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1 ##include "services.fcl"
2 #include "calorimetry.fcl"
3 ##include "trackfinderservices.fcl"
4 #include "database_standard.fcl"
5 #include "experiment3ddrawers.fcl"
6 #include "wfHitDrawers.fcl"
7 #include "SimDrawers.fcl"
8 #include "spacecharge.fcl"
9 #include "Reco3DDrawers.fcl"
13 standard_colordrawingopt:
14 {
15  ColorOrGrayScale: 1 # 0 = color, 1 = grayscale
16  # the following parameters assume the first entry in the arrays
17  # is for induction planes, the second for collection planes
18  RawDiv: [ 100 ] # number of divisions to use for the color scale
19  RawQLow: [ -20. ] # minimum raw ADC value used in determining colors
20  RawQHigh: [ 60. ] # maximum raw ADC value used in determining colors
21  RecoDiv: [ 100 ] # number of divisions to use for the color scale
22  RecoQLow: [ -20. ] # minimum calibrated ADC value used in determining colors
23  RecoQHigh: [ 60. ] # maximum calibrated ADC value used in determining colors
24 }
26 standard_rawdrawingopt:
27 {
28  DrawRawDataOrCalibWires: 0 # 0 = raw, 1 = calibrated signals, 2 = both for ADC vs TDC views
29  TicksPerPoint: 1 # number of TDC ticks to combine for each point in the TDC vs Wire veiws
30  ScaleDigitsByCharge: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
31  MinimumSignal: 5. # minimum ADC value to draw in TDC vs Wire views
32  StartTick: 0. # Starting tick for the display
33  TotalTicks: 2048. # display TDC ticks 0 -> TotalTicks
34  AxisOrientation: 0 # 0 = TDC on y-axis, wire number on x-axis, 1 has that swapped
35  TPC: 0 # TPC number to display in TWQProjection view
36  Cryostat: 0 # Cryostat number to display in TWQProjection view
37  RawDataLabels: ["daq"] # label of module making the raw digits
38  PedestalOption: 0 # 0: use DetPedestalService; 1: use pedestal from raw digits; 2: no pedestal subtraction
39  RawDigitDrawer: @local::rawdigithist_drawer
40 }
42 standard_recodrawingopt:
43 {
44  DrawHits: 1 # 0 = off, 1 = on, will not draw if DrawRawDataOrCalibWires
45  # is set to 0
46  DrawClusters: 1 # set to 1 to draw markers for each hit in the cluster - is working
47  # 2 to draw outlines - not working yet,
48  DrawPFParticles: 0 # 1 to draw PFParticles
49  # 4 to have 3D display "white out" if tagged as cosmic
50  DrawEdges: 0 # draws edges and associated space points in 3D display, 0 = off, 1 = on
51  Draw2DSlopeEndPoints: 0 # draws end points and slopes for clusters, 0 = off, 1 = on
52  DrawSpacePoints: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
53  DrawProngs: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
54  DrawTracks: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
55  DrawTrackTrajectoryPoints: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
56  DrawTrackSegments: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
57  DrawTrackSpacePoints: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
58  DrawShowers: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
59  DrawVertices: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
60  DrawSeeds: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
61  DrawBezierTracks: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
62  DrawOpHits: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
63  DrawOpFlashes: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
64  DrawCosmicTags: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
66  DrawEvents: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
67  DrawSlices: 0
68  DrawSliceSpacePoints: 0
69  Draw2DEndPoints: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on, this is for the recob::EndPoint2D objects
70  SelectedHitColor: 6 # color to display hits selected via handscan.
71  # 0:white, 1:black 2:red 3:green 4:blue
72  # 5: yellow 6:magenta 7:cyan
73  UseHitSelector: true # turn on ability to use hit selector or not
74  DrawSkeleton3DHitsOnly: false # Draw only the "skeleton" 3D hits
75  DrawBestPCAAxisOnly: true # Draw only the best PCA axis
76  DrawTrackVertexAssns: false # Draw Track/Vertex associations
77  Draw3DSpacePoints: true # Draw Spacepoints in the 3D display (on/off)
78  Draw3DSpacePointHeatMap: true # Draw Spacepoints in 3D display with heat map (requires hit associations)
79  Draw3DEdges: true # Draw "edges" in the 3D display
80  Draw3DPCAAxes: true # Draw the PCA Axes in the 3D display
81  DrawAllWireIDs: false # Draw hits for all assocated WireIDs
82  WireModuleLabels: ["caldata"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Wires
83  HitModuleLabels: ["gaushit"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Hits
84  EndPoint2DModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::EndPoint2Ds
85  SpacePointModuleLabels: ["spacepts"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::SpacePoints
86  ProngModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Prongs
87  ClusterModuleLabels: ["dbcluster"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Clusters
88  PFParticleModuleLabels: ["pandora"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::PFParticles
89  EdgeModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Edges
90  ExtremeModuleLabels: [""]
91  TrackModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Tracks
92  ShowerModuleLabels: ["showerreco"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Showers
93  VertexModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Vertexs
94  SeedModuleLabels: ["seedfinder"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Seeds
95  BezierTrackModuleLabels: ["beziertracker"] # list of module labels in which to look for Bezier Tracks
96  OpHitModuleLabels: ["opflashnew"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::OpHitss
97  OpFlashModuleLabels: ["opflashnew"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::OpFlashes
98  CosmicTagModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Tracks
99  TrkVtxTrackLabels: [""] # list of track producers for track/vertex associations
100  TrkVtxCosmicLabels: [""] # list of vertex producers for track/vertex associations
101  TrkVtxFilterLabels: [""] # list of producers of associations between the two above
103  EventModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Events
104  SliceModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Slices
105  ColorProngsByLabel: 0 # 0 = generate color from id.
106  # 1 = generate color from label.
107  ColorSpacePointsByChisq: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
108  FlashMinPE: 0.0 # Minimal PE for a flash to be displayed.
109  FlashTMin: -1e9 # Minimal time for a flash to be displayed.
110  FlashTMax: 1e9 # Maximum time for a flash to be displayed.
111  CalorimetryAlgorithm: @local::standard_calorimetryalgdata
112  HitDrawer: @local::gaushit_drawer
113  WireDrawer: @local::wirehist_drawer
114  SpacePointDrawer: @local::spacepointchisquare_drawer3D
115  AllSpacePointDrawer: @local::spacepointstandard_drawer3D
117  Reco3DDrawers:
118  {
119  OpHit3D: @local::standard_ophit3D
120  OpFlash3D: @local::standard_opflash3D
121  }
122 }
124 standard_analysisdrawingopt:
125 {
126  DrawCalorimetry: 1
127  DrawParticleID: 1
128  DrawShowerCalor: 0
129  CaloPlane: -1
130  TrackID: -1
131  CalorimetryModuleLabels: ["calo"]
132  ParticleIDModuleLabels: ["pid"]
133  CalorTemplateFileName: "dEdxKinErestemplate" # without .root
134 }
136 standard_simdrawingopt:
137 {
138  ShowMCTruthText: true # toggle showing of MC interaction on or off
139  ShowMCTruthVectors: 1 # Show MCTruth vectors shifted by space charge effects
140  ShowSimChannelInfo: true # Show the SimChannel info in the 3D display
141  ShowSimEnergyInfo: true # Show the SimEnergy info in the 3D display
142  ShowSimPhotonInfo: false # Show the SimPhotons in the 3D display
143  ShowMCTruthTrajectories: true # toggle showing of MC truth trajectories in 3D, all depositions
144  ShowMCTruthColors: true # toggle to use PDG colors for particles
145  ShowMCTruthFullSize: true # toggle to use larger size markers for visibility
146  ShowScintillationLight: false # toggle to draw all low energy photons (if they are there, they are plenty++)
147  MinimumEnergyDeposition: 5e-5 # in GeV
148  G4ModuleLabel: "largeant" # module labels producing simb::MCParticle objects
149  SimChannelLabel: "largeant" # module labels producing sim::SimChannel objects
150  SimEnergyLabel: "largeant" # Producer of the SimEnergyDeposits
151  SimPhotonLabel: "largeant" # Producer of the SimPhoton
153  Draw3DTools:
154  {
155  Drawer3D: @local::larvoxel_drawer3D
156  SimEnergyDep3D: @local::simenergydeposit_drawer3D
157  SimPhoton3D: @local::simphoton_drawer3D
158  }
159 }
161 standard_evdlayoutopt:
162 {
163  ShowSideBar: 1 # toggle extra sidebar visibility option
164  AutoZoomInterest: 1 # toggle the auto zoom to interesting region option
165  PrintTotalCharge: 1 # Print out the sum of collected charge
166  ShowEndPointSection: 1 # Show Sidebar section with EndPoint extrapolation
167  ShowEndPointMarkers: 1 # toggle visbility of markers for EndPoint finding
168  ShowClusterSection: 0 # Show Sidebar section for making clusters
169  MakeClusters: 0 # draw two lines to create clusters
170  MakeSeeds: 0 # draw two lines to create clusters
171  ChangeWire: 1 # change wire with mouse click
172  EnableMCTruthCheckBox: 1 # 1 turn on the check box, 0 don't make it
173  ThreeWindowReadout: true
174  DisplayBackingGrid: true
175  DisplayAxes: true
176  DisplayName: "LArSoft"
177  Experiment3DDrawer: @local::standard_drawer
178 }
180 standard_scanopt:
181 {
182  IncludeMCInfo: false # include MC information in scan file if true
183  FileNameBase: "ScanFile" # base name for scan file
184  Categories: ["Neutrino", # categories for collecting information
185  "Induction Plane",
186  "Collection Plane"]
187  FieldLabels: ["No_nu", "Possible_nu", "nu", # fields for each category
188  "Tracks", "Showers", "Vertex_w", "Vertex_t",
189  "Tracks", "Showers", "Vertex_w", "Vertex_t"]
190  FieldTypes: ["RadioButton", "RadioButton", "RadioButton", # type of each field
191  "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number",
192  "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number"]
193  FieldsPerCategory: [3, 4, 4] # number of fields for each category
194 }
196 standard_evd:
197 {
198  AutoAdvanceInterval: 1000
199 }
201 evd_message:
202 {
203  debugModules: [ "*" ]
204  destinations:
205  {
206  Drawers:
207  {
208  type: "cerr"
209  threshold: "INFO"
210  categories:
211  {
212  SimulationDrawer:
213  {
214  limit: 5
215  timespan: 100
216  }
217  RecoBaseDrawer:
218  {
219  limit: 5
220  timespan: 100
221  }
222  RawDataDrawer:
223  {
224  limit: 5
225  timespan: 100
226  }
227  ConfigurationChecker:
228  {
229  limit: 5
230  timespan: 100
231  }
232  HitSelector:
233  {
234  limit: 5
235  timespan: 100
236  }
237  GraphCluster:
238  {
239  limit: 5
240  timespan: 100
241  }
242  InfoTransfer:
243  {
244  limit: 5
245  timespan: 100
246  }
247  RecoBaseDefaultCtor:
248  {
249  limit: 1
250  timespan: 100
251  }
252  }
253  }
254  }
255 }
257 standard_infotransfer:
258 {
259 }
261 #######################################
263 standard_graphclusteralg:
264 {
265  HitsModuleLabel: "gaushit"
266 }
268 standard_graphcluster:
269 {
270  module_type: "GraphCluster"
271  HitsModuleLabel: "gaushit"
272  GraphClusterAlg: @local::standard_graphclusteralg
273 }