Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | QXmlNamespaceSupportPrivate |
class | QXmlAttributesPrivate |
class | QXmlInputSourcePrivate |
class | QXmlParseExceptionPrivate |
class | QXmlLocatorPrivate |
class | QXmlDefaultHandlerPrivate |
class | QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate |
struct | QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::ExternParameterEntity |
struct | QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::ExternEntity |
Macros | |
#define | QT_XML_CPP |
#define | XMLERR_OK "no error occured" |
#define | XMLERR_TAGMISMATCH "tag mismatch" |
#define | XMLERR_UNEXPECTEDEOF "unexpected end of file" |
#define | XMLERR_FINISHEDPARSINGWHILENOTEOF "parsing is finished but end of file is not reached" |
#define | XMLERR_LETTEREXPECTED "letter is expected" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGELEMENT "error while parsing element" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGPROLOG "error while parsing prolog" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGMAINELEMENT "error while parsing main element" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGCONTENT "error while parsing content" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGNAME "error while parsing name" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGNMTOKEN "error while parsing Nmtoken" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGATTRIBUTE "error while parsing attribute" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGMISC "error while parsing misc" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGCHOICE "error while parsing choice or seq" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORBYCONSUMER "error triggered by consumer" |
#define | XMLERR_UNEXPECTEDCHARACTER "unexpected character" |
#define | XMLERR_EQUALSIGNEXPECTED "expected '=' but not found" |
#define | XMLERR_QUOTATIONEXPECTED "expected \" or ' but not found" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGREFERENCE "error while parsing reference" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGPI "error while parsing processing instruction" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGATTLISTDECL "error while parsing attribute list declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGATTTYPE "error while parsing attribute type declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGATTVALUE "error while parsing attribute value declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGELEMENTDECL "error while parsing element declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGENTITYDECL "error while parsing entity declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGNOTATIONDECL "error while parsing notation declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGEXTERNALID "error while parsing external id" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGCOMMENT "error while parsing comment" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGENTITYVALUE "error while parsing entity value declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_CDSECTHEADEREXPECTED "expected the header for a cdata section" |
#define | XMLERR_MORETHANONEDOCTYPE "more than one document type definition" |
#define | XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGDOCTYPE "error while parsing document type definition" |
#define | XMLERR_INVALIDNAMEFORPI "invalid name for processing instruction" |
#define | XMLERR_VERSIONEXPECTED "version expected while reading the XML declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_EDECLORSDDECLEXPECTED "EDecl or SDDecl expected while reading the XML declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_SDDECLEXPECTED "SDDecl expected while reading the XML declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_WRONGVALUEFORSDECL "wrong value for standalone declaration" |
#define | XMLERR_UNPARSEDENTITYREFERENCE "unparsed entity reference in wrong context" |
#define | XMLERR_INTERNALGENERALENTITYINDTD "internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD" |
#define | XMLERR_EXTERNALGENERALENTITYINDTD "external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD" |
#define | XMLERR_EXTERNALGENERALENTITYINAV "external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value" |
Variables | |
static const signed char | cltWS = 0 |
static const signed char | cltPer = 1 |
static const signed char | cltAmp = 2 |
static const signed char | cltGt = 3 |
static const signed char | cltLt = 4 |
static const signed char | cltSlash = 5 |
static const signed char | cltQm = 6 |
static const signed char | cltEm = 7 |
static const signed char | cltDash = 8 |
static const signed char | cltCB = 9 |
static const signed char | cltOB = 10 |
static const signed char | cltEq = 11 |
static const signed char | cltDq = 12 |
static const signed char | cltSq = 13 |
static const signed char | cltUnknown = 14 |
static const signed char | charLookupTable [256] |
#define XMLERR_EQUALSIGNEXPECTED "expected '=' but not found" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORBYCONSUMER "error triggered by consumer" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGATTLISTDECL "error while parsing attribute list declaration" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGATTRIBUTE "error while parsing attribute" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGATTVALUE "error while parsing attribute value declaration" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGCHOICE "error while parsing choice or seq" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGCONTENT "error while parsing content" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGELEMENT "error while parsing element" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGELEMENTDECL "error while parsing element declaration" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGENTITYDECL "error while parsing entity declaration" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGENTITYVALUE "error while parsing entity value declaration" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGEXTERNALID "error while parsing external id" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGNMTOKEN "error while parsing Nmtoken" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGNOTATIONDECL "error while parsing notation declaration" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGPI "error while parsing processing instruction" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGPROLOG "error while parsing prolog" |
#define XMLERR_ERRORPARSINGREFERENCE "error while parsing reference" |
#define XMLERR_EXTERNALGENERALENTITYINAV "external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value" |
#define XMLERR_EXTERNALGENERALENTITYINDTD "external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD" |
#define XMLERR_FINISHEDPARSINGWHILENOTEOF "parsing is finished but end of file is not reached" |
#define XMLERR_INTERNALGENERALENTITYINDTD "internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD" |
#define XMLERR_MORETHANONEDOCTYPE "more than one document type definition" |
#define XMLERR_QUOTATIONEXPECTED "expected \" or ' but not found" |
#define XMLERR_UNPARSEDENTITYREFERENCE "unparsed entity reference in wrong context" |
#define XMLERR_WRONGVALUEFORSDECL "wrong value for standalone declaration" |