Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 **
4 ** Implementation of QTextStream class
5 **
6 ** Created : 940922
7 **
8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
9 **
10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
11 **
12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
15 **
16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
19 ** packaging of this file.
20 **
21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
24 **
25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
27 **
28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
29 ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
32 **
33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
34 ** not clear to you.
35 **
36 **********************************************************************/
38 #include "qtextstream.h"
41 #include "qtextcodec.h"
42 #include "qregexp.h"
43 #include "qbuffer.h"
44 #include "qfile.h"
45 #include <stdio.h>
46 #include <ctype.h>
47 #include <stdlib.h>
49 #if defined(_OS_WIN32_)
50 #include <windows.h>
51 #endif
54 /*!
55  \class QTextStream qtextstream.h
57  \brief The QTextStream class provides basic functions for reading and
58  writing text using a QIODevice.
60  \ingroup io
62  \define endl
63  \define bin
64  \define oct
65  \define dec
66  \define hex
67  \define flush
68  \define ws
70  The text stream class has a functional interface that is very
71  similar to that of the standard C++ iostream class. The difference
72  between iostream and QTextStream is that our stream operates on a
73  QIODevice, which is easily subclassed, while iostream operates on
74  FILE * pointers, which can not be subclassed.
76  Qt provides several global functions similar to the ones in iostream:
77  <ul>
78  <li> \c bin sets the QTextStream to read/write binary numbers
79  <li> \c oct sets the QTextStream to read/write octal numbers
80  <li> \c dec sets the QTextStream to read/write decimal numbers
81  <li> \c hex sets the QTextStream to read/write hexadecimal numbers
82  <li> \c endl forces a line break
83  <li> \c flush forces the QIODevice to flush any buffered data
84  <li> \c ws eats any available white space (on input)
85  <li> \c reset resets the QTextStream to its default mode (see reset()).
86  </ul>
88  \warning By default, QTextStream will automatically detect whether
89  integers in the stream are in decimal, octal, hexadecimal or binary
90  format when reading from the stream. In particular, a leading '0'
91  signifies octal, ie. the sequence "0100" will be interpreted as
92  64.
94  The QTextStream class reads and writes text and it is not
95  appropriate for dealing with binary data (but QDataStream is).
97  By default output of Unicode text (ie. QString) is done using the
98  local 8-bit encoding. This can be changed using the setEncoding()
99  method. For input, the QTextStream will auto-detect standard
100  Unicode "byte order marked" text files, but otherwise the local
101  8-bit encoding is used.
103  \sa QDataStream
104 */
106 /*
107  \class QTSManip qtextstream.h
109  \brief The QTSManip class is an internal helper class for the
110  QTextStream.
112  It is generally a very bad idea to use this class directly in
113  application programs.
115  \internal
117  This class makes it possible to give the QTextStream function objects
118  with arguments, like this:
119  \code
120  QTextStream cout( stdout, IO_WriteOnly );
121  cout << setprecision( 8 ); // QTSManip used here!
122  cout << 3.14159265358979323846;
123  \endcode
125  The setprecision() function returns a QTSManip object.
126  The QTSManip object contains a pointer to a member function in
127  QTextStream and an integer argument.
128  When serializing a QTSManip into a QTextStream, the function
129  is executed with the argument.
130 */
132 /*! \fn QTSManip::QTSManip (QTSMFI m, int a)
134  Constructs a QTSManip object which will call \a m (a member function
135  in QTextStream which accepts a single int) with argument \a a when
136  QTSManip::exec() is called. Used internally in e.g. endl:
138  \code
139  s << "some text" << endl << "more text";
140  \endcode
141 */
143 /*! \fn void QTSManip::exec (QTextStream& s)
145  Calls the member function specified in the constructor, for object
146  \a s. Used internally in e.g. endl:
148  \code
149  s << "some text" << endl << "more text";
150  \endcode
151 */
154 /*****************************************************************************
155  QTextStream member functions
156  *****************************************************************************/
158 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
160 #define CHECK_STREAM_PRECOND if ( !dev ) { \
161  qWarning( "QTextStream: No device" ); \
162  return *this; }
163 #else
165 #endif
168 #define I_SHORT 0x0010
169 #define I_INT 0x0020
170 #define I_LONG 0x0030
171 #define I_TYPE_MASK 0x00f0
173 #define I_BASE_2 QTS::bin
174 #define I_BASE_8 QTS::oct
175 #define I_BASE_10 QTS::dec
176 #define I_BASE_16 QTS::hex
177 #define I_BASE_MASK (QTS::bin | QTS::oct | QTS::dec | QTS::hex)
179 #define I_SIGNED 0x0100
180 #define I_UNSIGNED 0x0200
181 #define I_SIGN_MASK 0x0f00
184 static const QChar QEOF = QChar((ushort)0xffff); //guaranteed not to be a character.
195 public:
196 #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
200 #else
202  ~QTextStreamPrivate() { }
203 #endif
208 };
211 // skips whitespace and returns the first non-whitespace character
213 {
214  QChar c;
215  do { c = ts_getc(); } while ( c != QEOF && ts_isspace(c) );
216  return c;
217 }
220 {
221  // ### ungetcBuf = QEOF;
222  dev = 0; // no device set
223  fstrm = owndev = FALSE;
224  mapper = 0;
225  d = new QTextStreamPrivate;
226  doUnicodeHeader = TRUE; //default to autodetect
227  latin1 = TRUE; // ### should use local?
228  internalOrder = QChar::networkOrdered(); //default to network order
229 }
231 /*!
232  Constructs a data stream that has no IO device.
233 */
236 {
237  init();
238  setEncoding( Locale ); //###
239  reset();
240  d->sourceType = QTextStreamPrivate::NotSet;
241 }
243 /*!
244  Constructs a text stream that uses the IO device \a iod.
245 */
248 {
249  init();
250  setEncoding( Locale ); //###
251  dev = iod; // set device
252  reset();
253  d->sourceType = QTextStreamPrivate::IODevice;
254 }
256 // TODO: use special-case handling of this case in QTextStream, and
257 // simplify this class to only deal with QChar or QString data.
258 class QStringBuffer : public QIODevice {
259 public:
261  ~QStringBuffer();
262  bool open( int m );
263  void close();
264  void flush();
265  uint size() const;
266  int at() const;
267  bool at( int pos );
268  int readBlock( char *p, uint len );
269  int writeBlock( const char *p, uint len );
270  int getch();
271  int putch( int ch );
272  int ungetch( int ch );
273 protected:
276 private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
277  QStringBuffer( const QStringBuffer & );
278  QStringBuffer &operator=( const QStringBuffer & );
279 };
283 {
284  s = str;
285 }
288 {
289 }
293 {
294  if ( !s ) {
295 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
296  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::open: No string" );
297 #endif
298  return FALSE;
299  }
300  if ( isOpen() ) { // buffer already open
301 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
302  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::open: Buffer already open" );
303 #endif
304  return FALSE;
305  }
306  setMode( m );
307  if ( m & IO_Truncate ) { // truncate buffer
308  s->truncate( 0 );
309  }
310  if ( m & IO_Append ) { // append to end of buffer
311  ioIndex = s->length()*(int)sizeof(QChar);
312  } else {
313  ioIndex = 0;
314  }
315  setState( IO_Open );
316  setStatus( 0 );
317  return TRUE;
318 }
321 {
322  if ( isOpen() ) {
323  setFlags( IO_Direct );
324  ioIndex = 0;
325  }
326 }
329 {
330 }
333 {
334  return s ? s->length()*(int)sizeof(QChar) : 0;
335 }
337 int QStringBuffer::at() const
338 {
339  return ioIndex;
340 }
343 {
344 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
345  if ( !isOpen() ) {
346  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::at: Buffer is not open" );
347  return FALSE;
348  }
349 #endif
350  if ( (uint)pos >= s->length()*2 ) {
351 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
352  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::at: Index %d out of range", pos );
353 #endif
354  return FALSE;
355  }
356  ioIndex = pos;
357  return TRUE;
358 }
361 int QStringBuffer::readBlock( char *p, uint len )
362 {
363 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
364  CHECK_PTR( p );
365  if ( !isOpen() ) { // buffer not open
366  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::readBlock: Buffer not open" );
367  return -1;
368  }
369  if ( !isReadable() ) { // reading not permitted
370  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::readBlock: Read operation not permitted" );
371  return -1;
372  }
373 #endif
374  if ( (uint)ioIndex + len > s->length()*sizeof(QChar) ) {
375  // overflow
376  if ( (uint)ioIndex >= s->length()*sizeof(QChar) ) {
377  setStatus( IO_ReadError );
378  return -1;
379  } else {
380  len = s->length()*2 - (uint)ioIndex;
381  }
382  }
383  memcpy( p, ((const char*)(s->unicode()))+ioIndex, len );
384  ioIndex += len;
385  return len;
386 }
388 int QStringBuffer::writeBlock( const char *p, uint len )
389 {
390 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
391  if ( p == 0 && len != 0 )
392  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::writeBlock: Null pointer error" );
393 #endif
394 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
395  if ( !isOpen() ) { // buffer not open
396  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::writeBlock: Buffer not open" );
397  return -1;
398  }
399  if ( !isWritable() ) { // writing not permitted
400  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::writeBlock: Write operation not permitted" );
401  return -1;
402  }
403  if ( ioIndex&1 ) {
404  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::writeBlock: non-even index - non Unicode" );
405  return -1;
406  }
407  if ( len&1 ) {
408  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::writeBlock: non-even length - non Unicode" );
409  return -1;
410  }
411 #endif
412  s->replace(ioIndex/2, len/2, (QChar*)p, len/2);
413  ioIndex += len;
414  return len;
415 }
418 {
419 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
420  if ( !isOpen() ) { // buffer not open
421  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::getch: Buffer not open" );
422  return -1;
423  }
424  if ( !isReadable() ) { // reading not permitted
425  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::getch: Read operation not permitted" );
426  return -1;
427  }
428 #endif
429  if ( (uint)ioIndex >= s->length()*2 ) { // overflow
430  setStatus( IO_ReadError );
431  return -1;
432  }
433  return *((char*)s->unicode() + ioIndex++);
434 }
436 int QStringBuffer::putch( int ch )
437 {
438  char c = ch;
439  if ( writeBlock(&c,1) < 0 )
440  return -1;
441  else
442  return ch;
443 }
446 {
447 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
448  if ( !isOpen() ) { // buffer not open
449  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::ungetch: Buffer not open" );
450  return -1;
451  }
452  if ( !isReadable() ) { // reading not permitted
453  qWarning( "QStringBuffer::ungetch: Read operation not permitted" );
454  return -1;
455  }
456 #endif
457  if ( ch != -1 ) { // something to do with eof
458  if ( ioIndex )
459  ioIndex--;
460  else
461  ch = -1;
462  }
463  return ch;
464 }
467 /*!
468  Constructs a text stream that operates on a Unicode QString through an
469  internal device.
471  If you set an encoding or codec with setEncoding() or setCodec(), this
472  setting is ignored for text streams that operate on QString.
474  Example:
475  \code
476  QString str;
477  QTextStream ts( &str, IO_WriteOnly );
478  ts << "pi = " << 3.14; // str == "pi = 3.14"
479  \endcode
481  Writing data to the text stream will modify the contents of the string.
482  The string will be expanded when data is written beyond the end of the
483  string. Note that the string will not be truncated:
484  \code
485  QString str = "pi = 3.14";
486  QTextStream ts( &str, IO_WriteOnly );
487  ts << "2+2 = " << 2+2; // str == "2+2 = 414"
488  \endcode
490  Note that since QString is Unicode, you should not use readRawBytes()
491  or writeRawBytes() on such a stream.
492 */
495 {
496  // TODO: optimize for this case as it becomes more common
497  // (see QStringBuffer above)
498  init();
499  dev = new QStringBuffer( str );
500  ((QStringBuffer *)dev)->open( filemode );
501  owndev = TRUE;
502  setEncoding(RawUnicode);
503  reset();
504  d->sourceType = QTextStreamPrivate::String;
505 }
507 /*! \obsolete
509  This constructor is equivalent to the constructor taking a QString*
510  parameter.
511 */
514 {
515  init();
516  dev = new QStringBuffer( &str );
517  ((QStringBuffer *)dev)->open( filemode );
518  owndev = TRUE;
519  setEncoding(RawUnicode);
520  reset();
521  d->sourceType = QTextStreamPrivate::String;
522 }
524 /*!
525  Constructs a text stream that operates on a byte array through an
526  internal QBuffer device.
528  Example:
529  \code
530  QByteArray array;
531  QTextStream ts( array, IO_WriteOnly );
532  ts << "pi = " << 3.14 << '\0'; // array == "pi = 3.14"
533  \endcode
535  Writing data to the text stream will modify the contents of the array.
536  The array will be expanded when data is written beyond the end of the
537  string.
539  Same example, using a QBuffer:
540  \code
541  QByteArray array;
542  QBuffer buf( array );
543  buf.open( IO_WriteOnly );
544  QTextStream ts( &buf );
545  ts << "pi = " << 3.14 << '\0'; // array == "pi = 3.14"
546  buf.close();
547  \endcode
548 */
551 {
552  init();
553  dev = new QBuffer( a );
554  ((QBuffer *)dev)->open( mode );
555  owndev = TRUE;
556  setEncoding( Locale ); //### Locale???
557  reset();
558  d->sourceType = QTextStreamPrivate::ByteArray;
559 }
561 /*!
562  Constructs a text stream that operates on an existing file handle \e fh
563  through an internal QFile device.
565  Example:
566  \code
567  QTextStream cout( stdout, IO_WriteOnly );
568  QTextStream cin ( stdin, IO_ReadOnly );
569  QTextStream cerr( stderr, IO_WriteOnly );
570  \endcode
571 */
573 QTextStream::QTextStream( FILE *fh, int mode )
574 {
575  init();
576  setEncoding( Locale ); //###
577  dev = new QFile;
578  ((QFile *)dev)->open( mode, fh );
579  fstrm = owndev = TRUE;
580  reset();
581  d->sourceType = QTextStreamPrivate::File;
582 }
584 /*!
585  Destructs the text stream.
587  The destructor does not affect the current IO device.
588 */
591 {
592  if ( owndev )
593  delete dev;
594  delete d;
595 }
597 /*!
598  Positions the read pointer at the first non-whitespace character.
599 */
601 {
602  ts_ungetc( eat_ws() );
603 }
606 /*!
607  \fn Encoding QTextStream::encoding() const
609  Returns the encoding mode of the stream.
611  \sa setEncoding()
612 */
614 /*!
615  Tries to read len characters from the stream and stores them in \a buf.
616  Returns the number of characters really read.
617  Attention: There will no QEOF appended if the read reaches the end of
618  the file. EOF is reached when the return value does not equal \a len.
619 */
621 {
622  if( len<1 )
623  return 0;
625  uint rnum=0; // the number of QChars really read
627  if ( d && d->ungetcBuf.length() ) {
628  while( rnum < len && rnum < d->ungetcBuf.length() ) {
629  buf[rnum] = d->ungetcBuf.constref(rnum);
630  rnum++;
631  }
632  d->ungetcBuf = d->ungetcBuf.mid( rnum );
633  if ( rnum >= len )
634  return rnum;
635  }
637  // we use dev->ungetch() for one of the bytes of the unicode
638  // byte-order mark, but a local unget hack for the other byte:
639  int ungetHack = EOF;
641  if ( doUnicodeHeader ) {
642  doUnicodeHeader = FALSE; //only at the top
643  int c1 = dev->getch();
644  if ( c1 == EOF )
645  return rnum;
646  int c2 = dev->getch();
647  if ( c1 == 0xfe && c2 == 0xff ) {
648  mapper = 0;
649  latin1 = FALSE;
650  internalOrder = QChar::networkOrdered(); //network order
651  } else if ( c1 == 0xff && c2 == 0xfe ) {
652  mapper = 0;
653  latin1 = FALSE;
654  internalOrder = !QChar::networkOrdered(); //reverse network order
655  } else {
656  if ( c2 != EOF ) {
657  dev->ungetch( c2 );
658  ungetHack = c1;
659  } else {
660  dev->ungetch( c1 );
661  // note that a small possible bug might hide here
662  // here, if only the first byte of a file has made it
663  // so far, and that first byte is half of the
664  // byte-order mark, then the utfness will not be
665  // detected. whether or not this is a bug depends on
666  // taste. I can't really decide.
667  }
668  }
669  }
671 #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
672  if ( mapper ) {
673  bool shortRead = FALSE;
674  if ( !d->decoder )
675  d->decoder = mapper->makeDecoder();
676  while( rnum < len ) {
677  QString s;
678  bool readBlock = !( len == 1+rnum );
679  while ( TRUE ) {
680  // for efficiency: normally read a whole block
681  if ( readBlock ) {
682  // guess buffersize; this may be wrong (too small or too
683  // big). But we can handle this (either iterate reading
684  // or use ungetcBuf).
685  // Note that this might cause problems for codecs where
686  // one byte can result in >1 Unicode Characters if bytes
687  // are written to the stream in the meantime (loss of
688  // synchronicity).
689  uint rlen = len - rnum;
690  char *cbuf = new char[ rlen ];
691  if ( ungetHack != EOF ) {
692  rlen = 1+dev->readBlock( cbuf+1, rlen-1 );
693  cbuf[0] = (char)ungetHack;
694  ungetHack = EOF;
695  } else {
696  rlen = dev->readBlock( cbuf, rlen );
697  }
698  s += d->decoder->toUnicode( cbuf, rlen );
699  delete[] cbuf;
700  // use buffered reading only for the first time, because we
701  // have to get the stream synchronous again (this is easier
702  // with single character reading)
703  readBlock = FALSE;
704  }
705  // get stream (and codec) in sync
706  int c;
707  if ( ungetHack == EOF ) {
708  c = dev->getch();
709  } else {
710  c = ungetHack;
711  ungetHack = EOF;
712  }
713  if ( c == EOF ) {
714  shortRead = TRUE;
715  break;
716  }
717  char b = c;
718  uint lengthBefore = s.length();
719  s += d->decoder->toUnicode( &b, 1 );
720  if ( s.length() > lengthBefore )
721  break; // it seems we are in sync now
722  }
723  uint i = 0;
724  while( rnum < len && i < s.length() )
725  buf[rnum++] = s.constref(i++);
726  if ( s.length() > i )
727  // could be = but append is clearer
728  d->ungetcBuf.append( s.mid( i ) );
729  if ( shortRead )
730  return rnum;
731  }
732  } else
733 #endif
734  if ( latin1 ) {
735  if ( len == 1+rnum ) {
736  // use this method for one character because it is more efficient
737  // (arnt doubts whether it makes a difference, but lets it stand)
738  int c = (ungetHack == EOF) ? dev->getch() : ungetHack;
739  if ( c != EOF )
740  buf[rnum++] = (char)c;
741  } else {
742  if ( ungetHack != EOF ) {
743  buf[rnum++] = (char)ungetHack;
744  ungetHack = EOF;
745  }
746  char *cbuf = new char[len - rnum];
747  while ( !dev->atEnd() && rnum < len ) {
748  uint rlen = len - rnum;
749  rlen = dev->readBlock( cbuf, rlen );
750  uint i = 0;
751  while( i < rlen )
752  buf[rnum++] = cbuf[i++];
753  }
754  delete[] cbuf;
755  }
756  } else { // UCS-2 or UTF-16
757  if ( len == 1+rnum ) {
758  int c1 = (ungetHack == EOF) ? dev->getch() : ungetHack;
759  if ( c1 == EOF )
760  return rnum;
761  int c2 = dev->getch();
762  if ( c2 == EOF )
763  return rnum;
764  if ( isNetworkOrder() )
765  buf[rnum++] = QChar( c2, c1 );
766  else
767  buf[rnum++] = QChar( c1, c2 );
768  } else {
769  char *cbuf = new char[ 2*( len - rnum ) ]; // for paranoids: overflow possible
770  while ( !dev->atEnd() && rnum < len ) {
771  uint rlen = 2 * ( len-rnum );
772  if ( ungetHack != EOF ) {
773  rlen = 1+dev->readBlock( cbuf+1, rlen-1 );
774  cbuf[0] = (char)ungetHack;
775  ungetHack = EOF;
776  } else {
777  rlen = dev->readBlock( cbuf, rlen );
778  }
779  // We can't use an odd number of bytes, so put it back. But
780  // do it only if we are capable of reading more -- normally
781  // there should not be an odd number, but the file might be
782  // truncated or not in UTF-16...
783  if ( (rlen & 1) == 1 )
784  if ( !dev->atEnd() )
785  dev->ungetch( cbuf[--rlen] );
786  uint i = 0;
787  if ( isNetworkOrder() ) {
788  while( i < rlen ) {
789  buf[rnum++] = QChar( cbuf[i+1], cbuf[i] );
790  i+=2;
791  }
792  } else {
793  while( i < rlen ) {
794  buf[rnum++] = QChar( cbuf[i], cbuf[i+1] );
795  i+=2;
796  }
797  }
798  }
799  delete[] cbuf;
800  }
801  }
802  return rnum;
803 }
806 /*!
807  Puts one character to the stream.
808 */
810 {
811 #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
812  if ( mapper ) {
813  int len = 1;
814  QString s = c;
815  QCString block = mapper->fromUnicode( s, len );
816  dev->writeBlock( block, len );
817  } else
818 #endif
819  if ( latin1 ) {
820  if( c.row() )
821  dev->putch( '?' ); //######unknown character???
822  else
823  dev->putch( c.cell() );
824  } else {
825  if ( doUnicodeHeader ) {
826  doUnicodeHeader = FALSE;
827  ts_putc( QChar::byteOrderMark );
828  }
829  if ( internalOrder ) {
830  dev->writeBlock( (char*)&c, sizeof(QChar) );
831  } else if ( isNetworkOrder() ) {
832  dev->putch(c.row());
833  dev->putch(c.cell());
834  } else {
835  dev->putch(c.cell());
836  dev->putch(c.row());
837  }
838  }
839 }
841 /*!
842  Puts one character to the stream.
843 */
845 {
846  ts_putc(QChar((ushort)ch));
847 }
850 {
851  return c.isDigit();
852 }
855 {
856  return c.isSpace();
857 }
860 {
861  if ( c.unicode() == 0xffff )
862  return;
864  d->ungetcBuf.prepend( c );
865 }
869 /*!
870  Reads \e len bytes from the stream into \e e s and returns a reference to
871  the stream.
873  The buffer \e s must be preallocated.
875  Note that no encoding is done by this function.
877  \warning The behaviour of this function is undefined unless the
878  stream's encoding is set to Unicode or Latin1.
880  \sa QIODevice::readBlock()
881 */
884 {
885  dev->readBlock( s, len );
886  return *this;
887 }
889 /*!
890  Writes the \e len bytes from \e s to the stream and returns a reference to
891  the stream.
893  Note that no encoding is done by this function.
895  \sa QIODevice::writeBlock()
896 */
899 {
900  dev->writeBlock( s, len );
901  return *this;
902 }
906 {
907  if ( doUnicodeHeader ) {
908  doUnicodeHeader = FALSE;
909  if ( !mapper && !latin1 )
910  ts_putc( QChar::byteOrderMark );
911  }
912  //All QCStrings and const char* are defined to be in Latin1
913  if ( !mapper && latin1 ) {
914  dev->writeBlock( p, len );
915  } else if ( !mapper && internalOrder ) {
916  QChar *u = new QChar[len];
917  for (uint i=0; i<len; i++)
918  u[i] = p[i];
919  dev->writeBlock( (char*)u, len*(int)sizeof(QChar) );
920  delete [] u;
921  } else {
922  for (uint i=0; i<len; i++)
923  ts_putc( (uchar)p[i] );
924  }
925  return *this;
926 }
929 {
930  if ( !mapper && !latin1 && internalOrder ) {
931  if ( doUnicodeHeader ) {
932  doUnicodeHeader = FALSE;
933  ts_putc( QChar::byteOrderMark );
934  }
935  dev->writeBlock( (char*)p, (int)sizeof(QChar)*len );
936  } else {
937  for (uint i=0; i<len; i++)
938  ts_putc( p[i] );
939  }
940  return *this;
941 }
945 /*!
946  Resets the text stream.
948  <ul>
949  <li> All flags are set to 0.
950  <li> The field width is set to 0.
951  <li> The fill character is set to ' ' (space).
952  <li> The precision is set to 6.
953  </ul>
955  \sa setf(), width(), fill(), precision()
956 */
959 {
960  fflags = 0;
961  fwidth = 0;
962  fillchar = ' ';
963  fprec = 6;
964 }
967 /*!
968  \fn QIODevice *QTextStream::device() const
969  Returns the IO device currently set.
970  \sa setDevice(), unsetDevice()
971 */
973 /*!
974  Sets the IO device to \a iod.
975  \sa device(), unsetDevice()
976 */
979 {
980  if ( owndev ) {
981  delete dev;
982  owndev = FALSE;
983  }
984  dev = iod;
985  d->sourceType = QTextStreamPrivate::IODevice;
986 }
988 /*!
989  Unsets the IO device. Equivalent to setDevice( 0 ).
990  \sa device(), setDevice()
991 */
994 {
995  setDevice( 0 );
996  d->sourceType = QTextStreamPrivate::NotSet;
997 }
999 /*!
1000  \fn bool QTextStream::atEnd() const
1001  Returns TRUE if the IO device has reached the end position (end of
1002  stream or file) or if there is no IO device set.
1004  Returns FALSE if the current position of the read/write head of the IO
1005  device is somewhere before the end position.
1007  \sa QIODevice::atEnd()
1008 */
1010 /*!\fn bool QTextStream::eof() const
1012  \obsolete
1014  This function has been renamed to atEnd().
1016  \sa QIODevice::atEnd()
1017 */
1019 /*****************************************************************************
1020  QTextStream read functions
1021  *****************************************************************************/
1024 /*!
1025  Reads a \c char from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1026  Note that whitespace is skipped.
1027 */
1030 {
1032  c = eat_ws();
1033  return *this;
1034 }
1036 /*!
1037  Reads a \c char from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1038  Note that whitespace is \e not skipped.
1039 */
1042 {
1044  c = ts_getc();
1045  return *this;
1046 }
1050 {
1051  ulong val = 0;
1052  QChar ch = eat_ws();
1053  int dv = ch.digitValue();
1054  while ( dv == 0 || dv == 1 ) {
1055  val = ( val << 1 ) + dv;
1056  ch = ts_getc();
1057  dv = ch.digitValue();
1058  }
1059  if ( ch != QEOF )
1060  ts_ungetc( ch );
1061  return val;
1062 }
1065 {
1066  ulong val = 0;
1067  QChar ch = eat_ws();
1068  int dv = ch.digitValue();
1069  while ( dv >= 0 && dv <= 7 ) {
1070  val = ( val << 3 ) + dv;
1071  ch = ts_getc();
1072  dv = ch.digitValue();
1073  }
1074  if ( dv == 8 || dv == 9 ) {
1075  while ( ts_isdigit(ch) )
1076  ch = ts_getc();
1077  }
1078  if ( ch != QEOF )
1079  ts_ungetc( ch );
1080  return val;
1081 }
1084 {
1085  ulong val = 0;
1086  QChar ch = eat_ws();
1087  int dv = ch.digitValue();
1088  while ( ts_isdigit(ch) ) {
1089  val = val * 10 + dv;
1090  ch = ts_getc();
1091  dv = ch.digitValue();
1092  }
1093  if ( ch != QEOF )
1094  ts_ungetc( ch );
1095  return val;
1096 }
1099 {
1100  ulong val = 0;
1101  QChar ch = eat_ws();
1102  char c = ch;
1103  while ( isxdigit(c) ) {
1104  val <<= 4;
1105  if ( ts_isdigit(c) )
1106  val += c - '0';
1107  else
1108  val += 10 + tolower(c) - 'a';
1109  c = ch = ts_getc();
1110  }
1111  if ( ch != QEOF )
1112  ts_ungetc( ch );
1113  return val;
1114 }
1117 {
1118  long val;
1119  QChar ch;
1120  char c;
1121  switch ( flags() & basefield ) {
1122  case bin:
1123  val = (long)input_bin();
1124  break;
1125  case oct:
1126  val = (long)input_oct();
1127  break;
1128  case dec:
1129  c = ch = eat_ws();
1130  if ( ch == QEOF ) {
1131  val = 0;
1132  } else {
1133  if ( !(c == '-' || c == '+') )
1134  ts_ungetc( ch );
1135  if ( c == '-' ) {
1136  ulong v = input_dec();
1137  if ( v ) { // ensure that LONG_MIN can be read
1138  v--;
1139  val = -((long)v) - 1;
1140  } else {
1141  val = 0;
1142  }
1143  } else {
1144  val = (long)input_dec();
1145  }
1146  }
1147  break;
1148  case hex:
1149  val = (long)input_hex();
1150  break;
1151  default:
1152  val = 0;
1153  c = ch = eat_ws();
1154  if ( c == '0' ) { // bin, oct or hex
1155  c = ch = ts_getc();
1156  if ( tolower(c) == 'x' )
1157  val = (long)input_hex();
1158  else if ( tolower(c) == 'b' )
1159  val = (long)input_bin();
1160  else { // octal
1161  ts_ungetc( ch );
1162  if ( c >= '0' && c <= '7' ) {
1163  val = (long)input_oct();
1164  } else {
1165  val = 0;
1166  }
1167  }
1168  } else if ( ts_isdigit(ch) ) {
1169  ts_ungetc( ch );
1170  val = (long)input_dec();
1171  } else if ( c == '-' || c == '+' ) {
1172  ulong v = input_dec();
1173  if ( c == '-' ) {
1174  if ( v ) { // ensure that LONG_MIN can be read
1175  v--;
1176  val = -((long)v) - 1;
1177  } else {
1178  val = 0;
1179  }
1180  } else {
1181  val = (long)v;
1182  }
1183  }
1184  }
1185  return val;
1186 }
1188 //
1189 // We use a table-driven FSM to parse floating point numbers
1190 // strtod() cannot be used directly since we're reading from a QIODevice
1191 //
1194 {
1195  const int Init = 0; // states
1196  const int Sign = 1;
1197  const int Mantissa = 2;
1198  const int Dot = 3;
1199  const int Abscissa = 4;
1200  const int ExpMark = 5;
1201  const int ExpSign = 6;
1202  const int Exponent = 7;
1203  const int Done = 8;
1205  const int InputSign = 1; // input tokens
1206  const int InputDigit = 2;
1207  const int InputDot = 3;
1208  const int InputExp = 4;
1210  static uchar table[8][5] = {
1211  /* None InputSign InputDigit InputDot InputExp */
1212  { 0, Sign, Mantissa, Dot, 0, }, // Init
1213  { 0, 0, Mantissa, Dot, 0, }, // Sign
1214  { Done, Done, Mantissa, Dot, ExpMark,}, // Mantissa
1215  { 0, 0, Abscissa, 0, 0, }, // Dot
1216  { Done, Done, Abscissa, Done, ExpMark,}, // Abscissa
1217  { 0, ExpSign, Exponent, 0, 0, }, // ExpMark
1218  { 0, 0, Exponent, 0, 0, }, // ExpSign
1219  { Done, Done, Exponent, Done, Done } // Exponent
1220  };
1222  int state = Init; // parse state
1223  int input; // input token
1225  char buf[256];
1226  int i = 0;
1227  QChar c = eat_ws();
1229  while ( TRUE ) {
1231  switch ( c ) {
1232  case '+':
1233  case '-':
1234  input = InputSign;
1235  break;
1236  case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
1237  case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
1238  input = InputDigit;
1239  break;
1240  case '.':
1241  input = InputDot;
1242  break;
1243  case 'e':
1244  case 'E':
1245  input = InputExp;
1246  break;
1247  default:
1248  input = 0;
1249  break;
1250  }
1252  state = table[state][input];
1254  if ( state == 0 || state == Done || i > 250 ) {
1255  if ( i > 250 ) { // ignore rest of digits
1256  do { c = ts_getc(); } while ( c != QEOF && ts_isdigit(c) );
1257  }
1258  if ( c != QEOF )
1259  ts_ungetc( c );
1260  buf[i] = '\0';
1261  char *end;
1262  return strtod( buf, &end );
1263  }
1265  buf[i++] = c;
1266  c = ts_getc();
1267  }
1269 #if !defined(_CC_EGG_)
1270  return 0.0;
1271 #endif
1272 }
1275 /*!
1276  Reads a signed \c short integer from the stream and returns a reference to
1277  the stream. See flags() for an explanation of expected input format.
1278 */
1281 {
1283  i = (signed short)input_int();
1284  return *this;
1285 }
1288 /*!
1289  Reads an unsigned \c short integer from the stream and returns a reference to
1290  the stream. See flags() for an explanation of expected input format.
1291 */
1294 {
1296  i = (unsigned short)input_int();
1297  return *this;
1298 }
1301 /*!
1302  Reads a signed \c int from the stream and returns a reference to the
1303  stream. See flags() for an explanation of expected input format.
1304 */
1307 {
1309  i = (signed int)input_int();
1310  return *this;
1311 }
1314 /*!
1315  Reads an unsigned \c int from the stream and returns a reference to the
1316  stream. See flags() for an explanation of expected input format.
1317 */
1320 {
1322  i = (unsigned int)input_int();
1323  return *this;
1324 }
1327 /*!
1328  Reads a signed \c long int from the stream and returns a reference to the
1329  stream. See flags() for an explanation of expected input format.
1330 */
1333 {
1335  i = (signed long)input_int();
1336  return *this;
1337 }
1340 /*!
1341  Reads an unsigned \c long int from the stream and returns a reference to the
1342  stream. See flags() for an explanation of expected input format.
1343 */
1346 {
1348  i = (unsigned long)input_int();
1349  return *this;
1350 }
1353 /*!
1354  Reads a \c float from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1355  See flags() for an explanation of expected input format.
1356 */
1359 {
1361  f = (float)input_double();
1362  return *this;
1363 }
1366 /*!
1367  Reads a \c double from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1368  See flags() for an explanation of expected input format.
1369 */
1372 {
1374  f = input_double();
1375  return *this;
1376 }
1379 /*!
1380  Reads a word from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1381 */
1384 {
1386  int maxlen = width( 0 );
1387  QChar c = eat_ws();
1388  if ( !maxlen )
1389  maxlen = -1;
1390  while ( c != QEOF ) {
1391  if ( ts_isspace(c) || maxlen-- == 0 ) {
1392  ts_ungetc( c );
1393  break;
1394  }
1395  *s++ = c;
1396  c = ts_getc();
1397  }
1399  *s = '\0';
1400  return *this;
1401 }
1403 /*!
1404  Reads a word from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1405 */
1408 {
1410  str=QString::fromLatin1("");
1411  QChar c = eat_ws();
1413  while ( c != QEOF ) {
1414  if ( ts_isspace(c) ) {
1415  ts_ungetc( c );
1416  break;
1417  }
1418  str += c;
1419  c = ts_getc();
1420  }
1421  return *this;
1422 }
1424 /*!
1425  Reads a word from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1426 */
1429 {
1431  QCString *dynbuf = 0;
1432  const int buflen = 256;
1433  char buffer[buflen];
1434  char *s = buffer;
1435  int i = 0;
1436  QChar c = eat_ws();
1438  while ( c != QEOF ) {
1439  if ( ts_isspace(c) ) {
1440  ts_ungetc( c );
1441  break;
1442  }
1443  if ( i >= buflen-1 ) {
1444  if ( !dynbuf ) { // create dynamic buffer
1445  dynbuf = new QCString(buflen*2);
1446  memcpy( dynbuf->rawData(), s, i ); // copy old data
1447  } else if ( i >= (int)dynbuf->size()-1 ) {
1448  dynbuf->resize( dynbuf->size()*2 );
1449  }
1450  s = dynbuf->rawData();
1451  }
1452  s[i++] = c;
1453  c = ts_getc();
1454  }
1455  str.resize( i+1 );
1456  memcpy( str.rawData(), s, i );
1457  delete dynbuf;
1458  return *this;
1459 }
1462 /*!
1463  Reads a line from the stream and returns a string containing the text.
1465  The returned string does not contain any trailing newline or carriage
1466  return. Note that this is different from QIODevice::readLine(), which
1467  does not strip the newline at the end of the line.
1469  On EOF you will get a QString that is null. On reading an empty line the
1470  returned QString is empty but not null.
1472  \sa QIODevice::readLine()
1473 */
1476 {
1477 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
1478  if ( !dev ) {
1479  qWarning( "QTextStream::readLine: No device" );
1480  return QString::null;
1481  }
1482 #endif
1483  QString result( "" );
1484  const int buf_size = 256;
1485  QChar c[buf_size];
1486  int pos = 0;
1488  c[pos] = ts_getc();
1489  if ( c[pos] == QEOF )
1490  return QString::null;
1492  while ( c[pos] != QEOF && c[pos] != '\n' ) {
1493  pos++;
1494  if ( pos >= buf_size ) {
1495  result += QString( c, pos );
1496  pos = 0;
1497  }
1498  c[pos] = ts_getc();
1499  }
1500  result += QString( c, pos );
1502  int len = (int)result.length();
1503  if ( len && result[len-1] == '\r' )
1504  result.truncate(len-1); // (if there are two \r, let one stay)
1506  return result;
1507 }
1510 /*!
1511  Reads the entire stream and returns a string containing the text.
1513  \sa QIODevice::readLine()
1514 */
1517 {
1518 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
1519  if ( !dev ) {
1520  qWarning( "QTextStream::read: No device" );
1521  return QString::null;
1522  }
1523 #endif
1524  QString result;
1525  const uint bufsize = 512;
1526  QChar buf[bufsize];
1527  uint i, num, start;
1528  bool skipped_cr = FALSE;
1530  while ( 1 ) {
1531  num = ts_getbuf(buf,bufsize);
1532  // do a s/\r\n/\n
1533  start = 0;
1534  for ( i=0; i<num; i++ ) {
1535  if ( buf[i] == '\r' ) {
1536  // Only skip single cr's preceding lf's
1537  if ( skipped_cr ) {
1538  result += buf[i];
1539  start++;
1540  } else {
1541  result += QString( &buf[start], i-start );
1542  start = i+1;
1543  skipped_cr = TRUE;
1544  }
1545  } else {
1546  if ( skipped_cr ) {
1547  if ( buf[i] != '\n' ) {
1548  // Should not have skipped it
1549  result += '\r';
1550  }
1551  skipped_cr = FALSE;
1552  }
1553  }
1554  }
1555  if ( start < num )
1556  result += QString( &buf[start], i-start );
1557  if ( num != bufsize ) // if ( EOF )
1558  break;
1559  }
1560  return result;
1561 }
1565 /*****************************************************************************
1566  QTextStream write functions
1567  *****************************************************************************/
1569 /*!
1570  Writes a \c char to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1572  The character \a c is assumed to be Latin1 encoded independent of the Encoding set
1573  for the QTextStream.
1574 */
1576 {
1578  ts_putc( c );
1579  return *this;
1580 }
1582 /*!
1583  Writes a \c char to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1584 */
1586 {
1588  unsigned char uc = (unsigned char) c;
1589  ts_putc( uc );
1590  return *this;
1591 }
1594 {
1595  static char hexdigits_lower[] = "0123456789abcdef";
1596  static char hexdigits_upper[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
1598  char buf[76];
1599  register char *p;
1600  int len;
1601  char *hexdigits;
1603  switch ( flags() & I_BASE_MASK ) {
1605  case I_BASE_2: // output binary number
1606  switch ( format & I_TYPE_MASK ) {
1607  case I_SHORT: len=16; break;
1608  case I_INT: len=sizeof(int)*8; break;
1609  case I_LONG: len=32; break;
1610  default: len = 0;
1611  }
1612  p = &buf[74]; // go reverse order
1613  *p = '\0';
1614  while ( len-- ) {
1615  *--p = (char)(n&1) + '0';
1616  n >>= 1;
1617  if ( !n )
1618  break;
1619  }
1620  if ( flags() & showbase ) { // show base
1621  *--p = (flags() & uppercase) ? 'B' : 'b';
1622  *--p = '0';
1623  }
1624  break;
1626  case I_BASE_8: // output octal number
1627  p = &buf[74];
1628  *p = '\0';
1629  do {
1630  *--p = (char)(n&7) + '0';
1631  n >>= 3;
1632  } while ( n );
1633  if ( flags() & showbase )
1634  *--p = '0';
1635  break;
1637  case I_BASE_16: // output hexadecimal number
1638  p = &buf[74];
1639  *p = '\0';
1640  hexdigits = (flags() & uppercase) ?
1641  hexdigits_upper : hexdigits_lower;
1642  do {
1643  *--p = hexdigits[(int)n&0xf];
1644  n >>= 4;
1645  } while ( n );
1646  if ( flags() & showbase ) {
1647  *--p = (flags() & uppercase) ? 'X' : 'x';
1648  *--p = '0';
1649  }
1650  break;
1652  default: // decimal base is default
1653  p = &buf[74];
1654  *p = '\0';
1655  if ( neg )
1656  n = (ulong)(-(long)n);
1657  do {
1658  *--p = ((int)(n%10)) + '0';
1659  n /= 10;
1660  } while ( n );
1661  if ( neg )
1662  *--p = '-';
1663  else if ( flags() & showpos )
1664  *--p = '+';
1665  if ( (flags() & internal) && fwidth && !ts_isdigit(*p) ) {
1666  ts_putc( *p ); // special case for internal
1667  ++p; // padding
1668  fwidth--;
1669  return *this << (const char*)p;
1670  }
1671  }
1672  if ( fwidth ) { // adjustment required
1673  if ( !(flags() & left) ) { // but NOT left adjustment
1674  len = qstrlen(p);
1675  int padlen = fwidth - len;
1676  if ( padlen <= 0 ) { // no padding required
1677  writeBlock( p, len );
1678  } else if ( padlen < (int)(p-buf) ) { // speeds up padding
1679  memset( p-padlen, (char)fillchar, padlen );
1680  writeBlock( p-padlen, padlen+len );
1681  }
1682  else // standard padding
1683  *this << (const char*)p;
1684  }
1685  else
1686  *this << (const char*)p;
1687  fwidth = 0; // reset field width
1688  }
1689  else
1690  writeBlock( p, qstrlen(p) );
1691  return *this;
1692 }
1695 /*!
1696  Writes a \c short integer to the stream and returns a reference to
1697  the stream.
1698 */
1701 {
1702  return output_int( I_SHORT | I_SIGNED, i, i < 0 );
1703 }
1706 /*!
1707  Writes an \c unsigned \c short integer to the stream and returns a reference
1708  to the stream.
1709 */
1712 {
1713  return output_int( I_SHORT | I_UNSIGNED, i, FALSE );
1714 }
1717 /*!
1718  Writes an \c int to the stream and returns a reference to
1719  the stream.
1720 */
1723 {
1724  return output_int( I_INT | I_SIGNED, i, i < 0 );
1725 }
1728 /*!
1729  Writes an \c unsigned \c int to the stream and returns a reference to
1730  the stream.
1731 */
1734 {
1735  return output_int( I_INT | I_UNSIGNED, i, FALSE );
1736 }
1739 /*!
1740  Writes a \c long \c int to the stream and returns a reference to
1741  the stream.
1742 */
1745 {
1746  return output_int( I_LONG | I_SIGNED, i, i < 0 );
1747 }
1750 /*!
1751  Writes an \c unsigned \c long \c int to the stream and returns a reference to
1752  the stream.
1753 */
1756 {
1757  return output_int( I_LONG | I_UNSIGNED, i, FALSE );
1758 }
1761 /*!
1762  Writes a \c float to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1763 */
1766 {
1767  return *this << (double)f;
1768 }
1771 /*!
1772  Writes a \c double to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1773 */
1776 {
1778  char buf[64];
1779  char f_char;
1780  char format[16];
1781  if ( (flags()&floatfield) == fixed )
1782  f_char = 'f';
1783  else if ( (flags()&floatfield) == scientific )
1784  f_char = (flags() & uppercase) ? 'E' : 'e';
1785  else
1786  f_char = (flags() & uppercase) ? 'G' : 'g';
1787  register char *fs = format; // generate format string
1788  *fs++ = '%'; // "%.<prec>l<f_char>"
1789  *fs++ = '.';
1790  int prec = precision();
1791  if ( prec > 99 )
1792  prec = 99;
1793  if ( prec >= 10 ) {
1794  *fs++ = prec / 10 + '0';
1795  *fs++ = prec % 10 + '0';
1796  } else {
1797  *fs++ = prec + '0';
1798  }
1799  *fs++ = 'l';
1800  *fs++ = f_char;
1801  *fs = '\0';
1802  sprintf( buf, format, f ); // convert to text
1803  if ( fwidth ) // padding
1804  *this << (const char*)buf;
1805  else // just write it
1806  writeBlock( buf, qstrlen(buf) );
1807  return *this;
1808 }
1811 /*!
1812  Writes a string to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1814  The string \a s is assumed to be Latin1 encoded independent of the Encoding set
1815  for the QTextStream.
1816 */
1819 {
1821  char padbuf[48];
1822  uint len = qstrlen( s ); // don't write null terminator
1823  if ( fwidth ) { // field width set
1824  int padlen = fwidth - len;
1825  fwidth = 0; // reset width
1826  if ( padlen > 0 ) {
1827  char *ppad;
1828  if ( padlen > 46 ) { // create extra big fill buffer
1829  ppad = new char[padlen];
1830  CHECK_PTR( ppad );
1831  } else {
1832  ppad = padbuf;
1833  }
1834  memset( ppad, (char)fillchar, padlen ); // fill with fillchar
1835  if ( !(flags() & left) ) {
1836  writeBlock( ppad, padlen );
1837  padlen = 0;
1838  }
1839  writeBlock( s, len );
1840  if ( padlen )
1841  writeBlock( ppad, padlen );
1842  if ( ppad != padbuf ) // delete extra big fill buf
1843  delete[] ppad;
1844  return *this;
1845  }
1846  }
1847  writeBlock( s, len );
1848  return *this;
1849 }
1851 /*!
1852  Writes \a s to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1854  The string \a s is assumed to be Latin1 encoded independent of the Encoding set
1855  for the QTextStream.
1856 */
1859 {
1860  return operator<<(s.data());
1861 }
1863 /*!
1864  Writes \a s to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1865 */
1868 {
1870  uint len = s.length();
1871  QString s1 = s;
1872  if ( fwidth ) { // field width set
1873  if ( !(flags() & left) ) {
1874  s1 = s.rightJustify(fwidth, (char)fillchar);
1875  } else {
1876  s1 = s.leftJustify(fwidth, (char)fillchar);
1877  }
1878  fwidth = 0; // reset width
1879  }
1880  writeBlock( s1.unicode(), len );
1881  return *this;
1882 }
1885 /*!
1886  Writes a pointer to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
1888  The \e ptr is output as an unsigned long hexadecimal integer.
1889 */
1892 {
1893  int f = flags();
1894  setf( hex, basefield );
1895  setf( showbase );
1896  unsetf( uppercase );
1897  output_int( I_LONG | I_UNSIGNED, (uintptr_t)ptr, FALSE );
1898  flags( f );
1899  return *this;
1900 }
1903 /*!
1904  \fn int QTextStream::flags() const
1905  Returns the current stream flags. The default value is 0.
1907  The meaning of the flags are:
1908  <ul>
1909  <li> \e skipws - Not currently used - whitespace always skipped
1910  <li> \e left - Numeric fields are left-aligned
1911  <li> \e right - Not currently used (by default numerics are right aligned)
1912  <li> \e internal - Put any padding spaces between +/- and value
1913  <li> \e bin - Output \e and input only in binary
1914  <li> \e oct - Output \e and input only in octal
1915  <li> \e dec - Output \e and input only in decimal
1916  <li> \e hex - Output \e and input only in hexadecimal
1917  <li> \e showbase - Annotate numeric outputs with 0b, 0, or 0x if in
1918  \e bin, \e oct, or \e hex format
1919  <li> \e showpoint - Not currently used
1920  <li> \e uppercase - Use 0B and 0X rather than 0b and 0x
1921  <li> \e showpos - Show + for positive numeric values
1922  <li> \e scientific - Use scientific notation for floating point values
1923  <li> \e fixed - Use fixed-point notation for floating point values
1924  </ul>
1926  Note that unless \e bin, \e oct, \e dec, or \e hex is set, the input base is
1927  octal if the value starts with 0, hexadecimal if it starts with 0x, binary
1928  if the value starts with 0b, and decimal otherwise.
1930  \sa setf(), unsetf()
1931 */
1933 /*!
1934  \fn int QTextStream::flags( int f )
1935  Sets the stream flags to \e f.
1936  Returns the previous stream flags.
1938  \sa setf(), unsetf(), flags()
1939 */
1941 /*!
1942  \fn int QTextStream::setf( int bits )
1943  Sets the stream flag bits \e bits.
1944  Returns the previous stream flags.
1946  Equivalent to <code>flags( flags() | bits )</code>.
1948  \sa setf(), unsetf()
1949 */
1951 /*!
1952  \fn int QTextStream::setf( int bits, int mask )
1953  Sets the stream flag bits \e bits with a bit mask \e mask.
1954  Returns the previous stream flags.
1956  Equivalent to <code>flags( (flags() & ~mask) | (bits & mask) )</code>.
1958  \sa setf(), unsetf()
1959 */
1961 /*!
1962  \fn int QTextStream::unsetf( int bits )
1963  Clears the stream flag bits \e bits.
1964  Returns the previous stream flags.
1966  Equivalent to <code>flags( flags() & ~mask )</code>.
1968  \sa setf()
1969 */
1971 /*!
1972  \fn int QTextStream::width() const
1973  Returns the field width. The default value is 0.
1974 */
1976 /*!
1977  \fn int QTextStream::width( int w )
1978  Sets the field width to \e w. Returns the previous field width.
1979 */
1981 /*!
1982  \fn int QTextStream::fill() const
1983  Returns the fill character. The default value is ' ' (space).
1984 */
1986 /*!
1987  \fn int QTextStream::fill( int f )
1988  Sets the fill character to \e f. Returns the previous fill character.
1989 */
1991 /*!
1992  \fn int QTextStream::precision() const
1993  Returns the precision. The default value is 6.
1994 */
1996 /*!
1997  \fn int QTextStream::precision( int p )
1998  Sets the precision to \e p. Returns the previous precision setting.
1999 */
2002  /*****************************************************************************
2003  QTextStream manipulators
2004  *****************************************************************************/
2007 {
2009  return s;
2010 }
2013 {
2015  return s;
2016 }
2019 {
2021  return s;
2022 }
2025 {
2027  return s;
2028 }
2031 {
2032  return s << '\n';
2033 }
2036 {
2037  if ( s.device() )
2038  s.device()->flush();
2039  return s;
2040 }
2043 {
2044  s.skipWhiteSpace();
2045  return s;
2046 }
2049 {
2050  s.reset();
2051  return s;
2052 }
2055 /*!
2056  \class QTextIStream qtextstream.h
2057  \brief A convenience class for input streams.
2059  For simple tasks, code should be simple. Hence this
2060  class is a shorthand to avoid passing the \e mode argument
2061  to the normal QTextStream constructors.
2063  This makes it easy for example, to write things like this:
2064 \code
2065  QString data = "123 456";
2066  int a, b;
2067  QTextIStream(&data) >> a >> b;
2068 \endcode
2070  \sa QTextOStream
2071 */
2073 /*!
2074  \fn QTextIStream::QTextIStream( QString *s )
2076  Constructs a stream to read from string \a s.
2077 */
2078 /*!
2079  \fn QTextIStream::QTextIStream( QByteArray ba )
2081  Constructs a stream to read from the array \a ba.
2082 */
2083 /*!
2084  \fn QTextIStream::QTextIStream( FILE *f )
2086  Constructs a stream to read from the file \a f.
2087 */
2090 /*!
2091  \class QTextOStream qtextstream.h
2092  \brief A convenience class for output streams.
2094  For simple tasks, code should be simple. Hence this
2095  class is a shorthand to avoid passing the \e mode argument
2096  to the normal QTextStream constructors.
2098  This makes it easy for example, to write things like this:
2099 \code
2100  QString result;
2101  QTextOStream(&result) << "pi = " << 3.14;
2102 \endcode
2103 */
2105 /*!
2106  \fn QTextOStream::QTextOStream( QString *s )
2108  Constructs a stream to write to string \a s.
2109 */
2110 /*!
2111  \fn QTextOStream::QTextOStream( QByteArray ba )
2113  Constructs a stream to write to the array \a ba.
2114 */
2115 /*!
2116  \fn QTextOStream::QTextOStream( FILE *f )
2118  Constructs a stream to write to the file \a f.
2119 */
2123 /*!
2124  Sets the encoding of this stream to \a e, where \a e is one of:
2125  <ul>
2126  <li> \c Locale Using local file format (Latin1 if locale is not
2127  set), but autodetecting Unicode(utf16) on input.
2128  <li> \c Unicode Using Unicode(utf16) for input and output. Output
2129  will be written in the order most efficient for the current platform
2130  (i.e. the order used internally in QString).
2131  <li> \c UnicodeUTF8 Using Unicode(utf8) for input and output. If you use it
2132  for input it will autodetect utf16 and use it instead of utf8.
2133  <li> \c Latin1 ISO-8859-1. Will not autodetect utf16.
2134  <li> \c UnicodeNetworkOrder Using network order Unicode(utf16) for
2135  input and output. Useful when reading Unicode data that does not
2136  start with the byte order marker.
2137  <li> \c UnicodeReverse Using reverse network order Unicode(utf16)
2138  for input and output. Useful when reading Unicode data that does not
2139  start with the byte order marker, or writing data that should be
2140  read by buggy Windows applications.
2141  <li> \c RawUnicode Like Unicode, but does not write the byte order
2142  marker, nor does it autodetect the byte order. Only useful when
2143  writing to non-persistent storage used by a single process.
2144  </ul>
2146  \c Locale and all Unicode encodings, except \c RawUnicode, will look at
2147  the first two bytes in a input stream to determine the byte order. The
2148  initial byte order marker will be stripped off before data is read.
2150  Note that this function should be called before any data is read
2151  to/written from the stream.
2152  \sa setCodec()
2153 */
2156 {
2157  if ( d->sourceType == QTextStreamPrivate::String )
2158  return; // QString does not need any encoding
2159  switch ( e ) {
2160  case Unicode:
2161  mapper = 0;
2162  latin1 = FALSE;
2163  doUnicodeHeader = TRUE;
2164  internalOrder = TRUE;
2165  break;
2166  case UnicodeUTF8:
2167 #ifndef QT_NO_CODECS
2168  mapper = QTextCodec::codecForMib( 106 );
2169  latin1 = FALSE;
2170  doUnicodeHeader = TRUE;
2171  internalOrder = TRUE;
2172 #else
2173  mapper = 0;
2174  latin1 = TRUE;
2175  doUnicodeHeader = TRUE;
2176 #endif
2177  break;
2178  case UnicodeNetworkOrder:
2179  mapper = 0;
2180  latin1 = FALSE;
2181  doUnicodeHeader = TRUE;
2182  internalOrder = QChar::networkOrdered();
2183  break;
2184  case UnicodeReverse:
2185  mapper = 0;
2186  latin1 = FALSE;
2187  doUnicodeHeader = TRUE;
2188  internalOrder = !QChar::networkOrdered(); //reverse network ordered
2189  break;
2190  case RawUnicode:
2191  mapper = 0;
2192  latin1 = FALSE;
2193  doUnicodeHeader = FALSE;
2194  internalOrder = TRUE;
2195  break;
2196  case Locale:
2197  latin1 = TRUE; // fallback to Latin 1
2198 #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
2199  mapper = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
2200 #if defined(_OS_WIN32_)
2201  if ( GetACP() == 1252 )
2202  mapper = 0; // Optimized latin1 processing
2203 #endif
2204  if ( mapper && mapper->mibEnum() == 4 )
2205 #endif
2206  mapper = 0; // Optimized latin1 processing
2207  doUnicodeHeader = TRUE; // If it reads as Unicode, accept it
2208  break;
2209  case Latin1:
2210  mapper = 0;
2211  doUnicodeHeader = FALSE;
2212  latin1 = TRUE;
2213  break;
2214  }
2215 }
2218 #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
2219 /*! Sets the codec for this stream to \a codec. Will not try to
2220  autodetect Unicode.
2222  Note that this function should be called before any data is read
2223  to/written from the stream.
2225  \sa setEncoding()
2226 */
2229 {
2230  if ( d->sourceType == QTextStreamPrivate::String )
2231  return; // QString does not need any codec
2232  mapper = codec;
2233  doUnicodeHeader = FALSE;
2234 }
2235 #endif
2237 #endif // QT_NO_TEXTSTREAM
static QTextCodec * codecForLocale()
Definition: qtextcodec.cpp:542
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
static const QChar QEOF
bool resize(uint newlen)
Definition: qcstring.h:225
char * rawData() const
Definition: qcstring.h:216
QTextStream & operator>>(QChar &)
SourceType sourceType
int at() const
const QChar * unicode() const
Definition: qstring.h:508
QString leftJustify(uint width, QChar fill=' ', bool trunc=FALSE) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:13303
void setCodec(QTextCodec *)
int putch(int ch)
int setf(int bits)
Definition: qtextstream.h:238
static QCString result
float precision
Definition: makePolycone.py:48
QTextDecoder * decoder
QString rightJustify(uint width, QChar fill=' ', bool trunc=FALSE) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:13342
static const int maxlen
Definition: qregexp.cpp:904
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
bool open(int m)
QTextStream & writeBlock(const char *p, uint len)
bool isSpace() const
Definition: qstring.cpp:11006
double input_double()
QString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:13265
uint ts_getbuf(QChar *, uint)
#define IO_ReadError
Definition: qiodevice.h:78
State-based decoder.
Definition: qtextcodec.h:56
ushort unicode() const
Definition: qstring.h:151
void setEncoding(Encoding)
int open(const char *, int)
Opens a file descriptor.
static bool format(QChar::Decomposition tag, QString &str, int index, int len)
Definition: qstring.cpp:11496
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
ulong input_hex()
static constexpr double fs
Definition: Units.h:100
The QBuffer class is an I/O device that operates on a QByteArray.
Definition: qbuffer.h:47
The QString class provides an abstraction of Unicode text and the classic C null-terminated char arra...
Definition: qstring.h:350
void qWarning(const char *msg,...)
Definition: qglobal.cpp:409
QTextStream & hex(QTextStream &s)
Definition: train.py:42
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int len=-1)
Definition: qstring.cpp:14539
The QChar class provides a light-weight Unicode character.
Definition: qstring.h:56
QChar eat_ws()
bool ts_isdigit(QChar)
#define I_TYPE_MASK
unsigned char uchar
Definition: nybbler.cc:11
QTextStream & oct(QTextStream &s)
#define IO_Direct
Definition: qiodevice.h:49
uchar & cell()
Definition: qstring.h:167
#define I_BASE_16
QChar constref(uint i) const
Definition: qstring.h:498
virtual ~QTextStream()
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:92
int digitValue() const
Definition: qstring.cpp:11075
QTextStream & writeRawBytes(const char *, uint len)
long input_int()
int close(int)
Closes the file descriptor fd.
QTextStream & reset(QTextStream &s)
Q_EXPORT uint qstrlen(const char *str)
Definition: qcstring.h:81
const double e
static int input(void)
Definition: code.cpp:15695
#define I_SIGNED
static bool networkOrdered()
Definition: qstring.h:172
QTextStream & ws(QTextStream &s)
uint length() const
Definition: qstring.h:679
std::void_t< T > n
const double a
bool open(int)
Definition: qfile_unix.cpp:134
static QTextCodec * codecForMib(int mib)
Definition: qtextcodec.cpp:354
QTextStream & flush(QTextStream &s)
#define IO_Truncate
Definition: qiodevice.h:65
#define I_UNSIGNED
unsigned long ulong
Definition: qglobal.h:352
Definition: test.py:223
#define IO_Append
Definition: qiodevice.h:64
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
int ungetch(int ch)
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, Analyzer::Table< T > const &t)
Definition: Analyzer.h:136
QT_STATIC_CONST QChar byteOrderMark
Definition: qstring.h:70
QTextStream & operator<<(QChar)
void Init(void)
Definition: gXSecComp.cxx:138
#define I_BASE_8
ulong input_bin()
static const int adjustfield
Definition: qtextstream.h:135
QTextStream & dec(QTextStream &s)
bool ts_isspace(QChar)
QString read()
The QFile class is an I/O device that operates on files.
Definition: qfile.h:50
ulong input_oct()
static const int floatfield
Definition: qtextstream.h:136
ulong input_dec()
The QTextStream class provides basic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice...
Definition: qtextstream.h:53
QStringBuffer(QString *str)
unsigned short ushort
Definition: qglobal.h:350
void ts_putc(int)
void ts_ungetc(QChar)
#define I_BASE_MASK
int writeBlock(const char *p, uint len)
virtual void flush()=0
bool isDigit() const
Definition: qstring.cpp:11066
QTextStream & readRawBytes(char *, uint len)
#define CHECK_PTR(p)
Definition: qglobal.h:601
void setDevice(QIODevice *)
void truncate(uint pos)
Definition: qstring.cpp:12490
static const int basefield
Definition: qtextstream.h:134
#define I_INT
void unsetDevice()
bool truncate(uint pos)
Definition: qcstring.h:232
QTextStream & bin(QTextStream &s)
uchar & row()
Definition: qstring.h:168
int readBlock(char *p, uint len)
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
QIODevice * device() const
Definition: qtextstream.h:223
#define I_BASE_2
static const Null null
Definition: qstring.h:376
Provides conversion between text encodings.
Definition: qtextcodec.h:62
QTextStream & output_int(int, ulong, bool)
QString readLine()
The QIODevice class is the base class of I/O devices.
Definition: qiodevice.h:88
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
#define IO_Open
Definition: qiodevice.h:71
#define I_LONG
QCString & replace(uint index, uint len, const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:411
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
#define I_SHORT
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
static QCString str
uint size() const
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
void skipWhiteSpace()