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Units.h File Reference

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static const double WireCell::units::pi = 3.14159265358979323846
static const double WireCell::units::twopi = 2*pi
static const double WireCell::units::halfpi = pi/2
static const double WireCell::units::pi2 = pi*pi
static const double WireCell::units::millimeter = 1.
static const double WireCell::units::millimeter2 = millimeter*millimeter
static const double WireCell::units::millimeter3 = millimeter*millimeter*millimeter
static const double WireCell::units::centimeter = 10.*millimeter
static const double WireCell::units::centimeter2 = centimeter*centimeter
static const double WireCell::units::centimeter3 = centimeter*centimeter*centimeter
static const double WireCell::units::meter = 1000.*millimeter
static const double WireCell::units::meter2 = meter*meter
static const double WireCell::units::meter3 = meter*meter*meter
static const double WireCell::units::kilometer = 1000.*meter
static const double WireCell::units::kilometer2 = kilometer*kilometer
static const double WireCell::units::kilometer3 = kilometer*kilometer*kilometer
static const double WireCell::units::parsec = 3.0856775807e+16*meter
static const double WireCell::units::micrometer = 1.e-6 *meter
static const double WireCell::units::nanometer = 1.e-9 *meter
static const double WireCell::units::angstrom = 1.e-10*meter
static const double WireCell::units::fermi = 1.e-15*meter
static const double WireCell::units::barn = 1.e-28*meter2
static const double WireCell::units::millibarn = 1.e-3 *barn
static const double WireCell::units::microbarn = 1.e-6 *barn
static const double WireCell::units::nanobarn = 1.e-9 *barn
static const double WireCell::units::picobarn = 1.e-12*barn
static const double WireCell::units::nm = nanometer
static const double WireCell::units::um = micrometer
static const double WireCell::units::mm = millimeter
static const double WireCell::units::mm2 = millimeter2
static const double WireCell::units::mm3 = millimeter3
static const double WireCell::units::cm = centimeter
static const double WireCell::units::cm2 = centimeter2
static const double WireCell::units::cm3 = centimeter3
static const double WireCell::units::m = meter
static const double WireCell::units::m2 = meter2
static const double WireCell::units::m3 = meter3
static const double WireCell::units::km = kilometer
static const double WireCell::units::km2 = kilometer2
static const double WireCell::units::km3 = kilometer3
static const double WireCell::units::pc = parsec
static const double WireCell::units::radian = 1.
static const double WireCell::units::milliradian = 1.e-3*radian
static const double WireCell::units::degree = (pi/180.0)*radian
static const double WireCell::units::steradian = 1.
static const double WireCell::units::rad = radian
static const double WireCell::units::mrad = milliradian
static const double WireCell::units::sr = steradian
static const double WireCell::units::deg = degree
static const double WireCell::units::nanosecond = 1.
static const double WireCell::units::second = 1.e+9 *nanosecond
static const double WireCell::units::millisecond = 1.e-3 *second
static const double WireCell::units::microsecond = 1.e-6 *second
static const double WireCell::units::picosecond = 1.e-12*second
static const double WireCell::units::hertz = 1./second
static const double WireCell::units::kilohertz = 1.e+3*hertz
static const double WireCell::units::megahertz = 1.e+6*hertz
static const double WireCell::units::ns = nanosecond
static const double WireCell::units::s = second
static const double WireCell::units::ms = millisecond
static const double WireCell::units::us = microsecond
static const double WireCell::units::eplus = 1.
static const double WireCell::units::e_SI = 1.602176487e-19
static const double WireCell::units::coulomb = eplus/e_SI
static const double WireCell::units::fC = 1.0e-15*coulomb
static const double WireCell::units::megaelectronvolt = 1.
static const double WireCell::units::electronvolt = 1.e-6*megaelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::kiloelectronvolt = 1.e-3*megaelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::gigaelectronvolt = 1.e+3*megaelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::teraelectronvolt = 1.e+6*megaelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::petaelectronvolt = 1.e+9*megaelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::joule = electronvolt/e_SI
static const double WireCell::units::MeV = megaelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::eV = electronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::keV = kiloelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::GeV = gigaelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::TeV = teraelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::PeV = petaelectronvolt
static const double WireCell::units::kilogram = joule*second*second/(meter*meter)
static const double WireCell::units::gram = 1.e-3*kilogram
static const double WireCell::units::milligram = 1.e-3*gram
static const double WireCell::units::kg = kilogram
static const double WireCell::units::g = gram
static const double WireCell::units::mg = milligram
static const double WireCell::units::watt = joule/second
static const double WireCell::units::newton = joule/meter
static const double WireCell::units::pascal = newton/m2
static const double WireCell::units::bar = 100000*pascal
static const double WireCell::units::atmosphere = 101325*pascal
static const double WireCell::units::ampere = coulomb/second
static const double WireCell::units::milliampere = 1.e-3*ampere
static const double WireCell::units::microampere = 1.e-6*ampere
static const double WireCell::units::nanoampere = 1.e-9*ampere
static const double WireCell::units::megavolt = megaelectronvolt/eplus
static const double WireCell::units::kilovolt = 1.e-3*megavolt
static const double WireCell::units::volt = 1.e-6*megavolt
static const double WireCell::units::millivolt = 1.e-3*volt
static const double WireCell::units::microvolt = 1.e-6*volt
static const double WireCell::units::mV = millivolt
static const double WireCell::units::uV = microvolt
static const double WireCell::units::ohm = volt/ampere
static const double WireCell::units::farad = coulomb/volt
static const double WireCell::units::millifarad = 1.e-3*farad
static const double WireCell::units::microfarad = 1.e-6*farad
static const double WireCell::units::nanofarad = 1.e-9*farad
static const double WireCell::units::picofarad = 1.e-12*farad
static const double WireCell::units::weber = volt*second
static const double WireCell::units::tesla = volt*second/meter2
static const double WireCell::units::gauss = 1.e-4*tesla
static const double WireCell::units::kilogauss = 1.e-1*tesla
static const double WireCell::units::henry = weber/ampere
static const double WireCell::units::kelvin = 1.
static const double WireCell::units::mole = 1.
static const double WireCell::units::becquerel = 1./second
static const double WireCell::units::curie = 3.7e+10 * becquerel
static const double WireCell::units::kilobecquerel = 1.e+3*becquerel
static const double WireCell::units::megabecquerel = 1.e+6*becquerel
static const double WireCell::units::gigabecquerel = 1.e+9*becquerel
static const double WireCell::units::millicurie = 1.e-3*curie
static const double WireCell::units::microcurie = 1.e-6*curie
static const double WireCell::units::Bq = becquerel
static const double WireCell::units::kBq = kilobecquerel
static const double WireCell::units::MBq = megabecquerel
static const double WireCell::units::GBq = gigabecquerel
static const double WireCell::units::Ci = curie
static const double WireCell::units::mCi = millicurie
static const double WireCell::units::uCi = microcurie
static const double WireCell::units::gray = joule/kilogram
static const double WireCell::units::kilogray = 1.e+3*gray
static const double WireCell::units::milligray = 1.e-3*gray
static const double WireCell::units::microgray = 1.e-6*gray
static const double WireCell::units::candela = 1.
static const double WireCell::units::lumen = candela*steradian
static const double WireCell::units::lux = lumen/meter2
static const double WireCell::units::perCent = 0.01
static const double WireCell::units::perThousand = 0.001
static const double WireCell::units::perMillion = 0.000001
static const double WireCell::units::clight = 2.99792458e8*units::meter/units::second