Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 //
4 // \file:
5 //
6 //
7 // modified Feb - Mar 2020 Leo Bellantoni,
8 //
9 //
10 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 // GArSoft includes
13 #include "MCCheater/BackTracker.h"
14 #include "Geometry/GeometryGAr.h"
16 // Framework includes
20 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/FindMany.h"
21 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/FindManyP.h"
22 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/FindOneP.h"
24 #include "nug4/ParticleNavigation/EmEveIdCalculator.h"
29 namespace gar {
30  namespace cheat {
32  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
35  : BackTrackerCore(pset) {
36, &BackTracker::Rebuild);
38  fSTFU = 0;
39  }
41  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
44  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
49  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
51  // Just drop the ScheduleContext that art requires.
52  RebuildNoSC(evt);
53  }
56  // do nothing if this is data
57  if (evt.isRealData()) return;
59  // do nothing if we are asked to do nothing
60  if (fDisableRebuild) return;
64  // We have a new event, so clear the collections from the previous events
65  // Just the MC collections now, others as needed
66  fParticleList.clear();
67  fMCTruthList .clear();
68  fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex.clear();
72  // get the MCParticles from the event
74  try
75  {
76  auto partCol = evt.getValidHandle<std::vector<simb::MCParticle> >(fG4ModuleLabel);
77  if (partCol.failedToGet()) {
78  ++fSTFU;
79  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
80  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
81  << "failed to get handle to simb::MCParticle from " << fG4ModuleLabel
82  << ", return";
83  }
84  return;
85  }
87  // get mapping from MCParticles to MCTruths; loop to fill fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex
88  art::FindOneP<simb::MCTruth> fo(partCol, evt, fG4ModuleLabel);
89  if( !fo.isValid() ){
90  ++fSTFU;
91  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
92  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
93  << "failed to associate MCTruth to MCParticle with " << fG4ModuleLabel
94  << "; all attempts to backtrack will fail\n";
95  }
96  return;
98  } else {
99  for (size_t iPart = 0; iPart < partCol->size(); ++iPart) {
101  simb::MCParticle *part = new simb::MCParticle(partCol->at(iPart));
102  fParticleList.Add(part);
104  // get the simb::MCTruth associated to this MCParticle
105  try {
106  art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> mct =;
107  if (fMCTruthList.size() < 1) {
108  fMCTruthList.push_back(mct);
109  } else {
110  // check that we are not adding a simb::MCTruth twice to
111  // the collection we know that all the particles for a
112  // given simb::MCTruth are put into the collection of
113  // particles at the same time, so we can just check that the
114  // current ::art::Ptr has a different id than the last one put
115  if (!(mct == fMCTruthList.back())) fMCTruthList.push_back(mct);
116  }
118  // Fill the track id to mctruth index map. partCol will not contain
119  // negative track ids.
120  fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex[partCol->at(iPart).TrackId()] = fMCTruthList.size() - 1;
121  }
122  catch (cet::exception &ex) {
123  ++fSTFU;
124  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
125  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
126  << "unable to find MCTruth from ParticleList created in "
127  << fG4ModuleLabel
128  << "; all attempts to backtrack will fail\n"
129  << "message from caught exception:\n" << ex;
130  }
131  }
132  } // end loop over MCParticles
133  }
135  }
138  catch (cet::exception &ex)
139  {
140  return;
141  }
143  // Register the electromagnetic Eve calculator
144  fParticleList.AdoptEveIdCalculator(new sim::EmEveIdCalculator);
146  fHasMC = true;
150  // Inverse of drift velocity and longitudinal diffusion constant will
151  // be needed by the backtracker when fHasHits, and also the geometry
152  auto detProp = gar::providerFrom<detinfo::DetectorPropertiesService>();
153  fInverseVelocity = 1.0/detProp->DriftVelocity(detProp->Efield(),
154  detProp->Temperature());
156  auto garProp = gar::providerFrom<detinfo::GArPropertiesService>();
157  fLongDiffConst = std::sqrt(2.0 * garProp->LongitudinalDiffusion());
159  fGeo = gar::providerFrom<geo::GeometryGAr>();
161  // Create the channel to energy deposit collection. Start by
162  // looking for the RawDigit collection from the event and create
163  // a FindMany mapping between the digits and energy deposits if it exists.
164  for (auto vec : fChannelToEDepCol) vec.clear();
165  fChannelToEDepCol.clear();
166  auto digCol = evt.getHandle<std::vector<raw::RawDigit>>(fRawTPCDataLabel);
167  if (!digCol) {
168  ++fSTFU;
169  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
170  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
171  << "Unable to find RawDigits in " << fRawTPCDataLabel <<
172  "; no backtracking in TPC will be possible" <<
173  "\n Well did you EXPECT RawDigits in this file?";
174  }
176  } else {
177  art::FindMany<sdp::EnergyDeposit, float> fmEnergyDep(digCol, evt, fRawTPCDataLabel);
178  if (!fmEnergyDep.isValid()) {
179  ++fSTFU;
180  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
181  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
182  << "Unable to find valid association between RawDigits and "
183  << "energy deposits in " << fRawTPCDataLabel <<
184  "; no backtracking in TPC will be possible" <<
185  "\n Well did you EXPECT those Assns in this file?";
186  }
188  } else {
189  fChannelToEDepCol.resize(fGeo->NChannels());
190  ++fSTFU;
191  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
192  MF_LOG_DEBUG("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
193  << "There are " << fChannelToEDepCol.size()
194  << " channels in the geometry";
195  }
197  std::vector<float const*> depweights;
198  std::vector<const sdp::EnergyDeposit*> eDeps;
199  for (size_t iDig = 0; iDig < digCol->size(); ++iDig) {
200  eDeps.clear();
201  depweights.clear();
202  fmEnergyDep.get(iDig, eDeps, depweights); // uses vector::insert
203  if (eDeps.size() < 1) continue;
205  for(size_t iDep=0; iDep<eDeps.size(); iDep++) {
206  float w = 1.;
207  if(fSplitEDeps) w = *depweights[iDep];
208  fChannelToEDepCol[ (*digCol)[iDig].Channel() ].emplace_back(std::make_pair(eDeps[iDep],w));
210  MF_LOG_DEBUG("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC") << "eDep\t" << iDep << " from RawDigit \t" << iDig
211  << "\t TrkID, energy, dl, position:\t " << eDeps[iDep]->TrackID()
212  << "\t " << eDeps[iDep]->Energy() << "\t " << eDeps[iDep]->dX()
213  << "\t " << eDeps[iDep]->X() << "\t " << eDeps[iDep]->Y()
214  << "\t " << eDeps[iDep]->Z() << std::endl;
216  }
217  }
218  fHasHits = true;
219  }
220  }
224  // Create the CellID to energy deposit collection. Start by
225  // looking for the CaloRawDigit collection from the event and create
226  // a FindMany mapping between these digits and CaloDeposits if it exists.
227  fECALTrackToTPCTrack->clear();
228  fCellIDToEDepCol.clear();
230  auto caloDigCol = evt.getHandle<std::vector<raw::CaloRawDigit>>(ecalrawtag);
231  if (!caloDigCol) {
232  ++fSTFU;
233  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
234  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
235  << "Unable to find CaloRawDigits in " << fRawCaloDataLabel <<
236  "; no backtracking in ECAL will be possible" <<
237  "\n Well did you EXPECT CaloRawDigits in this file?";
238  }
240  } else {
241  art::FindMany<sdp::CaloDeposit> fmCaloDep(caloDigCol, evt, ecalrawtag);
242  if (!fmCaloDep.isValid()) {
243  ++fSTFU;
244  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
245  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
246  << "Unable to find valid association between CaloRawDigits and "
247  << "calorimeter energy deposits in " << fRawCaloDataLabel <<
248  "; no backtracking in ECAL will be possible" <<
249  "\n Well did you EXPECT those Assns in this file?";
250  }
252  } else {
253  std::vector<const sdp::CaloDeposit*> CeDeps;
254  for (size_t iCalDig = 0; iCalDig < caloDigCol->size(); ++iCalDig) {
255  CeDeps.clear();
256  fmCaloDep.get(iCalDig, CeDeps); // uses vector::insert
257  if (CeDeps.size() < 1) continue;
258  fCellIDToEDepCol[ (*caloDigCol)[iCalDig].CellID() ] = CeDeps;
259  }
260  fHasCalHits = true;
261  }
262  }
266  // Create an unordered map of IDNumbers of reco'd Tracks to the hits in those tracks
267  // Just to keep the code comprehensible, first map Tracks to TPCClusters, then
268  // TPCClusters to Hits, then build the combined map.
269  //std::unordered_map< rec::IDNumber, std::vector<const rec::TPCCluster*> > lTrackIDToTPCClusters;
270  fTrackIDToClusters.clear();
271  auto recoTrackCol = evt.getHandle<std::vector<rec::Track>>(fTrackLabel);
272  if (!recoTrackCol) {
273  ++fSTFU;
274  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
275  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
276  << "Unable to find rec::Tracks in " << fTrackLabel <<
277  "; no backtracking of reconstructed tracks will be possible" <<
278  "\n Well did you EXPECT tracks in this file?";
279  }
281  } else {
282  art::FindMany<rec::TPCCluster> fmTPCClusts(recoTrackCol, evt, fTrackLabel);
283  if (!fmTPCClusts.isValid()) {
284  ++fSTFU;
285  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
286  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
287  << "Unable to find valid association between Tracks and "
288  << "TPCClusters in " << fTrackLabel <<
289  "; no backtracking of reconstructed tracks will be possible" <<
290  "\n Well did you EXPECT those Assns in this file?";
291  }
293  } else {
294  //std::vector<const rec::TPCCluster*> tpclusThisTrack;
295  std::vector<const rec::TPCCluster*> tpclusThisTrack;
296  for (size_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < recoTrackCol->size(); ++iTrack) {
297  tpclusThisTrack.clear();
298  fmTPCClusts.get(iTrack, tpclusThisTrack); // uses vector::insert
299  if (tpclusThisTrack.size() < 1) continue;
300  //lTrackIDToTPCClusters[ (*recoTrackCol)[iTrack].getIDNumber() ] = tpclusThisTrack;
301  fTrackIDToClusters[ (*recoTrackCol)[iTrack].getIDNumber() ] = tpclusThisTrack;
302  }
303  }
304  }
306  // Construct map of TPCCluster to Hits
307  //std::unordered_map< rec::IDNumber,std::vector<art::Ptr<rec::Hit>> > lTPClusIDsToHits;
308  fTPCClusterIDToHits.clear();
309  auto tpclusCol = evt.getHandle<std::vector<rec::TPCCluster>>(fTPCClusterLabel);
310  if (!tpclusCol) {
311  ++fSTFU;
312  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
313  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
314  << "Unable to find rec::TPCClusters in " << fTPCClusterLabel <<
315  "; no backtracking of reconstructed tracks will be possible" <<
316  "\n Well did you EXPECT TPCClusters in this file?";
317  }
319  } else {
320  art::FindManyP<rec::Hit> fmHits(tpclusCol, evt, fTPCClusterLabel);
321  if (!fmHits.isValid()) {
322  ++fSTFU;
323  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
324  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
325  << "Unable to find valid association between TPCClusters and "
326  << "Hits in " << fTPCClusterLabel <<
327  "; no backtracking of reconstructed tracks will be possible" <<
328  "\n Well did you EXPECT those Assns in this file?";
329  }
331  } else {
332  std::vector<art::Ptr<rec::Hit>> hitsThisTPCCluster;
333  for (size_t iTPClus = 0; iTPClus < tpclusCol->size(); ++iTPClus) {
334  hitsThisTPCCluster.clear();
335  fmHits.get(iTPClus, hitsThisTPCCluster); // uses vector::insert
336  if (hitsThisTPCCluster.size() < 1) continue;
337  //lTPClusIDsToHits[(*tpclusCol)[iTPClus].getIDNumber()] = hitsThisTPCCluster;
338  fTPCClusterIDToHits[(*tpclusCol)[iTPClus].getIDNumber()] = hitsThisTPCCluster;
339  }
340  }
341  }
343  // Now compound the lists to make fTrackIDToHits
344  fTrackIDToHits.clear();
345  //if ( !lTrackIDToTPCClusters.empty() && !lTPClusIDsToHits.empty()) {
346  if ( !fTrackIDToClusters.empty() && !fTPCClusterIDToHits.empty()) {
347  for (auto aTrack : *recoTrackCol) {
348  std::vector<const rec::TPCCluster*> tpclusThisTrack =
349  //std::vector<art::Ptr<rec::TPCCluster>> tpclusThisTrack =
350  //lTrackIDToTPCClusters[ aTrack.getIDNumber() ];
351  fTrackIDToClusters[ aTrack.getIDNumber() ];
352  std::vector<art::Ptr<rec::Hit>> hitsThisTrack;
353  for (const rec::TPCCluster* aTPClus : tpclusThisTrack) {
354  //for (const art::Ptr<rec::TPCCluster> aTPClus : tpclusThisTrack) {
355  std::vector<art::Ptr<rec::Hit>> hitsThisClus =
356  //lTPClusIDsToHits[aTPClus->getIDNumber()];
357  fTPCClusterIDToHits[aTPClus->getIDNumber()];
358  hitsThisTrack.insert( hitsThisTrack.end(),
359  hitsThisClus.begin(),hitsThisClus.end() );
360  }
361  // Explicit assumption is that each hit is in at most 1 cluster so
362  // there are no duplicates in hitsThisTrack
363  fTrackIDToHits[aTrack.getIDNumber()] = hitsThisTrack;
364  }
365  }
366  fHasTracks = true;
370  // Create an unordered map of IDNumbers of reco'd Clusters to the CaloHits in those tracks
372  auto recoClusterCol = evt.getHandle<std::vector<rec::Cluster>>(ecalclustertag);
373  if (!recoClusterCol) {
374  ++fSTFU;
375  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
376  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
377  << "Unable to find rec::Clusters in " << fClusterLabel << ", "
378  << fClusterECALInstance << " instance; no backtracking of ECAL "
379  << "clusters will be possible" <<
380  "\n Well did you EXPECT ECAL Clusters in this file?";
381  }
383  } else {
384  art::FindManyP<rec::CaloHit> fmCaloHits(recoClusterCol, evt, ecalclustertag);
385  if (!fmCaloHits.isValid()) {
386  ++fSTFU;
387  if (fSTFU<=10) { // Ye who comprehend messagelogger, doeth ye better.
388  MF_LOG_WARNING("BackTracker_service::RebuildNoSC")
389  << "Unable to find valid association between Clusters and "
390  << "CaloHits in " << fClusterLabel << ", " << fClusterECALInstance
391  << " instance; no backtracking of reconstructed tracks will be possible" <<
392  "\n Well did you EXPECT those Assns in this file?";
393  }
395  } else {
396  std::vector<art::Ptr<rec::CaloHit>> caloHitsThisCluster;
397  for (size_t iCluster = 0; iCluster < recoClusterCol->size(); ++iCluster) {
398  caloHitsThisCluster.clear();
399  fmCaloHits.get(iCluster, caloHitsThisCluster); // uses vector::insert
400  if (caloHitsThisCluster.size() < 1) continue;
401  fClusterIDToCaloHits[ (*recoClusterCol)[iCluster].getIDNumber() ] = caloHitsThisCluster;
402  }
403  }
404  }
405  fHasClusters = true;
407  return;
408  }
415  } // namespace cheat
416 } // namespace gar
double fLongDiffConst
longitudinal diffusion constant
std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< const sdp::EnergyDeposit *, float const > > > fChannelToEDepCol
convenience collections of EnergyDeposits for each channel
std::unordered_map< rec::IDNumber, std::vector< const rec::TPCCluster * > > fTrackIDToClusters
Reco track ID to track&#39;s clusters.
Handle< PROD > getHandle(SelectorBase const &) const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:382
BackTracker(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset, art::ActivityRegistry &reg)
std::string fRawCaloDataECALInstance
instance name for the ECAL raw hits
std::string fClusterLabel
label for ECAL cluster producing module
std::unordered_map< raw::CellID_t, std::vector< const sdp::CaloDeposit * > > fCellIDToEDepCol
convenience collections of EnergyDeposit for each cell
const geo::GeometryCore * fGeo
pointer to the geometry
std::unordered_map< int, int > fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex
std::unordered_map< rec::IDNumber, std::vector< art::Ptr< rec::Hit > > > fTrackIDToHits
Reco track ID to track&#39;s hits.
void RebuildNoSC(art::Event const &evt)
bool isRealData() const
std::string fClusterECALInstance
instance name for the ECAL clusters
void Rebuild(art::Event const &evt, art::ScheduleContext)
std::string fRawTPCDataLabel
label for TPC readout module
sim::ParticleList fParticleList
Maps MCParticle::TrackId() to same MCParticle.
std::string fTPCClusterLabel
label for TPCCluster producing module
std::string fTrackLabel
label for final track producing module
ValidHandle< PROD > getValidHandle(InputTag const &tag) const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:441
std::unordered_map< rec::IDNumber, std::vector< art::Ptr< rec::Hit > > > fTPCClusterIDToHits
Reco TPC cluster ID to cluster&#39;s hits.
std::unordered_map< rec::IDNumber, std::vector< art::Ptr< rec::CaloHit > > > fClusterIDToCaloHits
Reco ECAL cluster ID to CaloHits.
std::unordered_map< int, int > * fECALTrackToTPCTrack
results of previous FindTPCEve calls
GlobalSignal< detail::SignalResponseType::FIFO, void(Event const &, ScheduleContext)> sPreProcessEvent
std::string fG4ModuleLabel
label for geant4 module
General GArSoft Utilities.
code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
bool fSplitEDeps
use weights from PRFs to break true energy deposits into channel specific contributions ...
std::string fRawCaloDataLabel
label for ECAL readout module
#define MF_LOG_DEBUG(id)
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:7
std::vector< art::Ptr< simb::MCTruth > > fMCTruthList
all the MCTruths for the event
#define MF_LOG_WARNING(category)
art framework interface to geometry description
double fInverseVelocity
inverse drift velocity
bool fDisableRebuild
for switching off backtracker&#39;s rebuild of the MCParticle tables
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)