "There are now "
314  << fParticleList->size()
315  << " particles in the list";
318  MF_LOG_WARNING("ParticleListAction")
319  << "attempting to put "
320  << fCurrentTrackID
321  << " into fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex map "
322  << " particle is\n"
325  fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex[fCurrentTrackID] = mcTruthIndex;
327  }
329  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
330  void ParticleListAction::PostTrackingAction( const G4Track* aTrack)
331  {
332  if (!fCurrentParticle.hasParticle()) return;
334  // if we have found no reason to keep it, drop it!
335  // (we might still need parentage information though)
336  if (!fCurrentParticle.keep) {
338  MF_LOG_VERBATIM("ParticleListAction")
339  << "dropping particle with track id "
343  // after the particle is archived, it is deleted
345  return;
346  }
348  if(aTrack){
349  fCurrentParticle.particle->SetWeight(aTrack->GetWeight());
350  if (aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep())
351  {
352  G4String process = aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();
354  }
355  }
357  return;
358  }
360  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
361  // With every step, add to the particle's trajectory.
363  {
365  if ( !fCurrentParticle.hasParticle() ) return;
367  // For the most part, we just want to add the post-step
368  // information to the particle's trajectory. There's one
369  // exception: In PreTrackingAction, the correct time information
370  // is not available. So add the correct vertex information here.
374  // Get the pre/along-step information from the G4Step.
375  const G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = step->GetPreStepPoint();
377  const G4ThreeVector position = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
378  G4double time = preStepPoint->GetGlobalTime();
380  // Remember that GArSoft uses cm, ns, GeV.
381  TLorentzVector fourPos(position.x() / CLHEP::cm,
382  position.y() / CLHEP::cm,
383  position.z() / CLHEP::cm,
384  time);
386  const G4ThreeVector momentum = preStepPoint->GetMomentum();
387  const G4double energy = preStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy();
388  TLorentzVector fourMom(momentum.x() * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV,
389  momentum.y() * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV,
390  momentum.z() * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV,
391  energy * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV);
393  // Add the first point in the trajectory.
394  AddPointToCurrentParticle( fourPos, fourMom, "Start" );
396  } // end if this is the first step
398  if (step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep())
399  {
400  G4String process = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();
402  // We store the initial creation point of the particle
403  // and its final position (ie where it has no more energy, or at least < 1 eV) no matter
404  // what, but whether we store the rest of the trajectory depends
405  // on the process, and on a user switch.
406  if ( fstoreTrajectories ){
407  // Get the post-step information from the G4Step.
408  const G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = step->GetPostStepPoint();
410  const G4ThreeVector position = postStepPoint->GetPosition();
411  G4double time = postStepPoint->GetGlobalTime();
413  // Remember that GArSoft uses cm, ns, GeV.
414  TLorentzVector fourPos(position.x() / CLHEP::cm,
415  position.y() / CLHEP::cm,
416  position.z() / CLHEP::cm,
417  time);
419  const G4ThreeVector momentum = postStepPoint->GetMomentum();
420  const G4double energy = postStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy();
421  TLorentzVector fourMom( momentum.x() * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV,
422  momentum.y() * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV,
423  momentum.z() * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV,
424  energy * CLHEP::MeV / CLHEP::GeV );
426  // Add another point in the trajectory.
427  AddPointToCurrentParticle( fourPos, fourMom, std::string(process) );
429  }
430  }
431  }
433  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
434  /// Utility class for the EndOfEventAction method: update the
435  /// daughter relationships in the particle list.
437  : public std::unary_function<sim::ParticleList::value_type, void>
438  {
439  public:
441  : particleList(0)
442  {}
443  void SetParticleList( sim::ParticleList* p ) { particleList = p; }
444  void operator()( sim::ParticleList::value_type& particleListEntry )
445  {
446  // We're looking at this Particle in the list.
447  int particleID = particleListEntry.first;
449  // The parent ID of this particle;
450  // we ask the particle list since the particle itself might have been lost
451  // ("archived"), but the particle list still holds the information we need
452  int parentID = particleList->GetMotherOf(particleID);
454  // If the parentID <= 0, this is a primary particle.
455  if ( parentID <= 0 ) return;
457  // If we get here, this particle is somebody's daughter. Add
458  // it to the list of daughter particles for that parent.
460  // Get the parent particle from the list.
461  sim::ParticleList::iterator parentEntry = particleList->find( parentID );
463  if ( parentEntry == particleList->end() ){
464  // We have an "orphan": a particle whose parent isn't
465  // recorded in the particle list. This is not signficant;
466  // it's possible for a particle not to be saved in the list
467  // because it failed an energy cut, but for it to have a
468  // daughter that passed the cut (e.g., a nuclear decay).
469  return;
470  }
471  if ( !parentEntry->second ) return; // particle archived, nothing to update
473  // Add the current particle to the daughter list of the
474  // parent.
475  simb::MCParticle* parent = (*parentEntry).second;
476  parent->AddDaughter( particleID );
477  }
478  private:
479  sim::ParticleList* particleList;
480  };
482  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
483  // There's one last thing to do: All the particles have their
484  // parent IDs set (in PostTrackingAction), but we haven't set the
485  // daughters yet. That's done in this method.
487  {
488  // Set up the utility class for the "for_each" algorithm. (We only
489  // need a separate set-up for the utility class because we need to
490  // give it the pointer to the particle list. We're using the STL
491  // "for_each" instead of the C++ "for loop" because it's supposed
492  // to be faster.
493  UpdateDaughterInformation updateDaughterInformation;
494  updateDaughterInformation.SetParticleList( fParticleList );
496  // Update the daughter information for each particle in the list.
497  std::for_each(fParticleList->begin(),
498  fParticleList->end(),
499  updateDaughterInformation);
500  }
502  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
503  // Returns the ParticleList accumulated during the current event.
504  sim::ParticleList* ParticleListAction::GetList() const
505  {
506  // check if the ParticleNavigator has entries, and if
507  // so grab the highest track id value from it to
508  // add to the fTrackIDOffset
509  int highestID = 0;
510  for(auto pn = fParticleList->begin(); pn != fParticleList->end(); ++pn)
511  if( (*pn).first > highestID ) highestID = (*pn).first;
513  fTrackIDOffset = highestID + 1;
515  return fParticleList;
516  }
518  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
519  // Yields the ParticleList accumulated during the current event.
520  sim::ParticleList&& ParticleListAction::YieldList()
521  {
522  // check if the ParticleNavigator has entries, and if
523  // so grab the highest track id value from it to
524  // add to the fTrackIDOffset
525  int highestID = 0;
526  for(auto pn = fParticleList->begin(); pn != fParticleList->end(); ++pn)
527  if( (*pn).first > highestID ) highestID = (*pn).first;
529  fTrackIDOffset = highestID + 1;
531  return std::move(*fParticleList);
532  } // ParticleList&& ParticleListAction::YieldList()
534  //-------------------------------------------------------------
535  std::map<int, size_t> ParticleListAction::TrackIDToMCTruthIndexMap() const
536  {
537  return fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex;
538  }
540  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
542  TLorentzVector const& mom,
543  std::string const& process)
544  {
546  // Add the first point in the trajectory.
547  fCurrentParticle.particle->AddTrajectoryPoint(pos, mom, process);
549  // also see if we can decide to keep the particle
550  if (!fCurrentParticle.keep)
551  fCurrentParticle.keep = fFilter->mustKeep(pos);
553  } // ParticleListAction::AddPointToCurrentParticle()
556  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
558  } // namespace garg4
559 } // namepsace gar
static constexpr double cm
Definition: Units.h:68
virtual void EndOfEventAction(const G4Event *)
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
unsigned int NumberTrajectoryPoints() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:218
int GetParentage(int trackid) const
void AddDaughter(const int trackID)
Definition: MCParticle.h:268
void AddTrajectoryPoint(TLorentzVector const &position, TLorentzVector const &momentum)
Definition: MCParticle.h:257
std::string string
const simb::MCTrajectory & Trajectory() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:253
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
key is current track ID, value is parent ID
std::unique_ptr< PositionInVolumeFilter > fFilter
filter for particles to be kept
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
std::map< int, size_t > TrackIDToMCTruthIndexMap() const
static constexpr double MeV
Definition: Units.h:129
virtual void BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event *)
bool empty() const
Definition: MCTrajectory.h:167
static const int NoParticleId
Definition: sim.h:30
int TrackId() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:210
std::string fEMShowerDaughterMatRegex
if keeping EM shower daughters, save only in media matching this
G4bool fstoreTrajectories
Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle.
def process(f, kind)
virtual void SteppingAction(const G4Step *)
void SetPolarization(const TVector3 &p)
Definition: MCParticle.h:269
virtual void PreTrackingAction(const G4Track *)
static constexpr double GeV
Definition: Units.h:28
def move(depos, offset)
std::map< int, size_t > fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex
map track ID to index of MCTruth in input list
void clear()
Resets the information (does not release memory it does not own)
Code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information.
void SetWeight(double wt)
Definition: MCParticle.h:271
void SetEndProcess(std::string s)
Definition: MCParticle.cxx:105
void AddPointToCurrentParticle(TLorentzVector const &pos, TLorentzVector const &mom, std::string const &process)
Adds a trajectory point to the current particle, and runs the filter.
virtual void PostTrackingAction(const G4Track *)
General GArSoft Utilities.
#define MF_LOG_VERBATIM(category)
void operator()(sim::ParticleList::value_type &particleListEntry)
bool keep
if there was decision to keep
sim::ParticleList * GetList() const
bool fKeepEMShowerDaughters
whether to keep EM shower secondaries, tertiaries, etc
#define MF_LOG_DEBUG(id)
simb::MCParticle * particle
simple structure representing particle
ParticleListAction(double energyCut, bool storeTrajectories=false, bool keepEMShowerDaughters=false, std::string EMShowerDaughterMatRegex=".*")
#define MF_LOG_WARNING(category)
def momentum(x1, x2, x3, scale=1.)
LArSoft geometry interface.
Definition: ChannelGeo.h:16
art framework interface to geometry description
static bool IsDropped(simb::MCParticle const *p)
returns whether the specified particle has been marked as dropped
void SetParticleList(sim::ParticleList *p)
def parent(G, child, parent_type)
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
bool hasParticle() const
Returns whether there is a particle.