Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*
3  Copyright (c) 2003-2017, GENIE Neutrino MC Generator Collaboration
4  For the full text of the license visit
5  or see $GENIE/LICENSE
7  Authors: Costas Andreopoulos <costas.andreopoulos \at>
8  University of Liverpool & STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab
10  For the class documentation see the corresponding header file.
12  Important revisions after version 2.0.0 :
13  @ Sep 10, 2009 - CA
14  Skeleton first included in v2.5.1.
15  @ May 21, 2010 - CA
16  Added option to reweiht xF and pT2 for nucleon+pion states
17 */
18 //____________________________________________________________________________
20 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
21 #include <TGenPhaseSpace.h>
22 #include <TF1.h>
23 #include <TH2F.h>
24 #include <TMath.h>
25 #include <TFile.h>
26 #include <TNtupleD.h>
28 #include "Conventions/Controls.h"
29 #include "Conventions/Constants.h"
30 #include "EVGCore/EventRecord.h"
31 #include "GHEP/GHepParticle.h"
32 #include "Messenger/Messenger.h"
33 #include "Numerical/RandomGen.h"
34 #include "PDG/PDGCodes.h"
35 #include "ReWeight/GReWeightAGKY.h"
39 using namespace genie;
40 using namespace genie::rew;
41 using namespace genie::constants;
43 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
45 GReWeightI()
46 {
47  this->Init();
48 }
49 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
51 {
52  delete fBaryonXFpdf;
53  delete fBaryonPT2pdf;
54  delete fBaryonXFpdfTwk;
55  delete fBaryonPT2pdfTwk;
58  fTestFile->cd();
59  fTestNtp ->Write();
60  fTestFile->Close();
61  delete fTestFile;
62 #endif
63 }
64 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
66 {
67  switch(syst) {
68  case ( kHadrAGKYTwkDial_xF1pi ) :
69  case ( kHadrAGKYTwkDial_pT1pi ) :
70  return true;
71  break;
72  default:
73  return false;
74  break;
75  }
77  return false;
78 }
79 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
80 void GReWeightAGKY::SetSystematic(GSyst_t syst, double twk_dial)
81 {
82  switch(syst) {
83  case ( kHadrAGKYTwkDial_xF1pi ) :
84  fPeakBaryonXFTwkDial = twk_dial;
85  break;
86  case ( kHadrAGKYTwkDial_pT1pi ) :
87  fAvgPT2TwkDial = twk_dial;
88  break;
89  default:
90  return;
91  break;
92  }
93 }
94 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
96 {
98  fAvgPT2TwkDial = 0.;
99 }
100 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
102 {
104 }
105 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
107 {
108  Interaction * interaction = event.Summary();
110  bool is_cc = interaction->ProcInfo().IsWeakCC();
111  bool is_nc = interaction->ProcInfo().IsWeakNC();
112  if(is_cc && !fRewCC) return 1.;
113  if(is_nc && !fRewNC) return 1.;
115  int nupdg = interaction->InitState().ProbePdg();
116  if(nupdg==kPdgNuMu && !fRewNumu ) return 1.;
117  if(nupdg==kPdgAntiNuMu && !fRewNumubar) return 1.;
118  if(nupdg==kPdgNuE && !fRewNue ) return 1.;
119  if(nupdg==kPdgAntiNuE && !fRewNuebar ) return 1.;
121  // Skip events not handled by the AGKY hadronization model
122  if(! utils::rew::HadronizedByAGKY(event)) return 1.0;
124  // Skip high-W events hadronized by AGKY/PYTHIA
125  if(utils::rew::HadronizedByAGKYPythia(event)) return 1.0;
127  //
128  // Reweight events hadronized by AGKY/KNO
129  //
131  double wght =
132  this->RewxFpT1pi(event); /* reweight pT2 and xF for `nucleon+pion' states */
134  return wght;
135 }
136 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
138 {
139  bool PT2tweaked = (TMath::Abs(fAvgPT2TwkDial) > controls::kASmallNum);
140  bool XFtweaked = (TMath::Abs(fPeakBaryonXFTwkDial) > controls::kASmallNum);
142  bool tweaked = (PT2tweaked || XFtweaked);
143  if(!tweaked) return 1.;
145  //
146  // Did the hadronization code produced a `nucleon+pion' system?
147  // If yes, keep the nucleon xF and pT (in HCM) for event reweighting.
148  //
150  GHepParticle * p = 0;
151  TIter event_iter(&event);
152  int i=-1, ihadsyst = -1;
153  while ( (p = dynamic_cast<GHepParticle *>(event_iter.Next())) ) {
154  i++;
155  if(p->Pdg() != kPdgHadronicSyst) continue;
156  ihadsyst = i;
157  break;
158  }
159  if(ihadsyst<0) return 1.;
161  LOG("ReW", pDEBUG)
162  << "Found HadronicSystem pseudo-particle at position = " << ihadsyst;
164  int fd = event.Particle(ihadsyst)->FirstDaughter();
165  int ld = event.Particle(ihadsyst)->LastDaughter();
166  int nd = ld-fd+1;
168  LOG("ReW", pDEBUG)
169  << "HadronicSystem pseudo-particle's num. of daughters = " << nd
170  << " at positions (" << fd << ", " << ld << ")";
172  bool is_Npi = false;
173  int iN = -1;
174  if(nd==2) {
175  int fdpdg = event.Particle(fd)->Pdg();
176  int ldpdg = event.Particle(ld)->Pdg();
177  if( pdg::IsNucleon(fdpdg) && pdg::IsPion(ldpdg) ) {
178  is_Npi = true;
179  iN = fd;
180  }
181  else
182  if( pdg::IsNucleon(ldpdg) && pdg::IsPion(fdpdg) ) {
183  is_Npi = true;
184  iN = ld;
185  }
186  }
187  if(!is_Npi) return 1.;
189  LOG("ReW", pDEBUG)
190  << "A DIS event with a 'nucleon+pion' primary hadronic state";
192  // Nucleon 4-momentum at LAB
193  GHepParticle * N = event.Particle(fd);
194  TLorentzVector p4N(N->Px(), N->Py(), N->Pz(), N->E());
195  TVector3 p3N = p4N.Vect();
196  LOG("ReW", pDEBUG)
197  << "4-p @ LAB: px = " << p4N.Px() << ", py = " << p4N.Py()
198  << ", pz = " << p4N.Pz() << ", E = " << p4N.Energy();
200  // Hadronic system 4-momentum
201  TLorentzVector p4had = utils::rew::Hadronic4pLAB(event);
202  TVector3 p3had = p4had.Vect();
204  // Nucleon 4-momentum at LAB' (LAB but with z' rotated
205  // along the hadron shower direction)
206  double pTlabp = p3N.Pt(p3had);
207  double pLlabp = TMath::Sqrt(p3N.Mag2()-pTlabp*pTlabp);
208  double Elabp = p4N.Energy();
209  TLorentzVector p4Nr(0,pTlabp,pLlabp,Elabp);
211  // Boost velocity (LAB' -> HCM)
212  TVector3 bv(0,0,-1.*p4had.P()/p4had.Energy());
214  // Nucleon 4-momentum at HCM
215  p4Nr.Boost(bv);
217  // Get baryon xF and pT2 in HCM
218  bool selected = true;
219  double W = event.Summary()->Kine().W(selected);
220  double PZmax = W/2.;
221  double XF = p4Nr.Pz() / PZmax;
222  double PT2 = p4Nr.Perp2();
224  LOG("ReW", pDEBUG)
225  << "@ HCM: pT2 = " << PT2 << ", xF = " << XF;
227  bool XFinrange = (XF > fXFmin && XF < fXFmax);
228  bool PT2inrange = (PT2 > fPT2min && PT2 < fPT2max);
229  bool inrange = XFinrange && PT2inrange;
230  if(!inrange) return 1.;
232  // Get tweaked weighting functions
235  if(XFtweaked) {
236  double frcerr = uncertainty->OneSigmaErr(kHadrAGKYTwkDial_xF1pi);
237  double XFpeak = fDefPeakBaryonXF * (1. + fPeakBaryonXFTwkDial * frcerr);
238  fBaryonXFpdfTwk->SetParameter(1, XFpeak);
239  double I = fBaryonXFpdfTwk->Integral(fXFmin,fXFmax);
240  if(I>0.) {
241  double norm = fI0XFpdf/I;
242  fBaryonXFpdfTwk->SetParameter(0, norm);
243  }
244  }
245  if(PT2tweaked) {
246  double frcerr = uncertainty->OneSigmaErr(kHadrAGKYTwkDial_pT1pi);
247  double PT2avg = fDefAvgPT2* (1. + fAvgPT2TwkDial * frcerr);
248  fBaryonPT2pdfTwk->SetParameter(1, PT2avg);
249  double I = fBaryonPT2pdfTwk->Integral(fPT2min,fPT2max);
250  if(I>0.) {
251  double norm = fI0PT2pdf/I;
252  fBaryonPT2pdfTwk->SetParameter(0, norm);
253  }
254  }
256  // Default and tweaked nucleon xF:pT2 distribution at given W and for
257  // given tweaking dials.
258  Double_t masses[2] = { kNucleonMass, kPionMass } ;
259  int ndec=20000;
260  int nbin=20;
261  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
262  TLorentzVector ph(0,0,0,W);
263  TGenPhaseSpace phspgen;
264  phspgen.SetDecay(ph, 2, masses);
265  TH2F hdef("hdef","def xF:pT2 at given W", nbin, fXFmin, fXFmax, nbin, fPT2min, fPT2max);
266  TH2F htwk("htwk","twk xF:pT2 at given W", nbin, fXFmin, fXFmax, nbin, fPT2min, fPT2max);
267  for (Int_t n=0;n<ndec;n++) {
268  double dec_weight = phspgen.Generate();
269  TLorentzVector * nucp4 = phspgen.GetDecay(0);
270  double dec_px=nucp4->Px();
271  double dec_py=nucp4->Py();
272  double dec_pz=nucp4->Pz();
273  double dec_pT2 = dec_px*dec_px+dec_py*dec_py;
274  double dec_xF = dec_pz/(W/2.);
276  double fpT2max = 1.1 * fBaryonXFpdf ->GetMaximum(fXFmin, fXFmax );
277  double fxFmax = 1.1 * fBaryonPT2pdf->GetMaximum(fPT2min,fPT2max);
278  double fpT2rnd = fpT2max * rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
279  double fxFrnd = fxFmax * rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
280  double fpT2pdf = fBaryonPT2pdf->Eval(dec_pT2);
281  double fxFpdf = fBaryonXFpdf ->Eval(dec_xF );
282  if(fxFrnd < fxFpdf && fpT2rnd < fpT2pdf) {
283  hdef.Fill(dec_xF, dec_pT2, dec_weight);
284  }
286  fpT2max = 1.1 * fBaryonXFpdfTwk ->GetMaximum(fXFmin, fXFmax );
287  fxFmax = 1.1 * fBaryonPT2pdfTwk->GetMaximum(fPT2min,fPT2max);
288  fpT2rnd = fpT2max * rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
289  fxFrnd = fxFmax * rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
290  fpT2pdf = fBaryonPT2pdfTwk->Eval(dec_pT2);
291  fxFpdf = fBaryonXFpdfTwk ->Eval(dec_xF );
292  if(fxFrnd < fxFpdf && fpT2rnd < fpT2pdf) {
293  htwk.Fill(dec_xF, dec_pT2, dec_weight);
294  }
295  }//ndec
297  double Idef = hdef.Integral("width");
298  double Itwk = htwk.Integral("width");
299  if(Idef > 0 && Itwk > 0) {
300  hdef.Scale(1./hdef.Integral("width"));
301  htwk.Scale(1./htwk.Integral("width"));
302  } else {
303  return 1.;
304  }
306  int xfbin = hdef.GetXaxis()->FindBin(XF);
307  int pt2bin = hdef.GetYaxis()->FindBin(PT2);
309  double prob_def = hdef.GetBinContent(xfbin,pt2bin);
310  double prob_twk = htwk.GetBinContent(xfbin,pt2bin);
311  if(prob_def <= 0 || prob_twk < 0) {
312  return 1.;
313  }
315  double wght = prob_twk/prob_def;
318  fTestNtp->Fill(W,XF,PT2,fPeakBaryonXFTwkDial,fAvgPT2TwkDial,wght);
319 #endif
321  return wght;
322 }
323 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
325 {
326  this->RewNue (true);
327  this->RewNuebar (true);
328  this->RewNumu (true);
329  this->RewNumubar(true);
330  this->RewCC (true);
331  this->RewNC (true);
333  // Baryon pT^2 and xF parameterizations used as PDFs in AGKY.
334  // Code from KNOHadronization.cxx:
335  //
337  fXFmin = -1.0;
338  fXFmax = 0.5;
339  fPT2min = 0;
340  fPT2max = 0.6;
342  fBaryonXFpdf = new TF1("fBaryonXFpdf",
343  "0.083*exp(-0.5*pow(x+0.385,2.)/0.131)", fXFmin, fXFmax);
344  fBaryonPT2pdf = new TF1("fBaryonPT2pdf",
345  "exp(-0.214-6.625*x)", fPT2min, fPT2max);
347  fI0XFpdf = fBaryonXFpdf ->Integral(fXFmin, fXFmax);
348  fI0PT2pdf = fBaryonPT2pdf->Integral(fPT2min,fPT2max);
350  //
351  // Now, define same function as above, but insert tweaking dials.
352  // - For the xF PDF add a parameter to shift the peak of the distribution.
353  // - For the pT2 PDF add a parameter to shift the <pT2>
354  // Include parameter to allow re-normalizing tweaked PDF to 1.
356  fDefPeakBaryonXF = -0.385;
357  fBaryonXFpdfTwk = new TF1("fBaryonXFpdf",
358  "[0]*0.083*exp(-0.5*pow(x-[1],2.)/0.131)", fXFmin, fXFmax);
359  fBaryonXFpdfTwk->SetParameter(0, 1.); // norm
360  fBaryonXFpdfTwk->SetParameter(1, fDefPeakBaryonXF);
362  fDefAvgPT2 = 1./6.625;
363  fBaryonPT2pdfTwk = new TF1("fBaryonPT2pdf",
364  "[0]*exp(-0.214-x/[1])", fPT2min, fPT2max);
365  fBaryonPT2pdfTwk->SetParameter(0, 1.); // norm
366  fBaryonPT2pdfTwk->SetParameter(1,fDefAvgPT2);
368  // init tweaking dials
370  fAvgPT2TwkDial = 0.;
373  fTestFile = new TFile("./agky_reweight_test.root","recreate");
374  fTestNtp = new TNtupleD("testntp","","W:xF:pT2:xFtwkdial:pT2twkdial:wght");
375 #endif
376 }
377 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
bool fRewNue
reweight nu_e?
Definition: GReWeightAGKY.h:65
bool IsPion(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:296
Basic constants.
bool IsWeakCC(void) const
const int kPdgNuE
Definition: PDGCodes.h:25
#include "Numerical/GSFunc.h"
Definition: AlgCmp.h:26
double E(void) const
Get energy.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:90
bool fRewNumu
reweight nu_mu?
Definition: GReWeightAGKY.h:67
static const double kNucleonMass
Definition: Constants.h:78
static RandomGen * Instance()
Access instance.
Definition: RandomGen.cxx:79
void Reconfigure(void)
propagate updated nuisance parameter values to actual MC, etc
bool IsNucleon(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:316
const int kPdgAntiNuE
Definition: PDGCodes.h:26
tweak xF distribution for low multiplicity (N + pi) DIS f/s produced by AGKY
Definition: GSyst.h:105
TLorentzVector Hadronic4pLAB(const EventRecord &event)
const int kPdgNuMu
Definition: PDGCodes.h:27
double CalcWeight(const EventRecord &event)
calculate a weight for the input event using the current nuisance param values
bool fRewNuebar
reweight nu_e_bar?
Definition: GReWeightAGKY.h:66
A singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should tak...
Definition: RandomGen.h:30
double Pz(void) const
Get Pz.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:89
bool fRewNumubar
reweight nu_mu_bar?
Definition: GReWeightAGKY.h:68
tweak pT distribution for low multiplicity (N + pi) DIS f/s produced by AGKY
Definition: GSyst.h:106
double Px(void) const
Get Px.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:87
double OneSigmaErr(GSyst_t syst, int sign=0) const
int Pdg(void) const
Definition: GHepParticle.h:64
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:53
bool IsWeakNC(void) const
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:87
bool HadronizedByAGKY(const EventRecord &event)
bool fRewNC
reweight NC?
Definition: GReWeightAGKY.h:70
bool fRewCC
reweight CC?
Definition: GReWeightAGKY.h:69
int ProbePdg(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:54
static const double kASmallNum
Definition: Controls.h:40
An enumeration of systematic parameters.
double RewxFpT1pi(const EventRecord &event)
const int kPdgAntiNuMu
Definition: PDGCodes.h:28
auto norm(Vector const &v)
Return norm of the specified vector.
Generated Event Record. It is a GHepRecord object that can accept / be visited by EventRecordVisitorI...
Definition: EventRecord.h:38
TRandom3 & RndHadro(void) const
rnd number generator used by hadronization models
Definition: RandomGen.h:54
bool HadronizedByAGKYPythia(const EventRecord &event)
static const double kPionMass
Definition: Constants.h:74
bool IsHandled(GSyst_t syst)
does the current weight calculator handle the input nuisance param?
void Reset(void)
set all nuisance parameters to default values
const InitialState & InitState(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:66
const ProcessInfo & ProcInfo(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:67
static GSystUncertainty * Instance(void)
const int kPdgHadronicSyst
Definition: PDGCodes.h:181
void SetSystematic(GSyst_t syst, double val)
update the value for the specified nuisance param
Most commonly used PDG codes. A set of utility functions to handle PDG codes is provided in PDGUtils...
STDHEP-like event record entry that can fit a particle or a nucleus.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:40
Event finding and building.
GENIE event reweighting engine ABC.
Definition: GReWeightI.h:31
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:54
double Py(void) const
Get Py.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:88