Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*
3  Copyright (c) 2003-2019, The GENIE Collaboration
4  For the full text of the license visit
5  or see $GENIE/LICENSE
7  Author: Costas Andreopoulos <costas.andreopoulos \at>
8  University of Liverpool & STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab
10  Hugh Gallagher <gallag \at>
11  Tufts University
13  Tinjun Yang <tjyang \at>
14  Stanford University
16  Strange baryon production, and adjusted hadronic shower production
17  to conserve strangeness, and to continue balancing charge and
18  maintaining correct multiplicity was implemented by Keith Hofmann
19  and Hugh Gallagher (Tufts)
21  Production of etas was added by Ji Liu (W&M)
23  Changes required to implement the GENIE Boosted Dark Matter module
24  were installed by Josh Berger (Univ. of Wisconsin)
25 */
26 //____________________________________________________________________________
28 #include <cstdlib>
30 #include <RVersion.h>
31 #include <TSystem.h>
32 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
33 #include <TClonesArray.h>
34 #include <TH1D.h>
35 #include <TMath.h>
36 #include <TF1.h>
37 #include <TROOT.h>
48 #include "Physics/Decay/Decayer.h"
53 //#include "Framework/Numerical/Spline.h"
61 using namespace genie;
62 using namespace genie::constants;
63 using namespace genie::controls;
64 using namespace genie::utils::print;
66 //____________________________________________________________________________
68 EventRecordVisitorI("genie::KNOHadronization")
69 {
70  fBaryonXFpdf = 0;
71  fBaryonPT2pdf = 0;
72 //fKNO = 0;
73 }
74 //____________________________________________________________________________
76 EventRecordVisitorI("genie::KNOHadronization", config)
77 {
78  fBaryonXFpdf = 0;
79  fBaryonPT2pdf = 0;
80 //fKNO = 0;
81 }
82 //____________________________________________________________________________
84 {
85  if (fBaryonXFpdf ) delete fBaryonXFpdf;
86  if (fBaryonPT2pdf) delete fBaryonPT2pdf;
87 //if (fKNO ) delete fKNO;
88 }
89 //____________________________________________________________________________
90 // HadronizationModelI interface implementation:
91 //____________________________________________________________________________
93 {
95 }
96 //____________________________________________________________________________
99  Interaction * interaction = event->Summary();
100  TClonesArray * particle_list = this->Hadronize(interaction);
102  if(! particle_list ) {
103  LOG("KNOHadronization", pWARN) << "Got an empty particle list. Hadronizer failed!";
104  LOG("KNOHadronization", pWARN) << "Quitting the current event generation thread";
106  event->EventFlags()->SetBitNumber(kHadroSysGenErr, true);
109  exception.SetReason("Could not simulate the hadronic system");
110  exception.SwitchOnFastForward();
111  throw exception;
113  return;
114  }
116  int mom = event->FinalStateHadronicSystemPosition();
117  assert(mom!=-1);
119  // find the proper status for the particles we are going to put in event record
120  bool is_nucleus = interaction->InitState().Tgt().IsNucleus();
121  GHepStatus_t istfin = (is_nucleus) ?
124  // retrieve the hadronic blob lorentz boost
125  // Because Hadronize() returned particles not in the LAB reference frame
126  const TLorentzVector * had_syst = event -> Particle(mom) -> P4() ;
127  TVector3 boost = had_syst -> BoostVector() ;
129  GHepParticle * neutrino = event->Probe();
130  const TLorentzVector & vtx = *(neutrino->X4());
132  GHepParticle * particle = 0;
133  TIter particle_iter(particle_list);
134  while ((particle = (GHepParticle *) particle_iter.Next())) {
136  int pdgc = particle -> Pdg() ;
138  // bring the particle in the LAB reference frame
139  particle -> P4() -> Boost( boost ) ;
141  // set the proper status according to a number of things:
142  // interaction on a nucleaus or nucleon, particle type
143  GHepStatus_t ist = ( particle -> Status() ==1 ) ? istfin : kIStDISPreFragmHadronicState;
145  // handle gammas, and leptons that might come from internal pythia decays
146  // mark them as final state particles
147  bool not_hadron = ( pdgc == kPdgGamma ||
148  pdg::IsNeutralLepton(pdgc) ||
149  pdg::IsChargedLepton(pdgc) ) ;
151  if(not_hadron) { ist = kIStStableFinalState; }
152  particle -> SetStatus( ist ) ;
154  int im = mom + 1 + particle -> FirstMother() ;
155  //int ifc = ( particle -> FirstDaughter() == -1) ? -1 : mom + 1 + particle -> FirstDaughter();
156  //int ilc = ( particle -> LastDaughter() == -1) ? -1 : mom + 1 + particle -> LastDaughter();
158  particle -> SetFirstMother( im ) ;
160  particle -> SetPosition( vtx ) ;
162  event->AddParticle(*particle);
163  }
165  delete particle_list ;
167  // update the weight of the event
168  event -> SetWeight ( Weight() * event->Weight() );
170 }
171 //____________________________________________________________________________
173  const Interaction * interaction) const
174 {
175 // Generate the hadronic system in a neutrino interaction using a KNO-based
176 // model.
178  if(!this->AssertValidity(interaction)) {
179  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "Returning a null particle list!";
180  return 0;
181  }
182  fWeight=1;
184  double W = utils::kinematics::W(interaction);
185  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "W = " << W << " GeV";
187  //-- Select hadronic shower particles
188  PDGCodeList * pdgcv = this->SelectParticles(interaction);
190  if(!pdgcv) {
191  LOG("KNOHad", pNOTICE)
192  << "Failed selecting particles for " << *interaction;
193  return 0;
194  }
196  //-- Decay the hadronic final state
197  // Two strategies are considered (for N particles):
198  // 1- N (>=2) particles get passed to the phase space decayer. This is the
199  // old NeuGEN strategy.
200  // 2- decay strategy adopted at the July-2006 hadronization model mini-workshop
201  // (C.Andreopoulos, H.Gallagher, P.Kehayias, T.Yang)
202  // The generated baryon P4 gets selected from from experimental xF and pT^2
203  // distributions and the remaining N-1 particles are passed to the phase space
204  // decayer, with P4 = P4(Sum_Hadronic) - P4(Baryon).
205  // For N=2, generate a phase space decay and keep the solution according to its
206  // likelihood calculated based on the baryon xF and pT pdfs. Especially for N=2
207  // keep the option of using simple phase space decay with reweighting switched
208  // off (for consistency with the neugen/daikon version).
209  //
210  TClonesArray * particle_list = 0;
211  bool reweight_decays = fReWeightDecays;
213  bool use_isotropic_decay = (pdgcv->size()==2 && fUseIsotropic2BDecays);
214  if(use_isotropic_decay) {
215  particle_list = this->DecayMethod1(W,*pdgcv,false);
216  } else {
217  particle_list = this->DecayMethod2(W,*pdgcv,reweight_decays);
218  }
219  } else {
220  particle_list = this->DecayMethod1(W,*pdgcv,reweight_decays);
221  }
223  if(!particle_list) {
224  LOG("KNOHad", pNOTICE)
225  << "Failed decaying a hadronic system @ W=" << W
226  << "with multiplicity=" << pdgcv->size();
228  // clean-up and exit
229  delete pdgcv;
230  return 0;
231  }
233  //-- Handle unstable particle decays (if requested)
234  this->HandleDecays(particle_list);
236  //-- The container 'owns' its elements
237  particle_list->SetOwner(true);
239  delete pdgcv;
241  return particle_list;
242 }
243 //____________________________________________________________________________
245  const Interaction * interaction) const
246 {
247  if(!this->AssertValidity(interaction)) {
248  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "Returning a null particle list!";
249  return 0;
250  }
252  unsigned int min_mult = 2;
253  unsigned int mult = 0;
254  PDGCodeList * pdgcv = 0;
256  double W = utils::kinematics::W(interaction);
258  //-- Get the charge that the hadron shower needs to have so as to
259  // conserve charge in the interaction
260  int maxQ = this->HadronShowerCharge(interaction);
261  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "Hadron Shower Charge = " << maxQ;
263  //-- Build the multiplicity probabilities for the input interaction
264  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << "Building Multiplicity Probability distribution";
265  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << *interaction;
266  Option_t * opt = "+LowMultSuppr+Renormalize";
267  TH1D * mprob = this->MultiplicityProb(interaction,opt);
269  if(!mprob) {
270  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "Null multiplicity probability distribution!";
271  return 0;
272  }
273  if(mprob->Integral("width")<=0) {
274  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "Empty multiplicity probability distribution!";
275  delete mprob;
276  return 0;
277  }
281  bool allowed_state=false;
282  unsigned int itry = 0;
284  while(!allowed_state)
285  {
286  itry++;
288  //-- Go in error if a solution has not been found after many attempts
289  if(itry>kMaxKNOHadSystIterations) {
290  LOG("KNOHad", pERROR)
291  << "Couldn't select hadronic shower particles after: "
292  << itry << " attempts!";
293  delete mprob;
294  return 0;
295  }
297  //-- Generate a hadronic multiplicity
298  mult = TMath::Nint( mprob->GetRandom() );
300  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "Hadron multiplicity = " << mult;
302  //-- Check that the generated multiplicity is consistent with the charge
303  // that the hadronic shower is required to have - else retry
304  if(mult < (unsigned int) TMath::Abs(maxQ)) {
305  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN)
306  << "Multiplicity not enough to generate hadronic charge! Retrying.";
307  allowed_state = false;
308  continue;
309  }
311  //-- Force a min multiplicity
312  // This should never happen if the multiplicity probability distribution
313  // was properly built
314  if(mult < min_mult) {
315  if(fForceMinMult) {
316  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN)
317  << "Low generated multiplicity: " << mult
318  << ". Forcing to minimum accepted multiplicity: " << min_mult;
319  mult = min_mult;
320  } else {
321  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN)
322  << "Generated multiplicity: " << mult << " is too low! Quitting";
323  delete mprob;
324  return 0;
325  }
326  }
328  //-- Determine what kind of particles we have in the final state
329  pdgcv = this->GenerateHadronCodes(mult, maxQ, W);
331  LOG("KNOHad", pNOTICE)
332  << "Generated multiplicity (@ W = " << W << "): " << pdgcv->size();
334  // muliplicity might have been forced to smaller value if the invariant
335  // mass of the hadronic system was not sufficient
336  mult = pdgcv->size(); // update for potential change
338  // is it an allowed decay?
339  double msum=0;
341  for(pdg_iter = pdgcv->begin(); pdg_iter != pdgcv->end(); ++pdg_iter) {
342  int pdgc = *pdg_iter;
343  double m = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(pdgc)->Mass();
345  msum += m;
346  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << "- PDGC=" << pdgc << ", m=" << m << " GeV";
347  }
348  bool permitted = (W > msum);
350  if(!permitted) {
351  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "*** Decay forbidden by kinematics! ***";
352  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "sum{mass} = " << msum << ", W = " << W;
353  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "Discarding hadronic system & re-trying!";
354  delete pdgcv;
355  allowed_state = false;
356  continue;
357  }
359  allowed_state = true;
361  LOG("KNOHad", pNOTICE)
362  << "Found an allowed hadronic state @ W=" << W
363  << " multiplicity=" << mult;
365  } // attempts
367  delete mprob;
369  return pdgcv;
370 }
371 //____________________________________________________________________________
373  const Interaction * interaction, Option_t * opt) const
374 {
375 // Returns a multiplicity probability distribution for the input interaction.
376 // The input option (Default: "") can contain (combinations) of these strings:
377 // - "+LowMultSuppr": applies NeuGEN Rijk factors suppresing the low multipl.
378 // (1-pion and 2-pion) states as part of the DIS/RES joining scheme.
379 // - "+Renormalize": renormalizes the probability distribution after applying
380 // the NeuGEN scaling factors: Eg, when used as a hadronic multiplicity pdf
381 // the output hadronic multiplicity probability histogram needs to be re-
382 // normalized. But, when this method is called from a DIS cross section
383 // algorithm using the integrated probability reduction as a cross section
384 // section reduction factor then the output histogram should not be re-
385 // normalized after applying the scaling factors.
387  if(!this->AssertValidity(interaction)) {
388  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN)
389  << "Returning a null multiplicity probability distribution!";
390  return 0;
391  }
393  const InitialState & init_state = interaction->InitState();
394  int nu_pdg = init_state.ProbePdg();
395  int nuc_pdg = init_state.Tgt().HitNucPdg();
397  // Compute the average charged hadron multiplicity as: <n> = a + b*ln(W^2)
398  // Calculate avergage hadron multiplicity (= 1.5 x charged hadron mult.)
400  double W = utils::kinematics::W(interaction);
401  double avnch = this->AverageChMult(nu_pdg, nuc_pdg, W);
402  double avn = 1.5*avnch;
404  SLOG("KNOHad", pINFO)
405  << "Average hadronic multiplicity (W=" << W << ") = " << avn;
407  // Find the max possible multiplicity as W = Mneutron + (maxmult-1)*Mpion
408  double maxmult = this->MaxMult(interaction);
410  // If required force the NeuGEN maximum multiplicity limit (10)
411  // Note: use for NEUGEN/GENIE comparisons, not physics MC production
412  if(fForceNeuGenLimit && maxmult>10) maxmult=10;
414  // Set maximum multiplicity so that it does not exceed the max number of
415  // particles accepted by the ROOT phase space decayer (18)
416  // Change this if ROOT authors remove the TGenPhaseSpace limitation.
417  if(maxmult>18) maxmult=18;
419  SLOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << "Computed maximum multiplicity = " << maxmult;
421  if(maxmult<2) {
422  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "Low maximum multiplicity! Quiting.";
423  return 0;
424  }
426  // Create multiplicity probability histogram
427  TH1D * mult_prob = this->CreateMultProbHist(maxmult);
429  // Compute the multiplicity probabilities values up to the bin corresponding
430  // to the computed maximum multiplicity
432  if(maxmult>2) {
433  int nbins = mult_prob->FindBin(maxmult);
435  for(int i = 1; i <= nbins; i++) {
436  // KNO distribution is <n>*P(n) vs n/<n>
437  double n = mult_prob->GetBinCenter(i); // bin centre
438  double z = n/avn; // z=n/<n>
439  double avnP = this->KNO(nu_pdg,nuc_pdg,z); // <n>*P(n)
440  double P = avnP / avn; // P(n)
442  SLOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
443  << "n = " << n << " (n/<n> = " << z
444  << ", <n>*P = " << avnP << ") => P = " << P;
446  mult_prob->Fill(n,P);
447  }
448  } else {
449  SLOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << "Fixing multiplicity to 2";
450  mult_prob->Fill(2,1.);
451  }
453  double integral = mult_prob->Integral("width");
454  if(integral>0) {
455  // Normalize the probability distribution
456  mult_prob->Scale(1.0/integral);
457  } else {
458  SLOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "probability distribution integral = 0";
459  return mult_prob;
460  }
462  string option(opt);
464  bool apply_neugen_Rijk = option.find("+LowMultSuppr") != string::npos;
465  bool renormalize = option.find("+Renormalize") != string::npos;
467  // Apply the NeuGEN probability scaling factors -if requested-
468  if(apply_neugen_Rijk) {
469  SLOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "Applying NeuGEN scaling factors";
470  // Only do so for W<Wcut
471  if(W<fWcut) {
472  this->ApplyRijk(interaction, renormalize, mult_prob);
473  } else {
474  SLOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
475  << "W = " << W << " < Wcut = " << fWcut
476  << " - Will not apply scaling factors";
477  }//<wcut?
478  }//apply?
480  return mult_prob;
481 }
482 //____________________________________________________________________________
483 double KNOHadronization::Weight(void) const
484 {
485  return fWeight;
486 }
487 //____________________________________________________________________________
488 // methods overloading the default Algorithm interface implementation:
489 //____________________________________________________________________________
491 {
493  this->LoadConfig();
494 }
495 //____________________________________________________________________________
497 {
499  this->LoadConfig();
500 }
501 //____________________________________________________________________________
502 // private methods:
503 //____________________________________________________________________________
505 {
506  // Force decays of unstable hadronization products?
507  //GetParamDef( "ForceDecays", fForceDecays, false ) ;
509  // Force minimum multiplicity (if generated less than that) or abort?
510  GetParamDef( "ForceMinMultiplicity", fForceMinMult, true ) ;
512  // Generate the baryon xF and pT^2 using experimental data as PDFs?
513  // In this case, only the N-1 other particles would be fed into the phase
514  // space decayer. This seems to improve hadronic system features such as
515  // bkw/fwd xF hemisphere average multiplicities.
516  // Note: not in the legacy KNO model (NeuGEN). Switch this feature off for
517  // comparisons or for reproducing old simulations.
518  GetParam( "KNO-UseBaryonPdfs-xFpT2", fUseBaryonXfPt2Param ) ;
520  // Reweight the phase space decayer events to reproduce the experimentally
521  // measured pT^2 distributions.
522  // Note: not in the legacy KNO model (NeuGEN). Switch this feature off for
523  // comparisons or for reproducing old simulations.
524  GetParam( "KNO-PhaseSpDec-Reweight", fReWeightDecays ) ;
526  // Parameter for phase space re-weighting. See ReWeightPt2()
527  GetParam( "KNO-PhaseSpDec-ReweightParm", fPhSpRwA ) ;
529  // use isotropic non-reweighted 2-body phase space decays for consistency
530  // with neugen/daikon
531  GetParam( "KNO-UseIsotropic2BodyDec", fUseIsotropic2BDecays ) ;
533  // Generated weighted or un-weighted hadronic systems?
534  GetParamDef( "GenerateWeighted", fGenerateWeighted, false ) ;
537  // Probabilities for producing hadron pairs
539  //-- pi0 pi0
540  GetParam( "KNO-ProbPi0Pi0", fPpi0 ) ;
541  //-- pi+ pi-
542  GetParam( "KNO-ProbPiplusPiminus", fPpic ) ;
543  //-- K+ K-
544  GetParam( "KNO-ProbKplusKminus", fPKc ) ;
545  //-- K0 K0bar
546  GetParam( "KNO-ProbK0K0bar", fPK0 ) ;
547  //-- pi0 eta
548  GetParam( "KNO-ProbPi0Eta", fPpi0eta ) ;
549  //-- eta eta
550  GetParam( "KNO-ProbEtaEta", fPeta ) ;
552  double fsum = fPeta + fPpi0eta + fPK0 + fPKc + fPpic + fPpi0;
553  double diff = TMath::Abs(1.-fsum);
554  if(diff>0.001) {
555  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "KNO Probabilities do not sum to unity! Renormalizing..." ;
556  fPpi0 = fPpi0/fsum;
557  fPpic = fPpic/fsum;
558  fPKc = fPKc/fsum;
559  fPK0 = fPK0/fsum;
560  fPpi0eta = fPpi0eta/fsum;
561  fPeta = fPeta/fsum;
562  }
565  // Baryon pT^2 and xF parameterizations used as PDFs
567  if (fBaryonXFpdf ) delete fBaryonXFpdf;
568  if (fBaryonPT2pdf) delete fBaryonPT2pdf;
570  fBaryonXFpdf = new TF1("fBaryonXFpdf",
571  "0.083*exp(-0.5*pow(x+0.385,2.)/0.131)",-1,0.5);
572  fBaryonPT2pdf = new TF1("fBaryonPT2pdf",
573  "exp(-0.214-6.625*x)",0,0.6);
574  // stop ROOT from deleting these object of its own volition
575  gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(fBaryonXFpdf);
576  gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(fBaryonPT2pdf);
579  // Load parameters determining the average charged hadron multiplicity
580  GetParam( "KNO-Alpha-vp", fAvp ) ;
581  GetParam( "KNO-Alpha-vn", fAvn ) ;
582  GetParam( "KNO-Alpha-vbp", fAvbp ) ;
583  GetParam( "KNO-Alpha-vbn", fAvbn ) ;
584  GetParam( "KNO-Beta-vp", fBvp ) ;
585  GetParam( "KNO-Beta-vn", fBvn ) ;
586  GetParam( "KNO-Beta-vbp", fBvbp ) ;
587  GetParam( "KNO-Beta-vbn", fBvbn ) ;
589  // Load parameters determining the prob of producing a strange baryon
590  // via associated production
591  GetParam( "KNO-Alpha-Hyperon", fAhyperon ) ;
592  GetParam( "KNO-Beta-Hyperon", fBhyperon ) ;
594  // Load the Levy function parameter
595  GetParam( "KNO-LevyC-vp", fCvp ) ;
596  GetParam( "KNO-LevyC-vn", fCvn ) ;
597  GetParam( "KNO-LevyC-vbp", fCvbp ) ;
598  GetParam( "KNO-LevyC-vbn", fCvbn ) ;
600  // Check whether to generate weighted or unweighted particle decays
601  fGenerateWeighted = false ;
602  //this->GetParam("GenerateWeighted", fGenerateWeighted, false);{
604  // Load Wcut determining the phase space area where the multiplicity prob.
605  // scaling factors would be applied -if requested-
606  this->GetParam( "Wcut", fWcut ) ;
608  // Load NEUGEN multiplicity probability scaling parameters Rijk
609  // neutrinos
610  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vp-CC-m2", fRvpCCm2 ) ;
611  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vp-CC-m3", fRvpCCm3 ) ;
612  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vp-NC-m2", fRvpNCm2 ) ;
613  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vp-NC-m3", fRvpNCm3 ) ;
614  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vn-CC-m2", fRvnCCm2 ) ;
615  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vn-CC-m3", fRvnCCm3 ) ;
616  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vn-NC-m2", fRvnNCm2 ) ;
617  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vn-NC-m3", fRvnNCm3 ) ;
618  //Anti-neutrinos
619  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vbp-CC-m2", fRvbpCCm2 ) ;
620  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vbp-CC-m3", fRvbpCCm3 ) ;
621  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vbp-NC-m2", fRvbpNCm2 ) ;
622  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vbp-NC-m3", fRvbpNCm3 ) ;
623  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vbn-CC-m2", fRvbnCCm2 ) ;
624  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vbn-CC-m3", fRvbnCCm3 ) ;
625  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vbn-NC-m2", fRvbnNCm2 ) ;
626  this->GetParam( "DIS-HMultWgt-vbn-NC-m3", fRvbnNCm3 ) ;
629 }
630 //____________________________________________________________________________
631 double KNOHadronization::KNO(int probe_pdg, int nuc_pdg, double z) const
632 {
633 // Computes <n>P(n) for the input reduced multiplicity z=n/<n>
635  bool is_p = pdg::IsProton (nuc_pdg);
636  bool is_n = pdg::IsNeutron (nuc_pdg);
637  bool is_nu = pdg::IsNeutrino (probe_pdg);
638  bool is_nubar = pdg::IsAntiNeutrino (probe_pdg);
639  bool is_l = pdg::IsNegChargedLepton (probe_pdg);
640  bool is_lbar = pdg::IsPosChargedLepton (probe_pdg);
641  // EDIT
642  bool is_dm = pdg::IsDarkMatter (probe_pdg);
644  double c=0; // Levy function parameter
646  if ( is_p && (is_nu || is_l ) ) c=fCvp;
647  else if ( is_n && (is_nu || is_l ) ) c=fCvn;
648  else if ( is_p && (is_nubar || is_lbar) ) c=fCvbp;
649  else if ( is_n && (is_nubar || is_lbar) ) c=fCvbn;
650  // EDIT: assume it's neutrino-like for now...
651  else if ( is_p && is_dm ) c=fCvp;
652  else if ( is_n && is_dm ) c=fCvn;
653  else {
654  LOG("KNOHad", pERROR)
655  << "Invalid initial state (probe = " << probe_pdg << ", "
656  << "hit nucleon = " << nuc_pdg << ")";
657  return 0;
658  }
660  double x = c*z+1;
661  double kno = 2*TMath::Exp(-c)*TMath::Power(c,x)/TMath::Gamma(x);
663  return kno;
664 }
665 //____________________________________________________________________________
667  int probe_pdg,int nuc_pdg, double W) const
668 {
669 // computes the average charged multiplicity
670 //
671  bool is_p = pdg::IsProton (nuc_pdg);
672  bool is_n = pdg::IsNeutron (nuc_pdg);
673  bool is_nu = pdg::IsNeutrino (probe_pdg);
674  bool is_nubar = pdg::IsAntiNeutrino (probe_pdg);
675  bool is_l = pdg::IsNegChargedLepton (probe_pdg);
676  bool is_lbar = pdg::IsPosChargedLepton (probe_pdg);
677  // EDIT
678  bool is_dm = pdg::IsDarkMatter (probe_pdg);
680  double a=0, b=0; // params controlling average multiplicity
682  if ( is_p && (is_nu || is_l ) ) { a=fAvp; b=fBvp; }
683  else if ( is_n && (is_nu || is_l ) ) { a=fAvn; b=fBvn; }
684  else if ( is_p && (is_nubar || is_lbar) ) { a=fAvbp; b=fBvbp; }
685  else if ( is_n && (is_nubar || is_lbar) ) { a=fAvbn; b=fBvbn; }
686  // EDIT: assume it's neutrino-like for now...
687  else if ( is_p && is_dm ) { a=fAvp; b=fBvp; }
688  else if ( is_n && is_dm ) { a=fAvn; b=fBvn; }
689  else {
690  LOG("KNOHad", pERROR)
691  << "Invalid initial state (probe = " << probe_pdg << ", "
692  << "hit nucleon = " << nuc_pdg << ")";
693  return 0;
694  }
696  double av_nch = a + b * 2*TMath::Log(W);
697  return av_nch;
698 }
699 //____________________________________________________________________________
701 {
702 // Returns the hadron shower charge in units of +e
703 // HadronShowerCharge = Q{initial} - Q{final state primary lepton}
704 // eg in v p -> l- X the hadron shower charge is +2
705 // in v n -> l- X the hadron shower charge is +1
706 // in v n -> v X the hadron shower charge is 0
707 //
708  int hadronShowerCharge = 0;
710  // find out the charge of the final state lepton
711  double ql = interaction->FSPrimLepton()->Charge() / 3.;
713  // find out the charge of the probe
714  double qp = interaction->InitState().Probe()->Charge() / 3.;
716  // get the initial state, ask for the hit-nucleon and get
717  // its charge ( = initial state charge for vN interactions)
718  const InitialState & init_state = interaction->InitState();
719  int hit_nucleon = init_state.Tgt().HitNucPdg();
721  assert( pdg::IsProton(hit_nucleon) || pdg::IsNeutron(hit_nucleon) );
723  // Ask PDGLibrary for the nucleon charge
724  double qnuc = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(hit_nucleon)->Charge() / 3.;
726  // calculate the hadron shower charge
727  hadronShowerCharge = (int) ( qp + qnuc - ql );
729  return hadronShowerCharge;
730 }
731 //____________________________________________________________________________
733  double W, const PDGCodeList & pdgv, bool reweight_decays) const
734 {
735 // Simple phase space decay including all generated particles.
736 // The old NeuGEN decay strategy.
738  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "** Using Hadronic System Decay method 1";
740  TLorentzVector p4had(0,0,0,W);
741  TClonesArray * plist = new TClonesArray("genie::GHepParticle", pdgv.size());
743  // do the decay
744  bool ok = this->PhaseSpaceDecay(*plist, p4had, pdgv, 0, reweight_decays);
746  // clean-up and return NULL
747  if(!ok) {
748  plist->Delete();
749  delete plist;
750  return 0;
751  }
752  return plist;
753 }
754 //____________________________________________________________________________
756  double W, const PDGCodeList & pdgv, bool reweight_decays) const
757 {
758 // Generate the baryon based on experimental pT^2 and xF distributions
759 // Then pass the remaining system of N-1 particles to a phase space decayer.
760 // The strategy adopted at the July-2006 hadronization model mini-workshop.
762  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "** Using Hadronic System Decay method 2";
764  // If only 2 particles are input then don't call the phase space decayer
765  if(pdgv.size() == 2) return this->DecayBackToBack(W,pdgv);
767  // Now handle the more general case:
769  // Take the baryon
770  int baryon = pdgv[0];
771  double MN = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(baryon)->Mass();
772  double MN2 = TMath::Power(MN, 2);
774  // Check baryon code
775  // ...
777  // Strip the PDG list from the baryon
778  bool allowdup = true;
779  PDGCodeList pdgv_strip(pdgv.size()-1, allowdup);
780  for(unsigned int i=1; i<pdgv.size(); i++) pdgv_strip[i-1] = pdgv[i];
782  // Get the sum of all masses for the particles in the stripped list
783  double mass_sum = 0;
784  vector<int>::const_iterator pdg_iter = pdgv_strip.begin();
785  for( ; pdg_iter != pdgv_strip.end(); ++pdg_iter) {
786  int pdgc = *pdg_iter;
787  mass_sum += PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(pdgc)->Mass();
788  }
790  // Create the particle list
791  TClonesArray * plist = new TClonesArray("genie::GHepParticle", pdgv.size());
793  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
794  TLorentzVector p4had(0,0,0,W);
795  TLorentzVector p4N (0,0,0,0);
796  TLorentzVector p4d;
798  // generate the N 4-p independently
800  bool got_baryon_4p = false;
801  bool got_hadsyst_4p = false;
803  while(!got_hadsyst_4p) {
805  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "Generating p4 for baryon with pdg = " << baryon;
807  while(!got_baryon_4p) {
809  //-- generate baryon xF and pT2
810  double xf = fBaryonXFpdf ->GetRandom();
811  double pt2 = fBaryonPT2pdf->GetRandom();
813  //-- generate baryon px,py,pz
814  double pt = TMath::Sqrt(pt2);
815  double phi = (2*kPi) * rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
816  double px = pt * TMath::Cos(phi);
817  double py = pt * TMath::Sin(phi);
818  double pz = xf*W/2;
819  double p2 = TMath::Power(pz,2) + pt2;
820  double E = TMath::Sqrt(p2+MN2);
822  p4N.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,E);
824  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << "Trying nucleon xF= "<< xf<< ", pT2= "<< pt2;
826  //-- check whether there is phase space for the remnant N-1 system
827  p4d = p4had-p4N; // 4-momentum vector for phase space decayer
828  double Mav = p4d.Mag();
830  got_baryon_4p = (Mav > mass_sum);
832  } // baryon xf,pt2 seletion
834  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO)
835  << "Generated baryon with P4 = " << utils::print::P4AsString(&p4N);
837  // Insert the baryon at the event record
838  new ((*plist)[0]) GHepParticle(
839  baryon,kIStStableFinalState, -1,-1,-1,-1,
840  p4N.Px(),p4N.Py(),p4N.Pz(),p4N.Energy(), 0,0,0,0
841  );
843  // Do a phase space decay for the N-1 particles and add them to the list
844  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO)
845  << "Generating p4 for the remaining hadronic system";
846  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO)
847  << "Remaining system: Available mass = " << p4d.Mag()
848  << ", Particle masses = " << mass_sum;
850  bool is_ok = this->PhaseSpaceDecay(
851  *plist, p4d, pdgv_strip, 1, reweight_decays);
853  got_hadsyst_4p = is_ok;
855  if(!got_hadsyst_4p) {
856  got_baryon_4p = false;
857  plist->Delete();
858  }
859  }
861  // clean-up and return NULL
862  if(0) {
863  LOG("KNOHad", pERROR) << "*** Decay forbidden by kinematics! ***";
864  plist->Delete();
865  delete plist;
866  return 0;
867  }
868  return plist;
869 }
870 //____________________________________________________________________________
872  double W, const PDGCodeList & pdgv) const
873 {
874 // Handles a special case (only two particles) of the 2nd decay method
875 //
877  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "Generating two particles back-to-back";
879  assert(pdgv.size()==2);
881  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
883  // Create the particle list
884  TClonesArray * plist = new TClonesArray("genie::GHepParticle", pdgv.size());
886  // Get xF,pT2 distribution (y-) maxima for the rejection method
887  double xFo = 1.1 * fBaryonXFpdf ->GetMaximum(-1,1);
888  double pT2o = 1.1 * fBaryonPT2pdf->GetMaximum( 0,1);
890  TLorentzVector p4(0,0,0,W); // 2-body hadronic system 4p
892  // Do the 2-body decay
893  bool accepted = false;
894  while(!accepted) {
896  // Find an allowed (unweighted) phase space decay for the 2 particles
897  // and add them to the list
898  bool ok = this->PhaseSpaceDecay(*plist, p4, pdgv, 0, false);
900  // If the decay isn't allowed clean-up and return NULL
901  if(!ok) {
902  LOG("KNOHad", pERROR) << "*** Decay forbidden by kinematics! ***";
903  plist->Delete();
904  delete plist;
905  return 0;
906  }
908  // If the decay was allowed, then compute the baryon xF,pT2 and accept/
909  // reject the phase space decays so as to reproduce the xF,pT2 PDFs
911  GHepParticle * baryon = (GHepParticle *) (*plist)[0];
912  assert(pdg::IsNeutronOrProton(baryon->Pdg()));
914  double px = baryon->Px();
915  double py = baryon->Py();
916  double pz = baryon->Pz();
918  double pT2 = px*px + py*py;
919  double pL = pz;
920  double xF = pL/(W/2);
922  double pT2rnd = pT2o * rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
923  double xFrnd = xFo * rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
925  double pT2pdf = fBaryonPT2pdf->Eval(pT2);
926  double xFpdf = fBaryonXFpdf ->Eval(xF );
928  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "baryon xF = " << xF << ", pT2 = " << pT2;
930  accepted = (xFrnd < xFpdf && pT2rnd < pT2pdf);
932  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << ((accepted) ? "Decay accepted":"Decay rejected");
933  }
934  return plist;
935 }
936 //____________________________________________________________________________
938  TClonesArray & plist, TLorentzVector & pd,
939  const PDGCodeList & pdgv, int offset, bool reweight) const
940 {
941 // General method decaying the input particle system 'pdgv' with available 4-p
942 // given by 'pd'. The decayed system is used to populate the input GHepParticle
943 // array starting from the slot 'offset'.
944 //
945  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "*** Performing a Phase Space Decay";
946  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO) << "pT reweighting is " << (reweight ? "on" : "off");
948  assert ( offset >= 0);
949  assert ( pdgv.size() > 1);
951  // Get the decay product masses
954  int i = 0;
955  double * mass = new double[pdgv.size()];
956  double sum = 0;
957  for(pdg_iter = pdgv.begin(); pdg_iter != pdgv.end(); ++pdg_iter) {
958  int pdgc = *pdg_iter;
959  double m = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(pdgc)->Mass();
960  mass[i++] = m;
961  sum += m;
962  }
964  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO)
965  << "Decaying N = " << pdgv.size() << " particles / total mass = " << sum;
966  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO)
967  << "Decaying system p4 = " << utils::print::P4AsString(&pd);
969  // Set the decay
970  bool permitted = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.SetDecay(pd, pdgv.size(), mass);
971  if(!permitted) {
972  LOG("KNOHad", pERROR)
973  << " *** Phase space decay is not permitted \n"
974  << " Total particle mass = " << sum << "\n"
975  << " Decaying system p4 = " << utils::print::P4AsString(&pd);
977  // clean-up and return
978  delete [] mass;
979  return false;
980  }
982  // Get the maximum weight
983  //double wmax = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.GetWtMax();
984  double wmax = -1;
985  for(int idec=0; idec<200; idec++) {
986  double w = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.Generate();
987  if(reweight) { w *= this->ReWeightPt2(pdgv); }
988  wmax = TMath::Max(wmax,w);
989  }
990  assert(wmax>0);
992  LOG("KNOHad", pNOTICE)
993  << "Max phase space gen. weight @ current hadronic system: " << wmax;
995  // Generate a weighted or unweighted decay
997  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
1000  {
1001  // *** generating weighted decays ***
1002  double w = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.Generate();
1003  if(reweight) { w *= this->ReWeightPt2(pdgv); }
1004  fWeight *= TMath::Max(w/wmax, 1.);
1005  }
1006  else
1007  {
1008  // *** generating un-weighted decays ***
1009  wmax *= 2.3;
1010  bool accept_decay=false;
1011  unsigned int itry=0;
1013  while(!accept_decay)
1014  {
1015  itry++;
1017  if(itry>kMaxUnweightDecayIterations) {
1018  // report, clean-up and return
1019  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN)
1020  << "Couldn't generate an unweighted phase space decay after "
1021  << itry << " attempts";
1022  delete [] mass;
1023  return false;
1024  }
1026  double w = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.Generate();
1027  if(reweight) { w *= this->ReWeightPt2(pdgv); }
1028  if(w > wmax) {
1029  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN)
1030  << "Decay weight = " << w << " > max decay weight = " << wmax;
1031  }
1032  double gw = wmax * rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
1033  accept_decay = (gw<=w);
1035  LOG("KNOHad", pINFO)
1036  << "Decay weight = " << w << " / R = " << gw
1037  << " - accepted: " << accept_decay;
1039  bool return_after_not_accepted_decay = false;
1040  if(return_after_not_accepted_decay && !accept_decay) {
1041  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN)
1042  << "Was instructed to return after a not-accepted decay";
1043  delete [] mass;
1044  return false;
1045  }
1046  }
1047  }
1049  // Insert final state products into a TClonesArray of GHepParticle's
1051  i=0;
1052  for(pdg_iter = pdgv.begin(); pdg_iter != pdgv.end(); ++pdg_iter) {
1054  //-- current PDG code
1055  int pdgc = *pdg_iter;
1057  //-- get the 4-momentum of the i-th final state particle
1058  TLorentzVector * p4fin = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.GetDecay(i);
1060  new ( plist[offset+i] ) GHepParticle(
1061  pdgc, /* PDG Code */
1062  kIStStableFinalState, /* GHepStatus_t */
1063  -1, /* first mother particle */
1064  -1, /* second mother particle */
1065  -1, /* first daughter particle */
1066  -1, /* last daughter particle */
1067  p4fin->Px(), /* 4-momentum: px component */
1068  p4fin->Py(), /* 4-momentum: py component */
1069  p4fin->Pz(), /* 4-momentum: pz component */
1070  p4fin->Energy(), /* 4-momentum: E component */
1071  0, /* production vertex 4-vector: vx */
1072  0, /* production vertex 4-vector: vy */
1073  0, /* production vertex 4-vector: vz */
1074  0 /* production vertex 4-vector: time */
1075  );
1076  i++;
1077  }
1079  // Clean-up
1080  delete [] mass;
1082  return true;
1083 }
1084 //____________________________________________________________________________
1085 double KNOHadronization::ReWeightPt2(const PDGCodeList & pdgcv) const
1086 {
1087 // Phase Space Decay re-weighting to reproduce exp(-pT2/<pT2>) pion pT2
1088 // distributions.
1089 // See: A.B.Clegg, A.Donnachie, A Description of Jet Structure by pT-limited
1090 // Phase Space.
1092  double w = 1;
1094  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pdgcv.size(); i++) {
1096  //int pdgc = pdgcv[i];
1097  //if(pdgc!=kPdgPiP&&pdgc!=kPdgPiM) continue;
1099  TLorentzVector * p4 = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.GetDecay(i);
1100  double pt2 = TMath::Power(p4->Px(),2) + TMath::Power(p4->Py(),2);
1101  double wi = TMath::Exp(-fPhSpRwA*TMath::Sqrt(pt2));
1102  //double wi = (9.41 * TMath::Landau(pt2,0.24,0.12));
1104  w *= wi;
1105  }
1106  return w;
1107 }
1108 //____________________________________________________________________________
1110  int multiplicity, int maxQ, double W) const
1111 {
1112 // Selection of fragments (identical as in NeuGEN).
1114  // Get PDG library and rnd num generator
1116  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
1118  // Create vector to add final state hadron PDG codes
1119  bool allowdup=true;
1120  PDGCodeList * pdgc = new PDGCodeList(allowdup);
1121  //pdgc->reserve(multiplicity);
1122  int hadrons_to_add = multiplicity;
1124  //
1125  // Assign baryon as p, n, Sigma+, Sigma- or Lambda
1126  //
1128  int baryon_code = this->GenerateBaryonPdgCode(multiplicity, maxQ, W);
1129  pdgc->push_back(baryon_code);
1131  bool baryon_is_strange = (baryon_code == kPdgSigmaP ||
1132  baryon_code == kPdgLambda ||
1133  baryon_code == kPdgSigmaM);
1134  bool baryon_chg_is_pos = (baryon_code == kPdgProton ||
1135  baryon_code == kPdgSigmaP);
1136  bool baryon_chg_is_neg = (baryon_code == kPdgSigmaM);
1138  // Update number of hadrons to add, available shower charge & invariant mass
1139  if(baryon_chg_is_pos) maxQ -= 1;
1140  if(baryon_chg_is_neg) maxQ += 1;
1141  hadrons_to_add--;
1142  W -= pdg->Find( (*pdgc)[0] )->Mass();
1144  //
1145  // Assign remaining hadrons up to n = multiplicity
1146  //
1148  // Conserve strangeness
1149  if(baryon_is_strange) {
1150  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
1151  << " Remnant baryon is strange. Conserving strangeness...";
1153  //conserve strangeness and handle charge imbalance with one particle
1154  if(multiplicity == 2) {
1155  if(maxQ == 1) {
1156  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a K+";
1157  pdgc->push_back( kPdgKP );
1159  // update n-of-hadrons to add, avail. shower charge & invariant mass
1160  maxQ -= 1;
1161  hadrons_to_add--;
1162  W -= pdg->Find(kPdgKP)->Mass();
1163  }
1164  else if(maxQ == 0) {
1165  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a K0";
1166  pdgc->push_back( kPdgK0 );
1168  // update n-of-hadrons to add, avail. shower charge & invariant mass
1169  hadrons_to_add--;
1170  W -= pdg->Find(kPdgK0)->Mass();
1171  }
1172  }
1174  //only two particles left to balance charge
1175  else if(multiplicity == 3 && maxQ == 2) {
1176  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a K+";
1177  pdgc->push_back( kPdgKP );
1179  // update n-of-hadrons to add, avail. shower charge & invariant mass
1180  maxQ -= 1;
1181  hadrons_to_add--;
1182  W -= pdg->Find(kPdgKP)->Mass();
1183  }
1184  else if(multiplicity == 3 && maxQ == -1) { //adding K+ makes it impossible to balance charge
1185  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a K0";
1186  pdgc->push_back( kPdgK0 );
1188  // update n-of-hadrons to add, avail. shower charge & invariant mass
1189  hadrons_to_add--;
1190  W -= pdg->Find(kPdgK0)->Mass();
1191  }
1193  //simply conserve strangeness, without regard to charge
1194  else {
1195  double y = rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
1196  if(y < 0.5) {
1197  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) <<" -> Adding a K+";
1198  pdgc->push_back( kPdgKP );
1200  // update n-of-hadrons to add, avail. shower charge & invariant mass
1201  maxQ -= 1;
1202  hadrons_to_add--;
1203  W -= pdg->Find(kPdgKP)->Mass();
1204  }
1205  else {
1206  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) <<" -> Adding a K0";
1207  pdgc->push_back( kPdgK0 );
1209  // update n-of-hadrons to add, avail. shower charge & invariant mass
1210  hadrons_to_add--;
1211  W -= pdg->Find(kPdgK0)->Mass();
1212  }
1213  }
1214  }//if the baryon is strange
1216  // Handle charge imbalance
1217  while(maxQ != 0) {
1219  if (maxQ < 0) {
1220  // Need more negative charge
1221  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << "Need more negative charge -> Adding a pi-";
1222  pdgc->push_back( kPdgPiM );
1224  // update n-of-hadrons to add, avail. shower charge & invariant mass
1225  maxQ += 1;
1226  hadrons_to_add--;
1228  W -= pdg->Find(kPdgPiM)->Mass();
1230  } else if (maxQ > 0) {
1231  // Need more positive charge
1232  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << "Need more positive charge -> Adding a pi+";
1233  pdgc->push_back( kPdgPiP );
1235  // update n-of-hadrons to add, avail. shower charge & invariant mass
1236  maxQ -= 1;
1237  hadrons_to_add--;
1239  W -= pdg->Find(kPdgPiP)->Mass();
1240  }
1241  }
1243  // Add remaining neutrals or pairs up to the generated multiplicity
1244  if(maxQ == 0) {
1246  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
1247  << "Hadronic charge balanced. Now adding only neutrals or +- pairs";
1249  // Final state has correct charge.
1250  // Now add pi0 or pairs (pi0 pi0 / pi+ pi- / K+ K- / K0 K0bar) only
1252  // Masses of particle pairs
1253  double M2pi0 = 2 * pdg -> Find (kPdgPi0) -> Mass();
1254  double M2pic = pdg -> Find (kPdgPiP) -> Mass() +
1255  pdg -> Find (kPdgPiM) -> Mass();
1256  double M2Kc = pdg -> Find (kPdgKP ) -> Mass() +
1257  pdg -> Find (kPdgKM ) -> Mass();
1258  double M2K0 = 2 * pdg -> Find (kPdgK0 ) -> Mass();
1259  double M2Eta = 2 * pdg -> Find (kPdgEta) -> Mass();
1260  double Mpi0eta = pdg -> Find (kPdgPi0) -> Mass() +
1261  pdg -> Find (kPdgEta) -> Mass();
1263  // Prevent multiplicity overflow.
1264  // Check if we have an odd number of hadrons to add.
1265  // If yes, add a single pi0 and then go on and add pairs
1267  if( hadrons_to_add > 0 && hadrons_to_add % 2 == 1 ) {
1269  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
1270  << "Odd number of hadrons left to add -> Adding a pi0";
1271  pdgc->push_back( kPdgPi0 );
1273  // update n-of-hadrons to add & available invariant mass
1274  hadrons_to_add--;
1275  W -= pdg->Find(kPdgPi0)->Mass();
1276  }
1278  // Now add pairs (pi0 pi0 / pi+ pi- / K+ K- / K0 K0bar)
1279  assert( hadrons_to_add % 2 == 0 ); // even number
1280  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
1281  <<" hadrons_to_add = "<<hadrons_to_add<<" W= "<<W<<" M2pi0 = "<<M2pi0<<" M2pic = "<<M2pic<<" M2Kc = "<<M2Kc<<" M2K0= "<<M2K0<<" M2Eta= "<<M2Eta;
1283  while(hadrons_to_add > 0 && W >= M2pi0) {
1285  double x = rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
1286  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << "rndm = " << x;
1287  // Add a pi0 pair
1288  if (x >= 0 && x < fPpi0) {
1289  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a pi0pi0 pair";
1290  pdgc->push_back( kPdgPi0 );
1291  pdgc->push_back( kPdgPi0 );
1292  hadrons_to_add -= 2; // update the number of hadrons to add
1293  W -= M2pi0; // update the available invariant mass
1294  }
1296  // Add a pi+ pi- pair
1297  else if (x < fPpi0 + fPpic) {
1298  if(W >= M2pic) {
1299  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a pi+pi- pair";
1300  pdgc->push_back( kPdgPiP );
1301  pdgc->push_back( kPdgPiM );
1302  hadrons_to_add -= 2; // update the number of hadrons to add
1303  W -= M2pic; // update the available invariant mass
1304  } else {
1305  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
1306  << "Not enough mass for a pi+pi-: trying something else";
1307  }
1308  }
1310  // Add a K+ K- pair
1311  else if (x < fPpi0 + fPpic + fPKc) {
1312  if(W >= M2Kc) {
1313  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a K+K- pair";
1314  pdgc->push_back( kPdgKP );
1315  pdgc->push_back( kPdgKM );
1316  hadrons_to_add -= 2; // update the number of hadrons to add
1317  W -= M2Kc; // update the available invariant mass
1318  } else {
1319  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
1320  << "Not enough mass for a K+K-: trying something else";
1321  }
1322  }
1324  // Add a K0 - \bar{K0} pair
1325  else if (x <= fPpi0 + fPpic + fPKc + fPK0) {
1326  if( W >= M2K0 ) {
1327  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a K0 K0bar pair";
1328  pdgc->push_back( kPdgK0 );
1329  pdgc->push_back( kPdgAntiK0 );
1330  hadrons_to_add -= 2; // update the number of hadrons to add
1331  W -= M2K0; // update the available invariant mass
1332  } else {
1333  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
1334  << "Not enough mass for a K0 K0bar: trying something else";
1335  }
1336  }
1338  // Add a Pi0-Eta pair
1339  else if (x <= fPpi0 + fPpic + fPKc + fPK0 + fPpi0eta) {
1340  if( W >= Mpi0eta ) {
1341  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a Pi0-Eta pair";
1342  pdgc->push_back( kPdgPi0 );
1343  pdgc->push_back( kPdgEta );
1344  hadrons_to_add -= 2; // update the number of hadrons to add
1345  W -= Mpi0eta; // update the available invariant mass
1346  } else {
1347  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
1348  << "Not enough mass for a Pi0-Eta pair: trying something else";
1349  }
1350  }
1352  //Add a Eta pair
1353  else if(x <= fPpi0 + fPpic + fPKc + fPK0 + fPpi0eta + fPeta) {
1354  if( W >= M2Eta ){
1355  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a eta-eta pair";
1356  pdgc->push_back( kPdgEta );
1357  pdgc->push_back( kPdgEta );
1358  hadrons_to_add -= 2; // update the number of hadrons to add
1359  W -= M2Eta; // update the available invariant mass
1360  } else {
1361  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG)
1362  << "Not enough mass for a Eta-Eta pair: trying something else";
1363  }
1365  } else {
1366  LOG("KNOHad", pERROR)
1367  << "Hadron Assignment Probabilities do not add up to 1!!";
1368  exit(1);
1369  }
1371  // make sure it has enough invariant mass to reach the
1372  // given multiplicity, even by adding only the lightest
1373  // hadron pairs (pi0's)
1374  // Otherwise force a lower multiplicity.
1375  if(W < M2pi0) hadrons_to_add = 0;
1377  } // while there are more hadrons to add
1378  } // if charge is balanced (maxQ == 0)
1380  return pdgc;
1381 }
1382 //____________________________________________________________________________
1384  int multiplicity, int maxQ, double W) const
1385 {
1386 // Selection of main target fragment (identical as in NeuGEN).
1387 // Assign baryon as p or n. Force it for ++ and - I=3/2 at mult. = 2
1389  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
1390  double x = rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
1391  double y = rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
1393  // initialize to neutron & then change it to proton if you must
1394  int pdgc = kPdgNeutron;
1396  // Assign a probability for the given W for the baryon to become strange
1397  // using a function derived from a fit to the data in Jones et al. (1993)
1398  // Don't let the probability be larger than 1.
1399  double Pstr = fAhyperon + fBhyperon * TMath::Log(W*W);
1400  Pstr = TMath::Min(1.,Pstr);
1401  Pstr = TMath::Max(0.,Pstr);
1403  // Available hadronic system charge = 2
1404  if(maxQ == 2) {
1405  //for multiplicity ==2, force it to p
1406  if(multiplicity ==2 ) pdgc = kPdgProton;
1407  else {
1408  if(x < 0.66667) pdgc = kPdgProton;
1409  }
1410  }
1411  // Available hadronic system charge = 1
1412  if(maxQ == 1) {
1413  if(multiplicity == 2) {
1414  if(x < 0.33333) pdgc = kPdgProton;
1415  } else {
1416  if(x < 0.50000) pdgc = kPdgProton;
1417  }
1418  }
1420  // Available hadronic system charge = 0
1421  if(maxQ == 0) {
1422  if(multiplicity == 2) {
1423  if(x < 0.66667) pdgc = kPdgProton;
1424  } else {
1425  if(x < 0.50000) pdgc = kPdgProton;
1426  }
1427  }
1428  // Available hadronic system charge = -1
1429  if(maxQ == -1) {
1430  // for multiplicity == 2, force it to n
1431  if(multiplicity != 2) {
1432  if(x < 0.33333) pdgc = kPdgProton;
1433  }
1434  }
1436  // For neutrino interactions turn protons and neutrons to Sigma+ and
1437  // Lambda respectively (Lambda and Sigma- respectively for anti-neutrino
1438  // interactions).
1439  if(pdgc == kPdgProton && y < Pstr && maxQ > 0) {
1440  pdgc = kPdgSigmaP;
1441  }
1442  else if(pdgc == kPdgProton && y < Pstr && maxQ <= 0) {
1443  pdgc = kPdgLambda;
1444  }
1445  else if(pdgc == kPdgNeutron && y < Pstr && maxQ > 0) {
1446  pdgc = kPdgLambda;
1447  }
1448  else if(pdgc == kPdgNeutron && y < Pstr && maxQ <= 0) {
1449  pdgc = kPdgSigmaM;
1450  }
1452  if(pdgc == kPdgProton)
1453  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a proton";
1454  if(pdgc == kPdgNeutron)
1455  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a neutron";
1456  if(pdgc == kPdgSigmaP)
1457  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a sigma+";
1458  if(pdgc == kPdgLambda)
1459  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a lambda";
1460  if(pdgc == kPdgSigmaM)
1461  LOG("KNOHad", pDEBUG) << " -> Adding a sigma-";
1463  return pdgc;
1464 }
1465 //____________________________________________________________________________
1466 void KNOHadronization::HandleDecays(TClonesArray * /*plist*/) const
1467 {
1468 // Handle decays of unstable particles if requested through the XML config.
1469 // The default is not to decay the particles at this stage (during event
1470 // generation, the UnstableParticleDecayer event record visitor decays what
1471 // is needed to be decayed later on). But, when comparing various models
1472 // (eg PYTHIA vs KNO) independently and not within the full MC simulation
1473 // framework it might be necessary to force the decays at this point.
1475  // if (fForceDecays) {
1476  // assert(fDecayer);
1477  //
1478  // //-- loop through the fragmentation event record & decay unstables
1479  // int idecaying = -1; // position of decaying particle
1480  // GHepParticle * p = 0; // current particle
1481  //
1482  // TIter piter(plist);
1483  // while ( (p = (GHepParticle *) piter.Next()) ) {
1484  //
1485  // idecaying++;
1486  // int status = p->Status();
1487  //
1488  // // bother for final state particle only
1489  // if(status < 10) {
1490  //
1491  // // until ROOT's T(MC)Particle(PDG) Lifetime() is fixed, decay only
1492  // // pi^0's
1493  // if ( p->Pdg() == kPdgPi0 ) {
1494  //
1495  // DecayerInputs_t dinp;
1496  //
1497  // TLorentzVector p4;
1498  // p4.SetPxPyPzE(p->Px(), p->Py(), p->Pz(), p->Energy());
1499  //
1500  // dinp.PdgCode = p->Pdg();
1501  // dinp.P4 = &p4;
1502  //
1503  // TClonesArray * decay_products = fDecayer->Decay(dinp);
1504  //
1505  // if(decay_products) {
1506  // //-- mark the parent particle as decayed & set daughters
1507  // p->SetStatus(kIStNucleonTarget);
1508  //
1509  // int nfp = plist->GetEntries(); // n. fragm. products
1510  // int ndp = decay_products->GetEntries(); // n. decay products
1511  //
1512  // p->SetFirstDaughter ( nfp ); // decay products added at
1513  // p->SetLastDaughter ( nfp + ndp -1 ); // the end of the fragm.rec.
1514  //
1515  // //-- add decay products to the fragmentation record
1516  // GHepParticle * dp = 0;
1517  // TIter dpiter(decay_products);
1518  //
1519  // while ( (dp = (GHepParticle *) dpiter.Next()) ) {
1520  //
1521  // dp->SetFirstMother(idecaying);
1522  // new ( (*plist)[plist->GetEntries()] ) GHepParticle(*dp);
1523  // }
1524  //
1525  // //-- clean up decay products
1526  // decay_products->Delete();
1527  // delete decay_products;
1528  // }
1529  //
1530  // } // particle is to be decayed
1531  // } // KS < 10 : final state particle (as in PYTHIA LUJETS record)
1532  // } // particles in fragmentation record
1533  // } // force decay
1534 }
1535 //____________________________________________________________________________
1537 {
1538  if(interaction->ExclTag().IsCharmEvent()) {
1539  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "Can't hadronize charm events";
1540  return false;
1541  }
1542  double W = utils::kinematics::W(interaction);
1543  if(W < this->Wmin()) {
1544  LOG("KNOHad", pWARN) << "Low invariant mass, W = " << W << " GeV!!";
1545  return false;
1546  }
1547  return true;
1548 }
1549 //____________________________________________________________________________
1551 {
1552  double W = interaction->Kine().W();
1554  double maxmult = TMath::Floor(1 + (W-kNeutronMass)/kPionMass);
1555  return maxmult;
1556 }
1557 //____________________________________________________________________________
1558 TH1D * KNOHadronization::CreateMultProbHist(double maxmult) const
1559 {
1560  double minmult = 2;
1561  int nbins = TMath::Nint(maxmult-minmult+1);
1563  TH1D * mult_prob = new TH1D("mult_prob",
1564  "hadronic multiplicity distribution", nbins, minmult-0.5, maxmult+0.5);
1565  mult_prob->SetDirectory(0);
1567  return mult_prob;
1568 }
1569 //____________________________________________________________________________
1571  bool norm, TH1D * mp ) const
1572 {
1573  // Apply the NEUGEN multiplicity probability scaling factors
1574  //
1575  if(!mp) return;
1577  const InitialState & init_state = interaction->InitState();
1578  int probe_pdg = init_state.ProbePdg();
1579  int nuc_pdg = init_state.Tgt().HitNucPdg();
1581  const ProcessInfo & proc_info = interaction->ProcInfo();
1582  bool is_CC = proc_info.IsWeakCC();
1583  bool is_NC = proc_info.IsWeakNC();
1584  bool is_EM = proc_info.IsEM();
1585  // EDIT
1586  bool is_dm = proc_info.IsDarkMatter();
1588  //
1589  // get the R2, R3 factors
1590  //
1592  double R2=1., R3=1.;
1594  // weak CC or NC case
1595  // EDIT
1596  if(is_CC || is_NC || is_dm) {
1597  bool is_nu = pdg::IsNeutrino (probe_pdg);
1598  bool is_nubar = pdg::IsAntiNeutrino (probe_pdg);
1599  bool is_p = pdg::IsProton (nuc_pdg);
1600  bool is_n = pdg::IsNeutron (nuc_pdg);
1601  bool is_dmi = pdg::IsDarkMatter (probe_pdg); // EDIT
1602  if((is_nu && is_p) || (is_dmi && is_p)) {
1603  R2 = (is_CC) ? fRvpCCm2 : fRvpNCm2;
1604  R3 = (is_CC) ? fRvpCCm3 : fRvpNCm3;
1605  } else
1606  if((is_nu && is_n) || (is_dmi && is_n)) {
1607  R2 = (is_CC) ? fRvnCCm2 : fRvnNCm2;
1608  R3 = (is_CC) ? fRvnCCm3 : fRvnNCm3;
1609  } else
1610  if(is_nubar && is_p) {
1611  R2 = (is_CC) ? fRvbpCCm2 : fRvbpNCm2;
1612  R3 = (is_CC) ? fRvbpCCm3 : fRvbpNCm3;
1613  } else
1614  if(is_nubar && is_n) {
1615  R2 = (is_CC) ? fRvbnCCm2 : fRvbnNCm2;
1616  R3 = (is_CC) ? fRvbnCCm3 : fRvbnNCm3;
1617  } else {
1618  LOG("Hadronization", pERROR)
1619  << "Invalid initial state: " << init_state;
1620  }
1621  }//cc||nc?
1623  // EM case (apply the NC tuning factors)
1625  if(is_EM) {
1626  bool is_l = pdg::IsNegChargedLepton (probe_pdg);
1627  bool is_lbar = pdg::IsPosChargedLepton (probe_pdg);
1628  bool is_p = pdg::IsProton (nuc_pdg);
1629  bool is_n = pdg::IsNeutron (nuc_pdg);
1630  if(is_l && is_p) {
1631  R2 = fRvpNCm2;
1632  R3 = fRvpNCm3;
1633  } else
1634  if(is_l && is_n) {
1635  R2 = fRvnNCm2;
1636  R3 = fRvnNCm3;
1637  } else
1638  if(is_lbar && is_p) {
1639  R2 = fRvbpNCm2;
1640  R3 = fRvbpNCm3;
1641  } else
1642  if(is_lbar && is_n) {
1643  R2 = fRvbnNCm2;
1644  R3 = fRvbnNCm3;
1645  } else {
1646  LOG("Hadronization", pERROR)
1647  << "Invalid initial state: " << init_state;
1648  }
1649  }//em?
1651  //
1652  // Apply to the multiplicity probability distribution
1653  //
1655  int nbins = mp->GetNbinsX();
1656  for(int i = 1; i <= nbins; i++) {
1657  int n = TMath::Nint( mp->GetBinCenter(i) );
1659  double R=1;
1660  if (n==2) R=R2;
1661  else if (n==3) R=R3;
1663  if(n==2 || n==3) {
1664  double P = mp->GetBinContent(i);
1665  double Psc = R*P;
1666  LOG("Hadronization", pDEBUG)
1667  << "n=" << n << "/ Scaling factor R = "
1668  << R << "/ P " << P << " --> " << Psc;
1669  mp->SetBinContent(i, Psc);
1670  }
1671  if(n>3) break;
1672  }
1674  // renormalize the histogram?
1675  if(norm) {
1676  double histo_norm = mp->Integral("width");
1677  if(histo_norm>0) mp->Scale(1.0/histo_norm);
1678  }
1679 }
1680 //____________________________________________________________________________
1681 double KNOHadronization::Wmin(void) const
1682 {
1683  return (kNucleonMass+kPionMass);
1684 }
1685 //____________________________________________________________________________
double fRvnCCm2
Rijk: vn, CC, multiplicity = 2.
static const double m
Definition: Units.h:79
double W(bool selected=false) const
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:167
Basic constants.
bool IsWeakCC(void) const
double fPpi0eta
{Pi0 eta} production probability
bool IsNeutrino(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:108
Definition: AlgCmp.h:26
double ReWeightPt2(const PDGCodeList &pdgcv) const
#define pERROR
Definition: Messenger.h:60
double fRvbnNCm2
Rijk: vbn, NC, multiplicity = 2.
const int kPdgLambda
Definition: PDGCodes.h:69
static const double kNucleonMass
Definition: Constants.h:78
double fRvbnCCm2
Rijk: vbn, CC, multiplicity = 2.
double fWcut
Rijk applied for W<Wcut (see DIS/RES join scheme)
int HadronShowerCharge(const Interaction *) const
static RandomGen * Instance()
Access instance.
Definition: RandomGen.cxx:79
int HitNucPdg(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:321
Defines the EventRecordVisitorI interface. Concrete implementations of this interface use the &#39;Visito...
double fAvn
offset in average charged hadron multiplicity = f(W) relation for vn
enum genie::EGHepStatus GHepStatus_t
bool IsNucleus(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:289
double fPeta
{eta eta} production probability
TClonesArray * Hadronize(const Interaction *) const
double fCvp
Levy function parameter for vp.
double fCvbp
Levy function parameter for vbp.
string P4AsString(const TLorentzVector *p)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:34
double fRvnNCm2
Rijk: vn, NC, multiplicity = 2.
bool fReWeightDecays
Reweight phase space decays?
static const unsigned int kMaxUnweightDecayIterations
Definition: Controls.h:62
bool IsDarkMatter(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:125
TF1 * fBaryonPT2pdf
baryon pT^2 PDF
bool IsChargedLepton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:99
TParticlePDG * Probe(void) const
virtual double Weight(void) const
Definition: GHepRecord.h:125
double Mass(Resonance_t res)
resonance mass (GeV)
TClonesArray * DecayMethod2(double W, const PDGCodeList &pdgv, bool reweight_decays) const
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
PDGCodeList * SelectParticles(const Interaction *) const
TH1D * CreateMultProbHist(double maxmult) const
double fRvbpCCm3
Rijk: vbp, CC, multiplicity = 3.
double fPpi0
{pi0 pi0 } production probability
A singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should tak...
Definition: RandomGen.h:30
double Pz(void) const
Get Pz.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:91
double fPK0
{K0 K0bar} production probability
double fRvbpNCm2
Rijk: vbp, NC, multiplicity = 2.
A list of PDG codes.
Definition: PDGCodeList.h:33
void HandleDecays(TClonesArray *particle_list) const
double Px(void) const
Get Px.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:89
bool fForceNeuGenLimit
force upper hadronic multiplicity to NeuGEN limit
const int kPdgK0
Definition: PDGCodes.h:155
bool IsCharmEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:50
double W(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1031
int Pdg(void) const
Definition: GHepParticle.h:64
double MaxMult(const Interaction *i) const
double fRvpCCm2
Rijk: vp, CC, multiplicity = 2.
bool PhaseSpaceDecay(TClonesArray &pl, TLorentzVector &pd, const PDGCodeList &pdgv, int offset=0, bool reweight=false) const
double fRvbnCCm3
Rijk: vbn, CC, multiplicity = 3.
bool IsNeutron(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:310
bool IsPosChargedLepton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:146
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:55
double y
An exception thrown by EventRecordVisitorI when the normal processing sequence has to be disrupted (f...
int GenerateBaryonPdgCode(int mult, int maxQ, double W) const
bool IsProton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:305
bool IsWeakNC(void) const
double fRvbpCCm2
Rijk: vbp, CC, multiplicity = 2.
double fBvbp
slope in average charged hadron multiplicity = f(W) relation for vbp
void ProcessEventRecord(GHepRecord *event) const
PDGCodeList * GenerateHadronCodes(int mult, int maxQ, double W) const
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:97
double fAvp
offset in average charged hadron multiplicity = f(W) relation for vp
double fCvbn
Levy function parameter for vbn.
static Config * config
Definition: config.cpp:1054
const int kPdgKM
Definition: PDGCodes.h:154
A class encapsulating an enumeration of interaction types (EM, Weak-CC, Weak-NC) and scattering types...
Definition: ProcessInfo.h:43
std::void_t< T > n
const int kPdgGamma
Definition: PDGCodes.h:170
double fBhyperon
see above
bool IsAntiNeutrino(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:116
const Kinematics & Kine(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:70
virtual void Configure(const Registry &config)
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:71
int ProbePdg(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:65
size_t size
Definition: lodepng.cpp:55
double z
static const double kNeutronMass
Definition: Constants.h:77
const int kPdgKP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:153
double KNO(int nu, int nuc, double z) const
bool fGenerateWeighted
generate weighted events?
const int kPdgEta
Definition: PDGCodes.h:142
const int kPdgPiP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:139
const int kPdgPi0
Definition: PDGCodes.h:141
double fAvbn
offset in average charged hadron multiplicity = f(W) relation for vbn
TH1D * MultiplicityProb(const Interaction *, Option_t *opt="") const
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:63
bool AssertValidity(const Interaction *i) const
double fPKc
{K+ K- } production probability
const int kPdgAntiK0
Definition: PDGCodes.h:156
double Wmin(void) const
double fWeight
weight for generated event
Misc GENIE control constants.
TClonesArray * DecayBackToBack(double W, const PDGCodeList &pdgv) const
double fRvbnNCm3
Rijk: vbn, NC, multiplicity = 3.
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:61
void Initialize(void) const
double fRvbpNCm3
Rijk: vbp, NC, multiplicity = 3.
auto norm(Vector const &v)
Return norm of the specified vector.
TParticlePDG * FSPrimLepton(void) const
final state primary lepton
Simple printing utilities.
bool IsEM(void) const
const int kPdgSigmaM
Definition: PDGCodes.h:73
double fCvn
Levy function parameter for vn.
TGenPhaseSpace fPhaseSpaceGenerator
a phase space generator
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 T::AllocatorType & a
Definition: pointer.h:1124
bool IsNeutralLepton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:93
double fPhSpRwA
parameter for phase space decay reweighting
bool fUseIsotropic2BDecays
force isotropic, non-reweighted 2-body decays for consistency with neugen/daikon
double fBvn
slope in average charged hadron multiplicity = f(W) relation for vn
double fBvp
slope in average charged hadron multiplicity = f(W) relation for vp
TRandom3 & RndHadro(void) const
rnd number generator used by hadronization models
Definition: RandomGen.h:54
double fAhyperon
parameter controlling strange baryon production probability via associated production (P=a+b*lnW^2) ...
static PDGLibrary * Instance(void)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:43
static const double kPionMass
Definition: Constants.h:74
Singleton class to load & serve a TDatabasePDG.
Definition: PDGLibrary.h:30
const TLorentzVector * X4(void) const
Definition: GHepParticle.h:80
double Weight(void) const
bool IsDarkMatter(void) const
A registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters.
Definition: Registry.h:66
double fRvpNCm3
Rijk: vp, NC, multiplicity = 3.
const XclsTag & ExclTag(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:71
double AverageChMult(int nu, int nuc, double W) const
bool IsNeutronOrProton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:320
double fBvbn
slope in average charged hadron multiplicity = f(W) relation for vbn
bool fUseBaryonXfPt2Param
Generate baryon xF,pT2 from experimental parameterization?
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:61
TClonesArray * DecayMethod1(double W, const PDGCodeList &pdgv, bool reweight_decays) const
double fRvnCCm3
Rijk: vn, CC, multiplicity = 3.
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
const int kPdgPiM
Definition: PDGCodes.h:140
const int kPdgSigmaP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:71
const InitialState & InitState(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:68
double fRvnNCm3
Rijk: vn, NC, multiplicity = 3.
const ProcessInfo & ProcInfo(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:69
list x
bool fForceMinMult
force minimum multiplicity if (at low W) generated less?
static const unsigned int kMaxKNOHadSystIterations
Definition: Controls.h:58
const int kPdgProton
Definition: PDGCodes.h:65
double fRvpCCm3
Rijk: vp, CC, multiplicity = 3.
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:62
bool GetParamDef(const RgKey &name, T &p, const T &def) const
bool GetParam(const RgKey &name, T &p, bool is_top_call=true) const
const Target & Tgt(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:67
double fPpic
{pi+ pi- } production probability
#define SLOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a short string (using the FUNCTION and...
Definition: Messenger.h:85
const int kPdgNeutron
Definition: PDGCodes.h:67
GENIE&#39;s GHEP MC event record.
Definition: GHepRecord.h:46
static const double kPi
Definition: Constants.h:38
virtual void Configure(const Registry &config)
Most commonly used PDG codes. A set of utility functions to handle PDG codes is provided in PDGUtils...
STDHEP-like event record entry that can fit a particle or a nucleus.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:40
bool IsNegChargedLepton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:137
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
void push_back(int pdg_code)
Definition: PDGCodeList.cxx:67
Event finding and building.
void ApplyRijk(const Interaction *i, bool norm, TH1D *mp) const
TF1 * fBaryonXFpdf
baryon xF PDF
Initial State information.
Definition: InitialState.h:49
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:64
double fRvpNCm2
Rijk: vp, NC, multiplicity = 2.
double Py(void) const
Get Py.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:90
double fAvbp
offset in average charged hadron multiplicity = f(W) relation for vbp