Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Class: IcebergChannelMapService
3 // Module type: service
4 // File: IcebergChannelMapService.h
5 // Author: Tom Junk, November 2018
6 //
7 // Implementation of hardware-offline channel mapping reading from a file.
8 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 // Bad channel value
14 unsigned int bad() {
16  return val;
17 }
28  std::string channelMapFile = pset.get<std::string>("FileName");
30  std::string fullname;
31  cet::search_path sp("FW_SEARCH_PATH");
32  sp.find_file(channelMapFile, fullname);
34  if (fullname.empty()) {
35  std::cout << "Input file " << channelMapFile << " not found" << std::endl;
36  throw cet::exception("File not found");
37  }
38  else
39  std::cout << "Iceberg Channel Map: Building RCE TPC wiremap from file " << channelMapFile << std::endl;
41  std::ifstream inFile(fullname, std::ios::in);
44  while (std::getline(inFile,line)) {
45  unsigned int crateNo, slotNo, fiberNo, FEMBChannel, StreamChannel, slotID, fiberID, chipNo, chipChannel, asicNo, asicChannel, planeType, offlineChannel;
46  std::stringstream linestream(line);
47  linestream >> crateNo >> slotNo >> fiberNo>> FEMBChannel >> StreamChannel >> slotID >> fiberID >> chipNo >> chipChannel >> asicNo >> asicChannel >> planeType >> offlineChannel;
49  // fill lookup tables. Throw an exception if any number is out of expected bounds.
50  // checking for negative values produces compiler warnings as these are unsigned ints
52  if (offlineChannel >= fNChans)
53  {
54  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Offline Channel: " << offlineChannel << "\n";
55  }
56  if (crateNo >= fNCrates)
57  {
58  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Crate Number: " << crateNo << "\n";
59  }
60  if (slotNo >= fNSlots)
61  {
62  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Slot Number: " << slotNo << "\n";
63  }
64  if (fiberNo >= fNFibers)
65  {
66  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Fiber Number: " << fiberNo << "\n";
67  }
68  if (StreamChannel >= fNFEMBChans)
69  {
70  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood FEMB (Stream) Channel Number: " << StreamChannel << "\n";
71  }
73  farrayCsfcToOffline[crateNo][slotNo][fiberNo][StreamChannel] = offlineChannel;
74  fvAPAMap[offlineChannel] = crateNo;
75  fvWIBMap[offlineChannel] = slotNo;
76  fvFEMBMap[offlineChannel] = fiberNo;
77  fvFEMBChannelMap[offlineChannel] = FEMBChannel;
78  fvStreamChannelMap[offlineChannel] = StreamChannel;
79  fvSlotIdMap[offlineChannel] = slotID;
80  fvFiberIdMap[offlineChannel] = fiberID;
81  fvChipMap[offlineChannel] = chipNo;
82  fvChipChannelMap[offlineChannel] = chipChannel;
83  fvASICMap[offlineChannel] = asicNo;
84  fvASICChannelMap[offlineChannel] = asicChannel;
85  fvPlaneMap[offlineChannel] = planeType;
87  }
88  inFile.close();
92  std::string FELIXchannelMapFile = pset.get<std::string>("FELIXFileName");
93  sp.find_file(FELIXchannelMapFile, fullname);
95  if (fullname.empty()) {
96  std::cout << "Input file " << FELIXchannelMapFile << " not found" << std::endl;
97  throw cet::exception("File not found");
98  }
99  else
100  std::cout << "Iceberg Channel Map: Building FELIX TPC wiremap from file " << channelMapFile << std::endl;
102  std::ifstream FELIXinFile(fullname, std::ios::in);
104  while (std::getline(FELIXinFile,line)) {
105  unsigned int crateNo, slotNo, fiberNo, FEMBChannel, StreamChannel, slotID, fiberID, chipNo, chipChannel, asicNo, asicChannel, planeType, offlineChannel;
106  std::stringstream linestream(line);
107  linestream >> crateNo >> slotNo >> fiberNo>> FEMBChannel >> StreamChannel >> slotID >> fiberID >> chipNo >> chipChannel >> asicNo >> asicChannel >> planeType >> offlineChannel;
109  // fill lookup tables. Throw an exception if any number is out of expected bounds.
110  // checking for negative values produces compiler warnings as these are unsigned ints
112  if (offlineChannel >= fNChans)
113  {
114  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Offline Channel: " << offlineChannel << "\n";
115  }
116  if (crateNo >= fNCrates)
117  {
118  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Crate Number: " << crateNo << "\n";
119  }
120  if (slotNo >= fNSlots)
121  {
122  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Slot Number: " << slotNo << "\n";
123  }
124  if (fiberNo >= fNFibers)
125  {
126  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Fiber Number: " << fiberNo << "\n";
127  }
128  if (StreamChannel >= fNFEMBChans)
129  {
130  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood FEMB (Stream) Channel Number: " << StreamChannel << "\n";
131  }
133  fFELIXarrayCsfcToOffline[crateNo][slotNo][fiberNo][StreamChannel] = offlineChannel;
134  fFELIXvAPAMap[offlineChannel] = crateNo;
135  fFELIXvWIBMap[offlineChannel] = slotNo;
136  fFELIXvFEMBMap[offlineChannel] = fiberNo;
137  fFELIXvFEMBChannelMap[offlineChannel] = FEMBChannel;
138  fFELIXvStreamChannelMap[offlineChannel] = StreamChannel;
139  fFELIXvSlotIdMap[offlineChannel] = slotID;
140  fFELIXvFiberIdMap[offlineChannel] = fiberID;
141  fFELIXvChipMap[offlineChannel] = chipNo;
142  fFELIXvChipChannelMap[offlineChannel] = chipChannel;
143  fFELIXvASICMap[offlineChannel] = asicNo;
144  fFELIXvASICChannelMap[offlineChannel] = asicChannel;
145  fFELIXvPlaneMap[offlineChannel] = planeType;
147  }
148  inFile.close();
151  std::string SSPchannelMapFile = pset.get<std::string>("SSPFileName");
153  std::string SSPfullname;
154  sp.find_file(SSPchannelMapFile, SSPfullname);
156  if (SSPfullname.empty()) {
157  std::cout << "Input file for SSP Channel Map " << SSPchannelMapFile << " not found in FW_SEARCH_PATH " << std::endl;
158  throw cet::exception("File not found");
159  }
160  else
161  std::cout << "Iceberg Channel Map: Building SSP channel map from file " << SSPchannelMapFile << std::endl;
163  std::ifstream SSPinFile(SSPfullname, std::ios::in);
165  while (std::getline(SSPinFile,line)) {
166  unsigned int onlineChannel, APA, SSP, SSPGlobal, ChanWithinSSP, OpDetNo, offlineChannel;
167  std::stringstream linestream(line);
168  linestream >> onlineChannel >> APA >> SSP >> SSPGlobal >> ChanWithinSSP >> OpDetNo >> offlineChannel;
170  // fill lookup tables. Throw an exception if any number is out of expected bounds.
171  // checking for negative values produces compiler warnings as these are unsigned ints
173  if (onlineChannel >= fNSSPChans)
174  {
175  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood SSP Online Channel: " << onlineChannel << "\n";
176  }
177  if (offlineChannel >= fNSSPChans)
178  {
179  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood SSP Offline Channel: " << offlineChannel << "\n";
180  }
181  if (APA > fNAPAs) // APAs count from 1
182  {
183  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood APA Number in SSP map file: " << APA << "\n";
184  }
185  //if (SSP >= fNSSPsPerAPA) -- These checks don't make sense
186  // {
187  // throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood SSP number within this APA: " << SSP << " " << APA << "\n";
188  // }
189  //if (SSPGlobal >= fNSSPs)
190  // {
191  // throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Global SSP number: " << SSPGlobal << "\n";
192  // }
193  if (ChanWithinSSP >= fNChansPerSSP)
194  {
195  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Channel within SSP Number: " << ChanWithinSSP << " " << SSPGlobal << "\n";
196  }
197  if (OpDetNo >= 60)
198  {
199  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood SSP Module Number: " << OpDetNo << "\n";
200  }
202  farraySSPOnlineToOffline[onlineChannel] = offlineChannel;
203  farraySSPOfflineToOnline[offlineChannel] = onlineChannel;
204  fvSSPAPAMap[offlineChannel] = APA;
205  fvSSPWithinAPAMap[offlineChannel] = SSP;
206  fvSSPGlobalMap[offlineChannel] = SSPGlobal;
207  fvSSPChanWithinSSPMap[offlineChannel] = ChanWithinSSP;
208  fvOpDetNoMap[offlineChannel] = OpDetNo;
209  }
210  SSPinFile.close();
211 }
214 }
216 // assumes crate goes from 1-6, in "installed crate ordering"
217 // assumes slot goes from 0-5.
218 // assumes fiber goes from 1-4.
219 // These conventions are observed in Run 2973, a cryo commissioning run.
221 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::GetOfflineNumberFromDetectorElements(unsigned int crate, unsigned int slot, unsigned int fiber, unsigned int streamchannel, FelixOrRCE frswitch) {
223  unsigned int offlineChannel=0;
224  unsigned int lcrate = crate;
225  unsigned int lslot = slot;
226  unsigned int lfiber = fiber;
228  if (crate > fNCrates || crate == 0)
229  {
231  {
232  mf::LogWarning("IcebergChannelMapService: Bad Crate Number, expecting a number of 1. Falling back to 1. Ununderstood crate number=") << crate;
233  }
235  lcrate = 1;
236  }
238  if (slot >= fNSlots)
239  {
241  {
242  mf::LogWarning("IcebergChannelMapService: Bad slot number, using slot number zero as a fallback. Ununderstood slot number: ") << slot;
243  }
245  lslot = 0;
246  }
248  if (fiber > fNFibers || fiber == 0)
249  {
251  {
252  mf::LogWarning("IcebergChannelMapService: Bad fiber number, falling back to 1. Ununderstood fiber number: ") << fiber;
253  }
255  lfiber = 1;
256  }
258  if (streamchannel >= fNFEMBChans)
259  {
260  throw cet::exception("IcebergChannelMapService") << "Ununderstood Stream (FEMB) chan: "
261  << crate << " " << slot << " " << fiber << " " << streamchannel << "\n";
262  }
264  if (frswitch == kRCE)
265  {
266  offlineChannel = farrayCsfcToOffline[lcrate-1][lslot][lfiber-1][streamchannel];
267  }
268  else
269  {
270  offlineChannel = fFELIXarrayCsfcToOffline[lcrate-1][lslot][lfiber-1][streamchannel];
271  }
273  return offlineChannel;
274 }
276 // does not depend on FELIX or RCE -- offline channels should always map to the same APA/crate regardless of RCE or FELIX
278 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::APAFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
279  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
280  return fvAPAMap[offlineChannel];
281  // return fFELIXvAPAMap[offlineChannel]; // -- FELIX one -- should be the same
282 }
285 // does not depend on FELIX or RCE
287 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::WIBFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
288  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
289  return fvWIBMap[offlineChannel];
290  // return fFELIXvWIBMap[offlineChannel]; // -- FELIX one -- should be the same
291 }
293 // does not depend on FELIX or RCE
295 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::FEMBFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
296  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
297  return fvFEMBMap[offlineChannel]+1;
298  //return fFELIXvFEMBMap[offlineChannel];
299 }
301 // does not depend on FELIX or RCE
303 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::FEMBChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
304  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
305  return fvFEMBChannelMap[offlineChannel];
306  // return fFELIXvFEMBChannelMap[offlineChannel]; // -- FELIX one -- should be the same
307 }
309 // this one does depend on FELIX or RCE
311 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::StreamChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel, FelixOrRCE frswitch) const {
312  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
313  if (frswitch == kRCE)
314  {
315  return fvStreamChannelMap[offlineChannel];
316  }
317  else
318  {
319  return fFELIXvStreamChannelMap[offlineChannel];
320  }
321 }
323 // does not depend on FELIX or RCE
325 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::SlotIdFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
326  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
327  return fvSlotIdMap[offlineChannel];
328  // return fFELIXvSlotIdMap[offlineChannel]; // -- FELIX one -- should be the same
329 }
331 // may potentially depend on FELIX or RCE, but if fibers are switched between the WIB and the FELIX or RCE,
332 // we can fix this in the channel map but report with this method the fiber coming out of the WIB, not the
333 // one going in to the FELIX or RCE
335 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::FiberIdFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
336  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
337  return fvFiberIdMap[offlineChannel];
338 }
340 // does not depend on FELIX or RCE
342 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::ChipFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
343  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
344  return fvChipMap[offlineChannel];
345 }
347 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::AsicFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
348  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
349  return fvChipMap[offlineChannel];
350 }
352 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::ChipChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
353  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
354  return fvChipChannelMap[offlineChannel];
355 }
357 // from David Adams -- use the chip channel instead of the asic channel
359 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::AsicChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
360  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
361  return fvChipChannelMap[offlineChannel];
362 }
364 // really shouldn't be using this as it doesn't mean asic
366 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::ASICFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) {
368  {
369  mf::LogWarning("IcebergChannelMapService: Deprecated call to ASICFromOfflineChannel. Use AsicLinkFromOfflineChannel");
370  }
372  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
373  return fvASICMap[offlineChannel];
374 }
376 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::AsicLinkFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
377  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
378  return fvASICMap[offlineChannel];
379 }
381 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::ASICChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) {
383  {
384  mf::LogWarning("IcebergChannelMapService: Deprecated call to ASICChannelFromOfflineChannel. Not a meaningful number -- channels are grouped by 16's not 8's");
385  }
387  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
388  return fvASICChannelMap[offlineChannel];
389 }
391 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::PlaneFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const {
392  check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
393  return fvPlaneMap[offlineChannel];
394 }
397 {
398  size_t result=0;
399  size_t s = sizeof(size_t)*8;
400  for (size_t j=0; j<s; ++j)
401  {
402  if (i & 1) ++result;
403  i >>= 1;
404  }
405  return result;
406 }
409 {
410  unsigned int lchannel = onlineChannel;
412  if (onlineChannel > fNSSPChans)
413  {
415  {
416  mf::LogWarning("IcebergChannelMapService: Online Channel Number too high, using zero as a fallback: ") << onlineChannel;
417  }
419  lchannel = 0;
420  }
421  return farraySSPOnlineToOffline[lchannel];
422 }
424 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::SSPOnlineChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
425 {
426  SSP_check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
427  return farraySSPOfflineToOnline[offlineChannel];
428 }
430 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::SSPAPAFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
431 {
432  SSP_check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
433  return fvSSPAPAMap[offlineChannel];
434 }
436 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::SSPWithinAPAFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
437 {
438  SSP_check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
439  return fvSSPWithinAPAMap[offlineChannel];
440 }
442 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::SSPGlobalFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
443 {
444  SSP_check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
445  return fvSSPGlobalMap[offlineChannel];
446 }
448 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::SSPChanWithinSSPFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
449 {
450  SSP_check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
451  return fvSSPChanWithinSSPMap[offlineChannel];
452 }
454 unsigned int dune::IcebergChannelMapService::OpDetNoFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
455 {
456  SSP_check_offline_channel(offlineChannel);
457  return fvOpDetNoMap[offlineChannel];
458 }
unsigned int SSPAPAFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
static QCString result
unsigned int SSPOfflineChannelFromOnlineChannel(unsigned int onlineChannel)
unsigned int farrayCsfcToOffline[1][3][4][128]
std::string string
unsigned int ASICChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel)
Returns ASIC channel number – to be deprecated.
unsigned int AsicChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
void check_offline_channel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
unsigned int FiberIdFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
Returns global fiber ID.
unsigned int SlotIdFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
Returns global slot ID.
unsigned int OpDetNoFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
unsigned int ChipChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
Returns chip channel number.
unsigned int AsicLinkFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
unsigned int GetOfflineNumberFromDetectorElements(unsigned int crate, unsigned int slot, unsigned int fiber, unsigned int fembchannel, FelixOrRCE frswitch)
unsigned int SSPOnlineChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
struct dune::tde::crate crate
unsigned int AsicFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
enum dune::IcebergChannelMapService::_FelixOrRCE FelixOrRCE
unsigned int SSPChanWithinSSPFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
T get(std::string const &key) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:271
unsigned int StreamChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel, FelixOrRCE frswitch) const
Returns RCE(FELIX) stream(frame) channel.
unsigned int fFELIXarrayCsfcToOffline[6][5][4][128]
unsigned int APAFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
Returns APA/crate.
static int max(int a, int b)
IcebergChannelMapService(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
TFile * inFile
Definition: makeDST.cxx:36
void line(double t, double *p, double &x, double &y, double &z)
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
unsigned int FEMBChannelFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
Returns FEMB channel.
std::string find_file(std::string const &filename) const
unsigned int ChipFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
Returns chip number.
unsigned int ASICFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel)
Returns ASIC number – to be deprecated.
unsigned int PlaneFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
Returns plane.
unsigned int SSPWithinAPAFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
unsigned int bad()
unsigned int SSPGlobalFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
unsigned int WIBFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
Returns WIB/slot.
unsigned int FEMBFromOfflineChannel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
Returns FEMB/fiber.
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
void SSP_check_offline_channel(unsigned int offlineChannel) const
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)