Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 **
4 ** Definition of QGList and QGListIterator classes
5 **
6 ** Created : 920624
7 **
8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
9 **
10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
11 **
12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
15 **
16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
19 ** packaging of this file.
20 **
21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
24 **
25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
27 **
28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
29 ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
32 **
33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
34 ** not clear to you.
35 **
36 **********************************************************************/
38 #ifndef QGLIST_H
39 #define QGLIST_H
41 #ifndef QT_H
42 #include "qcollection.h"
43 #endif // QT_H
46 /*****************************************************************************
47  QLNode class (internal doubly linked list node)
48  *****************************************************************************/
51 {
52 friend class QGList;
53 friend class QGListIterator;
54 public:
56 private:
60  QLNode( QCollection::Item d ) { data = d; }
61 };
64 /*****************************************************************************
65  QGList class
66  *****************************************************************************/
68 class Q_EXPORT QGList : public QCollection // doubly linked generic list
69 {
70 friend class QGListIterator;
71 friend class QGVector; // needed by QGVector::toList
72 public:
73  uint count() const; // return number of nodes
76  QDataStream &read( QDataStream & ); // read list from stream
77  QDataStream &write( QDataStream & ) const; // write list to stream
78 #endif
79 protected:
80  QGList(); // create empty list
81  QGList( const QGList & ); // make copy of other list
82  virtual ~QGList();
84  QGList &operator=( const QGList & ); // assign from other list
85  bool operator==( const QGList& ) const;
87  void inSort( QCollection::Item ); // add item sorted in list
88  void append( QCollection::Item ); // add item at end of list
89  bool insertAt( uint index, QCollection::Item ); // add item at i'th position
90  void relinkNode( QLNode * ); // relink as first item
91  bool removeNode( QLNode * ); // remove node
92  bool remove( QCollection::Item = 0 ); // remove item (0=current)
93  bool removeRef( QCollection::Item = 0 ); // remove item (0=current)
94  bool removeFirst(); // remove first item
95  bool removeLast(); // remove last item
96  bool removeAt( uint index ); // remove item at i'th position
97  QCollection::Item takeNode( QLNode * ); // take out node
98  QCollection::Item take(); // take out current item
99  QCollection::Item takeAt( uint index ); // take out item at i'th pos
100  QCollection::Item takeFirst(); // take out first item
101  QCollection::Item takeLast(); // take out last item
103  void sort(); // sort all items;
104  void clear(); // remove all items
106  int findRef( QCollection::Item, bool = TRUE ); // find exact item in list
107  int find( QCollection::Item, bool = TRUE ); // find equal item in list
109  uint containsRef( QCollection::Item ) const; // get number of exact matches
110  uint contains( QCollection::Item ) const; // get number of equal matches
112  QCollection::Item at( uint index ); // access item at i'th pos
113  int at() const; // get current index
114  QLNode *currentNode() const; // get current node
116  QCollection::Item get() const; // get current item
118  QCollection::Item cfirst() const; // get ptr to first list item
119  QCollection::Item clast() const; // get ptr to last list item
120  QCollection::Item first(); // set first item in list curr
121  QCollection::Item last(); // set last item in list curr
122  QCollection::Item next(); // set next item in list curr
123  QCollection::Item prev(); // set prev item in list curr
125  void toVector( QGVector * ) const; // put items in vector
127  virtual int compareItems( QCollection::Item, QCollection::Item );
129 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
130  virtual QDataStream &read( QDataStream &, QCollection::Item & );
131  virtual QDataStream &write( QDataStream &, QCollection::Item ) const;
132 #endif
133 private:
134  void prepend( QCollection::Item ); // add item at start of list
136  void heapSortPushDown( QCollection::Item* heap, int first, int last );
138  QLNode *firstNode; // first node
139  QLNode *lastNode; // last node
140  QLNode *curNode; // current node
141  int curIndex; // current index
142  uint numNodes; // number of nodes
143  QGList *iterators; // list of iterators
145  QLNode *locate( uint ); // get node at i'th pos
146  QLNode *unlink(); // unlink node
147 };
150 inline uint QGList::count() const
151 {
152  return numNodes;
153 }
155 inline bool QGList::removeFirst()
156 {
157  first();
158  return remove();
159 }
161 inline bool QGList::removeLast()
162 {
163  last();
164  return remove();
165 }
167 inline int QGList::at() const
168 {
169  return curIndex;
170 }
173 {
174  QLNode *n = locate( index );
175  return n ? n->data : 0;
176 }
179 {
180  return curNode;
181 }
184 {
185  return curNode ? curNode->data : 0;
186 }
189 {
190  return firstNode ? firstNode->data : 0;
191 }
194 {
195  return lastNode ? lastNode->data : 0;
196 }
199 /*****************************************************************************
200  QGList stream functions
201  *****************************************************************************/
203 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
206 #endif
208 /*****************************************************************************
209  QGListIterator class
210  *****************************************************************************/
212 class Q_EXPORT QGListIterator // QGList iterator
213 {
214 friend class QGList;
215 protected:
216  QGListIterator( const QGList & );
217  QGListIterator( const QGListIterator & );
219  ~QGListIterator();
221  bool atFirst() const; // test if at first item
222  bool atLast() const; // test if at last item
223  QCollection::Item toFirst(); // move to first item
224  QCollection::Item toLast(); // move to last item
226  QCollection::Item get() const; // get current item
227  QCollection::Item operator()(); // get current and move to next
228  QCollection::Item operator++(); // move to next item (prefix)
229  QCollection::Item operator+=(uint); // move n positions forward
230  QCollection::Item operator--(); // move to prev item (prefix)
231  QCollection::Item operator-=(uint); // move n positions backward
233 protected:
234  QGList *list; // reference to list
236 private:
237  QLNode *curNode; // current node in list
238 };
241 inline bool QGListIterator::atFirst() const
242 {
243  return curNode == list->firstNode;
244 }
246 inline bool QGListIterator::atLast() const
247 {
248  return curNode == list->lastNode;
249 }
252 {
253  return curNode ? curNode->data : 0;
254 }
257 #endif // QGLIST_H
QCollection::Item get() const
Definition: qglist.h:183
friend class QGListIterator
Definition: qglist.h:70
friend class QGList
Definition: qgvector.h:48
QCollection::Item getData()
Definition: qglist.h:55
int findRef(Item, uint index) const
Definition: qgvector.cpp:482
DoubleProduct & operator+=(DoubleProduct &left, DoubleProduct const &right)
Definition: ToyProducts.h:103
QCollection::Item get() const
Definition: qglist.h:251
QLNode * curNode
Definition: qglist.h:140
::geo::Vector_t toVector(Vector const &v)
Convert the specified vector into a geo::Vector_t.
QGList * list
Definition: qglist.h:234
size_t write(int, const char *, size_t)
Writes count bytes from buf to the filedescriptor fd.
virtual uint count() const =0
int find(Item, uint index) const
Definition: qgvector.cpp:501
QLNode(QCollection::Item d)
Definition: qglist.h:60
uint containsRef(Item) const
Definition: qgvector.cpp:522
Item at(uint index) const
Definition: qgvector.h:85
QGList * iterators
Definition: qglist.h:143
QLNode * prev
Definition: qglist.h:58
uint count() const
Definition: qglist.h:150
bool removeLast()
Definition: qglist.h:161
int at() const
Definition: qglist.h:167
std::void_t< T > n
QLNode * lastNode
Definition: qglist.h:139
uint numNodes
Definition: qglist.h:142
The QGList class is an internal class for implementing Qt collection classes.
Definition: qglist.h:68
The QCollection class is the base class of all Qt collections.
Definition: qcollection.h:51
virtual void clear()=0
The QGVector class is an internal class for implementing Qt collection classes.
Definition: qgvector.h:46
QCollection::Item clast() const
Definition: qglist.h:193
bool atFirst() const
Definition: qglist.h:241
QLNode * firstNode
Definition: qglist.h:138
Q_EXPORT QDataStream & operator>>(QDataStream &, QGList &)
Definition: qglist.cpp:977
void sort()
Definition: qgvector.cpp:410
Item take(uint index)
Definition: qgvector.cpp:293
QGVector & operator=(const QGVector &v)
Definition: qgvector.cpp:207
QLNode * next
Definition: qglist.h:59
QLNode * curNode
Definition: qglist.h:237
bool atLast() const
Definition: qglist.h:246
virtual int compareItems(Item, Item)
Definition: qgvector.cpp:110
uint contains(Item) const
Definition: qgvector.cpp:536
bool removeFirst()
Definition: qglist.h:155
QCollection::Item cfirst() const
Definition: qglist.h:188
int read(int, char *, size_t)
Read bytes from a file descriptor.
The QDataStream class provides serialization of binary data to a QIODevice.
Definition: qdatastream.h:47
int curIndex
Definition: qglist.h:141
QLNode * currentNode() const
Definition: qglist.h:178
QCollection::Item data
Definition: qglist.h:57
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
The QLNode class is an internal class for the QList template collection.
Definition: qglist.h:50
The QGListIterator class is an internal class for implementing QListIterator.
Definition: qglist.h:212
QGList & operator=(const QGList &)
Definition: qglist.cpp:222
#define Q_EXPORT
Definition: qglobal.h:468
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
Q_EXPORT QDataStream & operator<<(QDataStream &, const QGList &)
Definition: qglist.cpp:982
bool operator==(ModuleKeyAndType const &a, ModuleKeyAndType const &b) noexcept
void * Item
Definition: qcollection.h:60