Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 **
4 ** Implementation of QDataStream class
5 **
6 ** Created : 930831
7 **
8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
9 **
10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
11 **
12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
15 **
16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
19 ** packaging of this file.
20 **
21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
24 **
25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
27 **
28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
29 ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
32 **
33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
34 ** not clear to you.
35 **
36 **********************************************************************/
38 #include "qdatastream.h"
41 #include "qbuffer.h"
42 #include <stdio.h>
43 #include <ctype.h>
44 #include <stdlib.h>
46 // REVISED: warwick
47 /*!
48  \class QDataStream qdatastream.h
50  \brief The QDataStream class provides serialization of
51  binary data to a QIODevice.
53  \ingroup io
55  A data stream is a binary stream of encoded information which is 100%
56  independent of the host computer operation system, CPU or byte order. A
57  stream that is written by a PC under DOS/Windows can be read by a
58  Sun SPARC running Solaris.
60  The QDataStream class implements serialization of primitive types, like
61  \c char, \c short, \c int, \c char* etc. Serialization of more complex
62  data is accomplished by breaking up the data into primitive units.
64  The programmer can select which byte order to use when serializing data.
65  The default setting is big endian (MSB first). Changing it to little
66  endian breaks the portability (unless the reader also changes to little
67  endian). We recommend keeping this setting unless you have
68  special requirements.
70  A data stream cooperates closely with a QIODevice. A QIODevice
71  represents an input/output medium one can read data from and write data
72  to. The QFile class is an example of an IO device.
74  Example (write data to a stream):
75  \code
76  QFile f( "file.dta" );
77  f.open( IO_WriteOnly ); // open file for writing
78  QDataStream s( &f ); // serialize using f
79  s << "the answer is"; // serialize string
80  s << (Q_INT32)42; // serialize integer
81  \endcode
83  Example (read data from a stream):
84  \code
85  QFile f( "file.dta" );
86  f.open( IO_ReadOnly ); // open file for reading
87  QDataStream s( &f ); // serialize using f
88  char *str;
89  Q_INT32 a;
90  s >> str >> a; // "the answer is" and 42
91  delete str; // delete string
92  \endcode
94  In the last example, if you read into a QString instead of a \c char*
95  you do not have to delete it.
97  Normally, each item written to the stream is written in a fixed binary
98  format.
99  For example, a \c char* is written as a 32-bit integer equal to the
100  length of the string including the NUL byte, followed by all the
101  characters of the string including the NUL byte. Similarly when
102  reading a string, 4 bytes are read to create the 32-bit length value,
103  then that many characters for the string including the NUL. For a complete
104  description of all Qt types supporting data streaming see \link
105  datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink .
107  If you want a "parsing" input stream, see QTextStream. If you just want the
108  data to be human-readable to aid in debugging, you can set the data
109  stream into printable data mode with setPrintableData(). The data is
110  then written slower, in a human readable bloated form that is sufficient
111  for debugging.
113  If you are producing a new binary data format, such as a file format
114  for documents created by your application, you could use a QDataStream
115  to write the data in a portable format. Typically, you would write
116  a brief header containing a magic string and a version number to give
117  yourself room for future expansion. For example:
119  \code
120  // Open the file.
121  QFile f( "file.xxx" );
122  f.open( IO_WriteOnly );
123  QDataStream s( &f );
125  // Write a header with a "magic number" and a version
126  s << 0xa0b0c0d0;
127  s << 123;
129  // Write the data
130  s << [lots of interesting data]
131  \endcode
133  Then read it in with:
135  \code
136  // Open the file.
137  QFile f( "file.xxx" );
138  f.open( IO_ReadOnly );
139  QDataStream s( &f );
141  // Read and check the header
142  Q_UINT32 magic;
143  s >> magic;
144  if ( magic != 0xa0b0c0d0 )
145  return XXX_BAD_FILE_FORMAT;
147  // Read the version
148  Q_INT32 version;
149  s >> version;
150  if ( version < 100 )
151  return XXX_BAD_FILE_TOO_OLD;
152  if ( version > 123 )
153  return XXX_BAD_FILE_TOO_NEW;
154  if ( version <= 110 )
155  s.setVersion(1);
157  // Read the data
158  s >> [lots of interesting data];
159  if ( version > 120 )
160  s >> [data new in XXX version 1.2];
161  s >> [other interesting data];
162  \endcode
164  \sa QTextStream QVariant
165 */
168 /*****************************************************************************
169  QDataStream member functions
170  *****************************************************************************/
172 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
174 #define CHECK_STREAM_PRECOND if ( !dev ) { \
175  qWarning( "QDataStream: No device" ); \
176  return *this; }
177 #else
179 #endif
181 static int systemWordSize = 0;
182 static bool systemBigEndian;
184 static const int DefaultStreamVersion = 3;
185 // 3 is default in Qt 2.1
186 // 2 is the Qt 2.0.x format
187 // 1 is the Qt 1.x format
189 /*!
190  Constructs a data stream that has no IO device.
192  \sa setDevice()
193 */
196 {
197  if ( systemWordSize == 0 ) // get system features
199  dev = 0; // no device set
200  owndev = FALSE;
201  byteorder = BigEndian; // default byte order
202  printable = FALSE;
205 }
207 /*!
208  Constructs a data stream that uses the IO device \a d.
210  \sa setDevice(), device()
211 */
214 {
215  if ( systemWordSize == 0 ) // get system features
217  dev = d; // set device
218  owndev = FALSE;
219  byteorder = BigEndian; // default byte order
220  printable = FALSE;
223 }
225 /*!
226  Constructs a data stream that operates on a byte array through an
227  internal QBuffer device.
229  Example:
230  \code
231  static char bindata[] = { 231, 1, 44, ... };
232  QByteArray a;
233  a.setRawData( bindata, sizeof(bindata) ); // a points to bindata
234  QDataStream s( a, IO_ReadOnly ); // open on a's data
235  s >> [something]; // read raw bindata
236  a.resetRawData( bindata, sizeof(bindata) ); // finished
237  \endcode
239  The QArray::setRawData() function is not for the inexperienced.
240 */
243 {
244  if ( systemWordSize == 0 ) // get system features
246  dev = new QBuffer( a ); // create device
247  ((QBuffer *)dev)->open( mode ); // open device
248  owndev = TRUE;
249  byteorder = BigEndian; // default byte order
250  printable = FALSE;
253 }
255 /*!
256  Destructs the data stream.
258  The destructor will not affect the current IO device, unless it
259  is an internal IO device processing a QByteArray passed in the constructor.
260 */
263 {
264  if ( owndev )
265  delete dev;
266 }
269 /*!
270  \fn QIODevice *QDataStream::device() const
271  Returns the IO device currently set.
272  \sa setDevice(), unsetDevice()
273 */
275 /*!
276  void QDataStream::setDevice(QIODevice *d )
277  Sets the IO device to \a d.
278  \sa device(), unsetDevice()
279 */
282 {
283  if ( owndev ) {
284  delete dev;
285  owndev = FALSE;
286  }
287  dev = d;
288 }
290 /*!
291  Unsets the IO device. This is the same as calling setDevice( 0 ).
292  \sa device(), setDevice()
293 */
296 {
297  setDevice( 0 );
298 }
301 /*!
302  \fn bool QDataStream::atEnd() const
303  Returns TRUE if the IO device has reached the end position (end of
304  stream or file) or if there is no IO device set.
306  Returns FALSE if the current position of the read/write head of the IO
307  device is somewhere before the end position.
309  \sa QIODevice::atEnd()
310 */
312 /*!\fn bool QDataStream::eof() const
314  \obsolete
316  Returns TRUE if the IO device has reached the end position (end of
317  stream or file) or if there is no IO device set.
319  Returns FALSE if the current position of the read/write head of the IO
320  device is somewhere before the end position.
322  \sa QIODevice::atEnd()
323 */
325 /*!
326  \fn int QDataStream::byteOrder() const
327  Returns the current byte order setting - either \c BigEndian or
328  \c LittleEndian.
330  \sa setByteOrder()
331 */
333 /*!
334  Sets the serialization byte order to \a bo.
336  The \a bo parameter can be \c QDataStream::BigEndian or
337  \c QDataStream::LittleEndian.
339  The default setting is big endian. We recommend leaving this setting unless
340  you have special requirements.
342  \sa byteOrder()
343 */
346 {
347  byteorder = bo;
348  if ( systemBigEndian )
350  else
352 }
355 /*!
356  \fn bool QDataStream::isPrintableData() const
357  Returns TRUE if the printable data flag has been set.
358  \sa setPrintableData()
359 */
361 /*!
362  \fn void QDataStream::setPrintableData( bool enable )
363  Sets or clears the printable data flag.
365  If this flag is set, the write functions will generate output that
366  consists of printable characters (7 bit ASCII).
368  We recommend enabling printable data only for debugging purposes
369  (it is slower and creates larger output).
370 */
373 /*!
374  \fn int QDataStream::version() const
375  Returns the version number of the data serialization format.
376  In Qt 2.1, this number is by default 3.
377  \sa setVersion()
378 */
380 /*!
381  \fn void QDataStream::setVersion( int v )
382  Sets the version number of the data serialization format.
384  In order to accomodate for new functionality, the datastream
385  serialization format of some Qt classes has changed in some versions of
386  Qt. If you want to read data that was created by an earlier version of
387  Qt, or write data that can be read by a program that was compiled with
388  an earlier version of Qt, use this function to modify the serialization
389  format of QDataStream.
391  For Qt 1.x compatibility, use \a v == 1.
393  For Qt 2.0.x compatibility, use \a v == 2 (Not required for reading in
394  Qt 2.1).
396  \sa version()
397 */
399 /*****************************************************************************
400  QDataStream read functions
401  *****************************************************************************/
405 {
406  register int n = 0;
407  char buf[40];
408  while ( TRUE ) {
409  buf[n] = s->device()->getch();
410  if ( buf[n] == '\n' || n > 38 ) // $-terminator
411  break;
412  n++;
413  }
414  buf[n] = '\0';
415  return (Q_INT32)atol( buf );
416 }
419 /*!
420  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator>>( Q_UINT8 &i )
421  Reads an unsigned byte from the stream and returns a reference to
422  the stream.
423 */
425 /*!
426  Reads a signed byte from the stream.
427 */
430 {
432  if ( printable ) { // printable data
433  i = (Q_INT8)dev->getch();
434  if ( i == '\\' ) { // read octal code
435  char buf[4];
436  dev->readBlock( buf, 3 );
437  i = (buf[2] & 0x07)+((buf[1] & 0x07) << 3)+((buf[0] & 0x07) << 6);
438  }
439  } else { // data or text
440  i = (Q_INT8)dev->getch();
441  }
442  return *this;
443 }
446 /*!
447  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator>>( Q_UINT16 &i )
448  Reads an unsigned 16-bit integer from the stream and returns a reference to
449  the stream.
450 */
452 /*!
453  Reads a signed 16-bit integer from the stream and returns a reference to
454  the stream.
455 */
458 {
460  if ( printable ) { // printable data
461  i = (Q_INT16)read_int_ascii( this );
462  } else if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
463  dev->readBlock( (char *)&i, sizeof(Q_INT16) );
464  } else { // swap bytes
465  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&i);
466  char b[2];
467  dev->readBlock( b, 2 );
468  *p++ = b[1];
469  *p = b[0];
470  }
471  return *this;
472 }
475 /*!
476  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator>>( Q_UINT32 &i )
477  Reads an unsigned 32-bit integer from the stream and returns a reference to
478  the stream.
479 */
481 /*!
482  Reads a signed 32-bit integer from the stream and returns a reference to
483  the stream.
484 */
487 {
489  if ( printable ) { // printable data
490  i = read_int_ascii( this );
491  } else if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
492  dev->readBlock( (char *)&i, sizeof(Q_INT32) );
493  } else { // swap bytes
494  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&i);
495  char b[4];
496  dev->readBlock( b, 4 );
497  *p++ = b[3];
498  *p++ = b[2];
499  *p++ = b[1];
500  *p = b[0];
501  }
502  return *this;
503 }
505 /*!
506  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator>>( Q_UINT64 &i )
507  Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer from the stream and returns a reference to
508  the stream, or uses the Q_UINT32 operator if 64 bit is not available.
509 */
511 /*!
512  Reads a signed 64-bit integer from the stream and returns a reference to
513  the stream, or uses the Q_UINT32 operator if 64 bit is not available.
514 */
517 {
519  if ( printable ) { // printable data
520  i = read_int_ascii( this );
521  } else if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
522  dev->readBlock( (char *)&i, sizeof(Q_INT64) );
523  } else { // swap bytes
524  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&i);
525  char b[sizeof(Q_INT64)];
526  dev->readBlock( b, sizeof(Q_INT64) );
527  if ( sizeof(Q_INT64) == 8 ) {
528  *p++ = b[7];
529  *p++ = b[6];
530  *p++ = b[5];
531  *p++ = b[4];
532  }
533  *p++ = b[3];
534  *p++ = b[2];
535  *p++ = b[1];
536  *p = b[0];
537  }
538  return *this;
539 }
541 static double read_double_ascii( QDataStream *s )
542 {
543  register int n = 0;
544  char buf[80];
545  while ( TRUE ) {
546  buf[n] = s->device()->getch();
547  if ( buf[n] == '\n' || n > 78 ) // $-terminator
548  break;
549  n++;
550  }
551  buf[n] = '\0';
552  return atof( buf );
553 }
556 /*!
557  Reads a 32-bit floating point number from the stream using the standard
558  IEEE754 format. Returns a reference to the stream.
559 */
562 {
564  if ( printable ) { // printable data
565  f = (float)read_double_ascii( this );
566  } else if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
567  dev->readBlock( (char *)&f, sizeof(float) );
568  } else { // swap bytes
569  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&f);
570  char b[4];
571  dev->readBlock( b, 4 );
572  *p++ = b[3];
573  *p++ = b[2];
574  *p++ = b[1];
575  *p = b[0];
576  }
577  return *this;
578 }
581 /*!
582  Reads a 64-bit floating point number from the stream using the standard
583  IEEE754 format. Returns a reference to the stream.
584 */
587 {
589  if ( printable ) { // printable data
590  f = read_double_ascii( this );
591  } else if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
592  dev->readBlock( (char *)&f, sizeof(double) );
593  } else { // swap bytes
594  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&f);
595  char b[8];
596  dev->readBlock( b, 8 );
597  *p++ = b[7];
598  *p++ = b[6];
599  *p++ = b[5];
600  *p++ = b[4];
601  *p++ = b[3];
602  *p++ = b[2];
603  *p++ = b[1];
604  *p = b[0];
605  }
606  return *this;
607 }
610 /*!
611  Reads the '\0'-terminated string \a s from the stream and returns
612  a reference to the stream.
614  Space for the string is allocated using \c new - the caller must
615  eventually call delete[] on the value.
616 */
619 {
620  uint len = 0;
621  return readBytes( s, len );
622 }
625 /*!
626  Reads the buffer \a s from the stream and returns a reference to the
627  stream.
629  The buffer \a s is allocated using \c new. Destroy it with the \c delete[]
630  operator. If the length is zero or \a s cannot be allocated, \a s is
631  set to 0.
633  The \a l parameter will be set to the length of the buffer.
635  The serialization format is an Q_UINT32 length specifier first, then the
636  data (\a l bytes).
638  \sa readRawBytes(), writeBytes()
639 */
642 {
644  Q_UINT32 len;
645  *this >> len; // first read length spec
646  l = (uint)len;
647  if ( len == 0 || eof() ) {
648  s = 0;
649  return *this;
650  } else {
651  s = new char[len]; // create char array
652  CHECK_PTR( s );
653  if ( !s ) // no memory
654  return *this;
655  return readRawBytes( s, (uint)len );
656  }
657 }
660 /*!
661  Reads \a len bytes from the stream into \a s and returns a reference to
662  the stream.
664  The buffer \a s must be preallocated.
666  \sa readBytes(), QIODevice::readBlock(), writeRawBytes()
667 */
670 {
672  if ( printable ) { // printable data
673  register Q_INT8 *p = (Q_INT8*)s;
674  while ( len-- )
675  *this >> *p++;
676  } else { // read data char array
677  dev->readBlock( s, len );
678  }
679  return *this;
680 }
683 /*****************************************************************************
684  QDataStream write functions
685  *****************************************************************************/
688 /*!
689  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator<<( Q_UINT8 i )
690  Writes an unsigned byte to the stream and returns a reference to
691  the stream.
692 */
694 /*!
695  Writes a signed byte to the stream.
696 */
699 {
701  if ( printable && (i == '\\' || !isprint(i)) ) {
702  char buf[6]; // write octal code
703  buf[0] = '\\';
704  buf[1] = '0' + ((i >> 6) & 0x07);
705  buf[2] = '0' + ((i >> 3) & 0x07);
706  buf[3] = '0' + (i & 0x07);
707  buf[4] = '\0';
708  dev->writeBlock( buf, 4 );
709  } else {
710  dev->putch( i );
711  }
712  return *this;
713 }
716 /*!
717  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator<<( Q_UINT16 i )
718  Writes an unsigned 16-bit integer to the stream and returns a reference
719  to the stream.
720 */
722 /*!
723  Writes a signed 16-bit integer to the stream and returns a reference to
724  the stream.
725 */
728 {
730  if ( printable ) { // printable data
731  char buf[16];
732  sprintf( buf, "%d\n", i );
733  dev->writeBlock( buf, strlen(buf) );
734  } else if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
735  dev->writeBlock( (char *)&i, sizeof(Q_INT16) );
736  } else { // swap bytes
737  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&i);
738  char b[2];
739  b[1] = *p++;
740  b[0] = *p;
741  dev->writeBlock( b, 2 );
742  }
743  return *this;
744 }
747 /*!
748  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator<<( Q_UINT32 i )
749  Writes an unsigned 32-bit integer to the stream and returns a reference to
750  the stream.
751 */
753 /*!
754  Writes a signed 32-bit integer to the stream and returns a reference to
755  the stream.
756 */
759 {
761  if ( printable ) { // printable data
762  char buf[16];
763  sprintf( buf, "%d\n", i );
764  dev->writeBlock( buf, strlen(buf) );
765  } else if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
766  dev->writeBlock( (char *)&i, sizeof(Q_INT32) );
767  } else { // swap bytes
768  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&i);
769  char b[4];
770  b[3] = *p++;
771  b[2] = *p++;
772  b[1] = *p++;
773  b[0] = *p;
774  dev->writeBlock( b, 4 );
775  }
776  return *this;
777 }
779 /*!
780  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator<<( Q_UINT64 i )
781  Writes an unsigned 64-bit integer to the stream and returns a reference to
782  the stream, or uses the Q_UINT32-operator if 64 bit is not available.
783 */
785 /*!
786  Writes a signed 64-bit integer to the stream and returns a reference to
787  the stream, or calls the Q_INT32-operator if 64 bit is not available.
788 */
791 {
793  if ( printable ) { // printable data
794  char buf[20];
795  sprintf( buf, "%ld\n", i );
796  dev->writeBlock( buf, strlen(buf) );
797  } else if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
798  dev->writeBlock( (char *)&i, sizeof(Q_INT64) );
799  } else { // swap bytes
800  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&i);
801  char b[sizeof(Q_INT64)];
802  if ( sizeof(Q_INT64) == 8 ) {
803  b[7] = *p++;
804  b[6] = *p++;
805  b[5] = *p++;
806  b[4] = *p++;
807  }
808  b[3] = *p++;
809  b[2] = *p++;
810  b[1] = *p++;
811  b[0] = *p;
812  dev->writeBlock( b, sizeof(Q_INT64) );
813  }
814  return *this;
815 }
817 /*!
818  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator<<( uint i )
819  Writes an unsigned integer to the stream as a 32-bit unsigned integer
820  (Q_UINT32).
821  Returns a reference to the stream.
822 */
824 /*!
825  \fn QDataStream &QDataStream::operator<<( int i )
826  Writes a signed integer to the stream as a 32-bit signed integer (Q_INT32).
827  Returns a reference to the stream.
828 */
831 /*!
832  Writes a 32-bit floating point number to the stream using the standard
833  IEEE754 format. Returns a reference to the stream.
834 */
837 {
839  if ( printable ) { // printable data
840  char buf[32];
841  sprintf( buf, "%g\n", (double)f );
842  dev->writeBlock( buf, strlen(buf) );
843  } else {
844  float g = f; // fixes float-on-stack problem
845  if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
846  dev->writeBlock( (char *)&g, sizeof(float) );
847  } else { // swap bytes
848  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&g);
849  char b[4];
850  b[3] = *p++;
851  b[2] = *p++;
852  b[1] = *p++;
853  b[0] = *p;
854  dev->writeBlock( b, 4 );
855  }
856  }
857  return *this;
858 }
861 /*!
862  Writes a 64-bit floating point number to the stream using the standard
863  IEEE754 format. Returns a reference to the stream.
864 */
867 {
869  if ( printable ) { // printable data
870  char buf[32];
871  sprintf( buf, "%g\n", f );
872  dev->writeBlock( buf, strlen(buf) );
873  } else if ( noswap ) { // no conversion needed
874  dev->writeBlock( (char *)&f, sizeof(double) );
875  } else { // swap bytes
876  register uchar *p = (uchar *)(&f);
877  char b[8];
878  b[7] = *p++;
879  b[6] = *p++;
880  b[5] = *p++;
881  b[4] = *p++;
882  b[3] = *p++;
883  b[2] = *p++;
884  b[1] = *p++;
885  b[0] = *p;
886  dev->writeBlock( b, 8 );
887  }
888  return *this;
889 }
892 /*!
893  Writes the '\0'-terminated string \a s to the stream and returns
894  a reference to the stream.
896  The string is serialized using writeBytes().
897 */
900 {
901  if ( !s ) {
902  *this << (Q_UINT32)0;
903  return *this;
904  }
905  uint len = qstrlen( s ) + 1; // also write null terminator
906  *this << (Q_UINT32)len; // write length specifier
907  return writeRawBytes( s, len );
908 }
911 /*!
912  Writes the length specifier \a len and the buffer \a s to the stream and
913  returns a reference to the stream.
915  The \a len is serialized as an Q_UINT32, followed by \a len bytes from
916  \a s.
918  \sa writeRawBytes(), readBytes()
919 */
922 {
924  *this << (Q_UINT32)len; // write length specifier
925  if ( len )
926  writeRawBytes( s, len );
927  return *this;
928 }
931 /*!
932  Writes \a len bytes from \a s to the stream and returns a reference to the
933  stream.
935  \sa writeBytes(), QIODevice::writeBlock(), readRawBytes()
936 */
939 {
941  if ( printable ) { // write printable
942  register char *p = (char *)s;
943  while ( len-- )
944  *this << *p++;
945  } else { // write data char array
946  dev->writeBlock( s, len );
947  }
948  return *this;
949 }
951 #endif // QT_NO_DATASTREAM
QDataStream & operator>>(Q_INT8 &i)
QDataStream & operator<<(Q_INT8 i)
static constexpr double g
Definition: Units.h:144
Q_EXPORT bool qSysInfo(int *wordSize, bool *bigEndian)
QIODevice * device() const
Definition: qdatastream.h:123
static bool systemBigEndian
virtual ~QDataStream()
virtual int readBlock(char *data, uint maxlen)=0
QIODevice * dev
Definition: qdatastream.h:104
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
The QBuffer class is an I/O device that operates on a QByteArray.
Definition: qbuffer.h:47
static const int DefaultStreamVersion
virtual int writeBlock(const char *data, uint len)=0
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
unsigned char uchar
Definition: nybbler.cc:11
virtual int getch()=0
signed char Q_INT8
Definition: qglobal.h:415
int Q_INT32
Definition: qglobal.h:419
Q_EXPORT uint qstrlen(const char *str)
Definition: qcstring.h:81
QDataStream & writeBytes(const char *, uint len)
bool eof() const
Definition: qdatastream.h:129
std::void_t< T > n
const double a
QDataStream & readRawBytes(char *, uint len)
Definition: test.py:223
static double read_double_ascii(QDataStream *s)
unsigned int Q_UINT32
Definition: qglobal.h:420
QDataStream & readBytes(char *&, uint &len)
static Q_INT32 read_int_ascii(QDataStream *s)
#define CHECK_PTR(p)
Definition: qglobal.h:601
void unsetDevice()
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
short Q_INT16
Definition: qglobal.h:417
bool printable
Definition: qdatastream.h:107
void setDevice(QIODevice *)
The QDataStream class provides serialization of binary data to a QIODevice.
Definition: qdatastream.h:47
static int systemWordSize
The QIODevice class is the base class of I/O devices.
Definition: qiodevice.h:88
long Q_INT64
Definition: qglobal.h:421
virtual int putch(int)=0
void setByteOrder(int)
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
QDataStream & writeRawBytes(const char *, uint len)
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371