Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2 * @file GeometryCore.h
3 * @brief Access the description of detector geometry
4 * @author
5 * @see GeometryCore.cxx
6 *
7 * Structure of the header:
8 *
9 * namespace geo {
10 *
11 * // forward class declarations
12 *
13 * namespace details {
14 *
15 * // geometry iterator base class
16 *
17 * }
18 *
19 * // geometry iterators declaration
20 * // - cryostat_id_iterator
21 * // - TPC_id_iterator
22 * // - plane_id_iterator
23 * // - wire_id_iterator
24 *
25 * // GeometryData_t definition (part of GeometryCore)
26 *
27 * // GeometryCore declaration
28 *
29 * }
30 *
31 *
32 *
33 * Revised <> 29-Jan-2009
34 * Revise the class to make it into more of a general detector interface
35 * Revised <> 27-Apr-2015
36 * Factorization into a framework-independent GeometryCore.h and a
37 * art framework interface
38 * Revised <> 30-Apr-2015
39 * Redesign of the iterators
40 */
44 // GArSoft libraries
45 #include "Geometry/LocalTransformation.h"
48 // Framework and infrastructure libraries
49 #include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
51 // ROOT libraries
52 #include <TVector3.h>
53 // #include <Rtypes.h>
55 // C/C++ standard libraries
56 #include <cstddef> // size_t
57 #include <string>
58 #include <vector>
59 #include <set>
60 #include <memory> // std::shared_ptr<>
61 #include <iterator> // std::forward_iterator_tag
62 #include <type_traits> // std::is_base_of<>
63 #include <map>
64 #include <utility>
66 // ROOT class prototypes
67 class TGeoManager;
68 class TGeoNode;
69 class TGeoMaterial;
71 /// Namespace collecting geometry-related classes utilities
72 namespace gar {
73  namespace geo {
75  class GeometryCore;
76  namespace seg {
77  class ChannelMapAlg;
78  class SegmentationAlg;
79  }
81  typedef enum ROCType_ {HFILLER, IROC, IOROC, OOROC} ROCType;
83  typedef struct ChanWithPos_
84  {
85  unsigned int id;
86  TVector3 pos;
87  TVector3 padrowdir; // unit vector along pad row. Sign not guaranteed.
89  } ChanWithPos;
91  typedef std::vector<gar::geo::ChanWithPos> ChanWithNeighbors;
93  //Calorimeter Struct Data
95  {
96  enum LayoutType {
97  BarrelLayout = 0,
99  ConicalLayout
100  };
103  double extent[6];
106  double outer_phi0;
107  double inner_phi0;
108  double phi0;
109  double gap0;
110  double gap1;
111  double gap2;
113  struct Layer {
115  : distance(0),
116  phi0(0),
117  absorberThickness(0),
118  inner_nRadiationLengths(0),
119  inner_nInteractionLengths(0),
120  outer_nRadiationLengths(0),
121  outer_nInteractionLengths(0),
122  inner_thickness(0),
123  outer_thickness(0),
124  sensitive_thickness(0),
125  cellSize0(0),
126  cellSize1(0)
127  {}
129  double distance;
130  double phi0;
139  double cellSize0;
140  double cellSize1;
141  };
143  std::vector<Layer> layers ;
144  };
148  //
149  // iterators
150  //
151  namespace details {
153  /// Base class for geometry iterators, containing some type definitions
155  public:
157  //@{
158  /// Structures to distinguish the constructors
159  struct BeginPos_t {};
160  struct EndPos_t {};
161  struct UndefinedPos_t {};
163  static constexpr BeginPos_t begin_pos = {};
164  static constexpr EndPos_t end_pos = {};
165  static constexpr UndefinedPos_t undefined_pos = {};
166  //@}
168  }; // class geometry_iterator_types
170  /// Base class for geometry iterators (note: this is not an iterator)
172  public:
174  /// Constructor: associates with the specified geometry
175  geometry_iterator_base(const gar::geo::GeometryCore *geom): pGeo(geom) {}
177  protected:
178  /// Returns a pointer to the geometry
179  geo::GeometryCore const* geometry() const { return pGeo; }
181  /// Default constructor; do not use a default-constructed iterator as-is!
184  private:
185  const gar::geo::GeometryCore *pGeo = nullptr; ///< pointer to the geometry
187  }; // class geometry_iterator_base
190  // forward declarations:
191  template <typename GEOIDITER>
194  //@{
195  /// Comparison operator: geometry ID and element point to the same ID
196  template <typename GEOIDITER>
197  bool operator== (
199  GEOIDITER const& id_iter
200  );
201  template <typename GEOIDITER>
202  inline bool operator== (GEOIDITER const& id_iter,
204  { return iter == id_iter; }
205  //@}
207  //@{
208  /// Comparison operator: geometry ID and element point to different IDs
209  template <typename GEOIDITER>
210  bool operator!= (
212  GEOIDITER const& id_iter
213  );
214  template <typename GEOIDITER>
215  inline bool operator!= (
216  GEOIDITER const& id_iter,
218  )
219  { return iter != id_iter; }
220  //@}
222  /**
223  * @brief Forward iterator browsing all geometry elements in the detector
224  * @tparam GEOITER type of geometry ID iterator
225  *
226  * This iterator works as the corresponding ID iterator in the template
227  * argument. The difference is the dereferenciation operator: this one
228  * obtains the geometry element directly, or throws on failure.
229  * The boolean conversion operator checks that it can obtain a pointer to
230  * the geometry element.
231  *
232  * In particular, get() and ID() methods still return the pointer to the
233  * geometry element and its ID, respectively.
234  *
235  * It can also be initialized and compare with the corresponding ID
236  * iterator.
237  */
238  template <typename GEOIDITER>
240  public std::forward_iterator_tag, public geometry_iterator_types
241  {
242  public:
243  using id_iterator_t = GEOIDITER;
245  static_assert(
247  "template class for geometry_element_iterator"
248  " must be a geometry iterator"
249  );
253  //@{
254  /// types mirrored from the ID iterator
255  using LocalID_t = typename id_iterator_t::LocalID_t;
256  using GeoID_t = typename id_iterator_t::GeoID_t;
260  using ElementPtr_t = typename id_iterator_t::ElementPtr_t;
261  //@}
263  //@{
264  /// Expose inherited constants
268  //@}
270  /// Geometry class pointed by the iterator
273  /// Default constructor; effect not defined: assign to it before using!
274  geometry_element_iterator() = default;
276  /// Constructor: points to begin
278  : id_iter(geom) {}
280  //@{
281  /// Constructor: points to the same element as the specified ID iterator
282  geometry_element_iterator(id_iterator_t const& iter): id_iter(iter) {}
283  geometry_element_iterator(id_iterator_t&& iter): id_iter(iter) {}
284  //@}
286  /// Constructor: points to the specified geometry element
288  (gar::geo::GeometryCore const* geom, GeoID_t const& start_from)
289  : id_iter(geom, start_from)
290  {}
292  /// Constructor: points to beginning
294  (gar::geo::GeometryCore const* geom, BeginPos_t const pos)
295  : id_iter(geom, pos)
296  {}
298  /// Constructor: points to end
300  (gar::geo::GeometryCore const* geom, EndPos_t const pos)
301  : id_iter(geom, pos)
302  {}
304  /// Returns true if the two iterators point to the same object
305  bool operator== (iterator const& as) const
306  { return id_iterator() == as.id_iterator(); }
308  /// Returns true if the two iterators point to different objects
309  bool operator!= (iterator const& as) const
310  { return id_iterator() != as.id_iterator(); }
312  /**
313  * @brief Returns the geometry element the iterator points to
314  * @return a constant reference to the element the iterator points to
315  * @throw cet::exception (category "geometry_iterator") if no valid
316  * geometry element is currently pointed by the iterator
317  */
318  Element_t const& operator* () const
319  {
320  ElementPtr_t ptr = get();
321  if (ptr) return *ptr;
322  throw cet::exception("geometry_iterator")
323  << "iterator attempted to obtain geometry element "
324  << std::string(ID());
325  } // operator*()
327  /// Returns a pointer to the element the iterator points to (or nullptr)
328  Element_t const* operator-> () const { return get(); }
330  /// Prefix increment: returns this iterator pointing to the next element
331  iterator& operator++ () { ++id_iterator(); return *this; }
333  /// Postfix increment: returns the current iterator, then increments it
334  iterator operator++ (int)
335  { iterator old(*this); ++id_iterator(); return old; }
337  /// Returns whether the iterator is pointing to a valid geometry element
338  operator bool() const
339  { return bool(id_iterator()) && (id_iterator().get() != nullptr); }
341  /// Returns a pointer to the geometry element, or nullptr if invalid
342  ElementPtr_t get() const { return id_iterator().get(); }
344  /// Returns the ID of the pointed geometry element
345  LocalID_t const& ID() const { return *(id_iterator()); }
347  protected:
348  friend bool geo::details::operator== <id_iterator_t>
349  (iterator const& iter, id_iterator_t const& id_iter);
350  friend bool geo::details::operator== <id_iterator_t>
351  (id_iterator_t const& id_iter, iterator const& iter);
352  friend bool geo::details::operator!= <id_iterator_t>
353  (iterator const& iter, id_iterator_t const& id_iter);
354  friend bool geo::details::operator!= <id_iterator_t>
355  (id_iterator_t const& id_iter, iterator const& iter);
357  //@{
358  /// Access to the base ID iterator
359  id_iterator_t const& id_iterator() const { return id_iter; }
360  id_iterator_t& id_iterator() { return id_iter; }
361  //@}
363  private:
364  id_iterator_t id_iter; ///< iterator performing the job
366  }; // class geometry_element_iterator<>
368  } // namespace details
370  template <typename Iter, Iter (GeometryCore::*BeginFunc)() const, Iter (GeometryCore::*EndFunc)() const>
371  class IteratorBox {
372  public:
373  using iterator = Iter;
375  IteratorBox(GeometryCore const* geom):
376  b((geom->*BeginFunc)()), e((geom->*EndFunc)()) {}
378  iterator begin() const { return b; }
379  iterator end() const { return e; }
381  iterator cbegin() const { return b; }
382  iterator cend() const { return e; }
384  protected:
386  }; // IteratorBox<>
388  //
389  // GeometryCore
390  //
392  /** **************************************************************************
393  * @brief Description of geometry of one entire detector
394  *
395  * @note All lengths are specified in centimetres
396  *
397  *
398  * How to correctly instantiate a GeometryCore object
399  * ---------------------------------------------------
400  *
401  * Instantiation is a multi-step procedure:
402  * 1. construct a GeometryCore object (the "service provider"),
403  * with the full configuration; at this step, configuration is just stored
404  * 2. load a geometry with GeometryCore::LoadGeometryFile();
405  * this loads the detector geometry information
406  * 3. prepare a channel map algorithm object (might use for example
407  * GeometryCore::DetectorName() or the detector geometry from the
408  * newly created object, but any use of channel mapping related functions
409  * is forbidden and it would yield undefined behaviour (expected to be
410  * catastrophic)
411  * 4. acquire the channel mapping algorithm with
412  * GeometryCore::ApplyChannelMap(); at this point, the ChannelMapAlg object
413  * is asked to initialize itself and to perform whatever modifications to
414  * the geometry provider is needed.
415  *
416  * Step 3 (creation of the channel mapping algorithm object) can be performed
417  * at any time before step 4, provided that no GeometryCore instance is needed
418  * for it.
419  *
420  *
421  * Configuration parameters
422  * -------------------------
423  *
424  * - *Name* (string; mandatory): string identifying the detector; it can be
425  * different from the base name of the file used to initialize the geometry;
426  * standard names are recommended by each experiment.
427  * This name can be used, for example, to select which channel mapping
428  * algorithm to use.
429  * - *SurfaceY* (real; mandatory): depth of the detector, in centimetrs;
430  * see SurfaceY() for details
431  * - *MinWireZDist* (real; default: 3)
432  * - *PositionEpsilon* (real; default: 0.01%) set the default tolerance
433  * (see DefaultWiggle())
434  *
435  */
436  class GeometryCore {
437  public:
438  // import iterators
439  /**
440  * @brief Initialize geometry from a given configuration
441  * @param pset configuration parameters
442  *
443  * This constructor does not load any geometry description.
444  * The next step is to do exactly that, by GeometryCore::LoadGeometryFile().
445  */
446  GeometryCore(fhicl::ParameterSet const& pset);
448  /// Destructor
449  ~GeometryCore();
451  // You shall not copy or move or assign me!
452  GeometryCore(GeometryCore const&) = delete;
453  GeometryCore(GeometryCore&&) = delete;
454  GeometryCore& operator= (GeometryCore const&) = delete;
455  GeometryCore& operator= (GeometryCore&&) = delete;
458  /**
459  * @brief Returns the tolerance used in looking for positions
460  * @return the tolerance value
461  *
462  * This parameter is used as tolerance ("wiggle") for methods that require
463  * Typically, it's a additional fraction of tolerance: 0 means no tolerance,
464  * 0.1 means 10% tolerance.
465  *
466  * @todo Confirm the definition of wiggle: this one is taken from other doc
467  */
468  double DefaultWiggle() const { return fPositionWiggle; }
470  /**
471  * @brief Returns the full directory path to the geometry file source
472  * @return the full directory path to the geometry file source
473  *
474  * This is the full path of the source of the detector geometry GeometryCore
475  * relies on.
476  */
477  std::string ROOTFile() const { return fROOTfile; }
479  /**
480  * @brief Returns the full directory path to the GDML file source
481  * @return the full directory path to the GDML file source
482  *
483  * This is the full path of the source of the detector geometry handed to
484  * the detector simulation (GEANT).
485  */
486  std::string GDMLFile() const { return fGDMLfile; }
488  /// @name Detector information
489  /// @{
491  //
492  // global features
493  //
494  /// Returns a string with the name of the detector, as configured
495  std::string DetectorName() const { return fDetectorName; }
498  //
499  // position
500  //
502  /**
503  * @brief Fills the arguments with the boundaries of the world
504  * @param xlo (output) pointer to the lower x coordinate
505  * @param xlo (output) pointer to the upper x coordinate
506  * @param ylo (output) pointer to the lower y coordinate
507  * @param ylo (output) pointer to the upper y coordinate
508  * @param zlo (output) pointer to the lower z coordinate
509  * @param zlo (output) pointer to the upper z coordinate
510  * @throw cet::exception (`"GeometryCore"` category) if no world found
511  *
512  * This method fills the boundaries of the world volume, that is the one
513  * known as `"volWorld"` in the geometry.
514  *
515  * If a pointer is null, its coordinate is skipped.
516  *
517  * @todo Replace it with a TPC boundaries style thing?
518  * @todo Unify the coordinates type
519  */
520  void WorldBox(float* xlo, float* xhi,
521  float* ylo, float* yhi,
522  float* zlo, float* zhi) const;
524  /**
525  * @brief The position of the detector respect to earth surface
526  * @return typical y position at surface in units of cm
527  *
528  * This is the depth (y) of the surface (where earth meets air) for this
529  * detector site.
530  * The number is expressed in world coordinates and in centimetres,
531  * and it represents the y coordinate of earth surface.
532  * A negative value means that the origin of coordinates, typically matching
533  * the detector centre, is above surface.
534  *
535  * @todo check that this is actually how it is used
536  */
537  //
538  double SurfaceY() const { return fSurfaceY; }
541  //
542  // object description and information
543  //
545  /// Access to the ROOT geometry description manager
546  TGeoManager* ROOTGeoManager() const;
548  float GetOriginX() const { return fOriginX; }
550  float GetOriginY() const { return fOriginY; }
552  float GetOriginZ() const { return fOriginZ; }
554  float GetWorldX() const { return fWorldX; }
556  float GetWorldY() const { return fWorldY; }
558  float GetWorldZ() const { return fWorldZ; }
560  float GetWorldHalfWidth() const { return fWorldHalfWidth; }
562  float GetWorldHalfHeight() const { return fWorldHalfHeight; }
564  float GetWorldLength() const { return fWorldLength; }
566  float GetRockX() const { return fRockX; }
568  float GetRockY() const { return fRockY; }
570  float GetRockZ() const { return fRockZ; }
572  float GetRockHalfWidth() const { return fRockHalfWidth; }
574  float GetRockHalfHeight() const { return fRockHalfHeight; }
576  float GetRockLength() const { return fRockLength; }
578  float GetEnclosureX() const { return fEnclosureX; }
580  float GetEnclosureY() const { return fEnclosureY; }
582  float GetEnclosureZ() const { return fEnclosureZ; }
584  float GetEnclosureHalfWidth() const { return fEnclosureHalfWidth; }
586  float GetEnclosureHalfHeight() const { return fEnclosureHalfHeight; }
588  float GetEnclosureLength() const { return fEnclosureLength; }
590  float GetMPDX() const { return fMPDX; }
592  float GetMPDY() const { return fMPDY; }
594  float GetMPDZ() const { return fMPDZ; }
596  float GetMPDHalfWidth() const { return fMPDHalfWidth; }
598  float GetMPDHalfHeight() const { return fMPDHalfHeight; }
600  float GetMPDLength() const { return fMPDLength; }
602  float GetLArTPCX() const { return fLArTPCX; }
604  float GetLArTPCY() const { return fLArTPCY; }
606  float GetLArTPCZ() const { return fLArTPCZ; }
608  float GetActiveLArTPCX() const { return fLArTPCXCent; }
610  float GetActiveLArTPCY() const { return fLArTPCYCent; }
612  float GetActiveLArTPCZ() const { return fLArTPCZCent; }
614  float GetLArTPCHalfWidth() const { return fLArTPCHalfWidth; }
616  float GetLArTPCHalfHeight() const { return fLArTPCHalfHeight; }
618  float GetLArTPCLength() const { return fLArTPCLength; }
620  float GetActiveLArTPCHalfWidth() const { return fLArTPCActiveHalfWidth; }
622  float GetActiveLArTPCHalfHeight() const { return fLArTPCActiveHalfHeight; }
624  float GetActiveLArTPCLength() const { return fLArTPCActiveLength; }
626  unsigned int GetNLayers(std::string det) const;
628  std::map< gar::geo::LayeredCalorimeterData::LayoutType, std::shared_ptr<gar::geo::LayeredCalorimeterData> > GetECALLayeredCalorimeterData() const { return fECALLayeredCalorimeterData; }
630  float GArLiteXCent() const { return fGArLiteXCent; }
632  float GArLiteYCent() const { return fGArLiteYCent; }
634  float GArLiteZCent() const { return fGArLiteZCent; }
636  float GArLiteRadius() const { return fGArLiteRadius; }
638  float GArLiteLength() const { return fGArLiteLength; }
640  /**
641  * @brief Returns the name of the deepest volume containing specified point
642  * @param point the location to query, in world coordinates
643  * @return name of the volume containing the point
644  *
645  * @todo Use a reference to TVector3
646  * @todo Use a double[3] instead?
647  * @todo declare it const
648  * @todo what happens if none?
649  * @todo Unify the coordinates type
650  */
651  const std::string VolumeName(TVector3 const& point) const;
654  /**
655  * @brief Returns all the nodes with volumes with any of the specified names
656  * @param vol_names list of names of volumes
657  * @return list of nodes found
658  *
659  * All the nodes in the geometry are checked, and all the ones that contain
660  * a volume with a name among the ones specified in vol_names are saved
661  * in the collection and returned.
662  */
663  std::vector<TGeoNode const*> FindVolumePath(std::string const& vol_name) const;
665  bool FindFirstVolume(std::string const& name, std::vector<const TGeoNode*>& path) const;
667  void StoreECALNodes(std::map<std::string, std::vector<const TGeoNode*>> &map) const;
669  /**
670  * @brief Returns all the nodes with volumes with any of the specified names
671  * @param vol_names list of names of volumes
672  * @return list of nodes found
673  *
674  * All the nodes in the geometry are checked, and all the ones that contain
675  * a volume with a name among the ones specified in vol_names are saved
676  * in the collection and returned.
677  */
678  std::vector<TGeoNode const*> FindAllVolumes(std::set<std::string> const& vol_names) const;
680  /**
681  * @brief Returns paths of all nodes with volumes with the specified names
682  * @param vol_names list of names of volumes
683  * @return list paths of the found nodes
684  *
685  * All the nodes in the geometry are checked, and the path of all the ones
686  * that contain a volume with a name among the ones specified in vol_names
687  * is saved in the collection and returned.
688  * A node path is a ordered list of all nodes leading to the final one,
689  * starting from thetop level (root) down. The node at the `back()` of the
690  * path is the one with name in vol_names.
691  * No empty paths are returned.
692  */
693  std::vector<std::vector<TGeoNode const*>> FindAllVolumePaths(std::set<std::string> const& vol_names) const;
695  //Return the node of the point
696  template <typename T>
697  TGeoNode* FindNode(T const &x, T const &y, T const &z) const;
699  //Return the node of the point
700  TGeoNode* FindNode(std::array<double, 3> const& point) const;
702  //Return the node of the point
703  TGeoNode* FindNode(TVector3 const& point) const;
705  //Transform world coordinates in local coordinates
706  bool WorldToLocal(std::array<double, 3> const& world, std::array<double, 3> &local, gar::geo::LocalTransformation<TGeoHMatrix> &trans) const;
708  //Transform local coordinates in world coordinates
709  bool LocalToWorld(std::array<double, 3> const& local, std::array<double, 3> &world, gar::geo::LocalTransformation<TGeoHMatrix> const &trans) const;
711  /**
712  * @brief Name of the deepest material containing the point xyz
713  * @return material of the origin by default
714  *
715  * @todo make this constant
716  * @todo remove return value constantness (or make it a reference)
717  * @todo Unify the coordinates type
718  */
719  const std::string MaterialName(TVector3 const& point);
722  /// Returns the material at the specified position
723  /// @todo Unify the coordinates type
724  TGeoMaterial const* Material(double x, double y, double z) const;
726  /// Returns the total mass [kg] of the specified volume (default: world)
727  /// @todo Use GetWorldVolumeName() as default instead
728  double TotalMass(const char* vol = "volWorld") const;
730  // this requires a bit more explanation about what this mass density is...
731  /**
732  * @brief Return the column density between two points
733  * @param p1 pointer to array holding (x, y, z) of the first point
734  * @param p2 pointer to array holding (x, y, z) of the second point
735  * @return the mass
736  *
737  * Both points are specified in world coordinates.
738  *
739  * @todo Unify the coordinates type
740  */
741  /// Returns the mass between two coordinates
742  double MassBetweenPoints(double *p1, double *p2) const;
744  /// @}
746  //
747  // single object features
748  //
750  //@{
751  /**
752  * @brief Returns the radius of the TPC (y or z direction)
753  * @return the radius of the TPC (y or z direction)
754  */
755  float TPCRadius() const { return fTPCRadius; }
756  //@}
758  //@{
759  /**
760  * @brief Returns the length of the TPC (x direction)
761  * @return the value of the length of the specified TPC
762  */
763  float TPCLength() const { return fTPCLength; }
764  //@}
767  //@{
768  /**
769  * @brief Returns number of TPC drift volumes
770  */
771  int TPCNumDriftVols() const { return fTPCNumDriftVols; }
772  //@}
774  //@{
775  /**
776  * @brief Returns the X location of the center of the TPC in cm
777  */
778  float TPCXCent() const { return fTPCXCent; }
779  //@}
781  //@{
782  /**
783  * @brief Returns the Y location of the center of the TPC in cm
784  */
785  float TPCYCent() const { return fTPCYCent; }
786  //@}
788  //@{
789  /**
790  * @brief Returns the Z location of the center of the TPC in cm
791  */
792  float TPCZCent() const { return fTPCZCent; }
793  //@}
795  unsigned int NChannels() const;
797  //
798  // object description
799  //
801  //@{
802  /**
803  * @brief Return the name of GAr TPC volume
804  * @return the name of the GArTPC volume
805  *
806  * This information is used by Geant4 simulation
807  *
808  */
809  std::string GetGArTPCVolumeName() const {return "TPC_Drift"; }
810  //@}
812  //
813  // geometry queries
814  //
816  //@{
817  /**
818  * @brief Returns the ID of the channel nearest to the specified position
819  * @param worldLoc 3D coordinates of the point (world reference frame)
820  * @return the ID of the channel, or raw::InvalidChannelID if invalid wire
821  *
822  * The different versions allow different way to provide the position.
823  *
824  * @todo remove the integers version
825  * @todo Verify the raw::InvalidChannelID part
826  */
827  unsigned int NearestChannel(float const worldLoc[3]) const;
828  unsigned int NearestChannel(std::vector<float> const& worldLoc) const;
829  unsigned int NearestChannel(TVector3 const& worldLoc) const;
830  void NearestChannelInfo(float const* xyz, gar::geo::ChanWithNeighbors &cwn) const;
831  //@}
833  //@{
834  /**
835  * @brief radii query methods passing through to the channel map algorithm
836  */
837  float GetIROCInnerRadius() const;
838  float GetIROCOuterRadius() const;
839  float GetOROCInnerRadius() const;
840  float GetOROCOuterRadius() const;
841  float GetOROCPadHeightChangeRadius() const;
842  //@}
845  //@{
846  /**
847  * @brief Returns the ID of the channel representing a gap
848  * if you call NearestChannel and get this channel number, then charge is lost
849  */
851  unsigned int GapChannelNumber() const;
853  void ChannelToPosition(unsigned int const channel, float* const worldLoc) const;
855  //
856  // unsorted methods
857  //
859  /**
860  * @brief Returns whether a value is within the specified range
861  * @param value the value to be tested
862  * @param min the lower boundary
863  * @param max the upper boundary
864  * @return whether the value is within range
865  *
866  * If min is larger than max, they are swapped.
867  * A tolerance of 10^-6 (absolute) is used.
868  *
869  * @todo Use wiggle instead of 10^-6
870  * @todo resort source code for a bit of speed up
871  */
872  bool ValueInRange(double value, double min, double max) const;
874  /// @name Geometry initialization
875  /// @{
877  /**
878  * @brief Loads the geometry information from the specified files
879  * @param gdmlfile path to file to be used for Geant4 simulation
880  * @param rootfile path to file for internal geometry representation
881  * @param bForceReload reload even if there is already a valid geometry
882  * @see ApplyChannelMap()
883  *
884  * Both paths must directly resolve to an available file, as no search
885  * is performed for them.
886  *
887  * The gdmlfile parameter does not have to necessarily be in GDML format,
888  * as long as it's something supported by Geant4. This file is not used by
889  * the geometry, but its path is provided on request by the simulation
890  * modules (see GArSoft `LArG4` module).
891  * The rootfile also does not need to be a ROOT file, but just anything
892  * that TGeoManager::Import() supports. This file is parsed immediately
893  * and the internal geometry representation is built out of it.
894  *
895  * @note After calling this method, the detector geometry information can
896  * be considered complete, but the geometry service provider is not fully
897  * initialized yet, since it's still necessary to provide or update the
898  * channel mapping.
899  */
900  void LoadGeometryFile(std::string const& gdmlfile, std::string const& rootfile, bool bForceReload = false);
902  /**
903  * @brief Initializes the geometry to work with this channel map
904  * @param pChannelMap a pointer to the channel mapping algorithm to be used
905  * @see LoadGeometryFile()
906  *
907  * The specified channel mapping is used with this geometry.
908  * The algorithm object is asked and allowed to make the necessary
909  * modifications to the geometry description.
910  * These modifications typically involve some resorting of the objects.
911  *
912  * The ownership of the algorithm object is shared, usually with a calling
913  * framework: we maintain it alive as long as we need it (and no other code
914  * can delete it), and we delete it only if no other code is sharing the
915  * ownership.
916  *
917  * This method needs to be called after LoadGeometryFile() to complete the
918  * geometry initialization.
919  */
920  void ApplyChannelMap(std::shared_ptr<gar::geo::seg::ChannelMapAlg> pChannelMap);
921  /// @}
923  void ApplyECALSegmentationAlg(std::shared_ptr<gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg> pECALSegmentationAlg);
925  void ApplyMinervaSegmentationAlg(std::shared_ptr<gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg> pMinervaSegmentationAlg);
927  void ApplyMuIDSegmentationAlg(std::shared_ptr<gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg> pMuIDSegmentationAlg);
929  /// Returns the object handling the channel map
930  gar::geo::seg::ChannelMapAlg const* ChannelMap() const { return fChannelMapAlg.get(); }
932  /// Returns the object handling the ECAL segmentation
933  gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg const* ECALSegmentationAlg() const { return fECALSegmentationAlg.get(); }
935  ///Returns the object handling the Sc Tracker segmentation
936  gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg const* MinervaSegmentationAlg() const { return fMinervaSegmentationAlg.get(); }
938  ///Returns the object handling the MuID segmentation
939  gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg const* MuIDSegmentationAlg() const { return fMuIDSegmentationAlg.get(); }
941  //Returns the ECAL minimum radius of the Inner Barrel
942  float GetECALInnerBarrelRadius() const { return fECALRinner; }
944  //Returns the ECAL minimum radius of the Outer Barrel
945  float GetECALOuterBarrelRadius() const { return fECALRouter; }
947  //Returns the ECAL minimum radius of the Inner Endcap
948  float GetECALInnerEndcapRadius() const { return fECALECapRinner; }
950  //Returns the ECAL minimum radius of the Outer Endcap
951  float GetECALOuterEndcapRadius() const { return fECALECapRouter; }
953  //Returns the PV thickness
954  float GetPVThickness() const { return fPVThickness; }
956  //Returns the number of sides of the barrel
957  int GetECALInnerSymmetry() const { return fECALSymmetry; }
959  //Returns the inner angle of the polyhedra
960  float GetECALInnerAngle() const { return (( fECALSymmetry - 2 ) * M_PI / fECALSymmetry); }
962  //Returns the side length of the polyhedra
963  float GetECALBarrelSideLength() const { return ( 2 * std::sin( M_PI / fECALSymmetry ) * fECALRouter ); }
965  //Returns the apothem length of the polyhedra
966  float GetECALBarrelApothemLength() const { return ( std::cos( M_PI / fECALSymmetry ) * fECALRouter ); }
968  //Returns the side length of the polyhedra
969  float GetECALEndcapSideLength() const { return ( 2 * std::sin( M_PI / fECALSymmetry ) * fECALECapRouter ); }
971  //Returns the apothem length of the polyhedra
972  float GetECALEndcapApothemLength() const { return ( std::cos( M_PI / fECALSymmetry ) * fECALECapRouter ); }
974  //Returns the ECAL start of the endcap
975  float GetECALEndcapStartX() const { return fECALEndcapStartX; }
977  //Returns the ECAL outer x of the endcap
978  float GetECALEndcapOuterX() const { return fECALEndcapOuterX; }
980  //Has Rock in Geometry
981  bool HasRock() const { return fHasRock; }
983  //Has Enclosure in Geometry
984  bool HasEnclosure() const { return fHasEnclosure; }
986  //Has LArTPC in Geometry
987  bool HasLArTPCDetector() const { return fHasLArTPCDetector; }
989  //Has Gas TPC in Geometry
990  bool HasGasTPCDetector() const { return fHasGasTPCDetector; }
992  //Has ECAL in Geometry
993  bool HasECALDetector() const { return fHasECALDetector; }
995  //ND-GAr lite
996  bool HasTrackerScDetector() const { return fHasTrackerScDetector; }
998  //Muon ID detector (only Barrel so far)
999  bool HasMuonDetector() const { return fHasMuonDetector; }
1001  //Returns the MuID minimum radius of the Inner Barrel
1002  float GetMuIDInnerBarrelRadius() const { return fMuIDRinner; }
1004  //Returns the MuID minimum radius of the Outer Barrel
1005  float GetMuIDOuterBarrelRadius() const { return fMuIDRouter; }
1007  //Returns the number of sides of the barrel MuID
1008  int GetMuIDInnerSymmetry() const { return fMuIDSymmetry; }
1010  //Returns the inner angle of the polyhedra
1011  float GetMuIDInnerAngle() const { return (( fMuIDSymmetry - 2 ) * M_PI / fMuIDSymmetry); }
1013  //Returns the side length of the polyhedra MuID
1014  float GetMuIDBarrelSideLength() const { return ( 2 * std::sin( M_PI / fMuIDSymmetry ) * fMuIDRouter ); }
1016  //Returns the apothem length of the polyhedra MuID
1017  float GetMuIDBarrelApothemLength() const { return ( std::cos( M_PI / fMuIDSymmetry ) * fMuIDRouter ); }
1019  std::string GetWorldVolumeName() const { return "volWorld"; }
1021  bool PointInWorld(TVector3 const& point) const;
1023  bool PointInDetEnclosure(TVector3 const& point) const;
1025  bool PointInMPD(TVector3 const& point) const;
1027  bool PointInGArTPC(TVector3 const& point) const;
1029  bool PointInLArTPC(TVector3 const& point) const;
1031  bool PointInECALBarrel(TVector3 const& point) const;
1033  bool PointInECALEndcap(TVector3 const& point) const;
1035  float GetSensVolumeThickness(const TVector3& point) const;
1037  const std::array<double, 3> FindShapeSize(const TGeoNode *node) const;
1039  gar::raw::CellID_t GetCellID(const TGeoNode *node, const unsigned int& det_id, const unsigned int& stave, const unsigned int& module, const unsigned int& layer, const unsigned int& slice, const std::array<double, 3>& localPosition) const;
1041  const std::string GetECALCellIDEncoding() const;
1043  const std::string GetMinervaCellIDEncoding() const;
1045  const std::string GetMuIDCellIDEncoding() const;
1047  std::array<double, 3> GetPosition(const TGeoNode *node, const gar::raw::CellID_t &cID) const;
1049  bool isTile(const std::array<double, 3>& point, const gar::raw::CellID_t& cID) const;
1051  double getStripWidth(const std::array<double, 3>& point) const;
1053  double getTileSize(const std::array<double, 3>& point) const;
1055  double getStripLength(const std::array<double, 3>& point, const gar::raw::CellID_t &cID) const;
1057  std::pair<TVector3, TVector3> GetStripEnds(const std::array<double, 3>& point, const gar::raw::CellID_t &cID) const;
1059  std::pair<float, float> CalculateLightPropagation(const std::array<double, 3>& point, const std::array<double, 3> &local, const gar::raw::CellID_t &cID) const;
1061  std::array<double, 3> ReconstructStripHitPosition(const std::array<double, 3>& point, const std::array<double, 3>& local, const float &xlocal, const gar::raw::CellID_t &cID) const;
1063  protected:
1065  /// Sets the detector name
1066  void SetDetectorName(std::string new_name) { fDetectorName = new_name; }
1068  void GetGeometryParameters();
1069  void FinalizeGeometryParameters();
1070  //Prints information on the detector geometry
1071  void PrintGeometry() const;
1073  void StoreTPCParameters();
1074  void GetDetectorsPresent();
1076  private:
1078  void InitVariables();
1080  /// Deletes the detector geometry structures
1081  void ClearGeometry();
1083  void StoreECALParameters();
1084  //Muon ID detector
1085  void StoreMuIDParameters();
1086  void StoreOtherParameters();
1088  void SetDetectorOrigin();
1090  bool FindWorldVolume();
1092  bool FindRockVolume();
1094  bool FindEnclosureVolume();
1096  bool FindMPDVolume();
1098  bool FindLArTPCVolume();
1100  bool FindActiveTPCVolume();
1102  bool FindActiveLArTPCVolume();
1104  bool FindGasTPCVolume();
1106  bool FindECALVolume();
1108  bool FindMuIDVolume();
1110  //Sets the ECAL inner barrel minimum radius
1111  bool FindECALInnerBarrelRadius();
1113  //Sets the ECAL outer barrel minimum radius
1114  bool FindECALOuterBarrelRadius();
1116  //Sets the ECAL inner endcap minimum radius
1117  bool FindECALInnerEndcapRadius();
1119  //Sets the ECAL outer endcap minimum radius
1120  bool FindECALOuterEndcapRadius();
1122  //Sets the PV thickness
1123  bool FindPVThickness();
1125  //Sets the number of sides of the ecal barrel
1126  bool FindECALInnerSymmetry();
1128  //Sets the position of the xplane of the ECAL endcap
1129  bool FindECALEndcapStartX();
1131  //Sets the position of the xplan of the end of the ECAL endcap
1132  bool FindECALEndcapOuterX();
1134  //Sets the number of layers in the ECAL
1135  bool FindECALnLayers();
1137  //Sets the ECAL Layered struct
1138  bool MakeECALLayeredCalorimeterData();
1140  //Sets the MuID inner barrel minimum radius
1141  bool FindMuIDInnerBarrelRadius();
1143  //Sets the MuID outer barrel minimum radius
1144  bool FindMuIDOuterBarrelRadius();
1146  //Sets the number of sides of the MuID barrel
1147  bool FindMuIDInnerSymmetry();
1149  //Sets the number of layers in the MuID
1150  bool FindMuIDnLayers();
1152  bool FindTrackerScVolume();
1154  bool FindTrackerScnPlanes();
1156  double fSurfaceY; ///< The point where air meets earth for this detector.
1157  std::string fDetectorName; ///< Name of the detector.
1158  std::string fGDMLfile; ///< path to geometry file used for Geant4 simulation
1159  std::string fROOTfile; ///< path to geometry file for geometry in GeometryCore
1160  double fMinWireZDist; ///< Minimum distance in Z from a point in which
1161  ///< to look for the closest wire
1162  double fPositionWiggle; ///< accounting for rounding errors when testing positions
1163  bool fPointInWarnings; ///< Generate warnings from failed inputs to PointIn* methods
1164  bool fECALEndcapOutside; ///< Is the ECAL Endcap outside the PV
1166  float fOriginX = 0.; //Origin of the ND-GAr
1167  float fOriginY = 0.; //Origin of the ND-GAr
1168  float fOriginZ = 0.; //Origin of the ND-GAr
1170  float fTPCRadius = 0.; ///< Radius of the TPC
1171  float fTPCLength = 0.; ///< length of the TPC
1173  int fTPCNumDriftVols = 2; ///< 2 if standard ALICE detector, 1 if single drift vol
1174  // we may need to add here a flag saying which side of the TPC the ROCs
1175  // are on if we are to support both of them. And provide initialization
1176  // and a getter
1178  float fTPCXCent = 0.; ///< center of TPC: X
1179  float fTPCYCent = 0.; ///< center of TPC: Y
1180  float fTPCZCent = 0.; ///< center of TPC: Z
1182  float fWorldX = 0.;
1183  float fWorldY = 0.;
1184  float fWorldZ = 0.;
1186  float fRockX = 0.;
1187  float fRockY = 0.;
1188  float fRockZ = 0.;
1190  float fEnclosureX = 0.;
1191  float fEnclosureY = 0.;
1192  float fEnclosureZ = 0.;
1194  float fMPDX = 0.;
1195  float fMPDY = 0.;
1196  float fMPDZ = 0.;
1198  float fLArTPCX = 0.;
1199  float fLArTPCY = 0.;
1200  float fLArTPCZ = 0.;
1202  float fLArTPCXCent = 0.;
1203  float fLArTPCYCent = 0.;
1204  float fLArTPCZCent = 0.;
1206  float fWorldHalfWidth = 0.;
1207  float fWorldHalfHeight = 0.;
1208  float fWorldLength = 0.;
1210  float fRockHalfWidth = 0.;
1211  float fRockHalfHeight = 0.;
1212  float fRockLength = 0.;
1214  float fEnclosureHalfWidth = 0.;
1215  float fEnclosureHalfHeight = 0.;
1216  float fEnclosureLength = 0.;
1218  float fMPDHalfWidth = 0.;
1219  float fMPDHalfHeight = 0.;
1220  float fMPDLength = 0.;
1222  float fLArTPCHalfWidth = 0.;
1223  float fLArTPCHalfHeight = 0.;
1224  float fLArTPCLength = 0.;
1226  float fLArTPCActiveHalfWidth = 0.;
1227  float fLArTPCActiveHalfHeight = 0.;
1228  float fLArTPCActiveLength = 0.;
1230  float fGArLiteXCent = 0;
1231  float fGArLiteYCent = 0;
1232  float fGArLiteZCent = 0;
1234  float fGArLiteRadius = 0;
1235  float fGArLiteLength = 0;
1237  std::map<std::string, std::vector<const TGeoNode*> > fECALNodePath; ///< Stored map of vectors of nodes for the ecal to speedup node searching
1239  bool fHasRock;
1246  //Related to the ECAL
1247  float fECALRinner; ///< Minimum radius of the ECAL inner barrel
1248  float fECALRouter; ///< Minimum radius of the ECAL outer barrel
1251  float fPVThickness; ///< Pressure Vessel thickness
1252  int fECALSymmetry; ///< Number of sides of the Barrel
1253  float fECALEndcapStartX; ///< Position of the start xplane of the ECAL endcap
1254  float fECALEndcapOuterX; ///< Position of the end xplane of the ECAL endcap
1255  unsigned int fECALnLayers; ///< number of ECAL layers from the seg algorithm
1257  //Related to GArLite
1258  unsigned int fTrackerScnPlanes;
1260  //Related to the MuID
1262  float fMuIDRinner; ///< Minimum radius of the MuID inner barrel
1263  float fMuIDRouter; ///< Minimum radius of the MuID outer barrel
1264  int fMuIDSymmetry; ///< Number of sides of the MuID Barrel
1265  unsigned int fMuIDnLayers; ///< number of MuID layers from the seg algorithm
1267  typedef std::shared_ptr<const gar::geo::seg::ChannelMapAlg> ChannelMapPtr;
1268  ChannelMapPtr fChannelMapAlg; ///< Object containing the channel to wire mapping
1270  typedef std::shared_ptr<const gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg> ECALSegmentationAlgPtr;
1271  ECALSegmentationAlgPtr fECALSegmentationAlg; ///< Object containing the segmentation for the ECAL
1273  typedef std::shared_ptr<const gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg> MinervaSegmentationAlgPtr;
1274  MinervaSegmentationAlgPtr fMinervaSegmentationAlg; ///< Object containing the segmentation for the Sc Tracker
1276  typedef std::shared_ptr<const gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg> MuIDSegmentationAlgPtr;
1277  MuIDSegmentationAlgPtr fMuIDSegmentationAlg; ///< Object containing the segmentation for the Sc Tracker
1279  //ECAL layered struct containing all informations about the ECAL layers
1280  typedef std::map< gar::geo::LayeredCalorimeterData::LayoutType, std::shared_ptr<gar::geo::LayeredCalorimeterData> > ECALLayeredCalorimeterData;
1281  ECALLayeredCalorimeterData fECALLayeredCalorimeterData;
1283  }; // class GeometryCore
1285  template<> TGeoNode* GeometryCore::FindNode<float>(float const &x, float const &y, float const &z) const;
1286  template<> TGeoNode* GeometryCore::FindNode<double>(double const &x, double const &y, double const &z) const;
1288  /** **************************************************************************
1289  * @brief Iterator to navigate through all the nodes
1290  *
1291  * Note that this is not a fully standard forward iterator in that it lacks
1292  * of the postfix operator. The reason is that it's too expensive and it
1293  * should be avoided.
1294  * Also I did not bother declaring the standard type definitions
1295  * (that's just laziness).
1296  *
1297  * An example of iteration:
1298  *
1299  * TGeoNode const* pCurrentNode;
1300  *
1301  * ROOTGeoNodeForwardIterator iNode(geom->ROOTGeoManager()->GetTopNode());
1302  * while ((pCurrentNode = *iNode)) {
1303  * // do something with pCurrentNode
1304  * ++iNode;
1305  * } // while
1306  *
1307  * These iterators are one use only, and they can't be reset after a loop
1308  * is completed.
1309  */
1311  public:
1312  /// Constructor: start from this node
1313  ROOTGeoNodeForwardIterator(TGeoNode const* start_node){ init(start_node); }
1315  /// Returns the pointer to the current node, or nullptr if none
1316  TGeoNode const* operator* () const { return current_path.empty()? nullptr: current_path.back().self; }
1318  /// Points to the next node, or to nullptr if there are no more
1319  ROOTGeoNodeForwardIterator& operator++ ();
1321  /// Returns the full path of the current node
1322  std::vector<TGeoNode const*> get_path() const;
1324  protected:
1325  using Node_t = TGeoNode const*;
1326  struct NodeInfo_t {
1327  Node_t self; int sibling;
1328  NodeInfo_t(Node_t new_self, int new_sibling)
1329  : self(new_self), sibling(new_sibling) {}
1330  }; // NodeInfo_t
1332  /// which node, which sibling?
1333  std::vector<NodeInfo_t> current_path;
1335  void reach_deepest_descendant();
1337  void init(TGeoNode const* start_node);
1339  }; // class ROOTGeoNodeForwardIterator
1341 } // namespace geo
1343 } // namespace gar
1346 //******************************************************************************
1347 //*** template implementation
1348 //***
1350 //
1351 // comparison operators between ID iterators and element iterators
1352 //
1353 template <typename GEOIDITER>
1354 bool gar::geo::details::operator==
1355 (geometry_element_iterator<GEOIDITER> const& iter, GEOIDITER const& id_iter)
1356 {
1357  return iter.id_iterator() == id_iter;
1358 } // operator==(iterator_t, id_iterator_t)
1360 template <typename GEOIDITER>
1361 bool gar::geo::details::operator!=
1362 (geometry_element_iterator<GEOIDITER> const& iter, GEOIDITER const& id_iter)
1363 {
1364  return iter.id_iterator() != id_iter;
1365 } // operator!=(iterator_t, id_iterator_t)
1367 //******************************************************************************
1369 #endif // GEO_GEOMETRYCORE_H
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
bool HasRock() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:981
std::vector< gar::geo::ChanWithPos > ChanWithNeighbors
Definition: GeometryCore.h:91
float GetActiveLArTPCHalfHeight() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:622
bool fECALEndcapOutside
Is the ECAL Endcap outside the PV.
float GetActiveLArTPCZ() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:612
float GetEnclosureX() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:578
float GetEnclosureHalfWidth() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:584
float fMuIDRouter
Minimum radius of the MuID outer barrel.
float GetRockHalfWidth() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:572
constexpr auto undefined_pos
std::shared_ptr< const gar::geo::seg::ChannelMapAlg > ChannelMapPtr
typename id_iterator_t::GeoID_t GeoID_t
Definition: GeometryCore.h:256
Base class for geometry iterators, containing some type definitions.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:154
float GetMPDLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:600
std::string GetGArTPCVolumeName() const
Return the name of GAr TPC volume.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:809
float fECALEndcapOuterX
Position of the end xplane of the ECAL endcap.
MinervaSegmentationAlgPtr fMinervaSegmentationAlg
Object containing the segmentation for the Sc Tracker.
int GetECALInnerSymmetry() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:957
constexpr auto end_pos
bool HasLArTPCDetector() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:987
float GetActiveLArTPCHalfWidth() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:620
float fMuIDRinner
Minimum radius of the MuID inner barrel.
float GetRockLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:576
Default constructor; do not use a default-constructed iterator as-is!
Definition: GeometryCore.h:182
float GetMuIDInnerBarrelRadius() const
std::string string
unsigned int ID
int TPCNumDriftVols() const
Returns number of TPC drift volumes.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:771
float GetWorldY() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:556
std::shared_ptr< const gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg > MinervaSegmentationAlgPtr
float GetMPDZ() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:594
float GetOriginX() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:548
float fPVThickness
Pressure Vessel thickness.
typename id_iterator_t::EndPos_t EndPos_t
Definition: GeometryCore.h:259
typename std::remove_pointer< ElementPtr_t >::type Element_t
Geometry class pointed by the iterator.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:271
float GetLArTPCHalfWidth() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:614
float GArLiteLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:638
ECALSegmentationAlgPtr fECALSegmentationAlg
Object containing the segmentation for the ECAL.
float GetRockZ() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:570
xmlNodePtr FindNode(xmlDocPtr xml_doc, string node_path)
float TPCXCent() const
Returns the X location of the center of the TPC in cm.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:778
float GArLiteYCent() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:632
Description of geometry of one entire detector.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:436
iterator begin() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:378
gar::geo::ROCType roctype
Definition: GeometryCore.h:88
bool fPointInWarnings
Generate warnings from failed inputs to PointIn* methods.
float GetECALOuterEndcapRadius() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:951
uint8_t channel
Definition: CRTFragment.hh:201
iterator cend() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:382
bool HasEnclosure() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:984
bool HasGasTPCDetector() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:990
float GetPVThickness() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:954
struct gar::geo::ChanWithPos_ ChanWithPos
geometry_element_iterator(gar::geo::GeometryCore const *geom)
Constructor: points to begin.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:277
float GetMuIDInnerAngle() const
float GetMPDX() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:590
Class to transform between world and local coordinates.
float fECALRouter
Minimum radius of the ECAL outer barrel.
Forward iterator browsing all geometry elements in the detector.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:192
std::string fROOTfile
path to geometry file for geometry in GeometryCore
float fECALEndcapStartX
Position of the start xplane of the ECAL endcap.
details::geometry_iterator_types::EndPos_t EndPos_t
float GetWorldZ() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:558
float GetECALInnerAngle() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:960
float GetLArTPCX() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:602
details::geometry_iterator_types::BeginPos_t BeginPos_t
float GetOriginZ() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:552
unsigned int fTrackerScnPlanes
geometry_iterator_base(const gar::geo::GeometryCore *geom)
Constructor: associates with the specified geometry.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:175
typename id_iterator_t::BeginPos_t BeginPos_t
Definition: GeometryCore.h:258
gar::geo::seg::ChannelMapAlg const * ChannelMap() const
Returns the object handling the channel map.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:930
static constexpr double as
Definition: Units.h:101
float GetECALBarrelApothemLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:966
const double e
std::vector< NodeInfo_t > current_path
which node, which sibling?
constexpr auto begin_pos
float TPCRadius() const
Returns the radius of the TPC (y or z direction)
Definition: GeometryCore.h:755
float GetECALInnerEndcapRadius() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:948
unsigned int fECALnLayers
number of ECAL layers from the seg algorithm
ECALLayeredCalorimeterData fECALLayeredCalorimeterData
IteratorBox(GeometryCore const *geom)
Definition: GeometryCore.h:375
std::string fDetectorName
Name of the detector.
id_iterator_t id_iter
iterator performing the job
Definition: GeometryCore.h:364
std::string GDMLFile() const
Returns the full directory path to the GDML file source.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:486
std::map< gar::geo::LayeredCalorimeterData::LayoutType, std::shared_ptr< gar::geo::LayeredCalorimeterData > > ECALLayeredCalorimeterData
float GetActiveLArTPCLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:624
enum gar::geo::ROCType_ ROCType
float GetRockX() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:566
ROOTGeoNodeForwardIterator(TGeoNode const *start_node)
Constructor: start from this node.
float TPCZCent() const
Returns the Z location of the center of the TPC in cm.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:792
double SurfaceY() const
The position of the detector respect to earth surface.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:538
float GetRockHalfHeight() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:574
float GetEnclosureZ() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:582
Iterator to navigate through all the nodes.
float fECALRinner
Minimum radius of the ECAL inner barrel.
bool HasTrackerScDetector() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:996
float GetOriginY() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:550
float GetWorldHalfHeight() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:562
unsigned int fMuIDnLayers
number of MuID layers from the seg algorithm
Definition of basic calo raw digits.
double distance(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
static int max(int a, int b)
gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg const * ECALSegmentationAlg() const
Returns the object handling the ECAL segmentation.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:933
long long int CellID_t
Definition: CaloRawDigit.h:24
float GetWorldLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:564
int fECALSymmetry
Number of sides of the Barrel.
MuIDSegmentationAlgPtr fMuIDSegmentationAlg
Object containing the segmentation for the Sc Tracker.
typename id_iterator_t::UndefinedPos_t UndefinedPos_t
Definition: GeometryCore.h:257
float GetLArTPCZ() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:606
gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg const * MinervaSegmentationAlg() const
Returns the object handling the Sc Tracker segmentation.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:936
float GetEnclosureHalfHeight() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:586
typename id_iterator_t::ElementPtr_t ElementPtr_t
Definition: GeometryCore.h:260
double DefaultWiggle() const
Returns the tolerance used in looking for positions.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:468
float GetWorldX() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:554
float GetECALEndcapStartX() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:975
float GetMuIDOuterBarrelRadius() const
float GetActiveLArTPCY() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:610
int fMuIDSymmetry
Number of sides of the MuID Barrel.
#define M_PI
Definition: includeROOT.h:54
float GetECALEndcapApothemLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:972
float GetECALOuterBarrelRadius() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:945
float GetMuIDBarrelSideLength() const
General GArSoft Utilities.
details::geometry_iterator_types::UndefinedPos_t UndefinedPos_t
bool HasECALDetector() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:993
std::shared_ptr< const gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg > ECALSegmentationAlgPtr
std::map< std::string, std::vector< const TGeoNode * > > fECALNodePath
Stored map of vectors of nodes for the ecal to speedup node searching.
double fMinWireZDist
to look for the closest wire
float GetEnclosureY() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:580
T min(sqlite3 *const db, std::string const &table_name, std::string const &column_name)
Definition: statistics.h:55
float GArLiteXCent() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:630
float GetMPDY() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:592
bool operator!=(GEOIDITER const &id_iter, geometry_element_iterator< GEOIDITER > const &iter)
Comparison operator: geometry ID and element point to different IDs.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:743
float TPCYCent() const
Returns the Y location of the center of the TPC in cm.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:785
float GetEnclosureLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:588
geometry_element_iterator(id_iterator_t const &iter)
Constructor: points to the same element as the specified ID iterator.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:282
bool HasMuonDetector() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:999
static QCString type
Definition: declinfo.cpp:672
id_iterator_t const & id_iterator() const
Access to the base ID iterator.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:359
std::string DetectorName() const
Returns a string with the name of the detector, as configured.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:495
float GetMuIDBarrelApothemLength() const
Base class for geometry iterators (note: this is not an iterator)
Definition: GeometryCore.h:171
float GetMPDHalfHeight() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:598
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
float GetECALInnerBarrelRadius() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:942
void SetDetectorName(std::string new_name)
Sets the detector name.
float GetLArTPCLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:618
list x
std::string fGDMLfile
path to geometry file used for Geant4 simulation
float TPCLength() const
Returns the length of the TPC (x direction)
Definition: GeometryCore.h:763
iterator cbegin() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:381
NodeInfo_t(Node_t new_self, int new_sibling)
LocalID_t const & ID() const
Returns the ID of the pointed geometry element.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:345
float GetECALBarrelSideLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:963
double fSurfaceY
The point where air meets earth for this detector.
double fPositionWiggle
accounting for rounding errors when testing positions
Structures to distinguish the constructors.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:159
float GetRockY() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:568
QuadExpr operator*(double v, const QuadExpr &e)
Definition: QuadExpr.h:39
iterator end() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:379
LArSoft geometry interface.
Definition: ChannelGeo.h:16
int GetMuIDInnerSymmetry() const
ChannelMapPtr fChannelMapAlg
Object containing the channel to wire mapping.
gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg const * MuIDSegmentationAlg() const
Returns the object handling the MuID segmentation.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:939
geo::GeometryCore const * geometry() const
Returns a pointer to the geometry.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:179
float GetLArTPCY() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:604
bool operator==(GEOIDITER const &id_iter, geometry_element_iterator< GEOIDITER > const &iter)
Comparison operator: geometry ID and element point to the same ID.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:729
std::string GetWorldVolumeName() const
int bool
Definition: qglobal.h:345
std::string ROOTFile() const
Returns the full directory path to the geometry file source.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:477
float GetActiveLArTPCX() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:608
float GetMPDHalfWidth() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:596
std::shared_ptr< const gar::geo::seg::SegmentationAlg > MuIDSegmentationAlgPtr
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
std::map< gar::geo::LayeredCalorimeterData::LayoutType, std::shared_ptr< gar::geo::LayeredCalorimeterData > > GetECALLayeredCalorimeterData() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:628
float GetECALEndcapOuterX() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:978
float GetLArTPCHalfHeight() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:616
float GetWorldHalfWidth() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:560
float GArLiteRadius() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:636
typename id_iterator_t::LocalID_t LocalID_t
types mirrored from the ID iterator
Definition: GeometryCore.h:255
float GetECALEndcapSideLength() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:969
float GArLiteZCent() const
Definition: GeometryCore.h:634
LayeredCalorimeterStruct LayeredCalorimeterData
Definition: GeometryCore.h:146