Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * \file:
3  * \author: JStock (
4  * \brief: This is a small analysis Tree made for use in the Calibration group to investigate radiological backgrounds and calibration sources.
5  *
6  * 2018_May: JStock
7  * The Overload of AddHit for ophits is now diverging from the AddHit(Hit) function, as it will also fill the PerOpDet det records as well.
8  *
9  */
11 #include "CalibrationTreeBuilder.h"
14 #include <vector>
15 #include <TObject.h>
17 namespace{}
20 namespace CalibrationTreeBuilder {
22  struct genFinder{
23  private:
24  typedef std::pair<int, std::string> track_id_to_string;
25  std::vector<track_id_to_string> track_id_map;
26  std::set<std::string> generator_names;
27  bool isSorted=false;
28 // static bool pairsort(const std::pair<int, std::string>& a, const std::pair<int, std::string>& b){
29 // return (a.first<b.first);
30 // }
32  public:
33  void sort_now(){
34  std::sort(this->track_id_map.begin(), this->track_id_map.end(), [](const auto &a, const auto &b){return (a.first < b.first) ; } );
35 // std::sort(this->track_id_map.begin(), this->track_id_map.end(), pairsort);
36  isSorted=true;
37  }
38  void add(const int& track_id, const std::string& gname){
39  this->track_id_map.push_back(std::make_pair(track_id, gname));
40  generator_names.emplace(gname);
41  isSorted=false;
42  }
43  bool has_gen(std::string gname){
44  return static_cast<bool>(generator_names.count(gname));
45  };
46  std::string get_gen(int tid){
47  if( !isSorted ){
48  this->sort_now();
49  }
50  return std::lower_bound(track_id_map.begin(), track_id_map.end(), tid,[](const auto &a, const auto &b){return (a.first < b) ; } )->second;
51  };
53  };
56  //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
58  :EDAnalyzer(pSet),
59  private_HitLabel(pSet.get<art::InputTag>("HitLabel","gaushit")),
60  private_OpHitLabel(pSet.get<art::InputTag>("OpHitLabel","ophit")),
61  fWavLabel(pSet.get<art::InputTag>("WavLabel", "opdigi"))
62  { }
64  //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
65  /*
66  CalibrationTreeBuilder::CalibrationTree(fhiclConfig const& config)
67  :EDAnalyzer(config),
68  private_HitLabel(config.HitLabel()),
69  private_OpHitLabel(config.OpHitLabel())
70  { }
71  */ //Commented out until I have a subtable for EDAnalyzer
73  //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
75  private_CalibrationTree = private_service_tfs->make<TTree>("CalibrationRecordTree"," A TTree for storing hit and ophit values under their particles for each event in the simulation");
76  private_FlatCalibrationTree = private_service_tfs->make<TTree>("FlatCalibrationRecordTree"," A TTree for storing hit and ophit values with their particles for each event in the simulation");
77  private_CalibrationRecord = private_CalibrationTree->Branch("event_records", &private_eventBuffer );
78  private_FlatCalibrationRecord = private_FlatCalibrationTree->Branch("flat_event_records", &fl, "eve_x/D:eve_y:eve_z:eve_t:part_x:part_y:part_z:part_t:hit_charge:hit_energy:hit_time:hit_width:hit_split:ophit_pes:ophit_energy:ophit_time:ophit_width:ophit_split:hit_index/L:ophit_index:run/i:subrun:event_n:hit_wire:ophit_opchan:eve_index:part_index:eve_trackid/I:eve_pdgid:part_trackid:part_pdgid:part_iseve/O");
80  }
82  //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
84  //eprV.clear();
85  private_eventPrep.Clear();
86  private_eventBuffer.Clear();
87  priv_DivRecs.clear();
88  this->PrepDivRec(evt);
91  //Set up BackTracking //Now in header
92  /* art::ServiceHandle<cheat::ParticleInventoryService> PIS;
93  art::ServiceHandle<cheat::BackTrackerService> BTS;
94  art::ServiceHandle<cheat::PhotonBackTrackerService> PBS;*/
95  //Get a list of generator names.
96  auto const mcHandles = evt.getMany<std::vector<simb::MCTruth>>();
97  std::vector< std::pair<int, std::string>> track_id_to_label;
99  for( auto const& mcHandle : mcHandles ){
100  const std::string& sModuleLabel = mcHandle.provenance()->moduleLabel();
101  art::FindManyP<simb::MCParticle> findMCParts(mcHandle, evt, "largeant");
102  std::vector<art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> > mcParts =;
103  for( const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> ptr : mcParts){
104  int track_id = ptr->TrackId();
105  gf->add(track_id, sModuleLabel);
106  }
107  }
109  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> hitList;
110  auto hitHandle = evt.getHandle<std::vector<recob::Hit>>(private_HitLabel);
111  if ( hitHandle )
112  art::fill_ptr_vector(hitList, hitHandle);
113  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::OpHit>> opHitList;
114  auto opHitHandle = evt.getHandle<std::vector<recob::OpHit>>(private_OpHitLabel);
115  if ( opHitHandle )
116  art::fill_ptr_vector(opHitList, opHitHandle);
118  //private_eventBuffer is the event record
119  private_eventBuffer.bunch_hits=true;
123  //private_eventPrep is the event record
124  private_eventPrep.bunch_hits=true;
129  auto const clockData = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService const>()->DataFor(evt);
130  unsigned int hitCounter=0;
131  for ( auto const& hit : hitList){
132  hitCounter++;
133  if(!AddHit(clockData, hit, hitCounter)){
134  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"Hit "<<hitCounter<<" failed to add to the record. Is this hit caused by noise?";
135  }
136  }//end for hit in hitlist
138  hitCounter=0;
139  for ( auto const& hit : opHitList ){
140  ++hitCounter;
141  if(!AddHit(hit, hitCounter)){
142  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"OpHit "<<hitCounter<<" failed to add to the record. Is this hit caused by noise?";
143  }
144  } //Add ophits to hitmap.
146  //Buffer normalized per hit as it is built.
147  //Make the event record
148  /*
149  if(!private_eventPrep.eves.empty()){
150  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"EventBuffer for CalibrationTree contains "<<private_eventPrep.eves.size()<<" eves.\n";
151  if(!{
152  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"The first particle has "<<<<" particles.\n";
153  if(!{
154  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"The first of these particles has "<<<<" partial hits.\n";
155  }else{
156  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"The particle contains no hits.\n";
157  }
158  }else{
159  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"Eve contains no particles.\n";
160  }
161  }else{
162  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"EventBuffer for CalibrationTree contains no eves.\n";
163  }
164  */
166  {//Forced local scope for a few variables. This is a good indication that the code I am writing doesn't belong here, but in another function.
167  int eve_pos=0;
168  for(auto eve : private_eventPrep.eves){
169  if(!private_eventPrep.eves.empty()){ //This is not needed and is redundant.
170  int part_pos=0;
171  for(auto part : eve.particles){
172  { //keep partial_hit_pos local scope for the loop
173  int partial_hit_pos=0;
174  for(auto partial_hit : part.partial_hits){
175  int ind = partial_hit.index;
176  std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::HitContributor>::iterator hc_pos = std::find_if(private_eventPrep.hits.begin(), private_eventPrep.hits.end(), [&ind](CalibTreeRecord::HitContributor& hc){ return ind==hc.index;});
177  if(hc_pos==private_eventPrep.hits.end()){
178  private_eventPrep.hits.emplace_back(ind);
179  if(hc_pos!=(private_eventPrep.hits.end()-1)){
180  hc_pos=private_eventPrep.hits.end()-1;
181  }
182  }
183  hc_pos->locations.emplace_back(eve_pos,part_pos,partial_hit_pos);
184  // private_eventPrep.hits.emplace_back(eve_pos,part_pos,partial_hit_pos);
185  ++partial_hit_pos;
186  }
187  }
188  {
189  int partial_ophit_pos=0;
190  for(auto partial_ophit : part.partial_ophits){
191  int ind = partial_ophit.index;
192  std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::HitContributor>::iterator hc_pos = std::find_if(private_eventPrep.ophits.begin(), private_eventPrep.ophits.end(), [&ind](CalibTreeRecord::HitContributor& hc){ return ind==hc.index;});
193  if(hc_pos==private_eventPrep.ophits.end()){
194  private_eventPrep.ophits.emplace_back(ind);
195  if(hc_pos!=(private_eventPrep.ophits.end()-1)){
196  hc_pos=private_eventPrep.ophits.end()-1;
197  }
198  }
199  hc_pos->locations.emplace_back(eve_pos,part_pos,partial_ophit_pos);
200  ++partial_ophit_pos;
201  }
202  }
203  ++part_pos;
204  }
205  }
206  ++eve_pos;
207  }
208  }
210  //This is where the partial hit bunching should happen.
211  //I can use the hits records to bunch partials on the same particle. This however would mean I would then need to recalculate the positions for all hits post bunching.
212  //Now we loop the private_eventPrep and build private_eventBuffer.
214  if( private_eventPrep.bunch_hits==true){
215  for(size_t eve_num=0; eve_num<private_eventPrep.eves.size(); ++eve_num ){
216  auto eve =;
217  private_eventBuffer.eves.push_back(eve); //We are gettign them in order, we are filling them in order. This should not break anything.
218  //;//clear the particles list from the copeid eve. We will now refill it.
219  for(size_t part_num=0; part_num<eve.particles.size(); ++part_num ){
220  auto part =;
221  auto& npart =;
222  npart.partial_hits.clear();
223  npart.partial_ophits.clear(); //I did not clear the particles from the new list because I don't need to. They will be the same particles. The only thing that chages are the partial records, as we are bunching them.
224  //add part to particle buffer.
225  std::map<int64_t, CalibTreeRecord::PartialHit> bunched_hits;
226  std::map<int64_t, std::list<Double_t>> remembered_energies;
227  for(auto partialhit : part.partial_hits){ //No value in using an index loop here because I don't need the hit number (it will be internal, and won't match the counter);
228  auto emp_h = bunched_hits.emplace(std::make_pair(partialhit.index,partialhit));
229  std::list<Double_t> dummy;
230  auto emp_e = remembered_energies.emplace(std::make_pair(partialhit.index, dummy));//very memory inefficient, but I am not in a position to care about that right now. One could easily improve on my code here.
231  if(emp_h.second==true){ //emp_e.second and emp_h.second are always the same.
232  emp_e.first->second.emplace_back(;
233  emp_h.first->second=partialhit;
234  }else{
235  if(emp_h.first->second.time != partialhit.time){throw cet::exception("CalibrationTreeBuilder")<<"Buncher failed. Trying to merge two of the same hit at different times?\n";}
236  emp_e.first->second.emplace_back(;
237  emp_h.first->second.charge+=partialhit.charge;
238  emp_h.first->second.split+=partialhit.split;
239  emp_h.first->second.num_electrons+=partialhit.num_electrons;//numelectrons came from the ides that contributed to the given hit. They should stack because the IDEs stack(which is why we are adding them in the first place).
240  }
241  emp_e.first->second.unique();//Throw out duplicates.
242  Double_t energy=0.0;
243  for( auto en : emp_e.first->second){
244  energy += en;
245  }
246  emp_h.first->;
247  }
248  remembered_energies.clear();
249  std::map<int64_t, CalibTreeRecord::PartialOpHit> bunched_ophits;
250  for(auto partialop : part.partial_ophits){
251  auto emp_o = bunched_ophits.emplace(std::make_pair(partialop.index,partialop));
252  std::list<Double_t> dummy;
253  auto emp_e = remembered_energies.emplace(std::make_pair(partialop.index, dummy));//very memory inefficient, but I am not in a position to care about that right now. One could easily improve on my code here.
254  if(emp_o.second==true){
255  emp_e.first->second.emplace_back(;
256  emp_o.first->second=partialop;
257  }else{
258  if(emp_o.first->second.time != partialop.time){throw cet::exception("CalibrationTreeBuilder")<<"Buncher failed. Trying to merge two of the same ophit at different times?\n";}
259  emp_e.first->second.emplace_back(;
260  emp_o.first->second.pes+=partialop.pes;
261  emp_o.first->second.split+=partialop.split;
262  emp_o.first->second.num_photons+=partialop.num_photons;
263  //numphotons came from the sdps that contributed to the given hit. They should stack because the SDPs stack(which is why we are adding them in the first place). NOTE!! We will not do this when we combine records together for the detectors.
264  }
265  emp_e.first->second.unique();//Throw out duplicates.
266  Double_t energy=0.0;
267  for( auto en : emp_e.first->second ){
268  energy += en;
269  }
270  emp_o.first->;
271  }
272  for(auto entry : bunched_hits){
273  npart.partial_hits.push_back(entry.second);
274  }
275  for(auto entry : bunched_ophits){
276  //This is where I should make the combined per detector records.
277  //This new record should find any existing record of the same OpDetNum and Time, and add the PEs, and Photons to that record, if it doesn't exist, make a new one.
278  npart.partial_ophits.push_back(entry.second);
279  }
280  }
281  }
283  //Reding the bunched record is a good time to make the flattened record
284  /*
285  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"EventBuffer for CalibrationTree contains "<<private_eventBuffer.eves.size()<<" eves, the first of which has "<<<<" particles. The first of these particles has "<<<<" partial hits.\n";
286  */
287  {//Forced local scope for a few variables. This is a good indication that the code I am writing doesn't belong here, but in another function.
288  int eve_pos=0;
289 =;
290  fl.subrun = private_eventBuffer.subrun;
291  fl.event_n = private_eventBuffer.event;
292  for(auto eve : private_eventBuffer.eves){
293  if(!private_eventBuffer.eves.empty()){
294  fl.eve_x = eve.x_pos;
295  fl.eve_y = eve.y_pos;
296  fl.eve_z = eve.z_pos;
297  fl.eve_t = eve.t_pos;
298  fl.eve_trackid = eve.trackId;
299  fl.eve_pdgid = eve.pdgid;
300  fl.eve_index = eve_pos;
301  int part_pos=0;
302  for(auto part : eve.particles){
303  fl.part_x = part.x_pos;
304  fl.part_y = part.y_pos;
305  fl.part_z = part.z_pos;
306  fl.part_t = part.t_pos;
307  fl.part_trackid = part.trackId;
308  fl.part_pdgid = part.pdgid;
309  fl.part_iseve = part.isEve;
310  fl.part_index = part_pos;
311  { //keep partial_hit_pos local scope for the loop
312  fl.ophit_pes = 0.0;
313  fl.ophit_energy = 0.0;
314  fl.ophit_time = 0.0;
315  fl.ophit_width = 0.0;
316  fl.ophit_split = 0.0;
317  fl.ophit_index = 0.0;
318  fl.ophit_opchan = 0.0;
319  int partial_hit_pos=0;
320  for(auto partial_hit : part.partial_hits){
321  //This section is to fill the flat tree
322  fl.hit_charge = partial_hit.charge;
323  fl.hit_energy =;
324  fl.hit_time = partial_hit.time;
325  fl.hit_width = partial_hit.width;
326  fl.hit_split = partial_hit.split;
327  fl.hit_index = partial_hit.index;
328  fl.hit_wire = partial_hit.wire;
329  private_FlatCalibrationTree->Fill();
330  //Flat tree finished.
331  int ind = partial_hit.index;
332  std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::HitContributor>::iterator hc_pos = std::find_if(private_eventBuffer.hits.begin(), private_eventBuffer.hits.end(), [&ind](CalibTreeRecord::HitContributor& hc){ return ind==hc.index;});
333  if(hc_pos==private_eventBuffer.hits.end()){
334  private_eventBuffer.hits.emplace_back(ind);
335  if(hc_pos!=(private_eventBuffer.hits.end()-1)){
336  hc_pos=private_eventBuffer.hits.end()-1;
337  }
338  }
339  hc_pos->locations.emplace_back(eve_pos,part_pos,partial_hit_pos);
340  // private_eventBuffer.hits.emplace_back(eve_pos,part_pos,partial_hit_pos);
341  ++partial_hit_pos;
342  }
343  }
344  fl.hit_charge = 0.0;
345  fl.hit_energy = 0.0;
346  fl.hit_time = 0.0;
347  fl.hit_width = 0.0;
348  fl.hit_split = 0.0;
349  fl.hit_index = 0.0;
350  fl.hit_wire = 0.0;
351  {
352  int partial_ophit_pos=0;
353  for(auto partial_ophit : part.partial_ophits){
354  int ind = partial_ophit.index;
355  fl.ophit_pes = partial_ophit.pes;
356  fl.ophit_energy =;
357  fl.ophit_time = partial_ophit.time;
358  fl.ophit_width = partial_ophit.width;
359  fl.ophit_split = partial_ophit.split;
360  fl.ophit_index = partial_ophit.index;
361  fl.ophit_opchan = partial_ophit.opchan;
362  private_FlatCalibrationTree->Fill();
364  //Seg fault here. I suspect it is because of an empty private_eventBuffer.ophits
365  std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::HitContributor>::iterator hc_pos = std::find_if(private_eventBuffer.ophits.begin(), private_eventBuffer.ophits.end(), [&ind](CalibTreeRecord::HitContributor& hc){ return ind==hc.index;});
366  if(hc_pos==private_eventBuffer.ophits.end()){
367  private_eventBuffer.ophits.emplace_back(ind);
368  if(hc_pos!=(private_eventBuffer.ophits.end()-1)){
369  hc_pos=private_eventBuffer.ophits.end()-1;
370  }
371  }
372  hc_pos->locations.emplace_back(eve_pos,part_pos,partial_ophit_pos);
373  ++partial_ophit_pos;
374  }
375  }
376  ++part_pos;
377  }
378  }
379  ++eve_pos;
380  }
381  }
382  //Private event buffer eves are now done for this particle.
383  //Loop private event buffer to make the hit and ophit partial positions list.
384  }else{ private_eventBuffer=private_eventPrep;}
387  private_CalibrationTree->Fill();
391  } //end analyze
393  //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
394  void CalibrationTreeBuilder::endJob(){
395  }
397  //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
398  //This function will break up the hit into partial hits
399  //using the backtracker, and then will assigne the partial
400  //hits to the appropriate particles in the record.
401  //We will also add the appropriate references to the hit
402  //list to be able to rebuild the "full" hit.
403  bool CalibrationTreeBuilder::AddHit(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const& clockData,
404  const art::Ptr<recob::Hit> hit, unsigned int& counter){
406  std::vector<const sim::IDE*> ides_ps = BTS->HitToSimIDEs_Ps(clockData, hit);
407  std::vector<std::pair<int, CalibTreeRecord::PartialHit>> track_partials;
408  Double_t total_charge = 0.0;
409  if(ides_ps.empty()){return false;}
410  for(auto ide_p : ides_ps){
411  int track_id = ide_p->trackID;
413  total_charge += ide_p->numElectrons;
414  // tmp.charge = ide_p->numElectrons;
415  tmp.num_electrons = ide_p->numElectrons;
416  tmp.time = hit->PeakTime();
417  tmp.width = hit->SigmaPeakTime();
418  tmp.split = 0.0;
419  tmp.wire = hit->Channel();
420  tmp.is_collection_wire = (geom->SignalType(tmp.wire)==geo::kCollection)?(true):(false);
421 = (tmp.is_collection_wire)?(ide_p->energy):(0.0);
422  tmp.index = counter;
423  track_partials.push_back(std::make_pair(track_id, tmp));
424  }
425  for(auto track_partial : track_partials){
426  track_partial.second.split = track_partial.second.num_electrons / total_charge; //What percentage of the hit is in this partial.
427  track_partial.second.charge = hit->Integral()*track_partial.second.split; //Charge now normalized by deposition;
428  //Add partial to CalibTreeRecord;
429  const simb::MCParticle* part = PIS->TrackIdToParticle_P(track_partial.first);
430  //Emplace Particle. (Emplace Eve will be handeled in emplace particle
431  std::pair<std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::ParticleRecord>::iterator, bool> part_marker = EmplaceParticle(part);
432  part_marker.first->partial_hits.push_back(track_partial.second); //Add post normalized partial hit.
433  //Don't forget to add the indicies to the hit vector. Actually. To keep it easy, we can just loop the eve records and add the indicies then. This is inefficient, but easier to code since I don't immediately have access to eve_pos here.
434  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"This partialhit is being added to the record with charge "<<track_partial.second.charge<<"\n";
435  }//end for track partial.
437  return true;
438  }
440  bool CalibrationTreeBuilder::AddHit(const art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> hit, unsigned int& counter){
441  {//make each loop local so the vectors don't persist
442 // try{
443  const std::vector< sim::SDP> sdps = this->OpHitToChannelWeightedSimSDPs(hit);
444 // }catch(const std::exception &e){
445 // return false;
446 // }
447  std::vector<std::pair<int, CalibTreeRecord::PartialOpHit>> track_partials;
448  Double_t total_charge = 0.0;
449  if(sdps.empty()){return false;}
450  for(auto sdp : sdps){
451  int track_id = sdp.trackID;
453  total_charge += sdp.numPhotons;
454  // tmp.pes = //Not used yet.
455  tmp.num_photons = sdp.numPhotons; //This is not PEs. This is incident photons. I am just storing it here for later logic (see final assignment in the next for loop.
456 =;
457  // = 0.0;//;
458  tmp.time = hit->PeakTime();
459  tmp.width = hit->Width();
460  tmp.split = 0.0;
461  tmp.opchan = hit->OpChannel();
462  tmp.opdet = GS->OpDetFromOpChannel(hit->OpChannel());
463  tmp.index = counter;
464  track_partials.push_back(std::make_pair(track_id, tmp));
465  }
466  for(auto track_partial : track_partials){
467  track_partial.second.split = track_partial.second.num_photons / total_charge; //What percentage of the hit is in this partial.
468  track_partial.second.pes = hit->PE()*track_partial.second.split; //PEs now normalized by deposition;
469  //Add partial to CalibTreeRecord;
470  const simb::MCParticle* part = PIS->TrackIdToParticle_P(track_partial.first);
471  //Emplace Particle. (Emplace Eve will be handeled in emplace particle
472  std::pair<std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::ParticleRecord>::iterator, bool> part_marker = EmplaceParticle(part);
473  part_marker.first->partial_ophits.push_back(track_partial.second); //Add post normalized partial hit.
474  //Don't forget to add the indicies to the hit vector. Actually. To keep it easy, we can just loop the eve records and add the indicies then. This is inefficient, but easier to code since I don't immediately have access to eve_pos here.
475  }//end for track partial.
477  }
478  return true;
479 // }
480 // catch(...){
481 // return false;
482 // }
483  }
487  std::pair<std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::ParticleRecord>::iterator, bool> CalibrationTreeBuilder::EmplaceParticle(const simb::MCParticle* part){
488  int track_id = part->TrackId();
489  int eve_id = PIS->TrackIdToEveTrackId(part->TrackId());
490  const simb::MCParticle* eve = PIS->TrackIdToParticle_P(eve_id);
491  //This search can be put into EmplaceEve
492  //std::vector<EvenRecord::ParticleRecord>::iterator = std::find_if(private_eventPrep.eves.begin(), private_eventPrep.eves.end(), [&eve_id](CalibTreeRecord::EveRecord& eve_rec){ return eve_id==eve_rec.trackId;});
493  std::pair<std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::EveRecord>::iterator, bool> eve_marker = EmplaceEve(eve);
494  std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::ParticleRecord>::iterator part_ptr = std::find_if(eve_marker.first->particles.begin(), eve_marker.first->particles.end(), [&track_id](CalibTreeRecord::ParticleRecord& part_rec){return track_id == part_rec.trackId;});
495  if(part_ptr!=eve_marker.first->particles.end()){
496  return std::make_pair(part_ptr, false);
497  }else{
499  tmpRec.isEve = (track_id==eve_id)?true:false; //The conditional operator here is unneccessary, but I think it is more clear to include it.
500  tmpRec.trackId = track_id;
501  tmpRec.pdgid = part->PdgCode();
502  tmpRec.dP = ( part->EndMomentum().P() - part->Momentum(0).P() );
503  tmpRec.dE = ( part->EndMomentum().E() - part->Momentum(0).E() );
504  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"The particle now enetered into the particle record has PDGID "<<part->PdgCode()<<"\n";
505  tmpRec.x_pos = part->Position(0).X();
506  tmpRec.y_pos = part->Position(0).Y();
507  tmpRec.z_pos = part->Position(0).Z();
508  tmpRec.t_pos = part->Position(0).T();
509  eve_marker.first->particles.push_back(tmpRec);
510  if(part_ptr == (eve_marker.first->particles.end()-1) ){
511  return std::make_pair(part_ptr, true); //If the vector hasn't been moved (can happen with expanding), just return what we have made).
512  }else{//The vector has moved. Return the right answer (this could honestly be the only return, the previous being unnecessary).
513  return std::make_pair(eve_marker.first->particles.end()-1, true);
514  }
515  }//end else (part_ptr!=eve_marker.first->particles.end());
516  }//end EmplaceParticle
518  std::pair<std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::EveRecord>::iterator, bool> CalibrationTreeBuilder::EmplaceEve(const simb::MCParticle* eve){
519  std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::EveRecord>& eves = private_eventPrep.eves;
520  int eve_id = eve->TrackId();
521  std::vector<CalibTreeRecord::EveRecord>::iterator eve_ptr = std::find_if(eves.begin(), eves.end(), [&eve_id](CalibTreeRecord::EveRecord& eve_rec){return eve_id == eve_rec.trackId;});
522  if( eve_ptr != eves.end() ){ return std::make_pair(eve_ptr, false); }else{
524  tmpRec.trackId = eve_id;
525  tmpRec.generator = gf->get_gen(eve_id);
526  tmpRec.pdgid = eve->PdgCode();
527  mf::LogDebug(__FUNCTION__)<<"The eve now enetered into the particle record has PDGID "<<eve->PdgCode()<<"\n";
528  tmpRec.x_pos = eve->Position(0).X();
529  tmpRec.y_pos = eve->Position(0).Y();
530  tmpRec.z_pos = eve->Position(0).Z(); tmpRec.t_pos = eve->Position(0).T();
531  tmpRec.t_pos = eve->Position(0).T();
532  eves.push_back(tmpRec);
533  if(eve_ptr == (eves.end()-1) ){
534  return std::make_pair(eve_ptr, true);
535  }else{
536  return std::make_pair(eves.end()-1, true);
537  }
538  }
539  }
542  //DUNE CalibTree specific tools intended for PhotonBackTracker (DivRec must be a larsfot wide product for that to happen).
544  //----------------------------------------------------------------
545  const art::Ptr< sim::OpDetDivRec > CalibrationTreeBuilder::FindDivRec(int const& opDetNum) const
546  {
548  for(size_t detnum = 0; detnum < priv_DivRecs.size(); ++detnum){
549  if(>OpDetNum() == opDetNum)
550  opDet =;
551  }
552  if(!opDet)
553  {
554  throw cet::exception("CalibTreeBuilder") << "No sim:: OpDetDivRec corresponding "
555  << "to opDetNum: " << opDetNum << "\n";
556  }
557  return opDet;
558  }
561  //----------------------------------------------------------------
562  //This function weights each of the returned sdps by the correct fractional number of detected photons. This make nPEs and Energy in the SDP make sense. Because these are constructed in place as weighted copies of the actual SDPs, they do not exist in the principle, cannot be returned as pointers, and are not comparable between calls.
563  //This function is largely copied from OpHitToSimSDPs_Ps
564  const std::vector< sim::SDP > CalibrationTreeBuilder::OpHitToChannelWeightedSimSDPs(art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> const& opHit_P) const
565  {
566  const double fDelay = PBS->GetDelay();
567  std::vector< sim::SDP > retVec;
568  double fPeakTime = opHit_P->PeakTime();
569  double fWidth = opHit_P->Width();
570  UInt_t fChan = opHit_P->OpChannel();
572  int fDet = geom->OpDetFromOpChannel(fChan);
573  //I should use the timing service for these time conversions.
574  sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecord::timePDclock_t start_time = ((fPeakTime- fWidth)*1000.0)-fDelay;
575  sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecord::timePDclock_t end_time = ((fPeakTime+ fWidth)*1000.0)-fDelay;
576  if(start_time > end_time){throw;}//This is bad. Give a reasonable error message here, and use cet::except
578  //BUG!!!fGeom->OpDetFromOpChannel(channel)
580  try{
581  fBTR = PBS->FindOpDetBTR(fDet);
582  }catch(cet::exception &e){
583  if(true){
584  std::vector<sim::SDP> ret;
585  return ret;
586  }else{
587  throw e;
588  }
589  }
590  const std::vector<std::pair<double, std::vector<sim::SDP>> >& timeSDPMap
591  = fBTR->timePDclockSDPsMap(); //Not guranteed to be sorted.
592  art::Ptr<sim::OpDetDivRec> div_rec = this->FindDivRec(fDet);//This is an OpDetDivRec collected from this BTR.
595  std::vector<const std::pair<double, std::vector<sim::SDP>>*> timePDclockSDPMap_SortedPointers;
596  std::vector<const sim::OpDet_Time_Chans*> div_rec_SortedPointers;
597  for ( auto& pair : timeSDPMap ){ timePDclockSDPMap_SortedPointers.push_back(&pair); }
598  auto pairSort = [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a->first < b->first ; } ;
599  if( !std::is_sorted( timePDclockSDPMap_SortedPointers.begin(), timePDclockSDPMap_SortedPointers.end(), pairSort)){
600  std::sort(timePDclockSDPMap_SortedPointers.begin(), timePDclockSDPMap_SortedPointers.end(), pairSort);
601  }
603  //This section is a hack to make comparisons work right.
604  std::vector<sim::SDP> dummyVec;
605  std::pair<double, std::vector<sim::SDP>> start_timePair = std::make_pair(start_time, dummyVec);
606  std::pair<double, std::vector<sim::SDP>> end_timePair = std::make_pair(end_time, dummyVec);
607  auto start_timePair_P = &start_timePair;
608  auto end_timePair_P = &end_timePair;
610  //First interesting iterator.
611  auto map_pdsdp_itr = std::lower_bound(timePDclockSDPMap_SortedPointers.begin(), timePDclockSDPMap_SortedPointers.end(), start_timePair_P, pairSort);
612  //Last interesting iterator.
613  auto map_pdsdp_last = std::upper_bound(map_pdsdp_itr, timePDclockSDPMap_SortedPointers.end(), end_timePair_P, pairSort);
615  //retvec.push_back(map_pdsdp_first.second[0]);
616  //This code screams fragile. Really. If you read this, feel free to clean up the methods.
617  for(auto& sdp_time_pair = map_pdsdp_itr; sdp_time_pair != map_pdsdp_last; ++sdp_time_pair){
618  //cut div_rec by time
619  auto time=(*sdp_time_pair)->first;
620  for(auto& sdp : (*sdp_time_pair)->second){
621  // auto sdp = (*sdp_time_pair)->second; //This is a vector
622  //auto slice = div_rec->GetSlice(start_time, end_time);
623  auto time_divr_pair = div_rec->FindClosestTimeChan(time);
624  auto time_divr=time_divr_pair.first;
625  auto time_divr_found=time_divr_pair.second;
626  sim::SDP tmp = sdp;
627  if( time_divr_found && time_divr->time == time){ //This will break if time_divr is the end value of the vector
628 = time_divr->GetFrac(fChan) *;
629  // ((*map_divrec_itr)->DivChans.eScaleFrac(fChan))*;
630  }else{
631  // std::cout<<"I am having trouble reconciling "<<time<<" and "<<time_divr->time<<"\n";
632 = 0; //This does not corespond to an energy detected. A photon may or may not have been incident on the detector, but it didn't get picked up.
633  }
634  retVec.emplace_back(tmp);
636  }
637  }
639  //while( map_pdsdp_itr != map_pdsdp_last /*&& map_divrec_itr != map_divrec_last*/){ //Stepping through.
640  /*for(auto const& sdp : (*map_pdsdp_itr)->second){
641  sim::SDP tmp = sdp;
642 = ((*map_divrec_itr)->DivChans.eScaleFrac(fChan))*;
643  // second[fChan].tick_photons_frac)*;
644  retVec.emplace_back(tmp);
645  }
646  ++map_pdsdp_itr;
647  ++map_divrec_itr;
648  }*/
650  return retVec;
651  }
653 void CalibrationTreeBuilder::PrepDivRec(const art::Event& evt)
654 {
655  if( 0 ){ return;} //Insert check for DivRecs here, or don't use validHandle below.
656  auto const& divrecHandle = evt.getValidHandle <std::vector<sim::OpDetDivRec>>(fWavLabel);
657  if(divrecHandle.failedToGet()){
658  return;
659  }
660  art::fill_ptr_vector(priv_DivRecs, divrecHandle);
661  auto compareDivReclambda = [](art::Ptr<sim::OpDetDivRec> a, art::Ptr<sim::OpDetDivRec> b) {return(a->OpDetNum() < b->OpDetNum());};
662  if (!std::is_sorted(priv_DivRecs.begin(), priv_DivRecs.end(), compareDivReclambda))
663  std::sort(priv_DivRecs.begin(), priv_DivRecs.end(), compareDivReclambda);
665 }
668 }//end namespace
def analyze(root, level, gtrees, gbranches, doprint)
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
const TLorentzVector & Position(const int i=0) const
Definition: MCParticle.h:219
int PdgCode() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:212
QList< Entry > entry
Handle< PROD > getHandle(SelectorBase const &) const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:382
std::string string
double PeakTime() const
Definition: OpHit.h:64
float Integral() const
Integral under the calibrated signal waveform of the hit, in tick x ADC units.
Definition: Hit.h:224
SigType_t SignalType(geo::PlaneID const &pid) const
Returns the type of signal on the channels of specified TPC plane.
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:98
int TrackId() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:210
unsigned int OpDetFromOpChannel(int opChannel) const
Convert unique channel to detector number.
const double e
double Width() const
Definition: OpHit.h:66
#define DEFINE_ART_MODULE(klass)
Definition: ModuleMacros.h:67
void beginJob()
void add(const int &track_id, const std::string &gname)
const double a
std::vector< Handle< PROD > > getMany(SelectorBase const &selector=MatchAllSelector{}) const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:479
double timePDclock_t
Type for iTimePDclock tick used in the interface.
ValidHandle< PROD > getValidHandle(InputTag const &tag) const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:441
string tmp
int OpDetNum() const
Definition: OpDetDivRec.h:102
Definition of data types for geometry description.
double PE() const
Definition: OpHit.h:69
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
std::pair< int, std::string > track_id_to_string
float PeakTime() const
Time of the signal peak, in tick units.
Definition: Hit.h:218
Contains all timing reference information for the detector.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
float energy
energy deposited by ionization
const TLorentzVector & Momentum(const int i=0) const
Definition: MCParticle.h:220
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
cet::LibraryManager dummy("noplugin")
EventNumber_t event() const
Definition: EventID.h:116
float SigmaPeakTime() const
Uncertainty for the signal peak, in tick units.
Definition: Hit.h:219
std::vector< track_id_to_string > track_id_map
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:7
auto const & get(AssnsNode< L, R, D > const &r)
Definition: AssnsNode.h:115
void fill_ptr_vector(std::vector< Ptr< T >> &ptrs, H const &h)
Definition: Ptr.h:297
second_as<> second
Type of time stored in seconds, in double precision.
Definition: spacetime.h:85
raw::ChannelID_t Channel() const
ID of the readout channel the hit was extracted from.
Definition: Hit.h:230
int OpChannel() const
Definition: OpHit.h:62
const TLorentzVector & EndMomentum() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:240
SubRunNumber_t subRun() const
Definition: EventID.h:110
EventID id() const
timePDclockSDPs_t const & timePDclockSDPsMap() const
Returns all the deposited energy information as stored.
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
Signal from collection planes.
Definition: geo_types.h:146
std::pair< OpDetDivRec::Time_Chans_t::const_iterator, bool > FindClosestTimeChan(OpDet_Time_Chans::stored_time_t pdTime) const
Definition: OpDetDivRec.cxx:73