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util Namespace Reference

Namespace for general, non-LArSoft-specific utilities. More...


 Classes and functions to manage bit masks and flags.
 Types of variables with a unit.


struct  add_tag
struct  AddressTaker
 Functor returning the address in memory of the operand. More...
struct  always_false_type
 A std::false_type with a template argument. More...
struct  always_true_type
 A std::true_type with a template argument. More...
class  ClusterShapes
struct  collection_from_reference_type
 Trait with the type of collection referenced by collRef. More...
struct  collection_reference_type
 Trait of a type that can be used to reference the collection Coll. More...
struct  collection_value_access_type
 Trait of type obtained by access to element of collection Coll. More...
struct  collection_value_constant_access_type
 Trait of type obtained by constant access to element of collection Coll. More...
struct  collection_value_type
 Trait of value contained in the template collection Coll. More...
class  ConvertEdep2Art
struct  count_extracted_types
 Counts the elements of a tuple-like type containing a Target type. More...
class  count_iterator
 An iterator dereferencing to a counter value. More...
struct  count_type_in_tuple
 Holds whether the Target type is element of the specified std::tuple. More...
struct  count_type_in_tuple< Target, std::tuple< T... > >
class  CrpGainService
class  DatabaseUtil
class  DataProductChangeTracker_t
 Detects the presence of a new event or data product. More...
struct  Dereferencer
 Functor dereferencing the operand. More...
class  EventChangeTracker_t
 Detects the presence of a new event. More...
struct  extract_to_tuple_type
 Returns type TargetClass<U...> from a SrcTuple<T...>. More...
class  FileCatalogMetadataDUNE
class  FileCatalogMetadataMPD
struct  find_next_type
 Trait: index of the first occurrence of T among the specified Types, starting from the one with index StartFrom. More...
class  GaussianEliminationAlg
class  GeometryUtilities
class  GridContainerBase1D
 Base class for a container of data arranged on a 1D-grid. More...
class  GridContainerBase2D
 Base class for a container of data arranged on a 2D-grid. More...
class  GridContainerBase3D
 Base class for a container of data arranged on a 3D-grid. More...
class  GridContainerIndicesBase1D
 Index manager for a container of data arranged on a >=1-dim grid. More...
class  GridContainerIndicesBase2D
 Index manager for a container of data arranged on a >=2-dim grid. More...
class  GridContainerIndicesBase3D
 Index manager for a container of data arranged on a >=3-dim grid. More...
struct  has_duplicate_extracted_types
 Traits holding whether elements of Tuple have duplicate types. More...
struct  has_extracted_type
 Trait holding whether an element in Tuple type contains Target. More...
struct  index_of_extracted_type
 Returns the index of the element in Tuple with the specified type. More...
struct  is_any_of
 Trait: whether T is among the specified Types. More...
struct  is_basic_string_type
 Trait: whether type T is a STL string type. More...
struct  is_basic_string_view_type
 Trait: whether type T is a std::string_view type. More...
struct  is_character_type
 Trait: whether type T is a character type. More...
struct  is_instance_of
 Trait describing whether T is a template instance of Template. More...
struct  is_STLarray
 Identifies whether the specified type is a STL array. More...
struct  is_STLarray< std::array< T, N > >
struct  is_string_type
 Trait: whether type T is a character string type. More...
struct  KeepByPositionFilterTag
 Tag for filters. More...
class  LArFFT
class  LArFFTW
class  LArFFTWPlan
class  LArPropTest
class  LazyVector
 A contiguous data container expanded on write. More...
struct  lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type
 Trait with type T into std::reference_wrapper if reference. More...
class  MappedContainer
 A meta-container providing transparent mapping on top of another. More...
struct  MappedContainerBase
 Non-template base class for MappedContainer. More...
class  MultipleChoiceSelection
 Helper to select one among multiple choices via strings. More...
class  MultipleChoiceSelectionBase
 Base class of util::MultipleChoiceSelection with basics independent of the option type. More...
class  NormalDistribution
class  PlaneDataChangeTracker_t
 Detects the presence of a new event, data product or wire plane. More...
class  PositionInVolumeFilter
 Use to keep particles with at least part of trajectory in a volume. More...
class  PxHit
class  PxHitConverter
class  PxLine
class  PxPoint
class  Range
 represents a "Range" w/ notion of ordering. A range is defined by a pair of "start" and "end" values. This is stored in std::pair
attribute util::Range::_window. This attribute is protected so that the start/end cannot
be changed w/o a check that start is always less than end. Note the specialization
requires a template class T to have less operator implemented.
struct  RangeForWrapperTag
 Tag marking the use of RangeForWrapperBox. More...
struct  reference_addresser
 Functor applying the proper referenced_address() function. More...
struct  remove_tag
 Trait holding the type contained in a TaggedType (or the type itself). More...
struct  remove_tag< TaggedType< T, Tag > >
class  RootGraphicsEnablingService
 Trojan service to inject initialization code. More...
struct  self_type
 Trait returning the very same type as in the template argument. More...
class  SignalShaping
class  SignalShapingDUNE10ktTest
class  SignalShapingDUNE35tTest
class  SignalShapingServiceDUNE
class  SignalShapingServiceDUNE10kt
class  SignalShapingServiceDUNE34kt
class  SignalShapingServiceDUNE35t
class  SignalShapingServiceDUNEDPhase
class  SiPMUtils
struct  span
 Simple class with a begin and an end. More...
struct  span_base
 Non-templated base class for span. More...
struct  strip_referenceness_type
 Trait with type T stripped of all known reference types. More...
struct  StyleSentry
class  SumSecondFunction
struct  TagExtractor
 Extracts the tag from a type. More...
struct  TaggedType
 A type with a specified tag. More...
struct  TagN
 Tag class parametrized by a sequence of numbers. More...
class  TensorIndices
 Converts a tensor element specification into a linear index. More...
class  TensorIndices< 1U >
struct  TensorIndicesBasicTypes
 Types for TensorIndices class. More...
class  TFileMetadataDUNE
class  TrackPropagator
class  UBDaqID
class  UniqueRangeSet
 std::set of util::Range, which does not allow any overlap in contained element. std::set<Range> w/ modified insert/emplace function. Original std::set does not allow
modification of element. I assume what we're interested in is "find if the range already \n exists, and merge if it exists". The insert function does that by recursively looking up
overlapping elements w.r.t. input argument of insert function.
class  UtilException
class  VectorMap
struct  with_const_as
 Trait with type Base, plus the constantness as in Key. More...


template<typename Coll >
using collection_value_t = typename collection_value_type< Coll >::type
 Type contained in the collection Coll. More...
template<typename Coll >
using collection_value_access_t = typename collection_value_access_type< Coll >::type
 Type obtained by constant access to element of collection Coll. More...
template<typename Coll >
using collection_value_constant_access_t = typename collection_value_constant_access_type< Coll >::type
 Type obtained by constant access to element of collection Coll. More...
template<typename Coll >
using collection_reference_t = typename collection_reference_type< Coll >::type
 The type contained in util::collection_reference_type trait. More...
template<typename Cont >
using collection_from_reference_t = typename collection_from_reference_type< Cont >::type
 Type contained in util::collection_from_reference_type trait. More...
template<typename T >
using self_t = typename self_type< T >::type
 The very same type as in the template argument. More...
using type_traits = std::bool_constant< Value >
template<typename A , typename B >
using is_not_same = std::negation< std::is_same< A, B >>
 The negation of std::is_same. More...
template<typename T , typename... Types>
using find_type = find_next_type< T, 0U, Types... >
 Trait: index of the first occurrence of T among the specified Types. More...
template<typename T >
using is_reference_wrapper = is_instance_of< std::reference_wrapper, T >
 Identifies whether the specified type is a std::reference_wrapper. More...
template<typename T >
using is_unique_ptr = is_instance_of< std::unique_ptr, T >
 Identifies whether the specified type is a std::unique_ptr. More...
template<typename Base , typename Key >
using with_const_as_t = typename with_const_as< Base, Key >::type
 The type Base, plus the constantness as in Key. More...
template<typename T >
using strip_referenceness_t = typename strip_referenceness_type< T >::type
 The type T stripped of all known reference types. More...
template<typename T >
using lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_t = typename lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type< T >::type
 The type T stripped of all known reference types. More...
typedef int UBLArSoftCh_t
typedef std::map< UBDaqID, UBLArSoftCh_tUBChannelMap_t
typedef std::map< UBLArSoftCh_t, UBDaqIDUBChannelReverseMap_t
using GridContainer2DIndices = GridContainerIndicesBase2D<>
 Index manager for a container of data arranged on a 2D grid. More...
using GridContainer3DIndices = GridContainerIndicesBase3D<>
 Index manager for a container of data arranged on a 3D grid. More...
template<typename DATUM >
using GridContainer2D = GridContainerBase2D< DATUM, GridContainer2DIndices >
 Container allowing 2D indexing. More...
template<typename DATUM >
using GridContainer3D = GridContainerBase3D< DATUM, GridContainer3DIndices >
 Container allowing 3D indexing. More...
using MatrixIndices = TensorIndices< 2U >
 Type for indexing a 2D-tensor (matrix) More...
template<typename SrcTuple , template< typename T, typename... > class Extractor, template< typename... > class TargetClass = std::tuple>
using extract_to_tuple_type_t = typename extract_to_tuple_type< SrcTuple, Extractor, TargetClass >::type
 Direct access to the type in extract_to_tuple_type. More...
template<typename Tuple , template< typename... > class TargetClass = std::tuple>
using to_tuple = extract_to_tuple_type< Tuple, self_type, TargetClass >
template<typename Tuple , template< typename... > class TargetClass = std::tuple>
using to_tuple_t = typename to_tuple< Tuple, TargetClass >::type
 Direct access to the type in to_tuple. More...
template<typename Target , typename Tuple >
using index_of_type = index_of_extracted_type< self_type, Target, Tuple >
template<template< typename T, typename... > class Extractor, typename Target , typename Tuple >
using type_with_extracted_type = std::tuple_element< index_of_extracted_type_v< Extractor, Target, Tuple >, Tuple >
 Returns the element type in Tuple with the specified type. More...
template<template< typename T, typename... > class Extractor, typename Target , typename Tuple >
using type_with_extracted_type_t = typename type_with_extracted_type< Extractor, Target, Tuple >::type
 Direct access to the value in type_with_extracted_type. More...
template<typename Target , typename Tuple >
using has_type = has_extracted_type< self_type, Target, Tuple >
template<typename Tuple >
using has_duplicate_types = has_duplicate_extracted_types< self_type, Tuple >
template<typename Target , typename Tuple >
using count_types = count_extracted_types< self_type, Target, Tuple >
template<typename T , typename Tag >
using add_tag_t = typename add_tag< T, Tag >::type
template<typename Tagged >
using remove_tag_t = typename remove_tag< Tagged >::type
 Direct access to the type contained in remove_tag. More...
template<typename Tagged >
using tag_of = TagExtractor< Tagged >
 Trait holding the tag of Tagged as type. More...
template<typename Tagged >
using tag_of_t = typename tag_of< Tagged >::type
 Direct access to the type in tag_of. More...
template<typename SrcTuple >
using extract_tags = extract_to_tuple_type< SrcTuple, TagExtractor >
 Returns a tuple with all the tags from SrcTuple. More...
template<typename SrcTuple >
using extract_tags_t = typename extract_tags< SrcTuple >::type
 Direct access to the type in extract_tags. More...
template<typename Tag , typename Tuple >
using index_of_tag = index_of_extracted_type< TagExtractor, Tag, Tuple >
 Trait holding the index of the element of Tuple with tag Tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename Tuple >
using type_with_tag = type_with_extracted_type< TagExtractor, Tag, Tuple >
 Trait holding the type of the element of Tuple with tag Tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename Tuple >
using type_with_tag_t = typename type_with_tag< Tag, Tuple >::type
 Direct access to the value in type_with_tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename Tuple >
using has_tag = has_extracted_type< TagExtractor, Tag, Tuple >
 Trait informing if there are elements in Tuple with tag Tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename Tuple >
using count_tags = count_extracted_types< TagExtractor, Tag, Tuple >
 Trait counting the elements in Tuple with tag Tag. More...
template<typename Tuple >
using has_duplicate_tags = has_duplicate_extracted_types< TagExtractor, Tuple >
 Trait reporting if multiple elements in Tuple have the same tag. More...


template<typename Stream >
decltype(auto) operator<< (Stream &&out, EventChangeTracker_t const &trk)
template<typename Stream >
decltype(auto) operator<< (Stream &&out, DataProductChangeTracker_t const &trk)
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, art::Ptr< U > const &b, art::Assns< U, T > &assn, std::string a_instance, size_t indx=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-one association. More...
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, art::Ptr< U > const &b, art::Assns< U, T > &assn, size_t indx=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-one association. More...
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, art::Ptr< T > const &a, art::Ptr< U > const &b, art::Assns< U, T > &assn)
 Creates a single one-to-one association. More...
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, art::PtrVector< U > const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, size_t indx=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, art::Ptr< T > const &a, std::vector< art::Ptr< U >> const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< art::Ptr< U >> const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, size_t indx=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< U > const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, size_t startU, size_t endU, size_t indx=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< U > const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, std::vector< size_t > const &indices, size_t indx=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<typename PRODUCER , typename T , typename U , typename Iter >
bool CreateAssn (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, size_t first_index, Iter from_second_index, Iter to_second_index)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<typename PRODUCER , typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool CreateAssnD (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, art::Ptr< U > const &b, typename art::Assns< U, T, D >::data_t const &data, art::Assns< U, T, D > &assn, size_t indx=UINT_MAX)
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< const U * > FindUNotAssociatedToT (art::Handle< U > b, art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label)
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< art::Ptr< U > > FindUNotAssociatedToTP (art::Handle< U > b, art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label)
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< size_t > GetAssociatedVectorOneI (art::Handle< art::Assns< T, U > > h, art::Handle< std::vector< T > > index_p)
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< const U * > GetAssociatedVectorOneP (art::Handle< art::Assns< T, U > > h, art::Handle< std::vector< T > > index_p)
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > GetAssociatedVectorManyI (art::Handle< art::Assns< T, U > > h, art::Handle< std::vector< T > > index_p)
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< std::vector< const U * > > GetAssociatedVectorManyP (art::Handle< art::Assns< T, U > > h, art::Handle< std::vector< T > > index_p)
template<typename Coll >
auto make_collection_reference (Coll &&coll)
 Returns an object referencing to the data contained in coll. More...
template<typename CollRef >
decltype(auto) collection_from_reference (CollRef &collRef)
 Returns the object referenced by collRef as a C++ reference. More...
template<typename Coll , typename Extractor >
decltype(auto) makeValueIndex (Coll const &coll, Extractor getter)
 Returns a map of value to index. More...
template<typename Coll >
auto makeValueIndex (Coll const &coll)
template<typename Ref >
auto referenced_address (Ref &&ref)
 Returns the address of the referenced object. More...
template<typename T >
auto lvalue_reference_into_wrapper (T &&obj)
 Converts a l-value reference object into a std::reference_wrapper. More...
decltype(auto) takeAddress ()
 Returns a functor that returns the address of its argument. More...
decltype(auto) dereference ()
 Returns a functor that returns *ptr of its argument ptr. More...
template<typename Coll >
auto makePointerVector (Coll &coll)
 Creates a STL vector with pointers to data from another collection. More...
template<typename Coll , typename PtrColl >
void MoveFromPointers (Coll &dest, PtrColl &src)
 Moves the content from a collection of pointers to one of data. More...
template<typename Coll , typename Sorter >
void SortByPointers (Coll &coll, Sorter sorter)
 Applies sorting indirectly, minimizing data copy. More...
template<typename Coll , typename Sorter >
void SortUniquePointers (Coll &coll, Sorter &&sorter)
 Sorts a vector of unique pointers using a C pointer sorter. More...
template<typename IterB , typename IterE , typename Adaptor >
 span (IterB &&b, IterE &&e, Adaptor &&adaptor) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
template<typename T = double>
constexpr T pi ()
 Returns the constant pi (up to 35 decimal digits of precision) More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T DegreesToRadians (T angle)
 Converts the argument angle from degrees into radians. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T RadiansToDegrees (T angle)
 Converts the argument angle from radians into degrees ( $ \pi \rightarrow 180 $) More...
template<typename Stream , typename Left , typename Right , typename Data >
void DumpAssociationsIntro (Stream &&out, art::Assns< Left, Right, Data > const &assns)
 Dumps a short introduction about specified association. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, art::Ptr< U > const &b, art::Assns< U, T > &assn, std::string a_instance, size_t index=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-one association. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, art::Ptr< U > const &b, art::Assns< U, T > &assn, size_t index=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-one association. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (art::Event &evt, art::Ptr< T > const &a, art::Ptr< U > const &b, art::Assns< U, T > &assn)
 Creates a single one-to-one association. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, art::PtrVector< U > const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, size_t index=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (art::Event &evt, art::Ptr< T > const &a, std::vector< art::Ptr< U >> const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< art::Ptr< U >> const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, size_t index=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< U > const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, size_t startU, size_t endU, size_t index=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool CreateAssn (art::Event &evt, std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< U > const &b, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, std::vector< size_t > const &indices, size_t index=UINT_MAX)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<typename T , typename U , typename Iter >
bool CreateAssn (art::Event &evt, art::Assns< T, U > &assn, size_t first_index, Iter from_second_index, Iter to_second_index)
 Creates a single one-to-many association. More...
template<typename Producer , typename... Args>
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< art::EDProducer, Producer >, boolCreateAssn (Producer const &, Args &&...args)
template<typename Producer , typename... Args>
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< art::EDProducer, Producer >, boolCreateAssnD (Producer const &, Args &&...args)
template<typename Range , typename Pred >
auto filterRangeFor (Range &&range, Pred &&pred) -> decltype(auto)
 Provides iteration only through elements passing a condition. More...
template<class A , class F >
void for_each_associated_group (A const &assns, F &func)
 Helper functions to access associations in order. More...
template<class A >
auto associated_groups (A const &assns)
 Helper functions to access associations in order. More...
template<class A >
auto associated_groups_with_left (A const &assns)
 Helper functions to access associations in order, also with key. More...
template<typename Groups >
auto groupByIndex (Groups &&groups, std::size_t index) -> decltype(auto)
 Returns the group within groups with the specified index. More...
template<typename Coll , typename KeyOf >
std::vector< size_t > MakeIndex (Coll const &data, KeyOf key_of=KeyOf())
 Creates a map of indices from an existing collection. More...
template<typename Coll , typename KeyOf >
auto MakeMap (Coll const &data, KeyOf key_of=KeyOf()) -> std::vector< decltype(key_of(*(data.begin()))) const * >
 Creates a map of objects from an existing collection. More...
template<typename Range >
auto wrapRangeFor (Range &&range) -> decltype(auto)
 Wraps an object for use in a range-for loop. More...
template<typename Range >
auto operator| (Range &&range, RangeForWrapperTag) -> decltype(auto)
 Transforms a range so that it can be used in a range-for loop. More...
template<unsigned int RANK1, unsigned int RANK2, typename = std::enable_if_t<(RANK1 != RANK2), bool>>
bool operator== (TensorIndices< RANK1 > const &a, TensorIndices< RANK2 > const &b)
 Comparison operator with tensors of different rank. More...
template<unsigned int RANK1, unsigned int RANK2, typename = std::enable_if_t<(RANK1 != RANK2), bool>>
bool operator!= (TensorIndices< RANK1 > const &a, TensorIndices< RANK2 > const &b)
 Comparison operator with tensors of different rank. More...
template<typename... DIMS>
auto makeTensorIndices (DIMS...dims)
 Instantiates a TensorIndices class with the specified dimensions. More...
template<template< typename T, typename... > class Extractor, typename Target , typename Tuple >
auto getByExtractedType (Tuple const &data) -> decltype(auto)
 Returns the value of the element containing the specified type. More...
template<typename Tag , typename T >
auto makeTagged (T &obj) -> decltype(auto)
 "Converts" obj to an object with tag Tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename T >
auto makeTagged (T const &obj) -> decltype(auto)
 "Converts" obj to an object with tag Tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename T >
auto makeTagged (T const &&obj) -> decltype(auto)
 "Converts" obj to an object with tag Tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename T >
auto makeTagged (T &&obj) -> decltype(auto)
 "Converts" obj to an object with tag Tag. More...
template<typename Tagged >
auto removeTag (Tagged &tagged) -> decltype(auto)
 "Converts" a tagged type back to its original type. More...
template<typename Tagged >
auto removeTag (Tagged const &tagged) -> decltype(auto)
 "Converts" a tagged type back to its original type. More...
template<typename Tagged >
auto removeTag (Tagged const &&tagged) -> decltype(auto)
 "Converts" a tagged type back to its original type. More...
template<typename Tagged >
auto removeTag (Tagged &&tagged) -> decltype(auto)
 "Converts" a tagged type back to its original type. More...
template<typename Tag , typename Tuple >
auto getByTag (Tuple const &data) -> decltype(auto)
 Returns the object with the specified tag. More...
template<typename Cont , typename Mapping >
auto mapContainer (Cont cont, Mapping mapping)
 Returns a container-like object mapping the content of cont. More...
template<typename Cont , typename Mapping , typename Container , typename Reference >
MappedContainer< Cont, Mapping >::template IteratorBase< Container, Reference > operator+ (typename MappedContainer< Cont, Mapping >::template IteratorBase< Container, Reference >::difference_type n, typename MappedContainer< Cont, Mapping >::template IteratorBase< Container, Reference > const &it)
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool operator== (const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__x, const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__y)
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool operator< (const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__x, const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__y)
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool operator!= (const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__x, const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__y)
 Based on operator==. More...
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool operator> (const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__x, const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__y)
 Based on operator<. More...
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool operator<= (const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__x, const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__y)
 Based on operator<. More...
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool operator>= (const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__x, const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__y)
 Based on operator<. More...
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
void swap (VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__x, VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &__y)
 See VectorMap::swap(). More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, EventChangeTracker_t const &trk)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, DataProductChangeTracker_t const &trk)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, PlaneDataChangeTracker_t const &trk)
template<typename PRODUCER , typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool CreateAssnD (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, art::Assns< T, U, D > &assn, size_t first_index, size_t second_index, typename art::Assns< T, U, D >::data_t &&data)
 Creates a single one-to-one association with associated data. More...
template<typename PRODUCER , typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool CreateAssnD (PRODUCER const &prod, art::Event &evt, art::Assns< T, U, D > &assn, size_t first_index, size_t second_index, typename art::Assns< T, U, D >::data_t const &data)
Counted iterations
template<typename T >
auto counter (T begin, T end)
 Returns an object to iterate values from begin to end in a range-for loop. More...
template<typename T >
auto counter (T end)
template<typename T = std::size_t>
auto infinite_counter (T begin=T{})
 Version of util::counter() starting at begin and never ending. More...
Enumerated iterations
template<std::size_t Lead, typename... Iterables>
auto enumerate (Iterables &&...iterables)
 Range-for loop helper tracking the number of iteration. More...
template<typename... Iterables>
auto enumerate (Iterables &&...iterables)
 This version of enumerate implicitly uses the first iterable as lead. More...
Transformed iterations
template<std::size_t... Indices, typename Coll >
decltype(auto) get_elements (Coll &&coll)
 Range-for loop helper iterating across some of the element of each value in the specified collection. More...
template<std::size_t... Indices, typename Coll >
decltype(auto) get_const_elements (Coll &&coll)
 Range-for loop helper iterating across the constant values of the specified collection. More...
template<typename Coll >
decltype(auto) values (Coll &&coll)
 Range-for loop helper iterating across the values of the specified collection. More...
template<typename Coll >
decltype(auto) const_values (Coll &&coll)
 Range-for loop helper iterating across the constant values of the specified collection. More...
template<typename T >
void staticDumpClassName ()
 Helper to determine the type of a variable at compilation time. More...
template<typename T >
void staticDumpClassName (T)
template<typename A , typename B >
constexpr auto absDiff (A const &a, B const &b)
 Returns the absolute value of the difference between two values. More...
Span helper functions
template<typename BIter , typename EIter >
auto make_span (BIter begin, EIter end)
 Creates a span from specified iterators (can use constructor instead). More...
template<typename Cont >
auto make_span (Cont &cont)
 Creates a span from a container type. More...
template<typename Cont >
auto make_const_span (Cont &cont)
 Creates a span with constant iterator access from a container type. More...
Adapted span helper functions
template<typename BIter , typename EIter , typename Adaptor >
auto make_adapted_span (BIter begin, EIter end, Adaptor &&adaptor)
template<typename Cont , typename Adaptor >
auto make_adapted_span (Cont &cont, Adaptor &&adaptor)
 Creates a span from specified collection via an adaptor. More...
template<typename Cont , typename Adaptor >
auto make_adapted_const_span (Cont &cont, Adaptor &&adaptor)
 Creates constant iteration span from specified collection via an adaptor. More...
Transformed span helper functions
template<typename BIter , typename EIter , typename Op >
auto make_transformed_span (BIter begin, EIter end, Op &&op)
template<typename Cont , typename Op >
auto make_transformed_span (Cont &cont, Op &&op)
 Creates a span from specified collection via an adaptor. More...
template<typename Cont , typename Op >
auto make_transformed_const_span (Cont &cont, Op &&op)
C++ standard library customization for user-defined classes.
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) constexpr to_string (T &&obj)
 ADL-aware version of std::to_string. More...
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) constexpr begin (T &&obj)
 ADL-aware version of std::begin. More...
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) constexpr end (T &&obj)
 ADL-aware version of std::end. More...
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) constexpr cbegin (T &&obj)
 ADL-aware version of std::cbegin. More...
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) constexpr cend (T &&obj)
 ADL-aware version of std::cend. More...
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) constexpr size (T &&obj)
 ADL-aware version of std::size. More...
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) constexpr empty (T &&obj)
 ADL-aware version of std::empty. More...
template<std::size_t I, typename T >
decltype(auto) get (T &&obj)
Parallel iterations
template<std::size_t Lead, typename... Iterables>
auto zip (Iterables &&...iterables)
 Range-for loop helper iterating across many collections at the same time. More...
template<typename... Iterables>
auto zip (Iterables &&...iterables)
 Version of zip() with first iterator implicitly leading the iteration. More...
template<typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool CreateAssnD (art::Event &evt, art::Assns< T, U, D > &assn, size_t first_index, size_t second_index, typename art::Assns< T, U, D >::data_t &&data)
 Creates a single one-to-one association with associated data. More...
template<typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool CreateAssnD (art::Event &evt, art::Assns< T, U, D > &assn, size_t first_index, size_t second_index, typename art::Assns< T, U, D >::data_t const &data)
simple mathematical functions
template<typename T >
constexpr auto abs (T v)
 Returns the absolute value of the argument. More...


template<typename >
constexpr bool always_false_v = false
 A templated constant, always false. More...
template<typename >
constexpr bool always_true_v = true
 A template constant always true. More...
template<typename T , std::size_t StartFrom, typename... Types>
constexpr std::size_t find_next_type_v = find_next_type<T, StartFrom, Types...>::value
template<typename T , typename... Types>
constexpr std::size_t find_type_v = find_type<T, Types...>::value
template<typename T , typename... Types>
constexpr bool is_any_of_v = is_any_of<T, Types...>::value
 Whether T is among the specified Types (see util::is_any_of). More...
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr auto is_same_decay_v = std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, std::decay_t<U>>
 Whether T and U are the same type, after being applied std::decay. More...
template<template< typename... > typename Template, typename T >
constexpr bool is_instance_of_v = is_instance_of<Template, T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_STLarray_v = is_STLarray<T>::value
 A constant describing whether the specified type is a STL array. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_reference_wrapper_v = is_reference_wrapper<T>::value
 A constant describing whether the specified type is a std::reference_wrapper. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_unique_ptr_v = is_unique_ptr<T>::value
 A constant describing whether the specified type is a std::unique_ptr. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_character_type_v = is_character_type<T>::value
 Whether type T is a character type (see util::is_character_type). More...
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_string_type_v = is_string_type<T>::value
 Whether type T is a character string type (see util::is_string_type). More...
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_basic_string_type_v = is_basic_string_type<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_basic_string_view_type_v = is_basic_string_view_type<T>::value
constexpr double kGeVToElectrons = 4.237e7
 23.6eV per ion pair, 1e9 eV/GeV More...
constexpr double kc = 29.9792458
 Speed of light in vacuum in LArSoft units [cm/ns]. More...
constexpr double kMeterToCentimeter = 1.e2
 1 m = 100 cm More...
constexpr double kCentimeterToMeter = 1./kMeterToCentimeter
constexpr double kMeterToKilometer = 1.e-3
 1000 m = 1 km More...
constexpr double kKilometerToMeter = 1./kMeterToKilometer
constexpr double keVToMeV = 1.e-6
 1e6 eV = 1 MeV More...
constexpr double kMeVToeV = 1./keVToMeV
constexpr double kBogusD = -999.
 obviously bogus double value More...
constexpr int kBogusI = -999
 obviously bogus integer value More...
constexpr float kBogusF = -999.
 obviously bogus float value More...
constexpr double quietCompiler = kBogusD*kBogusI*kBogusF*kRecombA*kRecombk*kGeVToElectrons
constexpr double kINVALID_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<Double_t>::max()
constexpr RangeForWrapperTag range_for
template<template< typename T, typename... > class Extractor, typename Target , typename Tuple >
constexpr std::size_t index_of_extracted_type_v = index_of_extracted_type<Extractor, Target, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in index_of_extracted_type. More...
template<typename Target , typename Tuple >
constexpr std::size_t index_of_type_v = index_of_type<Target, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in index_of_type. More...
template<template< typename T, typename... > class Extractor, typename Target , typename Tuple >
constexpr bool has_extracted_type_v = has_extracted_type<Extractor, Target, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in has_extracted_type. More...
template<typename Target , typename Tuple >
constexpr bool has_type_v = has_type<Target, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in has_type. More...
template<template< typename T, typename... > class Extractor, typename Tuple >
constexpr bool has_duplicate_extracted_types_v = has_duplicate_extracted_types<Extractor, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in has_duplicate_extracted_types. More...
template<typename Tuple >
constexpr bool has_duplicate_types_v = has_duplicate_types<Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in has_duplicate_types. More...
template<template< typename T, typename... > class Extractor, typename Target , typename Tuple >
constexpr unsigned int count_extracted_types_v = count_extracted_types<Extractor, Target, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in count_extracted_types. More...
template<typename Target , typename Tuple >
constexpr unsigned int count_types_v = count_types<Target, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in count_extracted_types. More...
template<typename Tag , typename Tuple >
constexpr std::size_t index_of_tag_v = index_of_tag<Tag, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in index_of_tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename Tuple >
constexpr bool has_tag_v = has_tag<Tag, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in has_tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename Tuple >
constexpr unsigned int count_tags_v = count_tags<Tag, Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in count_tags. More...
template<typename Tuple >
constexpr bool has_duplicate_tags_v = has_duplicate_tags<Tuple>()
 Direct access to the value in has_duplicate_tags. More...
const float SQRT_TWO_PI = 2.506628
Recombination factor coefficients (NIM).
See also

Recombination factor coefficients come from Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A523:275-286,2004

  • $ dE/dx $ is given by the voxel energy deposition, but have to convert it to MeV/cm from GeV/voxel width
  • electric field: $ E $ in kV/cm
  • $ R = A/(1 + (dE/dx)*k/E) $
  • $ A = 0.800 \pm 0.003 $
  • $ k = 0.0486 $ needs to be scaled with Electric field
constexpr double kRecombA = 0.800
 A constant. More...
constexpr double kRecombk = 0.0486
Recombination factor coefficients (modified box, ArguNeuT JINST).
See also

Recombination factor coefficients come from Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A523:275-286,2004

  • $ dE/dx $ is given by the voxel energy deposition, but have to convert it to MeV/cm from GeV/voxel width
  • electric field: $ E $ in kV/cm
  • kModBoxB needs to be scaled with the electric field.
constexpr double kModBoxA = 0.930
 Modified Box Alpha. More...
constexpr double kModBoxB = 0.212
 Modified Box Beta in g/(MeV cm²)*kV/cm. More...
template<typename Target , typename... T>
using count_type_in_list = details::count_type_in_list_impl< Target, T... >
 Returns how many of the types in T exactly match Target. More...
template<std::size_t N, typename... T>
using typelist_element_type = std::tuple_element< N, std::tuple< T... >>
 Returns the N type of the type list. More...
template<std::size_t N, typename... T>
using typelist_element_t = typename typelist_element_type< N, T... >::type
 Direct access to the value in typelist_element_type. More...
template<typename Target , typename... T>
using type_is_in = details::type_is_in_impl< Target, T... >
 Holds whether the Target type is among the ones in the T pack. More...
template<typename Target , typename... T>
constexpr unsigned int count_type_in_list_v = count_type_in_list<Target, T...>()
 Direct access to the value in count_type_in_list. More...
template<typename Target , typename... T>
constexpr bool type_is_in_v = type_is_in<Target, T...>()
 Direct access to the value in type_is_in. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for general, non-LArSoft-specific utilities.

Namespace for general, not LArSoft-specific utilities.

General LArSoft Utilities.

Generic namespace of utility functions generally independent of LArSoft.

Some physical constants are also included here. As a reminder, the "standard" units in LArSoft are:

SumSecondFunction 28-Jul-2009 William Seligman When using STL, maps, and the std::accumulate function, there's one function I keep coding over and over again: accumulate the second member of a pair.

To save myself time (and others who know and use STL), here's a complete STL-compatible implementation of that function. To use it, assume you have an object:

std::map<K,V> myMap;

To sum all the V's in the map:

V sum = std::accumulate( myMap.begin(),myMap.end(),V(),SumSecondFunction<K,V>() );

(Yes, I know there are other, better ways to do this, if one has access to BOOST. Unfortunately, we're not supposed to use BOOST in LArSoft, since as of Jul-2009 it's not universally installed on FNAL machines.)

VectorMap 17-Apr-2008 William Seligman

This class is an implementation of a concept discussion in "Effective STL" by Scott Meyers:

STL maps are useful because their contents are always sorted, so they're effective for fast searches. However, in almost every other respect vectors are superior: They take up less space, and they use random-access iterators.

This class implements "sorted vector maps," that is, an STL-style map implemented as a sorted STL vector of pairs. I've done my best to implement all aspects of the std::map interface in this class, with some additions; if you've defined the following:

VectorMap<key_type, data_type> svm;

INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT NOTE: The "key type" of a VectorMap cannot be a "const" type (unlike maps); it won't even compile. When you do an insert, the underlying vector has to move things around within its list, and it uses the assignment operator=() (or "vector{i+1)=vector(i)" if you like). You can't do that if either the key or the data is const.

As with a map, there's no way to insert items at a specific location in a VectorMap. The insertion methods (including operator[]) all operate on a sorted sequence according to the key. Because of this, insertions take a long time.

However, for our processing, this doesn't matter much; for almost all our maps, we typically have:

For this usage, a sorted vector is generally superior to a map.

This class just implements the equivalent of an STL map, not a multimap, set, nor a multiset. If there's a need, I may create additional classes.

Is there any map feature that's not implemented? Yes:

Advanced implementation note: Depending on the application, it might be possible to speed up this class by using "lazy evaluation"; that is, we wouldn't actually sort the vector until the user actually tries to access its contents. I'm not going to do this, because:

A) I don't think my programming skills are up to the task.

B) In the primary application for which I plan to use this class (Monte-Carlo particle tracks), we're performing at least one search after every insert; lazy evaluation wouldn't be much of a speed improvement.

Feb-2011 WGS: VectorMap mostly looks like a map, but there are some memory-management issues that relate to it being a vector. Include the vector-based routines reserve() and capacity().

Title: GaussianEliminationAlg Class Author: Wes Ketchum (

Description: Class that solves system of linear equations via Gaussian Elimination. Intended for use with RFFHitFitter

Typedef Documentation

template<typename DATUM >
using util::GridContainer2D = typedef GridContainerBase2D<DATUM, GridContainer2DIndices>

Container allowing 2D indexing.

Template Parameters
DATUMtype of contained data
See also

This is an alias for GridContainerBase2D, with a proper index manager. See the documentation of GridContainerBase2D.

Definition at line 267 of file GridContainers.h.

Index manager for a container of data arranged on a 2D grid.

Definition at line 181 of file GridContainerIndices.h.

template<typename DATUM >
using util::GridContainer3D = typedef GridContainerBase3D<DATUM, GridContainer3DIndices>

Container allowing 3D indexing.

Template Parameters
DATUMtype of contained data
See also

This is an alias for GridContainerBase3D, with a proper index manager. See the documentation of GridContainerBase3D.

Definition at line 279 of file GridContainers.h.

Index manager for a container of data arranged on a 3D grid.

Definition at line 184 of file GridContainerIndices.h.

using util::MatrixIndices = typedef TensorIndices<2U>

Type for indexing a 2D-tensor (matrix)

Definition at line 551 of file TensorIndices.h.

Definition at line 48 of file DatabaseUtil.h.

Definition at line 49 of file DatabaseUtil.h.

typedef int util::UBLArSoftCh_t

Definition at line 46 of file DatabaseUtil.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
constexpr auto util::abs ( v)

Returns the absolute value of the argument.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the argument
vvalue to be processed
the absolute value of v

If the value v is negative, its opposite is returned. Note that this implementation does not work with data types that are not comparable (like std::complex).


  • constexpr construction of a T value from the literal 0
  • operator- (T) constexpr
  • operator< (T, T) constexpr convertible to bool

Definition at line 40 of file constexpr_math.h.

40 { return (-T(0) < v)? v: -v; }
template<typename A , typename B >
constexpr auto util::absDiff ( A const &  a,
B const &  b 

Returns the absolute value of the difference between two values.

Template Parameters
Atype of the first value
Btype of the second value (must actually be as A)
athe first value
bthe second value
the difference between the largest and the smallest of a and b

The pecularity of this implementation is that it always avoids taking the difference between the smallest and the largest of a and b. An equivalent implementation is:

return std::max(a, b) - std::min(a, b);

It still assumes that the difference is representable in A; for example, this assumption will fail for int types with a a very large number and b a very small (i.e. negative) number.


  • A and B must be the same type

Definition at line 43 of file NumericUtils.h.

44  {
45  static_assert(
46  std::is_same<std::decay_t<A>, std::decay_t<B>>(),
47  "Arguments of util::absDiff() have to be of the same type."
48  );
49  return (b > a)? (b - a): (a - b);
50  }
const double a
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
template<class A >
auto util::associated_groups ( A const &  assns)

Helper functions to access associations in order.

Template Parameters
Atype of association being read
assnsthe association being read
See also

This function provides a functionality equivalent to art::for_each_group(), but it grants the caller additional control on the external loop and on the function.

Example: assuming that a module with input tag stored in fTrackTag has created associations of each track to its hits, the total charge for each track can be extracted by:

auto assns = art::getValidHandle<art::Assns<recob::Track, recob::Hit>>
std::vector<double> totalCharge;
for (auto const& hits: util::associated_groups(*assns)) {
double total = 0.;
for (art::Ptr<recob::Hit> const& hit: hits)
total += hit->Integral();
} // for

A number of important points need to be realised about this example:

  • the requirements of this function on its input association are the same as for art::for_each_group()
  • we can code the action on each group of hits directly in a loop, if like in this case the code is succinct
  • again, there is one outer loop iteration for every track;
  • the value of hits is an object representing a range of art pointers (art::Ptr<recob::Hit>) which can be navigated with the begin()/end() free functions, or in a range-for loop;
  • on each iteration, the information of which track the hits are associated to is not available; if that is also needed, use util::associated_groups_with_left() instead.

Definition at line 94 of file ForEachAssociatedGroup.h.

94  {
95  return assns |
97  ranges::views::group_by([](auto a1, auto a2) { return a1.first == a2.first;}) |
98  ranges::views::transform([] (auto pairs) {return pairs | ranges::views::values | util::range_for;}) |
100  ;
101  } // associated_groups()
#define a2
constexpr RangeForWrapperTag range_for
Q_UINT16 values[128]
static QInternalList< QTextCodec > * all
Definition: qtextcodec.cpp:63
def group_by(rflist, field)
#define a1
template<class A >
auto util::associated_groups_with_left ( A const &  assns)

Helper functions to access associations in order, also with key.

Template Parameters
Atype of association being read
assnsthe association being read
See also

This function provides a functionality equivalent to art::for_each_group_with_left(), but it grants the caller additional control on the external loop and on the function.

Example: assuming that a module with input tag stored in fTrackTag has created associations of each track to its hits, the total charge for each track can be extracted by:

auto assns = art::getValidHandle<art::Assns<recob::Track, recob::Hit>>
std::map<int, double> totalCharge;
for (auto const& trackWithHits: util::associated_groups_with_left(*assns))
art::Ptr<recob::Track> const& track = trackWithHits.first;
auto const& hits = trackWithHits.second;
if (totalCharge.count(track->ID()) > 0) {
<< "Multiple tracks have ID " << track->ID() << "!\n";
double& total = totalCharge[track->ID()];
total = 0.0;
for (art::Ptr<recob::Hit> const& hit: hits)
total += hit->Integral();
} // for

A number of important points need to be realised about this example:

  • the requirements of this function on its input association are the same as for art::for_each_group_with_left()
  • we can code the action on each group of hits directly in a loop, if like in this case the code is succinct
  • again, there is one outer loop iteration for every track;
  • the value of hits is an object representing a range of art pointers (art::Ptr<recob::Hit>) which can be navigated with the begin()/end() free functions, or in a range-for loop.

Definition at line 152 of file ForEachAssociatedGroup.h.

152  {
153  return assns
155  | ranges::views::group_by([](auto a1, auto a2) { return a1.first == a2.first;})
156  | ranges::views::transform([] (auto pairs)
157  {
158  return std::make_pair(
159  pairs.front().first, // assuming they're all the same, pick first
161  );
162  })
164  ;
165  } // associated_groups_with_left()
#define a2
constexpr RangeForWrapperTag range_for
Q_UINT16 values[128]
static QInternalList< QTextCodec > * all
Definition: qtextcodec.cpp:63
def group_by(rflist, field)
#define a1
template<typename Coll >
decltype(auto) util::const_values ( Coll &&  coll)

Range-for loop helper iterating across the constant values of the specified collection.

See also

This function is equivalent to util::values() but the values are extracted as if the specified collection were constant.

template<typename T >
auto util::counter ( begin,

Returns an object to iterate values from begin to end in a range-for loop.

Template Parameters
Ttype of counter value
a control object for range-for loop
See also

An example of usage:

std::vector<std::size_t> data;
for (auto i: util::counter(4, 8)) {

will insert in data the numbers from 4 to 7, just like:

for (std::size_t i = 4; i < 8; ++i) {


Definition at line 285 of file counter.h.

286  { return util::span(count_iterator(begin), count_iterator(end)); }
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
span(IterB &&b, IterE &&e, Adaptor &&adaptor) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:72
template<typename T >
auto util::counter ( end)

Version of util::counter() starting at default-constructed T (usually some form of 0).

Definition at line 184 of file counter.h.

184 { return counter(T{}, end); }
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
auto counter(T end)
Definition: counter.h:184
template<class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
art::Ptr< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< U, T > &  assn,
std::string  a_instance,
size_t  index = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-one association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the object already in the data product or art::Ptr
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bart::Ptr to the (new) object to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
a_instancename of the instance that will be used for a in evt
indexindex of the element in a to be associated with b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

As example of usage: create a wire/raw digit association. This code should live in the art::EDProduce::produce() method. The raw::RawDigit product was created already by a DigitModuleLabel module. The code is supposed to produce one recob::Wire for each existing raw::RawDigit, and contextually associate the new wire to the source digit. We are also assuming that there might be different RawDigit sets produced by the same producer: we identify the one we care of by the string spill_name and we create wires and associations with the same label for convenience.

// this is the original list of digits, thawed from the event
art::Handle< std::vector<raw::RawDigit>> digitVecHandle;
evt.getByLabel(DigitModuleLabel, spill_name, digitVecHandle);

// the collection of wires that will be written as data product
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<recob::Wire>> wirecol(new std::vector<recob::Wire>);
// ... and an association set
std::unique_ptr<art::Assns<raw::RawDigit,recob::Wire>> WireDigitAssn
  (new art::Assns<raw::RawDigit,recob::Wire>);

for(size_t iDigit = 0; iDigit < digitVecHandle->size(); ++iDigit) {
  // turn the digit into a art::Ptr:
  art::Ptr<raw::RawDigit> digit_ptr(digitVecHandle, iDigit);

  // store the wire in its final position in the data product;
  // the new wire is currently the last of the list

  // add an association between the last object in wirecol
  // (that we just inserted) and digit_ptr
  if (!util::CreateAssn(*this, evt, *wirecol, digit_ptr, *WireDigitAssn, spill_name)) {
    throw art::Exception(art::errors::ProductRegistrationFailure)
      << "Can't associate wire #" << (wirecol->size() - 1)
      << " with raw digit #" << digit_ptr.key();
  } // if failed to add association

} // for digits

evt.put(std::move(wirecol), spill_name);
evt.put(std::move(WireDigitAssn), spill_name);

Definition at line 581 of file AssociationUtil.h.

589 {
590  if (index == UINT_MAX) index = a.size()-1;
592  try{
593  assn.addSingle(b, art::PtrMaker<T>{evt, a_instance}(index));
594  return true;
595  }
596  catch(cet::exception &e){
597  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
598  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
599  return false;
600  }
602 } // util::CreateAssn() [01]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:7
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
art::Ptr< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< U, T > &  assn,
std::string  a_instance,
size_t  indx = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-one association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the object already in the data product or art::Ptr
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bart::Ptr to the (new) object to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
a_instancename of the instance that will be used for a in evt
indxindex of the element in a to be associated with b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

As example of usage: create a wire/raw digit association. This code should live in the art::EDProduce::produce() method. The raw::RawDigit product was created already by a DigitModuleLabel module. The code is supposed to produce one recob::Wire for each existing raw::RawDigit, and contextually associate the new wire to the source digit. We are also assuming that there might be different RawDigit sets produced by the same producer: we identify the one we care of by the string spill_name and we create wires and associations with the same label for convenience.

// this is the original list of digits, thawed from the event
art::InputTag itag(DigitModuleLabel, spill_name);
auto digitVecHandle = evt.getHandle< std::vector<raw::RawDigit>>(itag);
// the collection of wires that will be written as data product
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<recob::Wire>> wirecol(new std::vector<recob::Wire>);
// ... and an association set
std::unique_ptr<art::Assns<raw::RawDigit,recob::Wire>> WireDigitAssn
  (new art::Assns<raw::RawDigit,recob::Wire>);

for(size_t iDigit = 0; iDigit < digitVecHandle->size(); ++iDigit) {
  // turn the digit into a art::Ptr:
  art::Ptr<raw::RawDigit> digit_ptr(digitVecHandle, iDigit);

  // store the wire in its final position in the data product;
  // the new wire is currently the last of the list

  // add an association between the last object in wirecol
  // (that we just inserted) and digit_ptr
  if (!util::CreateAssn(*this, evt, *wirecol, digit_ptr, *WireDigitAssn, spill_name)) {
    throw art::Exception(art::errors::ProductRegistrationFailure)
      << "Can't associate wire #" << (wirecol->size() - 1)
      << " with raw digit #" << digit_ptr.key();
  } // if failed to add association

} // for digits

evt.put(std::move(wirecol), spill_name);
evt.put(std::move(WireDigitAssn), spill_name);

Definition at line 601 of file AssociationUtil.h.

610 {
611  if (indx == UINT_MAX) indx = a.size()-1;
613  try{
614  //art::ProductID aid = prod.template evt.getProductID< std::vector<T > >( a_instance);
615  art::ProductID aid = evt.getProductID< std::vector<T > >( a_instance);
616  art::Ptr<T> aptr(aid, indx, evt.productGetter(aid));
617  //std::cout << "In assoc util: " << aptr << " " << b << " " << indx << std::endl;
618  assn.addSingle(b, aptr);
619  return true;
620  }
621  catch(cet::exception &e){
622  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
623  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
624  return false;
625  }
627 } // util::CreateAssn() [01]
ProductID getProductID(std::string const &instance_name="") const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:338
const double e
EDProductGetter const * productGetter(ProductID const pid) const
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
art::Ptr< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< U, T > &  assn,
size_t  index = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-one association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the object already in the data product or art::Ptr
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bart::Ptr to the (new) object to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
indexindex of the element in a to be associated with b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

The instance name of the product a will be in is assumed empty. Example of usage:

// this is the original list of digits, thawed from the event
art::Handle< std::vector<raw::RawDigit>> digitVecHandle;
evt.getByLabel(DigitModuleLabel, digitVecHandle);

// the collection of wires that will be written as data product
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<recob::Wire>> wirecol(new std::vector<recob::Wire>);
// ... and an association set
std::unique_ptr<art::Assns<raw::RawDigit,recob::Wire>> WireDigitAssn
  (new art::Assns<raw::RawDigit,recob::Wire>);

for(size_t iDigit = 0; iDigit < digitVecHandle->size(); ++iDigit) {
  // turn the digit into a art::Ptr:
  art::Ptr<raw::RawDigit> digit_ptr(digitVecHandle, iDigit);

  // store the wire in its final position in the data product;
  // the new wire is currently the last of the list

  // add an association between the last object in wirecol
  // (that we just inserted) and digit_ptr
  if (!util::CreateAssn(*this, evt, *wirecol, digit_ptr, *WireDigitAssn)) {
    throw art::Exception(art::errors::ProductRegistrationFailure)
      << "Can't associate wire #" << (wirecol->size() - 1)
      << " with raw digit #" << digit_ptr.key();
  } // if failed to add association

} // for digits


Definition at line 209 of file AssociationUtil.h.

214  { return CreateAssn(evt, a, b, assn, std::string(), index); }
std::string string
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< art::EDProducer, Producer >, bool > CreateAssn(Producer const &, Args &&...args)
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
art::Ptr< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< U, T > &  assn,
size_t  indx = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-one association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the object already in the data product or art::Ptr
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bart::Ptr to the (new) object to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
indxindex of the element in a to be associated with b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

The instance name of the product a will be in is assumed empty. Example of usage:

// this is the original list of digits, thawed from the event
auto digitVecHandle = evt.getHandle< std::vector<raw::RawDigit>>(DigitModuleLabel);

// the collection of wires that will be written as data product
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<recob::Wire>> wirecol(new std::vector<recob::Wire>);
// ... and an association set
std::unique_ptr<art::Assns<raw::RawDigit,recob::Wire>> WireDigitAssn
  (new art::Assns<raw::RawDigit,recob::Wire>);

for(size_t iDigit = 0; iDigit < digitVecHandle->size(); ++iDigit) {
  // turn the digit into a art::Ptr:
  art::Ptr<raw::RawDigit> digit_ptr(digitVecHandle, iDigit);

  // store the wire in its final position in the data product;
  // the new wire is currently the last of the list

  // add an association between the last object in wirecol
  // (that we just inserted) and digit_ptr
  if (!util::CreateAssn(*this, evt, *wirecol, digit_ptr, *WireDigitAssn)) {
    throw art::Exception(art::errors::ProductRegistrationFailure)
      << "Can't associate wire #" << (wirecol->size() - 1)
      << " with raw digit #" << digit_ptr.key();
  } // if failed to add association

} // for digits


Definition at line 211 of file AssociationUtil.h.

217  { return CreateAssn(prod, evt, a, b, assn, std::string(), indx); }
std::string string
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< art::EDProducer, Producer >, bool > CreateAssn(Producer const &, Args &&...args)
template<class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( art::Event evt,
art::Ptr< T > const &  a,
art::Ptr< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< U, T > &  assn 

Creates a single one-to-one association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of one object to associate
Utype of the other object to associate
evtreference to the current event
aart::Ptr to the first object in the association
bart::Ptr to the object to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

This is the simplest way ever. Neither the event not the producer references are used.

Definition at line 608 of file AssociationUtil.h.

613  {
615  try{
616  assn.addSingle(b, a);
617  }
618  catch(cet::exception &e){
619  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
620  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
621  return false;
622  }
624  return true;
625 } // util::CreateAssn() [03]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
art::Ptr< T > const &  a,
art::Ptr< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< U, T > &  assn 

Creates a single one-to-one association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of one object to associate
Utype of the other object to associate
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
aart::Ptr to the first object in the association
bart::Ptr to the object to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

This is the simplest way ever. Neither the event not the producer references are used.

Definition at line 633 of file AssociationUtil.h.

639  {
641  try{
642  assn.addSingle(b, a);
643  }
644  catch(cet::exception &e){
645  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
646  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
647  return false;
648  }
650  return true;
651 } // util::CreateAssn() [03]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
art::PtrVector< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
size_t  index = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bart::PtrVector to the (new) objects to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
indexindex of the element in a to be associated with all the ones in b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 631 of file AssociationUtil.h.

637  {
638  if(index == UINT_MAX) index = a.size() - 1;
640  try{
641  auto const aptr = art::PtrMaker<T>{evt}(index);
642  for(art::Ptr<U> const& b_item: b) assn.addSingle(aptr, b_item);
643  }
644  catch(cet::exception &e){
645  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
646  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
647  return false;
648  }
650  return true;
651 } // util::CreateAssn() [04]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
art::PtrVector< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
size_t  indx = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bart::PtrVector to the (new) objects to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
indxindex of the element in a to be associated with all the ones in b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 657 of file AssociationUtil.h.

664  {
665  if(indx == UINT_MAX) indx = a.size() - 1;
667  try{
668  art::ProductID aid = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<T> >();
669  art::Ptr<T> aptr(aid, indx, evt.productGetter(aid));
670  for(art::Ptr<U> const& b_item: b) assn.addSingle(aptr, b_item);
671  }
672  catch(cet::exception &e){
673  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
674  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
675  return false;
676  }
678  return true;
679 } // util::CreateAssn() [04]
const double e
EDProductGetter const * productGetter(ProductID const pid) const
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( art::Event evt,
art::Ptr< T > const &  a,
std::vector< art::Ptr< U >> const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
evtreference to the current event
aart::Ptr to the item to be associated with many
bvector to art::Ptr to the (new) objects to be associated to a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 656 of file AssociationUtil.h.

661  {
663  try{
664  for (art::Ptr<U> const& b_item: b) assn.addSingle(a, b_item);
665  }
666  catch(cet::exception const& e){
667  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
668  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
669  return false;
670  }
672  return true;
673 } // util::CreateAssn() [05]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
art::Ptr< T > const &  a,
std::vector< art::Ptr< U >> const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
aart::Ptr to the item to be associated with many
bvector to art::Ptr to the (new) objects to be associated to a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 684 of file AssociationUtil.h.

690  {
692  try{
693  for (art::Ptr<U> const& b_item: b) assn.addSingle(a, b_item);
694  }
695  catch(cet::exception const& e){
696  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
697  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
698  return false;
699  }
701  return true;
702 } // util::CreateAssn() [05]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
std::vector< art::Ptr< U >> const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
size_t  index = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bvector to art::Ptr to the (new) objects to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
indexindex of the element in a to be associated with all the ones in b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 678 of file AssociationUtil.h.

684  {
686  if (index == UINT_MAX) index = a.size() - 1;
688  try{
689  auto const aptr = art::PtrMaker<T>{evt}(index);
690  for (art::Ptr<U> const& b_item: b) assn.addSingle(aptr, b_item);
691  }
692  catch(cet::exception &e){
693  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
694  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
695  return false;
696  }
698  return true;
699 } // util::CreateAssn() [06]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
std::vector< art::Ptr< U >> const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
size_t  indx = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bvector to art::Ptr to the (new) objects to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
indxindex of the element in a to be associated with all the ones in b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 707 of file AssociationUtil.h.

714  {
716  if (indx == UINT_MAX) indx = a.size() - 1;
718  try{
719  art::ProductID aid = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<T> >();
720  art::Ptr<T> aptr(aid, indx, evt.productGetter(aid));
721  for (art::Ptr<U> const& b_item: b) assn.addSingle(aptr, b_item);
722  }
723  catch(cet::exception &e){
724  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
725  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
726  return false;
727  }
729  return true;
730 } // util::CreateAssn() [06]
const double e
EDProductGetter const * productGetter(ProductID const pid) const
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
std::vector< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
size_t  startU,
size_t  endU,
size_t  index = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bvector of the (new) objects to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
startUindex in b of the first element to be associated to the one in a
endUindex in b after the last element to be associated to the one in a
indexindex of the element in a to be associated with all the ones in b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

Use this when the objects in b are not yet stored in the event and are in a std::vector collection instead.

The method gets the product id for those as well as for the element in a. Also specify the range of entries to use from the std::vector collection of U objects.

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 704 of file AssociationUtil.h.

712  {
714  if(index == UINT_MAX) index = a.size() - 1;
716  try{
717  auto const aptr = art::PtrMaker<T>{evt}(index);
718  art::PtrMaker<U> const make_bptr{evt};
719  for(size_t i = startU; i < endU; ++i){
720  assn.addSingle(aptr, make_bptr(i));
721  }
722  }
723  catch(cet::exception &e){
724  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
725  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
726  return false;
727  }
729  return true;
730 } // util::CreateAssn() [07]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
std::vector< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
size_t  startU,
size_t  endU,
size_t  indx = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bvector of the (new) objects to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
startUindex in b of the first element to be associated to the one in a
endUindex in b after the last element to be associated to the one in a
indxindex of the element in a to be associated with all the ones in b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

Use this when the objects in b are not yet stored in the event and are in a std::vector collection instead.

The method gets the product id for those as well as for the element in a. Also specify the range of entries to use from the std::vector collection of U objects.

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 735 of file AssociationUtil.h.

744  {
746  if(indx == UINT_MAX) indx = a.size() - 1;
748  try{
749  //art::ProductID aid = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<T> >();
750  //art::ProductID bid = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<U> >();
751  art::ProductID aid = evt.getProductID< std::vector<T> >();
752  art::ProductID bid = evt.getProductID< std::vector<U> >();
753  art::Ptr<T> aptr(aid, indx, evt.productGetter(aid));
754  auto const* getter = evt.productGetter(bid); // I don't want to know what it is
755  for(size_t i = startU; i < endU; ++i){
756  art::Ptr<U> bptr(bid, i, getter);
757  assn.addSingle(aptr, bptr);
758  }
759  }
760  catch(cet::exception &e){
761  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
762  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
763  return false;
764  }
766  return true;
767 } // util::CreateAssn() [07]
ProductID getProductID(std::string const &instance_name="") const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:338
const double e
EDProductGetter const * productGetter(ProductID const pid) const
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
std::vector< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
std::vector< size_t > const &  indices,
size_t  index = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bvector of the (new) objects to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
indicesindices of the elements in b to be associated to the one in a
indexindex of the element in a to be associated with all the ones in b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

Use this when the objects in b are not yet stored in the event and are in a std::vector collection instead.

The method gets the product id for those as well as for the element in a. Also specify the entries to use from the std::vector collection of U objects.

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 735 of file AssociationUtil.h.

742  {
744  if(index == UINT_MAX) index = a.size() - 1;
746  try{
747  auto const aptr = art::PtrMaker<T>{evt}(index);
748  art::PtrMaker<U> const make_bptr{evt};
749  for(size_t index: indices){
750  assn.addSingle(aptr, make_bptr(index));
751  }
752  }
753  catch(cet::exception &e){
754  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
755  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
756  return false;
757  }
759  return true;
760 } // util::CreateAssn() [07a]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<class PRODUCER , class T , class U >
bool util::CreateAssn ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
std::vector< U > const &  b,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
std::vector< size_t > const &  indices,
size_t  indx = UINT_MAX 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
avector of data products that are in, or will be put into, evt
bvector of the (new) objects to be associated to the one in a
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
indicesindices of the elements in b to be associated to the one in a
indxindex of the element in a to be associated with all the ones in b (default: the last element)
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

Use this when the objects in b are not yet stored in the event and are in a std::vector collection instead.

The method gets the product id for those as well as for the element in a. Also specify the entries to use from the std::vector collection of U objects.

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Definition at line 772 of file AssociationUtil.h.

780  {
782  if(indx == UINT_MAX) indx = a.size() - 1;
784  try{
785  art::ProductID aid = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<T> >();
786  art::ProductID bid = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<U> >();
787  art::Ptr<T> aptr(aid, indx, evt.productGetter(aid));
788  auto const* getter = evt.productGetter(bid); // I don't want to know what it is
789  for(size_t index: indices){
790  art::Ptr<U> bptr(bid, index, getter);
791  assn.addSingle(aptr, bptr);
792  }
793  }
794  catch(cet::exception &e){
795  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
796  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
797  return false;
798  }
800  return true;
801 } // util::CreateAssn() [07a]
const double e
EDProductGetter const * productGetter(ProductID const pid) const
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<typename T , typename U , typename Iter >
bool util::CreateAssn ( art::Event evt,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
size_t  first_index,
Iter  from_second_index,
Iter  to_second_index 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
Iteriterator to size_t-compatible elements
evtreference to the current event
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
first_indexindex of the object of type T to be associated to all the others
from_second_indexiterator pointing to the first of the indices of U type objects to be associated to the one of the first type
to_second_indexiterator pointing after the last of the indices of U type objects to be associated to the one of the first type
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Use this if the objects that have to be associated to the one of type T are sparse, spread across a to-be-data-product, but you have a list of the indices in the data product of the elements to associate to the one of type T. In other words, given that you have a data product "a" of type std::vector<T> and a data product "b" of type std::vector<U>, this method creates an association betweena[first_index]and b[*(from_second_index)], another between a[first_index] and b[*(from_second_index + 1)], etc.

The surprising concept here is that you don't need to specify neither of the collections of T or U elements. The data product is uniquely defined by its type, producer, process and product label. Here we assume that the type of the products are std::vector<T> and std::vector<U>, and that the products have empty product labels, and that the producer is prod for both of them.

Definition at line 765 of file AssociationUtil.h.

771  {
773  try{
774  // we declare here that we want to associate the element first_index of the
775  // (only) data product of type std::vector<T> with other objects.
776  // This is the pointer to that element:
777  auto const first_ptr = art::PtrMaker<T>{evt}(first_index);
779  // we are going to associate that element in a with a number of elements
780  // of the only data product of type std::vector<U>
781  art::PtrMaker<U> const make_second_ptr{evt};
782  for (; from_second_index != to_second_index; ++from_second_index) {
783  assn.addSingle(first_ptr, make_second_ptr(*from_second_index));
784  } // while
785  }
786  catch(cet::exception &e){
787  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
788  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
789  return false;
790  }
792  return true;
793 } // util::CreateAssn() [08]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<typename PRODUCER , typename T , typename U , typename Iter >
bool util::CreateAssn ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
art::Assns< T, U > &  assn,
size_t  first_index,
Iter  from_second_index,
Iter  to_second_index 

Creates a single one-to-many association.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
Iteriterator to size_t-compatible elements
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
first_indexindex of the object of type T to be associated to all the others
from_second_indexiterator pointing to the first of the indices of U type objects to be associated to the one of the first type
to_second_indexiterator pointing after the last of the indices of U type objects to be associated to the one of the first type
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

A "one-to-many" association is actually a number of one-to-one associations. If you want to keep the information of the order of the many, you may have to use an association with a data member (the third template parameter that we pretent not to exist).

Use this if the objects that have to be associated to the one of type T are sparse, spread across a to-be-data-product, but you have a list of the indices in the data product of the elements to associate to the one of type T. In other words, given that you have a data product "a" of type std::vector<T> and a data product "b" of type std::vector<U>, this method creates an association betweena[first_index]and b[*(from_second_index)], another between a[first_index] and b[*(from_second_index + 1)], etc.

The surprising concept here is that you don't need to specify neither of the collections of T or U elements. The data product is uniquely defined by its type, producer, process and product label. Here we assume that the type of the products are std::vector<T> and std::vector<U>, and that the products have empty product labels, and that the producer is prod for both of them.

Definition at line 806 of file AssociationUtil.h.

813  {
815  try{
816  // We need the "product ID" of what is going to become a data product.
817  // The data product ID is unique for the combination of process, producer,
818  // data type and product (instance) label.
819  //
820  art::ProductID first_id = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<T> >();
821  art::ProductID second_id = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<U> >();
823  // we declare here that we want to associate the element first_index of the
824  // (only) data product of type std::vector<T> with other objects.
825  // This is the pointer to that element:
826  art::Ptr<T> first_ptr(first_id, first_index, evt.productGetter(first_id));
828  // we are going to associate that element in a with a number of elements
829  // of the only data product of type std::vector<U>
830  auto const* getter = evt.productGetter(second_id); // auto, spare me the details
831  while (from_second_index != to_second_index) {
832  art::Ptr<U> second_ptr(second_id, *from_second_index, getter);
833  assn.addSingle(first_ptr, second_ptr);
834  ++from_second_index;
835  } // while
836  }
837  catch(cet::exception &e){
838  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
839  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
840  return false;
841  }
843  return true;
844 } // util::CreateAssn() [08]
const double e
EDProductGetter const * productGetter(ProductID const pid) const
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<typename Producer , typename... Args>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<art::EDProducer, Producer>, bool> util::CreateAssn ( Producer const &  ,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 968 of file AssociationUtil.h.

968  {
969  return CreateAssn(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
970  }
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< art::EDProducer, Producer >, bool > CreateAssn(Producer const &, Args &&...args)
static QCString args
Definition: declinfo.cpp:674
template<typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool util::CreateAssnD ( art::Event evt,
art::Assns< T, U, D > &  assn,
size_t  first_index,
size_t  second_index,
typename art::Assns< T, U, D >::data_t &&  data 

Creates a single one-to-one association with associated data.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
Dtype of the "metadata" coupled to this pair association
evtreference to the current event
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
first_indexindex of the object of type T to be associated
second_indexindex of the object of type U to be associated
data"metadata" to be store in this association
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

Use this if you want some metadata to travel together with the association. An example may be the order of the second element within a list:

size_t a_index = 2;
std::vector<size_t> b_indices{ 6, 9, 18, 12 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < b_indices.size(); ++i)
  CreateAssn(prod, evt, assn, a_index, b_index[i], i);

In this way, the association between the element #2 of "a" (a vector that is not specified – nor needed – in this snippet of code) and the element #18 will be remembered as being the third (metadata value of 2). In this example metadata is of type size_t the association would be declared as art::Assn<A, B, size_t>. A FindMany query of that association might look like:

art::Handle<std::vector<A>> a_list; // read this from the event

art::FindMany<B, size_t> Query(a_list, event, ModuleLabel);

// search for the last of the objects associated to the third element:
size_t a_index = 2; // this means third element

std::vector<size_t const*> const& metadata =;
size_t largest_index = 0, last_item = 0;
for (size_t iB = 0; iB < metadata.size(); ++iB) {
  if (largest_index >= *(metadata[iB])) continue;
  largest_index = *(metadata[iB]);
  last_item = iB;
} // for iB
B const& lastB =;

In alternative, the elements and their metadata can be fetched simultaneously with:

std::vector<art::Ptr<B>> const& Bs;
std::vector<size_t const*> const& metadata;

size_t a_index = 2; // this means third element
size_t nMatches = Query.get(a_index, Bs, metadata);

Definition at line 799 of file AssociationUtil.h.

805  {
807  try{
808  // we declare here that we want to associate the element first_index of the
809  // (only) data product of type std::vector<T> with the other object
810  auto const first_ptr = art::PtrMaker<T>{evt}(first_index);
812  // the same to associate the element second_index of the (only)
813  // data product of type std::vector<U> with the first object.
814  auto const second_ptr = art::PtrMaker<U>{evt}(second_index);
816  assn.addSingle(first_ptr, second_ptr, std::move(data));
817  }
818  catch(cet::exception &e){
819  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
820  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
821  return false;
822  }
824  return true;
825 } // util::CreateAssnD() [01a]
const double e
def move(depos, offset)
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool util::CreateAssnD ( art::Event evt,
art::Assns< T, U, D > &  assn,
size_t  first_index,
size_t  second_index,
typename art::Assns< T, U, D >::data_t const &  data 

Definition at line 828 of file AssociationUtil.h.

834  {
836  try{
837  // we declare here that we want to associate the element first_index of the
838  // (only) data product of type std::vector<T> with the other object
839  auto const first_ptr = art::PtrMaker<T>{evt}(first_index);
841  // the same to associate the element second_index of the (only)
842  // data product of type std::vector<U> with the first object.
843  auto const second_ptr = art::PtrMaker<U>{evt}(second_index);
845  assn.addSingle(first_ptr, second_ptr, data);
846  }
847  catch(cet::exception &e){
848  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
849  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
850  return false;
851  }
853  return true;
854 } // util::CreateAssnD() [01b]
const double e
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<typename PRODUCER , typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool util::CreateAssnD ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
art::Assns< T, U, D > &  assn,
size_t  first_index,
size_t  second_index,
typename art::Assns< T, U, D >::data_t &&  data 

Creates a single one-to-one association with associated data.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the new object to associate
Utype of the many objects already in the data product or art::Ptr
Dtype of the "metadata" coupled to this pair association
prodreference to the producer that will write the vector a
evtreference to the current event
assnreference to association object where the new one will be put
first_indexindex of the object of type T to be associated
second_indexindex of the object of type U to be associated
data"metadata" to be store in this association
whether the operation was successful (can it ever fail??)

Use this if you want some metadata to travel together with the association. An example may be the order of the second element within a list:

size_t a_index = 2;
std::vector<size_t> b_indices{ 6, 9, 18, 12 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < b_indices.size(); ++i)
  CreateAssn(prod, evt, assn, a_index, b_index[i], i);

In this way, the association between the element #2 of "a" (a vector that is not specified – nor needed – in this snippet of code) and the element #18 will be remembered as being the third (metadata value of 2). In this example metadata is of type size_t the association would be declared as art::Assn<A, B, size_t>. A FindMany query of that association might look like:

art::Handle<std::vector<A>> a_list; // read this from the event

art::FindMany<B, size_t> Query(a_list, event, ModuleLabel);

// search for the last of the objects associated to the third element:
size_t a_index = 2; // this means third element

std::vector<size_t const*> const& metadata =;
size_t largest_index = 0, last_item = 0;
for (size_t iB = 0; iB < metadata.size(); ++iB) {
  if (largest_index >= *(metadata[iB])) continue;
  largest_index = *(metadata[iB]);
  last_item = iB;
} // for iB
B const& lastB =;

In alternative, the elements and their metadata can be fetched simultaneously with:

std::vector<art::Ptr<B>> const& Bs;
std::vector<size_t const*> const& metadata;

size_t a_index = 2; // this means third element
size_t nMatches = Query.get(a_index, Bs, metadata);

Definition at line 850 of file AssociationUtil.h.

857  {
859  try{
860  // We need the "product ID" of what is going to become a data product.
861  // The data product ID is unique for the combination of process, producer,
862  // data type and product (instance) label.
863  //
864  // we declare here that we want to associate the element first_index of the
865  // (only) data product of type std::vector<T> with the other object
866  art::ProductID first_id = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<T> >();
867  art::Ptr<T> first_ptr(first_id, first_index, evt.productGetter(first_id));
869  // the same to associate the element second_index of the (only)
870  // data product of type std::vector<U> with the first object.
871  art::ProductID second_id = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<U> >();
872  art::Ptr<U> second_ptr
873  (second_id, second_index, evt.productGetter(second_id));
875  assn.addSingle(first_ptr, second_ptr, std::move(data));
876  }
877  catch(cet::exception &e){
878  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
879  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
880  return false;
881  }
883  return true;
884 } // util::CreateAssnD() [01a]
const double e
def move(depos, offset)
EDProductGetter const * productGetter(ProductID const pid) const
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<typename PRODUCER , typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool util::CreateAssnD ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
art::Assns< T, U, D > &  assn,
size_t  first_index,
size_t  second_index,
typename art::Assns< T, U, D >::data_t const &  data 

Definition at line 887 of file AssociationUtil.h.

894  {
896  try{
897  // We need the "product ID" of what is going to become a data product.
898  // The data product ID is unique for the combination of process, producer,
899  // data type and product (instance) label.
900  //
901  // we declare here that we want to associate the element first_index of the
902  // (only) data product of type std::vector<T> with the other object
903  art::ProductID first_id = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<T> >();
904  art::Ptr<T> first_ptr(first_id, first_index, evt.productGetter(first_id));
906  // the same to associate the element second_index of the (only)
907  // data product of type std::vector<U> with the first object.
908  art::ProductID second_id = prod.template getProductID< std::vector<U> >();
909  art::Ptr<U> second_ptr
910  (second_id, second_index, evt.productGetter(second_id));
912  assn.addSingle(first_ptr, second_ptr, data);
913  }
914  catch(cet::exception &e){
915  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
916  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
917  return false;
918  }
920  return true;
921 } // util::CreateAssnD() [01b]
const double e
EDProductGetter const * productGetter(ProductID const pid) const
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<typename PRODUCER , typename T , typename U , typename D >
bool util::CreateAssnD ( PRODUCER const &  prod,
art::Event evt,
std::vector< T > const &  a,
art::Ptr< U > const &  b,
typename art::Assns< U, T, D >::data_t const &  data,
art::Assns< U, T, D > &  assn,
size_t  indx = UINT_MAX 

Definition at line 926 of file AssociationUtil.h.

933 {
934  if (indx == UINT_MAX) indx = a.size()-1;
936  try{
937  art::ProductID aid = evt.getProductID< std::vector<T > >();
938  art::Ptr<T> aptr(aid, indx, evt.productGetter(aid));
939  //std::cout << "In assoc util: " << aptr << " " << b << " " << indx << std::endl;
940  assn.addSingle(b, aptr, data);
941  return true;
942  }
943  catch(cet::exception &e){
944  mf::LogWarning("AssociationUtil")
945  << "unable to create requested art:Assns, exception thrown: " << e;
946  return false;
947  }
950 }
ProductID getProductID(std::string const &instance_name="") const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:338
const double e
EDProductGetter const * productGetter(ProductID const pid) const
void addSingle(Ptr< left_t > const &left, Ptr< right_t > const &right, data_t const &data)
Definition: Assns.h:546
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Definition: fwd.h:31
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
template<typename Producer , typename... Args>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<art::EDProducer, Producer>, bool> util::CreateAssnD ( Producer const &  ,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 974 of file AssociationUtil.h.

974  {
975  return CreateAssnD(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
976  }
static QCString args
Definition: declinfo.cpp:674
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< art::EDProducer, Producer >, bool > CreateAssnD(Producer const &, Args &&...args)
template<typename T >
constexpr T util::DegreesToRadians ( angle)

Converts the argument angle from degrees into radians.

Definition at line 84 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

84 { return angle / 180 * pi<T>(); }
decltype(auto) util::dereference ( )

Returns a functor that returns *ptr of its argument ptr.

See also


std::vector<int> values(ptrs.size());
(ptrs.cbegin(), ptrs.cend(), values.begin(), util::dereference());

will fill the vector values with the values pointed by the elements in ptrs.

Definition at line 125 of file operations.h.

125 { return Dereferencer(); }
template<typename Stream , typename Left , typename Right , typename Data >
void util::DumpAssociationsIntro ( Stream &&  out,
art::Assns< Left, Right, Data > const &  assns 

Dumps a short introduction about specified association.

Template Parameters
Streamtype of output stream
Leftfirst type in the association
Rightsecond type in the association
Datametadata type in the association
outoutput stream
assnsthe associations to be dumped

Definition at line 33 of file DumpAssociations.h.

34  {
35  out << "Association between '" << cet::demangle_symbol(typeid(Left).name())
36  << "' and '" << cet::demangle_symbol(typeid(Right).name()) << "'";
37  if (std::is_same<Data, void>()) {
38  out << " with '" << cet::demangle_symbol(typeid(Data).name())
39  << "' metadata";
40  }
41  if (assns.size() > 0) {
42  out << " contains " << assns.size() << " relations";
43  }
44  else {
45  out << " is empty";
46  }
47  } // DumpAssociationsIntro<Data>()
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
size_type size() const
Definition: Assns.h:497
template<std::size_t Lead, typename... Iterables>
auto util::enumerate ( Iterables &&...  iterables)

Range-for loop helper tracking the number of iteration.

Template Parameters
Leadindex of the parameter driving the start and end of the loop
Iterablestype of objects to be iterated together
iterablesall iterable objects to be iterated together
an object suitable for range-for loop

In the range-for loop, at each iteration this object yields a tuple of values, each of the type returned by dereferencing begin(iterable). For example:

constexpr std::size_t N = 4;
std::array<int, N> twice;
std::vector<double> thrice(N + 1);
for (auto&& [i, a, b]: util::enumerate(twice, thrice)) {
a = 2 * i;
b = 3.0 * i;
} // for

In this example, N iterations will be run because that is the size of the first iterable given to enumerate. If a different leading iterable is needed, that has to be specified as an argument. The following loop is completely equivalent to the former one:

for (auto&& [i, b, a]: util::enumerate<1U>(thrice, twice)) {
a = 2 * i;
b = 3.0 * i;
} // for

(the index is zero-based, so 1U refers to the second argument).

Definition at line 69 of file enumerate.h.

70  {
71  return zip<Lead + 1>
72  (infinite_counter(), std::forward<Iterables>(iterables)...);
73  }
auto infinite_counter(T begin=T{})
Version of util::counter() starting at begin and never ending.
Definition: counter.h:291
template<typename... Iterables>
auto util::enumerate ( Iterables &&...  iterables)

This version of enumerate implicitly uses the first iterable as lead.

Definition at line 77 of file enumerate.h.

78  { return enumerate<0U>(std::forward<Iterables>(iterables)...); }
template<typename Range , typename Pred >
auto util::filterRangeFor ( Range &&  range,
Pred &&  pred 
) -> decltype(auto)

Provides iteration only through elements passing a condition.

Template Parameters
Rangethe data to be iterated
Predthe type of the predicate to be fulfilled
rangethe data to be iterated through
predthe predicate to be tested
an object suitable to be used in a range-for loop

This adapter makes the range for loop iterate only through the elements of range which fulfil the predicate pred.

This example will print: "0 3 6 9 ":

std::vector<int> data = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8, 9 };
for (int v: util::filterRangeFor(data, [](int v){ return v % 3 == 0; })) {
std::cout << v << " ";
} // for
std::cout << std::endl;

Note that pred may be copied (range will not be).


  • Range is an object which can itself go through a range-for:

    for (auto&& v: range);

    is valid

  • Pred is a copiable unary function type, whose single argument can be converted from the value type of Range, and whose return value can be converted into a bool vaule

Definition at line 137 of file filterRangeFor.h.

138  {
139  return details::FilterRangeForStruct<Range, Pred>
140  (std::forward<Range>(range), std::forward<Pred>(pred));
141  }
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< const U * > util::FindUNotAssociatedToT ( art::Handle< U >  b,
art::Event const &  evt,
std::string const &  label 

Definition at line 953 of file AssociationUtil.h.

956 {
958  // Do a FindOne for type T for each object of type U
959  // If the FindOne returns an invalid maybe ref, add the pointer
960  // of object type U to the return vector
962  std::vector<const U*> notAssociated;
964  art::FindOne<T> fa(b, evt, label);
966  for(size_t u = 0; u < b->size(); ++u){
967  cet::maybe_ref<T const> t(;
968  if( !t.isValid() ){
969  art::Ptr<U> ptr(b, u);
970  notAssociated.push_back(ptr.get());
971  }
972  }
973 //
974  return notAssociated;
975 }
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:7
Definition: fwd.h:31
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< art::Ptr< U > > util::FindUNotAssociatedToTP ( art::Handle< U >  b,
art::Event const &  evt,
std::string const &  label 

Definition at line 978 of file AssociationUtil.h.

981 {
983  // Do a FindOneP for type T for each object of type U
984  // If the FindOne returns an invalid maybe ref, add the pointer
985  // of object type U to the return vector
987  std::vector< art::Ptr<U> > notAssociated;
989  art::FindOneP<T> fa(b, evt, label);
991  for(size_t u = 0; u < b->size(); ++u){
992  cet::maybe_ref<T const> t(;
993  if( !t.isValid() ){
994  art::Ptr<U> ptr(b, u);
995  notAssociated.push_back(ptr);
996  }
997  }
999  return notAssociated;
1000 }
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:7
Definition: fwd.h:31
template<class A , class F >
void util::for_each_associated_group ( A const &  assns,
F &  func 

Helper functions to access associations in order.

Template Parameters
Atype of association being read
Ftype of functor to be called on each associated group
assnsthe association being read
funcfunctor to be called on each associated group
See also
associated_groups() art::for_each_group()
Moved into canvas: art::for_each_group().

Definition at line 49 of file ForEachAssociatedGroup.h.

50  { art::for_each_group(assns, func); }
void for_each_group(art::Assns< A, B, D > const &assns, F func)
Helper functions to access associations in order.
def func()
template<std::size_t... Indices, typename Coll >
decltype(auto) util::get_const_elements ( Coll &&  coll)

Range-for loop helper iterating across the constant values of the specified collection.

See also

This function is equivalent to util::values() but the values are extracted as if the specified collection were constant.

template<std::size_t... Indices, typename Coll >
decltype(auto) util::get_elements ( Coll &&  coll)

Range-for loop helper iterating across some of the element of each value in the specified collection.

Template Parameters
Indicesindices of the elements to extract
Colltype of the collection to iterate through
collthe collection to iterate through
an object suitable for range-for loop
See also

This function enables range-for loops with a selection of elements from a container of tuple (or anything responding to util::get()).

The following example fills a map using as key the first element (0U) of a tuple and as value the third element (2U):

std::vector<std::tuple<char, int, float>> data
{ { 'z', 0, 1.0F }, { 'o', 1, 3.0F }, { 't', 2, 9.0F } };
std::map<char, double> factors;
for (auto const& [ letter, factor ]: util::get_elements<0U, 2U>(data)) {
factors.emplace(letter, factor);

If only one index is specified, the loop will not use structured binding, but rather a simple variable:

std::vector<int> exponents;
for (int exponent: util::get_elements<1U>(data)) {

While the examples do not demonstrate changing the values in the data collection, that is also supported.

This function also works with associative containers based on std::pair (std::map and the likes).
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > util::GetAssociatedVectorManyI ( art::Handle< art::Assns< T, U > >  h,
art::Handle< std::vector< T > >  index_p 

Definition at line 1022 of file AssociationUtil.h.

1024 {
1025  std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > associated_indices(index_p->size());
1026  for(auto const& pair : *h)
1028  return associated_indices;
1029 }
fInnerVessel push_back(Point(-578.400000, 0.000000, 0.000000))
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< std::vector< const U * > > util::GetAssociatedVectorManyP ( art::Handle< art::Assns< T, U > >  h,
art::Handle< std::vector< T > >  index_p 

Definition at line 1031 of file AssociationUtil.h.

1033 {
1034  std::vector< std::vector<const U*> > associated_pointers(index_p->size());
1035  for(auto const& pair : *h)
1036 &(*(pair.second)) );
1037  return associated_pointers;
1038 }
fInnerVessel push_back(Point(-578.400000, 0.000000, 0.000000))
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< size_t > util::GetAssociatedVectorOneI ( art::Handle< art::Assns< T, U > >  h,
art::Handle< std::vector< T > >  index_p 

Definition at line 1004 of file AssociationUtil.h.

1006 {
1007  std::vector<size_t> associated_index(index_p->size());
1008  for(auto const& pair : *h)
1009 = pair.second.key();
1010  return associated_index;
1011 }
template<class T , class U >
std::vector< const U * > util::GetAssociatedVectorOneP ( art::Handle< art::Assns< T, U > >  h,
art::Handle< std::vector< T > >  index_p 

Definition at line 1013 of file AssociationUtil.h.

1015 {
1016  std::vector<const U*> associated_pointer(index_p->size());
1017  for(auto const& pair : *h)
1018 = &(*(pair.second));
1019  return associated_pointer;
1020 }
template<typename Groups >
auto util::groupByIndex ( Groups &&  groups,
std::size_t  index 
) -> decltype(auto)

Returns the group within groups with the specified index.

Template Parameters
Groupsthe type of collection of groups
groupsthe collection of all groups
indexthe index of the group to be accessed
the group with specified index (may be a reference)
See also

The groups argument is expected to be the one returned by associated_groups.

Definition at line 180 of file ForEachAssociatedGroup.h.

181  { return *(std::next(groups.begin(), index)); }
template<typename T = std::size_t>
auto util::infinite_counter ( begin = T{})

Version of util::counter() starting at begin and never ending.

Template Parameters
Ttype of counter value
beginthe count to start from (default-constructed, usually some form of 0, by default)
a control object for range-for loop

An example of usage:

std::vector<unsigned char> data;
for (auto ch: util::infinite_counter<unsigned char>()) {
if (data.size() >= 512U) break;

This loop runs through the full range of a character (8 bits, supposedly) twice before being broken.

Definition at line 291 of file counter.h.

292 {
293  return util::span
294  (count_iterator(begin), details::infinite_endcount_iterator<T>());
295 } // util::infinite_counter()
span(IterB &&b, IterE &&e, Adaptor &&adaptor) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:72
template<typename Cont , typename Adaptor >
auto util::make_adapted_const_span ( Cont &  cont,
Adaptor &&  adaptor 

Creates constant iteration span from specified collection via an adaptor.

Definition at line 269 of file span.h.

270  {
271  return make_adapted_span(
272  span_base::get_cbegin(cont), span_base::get_cend(cont),
273  std::forward<Adaptor>(adaptor)
274  );
275  }
auto make_adapted_span(Cont &cont, Adaptor &&adaptor)
Creates a span from specified collection via an adaptor.
Definition: span.h:258
template<typename BIter , typename EIter , typename Adaptor >
auto util::make_adapted_span ( BIter  begin,
EIter  end,
Adaptor &&  adaptor 

Creates a span from specified iterators via an adaptor.

See also
make_adapted_span(Cont&, Adaptor&&)

Definition at line 223 of file span.h.

224  { return util::span(adaptor(begin), adaptor(end)); }
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
span(IterB &&b, IterE &&e, Adaptor &&adaptor) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:72
template<typename Cont , typename Adaptor >
auto util::make_adapted_span ( Cont &  cont,
Adaptor &&  adaptor 

Creates a span from specified collection via an adaptor.

contcollection to be iterated through
adapteriterator transformation to be applied on cont
a util::span object iterating via an adapter to cont
See also
make_adapted_span(BIter, EIter, Adaptor&&), make_adapted_const_span(Cont, Adaptor&&)

This interface is just a little help on using iterator adapters. Note that adapter transforms the iterators of cont, not its values. The adapter needs to be written aside and it's in general not trivial. An example of iterating through a collection of objects (actually, just float for simplicity) stored as unique pointers in a collection:

float accumulate(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<float>> const& v) {
using src_iterator = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<float>>::const_iterator;
float sum = 0.0F;
for (float v: util::make_adapted_span(v, boost::make_indirect_iterator<src_iterator>))
sum += v;
return sum;
} // accumulate()

This example shows the usage of util::make_adapted_span(). In the specific example, it would have been more explicit to use the constant counterpart, util::make_adapted_const_span(). The adaptor helper boost::make_indirect_iterator() is provided in boost/iterator/indirect_iterator.hpp.

Definition at line 258 of file span.h.

259  {
260  return make_adapted_span(
261  span_base::get_begin(cont), span_base::get_end(cont),
262  std::forward<Adaptor>(adaptor)
263  );
264  }
auto make_adapted_span(Cont &cont, Adaptor &&adaptor)
Creates a span from specified collection via an adaptor.
Definition: span.h:258
template<typename Cont >
auto util::make_const_span ( Cont &  cont)

Creates a span with constant iterator access from a container type.

Definition at line 206 of file span.h.

207  {
208  return span{ span_base::get_cbegin(cont), span_base::get_cend(cont) };
209  }
span(IterB &&b, IterE &&e, Adaptor &&adaptor) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
template<typename BIter , typename EIter >
auto util::make_span ( BIter  begin,
EIter  end 

Creates a span from specified iterators (can use constructor instead).

Definition at line 197 of file span.h.

197 { return util::span(begin, end); }
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
span(IterB &&b, IterE &&e, Adaptor &&adaptor) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:72
template<typename Cont >
auto util::make_span ( Cont &  cont)

Creates a span from a container type.

Definition at line 201 of file span.h.

202  { return span{ span_base::get_begin(cont), span_base::get_end(cont) }; }
span(IterB &&b, IterE &&e, Adaptor &&adaptor) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
template<typename Cont , typename Op >
auto util::make_transformed_const_span ( Cont &  cont,
Op &&  op 

Creates constant iteration span from specified collection via a transformation op.

Definition at line 353 of file span.h.

354  { return make_transformed_span(std::as_const(cont), std::forward<Op>(op)); }
auto make_transformed_span(Cont &cont, Op &&op)
Creates a span from specified collection via an adaptor.
Definition: span.h:341
template<typename BIter , typename EIter , typename Op >
auto util::make_transformed_span ( BIter  begin,
EIter  end,
Op &&  op 

Creates a span from specified iterators via an adaptor.

See also
make_transformed_span(Cont&, Op&&)

Definition at line 294 of file span.h.

295  {
296  auto adaptor
297  = [&op](auto iter){ return boost::make_transform_iterator(iter, op); };
298  return util::make_adapted_span(begin, end, adaptor);
299  }
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
auto make_adapted_span(BIter begin, EIter end, Adaptor &&adaptor)
Definition: span.h:223
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:72
template<typename Cont , typename Op >
auto util::make_transformed_span ( Cont &  cont,
Op &&  op 

Creates a span from specified collection via an adaptor.

contcollection to be iterated through
adapteriterator transformation to be applied on cont
a util::span object iterating via an adapter to cont
See also
make_transformed_span(BIter, EIter, Op&&), make_transformed_const_span(Cont, Op&&), make_adapted_span(),

This function transforms as directed by the unary operation op the result of each iteration cycle, so that instead of cont[i], a op(cont[i]) is assigned to the iteration control variable. An example of iterating through a collection of objects (actually, just float for simplicity) stored as unique pointers in a collection:

float accumulate(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<float>> const& v) {
float sum = 0.0F;
for (float v: util::make_transformed_span(v, [](auto& ptr){ return *ptr; }))
sum += v;
return sum;
} // accumulate()

This example shows the usage of util::make_transformed_span(). In the specific example, it would have been more explicit to use the constant counterpart, util::make_transformed_const_span(). Note that in the example the dereference result is copied into v. For have it by reference, the operation op must be properly written:

void scale(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<float>>& v, float factor) {
for (float& v: util::make_transformed_span(v, [](auto& ptr) -> float& { return *ptr; }))
v *= factor;
} // scale()

Definition at line 341 of file span.h.

342  {
343  return make_transformed_span(
344  span_base::get_begin(cont), span_base::get_end(cont),
345  std::forward<Op>(op)
346  );
347  }
auto make_transformed_span(Cont &cont, Op &&op)
Creates a span from specified collection via an adaptor.
Definition: span.h:341
template<typename Coll , typename KeyOf >
std::vector<size_t> util::MakeIndex ( Coll const &  data,
KeyOf  key_of = KeyOf() 

Creates a map of indices from an existing collection.

Template Parameters
Colltype of the collection
KeyOftype of the extractor of the key
datathe data collection
key_ofinstance of a functor extracting a key value from a datum
a vector with indices corresponding to the data keys

This function maps the index of the items in data to an integral key extracted from each item. For example, if the items are wires and the key_of function extracts their channel ID, the resulting vector will contain for each channel ID the index in data of the wire with that channel ID.

The key is converted into a unsigned integer (size_t). If multiple items have the same key, the outcome for that key is undefined. If no items has a specific key, the index of that key is assigned as

, i.e. an index larger than the size of the original data collection.

The returned vector is big enough to accommodate indices corresponding to the keys of all the items in data. It may contain "holes" (that is, some keys that have no corresponding items have a

value). The memory allocated for the vector may be larger than necessary (if that is a problem, std::vector::shrink_to_fit() can be used, but it may create more problems than it solves).

Definition at line 43 of file MakeIndex.h.

43  {
45  // we start the index with the best guess that all the items will have
46  // a unique key and they are contiguous:
47  // the index would have the same size as the data
48  std::vector<size_t> Index(data.size(), std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
50  size_t min_size = 0; // minimum size needed to hold all keys
52  size_t iDatum = 0;
53  for (auto const& datum: data) {
54  size_t key = size_t(key_of(datum));
55  if (key >= min_size) min_size = key + 1;
56  if (Index.size() <= key) {
57  // make room for the entry: double the size
58  Index.resize(
59  std::max(key + 1, Index.size() * 2),
61  );
62  } // if expand index
63  Index[key] = iDatum;
64  ++iDatum;
65  } // for datum
66  Index.resize(min_size);
67  return Index;
68  } // MakeIndex()
unsigned int Index
def key(type, name=None)
static int max(int a, int b)
template<typename Coll , typename KeyOf >
auto util::MakeMap ( Coll const &  data,
KeyOf  key_of = KeyOf() 
) -> std::vector<decltype(key_of(*(data.begin()))) const*>

Creates a map of objects from an existing collection.

Template Parameters
Colltype of the collection
KeyOftype of the extractor of the key
datathe data collection
key_ofinstance of a functor extracting a key value from a datum
a vector with pointers to data corresponding to their keys

This function maps the items in data to an integral key extracted from each of them. For example, if the items are wires and the key_of function extracts their channel ID, the resulting vector will contain for each channel ID the pointer to the wire with that channel ID.

The key is converted into a unsigned integer (size_t). If multiple items have the same key, the outcome for that key is undefined. If no items has a specific key, the index of that key is assigned a null pointer.

The returned vector is big enough to accommodate pointers corresponding to the keys of all the items in data. It may contain "holes" (that is, some keys that have no corresponding items have a null pointer value). The memory allocated for the vector may be larger than necessary (if that is a problem, std::vector::shrink_to_fit() can be used, but it may create more problems than it solves).

Definition at line 99 of file MakeIndex.h.

101  {
102  using Mapped_t = decltype(key_of(*(data.begin())));
103  using Ptr_t = Mapped_t const*;
104  using Map_t = std::vector<Ptr_t>;
106  // we start the index with the best guess that all the items will have
107  // a unique key and they are contiguous:
108  // the index would have the same size as the data
109  Map_t Index(data.size(), nullptr);
111  size_t min_size = 0; // minimum size needed to hold all keys
113  for (auto const& datum: data) {
114  size_t key = size_t(key_of(datum));
115  if (key >= min_size) min_size = key + 1;
116  if (Index.size() <= key) {
117  // make room for the entry: double the size
118  Index.resize(std::max(key + 1, Index.size() * 2), nullptr);
119  } // if expand index
120  Index[key] = &datum;
121  } // for datum
122  Index.resize(min_size);
123  return Index;
124  } // MakeMap()
unsigned int Index
def key(type, name=None)
static int max(int a, int b)
template<typename Coll >
auto util::makePointerVector ( Coll &  coll)

Creates a STL vector with pointers to data from another collection.

Template Parameters
Colltype of collection of data
colldata collection
a STL vector with pointers to coll data elements, with same order

Definition at line 198 of file SortByPointers.h.

unique_ptr< InputSource > make(ParameterSet const &conf, InputSourceDescription &desc)
template<typename... DIMS>
auto util::makeTensorIndices ( DIMS...  dims)

Instantiates a TensorIndices class with the specified dimensions.

Template Parameters
DIMStypes for each of the arguments
dimssize of each of the dimensions
a TensorIndices object with properly initialised dimensions

The rank of the tensor is determined by the number of arguments; example:

will initialise a TensorIndices<2> (that's matrix indices), for a 3 x 4 (3 rows, 4 columns) disposition.

Definition at line 543 of file TensorIndices.h.

544  {
545  return TensorIndices<sizeof...(DIMS)>
546  { TensorIndicesBasicTypes::DimSize_t(dims)... };
547  }
template<typename Coll , typename Extractor >
decltype(auto) util::makeValueIndex ( Coll const &  coll,
Extractor  getter 

Returns a map of value to index.

Template Parameters
Colltype of container
Extractortype of value extraction function
collcontainer to get the map of
getterfunction applied to each element to extract the value for map
a value-to-index associative container
std::runtime_errorif multiple elements yield the same value

The collection coll is navigated in sequence from begin() to end(), and a map is created where to each key, getter(coll[i]), the index i is associated. The value returned by getter() is copied into the key. Therefore that value needs to satisfy all the requirements of the key of the STL associative container std::map. Duplicate values will trigger an exception.


The collection type Coll must have:

  • value_type type defining the content of the container
  • support begin() and end() free functions returning input iterators, that is support a ranged-for loop
template<typename Coll >
auto util::makeValueIndex ( Coll const &  coll)

Definition at line 61 of file makeValueIndex.h.

62  { return makeValueIndex(coll, util::pre_std::identity()); }
auto makeValueIndex(Coll const &coll)
Transparent functor that returns its argument just as passed.
template<typename Cont , typename Mapping >
auto util::mapContainer ( Cont  cont,
Mapping  mapping 

Returns a container-like object mapping the content of cont.

Template Parameters
Conttype of the original container
Mappingtype of mapping object
contthe container
mappingthe mapping to be applied
a util::MappedContainer object transparently applying the mapping

See util::MappedContainer for the details on the format of the mapping, the ownership of the container and the supported operations.

Definition at line 441 of file MappedContainer.h.

442  { return MappedContainer<Cont, Mapping>(cont, mapping); }
template<typename Coll , typename PtrColl >
void util::MoveFromPointers ( Coll &  dest,
PtrColl &  src 

Moves the content from a collection of pointers to one of data.

Template Parameters
Colltype of collection of data
PtrColltype of collection of pointers to data
destcollection to be filled
srccollection with the pointers to data to be moved

The data pointed from each pointer in src is moved into dest. The destination collection is cleared first, and Coll must support both clear() and push_back()

Definition at line 61 of file SortByPointers.h.

template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool util::operator!= ( const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __x,
const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __y 

Based on operator==.

Definition at line 513 of file VectorMap.h.

515  {
516  return !(__x == __y);
517  }
template<unsigned int RANK1, unsigned int RANK2, typename = std::enable_if_t<(RANK1 != RANK2), bool>>
bool util::operator!= ( TensorIndices< RANK1 > const &  a,
TensorIndices< RANK2 > const &  b 

Comparison operator with tensors of different rank.

Definition at line 525 of file TensorIndices.h.

526  { return true; }
template<typename Cont , typename Mapping , typename Container , typename Reference >
MappedContainer<Cont, Mapping>::template IteratorBase<Container, Reference> util::operator+ ( typename MappedContainer< Cont, Mapping >::template IteratorBase< Container, Reference >::difference_type  n,
typename MappedContainer< Cont, Mapping >::template IteratorBase< Container, Reference > const &  it 

Definition at line 703 of file MappedContainer.h.

707  { return it + n; }
std::void_t< T > n
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool util::operator< ( const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __x,
const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __y 

Definition at line 501 of file VectorMap.h.

503  {
504  return std::lexicographical_compare(__x.sortedVectorMap.begin(),
505  __x.sortedVectorMap.end(),
506  __y.sortedVectorMap.begin(),
507  __y.sortedVectorMap.end(),
508  __x.valueCompare);
509  }
template<typename Stream >
decltype(auto) util::operator<< ( Stream &&  out,
EventChangeTracker_t const &  trk 

Definition at line 102 of file ChangeTrackers.h.

103  { out << std::string(trk); return std::forward<Stream>(out); }
std::ostream& util::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
EventChangeTracker_t const &  trk 

Definition at line 105 of file ChangeTrackers.h.

106  { out << std::string(trk); return out; }
std::string string
template<typename Stream >
decltype(auto) util::operator<< ( Stream &&  out,
DataProductChangeTracker_t const &  trk 

Definition at line 204 of file ChangeTrackers.h.

205  { out << std::string(trk); return std::forward<Stream>(out); }
std::ostream& util::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
DataProductChangeTracker_t const &  trk 

Definition at line 206 of file ChangeTrackers.h.

207  { out << std::string(trk); return out; }
std::string string
std::ostream& util::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
PlaneDataChangeTracker_t const &  trk 

Definition at line 319 of file ChangeTrackers.h.

320  { out << std::string(trk); return out; }
std::string string
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool util::operator<= ( const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __x,
const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __y 

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 529 of file VectorMap.h.

531  {
532  return !(__y < __x);
533  }
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool util::operator== ( const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __x,
const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __y 

Definition at line 494 of file VectorMap.h.

496  {
497  return __x.sortedVectorMap == __y.sortedVectorMap;
498  }
template<unsigned int RANK1, unsigned int RANK2, typename = std::enable_if_t<(RANK1 != RANK2), bool>>
bool util::operator== ( TensorIndices< RANK1 > const &  a,
TensorIndices< RANK2 > const &  b 

Comparison operator with tensors of different rank.

Definition at line 517 of file TensorIndices.h.

518  { return false; }
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool util::operator> ( const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __x,
const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __y 

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 521 of file VectorMap.h.

523  {
524  return __y < __x;
525  }
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
bool util::operator>= ( const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __x,
const VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __y 

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 537 of file VectorMap.h.

539  {
540  return !(__x < __y);
541  }
template<typename Range >
auto util::operator| ( Range &&  range,
) -> decltype(auto)

Transforms a range so that it can be used in a range-for loop.

Template Parameters
Rangethe type of range to be transformed
rangethe range to be transformed
an equivalent range object to be used in a range-for loop

This is necessary only when the argument provides different types for the begin-of-range and end-of-range iterators. This is also superfluous for compilers adhering to C++ 2017 standard, which accepts iterators of different types by requirement. Example of usage:

Range data; // initialization
for (auto&& value: data | util::range_for) // ...

where data is supposed to gave begin and end iterators of different types.

Definition at line 458 of file RangeForWrapper.h.

459  { return wrapRangeFor(std::forward<Range>(range)); }
auto wrapRangeFor(Range &&range) -> decltype(auto)
Wraps an object for use in a range-for loop.
template<typename T = double>
constexpr T util::pi ( )

Returns the constant pi (up to 35 decimal digits of precision)

Definition at line 80 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

80 { return 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288L; }
template<typename T >
constexpr T util::RadiansToDegrees ( angle)

Converts the argument angle from radians into degrees ( $ \pi \rightarrow 180 $)

Definition at line 88 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

88 { return angle / pi<T>() * 180; }
template<typename Coll , typename Sorter >
void util::SortByPointers ( Coll &  coll,
Sorter  sorter 

Applies sorting indirectly, minimizing data copy.

Template Parameters
Colltype of collection to be sorted
Sortertype of sorter
collcollection to be sorted
sorterfunctor sorting a vector of pointers (makePointerVector())

The sorter functor can receive a reference to a vector as the one produced by makePointerVector(coll) (that is, a C++ STL vector of pointers to the value type of Coll), and sort it "in place". The container Comp must implement push_back() call in a std::vector fashion.

The algorithm is equivalent to the following:

  1. create a parallel vector of pointers to the data
  2. sort the data pointers (delegating to sorter)
  3. move the data, sorted, from the original collection to a new one
  4. replace the content of cont with the one from the sorted collection

Single elements are moved from the original collection to a new one.

The data elements of Coll must be moveable, as Coll itself must be.

Use this algorithm only as a last resort, as there are usually better ways to sort collections than this one, which is not even particularly optimized.

Definition at line 204 of file SortByPointers.h.

204  {
206  using coll_t = Coll;
208  //
209  // create the collection of pointers to data
210  //
211  auto ptrs = makePointerVector(coll);
213  //
214  // delegate the sorting by pointers
215  //
216  sorter(ptrs);
218  //
219  // create a sorted collection moving the content from the original one
220  //
221  coll_t sorted;
222  MoveFromPointers(sorted, ptrs);
224  //
225  // replace the old container with the new one
226  //
227  coll = std::move(sorted);
229 } // util::SortByPointers()
auto makePointerVector(Coll &coll)
Creates a STL vector with pointers to data from another collection.
def move(depos, offset)
void MoveFromPointers(Coll &dest, PtrColl &src)
Moves the content from a collection of pointers to one of data.
template<typename Coll , typename Sorter >
void util::SortUniquePointers ( Coll &  coll,
Sorter &&  sorter 

Sorts a vector of unique pointers using a C pointer sorter.

Template Parameters
Colltype of collection to be sorted
Sortertype of sorter function
collcollection to be sorted
sortersorting procedure

This adapter moves the unique pointers around to match a sorted version of source. This is an expensive procedure, implying the creation of a temporary vector and of additional supporting data: avoid it if at all possible.

Definition at line 234 of file SortByPointers.h.

234  {
236  using Collection_t = Coll;
237  using UPtr_t = typename Collection_t::value_type;
239  static_assert(util::is_unique_ptr_v<UPtr_t>);
241  //
242  // create the collection of pointers to data
243  //
244  auto ptrs = makePointerVector(coll);
246  // data pointer -> index
247  auto const ptrIndex = util::makeValueIndex(ptrs);
249  //
250  // delegate the sorting by pointers
251  //
252  sorter(ptrs);
254  //
255  // create a sorted collection moving the content from the original one
256  //
257  Collection_t sorted;
258  for (auto const& dataPtr: ptrs) {
259  std::size_t const originalIndex =;
260  sorted.emplace_back(std::move(coll[originalIndex]));
261  }
263  //
264  // replace the old container with the new one
265  //
266  coll = std::move(sorted);
268 } // util::SortUniquePointers()
auto makePointerVector(Coll &coll)
Creates a STL vector with pointers to data from another collection.
def move(depos, offset)
decltype(auto) makeValueIndex(Coll const &coll, Extractor getter)
Returns a map of value to index.
template<typename IterB , typename IterE , typename Adaptor >
util::span ( IterB &&  b,
IterE &&  e,
Adaptor &&  adaptor 
) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare >
void util::swap ( VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __x,
VectorMap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare > &  __y 

See VectorMap::swap().

Definition at line 545 of file VectorMap.h.

547  {
548  __x.swap(__y);
549  }
decltype(auto) util::takeAddress ( )

Returns a functor that returns the address of its argument.

See also


std::vector<int*> ptrs(data.size());
(data.begin(), data.end(), ptrs.begin(), util::takeAddress());

will fill the vector ptrs with pointers to the elements of data.

Why bother?

C++ already provides a tool to effectively take an address, std::addressof. The reason for takeAddress() is that std::addressof() is a function, with many overloads, and to use it in a STL algorithm the overload has to be resolved first. For example:

using addressof_t = int const*(*)(int const&);
std::transform(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), std::back_inserter(dataPtr),
((addressof_t) &std::addressof));

One important limit is that the type of the argument (in this case int const&) needs to be known or deduced in a quite precise way, in particular regarding constantness and referenceness. This is unconvenient and convoluted enough that one would rather create a new function, like:

auto takeAddress = [](auto&& ref){ return std::addressof(ref); };
std::vector<int const*> dataPtr;
std::transform(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), std::back_inserter(dataPtr),

This util::takeAddress() operates in a very similar way to the lambda in the last example.

Definition at line 86 of file operations.h.

86 { return AddressTaker(); }
template<typename Coll >
decltype(auto) util::values ( Coll &&  coll)

Range-for loop helper iterating across the values of the specified collection.

Template Parameters
Colltype of the collection to iterate through
collthe collection to iterate through
an object suitable for range-for loop
See also

This function is in most of cases a no-operation, returning the collection just as it was specified, to be iterated on directly. In case of mapping types, though, a different object is returned and the iteration will happen to the value type of the mapping instead than on the key-value pair.

std::map<int, float> data { { 1, 4.0F }, { 3, 12.0F }, { 2, 8.0F } };
std::vector<float> values;
for (float value: util::values(data))

will result in values vector being of size 3 and with values { 4.0F, 8.0F, 12.0F } (the order is the one of iterating through a std::map).

template<typename Range >
auto util::wrapRangeFor ( Range &&  range) -> decltype(auto)

Wraps an object for use in a range-for loop.

Template Parameters
Rangetype of range object (anything with begin() and end())
rangeinstance of the range object to be wrapped

This is necessary only when the argument provides different types for the begin-of-range and end-of-range iterators. This is also superfluous for compilers adhering to C++ 2017 standard, which accepts iterators of different types by requirement. Example of usage:

Range data; // initialization
for (auto&& value: util::wrapRangeFor(data)) // ...

where data is supposed to gave begin and end iterators of different types.

Definition at line 426 of file RangeForWrapper.h.

427  {
428  return details::WrapRangeForDispatcher<Range>::wrap
429  (std::forward<Range>(range));
430  }
template<std::size_t Lead, typename... Iterables>
auto util::zip ( Iterables &&...  iterables)

Range-for loop helper iterating across many collections at the same time.

Template Parameters
Leadindex of the parameter driving the start and end of the loop
Iterablestype of objects to be iterated together
iterablesall iterable objects to be iterated together
an object suitable for range-for loop
See also

In the range-for loop, at each iteration this object yields a tuple of values, each of the type returned by dereferencing begin(iterable). For example:

constexpr std::size_t N = 4;
std::array<int, N> twice;
std::vector<double> thrice(N + 1);
unsigned int i = 0;
for (auto&& [ a, b]: util::zip(twice, thrice)) {
a = 2 * i;
b = 3.0 * i;
} // for

In this example, N iterations will be run because that is the size of the first iterable given to enumerate. If a different leading iterable is needed, that has to be specified as an argument. The following loop is completely equivalent to the former one:

unsigned int i = 0;
for (auto&& [ b, a]: util::zip<1U>(thrice, twice)) {
a = 2 * i;
b = 3.0 * i;
} // for

(the index is zero-based, so 1U refers to the second argument).

Range-for loop helper iterating across many collections at the same time.

Definition at line 295 of file zip.h.

295  {
297  return util::span(
298  details::make_zip_begin_iterator<Lead>(iterables...),
299  details::make_zip_end_iterator<Lead>(iterables...)
300  );
302 } // util::zip()
span(IterB &&b, IterE &&e, Adaptor &&adaptor) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
template<typename... Iterables>
auto util::zip ( Iterables &&...  iterables)

Version of zip() with first iterator implicitly leading the iteration.

Range-for loop helper iterating across many collections at the same time.

Definition at line 80 of file zip.h.

81  { return zip<0U>(std::forward<Iterables>(iterables)...); }

Variable Documentation

constexpr double util::kBogusD = -999.

obviously bogus double value

Definition at line 71 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr float util::kBogusF = -999.

obviously bogus float value

Definition at line 73 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr int util::kBogusI = -999

obviously bogus integer value

Definition at line 72 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kc = 29.9792458

Speed of light in vacuum in LArSoft units [cm/ns].

Definition at line 59 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kCentimeterToMeter = 1./kMeterToCentimeter

Definition at line 64 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::keVToMeV = 1.e-6

1e6 eV = 1 MeV

Definition at line 68 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kGeVToElectrons = 4.237e7

23.6eV per ion pair, 1e9 eV/GeV

Definition at line 55 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kINVALID_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<Double_t>::max()

Definition at line 33 of file GeometryUtilities.h.

constexpr double util::kKilometerToMeter = 1./kMeterToKilometer

Definition at line 66 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kMeterToCentimeter = 1.e2

1 m = 100 cm

Definition at line 63 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kMeterToKilometer = 1.e-3

1000 m = 1 km

Definition at line 65 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kMeVToeV = 1./keVToMeV

Definition at line 69 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kModBoxA = 0.930

Modified Box Alpha.

Definition at line 49 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kModBoxB = 0.212

Modified Box Beta in g/(MeV cm²)*kV/cm.

Definition at line 50 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kRecombA = 0.800

A constant.

Definition at line 35 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::kRecombk = 0.0486

k constant, in g/(MeV cm²)*kV/cm.

Definition at line 36 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double util::quietCompiler = kBogusD*kBogusI*kBogusF*kRecombA*kRecombk*kGeVToElectrons

Definition at line 75 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr RangeForWrapperTag util::range_for

Constant to be used with operator|(Range&&, details::RangeForWrapperTag).

Definition at line 438 of file RangeForWrapper.h.

const float util::SQRT_TWO_PI = 2.506628

Definition at line 18 of file GaussianEliminationAlg.h.