Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 /// \file LArVoxelReadoutGeometry.cxx
3 /// \brief Define the "parallel" geometry that's seen by the LAr Voxels.
4 ///
5 /// \author
6 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 #include "nug4/G4Base/DetectorConstruction.h"
10 // C/C++ libraries
11 #include <cmath>
12 #include <map>
13 #include <memory> // std::unique_ptr()
14 #include <sstream> // std::ostringstream
15 #include <typeinfo>
17 // Framework includes
19 #include "cetlib_except/demangle.h"
22 // LArSoft includes
28 // G4 includes
29 #include "Geant4/G4Box.hh"
30 #include "Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh"
31 #include "Geant4/G4PVReplica.hh"
32 #include "Geant4/G4Point3D.hh"
33 #include "Geant4/G4RotationMatrix.hh"
34 #include "Geant4/G4SDManager.hh"
35 #include "Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh"
36 #include "Geant4/G4Tubs.hh"
37 #include "Geant4/G4VSolid.hh"
38 #include "Geant4/G4VisAttributes.hh"
40 constexpr bool DisableVoxelCaching = false;
42 namespace {
43  template <typename T>
45  demangle_cxx_symbol(const T& obj)
46  {
47  return cet::demangle_symbol(typeid(obj).name());
48  }
50  template <class STREAM>
51  int
52  DumpPhysicalVolume(STREAM& out, const G4VPhysicalVolume& PV, std::string indentstr = "")
53  {
54  const G4ThreeVector& pos = PV.GetTranslation();
55  const G4LogicalVolume* LV = PV.GetLogicalVolume();
57  int count = 1;
58  out << indentstr << PV.GetName() << " [" << demangle_cxx_symbol(PV) << "]"
59  << " at (" << pos.x() << ", " << pos.y() << ", " << pos.z() << ")";
60  if (LV) {
61  out << ", a " << LV->GetName();
63  const G4VSolid* Solid = LV->GetSolid();
64  if (Solid) {
65  out << " shaped as " << Solid->GetName();
66  const G4Box* pBox;
68  try {
69  pBox = dynamic_cast<const G4Box*>(Solid);
70  }
71  catch (std::bad_cast&) {
72  pBox = nullptr;
73  }
75  if (pBox) {
76  out << ", a (" << (2. * pBox->GetXHalfLength()) << " x " << (2. * pBox->GetYHalfLength())
77  << " x " << (2. * pBox->GetZHalfLength()) << ") cm box";
78  } // if box
79  else {
80  out << ", a " << demangle_cxx_symbol(*Solid);
81  }
82  }
83  else {
84  out << " with no shape (!?!)";
85  }
87  G4int nDaughters = LV->GetNoDaughters();
88  if (nDaughters > 0) {
89  out << " with " << nDaughters << " subvolumes:\n";
90  for (G4int i = 0; i < nDaughters; ++i) {
91  count += DumpPhysicalVolume(out, *LV->GetDaughter(i), indentstr + " ");
92  }
93  }
94  else
95  out << '\n';
96  }
97  else
98  out << " with no logical volume (!?)\n";
100  return count;
101  } // DumpPhysicalVolume()
103 }
105 namespace larg4 {
107  // Constructor and destructor.
108  LArVoxelReadoutGeometry::LArVoxelReadoutGeometry(const G4String name, Setup_t const& setupData)
109  : G4VUserParallelWorld(name), fReadoutSetupData(setupData.readoutSetup)
110  {
112  fStepLimit = std::make_unique<G4UserLimits>(ios->StepSizeLimit());
113  }
115  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
116  void
118  {
119  // With a "parallel geometry", Geant4 has already created a clone
120  // of the world physical and logical volumes. We want to place
121  // the LAr TPC, and only the LAr TPC, within this cloned world.
123  // Get the parallel world physical volume.
124  G4VPhysicalVolume* parallelPhysical = GetWorld();
126  // Now we want to place a parallel LAr TPC volume within this
127  // parallel world volume. We only want to duplicate the LAr TPC
128  // volume; any other volumes in the "official" geometry are going
129  // to be ignored. Our parallel world will consist only of the
130  // world volume and the LAr TPC volume.
132  G4Transform3D worldTransform;
134  // first get the volDetEnclosure
135  std::string daughterName("volDetEnclosure");
136  G4Transform3D detEnclosureTransform;
137  G4VPhysicalVolume* detEnclosureVolume =
138  this->FindNestedVolume(g4b::DetectorConstruction::GetWorld(),
139  worldTransform,
140  detEnclosureTransform,
141  daughterName,
142  0);
144  // we keep track of all the voxel boxes with different geometries we create
145  struct VoxelSpecs_t {
146  double w, h, d; ///< sizes of the volume
147  unsigned int nw, nh, nd; ///< divisions in each volume
149  /// have some sorting...
150  bool
151  operator<(const VoxelSpecs_t& vs) const
152  {
153  if (w < vs.w) return true;
154  if (w > vs.w) return false;
155  if (h < vs.h) return true;
156  if (h > vs.h) return false;
157  if (d < vs.d) return true;
158  if (d > vs.d) return false;
159  if (nw < vs.nw) return true;
160  if (nw > vs.nw) return false;
161  if (nh < vs.nh) return true;
162  if (nh > vs.nh) return false;
163  if (nd < vs.nd) return true;
164  return false;
165  } // operator<
166  }; // VoxelSpecs_t
168  // TODO we don't need to cache the cell any more: a simple map will suffice
169  struct VoxelVolumes_t {
170  G4LogicalVolume* pBox;
171  G4LogicalVolume* pCell;
173  VoxelVolumes_t(G4LogicalVolume* box = nullptr, G4LogicalVolume* cell = nullptr)
174  : pBox(box), pCell(cell)
175  {}
176  }; // VoxelVolumes_t
178  // Define the sensitive detector for the voxel readout. This class
179  // routines will be called every time a particle deposits energy in
180  // a voxel that overlaps the LAr TPC.
181  flarVoxelReadout = new LArVoxelReadout("LArVoxelSD");
183  if ((fGeo->Ncryostats() == 1) && (fGeo->Cryostat(0).NTPC() == 1))
184  flarVoxelReadout->SetSingleTPC(0, 0); // just one TPC in the detector...
186  // Tell Geant4's sensitive-detector manager that the voxel SD
187  // class exists.
188  G4SDManager* sdManager = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer();
189  sdManager->AddNewDetector(flarVoxelReadout);
191  // hope hashing doubles is reliable...
192  using VoxelCache_t = std::map<VoxelSpecs_t, VoxelVolumes_t>;
193  VoxelCache_t VoxelCache;
195  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < fGeo->Ncryostats(); ++c) {
197  // next get the cryostat
198  daughterName = "volCryostat";
199  G4Transform3D cryostatTransform;
200  G4VPhysicalVolume* cryostatVolume = this->FindNestedVolume(
201  detEnclosureVolume, detEnclosureTransform, cryostatTransform, daughterName, c);
203  for (unsigned int t = 0; t < fGeo->Cryostat(c).NTPC(); ++t) {
205  // now for the TPC
206  daughterName = "volTPC";
207  G4Transform3D tpcTransform;
208  G4VPhysicalVolume* tpcVolume =
209  this->FindNestedVolume(cryostatVolume, cryostatTransform, tpcTransform, daughterName, t);
211  daughterName = "volTPCActive";
212  G4Transform3D transform;
213  G4VPhysicalVolume* larTPCPhysical =
214  this->FindNestedVolume(tpcVolume, tpcTransform, transform, daughterName, t);
216  // Get the LAr TPC volume, and its shape.
217  G4LogicalVolume* larTPCLogical = larTPCPhysical->GetLogicalVolume();
218  larTPCLogical->SetUserLimits(fStepLimit.get());
220  G4VSolid* larTPCShape = larTPCLogical->GetSolid();
222  // We're not going to exactly duplicate the LAr TPC in our
223  // parallel world. We're going to construct a box of voxels.
224  // What should the size and position of that box be?
226  // To get our first hints, we need the overall dimensions of a
227  // "bounding box" that contains the shape. For now, we'll allow
228  // two possible shapes: a box (by the far the most likely) and a
229  // cylinder (for bizarre future detectors that I know nothing
230  // about).
232  G4double larTPCHalfXLength = 0;
233  G4double larTPCHalfYLength = 0;
234  G4double larTPCHalfZLength = 0;
235  G4Box* tpcBox = dynamic_cast<G4Box*>(larTPCShape);
236  if (tpcBox != 0) {
237  larTPCHalfXLength = tpcBox->GetXHalfLength();
238  larTPCHalfYLength = tpcBox->GetYHalfLength();
239  larTPCHalfZLength = tpcBox->GetZHalfLength();
240  }
241  else {
242  // It's not a box. Try a cylinder.
243  G4Tubs* tube = dynamic_cast<G4Tubs*>(larTPCShape);
244  if (tube != 0) {
245  larTPCHalfXLength = tube->GetOuterRadius();
246  larTPCHalfYLength = tube->GetOuterRadius();
247  larTPCHalfZLength = tube->GetZHalfLength();
248  }
249  else {
250  throw cet::exception("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry")
251  << "Unknown shape in readout geometry"
252  << "The LAr TPC volume is not a box or a tube. "
253  << "This routine can't convert any other shapes.\n";
254  }
255  }
257  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry") << ": larTPCHalfXLength=" << larTPCHalfXLength
258  << ": larTPCHalfYLength=" << larTPCHalfYLength
259  << ": larTPCHalfZLength=" << larTPCHalfZLength;
261  // Get some constants from the LAr voxel information object.
262  // Remember, ROOT uses cm.
264  G4double voxelSizeX = lvc->VoxelSizeX() * CLHEP::cm;
265  G4double voxelSizeY = lvc->VoxelSizeY() * CLHEP::cm;
266  G4double voxelSizeZ = lvc->VoxelSizeZ() * CLHEP::cm;
267  G4double voxelOffsetX = lvc->VoxelOffsetX() * CLHEP::cm;
268  G4double voxelOffsetY = lvc->VoxelOffsetY() * CLHEP::cm;
269  G4double voxelOffsetZ = lvc->VoxelOffsetZ() * CLHEP::cm;
271  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry")
272  << ": voxelSizeX=" << voxelSizeX << ", voxelSizeY=" << voxelSizeY
273  << ", voxelSizeZ=" << voxelSizeZ;
275  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry")
276  << ": voxelOffsetX=" << voxelOffsetX << ", voxelOffsetY=" << voxelOffsetY
277  << ", voxelOffsetZ=" << voxelOffsetZ;
279  // We want our voxelization region to be an integer multiple of
280  // the voxel sizes in all directions; if we didn't do this, we
281  // might get into trouble when we start playing with replicas.
282  // Compute the the dimensions of our voxelization to be about the
283  // size of the LAr TPC region, adjusted to be an integer number of
284  // voxels in all directions.
286  G4double numberXvoxels = 2. * larTPCHalfXLength / voxelSizeX;
287  G4double numberYvoxels = 2. * larTPCHalfYLength / voxelSizeY;
288  G4double numberZvoxels = 2. * larTPCHalfZLength / voxelSizeZ;
289  numberXvoxels = trunc(numberXvoxels) + 1.;
290  numberYvoxels = trunc(numberYvoxels) + 1.;
291  numberZvoxels = trunc(numberZvoxels) + 1.;
293  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry")
294  << "Active volume of cryo #" << c << " TPC #" << t << " will be split in "
295  << numberXvoxels << " x " << numberYvoxels << " x " << numberZvoxels << " = "
296  << (numberXvoxels * numberYvoxels * numberZvoxels) << " voxels of size " << voxelSizeX
297  << " x " << voxelSizeY << " x " << voxelSizeZ << " cm";
299  VoxelSpecs_t VoxelSpecs{/* w */ 2. * larTPCHalfXLength,
300  /* h */ 2. * larTPCHalfYLength,
301  /* d */ 2. * larTPCHalfZLength,
302  /* nw */ (unsigned int)numberXvoxels,
303  /* nh */ (unsigned int)numberYvoxels,
304  /* nd */ (unsigned int)numberZvoxels};
306  VoxelCache_t::iterator iVoxelVol =
307  DisableVoxelCaching ? VoxelCache.end() : VoxelCache.find(VoxelSpecs);
308  if (iVoxelVol == VoxelCache.end()) {
309  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry")
310  << "Creating a new voxel volume " << VoxelSpecs.w << " x " << VoxelSpecs.h << " x "
311  << VoxelSpecs.d << " cm, " << VoxelSpecs.nw << " x " << VoxelSpecs.nh << " x "
312  << VoxelSpecs.nd << " voxels";
314  G4double voxelBoxHalfX = numberXvoxels * voxelSizeX / 2.;
315  G4double voxelBoxHalfY = numberYvoxels * voxelSizeY / 2.;
316  G4double voxelBoxHalfZ = numberZvoxels * voxelSizeZ / 2.;
318  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry")
319  << ": voxelBoxHalfX=" << voxelBoxHalfX << ", voxelBoxHalfY=" << voxelBoxHalfY
320  << ", voxelBoxHalfZ=" << voxelBoxHalfZ;
322  // Now we have a box that will include an integer number of voxels
323  // in each direction. Note that the material is irrelevant for a
324  // "parallel world."
325  auto voxelBox = new G4Box("VoxelBox", voxelBoxHalfX, voxelBoxHalfY, voxelBoxHalfZ);
326  auto voxelBoxLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(voxelBox, 0, "VoxelizationLogicalVolume");
328  // If we generate an event display within Geant4, we won't want to
329  // see this box.
330  auto invisible = new G4VisAttributes();
331  invisible->SetVisibility(false);
332  voxelBoxLogical->SetVisAttributes(invisible);
334  // Now we've fill our "box of voxels" with the voxels themselves.
335  // We'll do this by sub-dividing the volume in x, then y, then z.
337  // Create an "x-slice".
338  G4Box* xSlice = new G4Box("xSlice", voxelSizeX / 2., voxelBoxHalfY, voxelBoxHalfZ);
339  G4LogicalVolume* xSliceLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(xSlice, 0, "xLArVoxelSlice");
340  xSliceLogical->SetVisAttributes(invisible);
342  // Use replication to slice up the "box of voxels" along the x-axis.
343  new G4PVReplica("VoxelSlicesInX",
344  xSliceLogical,
345  voxelBoxLogical,
346  kXAxis,
347  G4int(numberXvoxels),
348  voxelSizeX);
350  // Now do the same thing, dividing that x-slice along the y-axis.
351  auto ySlice = new G4Box("ySlice", voxelSizeX / 2., voxelSizeY / 2., voxelBoxHalfZ);
352  auto ySliceLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(ySlice, 0, "yLArVoxelSlice");
353  ySliceLogical->SetVisAttributes(invisible);
354  new G4PVReplica("VoxelSlicesInY",
355  ySliceLogical,
356  xSliceLogical,
357  kYAxis,
358  G4int(numberYvoxels),
359  voxelSizeY);
361  // Now divide the y-slice along the z-axis, giving us our actual
362  // voxels.
363  auto zSlice = new G4Box("zSlice", voxelSizeX / 2., voxelSizeY / 2., voxelSizeZ / 2.);
364  auto voxelLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(zSlice, 0, "LArVoxel");
365  voxelLogical->SetVisAttributes(invisible);
366  new G4PVReplica(
367  "LArVoxel", voxelLogical, ySliceLogical, kZAxis, G4int(numberZvoxels), voxelSizeZ);
369  iVoxelVol = VoxelCache.emplace(VoxelSpecs, VoxelVolumes_t(voxelBoxLogical, voxelLogical))
370  .first; // iterator to the inserted element
372  // Set the sensitive detector of this LAr TPC (logical) volume
373  // to be the voxel readout.
374  voxelLogical->SetSensitiveDetector(flarVoxelReadout);
376  } // if not cached yet
377  G4LogicalVolume* voxelBoxLogical = iVoxelVol->second.pBox;
379  // We have a "box of voxels" that's the right dimensions, but we
380  // have to know exactly where to put it. The user has the option
381  // to offset the voxel co-ordinate system. We want to place our
382  // box so the edges of our voxels align with that co-ordinate
383  // system. In effect, we want to offset our "box of voxels" by
384  // the user's offsets, modulo the size of the voxel in each
385  // direction.
387  G4double offsetInVoxelsX = voxelOffsetX / voxelSizeX;
388  G4double offsetInVoxelsY = voxelOffsetY / voxelSizeY;
389  G4double offsetInVoxelsZ = voxelOffsetZ / voxelSizeZ;
390  G4double fractionOffsetX = offsetInVoxelsX - trunc(offsetInVoxelsX);
391  G4double fractionOffsetY = offsetInVoxelsY - trunc(offsetInVoxelsY);
392  G4double fractionOffsetZ = offsetInVoxelsZ - trunc(offsetInVoxelsZ);
393  G4double offsetX = fractionOffsetX * voxelSizeX;
394  G4double offsetY = fractionOffsetY * voxelSizeY;
395  G4double offsetZ = fractionOffsetZ * voxelSizeZ;
397  // Now we know how much to offset the "box of voxels". Include
398  // that in the transformation of the co-ordinates from world
399  // volume to LAr TPC volume.
400  transform = G4Translate3D(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) * transform;
402  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry")
403  << ": offsetX=" << offsetX << ", offsetY=" << offsetY << ", offsetZ=" << offsetZ;
405  // suffix representing this TPC
406  std::ostringstream nums;
407  nums << "_Cryostat" << c << "_TPC" << t;
409  // Place the box of voxels, with the accumulated transformations
410  // computed above.
411  new G4PVPlacementInTPC(transform,
412  "VoxelizationPhysicalVolume" + nums.str(),
413  voxelBoxLogical,
414  parallelPhysical,
415  false, // Only one volume
416  0, // Copy number
417  false, // No surface check
418  {(unsigned short int)c, (unsigned short int)t} // TPC ID
419  );
421  } // end loop over tpcs
422  } // end loop over cryostats
424  if (mf::isDebugEnabled()) {
425  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometryDump") << "Dump of voxelized volume";
426  {
427  mf::LogDebug log("LArVoxelReadoutGeometryDump");
428  DumpPhysicalVolume(log, *parallelPhysical);
429  }
430  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometryDump") << "End of dump of voxelized volume";
431  }
432  }
434  //---------------------------------------------------------------
435  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
436  // We know the ordering of the volumes in the Geometry,
437  // see
438  // Make use of that knowledge to efficiently get the desired volumes and
439  // their total transforms.
440  // the daughterTransform is the total transform to the world coordinate system
441  G4VPhysicalVolume*
442  LArVoxelReadoutGeometry::FindNestedVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume* mother,
443  G4Transform3D& motherTransform,
444  G4Transform3D& daughterTransform,
445  std::string& daughterName,
446  unsigned int expectedNum)
447  {
448  G4LogicalVolume* logicalVolume = mother->GetLogicalVolume();
449  G4int numberDaughters = logicalVolume->GetNoDaughters();
450  for (G4int i = 0; i != numberDaughters; ++i) {
451  G4VPhysicalVolume* d = logicalVolume->GetDaughter(i);
453  if (d->GetName().contains(daughterName)) {
455  // check that this cryostat is the requested one using fCryostat
456  G4ThreeVector translation = d->GetObjectTranslation();
457  G4RotationMatrix rotation = d->GetObjectRotationValue();
458  G4Transform3D transform(rotation, translation);
459  daughterTransform = motherTransform * transform;
461  // take the origin of the volume and transform it to
462  // world coordinated
463  G4Point3D local(0., 0., 0.);
464  G4Point3D world = daughterTransform * local;
466  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry")
467  << "current " << daughterName << " origin is at (" << world.x() / CLHEP::cm << ","
468  << world.y() / CLHEP::cm << "," << world.z() / CLHEP::cm << ")";
470  // we don't bother with the cryostat number when calling Geometry::PositionToTPC
471  // because we know we have already started off with the correct cryostat volume
472  // G4 uses mm, we want cm
473  double worldPos[3] = {world.x() / CLHEP::cm, world.y() / CLHEP::cm, world.z() / CLHEP::cm};
474  unsigned int daughterNum = 0;
475  unsigned int extra = 0;
476  if ("volCryostat") == 0)
477  fGeo->PositionToCryostat(worldPos, daughterNum);
478  else if ("volTPC") == 0)
479  fGeo->PositionToTPC(worldPos, daughterNum, extra);
480  else if ("volTPCActive") == 0 ||
481"volDetEnclosure") == 0) {
482  // for either of these volumes, we know there is only 1 in the mother volume
483  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry") << "found the desired " << daughterName;
484  return d;
485  }
487  // if we found the desired volume, stop looking
488  if (daughterNum == expectedNum) {
489  MF_LOG_DEBUG("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry") << "found the desired " << daughterName;
490  return d;
491  }
492  } // end if the volume has the right name
493  } // end loop over volumes
495  throw cet::exception("LArVoxelReadoutGeometry")
496  << "could not find the desired " << daughterName << " to make LArVoxelReadoutGeometry\n";
498  return 0;
499  }
501 } // namespace larg4
static constexpr double cm
Definition: Units.h:68
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
Collection of all it takes to set up this object.
double VoxelSizeX() const
Access to voxel dimensions and offsets.
CryostatGeo const & PositionToCryostat(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the cryostat at specified location.
larg4::LArVoxelReadout::Setup_t fReadoutSetupData
Encapsulates calculation of LArVoxelID and LArVoxel parameters.
std::string string
Geant4 interface.
void Setup(Setup_t const &setupData)
Reads all the configuration elements from setupData
larg4::LArVoxelReadout * flarVoxelReadout
Data for LArVoxelReadout setup.
unsigned int Ncryostats() const
Returns the number of cryostats in the detector.
geo::TPCGeo const & PositionToTPC(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the TPC at specified location.
Define the "parallel" geometry that&#39;s seen by the LAr Voxels.
bool operator<(ProductInfo const &a, ProductInfo const &b)
void SetSingleTPC(unsigned int cryostat, unsigned int tpc)
Associates this readout to one specific TPC.
std::unique_ptr< G4UserLimits > fStepLimit
constexpr bool DisableVoxelCaching
static IonizationAndScintillation * Instance()
unsigned int NTPC() const
Number of TPCs in this cryostat.
Definition: CryostatGeo.h:181
CryostatGeo const & Cryostat(geo::CryostatID const &cryoid) const
Returns the specified cryostat.
G4PVPlacementWithID< TPCID_t > G4PVPlacementInTPC
A physical volume with a TPC ID.
bool isDebugEnabled()
double VoxelOffsetX() const
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeo
Handle to the geometry.
G4VPhysicalVolume * FindNestedVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume *mother, G4Transform3D &motherTransform, G4Transform3D &daughterTransform, std::string &daughterName, unsigned int expectedNum)
double VoxelOffsetZ() const
A Geant4 sensitive detector that accumulates voxel information.
#define MF_LOG_DEBUG(id)
Transports energy depositions from GEANT4 to TPC channels.
double VoxelOffsetY() const
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33