Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
3 #include "AdcChannelDftPlotter.h"
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <sstream>
12 #include <vector>
13 #include <set>
14 #include <iomanip>
15 #include "TH1F.h"
16 #include "TGraph.h"
18 using std::string;
19 using std::cout;
20 using std::cin;
21 using std::endl;
22 using std::vector;
23 using std::ostringstream;
24 using std::setw;
25 using std::fixed;
27 using IndexSet = std::set<Index>;
31 //**********************************************************************
32 // Local functions.
33 //**********************************************************************
35 namespace {
37 Index channelCount(const IntVector& chans) {
38  Index ncha = 0;
39  for ( IntVector::const_iterator iven=chans.begin(); iven!=chans.end(); ++iven ) {
40  if ( find(chans.begin(), iven, *iven) == iven ) ++ncha;
41  }
42  return ncha;
43 }
45 Index channelCount(const AcdVector& acds) {
46  IndexSet ichas;
47  for ( const AdcChannelData* pacd : acds ) {
48  ichas.insert(pacd->channel());
49  }
50  return ichas.size();
51 }
53 }
55 //**********************************************************************
56 // Class methods.
57 //**********************************************************************
60 : AdcMultiChannelPlotter(ps, "Plot"),
61  m_Variable(ps.get<Name>("Variable")),
62  m_ChannelStatusFlag(ps.get<Index>("ChannelStatusFlag")),
63  m_ChannelSelection(ps.get<Name>("ChannelSelection")),
64  m_SampleFreq(ps.get<float>("SampleFreq")),
65  m_XMin(0.0),
66  m_XMax(0.0),
67  m_YMinLog(ps.get<float>("YMinLog")),
68  m_NBinX(0),
69  m_HistName(ps.get<Name>("HistName")),
70  m_HistTitle(ps.get<Name>("HistTitle")),
71  m_HistSummaryTitles(ps.get<NameVector>("HistSummaryTitles")),
72  m_pstate(new State) {
73  const string myname = "AdcChannelDftPlotter::ctor: ";
74  bool doMag = m_Variable == "magnitude";
75  bool doPha = m_Variable == "phase";
76  bool doPwr = m_Variable == "power";
77  bool doPwt = m_Variable == "power/tick";
78  // Check variable and get optional fields.
79  if ( doPwr || doPwt ) {
80  m_XMin = ps.get<double>("XMin");
81  m_XMax = ps.get<double>("XMax");
82  m_YMax = ps.get<float>("YMax");
83  m_NBinX = ps.get<Index>("NBinX");
84  } else if ( doMag ) {
85  m_YMax = ps.get<float>("YMax");
86  } else if ( doPha ) {
87  } else {
88  cout << myname << "Invalid Variable: " << m_Variable << endl;
89  throw art::Exception(art::errors::Configuration, "InvalidFclValue");
90  }
91  // Fetch renaming tools.
92  string snameBuilder = "adcStringBuilder";
95  if ( m_adcStringBuilder == nullptr ) {
96  cout << myname << "WARNING: AdcChannelStringTool not found: " << snameBuilder << endl;
97  }
98  // Derived config.
101  m_shiftFreq0 = (doPwr || doPwt) && (m_XMin >= m_XMax);
102  if ( m_ChannelSelection.size() ) {
103  m_ptfsel.reset(new TFormula("AdcChannelDftPlotter", m_ChannelSelection.c_str()));
104  }
105  // Display the configuration.
106  if ( getLogLevel() >= 1 ) {
107  cout << myname << "Configuration: " << endl;
108  cout << myname << " Variable: " << m_Variable << endl;
109  cout << myname << " ChannelStatusFlag: " << m_ChannelStatusFlag;
110  if ( m_skipBad ) {
111  if ( m_skipNoisy ) cout << " (skip bad and noisy)";
112  else cout << " (skip bad)";
113  } else if ( m_skipNoisy ) cout << " (skip noisy)";
114  cout << endl;
115  cout << myname << " ChannelSelection: " << m_ChannelSelection << endl;
116  cout << myname << " SampleFreq: " << m_SampleFreq << endl;
117  if ( doMag || doPwr || doPwt ) cout << myname << " NBinX: " << m_NBinX << endl;
118  if ( doPwr || doPwt ) {
119  cout << myname << " XMin: " << m_XMin << endl;
120  cout << myname << " XMax: " << m_XMax << endl;
121  cout << myname << " YMax: " << m_YMax << endl;
122  }
123  cout << myname << " YMinLog: " << m_YMinLog << endl;
124  cout << myname << " HistName: " << m_HistName << endl;
125  cout << myname << " HistTitle: " << m_HistTitle << endl;
126  cout << myname << " HistSummaryTitles: [";
127  bool first = true;
128  for ( Name name : m_HistSummaryTitles ) {
129  if ( first ) first = false;
130  else cout << ", ";
131  cout << name;
132  }
133  cout << "]" << endl;
134  }
135 }
137 //**********************************************************************
140  const string myname = "AdcChannelDftPlotter::dtor: ";
141  if ( getLogLevel() >= 2 ) {
142  cout << myname << "Closing." << endl;
143  if ( getChannelRangeNames().size() ) {
144  cout << myname << "Channel ranges" << endl;
145  cout << myname << " CR name count nch/evt" << endl;
146  for ( Name crn : getChannelRangeNames() ) {
147  Index count = getJobState().count(crn);
148  double nchan = getJobState().nchan(crn);
149  cout << myname << setw(15) << crn << ":"
150  << setw(8) << count << setw(8) << nchan/count << endl;
151  }
152  } else {
153  cout << myname << "No channel ranges specified." << endl;
154  }
155  if ( getChannelRangeNames().size() ) {
156  for ( Name cgn : getChannelGroupNames() ) {
157  cout << myname << "Channel group " << cgn << endl;
158  cout << myname << " CR name count nch/evt" << endl;
159  const IndexRangeGroup& crg = getChannelGroup(cgn);
160  for ( const IndexRange& ran : crg.ranges ) {
161  Name crn =;
162  Index count = getJobState().count(crn);
163  double nchan = getJobState().nchan(crn);
164  cout << myname << setw(15) << crn << ":"
165  << setw(8) << count << setw(8) << nchan/count << endl;
166  }
167  }
168  } else {
169  cout << myname << "No channel groups specified." << endl;
170  }
171  }
172  viewSummary(0);
173 }
175 //**********************************************************************
178 viewMapChannels(Name crn, const AcdVector& acds, TPadManipulator& man, Index ncr, Index icr) const {
179  const string myname = "AdcChannelDftPlotter::viewMapChannels: ";
180  DataMap chret = viewLocal(crn, acds);
181  bool doState = true;
182  bool doFill = acds.size();
183  if ( doState ) {
184  ++getJobState().count(crn);
185  ++getEventState().count(crn);
186  Index jobCount = getJobState().count(crn);
187  Index evtCount = getEventState().count(crn);
188  bool doPwr = m_Variable == "power";
189  bool doPwt = m_Variable == "power/tick";
190  if ( doPwr || doPwt ) {
191  TH1* ph = chret.getHist("dftHist");
192  if ( ph != nullptr ) {
193  TH1*& phjob = getJobState().hist(crn);
194  if ( phjob == nullptr ) {
195  if ( jobCount == 1 ) {
196  phjob = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(ph->Clone());
197  phjob->SetDirectory(nullptr);
198  phjob->SetStats(0);
199  } else {
200  cout << myname << "ERROR: Hist missing for job count " << jobCount << endl;
201  }
202  } else {
203  if ( jobCount > 1 ) phjob->Add(ph);
204  else cout << myname << "ERROR: Hist existing for job count " << jobCount << endl;
205  }
206  TH1*& phevt = getEventState().hist(crn);
207  if ( phevt == nullptr ) {
208  if ( evtCount == 1 ) {
209  phevt = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(ph->Clone());
210  phevt->SetDirectory(nullptr);
211  phevt->SetStats(0);
212  } else {
213  cout << myname << "ERROR: Hist missing for event count " << evtCount << endl;
214  }
215  } else {
216  if ( evtCount > 1 ) phevt->Add(ph);
217  else cout << myname << "ERROR: Hist existing for event count " << evtCount << endl;
218  }
219  const IntVector& allchans = chret.getIntVector("dftChannels");
220  Index nven = allchans.size();
221  Index ncha = channelCount(allchans);
222  getJobState().nchan(crn) += ncha;
223  getJobState().nviewentry(crn) += nven;
224  getEventState().nchan(crn) += ncha;
225  getEventState().nviewentry(crn) += nven;
226  } else {
227  doFill = false; // No data in CR
228  }
229  }
230  }
231  chret.setString("dftCRLabel", crn);
232  chret.setInt("dftCRCount", 1);
233  chret.setInt("dftCRIndex", icr);
234  if ( doFill ) fillPad(chret, man);
235  return 0;
236 }
238 //**********************************************************************
241 viewMapSummary(Index ilev, Name cgn, Name crn, TPadManipulator& man, Index ncr, Index icr) const {
242  const string myname = "AdcChannelDftPlotter::viewMapSummary: ";
243  if ( getLogLevel() >= 2 ) {
244  cout << myname << "Processing " << cgn << "/" << crn << " (" << icr << "/" << ncr << ")" << endl;
245  }
246  if ( ilev > 1 ) {
247  cout << myname << "ERROR: Invalid level: " << ilev << endl;
248  return 12;
249  }
250  if ( icr >= ncr ) {
251  cout << myname << "ERROR: Too many plots: " << icr << " >= " << ncr << endl;
252  return 11;
253  }
254  SubState& levState = getSubState(ilev);
255  Index count = levState.count(crn);
256  Index nchanTot = levState.nchan(crn);
257  float nchanEvt = count > 0 ? double(nchanTot)/count : 0.0;
258  Index nvenTot = levState.nviewentry(crn);
259  float nvenEvt = count > 0 ? double(nvenTot)/count : 0.0;
260  TH1* ph = nullptr;
261  TH1* phin = levState.hist(crn);
262  bool doFill = false;
263  if ( phin != nullptr ) {
264  if ( count == 0 ) return 12;
265  ph = (phin == nullptr) ? nullptr : dynamic_cast<TH1*>(phin->Clone());
266  if ( ph == nullptr ) return 13;
267  ph->SetDirectory(nullptr);
268  if ( m_HistSummaryTitles.size() ) {
269  Name htitl = ilev < m_HistSummaryTitles.size()
270  ? m_HistSummaryTitles[ilev]
271  : m_HistSummaryTitles.back();
272  StringManipulator smanTitl(htitl, false);
273  Name cglab = getChannelGroup(cgn).label();
274  if ( cglab.size() == 0 ) cglab = cgn;
275  smanTitl.replace("%CGNAME%", cgn);
276  smanTitl.replace("%CGLABEL%", cglab);
277  smanTitl.replace("%CRNAME%", crn);
278  smanTitl.replace("%RUN%", getBaseState().run());
279  smanTitl.replace("%EVENT%", getBaseState().event);
280  smanTitl.replace("%VIEW%", getDataView());
281  ph->SetTitle(htitl.c_str());
282  }
283  double fac = 1.0/count;
284  ph->Scale(fac);
285  doFill = true;
286  }
287  DataMap dm;
288  dm.setHist("dftHist", ph, true);
289  dm.setInt("dftEventCount", count);
290  dm.setFloat("dftChanPerEventCount", nchanEvt);
291  dm.setFloat("dftViewEntryPerEventCount", nvenEvt);
292  dm.setString("dftDopt", "hist");
293  dm.setString("dftCRLabel", crn);
294  dm.setInt("dftCRCount", ncr);
295  dm.setInt("dftCRIndex", icr);
296  if ( doFill ) fillPad(dm, man);
297  //man.add(ph, "hist");
298  //delete ph;
299  return 0;
300 }
302 //**********************************************************************
305  const string myname = "AdcChannelDftPlotter::view: ";
306  AcdVector acds(1, &acd);
307  DataMap chret = viewLocal("", acds);
308  if ( getPlotName().size() ) {
310  TPadManipulator man;
311  fillPad(chret, man);
312  if ( getLogLevel() >= 3 ) cout << myname << "Printing " << pname << endl;
313  man.print(pname);
314  }
315  return chret;
316 }
319 //**********************************************************************
322  DataMap ret;
323  getEventState().clear();
324  return ret;
325 }
327 //**********************************************************************
330  DataMap ret;
331  viewSummary(1);
332  getEventState().clear();
333  return ret;
334 }
336 //**********************************************************************
339  const string myname = "AdcChannelDftPlotter::viewLocal: ";
340  if ( getLogLevel() >= 4 ) {
341  cout << myname << "Filling CR " << crn << " with ADC channel data size " << acds.size() << endl;
342  }
343  DataMap ret;
344  if ( acds.size() == 0 ) return ret;
345  const AdcChannelData* pacd = acds.front();
346  Index evt = pacd->event();
347  // Check if there have been any other views of this channel range for this event.
348  // For now, we implicity expect configurations that do not repeat ranges.
349  // Later we might cache results from an earlier attempt.
350  // For now, user can expect some plots to overcount events and maybe worse.
351  // Avoid this problem by ensuring configuration does not include any channel
352  // range more than once. This includes channel ranges in channel groups.
353  if ( getState().setEventChannelRange(evt, crn) ) {
354  cout << myname << "WARNING: Duplicate view of channel range " << crn
355  << " in event " << evt << endl;
356  }
357  if ( pacd == nullptr ) {
358  cout << myname << "ERROR: First channel has no data." << endl;
359  return ret;
360  }
361  const AdcChannelData& acd = *pacd;
362  bool doMag = m_Variable == "magnitude";
363  bool doPha = m_Variable == "phase";
364  bool doPwr = m_Variable == "power";
365  bool doPwt = m_Variable == "power/tick";
366  bool haveFreq = m_SampleFreq > 0.0;
367  if ( ! doMag && !doPha && !doPwr && !doPwt ) {
368  cout << myname << "ERROR: Invalid plot variable: " << m_Variable << endl;
369  return ret.setStatus(1);
370  }
371  Index nmag = acd.dftmags.size();
372  Index npha = acd.dftphases.size();
373  Index nsam = nmag + npha - 1;
374  if ( nmag == 0 ) {
375  cout << myname << "ERROR: DFT is not present." << endl;
376  return ret.setStatus(2);
377  }
378  if ( npha > nmag || nmag - npha > 1 ) {
379  cout << myname << "ERROR: DFT is not valid." << endl;
380  return ret.setStatus(3);
381  }
382  // Check consistency of input data.
383  Index nDataMissing = 0;
384  Index nBadMagCount = 0;
385  Index nBadPhaCount = 0;
386  for ( const AdcChannelData* pacde : acds ) {
387  if ( pacde == nullptr ) {
388  ++nDataMissing;
389  } else {
390  if ( pacde->dftmags.size() != nmag ) ++nBadMagCount;
391  if ( pacde->dftphases.size() != npha ) ++nBadPhaCount;
392  }
393  }
394  if ( nDataMissing ) cout << myname << "ERROR: Missing data channel count is " << nDataMissing << endl;
395  if ( nBadMagCount ) cout << myname << "ERROR: Inconsistent mag size channel count is " << nBadMagCount << endl;
396  if ( nBadPhaCount ) cout << myname << "ERROR: Inconsistent pha size channel count is " << nBadPhaCount << endl;
397  if ( nDataMissing || nBadMagCount || nBadPhaCount ) return ret.setStatus(4);
400  StringManipulator smanName(hname, false);
401  smanName.replace("%CRNAME%", crn);
402  smanName.replace("%VIEW%", getDataView());
403  StringManipulator smanTitl(htitl, false);
404  smanTitl.replace("%CRNAME%", crn);
405  smanTitl.replace("%VIEW%", getDataView());
406  //xx
407  //sman.replace("%CRNAME%",;
408  //sman.replace("%CRLABEL%", ran.label());
409  //sman.replace("%CRLABEL1%", ran.label(1));
410  //sman.replace("%CRLABEL2%", ran.label(2));
411  float pi = acos(-1.0);
412  double xFac = haveFreq ? m_SampleFreq/nsam : 1.0;
413  float yValMax = 0.0;
414  string dopt;
415  string xtitl = haveFreq ? "Frequency [kHz]" : "Frequency index";
416  if ( doMag || doPha ) {
417  if ( acds.size() != 1 ) {
418  cout << myname << "ERROR: " << (doMag ? "Magnitude" : "Phase")
419  << " may only be filled for a single channel." << endl;
420  return ret.setStatus(5);
421  }
422  string ytitl = "Phase";
423  if ( doMag ) {
424  ytitl = AdcChannelStringTool::build(m_adcStringBuilder, acd, "Amplitude% [SUNIT]%");
425  }
426  TGraph* pg = new TGraph;
427  pg->SetName(hname.c_str());
428  pg->SetTitle(htitl.c_str());
429  pg->SetMarkerStyle(2);
430  pg->SetMarkerColor(602);
431  //ph = new TH1F(hname.c_str(), htitl.c_str(), nbin, 0, nbin);
432  //ph->SetDirectory(nullptr);
433  //ph->SetLineWidth(2);
434  string xtitl = haveFreq ? "Frequency [kHz]" : "Frequency index";
435  pg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xtitl.c_str());
436  pg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytitl.c_str());
437  for ( Index ipha=0; ipha<nmag; ++ipha ) {
438  float mag = acd.dftmags[ipha];
439  float pha = ipha < npha ? acd.dftphases[ipha] : 0.0;
440  if ( mag < 0 ) {
441  pha += ( pha > 0 ? -pi : pi);
442  mag = -mag;
443  }
444  float x = ipha*xFac;
445  float y = doPha ? pha : mag;
446  if ( y > yValMax ) yValMax = y;
447  pg->SetPoint(ipha, x, y);
448  }
449  ret.setGraph("dftGraph", pg);
450  ret.setString("dftDopt", "P");
451  } else if ( doPwr || doPwt ) {
452  // Build list of retained channels.
453  DataMap::IntVector dftChannels;
454  AcdVector keepAcds;
455  for ( const AdcChannelData* pacd : acds ) {
456  if ( m_ChannelStatusFlag ) {
457  if ( m_skipBad && pacd->channelStatus()==1 ) continue;
458  if ( m_skipNoisy && pacd->channelStatus()==2 ) continue;
459  }
460  if ( skipChannel(*pacd) ) continue;
461  dftChannels.push_back(pacd->channel());
462  keepAcds.push_back(pacd);
463  }
464  ret.setIntVector("dftChannels", dftChannels);
465  if ( getLogLevel() >= 4 ) {
466  Index ncha = channelCount(acds);
467  Index nchaKeep = channelCount(keepAcds);
468  cout << myname << " Retaining " << keepAcds.size() << " of " << acds.size() << " entries in "
469  << nchaKeep << " of " << ncha << " channels." << endl;
470  }
471  string ytitl = doPwr ? "Power" : "Power/tick";
472  if ( acd.sampleUnit.size() ) {
473  ytitl = AdcChannelStringTool::build(m_adcStringBuilder, acd, ytitl + " [(%SUNIT%)^{2}]");
474  }
475  double xmin = m_XMin;
476  double xmax = m_XMax;
477  Index nbin = m_NBinX;
478  // If min >= max, then show the full range.
479  // And for power plots shift so the zero frequency component is
480  // in the underflow bin and the highest is included in the last bin.
481  if ( xmin >= xmax ) {
482  xmin = 0.0;
483  xmax = (nmag-1)*xFac;
484  if ( m_shiftFreq0 ) {
485  double delx = 0.01*xFac;
486  xmin += delx;
487  xmax += delx;
488  }
489  }
490  if ( nbin == 0 ) {
491  nbin = (xmax - xmin)/xFac + 0.1;
492  }
493  TH1* ph = new TH1F(hname.c_str(), htitl.c_str(), nbin, xmin, xmax);
494  ph->SetDirectory(nullptr);
495  ph->SetLineWidth(2);
496  ph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xtitl.c_str());
497  ph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytitl.c_str());
498  float pwrFac = 1.0/keepAcds.size();
499  if ( ! doPwr ) pwrFac /= nsam;
500  for ( Index imag=0; imag<nmag; ++imag ) {
501  float x = imag*xFac;
502  float y = 0.0;
503  for ( const AdcChannelData* pacde : keepAcds ) {
504  float mag = pacde->dftmags[imag];
505  if ( getLogLevel() >= 5 ) {
506  cout << myname << " Channel " << pacde->channel() << " sqrt(pwr[" << imag << "]): " << mag << endl;
507  }
508  y += pwrFac*mag*mag;
509  }
510  ph->Fill(x, y);
511  }
512  if ( ph->GetBinContent(nbin+1) && xmax > (nmag-1)*xFac ) {
513  cout << myname << "ERROR: Full range histogram has overflow." << endl;
514  }
515  for ( Index ibin=0; ibin<nbin; ++ibin ) {
516  double y = ph->GetBinContent(ibin);
517  if ( y > yValMax ) yValMax = y;
518  }
519  dopt = "hist";
520  ret.setHist("dftHist", ph, true);
521  ret.setString("dftDopt", "hist");
522  }
523  ret.setFloat("dftYValMax", yValMax);
524  return ret;
525 }
527 //**********************************************************************
530  const string myname = "AdcChannelDftPlotter::fillPad: ";
531  const bool dbg = false;
532  TGraph* pg = dm.getGraph("dftGraph");
533  TH1* ph = dm.getHist("dftHist");
534  float yValMax = dm.getFloat("dftYValMax");
535  bool doPha = m_Variable == "phase";
536  //bool doPwr = m_Variable == "power";
537  bool doPwt = m_Variable == "power/tick";
538  string dopt = dm.getString("dftDopt");
539  bool logy = false;
540  // Assign y limits.
541  double ymin = 0.0;
542  double ymax = 0.0;
543  if ( doPha ) {
544  ymax = 3.2;
545  ymin = -ymax;
546  } else {
547  ymin = 0.0;
548  if ( m_YMax > 0 ) ymax = m_YMax;
549  else if ( m_YMax < 0 && -m_YMax > yValMax ) ymax = -m_YMax;
550  else ymax = yValMax*1.02;
551  }
552  if ( m_YMinLog ) {
553  ymin = m_YMinLog;
554  logy = true;
555  }
556  double xmin = 0.0;
557  double xmax = 0.0;
558  Index ncr = dm.getInt("dftCRCount");
559  Index icr = 0;
560  bool manyCR = ncr > 1; // Does this plot have multiple CRs?
561  bool lastCR = true; // Is this the last CR on this plot?
562  if ( manyCR ) {
563  icr = dm.getInt("dftCRIndex");
564  lastCR = icr + 1 == ncr;
565  }
566  if ( pg != nullptr ) {
567  xmax = pg->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
568  xmin = -0.02*xmax;
569  xmax *= 1.02;
570  if ( manyCR ) {
571  int icol = LineColors::color(icr, ncr);
572  pg->SetMarkerColor(icol);
573  }
574  man.add(pg, dopt);
575  } else if ( ph != nullptr ) {
576  if ( manyCR ) {
577  if ( icr > 0 ) dopt += " same";
578  int icol = LineColors::color(icr, ncr);
579  ph->SetLineColor(icol);
580  if ( dbg ) cout << myname << "DEBUG: Color[" << icr << "] = " << icol << ", dopt = " << dopt << endl;
581  }
582  man.add(ph, dopt);
583  } else {
584  cout << myname << "ERROR: Neither hist or graph is defined." << endl;
585  return 1;
586  }
587  if ( dbg ) cout << myname << "DEBUG: CR " << icr << "/" << ncr << endl;
588  // Build the descriptor strings.
589  string snevt;
590  if ( dm.haveInt("dftEventCount") ) {
591  ostringstream ssout;
592  ssout << "N_{ev} = " << dm.getInt("dftEventCount");
593  snevt = ssout.str();
594  }
595  string sncha; // # unique channels
596  string snven; // # view entries
597  {
598  ostringstream ssoutch;
599  ostringstream ssoutve;
600  ssoutch.precision(1);
601  ssoutve.precision(1);
602  if ( dm.haveFloat("dftChanPerEventCount") ) {
603  ssoutch << "N_{ch} = " << fixed << dm.getFloat("dftChanPerEventCount");
604  ssoutve << "N_{ve} = " << fixed << dm.getFloat("dftViewEntryPerEventCount");
605  } else {
607  const IntVector& allchans = dm.getIntVector("dftChannels");
608  Index nven = allchans.size();
609  Index ncha = 0;
610  for ( IntVector::const_iterator iven=allchans.begin(); iven!=allchans.end(); ++iven ) {
611  if ( find(allchans.begin(), iven, *iven) == iven ) ++ncha;
612  }
613  ssoutch << "N_{ch} = " << ncha;
614  ssoutve << "N_{ve} = " << nven;
615  // Display the view entry count if a view is defined
616  // or if the view entry and channl counts differ.
617  if ( getDataView().size() == 0 ) {
618  if ( nven != ncha ) {
619  cout << "ERROR: View entry count differs from channel count: "
620  << nven << " != " << ncha << "." << endl;
621  ssoutve << " !!!";
622  } else {
623  ssoutve.str("");
624  }
625  }
626  }
627  sncha = ssoutch.str();
628  snven = ssoutve.str();
629  }
630  string spow;
631  if ( doPwt ) {
632  ostringstream ssout;
633  double sum = ph->Integral(0, ph->GetNbinsX()+1);
634  ssout.precision(3);
635  ssout << "#sqrt{#Sigma} = " << fixed << setw(2) << sqrt(sum);
636  spow = ssout.str();
637  }
638  // If this is the last object added to the plot.
639  if ( lastCR ) {
640  if ( dbg ) cout << myname << "DEBUG: Closing plot." << endl;
641  man.addAxis();
642  if ( xmax > xmin ) man.setRangeX(xmin, xmax);
643  if ( ymax > ymin ) man.setRangeY(ymin, ymax);
644  if ( m_shiftFreq0 ) man.showUnderflow();
645  if ( logy ) man.setLogY();
646  if ( logy ) man.setGridY();
647  double textSize = 0.04;
648  int textFont = 42;
649  if ( ! manyCR ) {
650  double xlab = 0.70;
651  double ylab = 0.85;
652  double dylab = 1.2*textSize;
653  if ( spow.size() ) {
654  TLatex* ptxt = new TLatex(xlab, ylab, spow.c_str());
655  ptxt->SetNDC();
656  ptxt->SetTextFont(textFont);
657  ptxt->SetTextSize(textSize);
658  man.add(ptxt);
659  ylab -= dylab;
660  }
661  if ( sncha.size() ) {
662  TLatex* ptxt = new TLatex(xlab, ylab, sncha.c_str());
663  ptxt->SetNDC();
664  ptxt->SetTextFont(textFont);
665  ptxt->SetTextSize(textSize);
666  man.add(ptxt);
667  ylab -= dylab;
668  }
669  if ( snven.size() ) {
670  TLatex* ptxt = new TLatex(xlab, ylab, snven.c_str());
671  ptxt->SetNDC();
672  ptxt->SetTextFont(textFont);
673  ptxt->SetTextSize(textSize);
674  man.add(ptxt);
675  ylab -= dylab;
676  }
677  if ( snevt.size() ) {
678  TLatex* ptxt = new TLatex(xlab, ylab, snevt.c_str());
679  ptxt->SetNDC();
680  ptxt->SetTextFont(textFont);
681  ptxt->SetTextSize(textSize);
682  man.add(ptxt);
683  ylab -= dylab;
684  }
685  } else {
686  double xlab = 0.35;
687  double ylab = 0.85;
688  if ( snevt.size() ) {
689  TLatex* ptxt = new TLatex(xlab, ylab, snevt.c_str());
690  ptxt->SetNDC();
691  ptxt->SetTextFont(textFont);
692  ptxt->SetTextSize(textSize);
693  man.add(ptxt);
694  }
695  }
696  }
697  // Update legend.
698  if ( manyCR ) {
699  TObject* pobj = man.object();
700  Name lopt = pg == nullptr ? "l" : "p";
701  if ( icr == 0 ) {
702  double xlmin = 0.55;
703  double xlmax = 0.93;
704  double ylmax = 0.90;
705  double ylmin = ylmax - 0.05*(ncr+0.5);
706  if ( ylmin < 0.40 ) ylmin = 0.40;
707  man.addLegend(xlmin, ylmin, xlmax, ylmax);
708  } else {
709  pobj = man.object(icr);
710  }
711  TLegend* pleg = man.getLegend();
712  Name slab = dm.getString("dftCRLabel");
713  if ( pleg != nullptr ) {
714  pleg->SetMargin(0.1); // Fraction of box used for symbols
715  if ( spow.size() ) slab += " " + spow;
716  if ( sncha.size() ) slab += " " + sncha;
717  pleg->AddEntry(pobj, slab.c_str(), lopt.c_str());
718  }
719  }
720  return 0;
721 }
723 //**********************************************************************
726  const string myname = "AdcChannelDftPlotter::skipChannel: ";
727  if ( ! m_ptfsel ) return false;
728  Index npar = m_ptfsel->GetNpar();
729  vector<double> pars(npar);
730  for ( Index ipar=0; ipar<npar; ++ipar ) {
731  string spar = m_ptfsel->GetParName(ipar);
732  if ( ! acd.hasAttribute(spar) ) {
733  cout << myname << "WARNING: Skipping run/event/channel " << << "/" << acd.event()
734  << "/" << << " because of missing attribute " << spar << endl;
735  return true;
736  }
737  pars[ipar] = acd.getAttribute(spar);
738  }
739  double val = m_ptfsel->EvalPar(nullptr, &pars[0]);
740  return val == 0.0;
741 }
743 //**********************************************************************
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
int setGridY(bool flag=true)
SubState & getSubState(Index ilev) const
TObject * object() const
Definition: ToolMacros.h:42
std::vector< Name > NameVector
void setFloat(Name name, float val)
Definition: DataMap.h:133
bool dbg
int add(unsigned int ipad, TObject *pobj, std::string sopt="", bool replace=false)
TLegend * addLegend(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
DataMap beginEvent(const DuneEventInfo &) const override
unsigned int Index
DataMap & setStatus(int stat)
Definition: DataMap.h:130
std::string string
BaseState & getBaseState() const
Name label(Index ilab=0) const
AdcChannelDftPlotter::AcdVector AcdVector
DataMap endEvent(const DuneEventInfo &) const override
bool skipChannel(const AdcChannelData &acd) const
std::set< Index > IndexSet
struct vector vector
int replace(std::string substr, const T &xsub)
SubState & getJobState() const
bool haveInt(Name name) const
Definition: DataMap.h:207
const IntVector & getIntVector(Name name) const
Definition: DataMap.h:219
SubState & getEventState() const
TGraph * getGraph(Name name) const
Definition: DataMap.h:225
void setHist(Name name, TH1 *ph, bool own=false)
Definition: DataMap.h:136
DataMap viewLocal(Name crn, const AcdVector &acds) const
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
static ColorType color(Index icolin, Index ncol=size())
Definition: LineColors.h:43
unsigned int Index
const NameVector & getChannelRangeNames() const
float getAttribute(Name mname, float def=0.0) const
Name name
Definition: IndexRange.h:32
std::vector< int > IntVector
Definition: DataMap.h:50
void viewSummary(Index ilev) const
void setIntVector(Name name, const IntVector &val)
Definition: DataMap.h:132
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:92
int precision() const
Definition: qtextstream.h:259
String getString(Name name, String def="") const
Definition: DataMap.h:222
int viewMapSummary(Index ilev, Name cgn, Name crn, TPadManipulator &man, Index ncr, Index icr) const override
TLegend * getLegend() const
const IndexRangeGroup & getChannelGroup(Name cgn) const
void setString(Name name, String val)
Definition: DataMap.h:135
static std::string build(const AdcChannelStringTool *ptool, const AdcChannelData &acd, const DataMap &dm, std::string spat)
int viewMapChannels(Name crn, const AcdVector &acds, TPadManipulator &man, Index ncr, Index icr) const override
std::unique_ptr< TFormula > m_ptfsel
int setLogY(bool flag=true)
T get(std::string const &key) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:271
int showUnderflow(bool show=true)
AdcIndex run() const
int addAxis(bool flag=true)
void setInt(Name name, int val)
Definition: DataMap.h:131
AdcIndex event() const
AdcSignalVector dftphases
static constexpr double ps
Definition: Units.h:99
bool hasAttribute(Name mname, float def=0.0) const
AdcChannelDftPlotter(fhicl::ParameterSet const &ps)
Q_EXPORT QTSManip setw(int w)
Definition: qtextstream.h:331
Float getFloat(Name name, Float def=0.0) const
Definition: DataMap.h:220
std::vector< int > IntVector
Definition: fcldump.cxx:26
Index channelStatus() const
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
Channel channel() const
RangeVector ranges
int getInt(Name name, int def=0) const
Definition: DataMap.h:218
bool haveFloat(Name name) const
Definition: DataMap.h:209
const NameVector & getChannelGroupNames() const
int setRangeX(double x1, double x2)
DataMap view(const AdcChannelData &acd) const override
const AdcChannelStringTool * m_adcStringBuilder
list x
void setGraph(Name name, TGraph *pg)
Definition: DataMap.h:178
TH1 * getHist(Name name, TH1 *def=nullptr) const
Definition: DataMap.h:223
int fillPad(DataMap &dm, TPadManipulator &man) const
float pi
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:7
auto const & get(AssnsNode< L, R, D > const &r)
Definition: AssnsNode.h:115
int setRangeY(double y1, double y2)
int print(std::string fname, std::string spat="{,}")
static DuneToolManager * instance(std::string fclname="", int dbg=1)
AdcSignalVector dftmags
std::vector< const AdcChannelData * > AcdVector
T * getShared(std::string name)
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
Event finding and building.