Go to the documentation of this file.
3 #include <Eigen/Dense>
4 using namespace Eigen;
6 #include <iostream>
7 using namespace std;
9 /* Minimize the following problem:
10  * 1/(2) * ||Y - beta * X||_2^2 + N * lambda * (
11  * alpha * ||beta||_1 + 0.5 * (1-alpha) * ||beta||_2^2
12  * )
13  * To control L1 and L2 separately, this is equivaletnt to a * L1 + b * L2,
14  * where lambda = a + b and alpha = a / (a + b)
15  */
17 WireCell::ElasticNetModel::ElasticNetModel(double lambda, double alpha, int max_iter, double TOL, bool non_negtive)
18 : lambda(lambda), alpha(alpha), max_iter(max_iter), TOL(TOL), non_negtive(non_negtive)
19 {
20  name = "Elastic net";
21 }
24 {}
27 {
28  // initialize solution to zero unless user set beta already
29  Eigen::VectorXd beta = _beta;
30  if (0 == beta.size()) {
31  beta = VectorXd::Zero(_X.cols());
32  }
34  // initialize active_beta to true
35  int nbeta = beta.size();
36  _active_beta = vector<bool>(nbeta, true);
38  // use alias for easy notation
39  Eigen::VectorXd y = Gety();
40  Eigen::MatrixXd X = GetX();
42  // cooridate decsent
44  //int N = y.size();
45  VectorXd norm(nbeta);
46  for (int j=0; j<nbeta; j++) {
47  norm(j) = X.col(j).squaredNorm();
48  if (norm(j) < 1e-6) {
49  cerr << "warning: the " << j << "th variable is not used, please consider removing it." << endl;
50  norm(j) = 1;
51  }
52  }
53  double tol2 = TOL*TOL*nbeta;
55  int double_check = 0;
56  for (int i=0; i<max_iter; i++) {
57  VectorXd betalast = beta;
58  for (int j=0; j<nbeta; j++) {
59  if (!_active_beta[j]) {continue;}
60  VectorXd X_j = X.col(j);
61  VectorXd beta_tmp = beta;
62  beta_tmp(j) = 0;
63  VectorXd r_j = (y - X * beta_tmp);
64  double delta_j = X_j.dot(r_j);
65  // beta(j) = _soft_thresholding(delta_j, N*lambda*alpha*lambda_weight(j)) / (1+lambda*(1-alpha)) / norm(j);
66  beta(j) = _soft_thresholding(delta_j/norm(j), lambda*alpha*lambda_weight(j)) / (1+lambda*(1-alpha));
68  //cout << i << " " << j << " " << beta(j) << std::endl;
69  if(fabs(beta(j)) < 1e-6) { _active_beta[j] = false; }
70  // else { cout << beta(j) << endl;}
71  // beta(j) = _soft_thresholding(delta_j, N*lambda*alpha, j) / (1+lambda*(1-alpha)) / norm(j);
72  // if (j==0) cout << beta(j) << ", " << arg1 << endl;
73  }
74  double_check++;
75  // cout << endl;
76  VectorXd diff = beta - betalast;
78  //std::cout << i << " " << diff.squaredNorm() << " " << tol2 << std::endl;
79  if (diff.squaredNorm()<tol2) {
80  if (double_check!=1) {
81  double_check = 0;
82  for (int k=0; k<nbeta; k++) {
83  _active_beta[k] = true;
84  }
85  }
86  else {
87  // cout << "found minimum at iteration: " << i << endl;
88  break;
89  }
91  }
92  }
94  // save results in the model
95  Setbeta(beta);
96 }
98 double WireCell::ElasticNetModel::_soft_thresholding(double delta, double lambda_)
99 {
101  if (delta > lambda_) {
102  return delta - lambda_;
103  }
104  else {
105  if (non_negtive) {
106  return 0;
107  }
108  else {
109  if (delta < -lambda_) {
110  return delta + lambda_;
111  }
112  else {
113  return 0;
114  }
115  }
116  }
117 }
Eigen::MatrixXd _X
Definition: LinearModel.h:33
std::vector< bool > _active_beta
Eigen::MatrixXd & GetX()
Definition: LinearModel.h:15
virtual void Setbeta(Eigen::VectorXd beta)
Definition: LinearModel.h:21
STL namespace.
Eigen::VectorXd _beta
Definition: LinearModel.h:34
double y
const double e
Eigen::VectorXd & Gety()
Definition: LinearModel.h:14
ElasticNetModel(double lambda=1., double alpha=1., int max_iter=100000, double TOL=1e-3, bool non_negtive=true)
double _soft_thresholding(double x, double lambda_)
auto norm(Vector const &v)
Return norm of the specified vector.
Eigen::VectorXd lambda_weight
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)