Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
genie Namespace Reference



 Basic constants.
 Misc GENIE control constants.
 GENIE-defined C++ exceptions.
 GENIE flux drivers.
 GENIE geometry drivers.
 INTRANUKE utilities.
 The MuELoss utility package that computes muon energy losses in the energy range from 1 GeV to 10 TeV due to ionization, direct e-e+ pair production, bremsstrahlung and photonuclear interactions. Very handy in neutrino-induced upgoing-muon calculations.
 Contains the NuValidator package for Neutrino Interaction model Validation.
 Utilities for improving the code readability when using PDG codes.
 Physical System of Units.
 Root of GENIE utility namespaces.
 Constants used in VLE package.


class  AGCharm2019
 Andreopoulos - Gallagher (AG) GENIE Charm Hadronization model. More...
class  AGKY2019
 A 'composite' hadronization model using a KNO-based hadronization model at low W and PYTHIA/JETSET at higher W. Contains no new hadronization code but merely a configurable KNO to PYTHIA transition scheme. More...
class  AGKYLowW2019
 A KNO-based hadronization model. More...
class  AhrensDMELPXSec
 Differential cross section for DM+N elastic scattering.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface.
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class  AhrensNCELPXSec
 Differential cross section for v+N / vbar+N elastic scattering.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface.
. More...
class  AivazisCharmPXSecLO
 Computes, at Leading Order (LO), the differential cross section for neutrino charm production using the Aivazis,Olness,Tung model. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  AlamSimoAtharVacasSKPXSec2014
 Differential cross section model for single kaon production. More...
class  AlamSimoAtharVacasSKXSec
 A cross-section integrator and GSL interface for the M. Rafi Alam, I. Ruiz Simo, M. Sajjad Athar and M.J. Vicente Vacas single-Kaon production model. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface. More...
class  AlgCmp
 Encapsulates an enumeration of possible algorithm comparisons. More...
class  AlgConfigPool
 A singleton class holding all configuration registries built while parsing all loaded XML configuration files. More...
class  AlgFactory
 The GENIE Algorithm Factory. More...
class  AlgId
 Algorithm ID (algorithm name + configuration set name) More...
class  Algorithm
 Algorithm abstract base class. More...
class  AlgStatus
 Encapsulates an enumeration of possible algorithm execution states. More...
class  AlvarezRusoCOHPiPXSec
 Implementation of the Alvarez-Ruso coherent pion production model. More...
class  AMNuGammaGenerator
class  AMNuGammaInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the interactions that can be generated by the AM-NUGAMMA EventGenerator. More...
class  AxialFormFactor
 A class holding the Axial Form Factor. More...
class  AxialFormFactorModelI
 Pure abstract base class. Defines the AxialFormFactorModelI interface to be implemented by LlewellynSmith Algorithm for calculating the Axial Form Factor. More...
class  BardinIMDRadCorIntegrand
 Auxiliary scalar function for the internal integration in Bardin's IMD d2xsec/dxdy cross section algorithm. More...
class  BardinIMDRadCorPXSec
 Computes the Inverse Muon Decay (IMD) diff. cross section using the Bardin-Dokuchaeva including all 1-loop radiative corrections.
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class  BaryonResList
 Encapsulates a list of baryon resonances. More...
class  BaryonResonance
 An enumeration of Baryon Resonances more frequently used in resonance neutrino-nucleon/nucleus models. More...
class  BaryonResonanceDecayer
 Baryon resonance decayer module. More...
class  BBA03ELFormFactorsModel
 Concrete implementation of the ELFormFactorsModelI interface. Computes elastic form factors using the BBA2003 parameterization. More...
class  BBA05ELFormFactorsModel
 Concrete implementation of the ELFormFactorsModelI interface. Computes elastic form factors using the BBA2005 parameterization. More...
class  BBA07ELFormFactorsModel
 Computes elastic form factors using the BBA2007 parameterization. Concrete implementation of the ELFormFactorsModelI interface. More...
class  BergerSehgalCOHPiPXSec2015
 Computes the double differential cross section for CC & NC coherent pion production according to the Berger-Sehgal model. v(vbar)A->v(vbar)Api0, vA->l-Api+, vbarA->l+Api-. More...
class  BergerSehgalFMCOHPiPXSec2015
 Computes the triple differential cross section for CC & NC coherent pion production according to the Berger-Sehgal model. v(vbar)A->v(vbar)Api0, vA->l-Api+, vbarA->l+Api-. More...
class  BergerSehgalRESPXSec2014
 Computes the double differential cross section for resonance electro- or neutrino-production according to the Berger Sehgal model. More...
class  BertuzzoDNuCOHPXSec
 Differential cross section for v+As coherent elastic scattering.Coherent DNu.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface.
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class  BLI2DGrid
class  BLI2DNonUnifGrid
class  BLI2DNonUnifObjectGrid
 A class template that performs bilinear interpolation on a non-uniform grid with an implementation similar to that of genie::BLI2DNonUnifGrid. More...
class  BLI2DUnifGrid
 Bilinear interpolation of 2D functions on a regular grid. More...
class  BostedChristyEMPXSec
 Fit to inelastic cross sections for A(e,e')X valid for all W<3 GeV and all Q2<10 GeV2. More...
class  BSKLNBaseRESPXSec2014
 Base class for the Berger-Sehgal and the Kuzmin, Lyubushkin, Naumov resonance models, implemented as modifications to the Rein-Sehgal model. More...
class  BYPDF
 Computes corrected PDFs according to the Bodek-Yang model. More...
class  BYStrucFunc
 Bodek Yang structure function model. More...
class  Cache
 GENIE Cache Memory. More...
class  CacheBranchFx
 A simple cache branch storing the cached data in a TNtuple. More...
class  CacheBranchI
 The TObject at the root of concrete cache branches. More...
class  CacheBranchNtp
 A simple cache branch storing the cached data in a TNtuple. More...
class  CascadeReweight
 In this module, the event weight is set depending on the FSI fate. The weights are set depending on the xml configuration defined by the user. More...
class  CEvNSEventGenerator
 Generates complete CEvNS events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  CEvNSInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the CEvNSEventGenerator. More...
class  CEvNSXSec
 Computes the cross section for coherent elastic scattering.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface. More...
class  CmdLnArgParser
 Command line argument parser. More...
class  COHDNuEventGenerator
 Generates complete COHDNu events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  COHDNuInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the COHDNu EventGenerator. More...
class  COHDNuXSec
 Computes the cross section for coherent dark neutrino scattering.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface. More...
class  COHHadronicSystemGenerator
 Generates the f/s hadronic system in v COH pi production interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  COHInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the COH EventGenerator. More...
class  COHKinematicsGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing coherent neutrino-nucleus pion production events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  COHPrimaryLeptonGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in v COH NC interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  COHXSec
 Computes the cross section for COH neutrino-nucleus pi production.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface. More...
class  COHXSecAR
 Computes the cross section for COH neutrino-nucleus pi production.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface. More...
class  CollinsSpillerFragm
 The Collins-Spiller fragmentation function.
Is a concrete implementation of the FragmentationFunctionI interface. More...
class  DarkSectorDecayer
 Dark Sector decayer module. More...
class  Decayer
 Base class for decayer classes. Implements common configuration, allowing users to toggle on/off flags for particles and decay channels. Is a concerete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DFRHadronicSystemGenerator
class  DFRInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the interactions that can be generated by the DFR EventGenerator. More...
class  DFRKinematicsGenerator
 Generates kinematics for diffractive reactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DFRPrimaryLeptonGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in diffractive reactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DFRXSec
 Computes the cross section for DFR neutrino-nucleus pi production.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface. More...
class  DipoleAxialFormFactorModel
 Concrete implementation of the AxialFormFactorModelI interface. Computes the axial form factor using the dipole form factor approximation. More...
class  DipoleELFormFactorsModel
 Concrete implementation of the ELFormFactorsModelI interface. Computes dipole elastic form factors. More...
class  DISHadronicSystemGenerator
 Generates the final state hadronic system in v DIS interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DISInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generate a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the DIS EventGenerator. More...
class  DISKinematicsGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing DIS v interaction events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DISPrimaryLeptonGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in v DIS interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DISStructureFunc
 A class holding Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) Form Factors (invariant structure funstions) More...
class  DISStructureFuncModelI
 Pure Abstract Base Class. Defines the DISStructureFuncModelI interface to be implemented by any algorithmic class computing DIS structure functions. More...
class  DISXSec
 Computes the DIS Cross Section.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface.
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class  DMBYStrucFunc
class  DMDISInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generate a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the DMDIS EventGenerator. More...
class  DMDISKinematicsGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing DIS DM interaction events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DMDISOutgoingDarkGenerator
 Generates the final state dark matter in DM DIS interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DMDISXSec
 Computes the DMDIS Cross Section.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface.
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class  DMEInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the DME EventGenerator. More...
class  DMEKinematicsGenerator
 Generates kinematics for neutrino-electron events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DMElectronPXSec
 nu/nubar + e- scattering differential cross section
The cross section algorithm handles: More...
class  DMElectronXSec
 nu/nubar + e- scattering cross section. Integrates the loaded differential cross section model. An analytical cross section model also exists, so you cal also use that if you do not apply any kinematical cuts. More...
class  DMELEventGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing DMEL neutrino interaction events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DMELInteractionListGenerator
class  DMELKinematicsGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing DM elastic interaction events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DMELOutgoingDarkGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in v DMEL interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DMELXSec
 Computes the Elastic dark matter (DMEL) cross section.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface.
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class  DMEOutgoingDarkGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in neutrino-electron events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DMETargetRemnantGenerator
 Generates all the non-primary lepton final state particles in neutrino-electron events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  DMInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the DMEL EventGenerator. More...
class  DummyInteractionListGenerator
class  DummyPXSec
class  EffectiveSF
 An effective spectral function to match psi' superscaling. Implements the NuclearModelI interface. More...
struct  EKF_t
class  ELFormFactors
 A class holding the Elastic Form Factors Ge,Gm. More...
class  ELFormFactorsModelI
 Pure abstract base class. Defines the ELFormFactorsModelI interface to be implemented by any algorithmic class computing Elastic Form Factors. More...
class  EmpiricalMECPXSec2015
 Computes the MEC differential cross section. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface.
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class  EngelFormFactor
 Form Factor for BertuzzoDNuCOHXSec... More...
struct  EPDF
class  EventGenerator
 Encapsulates a full ordered list of (is the aggregate of) concrete EventGeneratorI implementations that must act on the EventRecord to generate an event. Each of these implementations corresponds to a single processing step. More...
class  EventGeneratorI
 Defines the EventGeneratorI interface. More...
class  EventGeneratorList
 A vector of EventGeneratorI objects. More...
class  EventGeneratorListAssembler
 Assembles a list of all the EventGeneratorI subclasses that can be employed during a neutrino event generation job. More...
class  EventRecord
 Generated Event Record. It is a GHepRecord object that can accept / be visited by EventRecordVisitorI objects (event generation modules). All the other important container manipulation methods are defined at the base GHepRecord record. More...
class  EventRecordVisitorI
 Defines the EventRecordVisitorI interface. Concrete implementations of this interface use the 'Visitor' Design Pattern to perform an operation on an EventRecord. More...
class  FermiMomentumTable
 A table of Fermi momentum constants. More...
class  FermiMomentumTablePool
 Singleton class to load & serve tables of Fermi momentum constants. More...
class  FermiMover
 It visits the event record & computes a Fermi motion momentum for initial state nucleons bound in nuclei. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  FGMBodekRitchie
 The Bodek Richie Fermi Gass model. Implements the NuclearModelI interface. More...
class  FKR
 Simple struct-like class holding the Feynmann-Kislinger-Ravndall (FKR) baryon excitation model parameters. More...
class  FragmentationFunctionI
 Pure abstract base class. Defines the FragmentationFunctionI interface to be implemented by any algorithmic class implementing a fragmentation function. More...
class  FRHadronicSystemGenerator
 Generates the f/s hadronic system in diffractive interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  GeomAnalyzerI
 Defines the GENIE Geometry Analyzer Interface. More...
class  GEVGDriver
 GENIE Event Generation Driver. A minimalist user interface object for generating neutrino interactions. Each such object is configured for a given initial state and it drives all relevant GENIE neutrino interaction physics simulation code for that state. To set-up MC jobs involving a multitude of possible initial states, including arbitrarily complex neutrino flux and detector geometry descriptions, see the GMCJDriver object. More...
class  GEvGenMode_t
 Enumeration of GENIE event generation modes. More...
class  GEVGPool
 A pool of GEVGDriver objects with an initial state key. More...
class  GFluxI
 GENIE Interface for user-defined flux classes. More...
class  GHepFlag
 An enumeration of event flags. Each represents a physical condition or a computational error. If any is set the event would be marked as unphysical. More...
class  GHepFlags
class  GHepParticle
 STDHEP-like event record entry that can fit a particle or a nucleus. More...
class  GHepRecord
 GENIE's GHEP MC event record. More...
class  GHepRecordHistory
 Holds the history of the GHEP event record as it being modified by the processing steps of an event generation thread. The event record history can be used to step back in the generation sequence if a processing step is to be re-run (this the GENIE event generation framework equivalent of an 'Undo') More...
class  GHepStatus
 GHepParticle Status. More...
class  GHepVirtualList
 A GHepVirtualList is a 'virtual' collection of GHepParticles. Is virtual because it does not own but only points to GHepParticles owned by the generated GHepRecord. Use it if in your event generation algorithm you need to define & use a GHepRecord subset (without duplicating the GHepParticle entries) All 'named' lists are managed by the GHepVirtualListFolder singleton and get cleared after the generation of each event is completed. More...
class  GHepVirtualListFolder
 A singleton class to manage all named GHepVirtualLists. More...
class  GiBUURESFormFactor
 Singleton to load and serve data tables provided by the GiBUU group. More...
class  GLRESGenerator
 Glashow resonance event generator. More...
class  GLRESInteractionListGenerator
 Generates a list of all the interactions that cab be generated by the GLRES EventGenerator. More...
class  GLRESKinematicsGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing Glashow resonance. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. Part of its implementation, related with the caching and retrieval of previously computed values, is inherited from the KineGeneratorWithCache abstract class. More...
class  GLRESPXSec
 Nuebar cross section at the Glashow resonance (nuebar + e- -> W-). Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  GLRESXSec
 nubar + e- scattering glashow resonance. Integrates the loaded differential cross section model. An analytical cross section model also exists, so you cal also use that if you do not apply any kinematical cuts. More...
class  GMCJDriver
 A GENIE `MC Job Driver'. Can be used for setting up complicated event generation cases involving detailed flux descriptions and detector geometry descriptions. More...
class  GMCJMonitor
 Simple class to create & update MC job status files and env. vars. This is used to be able to keep track of an MC job status even when all output is suppressed or redirected to /dev/null. More...
class  GNuMcMainFrame
 GENIE Neutrino Masterclass app main frame. More...
class  GRV89LO
 GRV98LO parton density functions (pdf). Concrete implementation of the PDFModelI interface. More...
class  GRV98LO
class  GSimFiles
class  GVldContext
 Validity Context for an Event Generator. More...
class  H3AMNuGammaPXSec
 An anomaly-mediated neutrino-photon interaction cross section model Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  HadronicSystemGenerator
 Abstract class. Is used to pass some commonly recurring methods to all concrete implementations of the EventRecordVisitorI interface generating the hadronic system for a specific processes (QEL,DIS, RES,...) More...
class  HadronTensorI
 Abstract interface for an object that computes the elements a hadron tensor $W^{\mu\nu}$. Also computes the contraction of the hadron tensor with the lepton tensor $L_{\mu\nu}W^{\mu\nu}$ for one or more kinds of projectile (e.g., neutrinos, electrons) More...
class  HadronTensorModelI
 Creates hadron tensor objects for use in cross section calculations. More...
class  HadronTransporter
 Intranuclear hadronic transport module. It is being used to transfer all hadrons outside the nucleus without rescattering -if rescattering is switched off- or to call one of the supported hadron transport MCs -if rescattering is switched on-. More...
class  HAIntranuke
class  HAIntranuke2018
class  HEDISGenerator
 Generates the final state leptonic and hadronic system in v HEDIS interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  HEDISInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generate a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the HEDIS EventGenerator. More...
class  HEDISKinematicsGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing HEDIS v interaction events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  HEDISPXSec
 Computes the double differential Cross Section for HEDIS.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  HEDISStrcuFunc
 Singleton class to load Structure Functions used in HEDIS. More...
class  HEDISStrucFunc
class  HEDISXSec
 Computes the HEDIS Cross Section.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface.
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class  HNIntranuke2018
class  HybridXSecAlgorithm
 Defines an XSecAlgorithmI that delegates the actual calculation to one or more sub-algorithms (each of which is itself an XSecAlgorithmI) based on the input interaction. The choice of sub-algorithms is configurable via XML. More...
class  IBDHadronicSystemGenerator
 Generates the final state hadronic system in v IBD interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  IBDInteractionListGenerator
 Generates a list of all the interactions that can be generated by the VLE SV QEL Nu-Nucleon generator. More...
class  IBDKinematicsGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing IBD neutrino interaction events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  IBDPrimaryLeptonGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in v IBD interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  IBDXSecMap
 Maps specific nuclei to appropriate cross section models. More...
class  IMDAnnihilationPXSec
 nuebar + e- -> mu- + numubar [CC] scattering differential cross section
class  IMDXSec
 Computes the Inverse Muon Decay cross section. More...
class  InitialState
 Initial State information. More...
class  InitialStateAppender
 Appends the initial state information to the event record. Is a concerete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  Interaction
 Summary information for an interaction. More...
class  InteractionGeneratorMap
 An Interaction -> EventGeneratorI associative container. The container is being built for the loaded EventGeneratorList and for the input InitialState object and is being used to locate the generator that can generate aany given interaction. More...
class  InteractionList
 A vector of Interaction objects. More...
class  InteractionListAssembler
 Assembles a list of all interactions that can be generated during a neutrino event generation job by querying each EventGeneratorI subclass employed in that job for its interaction list. More...
class  InteractionListGeneratorI
 Defines the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Concrete implementations of this interface generate a list of all Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by EventGeneratorI subclasses. More...
class  InteractionSelectorI
 Defines the InteractionSelectorI interface to be implemented by algorithms selecting interactions to be generated. More...
class  InteractionType
 Enumeration of interaction types: e/m, weak cc, weak nc. More...
class  Interpolator2D
 A 2D interpolator using the GSL spline type If GSL version is not sufficient, does an inefficient version using TGraph2D. More...
class  Intranuke
 The INTRANUKE intranuclear hadron transport MC. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  Intranuke2018
class  IntranukeMode
 An enumeration of intranuke modes. More...
class  INukeDeltaPropg
class  INukeHadroData
 Singleton class to load & serve hadron x-section splines used by GENIE's version of the INTRANUKE cascade MC. More...
class  INukeHadroData2018
class  INukeHadroFates
 An enumeration of possible hadron "fates" taken into account by the INTRANUKE hadron transport MC. More...
class  INukeMode
class  KineGeneratorWithCache
 Abstract class. Provides a data caching mechanism for for concrete implementations of the EventRecordVisitorI interface, generating kinematics and wishing to cache maximum differential xsecs. More...
class  Kinematics
 Generated/set kinematical variables for an event. More...
class  KinePhaseSpace
 Enumeration of kinematical phase spaces. More...
class  KineVar
 Enumeration of kinematic variables. More...
class  KLVOxygenIBDPXSec
 An implementation of the neutrino - Oxygen16 cross section. More...
class  KNOTunedQPMDISPXSec
 Computes DIS differential cross sections. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  KovalenkoQELCharmPXSec
 Computes the QEL Charm Production Differential Cross Section using Kovalenko's duality model approach. It models the differential cross sections for:
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class  KPhaseSpace
 Kinematical phase space. More...
class  KuzminLyubushkinNaumovRESPXSec2014
 Computes the double differential cross section for resonance electro- or neutrino-production according to the Berger Sehgal model. More...
class  KuzminNaumov2016AxialFormFactorModel
 Concrete implementation of the AxialFormFactorModelI interface. Computes the axial form factor using a running MA. More...
class  LabFrameHadronTensorI
 Abstract interface for an object that computes the elements ( $W^{xx}$, $W^{0z}$, etc.) and structure functions ( $W_1$, $W_2$, etc.) of the hadron tensor $W^{\mu\nu}$ defined according to the conventions of the Valencia model. More...
class  LeptoHadronization
 Provides access to the LEPTO hadronization models.
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class  LHAPDF5
 LHAPDF5 library interface. Concrete implementation of the PDFModelI interface. More...
class  LHAPDF6
 LHAPDF6 library interface. Concrete implementation of the PDFModelI interface. More...
class  LocalFGM
 local Fermi gas model. Implements the NuclearModelI interface. More...
class  LwlynSmithFF
 Abstract Base Class: implements the QELFormFactorsModelI interface but can not be instantiated. More...
class  LwlynSmithFFCC
 Is a concrete implementation of the QELFormFactorsModelI: Form Factors for Quasi Elastic CC vN scattering according to Llewellyn-Smith model. More...
class  LwlynSmithFFDeltaS
class  LwlynSmithFFNC
 Concrete implementation of the QELFormFactorsModelI : Form Factors for Quasi Elastic NC vN scattering according to Llewellyn-Smith model. More...
class  LwlynSmithQELCCPXSec
 Computes neutrino-nucleon(nucleus) QELCC differential cross section Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface.
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class  MartiniEricsonChanfrayMarteauMECPXSec2016
 Computes the Martini, Ericson, Chanfray and Marteau MEC model differential cross section. Uses precomputed hadon tensor tables. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  MECGenerator
 Simulate the primary MEC interaction. More...
class  MECInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the interactions that can be generated by the MEC EventGenerator. More...
class  MECScaleVsW
 This class is responsible to compute the MEC scaling factor given Q0, Q3. The scaling is done as a function of the hadronic invariant mass. More...
class  MECXSec
 A numerical cross-section integrator (GENIE/GSL interface) for the J. Nieves, I. Ruiz Simo, M.J. Vicente Vacas and Martini MEC models. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface. More...
class  Messenger
 A more convenient interface to the log4cpp Message Service. More...
class  MuELossI
 Cross Section Calculation Interface. More...
class  NaturalIsotopeElementData
class  NaturalIsotopes
 Singleton class to load & serve tables of natural occurring isotopes. More...
class  NeutronOscPrimaryVtxGenerator
 Utilities for simulating neutron oscillation. More...
class  NewQELXSec
 Computes the Quasi Elastic (QEL) total cross section.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface.
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class  NHLDecayMode
 Enumeration of NHL decay modes. More...
class  NHLPrimaryVtxGenerator
 Neutral Heavy Lepton primary vertex generator. More...
class  NievesMECHadronTensorModel
 Creates hadron tensor objects for calculations of MEC cross sections using the Valencia model. More...
class  NievesQELCCPXSec
 Computes neutrino-nucleon(nucleus) QELCC differential cross section with RPA corrections Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface.
. More...
class  NievesSimoVacasMECPXSec2016
 Computes the Valencia MEC model differential cross section. Uses precomputed hadon tensor tables. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  NNBarOscDummyInteractionListGenerator
class  NNBarOscDummyPXSec
class  NNBarOscMode
 Enumeration of neutron oscillation annihilation modes. More...
class  NNBarOscPrimaryVtxGenerator
class  NOscDummyInteractionListGenerator
class  NtpMCDTime
 MINOS-style Ntuple Class to hold the date and time that the event ntuple was generated. More...
class  NtpMCEventRecord
 MINOS-style ntuple record. Each such ntuple record holds a generated EventRecord object. Ntuples of this type are intended for feeding GENIE events into other applications (for example the GEANT4 based MC generation framework of an experiment) if no direct interface exists. More...
class  NtpMCFormat
 Encapsulates an enumeration of possible GENIE output TTree formats. More...
class  NtpMCJobConfig
 Stores the GENIE configuration in ROOT TFolders along with the output event tree. More...
class  NtpMCJobEnv
 Stores a snapshot of your environment in ROOT TFolder along with the output event tree. More...
class  NtpMCRecHeader
 MINOS-style Ntuple Class to hold an MC Event Record Header. More...
class  NtpMCRecordI
 MINOS-style base class for ntuple records. More...
class  NtpMCTreeHeader
 MINOS-style Ntuple Class to hold an output MC Tree Header. More...
class  NtpWriter
 A utility class to facilitate creating the GENIE MC Ntuple from the output GENIE GHEP event records. More...
class  NucBindEnergyAggregator
 A nuclear binding energy 'collector' which visits the event record, finds nucleons originating from within a nuclei and subtracts the binding energy they had in the nucleus. To record this action in the event record a hypothetical BINDINO is added to the event record. Is a concerete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  NucDeExcitationSim
 Generates nuclear de-excitation gamma rays. More...
class  NuclearData
class  NuclearModel
 Encapsulates an enumeration of nuclear model types. More...
class  NuclearModelI
 Pure abstract base class. Defines the NuclearModelI interface to be implemented by any physics model describing the distribution of nucleons within a nuclei. More...
class  NuclearModelMap
 This class is a hook for nuclear models and allows associating each one of them with specific nuclei. Is a concrete implementation of the NuclearModelI interface. More...
class  NucleonDecayMode
 Enumeration of nucleon decay modes. More...
class  NucleonDecayPrimaryVtxGenerator
 Utilities for simulating nucleon decay. More...
class  NuEInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the NUE EventGenerator. More...
class  NuEKinematicsGenerator
 Generates kinematics for neutrino-electron events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  NuElectronPXSec
 nu/nubar + e- scattering differential cross section
The cross section algorithm handles: More...
class  NuElectronXSec
 nu/nubar + e- scattering cross section. Integrates the loaded differential cross section model. An analytical cross section model also exists, so you cal also use that if you do not apply any kinematical cuts. More...
class  NuEPrimaryLeptonGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in neutrino-electron events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  NuETargetRemnantGenerator
 Generates all the non-primary lepton final state particles in neutrino-electron events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  OutgoingDarkGenerator
 Abstract class. Is used to pass common implementation to concrete implementations of the EventRecordVisitorI interface generating the primary lepton for a specific processes (QEL,DIS,RES,IMD,...) More...
class  P33PaschosLalakulichPXSec
 Double differential resonance cross section for P33 according to the Paschos, Lalakulich model. More...
class  PaisQELLambdaPXSec
 Implementation of the quasi-elastic scattering formula for production of particles with different masses than the target. More...
class  PathLengthList
 Object to be filled with the neutrino path-length, for all detector geometry materials, when starting from a position x and travelling along the direction of the neutrino 4-momentum. More...
class  PattonCEvNSPXSec
 Differential cross section for v+As coherent elastic scattering. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  PauliBlocker
 Examines whether the generated event should be Pauli blocked. Is a concerete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  PDF
 A class to store PDFs. More...
struct  PDF_t
 A struct to hold PDF set data. More...
class  PDFModelI
 Pure abstract base class. Defines the PDFModelI interface to be implemented by wrapper classes to existing Parton Density Function libraries (PDFLIB, LHAPDF), or by built-in implementations. More...
class  PDGCodeList
 A list of PDG codes. More...
class  PDGLibrary
 Singleton class to load & serve a TDatabasePDG. More...
class  PetersonFragm
 The Peterson fragmentation function. Is a concrete implementation of the FragmentationFunctionI interface. More...
class  PhysInteractionSelector
 Selects interactions to be generated. More...
class  PrimaryLeptonGenerator
 Abstract class. Is used to pass common implementation to concrete implementations of the EventRecordVisitorI interface generating the primary lepton for a specific processes (QEL,DIS,RES,IMD,...) More...
class  ProcessInfo
 A class encapsulating an enumeration of interaction types (EM, Weak-CC, Weak-NC) and scattering types (Elastic, Quasi Elastic, Deep Inelastic, Resonant Single Pion Production, Coherent Pion Production). More...
class  Pythia6Hadro2019
 Provides access to the PYTHIA hadronization models.
Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  Pythia8Hadro2019
 Provides access to the PYTHIA hadronization models.
Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  PythiaBaseHadro2019
 Base class for the Pythia (6 and 8) hadronization modules in GENIE. In particular, the base class provides common checks and basic assignments of quark/diquark codes for a no frills interface to Pythia hadronization routines. More...
class  PythiaDecayer
 Interface to PYTHIA particle decayer.
The PythiaDecayer is a concrete implementation of the Decayer interface. More...
class  QELEventGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing QEL neutrino interaction events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  QELEventGeneratorSM
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing QEL neutrino interaction events for Smith-Moniz model. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  QELEventGeneratorSuSA
 Event generator for SuSAv2 1p1h interactions. More...
class  QELFormFactors
 A class holding Quasi Elastic (QEL) Form Factors. More...
class  QELFormFactorsModelI
 Pure abstract base class. Defines the QELFormFactorsModelI interface to be implemented by any algorithmic class computing Quasi-Elastic Form Factors. More...
class  QELHadronicSystemGenerator
 Generates the final state hadronic system in v QEL interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  QELInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Generates a list of all the Interaction (= event summary) objects that can be generated by the QEL EventGenerator. More...
class  QELKinematicsGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing QEL neutrino interaction events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  QELPrimaryLeptonGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in v QEL interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  QELXSec
 Computes the Quasi Elastic (QEL) cross section.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface.
. More...
class  QPMDISPXSec
 Computes DIS differential cross sections. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  QPMDISStrucFunc
 Standard Quark Parton Model (QPM) Deep Inelastic Scatering (DIS) Structure Functions (SF) More...
class  QPMDISStrucFuncBase
 Abstract base class. Provides common implementation for concrete objects implementing the DISStructureFuncModelI interface. More...
 Computes DMDIS differential cross sections. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  QPMDMDISStrucFuncBase
 Abstract base class. Provides common implementation for concrete objects implementing the DISStructureFuncModelI interface. More...
class  QvalueShfiter
 This class is responsible to compute a relative shift to a Qvalue. More...
class  QvalueShifter
class  RandomGen
 A singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should take place through this class. Ensures that the random number generator seed is set consistently to all GENIE modules and that all modules use the preferred rndm number generator. More...
class  Range1D_t
 A simple [min,max] interval for doubles. More...
class  Range1F_t
 A simple [min,max] interval for floats. More...
class  Range1I_t
 A simple [min,max] interval for integers. More...
class  RefFrame
 An enumeration of reference frames. More...
class  Registry
 A registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters. More...
class  RegistryItem
 A templated concrete implementation of the RegistryItemI interface. Provides an arbitrary basic type (bool, int, double, string) value for RegistryI-type containers. More...
class  RegistryItemI
 Registry item pABC. More...
class  RegistryItemTypeDef
 Definition of Registry item types. More...
class  RegistryItemTypeId
 An enumeration of Registry item types. More...
class  ReinDFRPXSec
 Neutrino diffractive pion production cross section. More...
class  ReinSehgalCOHPiPXSec
 Computes the double differential cross section for CC & NC coherent pion production according to the Rein-Sehgal model. v(vbar)A->v(vbar)Api0, vA->l-Api+, vbarA->l+Api-. More...
class  ReinSehgalRESPXSec
 Computes the double differential cross section for resonance electro- or neutrino-production according to the Rein-Sehgal model. More...
class  ReinSehgalRESXSec
 Computes the cross section for an exclusive 1pi reaction through resonance neutrinoproduction according to the Rein-Sehgal model. More...
class  ReinSehgalRESXSecFast
 Computes the cross section for an exclusive 1pi reaction through resonance neutrinoproduction according to the Rein-Sehgal model. More...
class  ReinSehgalRESXSecWithCache
 An ABC that caches resonance neutrinoproduction cross sections on free nucleons according to the Rein-Sehgal model. This significantly speeds the cross section calculation for multiple nuclear targets (eg at the spline construction phase) More...
class  ReinSehgalRESXSecWithCacheFast
 Class that caches resonance neutrinoproduction cross sections on free nucleons according to the Rein-Sehgal model. This significantly speeds the cross section calculation for multiple nuclear targets (eg at the spline construction phase). This class integrates cross sections faster, than ReinSehgalRESXSecWithCache because of integration area transformation. More...
class  ReinSehgalSPPPXSec
 Computes the differential cross section for an exclusive 1-pion reaction through resonance neutrinoproduction according to the Rein-Sehgal model. More...
class  ReinSehgalSPPXSec
 Computes the cross section for an exclusive 1pi reaction through resonance neutrinoproduction according to the Rein-Sehgal model. More...
class  RESHadronicSystemGenerator
 Generates the 'final state' hadronic system in v RES interactions. It adds the remnant nucleus (if any), the pre-selected resonance and the resonance decay products at the GHEP record. Unlike the SPP thread, in the RES thread the resonance is specified at the time an interaction is selected but its decay products not (semi-inclusive resonance reactions). The off the mass-shell baryon resonance is decayed using a phase space generator. All kinematically available decay channels are being used (not just 1 pi channels). Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  RESInteractionListGenerator
 Creates a list of all the interactions that can be generated by the RES thread (generates semi-inclusive resonance reactions). Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. More...
class  RESKinematicsGenerator
 Generates resonance event (v+N->l+Resonance) kinematics. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  RESPrimaryLeptonGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in v RES interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  RESXSec
 Computes the RES Cross Section.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface.
. More...
class  RgType
class  RosenbluthPXSec
 Differential cross section for charged lepton elastic scattering.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface.
. More...
class  RSHelicityAmpl
 A class holding the Rein-Sehgal's helicity amplitudes. More...
class  RSHelicityAmplModelCC
 The Helicity Amplitudes, for all baryon resonances, for CC neutrino interactions on free nucleons, as computed in the Rein-Sehgal's paper. More...
class  RSHelicityAmplModelEMn
 The Helicity Amplitudes, for all baryon resonances, for Electro- Magnetic (EM) interactions on free neutrons, as computed in the Rein-Sehgal's paper. More...
class  RSHelicityAmplModelEMp
 The Helicity Amplitudes, for all baryon resonances, for Electro- Magnetic (EM) interactions on free protons, as computed in the Rein-Sehgal's paper. More...
class  RSHelicityAmplModelI
 Pure abstract base class. Defines the RSHelicityAmplModelI interface. More...
class  RSHelicityAmplModelNCn
 The Helicity Amplitudes, for all baryon resonances, for NC neutrino interactions on free neutrons, as computed in the Rein-Sehgal's paper. More...
class  RSHelicityAmplModelNCp
 The Helicity Amplitudes, for all baryon resonances, for NC neutrino interactions on free protons, as computed in the Rein-Sehgal's paper. More...
class  RSPPHadronicSystemGenerator
 Generates the 'final state' hadronic system in v SPP interactions. It adds the remnant nucleus (if any) and the baryon resonance decay products at the GHEP record. The resonance decay products are pre- determined since in this thread we generate exclusive SPP reactions. The module uses a simple phase space decay. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  RSPPInteractionListGenerator
 Creates a list of all the interactions that can be generated by the SPP thread (generates exclusive inelastic 1 pion reactions proceeding through resonance neutrinoproduction). Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. More...
class  RSPPResonanceSelector
 Generates an intermediate baryon resonance for exclusive interactions proceeding through resonance productions and adds it to the event record. The resonance is selected based on its contribution to the selected exclusive reaction cross section. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  RunningThreadInfo
 Keep info on the event generation thread currently on charge. This is used so that event generation modules invoked by the thread can see the "bigger picture" and access the cross section model for the thread, look-up info for modules that run before or are scheduled to run after etc. More...
class  RunOpt
 Some common run-time GENIE options. More...
struct  SBBA2003Fit
struct  SBBA2005Fit
struct  SBBA2007Fit
class  ScatteringType
 Enumeration of scattering types. More...
class  SecondNucleonEmissionI
 Interface to drive the a second nucleon emission from a nucleus Specfic impelmentations will have different physics. More...
struct  SF_info
struct  SF_xQ2
class  SKHadronicSystemGenerator
 Generates the f/s hadronic system in single-Kaon production interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  SKInteractionListGenerator
 Concrete implementations of the InteractionListGeneratorI interface. Creates a list of all the interactions that can be generated by the single-Kaon generator. More...
class  SKKinematicsGenerator
 Generates values for the kinematic variables describing neutrino-nucleus single kaon production events. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  SKPrimaryLeptonGenerator
 Generates the final state primary lepton in single-Kaon interactions. Is a concrete implementation of the EventRecordVisitorI interface. More...
class  SlowRsclCharmDISPXSecLO
 Computes, at Leading Order (LO), the differential cross section for neutrino charm production using a slow rescaling model. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  SmithMonizQELCCPXSec
 Computes neutrino-nucleon(nucleus) QELCC differential cross section. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  SmithMonizQELCCXSec
 Computes the Quasi Elastic (QEL) cross section by Smith Moniz model.
Is a concrete implementation of the XSecIntegratorI interface.
. More...
class  SmithMonizUtils
 Contains auxiliary functions for Smith-Moniz model.
. More...
class  SpectralFunc
 A realistic spectral function - based nuclear model. Is a concrete implementation of the NuclearModelI interface. More...
class  SpectralFunc1d
 Simpler approach to using spectral functions. A beta version. Implements the NuclearModelI interface. More...
class  SpectralFunction2p2h
 Speficif implementation of SecondNucleonEmissionI to emit the second nulceon coming from a 2p2h pair When GENIE is operating in with EffectiveSF. More...
class  Spline
 A numeric analysis tool class for interpolating 1-D functions. More...
class  SppChannel
 Enumeration of single pion production channels. More...
class  SRCNuclearRecoil
 Created this new module that controls the addition of the recoil nucleon in the event record and extracts its kinematics. More...
class  StrumiaVissaniIBDPXSec
 An implementation of the neutrino - (free) nucleon [inverse beta decay] cross section, valid from the threshold energy (1.806MeV) up to hundreds of MeV. Currently cut off at 1/2 nucleon mass. Based on the Strumia/Vissani paper Phys.Lett.B564:42-54,2003. More...
class  SuSAv2MECHadronTensorModel
 Creates hadron tensor objects for calculations of MEC cross sections using the SuSAv2 approach. More...
class  SuSAv2MECPXSec
 Computes the SuSAv2-MEC model differential cross section. Uses precomputed hadron tensor tables. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  SuSAv2QELHadronTensorModel
 Creates hadron tensor objects for calculations of quasielastic cross sections using the SuSAv2 approach. More...
class  SuSAv2QELPXSec
 Computes the SuSAv2-QE model differential cross section. Uses precomputed hadron tensor tables. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interface. More...
class  TabulatedHadronTensorModelI
 Creates hadron tensor objects for cross section calculations using precomputed data tables. More...
class  TabulatedLabFrameHadronTensor
 Computes the elements and structure functions of the hadron tensor $W^{\mu\nu}$ (using the conventions of the Valencia model) using precomputed tables. Is a concrete implementation of the HadronTensorI interface. More...
class  Target
 A Neutrino Interaction Target. Is a transparent encapsulation of quite different physical systems such as a nuclear target, a 'spectator' nuclear target with a Hit nucleon, a free nucleon or a free particle (eg a e- target in the inverse muon decay reaction) More...
class  ToyInteractionSelector
 Generates random interactions. More...
class  TransverseEnhancementFFModel
 Modification of magnetic form factors to match observed enhancement in transverse cross section of the quasi-elastic peak. Implements ElFormFactorsModelI. Requires another subclass of ElFormFactorsModelI to calculate original form factors, which are then enhances. More...
class  TuneId
 GENIE tune ID. More...
class  UnstableParticleDecayer
 A hook for concrete particle decayers in the chain of event processing modules. More...
class  VertexGenerator
class  XclsTag
 Contains minimal information for tagging exclusive processes. More...
class  XmlParserStatus
 Encapsulates an XML document parsing status. More...
class  XSecAlgorithmI
 Cross Section Calculation Interface. More...
class  XSecAlgorithmMap
 An Interaction -> XSecAlgorithmI associative container. The container is being built for the loaded EventGeneratorList and for the input InitialState object. More...
class  XSecIntegratorI
 Cross Section Integrator Interface. More...
class  XSecLinearCombinations
 Computes the xsec as a linear combination of different XSecSlgorithmI See GENIE docdb 252. More...
class  XSecScaleI
 This class is responsible to compute a scaling factor for the XSec. More...
class  XSecScaleMap
 This class is responsible to compute a scaling factor for the XSec. More...
class  XSecSplineList
 List of cross section vs energy splines. More...
class  ZExpAxialFormFactorModel
 Concrete implementation of the AxialFormFactorModelI interface. Computes the axial form factor using the model-independent z-expansion technique. More...


typedef enum genie::EAlgCmp AlgCmp_t
typedef map< string, Algorithm * > AlgMap
typedef map< string, Algorithm * >::iterator AlgMapIter
typedef map< string, Algorithm * >::const_iterator AlgMapConstIter
typedef pair< string, Algorithm * > AlgMapPair
typedef enum genie::EAlgStatus AlgStatus_t
typedef enum genie::EGEvGenMode GEvGenMode_t
typedef enum genie::EKinePhaseSpace KinePhaseSpace_t
typedef enum genie::EKineVar KineVar_t
typedef enum genie::ERefFrame RefFrame_t
typedef enum genie::EXmlParseStatus XmlParserStatus_t
typedef enum genie::EGHepFlag GHepFlag_t
typedef enum genie::EGHepStatus GHepStatus_t
typedef enum genie::EInteractionType InteractionType_t
typedef enum genie::EScatteringType ScatteringType_t
typedef enum genie::ESppChannel SppChannel_t
typedef enum genie::ENtpMCFormat NtpMCFormat_t
typedef enum genie::EResonance Resonance_t
typedef map< RgKey, RegistryItemI * > RgIMap
typedef pair< RgKey, RegistryItemI * > RgIMapPair
typedef map< RgKey, RegistryItemI * >::size_type RgIMapSizeType
typedef map< RgKey, RegistryItemI * >::iterator RgIMapIter
typedef map< RgKey, RegistryItemI * >::const_iterator RgIMapConstIter
typedef vector< RgKeyRgKeyList
typedef enum genie::ERgType RgType_t
typedef enum genie::EDMELEvGenBindingMode DMELEvGen_BindingMode_t
typedef enum genie::HadronTensorType HadronTensorType_t
typedef enum genie::EINukeFateHN_t INukeFateHN_t
typedef enum genie::EINukeFateHA_t INukeFateHA_t
typedef enum genie::EINukeMode INukeMode_t
typedef enum genie::ENHLDecayMode NHLDecayMode_t
typedef enum genie::ENNBarOscMode NNBarOscMode_t
typedef struct genie::EKF_t KF_t
typedef enum genie::ENuclearModel NuclearModel_t
typedef enum genie::EFermiMoverInteractionType FermiMoverInteractionType_t
typedef enum genie::ENucleonDecayMode NucleonDecayMode_t
typedef struct genie::EPDF PDF_t
typedef struct genie::SBBA2003Fit BBA2003Fit_t
typedef struct genie::SBBA2005Fit BBA2005Fit_t
typedef struct genie::SBBA2007Fit BBA2007Fit_t
typedef enum genie::EQELRmax Nieves_Coulomb_Rmax_t
typedef enum genie::EQELEvGenBindingMode QELEvGen_BindingMode_t


enum  EAlgCmp { kAlgCmpUnknown = -1, kAlgCmpIdentical, kAlgCmpDiffConfig, kAlgCmpDiffAlg }
enum  EAlgStatus { kAlgUndefinedStatus = -1, kAlgFail, kAlgSuccess }
enum  EGEvGenMode {
  kGMdUnknown = 0, kGMdLeptonNucleus, kGMdHadronNucleus, kGMdPhotonNucleus,
  kGMdDarkMatterNucleus, kGMdNucleonDecay, kGMdNeutronOsc, kGMdNeutralHeavyLepton
enum  EKinePhaseSpace {
  kPSNull = 0, kPSfE, kPSxfE, kPSlogxfE,
  kPSxfEy, kPSlogxfEy, kPSyfE, kPSlogyfE,
  kPSyfEx, kPSlogyfEx, kPSxyfE, kPSlogxlogyfE,
  kPSxQ2fE, kPSQ2fE, kPSQD2fE, kPSlogQ2fE,
  kPSQ2fEW, kPSlogQ2fEW, kPSq2fE, kPSq2fEW,
  kPSWfE, kPSWfEQ2, kPSWfEq2, kPSWQ2fE,
  kPSWQD2fE, kPSW2Q2fE, kPSWlogQ2fE, kPSW2logQ2fE,
  kPSWq2fE, kPSW2q2fE, kPSxytfE, kPSQ2yfE,
  kPSlogQ2logyfE, kPSTlctl, kPSElOlOpifE, kPSElOlTpifE,
  kPSTkTlctl, kPSQ2vfE, kPSQELEvGen, kPSTAfE,
  kPSEgTlOgfE, kPSDMELEvGen, kPSlog10xlog10Q2fE, kPSEDNufE
enum  EKineVar {
  kKVNull = 0, kKVx, kKVy, kKVQ2,
  kKVq2, kKVW, kKVt, kKVTk,
  kKVTl, kKVctl, kKVphikq, kKVSelx,
  kKVSely, kKVSelQ2, kKVSelq2, kKVSelW,
  kKVSelt, kKVSelTk, kKVSelTl, kKVSelctl,
  kKVSelphikq, kKVSelRad, kKVPn, kKVv,
  kKVSelPn, kKVSelv, kKVQ0, kKVQ3,
  kKVSelQ0, kKVSelQ3, kNumOfKineVar
enum  ERefFrame {
  kRfUndefined = 0, kRfLab, kRfCM, kRfHCM,
  kRfTgtRest, kRfHitNucRest, kRfHitElRest
enum  EXmlParseStatus {
  kXmlUndefined = -1, kXmlOK = 0, kXmlNotParsed = 1, kXmlEmpty = 2,
  kXmlInvalidRoot = 3
enum  EGHepFlag {
  kGenericErr = 0, kPauliBlock = 1, kBelowThrNRF = 2, kBelowThrERF = 3,
  kKineGenErr = 4, kHadroSysGenErr = 5, kLeptoGenErr = 6, kDecayErr = 7
enum  EGHepStatus {
  kIStUndefined = -1, kIStInitialState = 0, kIStStableFinalState = 1, kIStIntermediateState = 2,
  kIStDecayedState = 3, kIStCorrelatedNucleon = 10, kIStNucleonTarget = 11, kIStDISPreFragmHadronicState = 12,
  kIStPreDecayResonantState = 13, kIStHadronInTheNucleus = 14, kIStFinalStateNuclearRemnant = 15, kIStNucleonClusterTarget = 16
enum  EInteractionType {
  kIntNull = 0, kIntEM, kIntWeakCC, kIntWeakNC,
  kIntWeakMix, kIntDarkMatter, kIntNDecay, kIntNOsc,
  kIntNHL, kIntDarkNC
enum  EScatteringType {
  kScUnknown = -100, kScNull = 0, kScQuasiElastic, kScSingleKaon,
  kScDeepInelastic, kScResonant, kScCoherentProduction, kScDiffractive,
  kScNuElectronElastic, kScInverseMuDecay, kScAMNuGamma, kScMEC,
  kScCoherentElastic, kScInverseBetaDecay, kScGlashowResonance, kScIMDAnnihilation,
  kScDarkMatterElastic = 101, kScDarkMatterDeepInelastic, kScDarkMatterElectron
enum  ESppChannel {
  kSppNull = 0, kSpp_vp_cc_10100, kSpp_vn_cc_10010, kSpp_vn_cc_01100,
  kSpp_vp_nc_10010, kSpp_vp_nc_01100, kSpp_vn_nc_01010, kSpp_vn_nc_10001,
  kSpp_vbn_cc_01001, kSpp_vbp_cc_01010, kSpp_vbp_cc_10001, kSpp_vbp_nc_10010,
  kSpp_vbp_nc_01100, kSpp_vbn_nc_01010, kSpp_vbn_nc_10001
enum  ENtpMCFormat { kNFUndefined = -1, kNFGHEP }
enum  EResonance {
  kNoResonance = -1, kP33_1232 = 0, kS11_1535 = 1, kD13_1520 = 2,
  kS11_1650 = 3, kD13_1700 = 4, kD15_1675 = 5, kS31_1620 = 6,
  kD33_1700 = 7, kP11_1440 = 8, kP33_1600 = 9, kP13_1720 = 10,
  kF15_1680 = 11, kP31_1910 = 12, kP33_1920 = 13, kF35_1905 = 14,
  kF37_1950 = 15, kP11_1710 = 16, kF17_1970 = 17
enum  ERgType {
  kRgUndefined = 0, kRgBool, kRgInt, kRgDbl,
  kRgStr, kRgAlg, kRgH1F, kRgH2F,
enum  EDMELEvGenBindingMode { kUseNuclearModel, kUseGroundStateRemnant, kOnShell }
enum  HadronTensorType {
  kHT_Undefined = -1, kHT_MEC_FullAll, kHT_MEC_Fullpn, kHT_MEC_DeltaAll,
  kHT_MEC_Deltapn, kHT_MEC_EM, kHT_QE_EM, kHT_MEC_FullAll_Param,
  kHT_MEC_FullAll_wImag, kHT_QE_Full, kHT_MEC_EM_wImag
enum  EINukeFateHN_t {
  kIHNFtUndefined = 0, kIHNFtNoInteraction, kIHNFtCEx, kIHNFtElas,
  kIHNFtInelas, kIHNFtAbs, kIHNFtCmp, kIHNFtUndefined = 0,
  kIHNFtNoInteraction, kIHNFtCEx, kIHNFtElas, kIHNFtInelas,
  kIHNFtAbs, kIHNFtCmp
enum  EINukeFateHA_t {
  kIHAFtUndefined = 0, kIHAFtNoInteraction, kIHAFtCEx, kIHAFtElas,
  kIHAFtInelas, kIHAFtAbs, kIHAFtKo, kIHAFtCmp,
  kIHAFtPiProd, kIHAFtInclPip, kIHAFtInclPim, kIHAFtInclPi0,
  kIHAFtDCEx, kIHAFtUndefined = 0, kIHAFtNoInteraction, kIHAFtCEx,
  kIHAFtInelas, kIHAFtAbs, kIHAFtKo, kIHAFtCmp,
  kIHAFtPiProd, kIHAFtInclPip, kIHAFtInclPim, kIHAFtInclPi0,
enum  EINukeFateHN_t {
  kIHNFtUndefined = 0, kIHNFtNoInteraction, kIHNFtCEx, kIHNFtElas,
  kIHNFtInelas, kIHNFtAbs, kIHNFtCmp, kIHNFtUndefined = 0,
  kIHNFtNoInteraction, kIHNFtCEx, kIHNFtElas, kIHNFtInelas,
  kIHNFtAbs, kIHNFtCmp
enum  EINukeFateHA_t {
  kIHAFtUndefined = 0, kIHAFtNoInteraction, kIHAFtCEx, kIHAFtElas,
  kIHAFtInelas, kIHAFtAbs, kIHAFtKo, kIHAFtCmp,
  kIHAFtPiProd, kIHAFtInclPip, kIHAFtInclPim, kIHAFtInclPi0,
  kIHAFtDCEx, kIHAFtUndefined = 0, kIHAFtNoInteraction, kIHAFtCEx,
  kIHAFtInelas, kIHAFtAbs, kIHAFtKo, kIHAFtCmp,
  kIHAFtPiProd, kIHAFtInclPip, kIHAFtInclPim, kIHAFtInclPi0,
enum  EINukeMode { kIMdUndefined = -1, kIMdHN, kIMdHA }
enum  ENHLDecayMode { kNHLDcyNull = 0, kNHLDcyTEST = 1 }
enum  ENNBarOscMode {
  kNONull = -1, kNORandom, kNOpto1pip1pi0, kNOpto1pip2pi0,
  kNOpto1pip3pi0, kNOpto2pip1pim1pi0, kNOpto2pip1pim2pi0, kNOpto2pip1pim2o,
  kNOpto3pip2pim1pi0, kNOnto1pip1pim, kNOnto2pi0, kNOnto1pip1pim1pi0,
  kNOnto1pip1pim2pi0, kNOnto1pip1pim3pi0, kNOnto2pip2pim, kNOnto2pip2pim1pi0,
  kNOnto1pip1pim1o, kNOnto2pip2pim2pi0
enum  ENuclearModel {
  kNucmUndefined = -1, kNucmFermiGas, kNucmLocalFermiGas, kNucmSpectralFunc,
enum  EFermiMoverInteractionType { kFermiMoveDefault = 0, kFermiMoveEffectiveSF1p1h, kFermiMoveEffectiveSF2p2h_eject, kFermiMoveEffectiveSF2p2h_noeject }
enum  ENucleonDecayMode {
  kNDNull = 0, kNDN2eppi, kNDN2muppi, kNDN2nubarpi,
  kNDp2epeta, kNDp2mupeta, kNDn2nubareta, kNDN2eprho,
  kNDN2muprho, kNDN2nubarrho, kNDp2epomega, kNDp2mupomega,
  kNDn2nubaromega, kNDN2epK, kNDp2epK0s, kNDp2epK0l,
  kNDN2mupK, kNDp2mupK0s, kNDp2mupK0l, kNDN2nubarK,
  kNDn2nubarK0s, kNDp2epKstar0, kNDN2nubarKstar, kNDp2eppippim,
  kNDp2eppi0pi0, kNDn2eppimpi0, kNDp2muppippim, kNDp2muppi0pi0,
  kNDn2muppimpi0, kNDn2epK0pim, kNDn2empip, kNDn2mumpip,
  kNDn2emrhop, kNDn2mumrhop, kNDn2emKp, kNDn2mumKp,
  kNDp2empippip, kNDn2empippi0, kNDp2mumpippip, kNDn2mumpippi0,
  kNDp2empipKp, kNDp2mumpipKp, kNDp2epgamma, kNDp2mupgamma,
  kNDn2nubargamma, kNDp2epgammagamma, kNDn2nubargammagamma, kNDp2epepem = 49,
  kNDp2epmupmum, kNDp2epnubarnu, kNDn2epemnubar, kNDn2mupemnubar,
  kNDn2mupmumnubar, kNDp2mupepem, kNDp2mupmupmum, kNDp2mupnubarnu,
  kNDp2emmupmup, kNDn2threenus, kNDn2fivenus
enum  EQELRmax { kMatchVertexGeneratorRmax, kMatchNieves }
enum  EQELEvGenBindingMode { kUseNuclearModel, kUseGroundStateRemnant, kOnShell, kValenciaStyleQValue }


ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const AlgConfigPool &config_pool)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const AlgFactory &algf)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const AlgId &algid)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const Algorithm &alg)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const EventGeneratorList &evgl)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const EventRecord &event)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const GEVGDriver &driver)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const GEVGPool &pool)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const GVldContext &vldc)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const InteractionGeneratorMap &intl)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const InteractionList &intl)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const PathLengthList &list)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const XSecAlgorithmMap &intl)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const GHepParticle &p)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const GHepRecord &rec)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const GHepRecordHistory &history)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const InitialState &i)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const Interaction &i)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const Kinematics &kine)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const ProcessInfo &proc)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const Target &t)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const XclsTag &xcls)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const NtpMCDTime &dt)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const NtpMCEventRecord &rec)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const NtpMCRecHeader &hdr)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const NtpMCTreeHeader &hdr)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const Spline &spl)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const BaryonResList &res_list)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const PDGCodeList &list)
template<class T >
void SetRegistryItem (Registry *r, RgKey key, T item)
template<class T >
GetValueOrUseDefault (Registry *r, RgKey key, T def, bool set_def)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const Registry &registry)
template ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RegistryItem< RgBool > &r)
template ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RegistryItem< RgDbl > &r)
template ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RegistryItem< RgStr > &r)
template ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RegistryItem< RgAlg > &r)
template ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RegistryItem< RgH1F > &r)
template ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RegistryItem< RgH2F > &r)
template ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RegistryItem< RgTree > &r)
template<typename T >
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RegistryItem< T > &rec)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const Cache &cache)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const CacheBranchFx &cbntp)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const CacheBranchNtp &cbntp)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const GSimFiles &f)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RunOpt &opt)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const TuneId &id)
bool operator== (const TuneId &id1, const TuneId &id2)
bool operator!= (const TuneId &id1, const TuneId &id2)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const XSecSplineList &list)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const DISStructureFunc &ff)
bool operator== (const SF_info &a, const SF_info &b)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, SF_info &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SF_info &a)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const PDF &pdf_set)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const AxialFormFactor &ff)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const ELFormFactors &ff)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const QELFormFactors &ff)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const FKR &parameters)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &stream, const RSHelicityAmpl &hamp)


const UInt_t kISkipProcessChk = 1<<17
 if set, skip process validity checks More...
const UInt_t kISkipKinematicChk = 1<<16
 if set, skip kinematic validity checks More...
const UInt_t kIAssumeFreeNucleon = 1<<15
const UInt_t kIAssumeFreeElectron = 1<<15
const UInt_t kINoNuclearCorrection = 1<<14
 if set, inhibit nuclear corrections More...
bool gAbortingInErr = false
const int kPdgNuE = 12
const int kPdgAntiNuE = -12
const int kPdgNuMu = 14
const int kPdgAntiNuMu = -14
const int kPdgNuTau = 16
const int kPdgAntiNuTau = -16
const int kPdgElectron = 11
const int kPdgPositron = -11
const int kPdgMuon = 13
const int kPdgAntiMuon = -13
const int kPdgTau = 15
const int kPdgAntiTau = -15
const int kPdgUQuark = 2
const int kPdgAntiUQuark = -2
const int kPdgDQuark = 1
const int kPdgAntiDQuark = -1
const int kPdgSQuark = 3
const int kPdgAntiSQuark = -3
const int kPdgCQuark = 4
const int kPdgAntiCQuark = -4
const int kPdgBQuark = 5
const int kPdgAntiBQuark = -5
const int kPdgTQuark = 6
const int kPdgAntiTQuark = -6
const int kPdgDDDiquarkS1 = 1103
const int kPdgUDDiquarkS0 = 2101
const int kPdgUDDiquarkS1 = 2103
const int kPdgUUDiquarkS1 = 2203
const int kPdgSDDiquarkS0 = 3101
const int kPdgSDDiquarkS1 = 3103
const int kPdgSUDiquarkS0 = 3201
const int kPdgSUDiquarkS1 = 3203
const int kPdgSSDiquarkS1 = 3303
const int kPdgCDDiquarkS0 = 4101
const int kPdgCDDiquarkS1 = 4103
const int kPdgCUDiquarkS0 = 4201
const int kPdgCUDiquarkS1 = 4203
const int kPdgCSDiquarkS0 = 4301
const int kPdgCSDiquarkS1 = 4303
const int kPdgCCDiquarkS1 = 4403
const int kPdgBDDiquarkS0 = 5101
const int kPdgBDDiquarkS1 = 5103
const int kPdgBUDiquarkS0 = 5201
const int kPdgBUDiquarkS1 = 5203
const int kPdgBSDiquarkS0 = 5301
const int kPdgBSDiquarkS1 = 5303
const int kPdgBCDiquarkS0 = 5401
const int kPdgBCDiquarkS1 = 5403
const int kPdgBBDiquarkS1 = 5503
const int kPdgProton = 2212
const int kPdgAntiProton = -2212
const int kPdgNeutron = 2112
const int kPdgAntiNeutron = -2112
const int kPdgLambda = 3122
const int kPdgAntiLambda = -3122
const int kPdgSigmaP = 3222
const int kPdgSigma0 = 3212
const int kPdgSigmaM = 3112
const int kPdgAntiSigmaP = -3222
const int kPdgAntiSigma0 = -3212
const int kPdgAntiSigmaM = -3112
const int kPdgXi0 = 3322
const int kPdgXiM = 3312
const int kPdgAntiXi0 = -3322
const int kPdgAntiXiP = -3312
const int kPdgOmegaM = 3334
const int kPdgAntiOmegaP = -3334
const int kPdgLambdaPc = 4122
const int kPdgSigma0c = 4112
const int kPdgSigmaPc = 4212
const int kPdgSigmaPPc = 4222
const int kPdgP33m1232_DeltaM = 1114
const int kPdgP33m1232_Delta0 = 2114
const int kPdgP33m1232_DeltaP = 2214
const int kPdgP33m1232_DeltaPP = 2224
const int kPdgS11m1535_N0 = 102112
const int kPdgS11m1535_NP = 102212
const int kPdgD13m1520_N0 = 102114
const int kPdgD13m1520_NP = 102214
const int kPdgS11m1650_N0 = 132112
const int kPdgS11m1650_NP = 132212
const int kPdgD13m1700_N0 = 112114
const int kPdgD13m1700_NP = 112214
const int kPdgD15m1675_N0 = 102116
const int kPdgD15m1675_NP = 102216
const int kPdgS31m1620_DeltaM = 111112
const int kPdgS31m1620_Delta0 = 112112
const int kPdgS31m1620_DeltaP = 112212
const int kPdgS31m1620_DeltaPP = 112222
const int kPdgD33m1700_DeltaM = 121114
const int kPdgD33m1700_Delta0 = 122114
const int kPdgD33m1700_DeltaP = 122214
const int kPdgD33m1700_DeltaPP = 122224
const int kPdgP11m1440_N0 = 202112
const int kPdgP11m1440_NP = 202212
const int kPdgP33m1600_DeltaM = 211114
const int kPdgP33m1600_Delta0 = 212114
const int kPdgP33m1600_DeltaP = 212214
const int kPdgP33m1600_DeltaPP = 212224
const int kPdgP13m1720_N0 = 202114
const int kPdgP13m1720_NP = 202214
const int kPdgF15m1680_N0 = 202116
const int kPdgF15m1680_NP = 202216
const int kPdgP31m1910_DeltaM = 221112
const int kPdgP31m1910_Delta0 = 222112
const int kPdgP31m1910_DeltaP = 222212
const int kPdgP31m1910_DeltaPP = 222222
const int kPdgP33m1920_DeltaM = 221114
const int kPdgP33m1920_Delta0 = 222114
const int kPdgP33m1920_DeltaP = 222214
const int kPdgP33m1920_DeltaPP = 222224
const int kPdgF35m1905_DeltaM = 211116
const int kPdgF35m1905_Delta0 = 212116
const int kPdgF35m1905_DeltaP = 212216
const int kPdgF35m1905_DeltaPP = 212226
const int kPdgF37m1950_DeltaM = 201118
const int kPdgF37m1950_Delta0 = 202118
const int kPdgF37m1950_DeltaP = 202218
const int kPdgF37m1950_DeltaPP = 202228
const int kPdgP11m1710_N0 = 212112
const int kPdgP11m1710_NP = 212212
const int kPdgF17m1970_N0 = 212118
const int kPdgF17m1970_NP = 212218
const int kPdgPiP = 211
const int kPdgPiM = -211
const int kPdgPi0 = 111
const int kPdgEta = 221
const int kPdgEtaPrm = 331
const int kPdgEtac = 441
const int kPdgEtab = 551
const int kPdgRhoP = 213
const int kPdgRhoM = -213
const int kPdgRho0 = 113
const int kPdgomega = 223
const int kPdgPhi = 333
const int kPdgJpsi = 443
const int kPdgY = 553
const int kPdgKP = 321
const int kPdgKM = -321
const int kPdgK0 = 311
const int kPdgAntiK0 = -311
const int kPdgK0L = 130
const int kPdgK0S = 310
const int kPdgKStarP = 323
const int kPdgKStarM = -323
const int kPdgKStar0 = 313
const int kPdgDP = 411
const int kPdgDM = -411
const int kPdgD0 = 421
const int kPdgAntiD0 = -421
const int kPdgDPs = 431
const int kPdgDMs = -431
const int kPdgGluon = 21
const int kPdgGamma = 22
const int kPdgZ0 = 23
const int kPdgWP = 24
const int kPdgWM = -24
const int kPdgTgtFreeP = 1000010010
const int kPdgTgtFreeN = 1000000010
const int kPdgTgtDeuterium = 1000010020
const int kPdgTgtC12 = 1000060120
const int kPdgTgtO16 = 1000080160
const int kPdgTgtCa40 = 1000200400
const int kPdgTgtFe56 = 1000260560
const int kPdgHadronicSyst = 2000000001
const int kPdgHadronicBlob = 2000000002
const int kPdgBindino = 2000000101
const int kPdgCoulobtron = 2000000102
const int kPdgClusterNN = 2000000200
const int kPdgClusterNP = 2000000201
const int kPdgClusterPP = 2000000202
const int kPdgCompNuclCluster = 2000000300
const int kPdgDarkMatter = 2000010000
const int kPdgAntiDarkMatter = -2000010000
const int kPdgMediator = 2000010001
const int kPdgNHL = 2000020000
const int kPdgDarkNeutrino = 2000030000
const int kPdgAntiDarkNeutrino = -2000030000
const int kPdgDNuMediator = 2000030001
const int kPdgCluster = 91
const int kPdgString = 92
const int kPdgIndep = 93
static const string gDefaultTune = "G18_02a_00_000"

Detailed Description


QE utilities.

#include "Numerical/GSFunc.h"

Names of environmental variables to keep track of when saving the job config in TFolders along with the output event tree

Costas Andreopoulos <constantinos.andreopoulos> University of Liverpool & STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

May 03, 2004

Copyright (c) 2003-2020, The GENIE Collaboration For the full text of the license visit

Copyright (c) 2003-2020, The GENIE Collaboration For the full text of the license visit

Jeremy Wolcott <jwolcott> Tufts University

Steven Gardiner <gardiner> Fermilab

May 04, 2004

Copyright (c) 2003-2020, The GENIE Collaboration For the full text of the license visit

Copyright (c) 2003-2020, The GENIE Collaboration For the full text of the license visit

Robert Hatcher Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Typedef Documentation

typedef map<string, Algorithm *> genie::AlgMap

Definition at line 48 of file Algorithm.h.

Definition at line 50 of file Algorithm.h.

Definition at line 49 of file Algorithm.h.

Definition at line 51 of file Algorithm.h.

Enumerated type that describes the physics represented by a particular hadron tensor

Document enum values
typedef struct genie::EKF_t genie::KF_t
typedef struct genie::EPDF genie::PDF_t

Definition at line 45 of file Registry.h.

Definition at line 49 of file Registry.h.

Definition at line 48 of file Registry.h.

Definition at line 46 of file Registry.h.

typedef map<RgKey, RegistryItemI *>::size_type genie::RgIMapSizeType

Definition at line 47 of file Registry.h.

Definition at line 50 of file Registry.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 27 of file AlgCmp.h.


Definition at line 27 of file AlgStatus.h.

27  {
30  kAlgFail,
33 } AlgStatus_t;
enum genie::EAlgStatus AlgStatus_t

Definition at line 17 of file DMELUtils.h.

17  {
19  // Use removal energy from the nuclear model
22  // Calculate binding energy assuming that the remnant nucleus is left in its
23  // ground state
26  // Leave the struck nucleon on shell, effectively ignoring its binding energy
27  kOnShell
enum genie::EDMELEvGenBindingMode DMELEvGen_BindingMode_t

Definition at line 38 of file NuclearModel.h.


Definition at line 23 of file GMode.h.

23  {
25  kGMdUnknown = 0,
26  kGMdLeptonNucleus, // chg.lepton/neutrino + nucleon/nucleus scattering
27  kGMdHadronNucleus, // hadron + nucleon/nucleus scattering
28  kGMdPhotonNucleus, // photon + nucleon/nucleus scattering
29  kGMdDarkMatterNucleus, // dark matter + nucleon/nucleus scattering
30  kGMdNucleonDecay, // nucleon decay
31  kGMdNeutronOsc, // neutron-antineutron oscillation
32  kGMdNeutralHeavyLepton // neutral heavy lepton
34 } GEvGenMode_t;
enum genie::EGEvGenMode GEvGenMode_t

Definition at line 25 of file GHepFlags.h.


Definition at line 27 of file GHepStatus.h.

27  {
28  kIStUndefined = -1,
29  kIStInitialState = 0, /* generator-level initial state */
30  kIStStableFinalState = 1, /* generator-level final state: particles to be tracked by detector-level MC */
32  kIStDecayedState = 3,
34  kIStNucleonTarget = 11,
37  kIStHadronInTheNucleus = 14, /* hadrons inside the nucleus: marked for hadron transport modules to act on */
38  kIStFinalStateNuclearRemnant = 15, /* low energy nuclear fragments entering the record collectively as a 'hadronic blob' pseudo-particle */
39  kIStNucleonClusterTarget = 16 // for composite nucleons before phase space decay
40 }

Definition at line 33 of file InteractionType.h.


Definition at line 46 of file INukeHadroFates.h.

46  {
48  kIHAFtUndefined = 0,
49  kIHAFtNoInteraction, // no interaction
50  kIHAFtCEx, // cex
51  kIHAFtElas, // elas
52  kIHAFtInelas, // inelas
53  kIHAFtAbs, // abs
54  kIHAFtKo, // knock out
55  kIHAFtCmp, // compound nucleus
56  kIHAFtPiProd, // pi production
57  kIHAFtInclPip, // pi production : inclusive pi+
58  kIHAFtInclPim, // pi production : inclusive pi-
59  kIHAFtInclPi0, // pi production : inclusive pi0
60  kIHAFtDCEx // dcex
62 } INukeFateHA_t;
enum genie::EINukeFateHA_t INukeFateHA_t

Definition at line 46 of file INukeHadroFates2018.h.

46  {
48  kIHAFtUndefined = 0,
49  kIHAFtNoInteraction, // no interaction
50  kIHAFtCEx, // cex
51  // kIHAFtElas, // elas
52  kIHAFtInelas, // inelas
53  kIHAFtAbs, // abs
54  kIHAFtKo, // knock out
55  kIHAFtCmp, // compound nucleus
56  kIHAFtPiProd, // pi production
57  kIHAFtInclPip, // pi production : inclusive pi+
58  kIHAFtInclPim, // pi production : inclusive pi-
59  kIHAFtInclPi0, // pi production : inclusive pi0
60  kIHAFtDCEx // dcex
62 } INukeFateHA_t;
enum genie::EINukeFateHA_t INukeFateHA_t

Definition at line 32 of file INukeHadroFates.h.


Definition at line 32 of file INukeHadroFates2018.h.


Definition at line 29 of file INukeMode.h.

29  {
31  kIMdUndefined = -1,
32  kIMdHN,
33  kIMdHA
35 } INukeMode_t;
enum genie::EINukeMode INukeMode_t

Definition at line 28 of file KinePhaseSpace.h.

28  {
29  kPSNull = 0,
30  kPSfE,
31  kPSxfE,
32  kPSlogxfE,
33  kPSxfEy,
34  kPSlogxfEy,
35  kPSyfE,
36  kPSlogyfE,
37  kPSyfEx,
38  kPSlogyfEx,
39  kPSxyfE,
41  kPSxQ2fE,
42  kPSQ2fE,
43  kPSQD2fE,
44  kPSlogQ2fE,
45  kPSQ2fEW,
47  kPSq2fE,
48  kPSq2fEW,
49  kPSWfE,
50  kPSWfEQ2,
51  kPSWfEq2,
52  kPSWQ2fE,
53  kPSWQD2fE,
54  kPSW2Q2fE,
57  kPSWq2fE,
58  kPSW2q2fE,
59  kPSxytfE,
60  kPSQ2yfE,
62  kPSTlctl,
65  kPSTkTlctl,
66  kPSQ2vfE,
67  kPSQELEvGen,// Phase space used by genie::QELEventGenerator for sampling kinematic variables
68  // TODO: rename this value when the correct variables are identified
69  kPSTAfE,
71  kPSDMELEvGen, // Equivalent to kPSQELEvGen for Dark Matter scattering
73  kPSEDNufE // Used for Dark Neutrinos, two body final state
enum genie::EKinePhaseSpace KinePhaseSpace_t

Definition at line 28 of file KineVar.h.

28  {
30  kKVNull = 0,
31  kKVx,
32  kKVy,
33  kKVQ2,
34  kKVq2,
35  kKVW,
36  kKVt,
37  kKVTk,
38  kKVTl,
39  kKVctl,
40  kKVphikq,
41  kKVSelx,
42  kKVSely,
43  kKVSelQ2,
44  kKVSelq2,
45  kKVSelW,
46  kKVSelt,
47  kKVSelTk,
48  kKVSelTl,
49  kKVSelctl,
51  kKVSelRad,
52  kKVPn,
53  kKVv,
54  kKVSelPn,
55  kKVSelv,
56  kKVQ0,
57  kKVQ3,
58  kKVSelQ0,
59  kKVSelQ3,
60  // put all new enum names right before this line
61  // do not change any previous ordering (neither insert nor delete)
64 } KineVar_t;
enum genie::EKineVar KineVar_t

Definition at line 26 of file NHLDecayMode.h.

26  {
28  kNHLDcyNull = 0,
30  //
31  // Add enumerations for each decay channel
32  // Start eacg enum with kNHLDcy...
33  // See $GENIE/src/Physics/NucleonDecay/NucleonDecayMode.h for a similar code
34  //
35  //
36  // ...
37  // ...
38  // ...
39  kNHLDcyTEST = 1
enum genie::ENHLDecayMode NHLDecayMode_t

Definition at line 27 of file NNBarOscMode.h.

27  {
29  // i just replaced all the nucleon decay modes with nnbar modes -j
31  kNONull = -1,
32  kNORandom, // Will select a random decay mode -j
33  kNOpto1pip1pi0, // p + nbar --> \pi^{+} + \pi^{0}
34  kNOpto1pip2pi0, // p + nbar --> \pi^{+} + 2\pi^{0}
35  kNOpto1pip3pi0, // p + nbar --> \pi^{+} + 3\pi^{0}
36  kNOpto2pip1pim1pi0, // p + nbar --> 2\pi^{+} + \pi^{-} + \pi^{0}
37  kNOpto2pip1pim2pi0, // p + nbar --> 2\pi^{+} + \pi^{-} + 2\pi^{0}
38  kNOpto2pip1pim2o, // p + nbar --> 2\pi^{+} + \pi^{-} + 2\omega^{0}
39  kNOpto3pip2pim1pi0, // p + nbar --> 3\pi^{+} + 2\pi^{-} + \pi^{0}
40  kNOnto1pip1pim, // n + nbar --> \pi^{+} + \pi^{-}
41  kNOnto2pi0, // n + nbar --> 2\pi^{0}
42  kNOnto1pip1pim1pi0, // n + nbar --> \pi^{+} + \pi^{-} + \pi^{0}
43  kNOnto1pip1pim2pi0, // n + nbar --> \pi^{+} + \pi^{-} + 2\pi^{0}
44  kNOnto1pip1pim3pi0, // n + nbar --> \pi^{+} + \pi^{-} + 3\pi^{0}
45  kNOnto2pip2pim, // n + nbar --> 2\pi^{+} + 2\pi^{-}
46  kNOnto2pip2pim1pi0, // n + nbar --> 2\pi^{+} + 2\pi^{-} + \pi^{0}
47  kNOnto1pip1pim1o, // n + nbar --> \pi^{+} + \pi^{-} + \omega^{0}
48  kNOnto2pip2pim2pi0 // n + nbar --> 2\pi^{+} + 2\pi^{-} + 2\pi^{0}
enum genie::ENNBarOscMode NNBarOscMode_t

Definition at line 27 of file NtpMCFormat.h.

27  {
29  kNFUndefined = -1,
30  kNFGHEP /* each mc tree leaf contains the full GHEP EventRecord */
enum genie::ENtpMCFormat NtpMCFormat_t

Definition at line 28 of file NuclearModel.h.


Definition at line 27 of file NucleonDecayMode.h.

27  {
29  kNDNull = 0,
30  // Antilepton + meson
31  kNDN2eppi, // m = 1: p --> e^{+} + \pi^{0}, n --> e^{+} + \pi^{-}
32  kNDN2muppi, // m = 2: p --> \mu^{+} + \pi^{0}, n --> \mu^{+} + \pi^{-}
33  kNDN2nubarpi, // m = 3: p --> \bar{\nu}} + \pi^{+}, n --> \bar{\nu}} + \pi^{0}
34  kNDp2epeta, // m = 4: p --> e^{+} + \eta
35  kNDp2mupeta, // m = 5: p --> \mu^{+} + \eta
36  kNDn2nubareta, // m = 6: n --> \bar{\nu}} + \eta
37  kNDN2eprho, // m = 7: p --> e^{+} + \rho^{0}, n --> e^{+} + \rho^{-}
38  kNDN2muprho, // m = 8: p --> \mu^{+} + \rho^{0}, n --> \mu^{+} + \rho^{-}
39  kNDN2nubarrho, // m = 9: p --> \bar{\nu}} + \rho^{+}, n --> \bar{\nu}} + \rho^{0}
40  kNDp2epomega, // m = 10: p --> e^{+} + \omega
41  kNDp2mupomega, // m = 11: p --> \mu^{+} + \omega
42  kNDn2nubaromega, // m = 12: n --> \bar{\nu}} + \omega
43  kNDN2epK, // m = 13: p --> e^{+} + K^{0}, n --> e^{+} + K^{-}
44  kNDp2epK0s, // m = 14: p --> e^{+} + K^{0}_{short}
45  kNDp2epK0l, // m = 15: p --> e^{+} + K^{0}_{long}
46  kNDN2mupK, // m = 16: p --> \mu^{+} + K^{0}, n --> \mu^{+} + K^{-}
47  kNDp2mupK0s, // m = 17: p --> \mu^{+} + K^{0}_{short}
48  kNDp2mupK0l, // m = 18: p --> \mu^{+} + K^{0}_{long}
49  kNDN2nubarK, // m = 19: p --> \bar{\nu}} + K^{+}, n --> \bar{\nu}} + K^{0}
50  kNDn2nubarK0s, // m = 20: n --> \bar{\nu}} + K^{0}_{short}
51  kNDp2epKstar0, // m = 21: p --> e^{+} + K^{\star 0}
52  kNDN2nubarKstar, // m = 22: p --> \bar{\nu}} + K^{\star +}, n --> \bar{\nu}} + K^{\star 0}
53  // Antilepton + mesons
54  kNDp2eppippim, // m = 23: p --> e^{+} + \pi^{+} + \pi^{-}
55  kNDp2eppi0pi0, // m = 24: p --> e^{+} + \pi^{0} + \pi^{0}
56  kNDn2eppimpi0, // m = 25: n --> e^{+} + \pi^{-} + \pi^{0}
57  kNDp2muppippim, // m = 26: p --> \mu^{+} + \pi^{+} + \pi^{-}
58  kNDp2muppi0pi0, // m = 27: p --> \mu^{+} + \pi^{0} + \pi^{0}
59  kNDn2muppimpi0, // m = 28: n --> \mu^{+} + \pi^{-} + \pi^{0}
60  kNDn2epK0pim, // m = 29: n --> e^{+} + K^{0} + \pi^{-}
61  // Lepton + meson
62  kNDn2empip, // m = 30: n --> e^{-} + \pi^{+}
63  kNDn2mumpip, // m = 31: n --> \mu^{-} + \pi^{+}
64  kNDn2emrhop, // m = 32: n --> e^{-} + \rho^{+}
65  kNDn2mumrhop, // m = 33: n --> \mu^{-} + \rho^{+}
66  kNDn2emKp, // m = 34: n --> e^{-} + K^{+}
67  kNDn2mumKp, // m = 35: n --> \mu^{-} + K^{+}
68  // Lepton + mesons
69  kNDp2empippip, // m = 36: p --> e^{-} + \pi^{+} + \pi^{+}
70  kNDn2empippi0, // m = 37: n --> e^{-} + \pi^{+} + \pi^{0}
71  kNDp2mumpippip, // m = 38: p --> \mu^{-} + \pi^{+} + \pi^{+}
72  kNDn2mumpippi0, // m = 39: n --> \mu^{-} + \pi^{+} + \pi^{0}
73  kNDp2empipKp, // m = 40: p --> e^{-} + \pi^{+} + K^{+}
74  kNDp2mumpipKp, // m = 41: p --> \mu^{-} + \pi^{+} + K^{+}
75  // Antilepton + photon(s)
76  kNDp2epgamma, // m = 42: p --> e^{+} + \gamma
77  kNDp2mupgamma, // m = 43: p --> \mu^{+} + \gamma
78  kNDn2nubargamma, // m = 44: n --> \bar{\nu}} + \gamma
79  kNDp2epgammagamma, // m = 45: p --> e^{+} + \gamma + \gamma
80  kNDn2nubargammagamma,// m = 46: n --> \bar{\nu}} + \gamma + \gamma
81  // Three (or more) leptons
82  kNDp2epepem = 49, // m = 49: p --> e^{+} + e^{+} + e^{-}
83  kNDp2epmupmum, // m = 50: p --> e^{+} + \mu^{+} + \mu^{-}
84  kNDp2epnubarnu, // m = 51: p --> e^{+} + \bar{\nu}} + \nu
85  kNDn2epemnubar, // m = 52: n --> e^{+} + e^{-} + \bar{\nu}}
86  kNDn2mupemnubar, // m = 53: n --> \mu^{+} + e^{-} + \bar{\nu}}
87  kNDn2mupmumnubar, // m = 54: n --> \mu^{+} + \mu^{-} + \bar{\nu}}
88  kNDp2mupepem, // m = 55: p --> \mu^{+} + e^{+} + e^{-}
89  kNDp2mupmupmum, // m = 56: p --> \mu^{+} + \mu^{+} + \mu^{-}
90  kNDp2mupnubarnu, // m = 57: p --> \mu^{+} + \bar{\nu}} + \nu
91  kNDp2emmupmup, // m = 58: p --> e^{-} + \mu^{+} + \mu^{+}
92  kNDn2threenus, // m = 59: n --> \bar{\nu}} + \bar{\nu}} + \nu
93  kNDn2fivenus // m = 60: n --> \bar{\nu}} + \bar{\nu}} + \bar{\nu}} + \nu + \nu
enum genie::ENucleonDecayMode NucleonDecayMode_t

Definition at line 32 of file QELUtils.h.

32  {
34  // Use removal energy from the nuclear model
37  // Calculate binding energy assuming that the remnant nucleus is left in its
38  // ground state
41  // Leave the struck nucleon on shell, effectively ignoring its binding
42  // energy
43  kOnShell,
45  // Use a prescription equivalent to that of the Valencia model (see
46  // Eq. (43) in In this case,
47  // the effective energy transfer implies an off-shell hit nucleon
48  // total energy in the initial state.
enum genie::EQELEvGenBindingMode QELEvGen_BindingMode_t

Definition at line 37 of file NievesQELCCPXSec.h.

37  {
38  // Use the same maximum radius as VertexGenerator (3*R0*A^(1/3))
41  // Use the method for calculting Rmax from Nieves' Fortran code
enum genie::EQELRmax Nieves_Coulomb_Rmax_t

Definition at line 23 of file RefFrame.h.

23  {
25  kRfUndefined = 0,
26  kRfLab,
27  kRfCM,
28  kRfHCM,
29  kRfTgtRest,
33 } RefFrame_t;
enum genie::ERefFrame RefFrame_t

Definition at line 24 of file BaryonResonance.h.


Definition at line 27 of file RegistryItemTypeId.h.


Definition at line 35 of file ScatteringType.h.

35  {
37  kScUnknown = -100,
38  kScNull = 0,
48  kScMEC,
enum genie::EScatteringType ScatteringType_t

Definition at line 33 of file SppChannel.h.


Definition at line 23 of file XmlParserStatus.h.

Enumerated type that describes the physics represented by a particular hadron tensor

Document enum values

Definition at line 38 of file HadronTensorI.h.

Function Documentation

template<class T >
T genie::GetValueOrUseDefault ( Registry r,
RgKey  key,
bool  set_def 

Definition at line 51 of file Registry.cxx.

53  {
54  // Return the requested registry item. If it does not exist return
55  // the input default value (in this case, if set_def is true it can
56  // override a lock and add the input default as a new registry item)
58  T value;
59  if(r->Exists(key)) {
60  if(r->ItemIsLocal(key)) {
61  r->Get(key,value);
62  return value;
63  }
64  }
65  value = def;
66  bool was_locked = r->IsLocked();
67  if(was_locked) r->UnLock();
69  if(set_def) {
70  r->Set(key, value);
71  r->LinkToGlobalDef(key);
72  }
73  if(was_locked) r->Lock();
74  return value;
75  }
bool IsLocked(void) const
checks registry lock
Definition: Registry.cxx:158
void Get(RgKey key, const RegistryItemI *&item) const
Definition: Registry.cxx:325
def key(type, name=None)
bool ItemIsLocal(RgKey key) const
local or global?
Definition: Registry.cxx:178
void Lock(void)
locks the registry
Definition: Registry.cxx:148
void UnLock(void)
unlocks the registry (doesn&#39;t unlock items)
Definition: Registry.cxx:153
void LinkToGlobalDef(RgKey key)
link its value to a global default (i.e. a &#39;global&#39; item)
Definition: Registry.cxx:206
bool Exists(RgKey key) const
item with input key exists?
Definition: Registry.cxx:563
void Set(RgIMapPair entry)
Definition: Registry.cxx:267
bool genie::operator!= ( const TuneId id1,
const TuneId id2 

Definition at line 46 of file TuneId.cxx.

47  {
48  return !id1.Compare(id2);
49  }
bool Compare(const TuneId &id) const
Definition: TuneId.cxx:179
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RSHelicityAmpl hamp 

Definition at line 18 of file RSHelicityAmpl.cxx.

19  {
20  hamp.Print(stream);
21  return stream;
22  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const InteractionList intl 

Definition at line 20 of file InteractionList.cxx.

21  {
22  intl.Print(stream);
24  return stream;
25  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const CacheBranchFx cbntp 

Definition at line 20 of file CacheBranchFx.cxx.

21  {
22  cbntp.Print(stream);
23  return stream;
24  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const EventGeneratorList evgl 

Definition at line 20 of file EventGeneratorList.cxx.

21  {
22  evgl.Print(stream);
23  return stream;
24  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const PDF pdf_set 

Definition at line 20 of file PDF.cxx.

21  {
22  pdf_set.Print(stream);
23  return stream;
24  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
Definition: PDF.cxx:154
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const GEVGPool pool 

Definition at line 21 of file GEVGPool.cxx.

22  {
23  pool.Print(stream);
24  return stream;
25  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
Definition: GEVGPool.cxx:65
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const AlgId algid 

Definition at line 22 of file AlgId.cxx.

23  {
24  algid.Print(stream);
25  return stream;
26  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
Definition: AlgId.cxx:88
template ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RegistryItem< RgBool > &  r 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const CacheBranchNtp cbntp 

Definition at line 22 of file CacheBranchNtp.cxx.

23  {
24  cbntp.Print(stream);
25  return stream;
26  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const NtpMCDTime dt 

Definition at line 23 of file NtpMCDTime.cxx.

24  {
26  return stream;
27  }
void PrintToStream(ostream &stream) const
Definition: NtpMCDTime.cxx:47
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const GHepRecordHistory history 

Definition at line 25 of file GHepRecordHistory.cxx.

26  {
27  history.Print(stream);
28  return stream;
29  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const GVldContext vldc 

Definition at line 25 of file GVldContext.cxx.

26  {
27  vldc.Print(stream);
28  return stream;
29  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const XSecAlgorithmMap intl 

Definition at line 25 of file XSecAlgorithmMap.cxx.

26  {
27  intl.Print(stream);
28  return stream;
29  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const BaryonResList res_list 

Definition at line 25 of file BaryonResList.cxx.

26  {
27  res_list.Print(stream);
28  return stream;
29  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
template ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RegistryItem< RgDbl > &  r 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const DISStructureFunc ff 

Definition at line 26 of file DISStructureFunc.cxx.

27  {
28  ff.Print(stream);
29  return stream;
30  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const FKR parameters 

Definition at line 26 of file FKR.cxx.

27  {
28  parameters.Print(stream);
29  return stream;
30  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
Definition: FKR.cxx:43
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const QELFormFactors ff 

Definition at line 26 of file QELFormFactors.cxx.

27  {
28  ff.Print(stream);
29  return stream;
30  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const GSimFiles f 

Definition at line 27 of file GSimFiles.cxx.

28  {
29  f.Print(stream);
30  return stream;
31  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
Definition: GSimFiles.cxx:236
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const ELFormFactors ff 

Definition at line 27 of file ELFormFactors.cxx.

28  {
29  ff.Print(stream);
30  return stream;
31  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
template ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RegistryItem< RgStr > &  r 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const PDGCodeList list 

Definition at line 28 of file PDGCodeList.cxx.

29  {
30  list.Print(stream);
31  return stream;
32  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const AlgFactory algf 

Definition at line 28 of file AlgFactory.cxx.

29  {
30  algf.Print(stream);
31  return stream;
32  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
print algorithm factory
Definition: AlgFactory.cxx:183
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const Cache cache 

Definition at line 29 of file Cache.cxx.

30 {
31  cache.Print(stream);
32  return stream;
33 }
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const NtpMCTreeHeader hdr 

Definition at line 29 of file NtpMCTreeHeader.cxx.

30  {
31  hdr.PrintToStream(stream);
32  return stream;
33  }
void PrintToStream(ostream &stream) const
template ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RegistryItem< RgAlg > &  r 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const InteractionGeneratorMap intl 

Definition at line 30 of file InteractionGeneratorMap.cxx.

31  {
32  intl.Print(stream);
33  return stream;
34  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const NtpMCRecHeader hdr 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const AxialFormFactor ff 

Definition at line 30 of file AxialFormFactor.cxx.

31  {
32  ff.Print(stream);
33  return stream;
34  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const Algorithm alg 

Definition at line 31 of file Algorithm.cxx.

32  {
33  alg.Print(stream);
34  return stream;
35  }
virtual void Print(ostream &stream) const
Print algorithm info.
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:315
template ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RegistryItem< RgH1F > &  r 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RunOpt opt 

Definition at line 32 of file RunOpt.cxx.

33 {
34  opt.Print(stream);
35  return stream;
36 }
template ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RegistryItem< RgH2F > &  r 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const TuneId id 

Definition at line 35 of file TuneId.cxx.

36  {
37  id.Print(stream);
38  return stream;
39  }
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const NtpMCEventRecord rec 
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const EventRecord event 
template ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RegistryItem< RgTree > &  r 
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const Kinematics kine 
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const XclsTag xcls 
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const GHepParticle p 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const PathLengthList list 

Definition at line 38 of file PathLengthList.cxx.

39  {
40  list.Print(stream);
41  return stream;
42  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const Target t 
template<typename T >
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const RegistryItem< T > &  rec 

Definition at line 40 of file RegistryItem.cxx.

41 {
42  rec.Print(stream);
43  return stream;
44 }
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const XSecSplineList list 

Definition at line 40 of file XSecSplineList.cxx.

41 {
42  list.Print(stream);
43  return stream;
44 }
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const AlgConfigPool config_pool 

Definition at line 41 of file AlgConfigPool.cxx.

42  {
43  config_pool.Print(stream);
44  return stream;
45  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const ProcessInfo proc 
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const Spline spl 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const GHepRecord rec 

Definition at line 46 of file GHepRecord.cxx.

47  {
48  rec.Print(stream);
49  return stream;
50  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
Definition: GHepRecord.cxx:957
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const InitialState i 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const GEVGDriver driver 

Definition at line 50 of file GEVGDriver.cxx.

51  {
52  driver.Print(stream);
53  return stream;
54  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:706
ostream& genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const Interaction i 
ostream & genie::operator<< ( ostream &  stream,
const Registry registry 

Definition at line 77 of file Registry.cxx.

78  {
79  registry.Print(stream);
80  return stream;
81  }
void Print(ostream &stream) const
print the registry to stream
Definition: Registry.cxx:679
std::ostream& genie::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SF_info a 

Definition at line 136 of file HEDISStrucFunc.h.

136  {
138  return os << '\n'
139  << "#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n'
140  << "# Metafile that stores information used to generate Structure Functions for HEDIS" << '\n'
141  << "#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n'
142  << "# LHAPDF set" << '\n'
143  << a.LHAPDFset << '\n'
144  << "# LHAPDF member" << '\n'
145  << a.LHAPDFmember << '\n'
146  << "# NLO" << '\n'
147  << a.IsNLO << '\n'
148  << "# Mass Scheme" << '\n'
149  << a.Scheme << '\n'
150  << "# Quark threshold" << '\n'
151  << a.QrkThrs << '\n'
152  << "# NX" << '\n'
153  << a.NGridX << '\n'
154  << "# NQ2" << '\n'
155  << a.NGridQ2 << '\n'
156  << "# Xmin" << '\n'
157  << a.XGridMin << '\n'
158  << "# Q2min" << '\n'
159  << a.Q2GridMin << '\n'
160  << "# Q2max" << '\n'
161  << a.Q2GridMax << '\n'
162  << "# Mass W" << '\n'
163  << a.MassW << '\n'
164  << "# Mass Z" << '\n'
165  << a.MassZ << '\n'
166  << "# Rho" << '\n'
167  << a.Rho << '\n'
168  << "# Sin2ThW" << '\n'
169  << a.Sin2ThW << '\n'
170  << "# CKM" << '\n'
171  << a.Vud << '\n'
172  << a.Vus << '\n'
173  << a.Vub << '\n'
174  << a.Vcd << '\n'
175  << a.Vcs << '\n'
176  << a.Vcb << '\n'
177  << a.Vtd << '\n'
178  << a.Vts << '\n'
179  << a.Vtb << '\n';
181  }
const double a
bool genie::operator== ( const TuneId id1,
const TuneId id2 

Definition at line 41 of file TuneId.cxx.

42  {
43  return id1.Compare(id2);
44  }
bool Compare(const TuneId &id) const
Definition: TuneId.cxx:179
bool genie::operator== ( const SF_info a,
const SF_info b 

Definition at line 58 of file HEDISStrucFunc.h.

58  {
60  if ( a.LHAPDFmember != b.LHAPDFmember ) return false;
61  if ( a.LHAPDFset != b.LHAPDFset ) return false;
62  if ( a.IsNLO != b.IsNLO ) return false;
63  if ( a.Scheme != b.Scheme ) return false;
64  if ( a.QrkThrs != b.QrkThrs ) return false;
65  if ( a.NGridX != b.NGridX ) return false;
66  if ( a.NGridQ2 != b.NGridQ2 ) return false;
67  if ( abs(a.XGridMin-b.XGridMin)>1e-10 ) return false;
68  if ( abs(a.Q2GridMin-b.Q2GridMin)>1e-10 ) return false;
69  if ( abs(a.Q2GridMax-b.Q2GridMax)>1e-10 ) return false;
70  if ( abs(a.MassW-b.MassW)>1e-10 ) return false;
71  if ( abs(a.MassZ-b.MassZ)>1e-10 ) return false;
72  if ( abs(a.Rho-b.Rho)>1e-10 ) return false;
73  if ( abs(a.Sin2ThW-b.Sin2ThW)>1e-10 ) return false;
74  if ( abs(a.Vud-b.Vud)>1e-10 ) return false;
75  if ( abs(a.Vus-b.Vus)>1e-10 ) return false;
76  if ( abs(a.Vub-b.Vub)>1e-10 ) return false;
77  if ( abs(a.Vcd-b.Vcd)>1e-10 ) return false;
78  if ( abs(a.Vcs-b.Vcs)>1e-10 ) return false;
79  if ( abs(a.Vcb-b.Vcb)>1e-10 ) return false;
80  if ( abs(a.Vtd-b.Vtd)>1e-10 ) return false;
81  if ( abs(a.Vts-b.Vts)>1e-10 ) return false;
82  if ( abs(a.Vtb-b.Vtb)>1e-10 ) return false;
83  return true;
85  }
T abs(T value)
const double e
const double a
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
std::istream& genie::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
SF_info a 

Definition at line 87 of file HEDISStrucFunc.h.

87  {
89  string saux;
90  std::getline (is,saux); //# Header
91  std::getline (is,saux); //# Header
92  std::getline (is,saux); //# Header
93  std::getline (is,saux); //# Header
94  std::getline (is,saux); //# LHAPDF set
95  std::getline (is,saux); a.LHAPDFset=saux.c_str();
96  std::getline (is,saux); //# LHAPDF member
97  std::getline (is,saux); a.LHAPDFmember=atoi(saux.c_str());
98  std::getline (is,saux); //#NLO
99  std::getline (is,saux); a.IsNLO=atoi(saux.c_str());
100  std::getline (is,saux); //# Mass scheme
101  std::getline (is,saux); a.Scheme=saux.c_str();
102  std::getline (is,saux); //# Quark threshold
103  std::getline (is,saux); a.QrkThrs=atof(saux.c_str());
104  std::getline (is,saux); //# NGridX
105  std::getline (is,saux); a.NGridX=atoi(saux.c_str());
106  std::getline (is,saux); //# NGridQ2
107  std::getline (is,saux); a.NGridQ2=atoi(saux.c_str());
108  std::getline (is,saux); //# XGridMin
109  std::getline (is,saux); a.XGridMin=atof(saux.c_str());
110  std::getline (is,saux); //# Q2min
111  std::getline (is,saux); a.Q2GridMin=atof(saux.c_str());
112  std::getline (is,saux); //# Q2max
113  std::getline (is,saux); a.Q2GridMax=atof(saux.c_str());
114  std::getline (is,saux); //# Mass W
115  std::getline (is,saux); a.MassW=atof(saux.c_str());
116  std::getline (is,saux); //# Mass Z
117  std::getline (is,saux); a.MassZ=atof(saux.c_str());
118  std::getline (is,saux); //# Rho
119  std::getline (is,saux); a.Rho=atof(saux.c_str());
120  std::getline (is,saux); //# Sin2ThW
121  std::getline (is,saux); a.Sin2ThW=atof(saux.c_str());
122  std::getline (is,saux); //# CKM
123  std::getline (is,saux); a.Vud=atof(saux.c_str());
124  std::getline (is,saux); a.Vus=atof(saux.c_str());
125  std::getline (is,saux); a.Vub=atof(saux.c_str());
126  std::getline (is,saux); a.Vcd=atof(saux.c_str());
127  std::getline (is,saux); a.Vcs=atof(saux.c_str());
128  std::getline (is,saux); a.Vcb=atof(saux.c_str());
129  std::getline (is,saux); a.Vtd=atof(saux.c_str());
130  std::getline (is,saux); a.Vts=atof(saux.c_str());
131  std::getline (is,saux); a.Vtb=atof(saux.c_str());
132  return is;
134  }
const double a
template<class T >
void genie::SetRegistryItem ( Registry r,
RgKey  key,

Definition at line 39 of file Registry.cxx.

40  {
41  string itemtype = typeid(item).name();
42  LOG("Registry", pINFO)
43  << "Set item [" << itemtype << "]: key = "
44  << key << " --> value = " << item;
45  bool lock = r->ItemIsLocked(key); // store, could be true but inhibited
46  RegistryItem<T> * reg_item = new RegistryItem<T>(item,lock);
47  RgIMapPair config_entry(key, reg_item);
48  r->Set(config_entry);
49  }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
def key(type, name=None)
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
pair< RgKey, RegistryItemI * > RgIMapPair
Definition: Registry.h:46
A templated concrete implementation of the RegistryItemI interface. Provides an arbitrary basic type ...
Definition: RegistryItem.h:32
void Set(RgIMapPair entry)
Definition: Registry.cxx:267
bool ItemIsLocked(RgKey key) const
check item lock
Definition: Registry.cxx:218

Variable Documentation

bool genie::gAbortingInErr = false

Definition at line 34 of file Messenger.cxx.

const string genie::gDefaultTune = "G18_02a_00_000"

Definition at line 29 of file RunOpt.cxx.

const UInt_t genie::kIAssumeFreeElectron = 1<<15

Definition at line 50 of file Interaction.h.

const UInt_t genie::kIAssumeFreeNucleon = 1<<15

Definition at line 49 of file Interaction.h.

const UInt_t genie::kINoNuclearCorrection = 1<<14

if set, inhibit nuclear corrections

Definition at line 51 of file Interaction.h.

const UInt_t genie::kISkipKinematicChk = 1<<16

if set, skip kinematic validity checks

Definition at line 48 of file Interaction.h.

const UInt_t genie::kISkipProcessChk = 1<<17

if set, skip process validity checks

Definition at line 47 of file Interaction.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiBQuark = -5

Definition at line 51 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiCQuark = -4

Definition at line 49 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiD0 = -421

Definition at line 184 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiDarkMatter = -2000010000

Definition at line 219 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiDarkNeutrino = -2000030000

Definition at line 223 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiDQuark = -1

Definition at line 45 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiK0 = -311

Definition at line 175 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiLambda = -3122

Definition at line 86 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiMuon = -13

Definition at line 38 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiNeutron = -2112

Definition at line 84 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiNuE = -12

Definition at line 29 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiNuMu = -14

Definition at line 31 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiNuTau = -16

Definition at line 33 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiOmegaP = -3334

Definition at line 98 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiProton = -2212

Definition at line 82 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiSigma0 = -3212

Definition at line 91 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiSigmaM = -3112

Definition at line 92 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiSigmaP = -3222

Definition at line 90 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiSQuark = -3

Definition at line 47 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiTau = -15

Definition at line 40 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiTQuark = -6

Definition at line 53 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiUQuark = -2

Definition at line 43 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiXi0 = -3322

Definition at line 95 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgAntiXiP = -3312

Definition at line 96 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBBDiquarkS1 = 5503

Definition at line 79 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBCDiquarkS0 = 5401

Definition at line 77 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBCDiquarkS1 = 5403

Definition at line 78 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBDDiquarkS0 = 5101

Definition at line 71 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBDDiquarkS1 = 5103

Definition at line 72 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBindino = 2000000101

Definition at line 212 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBQuark = 5

Definition at line 50 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBSDiquarkS0 = 5301

Definition at line 75 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBSDiquarkS1 = 5303

Definition at line 76 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBUDiquarkS0 = 5201

Definition at line 73 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgBUDiquarkS1 = 5203

Definition at line 74 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCCDiquarkS1 = 4403

Definition at line 70 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCDDiquarkS0 = 4101

Definition at line 64 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCDDiquarkS1 = 4103

Definition at line 65 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCluster = 91

Definition at line 229 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgClusterNN = 2000000200

Definition at line 214 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgClusterNP = 2000000201

Definition at line 215 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgClusterPP = 2000000202

Definition at line 216 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCompNuclCluster = 2000000300

Definition at line 217 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCoulobtron = 2000000102

Definition at line 213 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCQuark = 4

Definition at line 48 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCSDiquarkS0 = 4301

Definition at line 68 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCSDiquarkS1 = 4303

Definition at line 69 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCUDiquarkS0 = 4201

Definition at line 66 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgCUDiquarkS1 = 4203

Definition at line 67 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD0 = 421

Definition at line 183 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD13m1520_N0 = 102114

Definition at line 110 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD13m1520_NP = 102214

Definition at line 111 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD13m1700_N0 = 112114

Definition at line 114 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD13m1700_NP = 112214

Definition at line 115 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD15m1675_N0 = 102116

Definition at line 116 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD15m1675_NP = 102216

Definition at line 117 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD33m1700_Delta0 = 122114

Definition at line 123 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD33m1700_DeltaM = 121114

Definition at line 122 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD33m1700_DeltaP = 122214

Definition at line 124 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgD33m1700_DeltaPP = 122224

Definition at line 125 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgDarkMatter = 2000010000

Definition at line 218 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgDarkNeutrino = 2000030000

Definition at line 222 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgDDDiquarkS1 = 1103

Definition at line 55 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgDM = -411

Definition at line 182 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgDMs = -431

Definition at line 186 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgDNuMediator = 2000030001

Definition at line 224 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgDP = 411

Definition at line 181 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgDPs = 431

Definition at line 185 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgDQuark = 1

Definition at line 44 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgElectron = 11

Definition at line 35 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgEta = 221

Definition at line 161 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgEtab = 551

Definition at line 164 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgEtac = 441

Definition at line 163 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgEtaPrm = 331

Definition at line 162 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF15m1680_N0 = 202116

Definition at line 134 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF15m1680_NP = 202216

Definition at line 135 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF17m1970_N0 = 212118

Definition at line 154 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF17m1970_NP = 212218

Definition at line 155 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF35m1905_Delta0 = 212116

Definition at line 145 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF35m1905_DeltaM = 211116

Definition at line 144 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF35m1905_DeltaP = 212216

Definition at line 146 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF35m1905_DeltaPP = 212226

Definition at line 147 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF37m1950_Delta0 = 202118

Definition at line 149 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF37m1950_DeltaM = 201118

Definition at line 148 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF37m1950_DeltaP = 202218

Definition at line 150 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgF37m1950_DeltaPP = 202228

Definition at line 151 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgGamma = 22

Definition at line 189 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgGluon = 21

Definition at line 188 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgHadronicBlob = 2000000002

Definition at line 211 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgHadronicSyst = 2000000001

Definition at line 210 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgIndep = 93

Definition at line 231 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgJpsi = 443

Definition at line 170 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgK0 = 311

Definition at line 174 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgK0L = 130

Definition at line 176 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgK0S = 310

Definition at line 177 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgKM = -321

Definition at line 173 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgKP = 321

Definition at line 172 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgKStar0 = 313

Definition at line 180 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgKStarM = -323

Definition at line 179 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgKStarP = 323

Definition at line 178 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgLambda = 3122

Definition at line 85 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgLambdaPc = 4122

Definition at line 99 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgMediator = 2000010001

Definition at line 220 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgMuon = 13

Definition at line 37 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgNeutron = 2112

Definition at line 83 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgNHL = 2000020000

Definition at line 221 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgNuE = 12

Definition at line 28 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgNuMu = 14

Definition at line 30 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgNuTau = 16

Definition at line 32 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgomega = 223

Definition at line 168 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgOmegaM = 3334

Definition at line 97 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP11m1440_N0 = 202112

Definition at line 126 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP11m1440_NP = 202212

Definition at line 127 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP11m1710_N0 = 212112

Definition at line 152 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP11m1710_NP = 212212

Definition at line 153 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP13m1720_N0 = 202114

Definition at line 132 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP13m1720_NP = 202214

Definition at line 133 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP31m1910_Delta0 = 222112

Definition at line 137 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP31m1910_DeltaM = 221112

Definition at line 136 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP31m1910_DeltaP = 222212

Definition at line 138 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP31m1910_DeltaPP = 222222

Definition at line 139 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1232_Delta0 = 2114

Definition at line 105 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1232_DeltaM = 1114

Definition at line 104 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1232_DeltaP = 2214

Definition at line 106 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1232_DeltaPP = 2224

Definition at line 107 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1600_Delta0 = 212114

Definition at line 129 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1600_DeltaM = 211114

Definition at line 128 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1600_DeltaP = 212214

Definition at line 130 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1600_DeltaPP = 212224

Definition at line 131 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1920_Delta0 = 222114

Definition at line 141 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1920_DeltaM = 221114

Definition at line 140 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1920_DeltaP = 222214

Definition at line 142 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgP33m1920_DeltaPP = 222224

Definition at line 143 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgPhi = 333

Definition at line 169 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgPi0 = 111

Definition at line 160 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgPiM = -211

Definition at line 159 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgPiP = 211

Definition at line 158 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgPositron = -11

Definition at line 36 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgProton = 2212

Definition at line 81 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgRho0 = 113

Definition at line 167 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgRhoM = -213

Definition at line 166 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgRhoP = 213

Definition at line 165 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgS11m1535_N0 = 102112

Definition at line 108 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgS11m1535_NP = 102212

Definition at line 109 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgS11m1650_N0 = 132112

Definition at line 112 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgS11m1650_NP = 132212

Definition at line 113 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgS31m1620_Delta0 = 112112

Definition at line 119 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgS31m1620_DeltaM = 111112

Definition at line 118 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgS31m1620_DeltaP = 112212

Definition at line 120 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgS31m1620_DeltaPP = 112222

Definition at line 121 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSDDiquarkS0 = 3101

Definition at line 59 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSDDiquarkS1 = 3103

Definition at line 60 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSigma0 = 3212

Definition at line 88 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSigma0c = 4112

Definition at line 100 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSigmaM = 3112

Definition at line 89 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSigmaP = 3222

Definition at line 87 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSigmaPc = 4212

Definition at line 101 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSigmaPPc = 4222

Definition at line 102 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSQuark = 3

Definition at line 46 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSSDiquarkS1 = 3303

Definition at line 63 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgString = 92

Definition at line 230 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSUDiquarkS0 = 3201

Definition at line 61 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgSUDiquarkS1 = 3203

Definition at line 62 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgTau = 15

Definition at line 39 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgTgtC12 = 1000060120

Definition at line 202 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgTgtCa40 = 1000200400

Definition at line 204 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgTgtDeuterium = 1000010020

Definition at line 201 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgTgtFe56 = 1000260560

Definition at line 205 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgTgtFreeN = 1000000010

Definition at line 200 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgTgtFreeP = 1000010010

Definition at line 199 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgTgtO16 = 1000080160

Definition at line 203 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgTQuark = 6

Definition at line 52 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgUDDiquarkS0 = 2101

Definition at line 56 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgUDDiquarkS1 = 2103

Definition at line 57 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgUQuark = 2

Definition at line 42 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgUUDiquarkS1 = 2203

Definition at line 58 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgWM = -24

Definition at line 192 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgWP = 24

Definition at line 191 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgXi0 = 3322

Definition at line 93 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgXiM = 3312

Definition at line 94 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgY = 553

Definition at line 171 of file PDGCodes.h.

const int genie::kPdgZ0 = 23

Definition at line 190 of file PDGCodes.h.