Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // $Id:,v 2013/09/05 19:27:58 lebrun Exp $
4 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
6 #include "LBNERunManager.hh"
7 #include "TStopwatch.h"
8 #include "TTime.h"
10 #include "G4GeometryManager.hh"
11 #include "G4StateManager.hh"
12 #include "G4UImanager.hh"
13 #include "G4UIterminal.hh"
14 #include "G4UItcsh.hh"
15 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
16 #include "G4ParticleTypes.hh"
17 #include "G4DecayTable.hh"
18 #include "G4KL3DecayChannel.hh"
19 #include "G4StepLimiter.hh"
20 #include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
22 #include "G4ProcessManager.hh"
23 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
24 #include "G4VEnergyLossProcess.hh"
25 #include "G4VModularPhysicsList.hh"
26 #include "G4PhysListFactory.hh"
29 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 nEvents(50000),
32 fGeometryIntializedHere(false),
33 fPhysicsInitializedHere(false),
34 fPhysicsListName("QGSP_BERT"),
35 fLBNEEventAction(0),
36 fLBNESteppingAction(0),
37 fLBNEStackingAction(0),
38 fLBNETrackingAction(0),
39 fLBNERunAction(0),
40 fMarsOrFlukaInputFileName(""),
41 fAsciiOutputFileName(""),
42 fNptOutputFileName(""),
43 fDk2NuOutputFileName(""),
44 fDetectorLocationFileName("?"),
45 fUseFluka(false),
46 fUseMars(false),
47 fCreateOutput(true),
48 fCreateDk2NuOutput(false),
49 fCreateAsciiOutput(false),
50 fCreateTrkPlaneOutput(false),
51 fCreateTrkPlaneH1Output(false), //Amit Bashyal To turn on and off the Horn 1 output
52 fCreateTrkPlaneH2Output(false), //Amit Bashyal To turn on and off the Horn 2 output
53 fCreateTrkPlaneDPOutput(false), //Amit Bashyal To turn on and off the Decay Pipe output
54 fCreateTrackingTargetOutASCII(false),
55 fCreateTargetOutput(false), //Amit Bashyal To turn on and off the Target Output
56 fUseRealisticNearDetectorVolume(false),
57 fVerboseLevel(1)
59 //:primaryGeneratorAction(0)
60 {
63  if(fVerboseLevel > 0)
64  {
65  std::cout << "LBNERunManager Constructor Called." << std::endl;
66  }
67 }
68 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 {
71  if(fVerboseLevel > 0)
72  {
73  std::cout << "LBNERunManager Destructor Called." << std::endl;
74  }
76 }
77 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80  if (fGeometryIntializedHere) return;
81  std::cout <<
82  "LBNERunManager InitializeGeometry: LBNE Beam line should be already constructed... " << std::endl;
83 // G4GeometryManager::GetInstance()->CloseGeometry(); //
84  G4RunManager::InitializeGeometry();
85  std::cout << " ... Geometry has been closed. keep going... " << std::endl;
86  std::cout << " Geant4 is at stage " << G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState() << std::endl;
88 }
91  std::cout<<G4State_PreInit<<"\t"<<G4State_Init<<"\t"<<G4State_Idle<<G4endl;
92  std::cout << " InitPhys::Geant4 is at stage " << G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState() << std::endl;
93  if (fPhysicsInitializedHere) return;
95  //in g4.10.3 new state was introduced (see release notes:
96  //code crashes here with g4.10.3
97  //with previous version of geant4 stage was PreInit (0) here, while now it is Init
98  std::cout << " Before::Geant4 is at stage " << G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState() << std::endl;
99  G4StateManager* stateManager = G4StateManager::GetStateManager();
100  stateManager->SetNewState(G4State_PreInit);
102  G4PhysListFactory factory;
103  G4VModularPhysicsList *phys = 0;
104  if(factory.IsReferencePhysList(fPhysicsListName)){
105  phys = factory.GetReferencePhysList(fPhysicsListName);
106  } else {
107  G4cout << "Couldn't find physics list name " << fPhysicsListName << G4endl;
108  G4cout << "Exiting" << G4endl;
109  exit(0);
110  }
111  this->SetUserInitialization(phys);
112  this->SetUserAction(new LBNEPrimaryGeneratorAction);
114  G4RunManager::InitializePhysics();
116  std::cout << " After::Geant4 is at stage " << G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState() << std::endl;
117  G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
118 // ---> April 2006. D.Jaffe modifications to set K0L,K+,K- branching fractions
120  // K0L branching fractions from Table 3 of hep-ex/0512039
121  // "Status of the Cabibbo Angle", E. Blucher et al.,
122  // Proceedings of the CKM 2005 Workshop (WG1), UC San Diego, 15-18 March 2005
123  // Average takes into account KTeV, KLOE, NA48 results
124  // KTeV PRL 93, 181802. PR D70 092006
125  // KLOE hep-ex/0408027, PL B632 (2006) 43
126  // NA48 PL B602 (2004) 41
128  // K+ branching fractions from PDG2005 update and section 3.2.1 of hep-ex/0512039
129  // for average Ke3 from BNL E865 (PRL 91, 261802) and NA48.
130  // B(Ke3) = 5.14+-0.06 % hep-ex/0512039
131  // B(Ke3) = 4.93+-0.07 % PDG2005 (takes into account BNL and some much older results)
133  G4ParticleTable* particleTable = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
134  if (!particleTable->contains("kaon0L")) {
135  std::ostringstream mStrStr;
136  mStrStr << " The Particle table does not know about kaon Long.. Something not initialized ";
137  G4String mStr(mStrStr.str());
138  G4Exception("LBNERunManager::InitializePhysics", " ", FatalException, mStr.c_str());
139  }
140  G4cout<<G4endl;
141  G4cout << "Setting correct branching fractions and form factors for "
142  << "K0L, K+ and K- decays (MINOS-doc-1786)"<<G4endl;
144  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/select kaon0L"); // ----------- K0L
145  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 0"); //3pi0
146  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 19.72e-2");
147  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 1"); //pi-,e+,nue
148  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 20.20e-2");
149  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 2"); //pi+,e-,nue
150  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 20.20e-2");
151  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 3"); //pi-,mu+,nue
152  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 13.495e-2");
153  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 4"); //pi+,mu-,nue
154  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 13.495e-2");
155  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 5"); //pi+,pi-,pi0
156  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 12.53e-2");
158  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/select kaon+"); // ------------- K+
159  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 0"); //mu,nu
160  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 63.39e-2");
161  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 1"); //pi,pi0
162  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 21.03e-2");
163  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 2"); //3pi
164  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 5.59e-2");
165  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 3"); //pi0,e,nu
166  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 5.14e-2");
167  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 4"); //pi0,mu,nu
168  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 3.30e-2");
169  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 5"); //pi0,pi0,pi
170  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 1.757e-2");
172  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/select kaon-"); // ------------- K-
173  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 0"); //mu,nu
174  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 63.39e-2");
175  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 1"); //pi,pi0
176  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 21.03e-2");
177  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 2"); //3pi
178  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 5.59e-2");
179  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 3"); //pi0,e,nu
180  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 5.14e-2");
181  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 4"); //pi0,mu,nu
182  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 3.30e-2");
183  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/select 5"); //pi0,pi0,pi
184  UI->ApplyCommand("/particle/property/decay/br 1.757e-2");
185  // <--- end of djaffe april06 additions
187  // ---> April 2006. Adding Davids modifications here instead of changing
188  //
189  G4ParticleTable::G4PTblDicIterator *ptiter=particleTable->GetIterator();
191  G4double lamp = 2.81e-2;
192  G4double lam0 = 1.64e-2;
193  G4double xi_kp= 12.377 * (lam0 - lamp);
194  G4double xi_k0= 11.713 * (lam0 - lamp);
195  G4double pLambda=0.;
196  G4double pXi0=0.;
198  ptiter->reset();
199  // G4cout <<G4endl;
200  // G4cout <<" Decay mode \t \t \t \t Lambda \t \t \t Xi0 "<<G4endl;
201  while ((*ptiter)()){
202  G4ParticleDefinition *particle = ptiter->value();
203  if (particle==G4KaonPlus::KaonPlusDefinition()||
204  particle==G4KaonMinus::KaonMinusDefinition()){
205  G4DecayTable *decayTable=particle->GetDecayTable();
206  for (G4int ii=0; ii<decayTable->entries(); ++ii){
207  if (decayTable->GetDecayChannel(ii)->GetKinematicsName()=="KL3 Decay"){
208  G4KL3DecayChannel *decayChannel=(G4KL3DecayChannel *)decayTable->GetDecayChannel(ii);
210  //G4cout<<particle->GetParticleName();
211  for (G4int jj=0; jj<decayChannel->GetNumberOfDaughters();++jj){
212  // if (jj==0) G4cout << " -> ";
213  // else G4cout << " + ";
214  // G4cout<<decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)->GetParticleName();
215  if (decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)==G4Positron::PositronDefinition()){
216  pLambda=lamp;
217  pXi0=xi_kp;
218  }
219  if (decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)==G4Electron::ElectronDefinition()){
220  pLambda=lamp;
221  pXi0=xi_kp;
222  }
223  if (decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)==G4MuonPlus::MuonPlusDefinition()){
224  pLambda=lamp;
225  pXi0=xi_kp;
226  }
227  if (decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)==G4MuonMinus::MuonMinusDefinition()){
228  pLambda=lamp;
229  pXi0=xi_kp;
230  }
231  }//loop over daughters
232  // G4cout<<"\t \t" << decayChannel->GetDalitzParameterLambda() << " -> " << pLambda<< " "
233  // <<"\t"<< decayChannel->GetDalitzParameterXi() << " -> " << pXi0 <<G4endl ;
234  decayChannel->SetDalitzParameter(pLambda,pXi0);
235  }//check if its KL3 Decay
236  }//loop over decay channels
237  }
238  if (particle==G4KaonZeroLong::KaonZeroLongDefinition()){
239  G4DecayTable *decayTable=particle->GetDecayTable();
240  for (G4int ii=0; ii<decayTable->entries(); ++ii){
241  if (decayTable->GetDecayChannel(ii)->GetKinematicsName()=="KL3 Decay"){
242  G4KL3DecayChannel *decayChannel=(G4KL3DecayChannel *)decayTable->GetDecayChannel(ii);
243  // G4cout<<particle->GetParticleName();
244  for (G4int jj=0; jj<decayChannel->GetNumberOfDaughters();++jj){
245  // if (jj==0) G4cout << " -> ";
246  // else G4cout << " + ";
247  // G4cout<<decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)->GetParticleName();
248  if (decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)==G4Positron::PositronDefinition()||
249  decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)==G4Electron::ElectronDefinition()){
250  pLambda=lamp;
251  pXi0=xi_k0;
252  }
253  if (decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)==G4MuonPlus::MuonPlusDefinition()||
254  decayChannel->GetDaughter(jj)==G4MuonMinus::MuonMinusDefinition()){
255  pLambda=lamp;
256  pXi0=xi_k0;
257  }
258  }//loop over daughters
259  // G4cout<<"\t \t" << decayChannel->GetDalitzParameterLambda() << " -> " << pLambda<< " "
260  // <<"\t"<< decayChannel->GetDalitzParameterXi() << " -> " << pXi0 <<G4endl ;
262  decayChannel->SetDalitzParameter(pLambda,pXi0);
264  }//check if its KL3 Decay
265  }
266  }
267  }//loop over particles
268  // done with kaon form factors
269  // Setting the maximum step size to 1 cm
270  G4ParticleTable* ptbl = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
271  G4ParticleTable::G4PTblDicIterator* piter = ptbl->GetIterator();
272  G4StepLimiter* slim = new G4StepLimiter("StepLimiter");
274  piter->reset();
275  while ( (*piter)() ) {
276  G4ParticleDefinition* pdef = piter->value();
277  G4ProcessManager* pmgr = pdef->GetProcessManager();
279  // add user limit processes for steps and special cuts
280  if ( pmgr ) {
281  pmgr->AddProcess( slim, -1, -1, 3);
282  }
283  }
285  G4RunManager::Initialize();
287  std::cerr << " G4RunManager::Initialize invoked, state is now "
288  << G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState() << std::endl;
291  G4RunManager::SetUserAction(fLBNEEventAction);
294  G4RunManager::SetUserAction(fLBNESteppingAction);
297  G4RunManager::SetUserAction(fLBNETrackingAction);
300  G4RunManager::SetUserAction(fLBNERunAction);
303  G4RunManager::SetUserAction(fLBNEStackingAction);
305  if (fVerboseLevel > 0) std::cerr << " All User Actions created and declared " << std::endl;
307  if (!G4RunManager::ConfirmBeamOnCondition()) {
308  std::ostringstream mStrStr;
309  mStrStr << " Expecting to be able to turn on the beam at this stage. Not the case ! Fatal ";
310  G4String mStr(mStrStr.str());
311  G4Exception("LBNERunManager::InitializePhysics", " ", FatalException, mStr.c_str());
312  } else {
313  std::cout << " Expecting to be able to turn on the beam at this stage " << std::endl;
314  }
315  // Implementation of Perfect Focusing: as a genuiune G4Process.
316 //
317  G4ParticleDefinition *piPlus = particleTable->FindParticle(211);
319  G4ProcessManager *piPlusProcM = piPlus->GetProcessManager();
320  piPlusProcM->AddDiscreteProcess(pfProc);
321  G4ParticleDefinition *piMinus = particleTable->FindAntiParticle(211);
322  G4ProcessManager *piMinusProcM = piMinus->GetProcessManager();
323  piMinusProcM->AddDiscreteProcess(pfProc);
324  G4ParticleDefinition *kPlus = particleTable->FindParticle(321);
325  G4ProcessManager *kPlusProcM = kPlus->GetProcessManager();
326  kPlusProcM->AddDiscreteProcess(pfProc);
327  G4ParticleDefinition *kMinus = particleTable->FindAntiParticle(321);
328  G4ProcessManager *kMinusProcM = kMinus->GetProcessManager();
329  kMinusProcM->AddDiscreteProcess(pfProc);
331  }
332 void LBNERunManager::BeamOn(G4int n_event,const char* macroFile,G4int n_select)
333 {
334  G4bool runOn(true);
335  G4bool cond = ConfirmBeamOnCondition();
336  if(cond)
337  {
338  if(runOn)
339  {
340  TStopwatch *sWatch=new TStopwatch();
341  sWatch->Start(true);
342  // Over write the number of events with our own
343  numberOfEventToBeProcessed = nEvents;
345  //
346  //RunInitializtion() calls a lot of functions one of which is
347  //LBNERunAction::BeginOfRunAction(). Put all run Initiliation code here
348  //like opening the Output Ntuple and checking to make sure that
349  //the simulation is setup correctly and it is OK to Run.
350  //
351  G4cout << G4endl;
352  std::cout << "********************************************************" << std::endl;
353  std::cout << "********************************************************" << std::endl;
354  std::cout << "*****LBNERunManager::BeamOn - With "<<nEvents << " Events " << std::endl;
355  std::cout << "***** (argument n_event = " << n_event <<" ignored, O.K.) " << std::endl;
356  std::cout << "********************************************************" << std::endl;
357  G4RunManager::BeamOn(nEvents, macroFile, n_select);
358  std::cout << "********************************************************" << std::endl;
359  std::cout << "***LBNERunManager::BeamOn - ...Done ***" << std::endl;
360  std::cout << "********************************************************" << std::endl;
361  std::cout << "********************************************************" << std::endl;
362  G4cout << G4endl;
363  sWatch->Stop();
364  G4cout << "LBNERunManager::BeamOn - Run Summary..." << G4endl;
365  G4cout << " Processed "<< nEvents << " beam particles in ";
366  G4cout.precision(3);
367  G4cout << sWatch->RealTime() << " s = "
368  << sWatch->RealTime()/60. << " min "
369  << sWatch->RealTime()/3600. << " hr " << G4endl;
370  delete sWatch;
372  }
373  }
374 }
virtual void BeamOn(G4int n_event, const char *macroFile=0, G4int n_select=-1)
bool fPhysicsInitializedHere
bool fCreateAlcoveTrackingOutput
LBNEStackingAction * fLBNEStackingAction
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *description)
LBNERunAction * fLBNERunAction
LBNETrackingAction * fLBNETrackingAction
virtual void InitializeGeometry()
bool fGeometryIntializedHere
virtual void InitializePhysics()
virtual ~LBNERunManager()
LBNEEventAction * fLBNEEventAction
LBNESteppingAction * fLBNESteppingAction
G4String fPhysicsListName
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)