Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
3 #include "AdcDataPlotter.h"
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <sstream>
16 #include "TH2F.h"
17 #include "TCanvas.h"
18 #include "TColor.h"
19 #include "TStyle.h"
20 #include "TDirectory.h"
21 #include "TFile.h"
23 using std::string;
24 using std::cout;
25 using std::cin;
26 using std::endl;
28 using Tick = AdcSignalVector::size_type;
29 using std::vector;
31 //**********************************************************************
32 // Class methods.
33 //**********************************************************************
36 : m_LogLevel(ps.get<int>("LogLevel")),
37  m_DataType(ps.get<int>("DataType")),
38  m_DataView(ps.get<string>("DataView")),
39  m_TickRange(ps.get<string>("TickRange")),
40  m_TickRebin(ps.get<Index>("TickRebin")),
41  m_ChannelRanges(ps.get<NameVector>("ChannelRanges")),
42  m_ClockFactor(ps.get<float>("ClockFactor")),
43  m_ClockOffset(ps.get<float>("ClockOffset")),
44  m_FembTickOffsets(ps.get<IntVector>("FembTickOffsets")),
45  m_MinSignal(nullptr),
46  m_MaxSignal(new RootParFormula("MaxSignal", ps.get<Name>("MaxSignal"))),
47  m_SkipChannelStatus(ps.get<IndexVector>("SkipChannelStatus")),
48  m_EmptyColor(ps.get<double>("EmptyColor")),
49  m_ChannelLineModulus(ps.get<Index>("ChannelLineModulus")),
50  m_ChannelLinePattern(ps.get<IndexVector>("ChannelLinePattern")),
51  m_Palette(ps.get<int>("Palette")),
52  m_HistName(ps.get<string>("HistName")),
53  m_HistTitle(ps.get<string>("HistTitle")),
54  m_PlotTitle(ps.get<string>("PlotTitle")),
55  m_PlotSizeX(ps.get<Index>("PlotSizeX")),
56  m_PlotSizeY(ps.get<Index>("PlotSizeY")),
57  m_PlotFileName(ps.get<string>("PlotFileName")),
58  m_RootFileName(ps.get<string>("RootFileName")),
59  m_needRunData(false),
60  m_pOnlineChannelMapTool(nullptr),
61  m_prdtool(nullptr) {
62  const string myname = "AdcDataPlotter::ctor: ";
63  string stmp;
64  if ( m_MaxSignal->npar() ) m_needRunData = true;
65  ps.get_if_present("MinSignal", stmp);
66  if ( stmp.size() ) {
67  m_MinSignal = new RootParFormula("MinSignal", stmp);
68  if ( m_MinSignal->npar() ) m_needRunData = true;
69  }
71  string stringBuilder = "adcStringBuilder";
72  m_adcStringBuilder = ptm->getShared<AdcChannelStringTool>(stringBuilder);
73  if ( m_adcStringBuilder == nullptr ) {
74  cout << myname << "WARNING: AdcChannelStringTool not found: " << stringBuilder << endl;
75  }
76  if ( m_FembTickOffsets.size() ) {
77  m_OnlineChannelMapTool = ps.get<string>("OnlineChannelMapTool");
79  }
80  // Fetch tick range.
81  string descTickRange;
82  if ( m_TickRange.size() ) {
83  const string tnam = "tickRanges";
84  const IndexRangeTool* ptool = ptm->getShared<IndexRangeTool>(tnam);
85  if ( ptool == nullptr ) {
86  cout << myname << "WARNING: Tick range tool not found: " << tnam << endl;
87  } else {
88  m_tickRange = ptool->get(m_TickRange);
89  }
90  if ( ! m_tickRange.isValid() ) {
91  // Issue warning if the range does not have label.
92  if ( m_tickRange.label(0) == "" ) {
93  cout << myname << "WARNING: Tick range not found: " << m_TickRange << endl;
94  }
95  }
96  descTickRange = m_TickRange + " " + m_tickRange.rangeString();
97  }
98  // Fetch channel ranges.
99  const IndexRangeTool* pcrt = nullptr;
100  for ( Name crn : m_ChannelRanges.size() ? m_ChannelRanges : NameVector(1, "") ) {
101  string::size_type ipos = crn.find(":");
102  if ( crn.size() == 0 || crn == "data" ) {
103  m_crs.emplace_back("data", 0, 0, "All data");
104  } else if ( ipos != string::npos ) {
105  cout << myname << "Decoding explicit range " << crn << endl;
106  Index ich1 = std::stoi(crn.substr(0,ipos));
107  Index ich2 = std::stoi(crn.substr(ipos+1));
108  Name rename = crn.substr(0,ipos) + "to" + crn.substr(ipos+1);
109  m_crs.emplace_back(rename, ich1, ich2, crn);
110  } else {
111  if ( pcrt == nullptr ) {
112  pcrt = ptm->getShared<IndexRangeTool>("channelRanges");
113  if ( pcrt == nullptr ) {
114  cout << myname << "ERROR: IndexRangeTool not found: channelRanges" << endl;
115  }
116  }
117  if ( pcrt != nullptr ) {
118  IndexRange ran = pcrt->get(crn);
119  if ( ran.isValid() ) {
120  m_crs.push_back(ran);
121  } else {
122  cout << myname << "WARNING: Channel range not found: " << crn << endl;
123  }
124  }
125  }
126  }
127  // Fetch the run data tool.
128  if ( m_needRunData ) {
129  string stnam = "runDataTool";
130  m_prdtool = ptm->getShared<RunDataTool>(stnam);
131  if ( m_prdtool == nullptr ) {
132  cout << myname << "ERROR: RunDataTool " << stnam
133  << " not found. Metric limits will not be evaluated." << endl;
134  } else {
135  cout << myname << "RunDataTool retrieved." << endl;
136  }
137  }
138  // Display configuration.
139  if ( m_LogLevel ) {
140  cout << myname << "Configuration: " << endl;
141  cout << myname << " LogLevel: " << m_LogLevel << endl;
142  cout << myname << " DataType: " << m_DataType << endl;
143  cout << myname << " DataView: " << m_DataView << endl;
144  cout << myname << " TickRange: " << descTickRange << endl;
145  cout << myname << " TickRebin: " << m_TickRebin << endl;
146  cout << myname << " ChannelRanges: [";
147  bool first = true;
148  for ( const IndexRange& ran : m_crs ) {
149  if ( ! first ) cout << ", ";
150  else first = false;
151  cout <<;
152  }
153  cout << "]" << endl;
154  cout << myname << " FembTickOffsets: [";
155  first = true;
156  for ( int ioff : m_FembTickOffsets ) {
157  if ( first ) first = false;
158  else cout << ", ";
159  cout << ioff;
160  }
161  cout << "]" << endl;
162  cout << myname << " ClockFactor: " << m_ClockFactor << endl;
163  cout << myname << " ClockOffset: " << m_ClockOffset << endl;
164  if ( m_FembTickOffsets.size() ) {
165  cout << myname << " OnlineChannelMapTool: " << m_OnlineChannelMapTool << " @ "
167  }
168  if ( m_MinSignal != nullptr )
169  cout << myname << " MinSignal: " << m_MinSignal->formulaString() << endl;
170  cout << myname << " MaxSignal: " << m_MaxSignal->formulaString() << endl;
171  cout << myname << " SkipChannelStatus: [";
172  first = true;
173  for ( Index ista : m_SkipChannelStatus ) {
174  if ( ! first ) cout << ", ";
175  first = false;
176  cout << ista;
177  }
178  cout << "]" << endl;
179  cout << myname << " EmptyColor: " << m_EmptyColor << endl;
180  cout << myname << " ChannelLineModulus: " << m_ChannelLineModulus << endl;
181  cout << myname << " ChannelLinePattern: {";
182  first = true;
183  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelLinePattern ) {
184  if ( ! first ) cout << ", ";
185  first = false;
186  cout << icha;
187  }
188  cout << "}" << endl;
189  cout << myname << " Palette: " << m_Palette << endl;
190  cout << myname << " HistName: " << m_HistName << endl;
191  cout << myname << " HistTitle: " << m_HistTitle << endl;
192  cout << myname << " PlotTitle: " << m_PlotTitle << endl;
193  cout << myname << " PlotSizeX: " << m_PlotSizeX << endl;
194  cout << myname << " PlotSizeY: " << m_PlotSizeY << endl;
195  cout << myname << " PlotFileName: " << m_PlotFileName << endl;
196  cout << myname << " RootFileName: " << m_RootFileName << endl;
197  }
198 }
200 //**********************************************************************
203  const string myname = "AdcDataPlotter::viewMap: ";
204  DataMap ret;
205  if ( acds.size() == 0 ) {
206  cout << myname << "WARNING: Channel map is empty. No plot is created." << endl;
207  return ret.setStatus(1);
208  }
209  const AdcChannelData& acdFirst = acds.begin()->second;
210  const AdcChannelData& acdLast = acds.rbegin()->second;
211  bool isPrep = m_DataType == 0;
212  bool isRaw = m_DataType == 1;
213  bool isSig = m_DataType == 2;
214  bool isNsg = m_DataType == 3;
215  // Find the tick range.
216  Tick maxtick = 0;
217  for ( const AdcChannelDataMap::value_type& iacd : acds ) {
218  if ( iacd.first == AdcChannelData::badChannel() ) {
219  cout << myname << "WARNING: Channel map has invalid channels. No plot is created." << endl;
220  }
221  Tick ntick = isRaw ? iacd.second.raw.size() : iacd.second.samples.size();
222  if ( ntick > maxtick ) maxtick = ntick;
223  }
224  AdcIndex acdChanFirst =;
225  AdcIndex acdChanLast =;
226  unsigned long tick1 = 0;
227  unsigned long tick2 = maxtick;
228  if ( m_tickRange.isValid() ) {
229  tick1 = m_tickRange.begin;
230  tick2 = m_tickRange.end;
231  }
232  Tick ntick = tick2 - tick1;
233  ret.setInt("ntick", ntick);
234  if ( ntick <= 0 ) {
235  cout << myname << "ERROR: Invalid tick range." << endl;
236  return ret.setStatus(2);
237  }
238  // Evaluate formulas.
239  if ( m_prdtool != nullptr ) {
240  Index run =;
241  RunData rdat = m_prdtool->runData(run);
242  if ( ! rdat.isValid() ) {
243  cout << myname << "WARNING: RunData not found for run " << run << "." << endl;
244  } else {
246  if ( m_MinSignal != nullptr ) rdat.setFormulaPars(*m_MinSignal);
247  }
248  }
249  double zmax = m_MaxSignal->eval();
250  double zmin = m_MinSignal == nullptr ? -zmax : m_MinSignal->eval();
251  // Loop over channel ranges.
252  Index nhist = 0;
253  for ( IndexRange ran : m_crs ) {
254  if ( == "data" ) {
255  ran.begin = acdChanFirst;
256  ran.end = acdChanLast + 1;
257  }
258  if ( ! ran.isValid() ) {
259  cout << myname << "ERROR: Skipping invalid channel range " << << endl;
260  continue;
261  }
262  Index chanBegin = ran.first();
263  Index chanEnd = ran.end;
264  // Find the range of data channels in the plot range: [ichanDataBegin, ichanDataEnd)
265  AdcChannelDataMap::const_iterator ichanDataBegin = acds.lower_bound(chanBegin);
266  AdcChannelDataMap::const_iterator ichanDataEnd = acds.upper_bound(ran.last());
267  Index chanDataEnd = ichanDataEnd == acds.end() ? chanEnd : ichanDataEnd->first;
268  Index chanDataBegin = ichanDataBegin == acds.end() ? chanDataEnd : ichanDataBegin->first;
269  // Skip plot if no data channels are in range.
270  if ( chanDataEnd <= chanDataBegin ) {
271  if ( m_LogLevel >= 2 ) cout << myname << "Data has no entries in channel range " << << endl;
272  if ( m_LogLevel >= 3 ) {
273  cout << myname << " chanBegin: " << chanBegin << endl;
274  cout << myname << " chanEnd: " << chanEnd << endl;
275  cout << myname << " chanDataBegin: " << chanDataBegin << endl;
276  cout << myname << " chanDataEnd: " << chanDataEnd << endl;
277  }
278  continue;
279  }
280  if ( m_LogLevel >= 2 ) cout << myname << "Creating histogram for channel range " << << endl;
281  AdcIndex nchan = chanEnd - chanBegin;
282  // Create title and file names.
283  DataMap dm;
284  dm.setInt("chan1", acdChanFirst);
285  dm.setInt("chan2", acdChanLast-1);
286  string hname = nameReplace( m_HistName, acdFirst, ran);
287  string htitl = nameReplace( m_HistTitle, acdFirst, ran);
288  string ptitl = nameReplace( m_PlotTitle, acdFirst, ran);
289  string ofname = nameReplace(m_PlotFileName, acdFirst, ran);
290  string ofrname = nameReplace(m_RootFileName, acdFirst, ran);
291  string szunits = "(ADC counts)";
292  if ( ! isRaw ) {
293  szunits = acdFirst.sampleUnit;
294  if ( szunits.find(" ") != string::npos ) szunits = "(" + szunits + ")";
295  }
296  string zunit = szunits;
297  if ( zunit.find(" ") != string::npos ) zunit = "(" + zunit + ")";
298  bool zhasTick = zunit.find("Tick") != string::npos || zunit.find("tick") != string::npos;
299  if ( ! zhasTick ) zunit += "/tick";
300  zunit += "/channel";
301  htitl += "; Tick; Channel; Signal [" + zunit + "]";
302  // Set flag indicating we want to show empty bins with the color m_EmptyColor.
303  // We initialize all bins below zmin and fill with zmin where the value would be lower.
304  // We do not attempt this this where rebinning is done.
305  //bool colorEmptyBins = m_EmptyColor >= 0 && m_TickRebin <= 1;
306  bool colorEmptyBins = m_TickRebin <= 1;
307  // Create histogram.
308  TH2* ph = new TH2F(hname.c_str(), htitl.c_str(), ntick, tick1, tick2, nchan, chanBegin, chanEnd);
309  ph->SetDirectory(nullptr);
310  ph->SetStats(0);
311  if ( m_LogLevel >= 2 ) cout << myname << "Created histogram " << hname << endl;
312  ph->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(zmin, zmax);
313  ph->SetContour(200);
314  double zempty = colorEmptyBins ? zmin - 1000.0 : 0.0;
315  // Initialize bins to zmin.
316  for ( Index icha=1; icha<=nchan; ++icha ) {
317  Index ibin0 = (ntick+2)*icha + 1;
318  for ( Index ibin=ibin0; ibin<ibin0+ntick; ++ibin ) ph->SetBinContent(ibin, zempty);
319  }
320  // Fill histogram.
321  for ( AdcChannel chan=chanDataBegin; chan<chanDataEnd; ++chan ) {
322  AdcChannelDataMap::const_iterator iacd = acds.find(chan);
323  if ( iacd == acds.end() ) continue;
324  const AdcChannelData& acdtop = iacd->second;
325  Index chstat = acdtop.channelStatus();
326  const IndexVector& drops = m_SkipChannelStatus;
327  if ( drops.size() && std::find(drops.begin(), drops.end(), chstat) != drops.end() ) continue;
328  Index ibiny = chan-chanBegin + 1;
329  Index nent = acdtop.viewSize(m_DataView);
330  if ( m_LogLevel >= 2 && nent == 0 ) {
331  cout << myname << "WARNING: Unable to find data view name " << m_DataView << endl;
332  }
333  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) {
334  if ( m_LogLevel >= 3 ) {
335  cout << myname << "Processing data view " << ient << "/" << nent << endl;
336  }
337  const AdcChannelData* pacd = acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient);
338  if ( pacd == nullptr ) {
339  cout << myname << "ERROR: Skipping null view entry " << m_DataView << "[" << ient
340  << "]." << endl;
341  continue;
342  }
343  if ( pacd->channel() != chan ) {
344  cout << myname << "ERROR: Skipping view entry " << m_DataView << "[" << ient
345  << "] with the wrong the wrong channel: "
346  << pacd->channel() << " != " << chan <<"." << endl;
347  continue;
348  }
349  const AdcSignalVector& sams = pacd->samples;
350  const AdcFilterVector& keep = pacd->signal;
351  const AdcCountVector& raw = pacd->raw;
352  AdcSignal ped = 0.0;
353  bool isRawPed = false;
354  if ( isRaw ) {
355  ped = pacd->pedestal;
356  isRawPed = ped != AdcChannelData::badSignal();
357  }
358  Tick nsam = isRaw ? raw.size() : sams.size();
359  AdcInt dsam = pacd->tick0;
360  if ( m_ClockFactor > 0.0 ) {
361  double dclk = 0.0;
362  if ( pacd->channelClock >= pacd->triggerClock() ) dclk = pacd->channelClock - pacd->triggerClock();
363  else dclk = -double(pacd->triggerClock() - pacd->channelClock);
364  dsam += m_ClockFactor*(dclk + m_ClockOffset);
365  }
366  if ( m_FembTickOffsets.size() ) {
367  if ( m_pOnlineChannelMapTool == nullptr ) {
368  cout << myname << " FEMB tick offsets provided without online channel mapping tool." << endl;
369  break;
370  }
371  Index chanOn = m_pOnlineChannelMapTool->get(chan);
372  Index ifmb = chanOn/128;
373  if ( ifmb < m_FembTickOffsets.size() ) dsam += m_FembTickOffsets[ifmb];
375  }
376  if ( m_LogLevel >= 3 ) {
377  cout << myname << "Filling channel-tick histogram with " << nsam << " samples and offset "
378  << dsam << " for channel " << chan << endl;
379  }
380  Index ibin = ph->GetBin(1, ibiny);
381  for ( Tick itck=tick1; itck<tick2; ++itck, ++ibin ) {
382  AdcInt iisam = itck;
383  iisam -= dsam;
384  if ( iisam >= 0 ) {
385  AdcIndex isam = iisam;
386  float sig = 0.0;
387  if ( (isSig || isNsg) && isam >= pacd->signal.size() ) {
388  if ( m_LogLevel >= 3 ) {
389  cout << myname << " Signal array not filled for sample " << isam
390  << " and above--stopping fill." << endl;
391  }
392  break;
393  }
394  if ( isPrep ) {
395  if ( isam < sams.size() ) sig = sams[isam];
396  else break;
397  } else if ( isRawPed ) {
398  if ( isam < raw.size() ) sig = raw[isam] - ped;
399  else break;
400  } else if ( isRaw && isam >= raw.size() ) {
401  // Ped missing is ok if we have no raw
402  break;
403  } else if ( isSig ) {
404  if ( isam < sams.size() && isam < keep.size() ) {
405  if ( keep[isam] ) sig = sams[isam];
406  } else {
407  break;
408  }
409  } else if ( isNsg ) {
410  if ( isam < sams.size() ) {
411  if ( isam >= keep.size() || !keep[isam] ) sig = sams[isam];
412  } else {
413  break;
414  }
415  } else {
416  cout << myname << "Fill failed for bin " << ibin << endl;
417  }
418  if ( colorEmptyBins && sig < zmin ) sig = zmin;
419  ph->SetBinContent(ibin, sig);
420  }
421  }
422  }
423  }
424  // Rebin.
425  if ( m_TickRebin > 1 ) {
426  TH2* ph0 = ph;
427  ph = ph0->RebinX(m_TickRebin, ph->GetName());
428  ph->SetDirectory(nullptr);
429  delete ph0;
430  ph->Scale(1.0/m_TickRebin);
431  ph->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-zmax, zmax);
432  }
433 /*
434  // Save the original color map.
435  RootPalette oldPalette;
436  RootPalette::set(m_Palette);
437 */
438  const RootPalette* ppal = RootPalette::find(m_Palette);
439  if ( ppal == nullptr ) {
440  cout << myname << "ERROR: Unable to find palette " << m_Palette << endl;
441  return ret.setStatus(3);
442  }
443  TPadManipulator man;
444  man.setPalette(m_Palette);
446  man.add(ph, "colz");
447  man.setRangeZ(zmin, zmax);
448  man.addAxis();
449  // Root uses the frame color for underflows.
450  // If we are coloring empty bins, we use that color.
451  // If not, we use the color for the first (lowest) bin.
452  int frameColor = colorEmptyBins ? m_EmptyColor : ppal->colorVector()[0];
453  man.setFrameFillColor(frameColor); // Otherwise Root uses white for underflows
454  if ( m_ChannelLineModulus ) {
455  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelLinePattern ) {
457  }
458  } else {
459  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelLinePattern ) {
460  if ( icha > chanBegin && icha < chanEnd ) {
461  man.addHorizontalLine(icha, 1.0, 3);
462  }
463  }
464  }
465  TLatex* pptl = nullptr;
466  if ( ptitl.size() ) {
467  pptl = new TLatex(0.01, 0.015, ptitl.c_str());
468  pptl->SetNDC();
469  pptl->SetTextFont(42);
470  pptl->SetTextSize(0.030);
471  man.add(pptl);
472  }
473  man.print(ofname);
474  delete pptl;
475  if ( 0 ) {
476  string line;
477  cout << myname;
478  cout.flush();
479  std::getline(cin, line);
480  }
481  if ( m_LogLevel > 1 ) {
482  cout << myname << "Created plot ";
483  cout << "for channels [" << chanBegin << " - "
484  << chanEnd << "): " << ofname << endl;
485  }
486  if ( ofrname.size() ) {
487  TFile* pfile = TFile::Open(ofrname.c_str(), "UPDATE");
488  ph->Write();
489  if ( m_LogLevel > 1 ) cout << myname << "Wrote " << ph->GetName() << " to " << ofrname << endl;
490  delete pfile;
491  }
492 /*
493  oldPalette.setRootPalette();
494 */
495  ++nhist;
496  }
497  ret.setInt("nhist", nhist);
498  return ret;
499 }
501 //**********************************************************************
503 string AdcDataPlotter::
504 nameReplace(string name, const AdcChannelData& acd, const IndexRange& ran) const {
505  StringManipulator sman(name, false);
506  sman.replace("%CRNAME%",;
507  sman.replace("%CRLABEL%", ran.label(0));
508  sman.replace("%CRLABEL1%", ran.label(1));
509  sman.replace("%CRLABEL2%", ran.label(2));
511  if ( pnbl == nullptr ) return name;
512  DataMap dm;
513  dm.setInt("chan1", ran.first());
514  dm.setInt("chan2", ran.last());
515  return pnbl->build(acd, dm, name);
516 }
518 //**********************************************************************
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
std::vector< AdcCount > AdcCountVector
Definition: AdcTypes.h:19
Definition: ToolMacros.h:42
IndexVector m_SkipChannelStatus
int add(unsigned int ipad, TObject *pobj, std::string sopt="", bool replace=false)
unsigned int Index
DataMap & setStatus(int stat)
Definition: DataMap.h:130
std::string string
float AdcSignal
Definition: AdcTypes.h:21
Index begin
Definition: IndexRange.h:34
virtual double eval(const Values &vars) const =0
virtual Name formulaString() const =0
IndexVector m_ChannelLinePattern
struct vector vector
int replace(std::string substr, const T &xsub)
int setRangeZ(double y1, double y2)
int setCanvasSize(int wx, int wy)
IntVector m_FembTickOffsets
IndexRange m_tickRange
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
Raw data description.
bool isValid() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:94
Name m_OnlineChannelMapTool
int setFrameFillColor(int col)
Index end
Definition: IndexRange.h:35
Name name
Definition: IndexRange.h:32
Name nameReplace(Name name, const AdcChannelData &acd, const IndexRange &ran) const
bool isValid() const
Definition: RunData.h:48
static Index badSignal()
std::vector< Index > IndexVector
int addHorizontalLine(double yoff=0.0, double lenfrac=1.0, int isty=1)
Index last() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:96
virtual Index npar() const
Definition: ParFormula.h:44
AdcDataPlotter(fhicl::ParameterSet const &ps)
std::string Name
int AdcInt
Definition: AdcTypes.h:14
virtual Index get(Index idx) const =0
static std::string build(const AdcChannelStringTool *ptool, const AdcChannelData &acd, const DataMap &dm, std::string spat)
T get(std::string const &key) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:271
AdcIndex run() const
int addAxis(bool flag=true)
void setInt(Name name, int val)
Definition: DataMap.h:131
const AdcChannelStringTool * m_adcStringBuilder
virtual RunData runData(Index run, Index subRun=0) const =0
AdcSignalVector::size_type Tick
DataMap viewMap(const AdcChannelDataMap &acds) const override
static constexpr double ps
Definition: Units.h:99
Name label(Index ilab=0) const
Definition: IndexRange.h:106
AdcCountVector raw
unsigned int AdcIndex
Definition: AdcTypes.h:15
Index channelStatus() const
ParFormula * m_MinSignal
Channel channel() const
AdcSignal pedestal
AdcFilterVector signal
std::vector< bool > AdcFilterVector
Definition: AdcTypes.h:27
Index first() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:95
std::vector< int > IntVector
const std::vector< int > & colorVector() const
Definition: RootPalette.h:79
NameVector m_ChannelRanges
unsigned int AdcChannel
Definition: AdcTypes.h:50
IndexRangeVector m_crs
std::optional< T > get_if_present(std::string const &key) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:224
void line(double t, double *p, double &x, double &y, double &z)
const AdcChannelData * viewEntry(Name vpnam, AdcIndex ient) const
AdcLongIndex channelClock
std::vector< AdcSignal > AdcSignalVector
Definition: AdcTypes.h:22
ParFormula * m_MaxSignal
const RunDataTool * m_prdtool
std::string rangeString() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:97
size_t viewSize() const
std::map< AdcChannel, AdcChannelData > AdcChannelDataMap
static Index badChannel()
const IndexMapTool * m_pOnlineChannelMapTool
std::vector< Name > NameVector
auto const & get(AssnsNode< L, R, D > const &r)
Definition: AssnsNode.h:115
SetStat setFormulaPars(TFormula *form)
Definition: RunData.h:87
int addHorizontalModLines(double ymod, double yoff=0.0, double lenfrac=1.0, int isty=3)
void setPalette(int ipal)
int print(std::string fname, std::string spat="{,}")
static DuneToolManager * instance(std::string fclname="", int dbg=1)
AdcSignalVector samples
AdcLongIndex triggerClock() const
T * getShared(std::string name)
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
static const RootPalette * find(unsigned int ipal)
Definition: RootPalette.cxx:34
Index m_ChannelLineModulus
virtual IndexRange get(Name nam) const =0
def rename(src, dest)