Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file larsim/Simulation/PhotonVoxels.cxx
3  * @brief Definitions of voxel data structures: implementation.
4  * @see larsim/Simulation/PhotonVoxels.h
5  */
7 // library header
11 // C++ standard libraries
12 #include <algorithm> // std::min(), std::max()
13 #include <cmath> // std::abs(), std::floor()
14 #include <stdexcept> // std::runtime_error
15 #include <string>
17 namespace sim {
19  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20  // PhotonVoxelDef class
21  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23  double xMax,
24  int xN,
25  double yMin,
26  double yMax,
27  int yN,
28  double zMin,
29  double zMax,
30  int zN)
31  : fLowerCorner(xMin, yMin, zMin)
32  , fUpperCorner(xMax, yMax, zMax)
33  , fxSteps(xN)
34  , fySteps(yN)
35  , fzSteps(zN)
36  {}
38  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39  std::array<unsigned int, 3U>
41  {
42  // BUG the double brace syntax is required to work around clang bug 21629
43  // (
44  return {{fxSteps, fySteps, fzSteps}};
45  }
47  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
48  bool
50  {
51  return ((GetRegionUpperCorner() == right.GetRegionUpperCorner()) &&
53  (GetSteps() == right.GetSteps()));
54  }
56  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
57  unsigned int
59  {
60  return fxSteps * fySteps * fzSteps;
61  }
63  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
64  int
65  PhotonVoxelDef::GetVoxelID(double const* Position) const
66  {
67  return GetVoxelIDImpl(geo::vect::makeFromCoords<geo::Point_t>(Position));
68  }
70  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
71  std::optional<std::array<sim::PhotonVoxelDef::NeiInfo, 8U>>
73  {
74  if (!isInside(v)) return {};
76  std::array<sim::PhotonVoxelDef::NeiInfo, 8U> ret;
78  // Position in voxel coordinates including floating point part
79  auto const rStepD = GetVoxelStepCoordsUnchecked(v);
81  // The neighbours are the 8 corners of a cube around this point
82  std::size_t iNeigh = 0U;
83  for (int dx : {0, 1}) {
84  for (int dy : {0, 1}) {
85  for (int dz : {0, 1}) {
86  // The full 3D step
87  const int dr[3] = {dx, dy, dz};
89  // The integer-only position of the current corner
90  int rStepI[3];
91  for (int d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {
92  // Round down to get the "lower left" corner
93  rStepI[d] = int(rStepD[d]);
94  // Ensure we'll stay in-bounds
95  rStepI[d] = std::max(0, rStepI[d]);
96  rStepI[d] = std::min(rStepI[d], int(GetSteps()[d]) - 2);
97  // Adjust to the corner we're actually considering
98  rStepI[d] += dr[d];
99  }
101  double w = 1;
102  for (int d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {
103  // These expressions will interpolate when between the 8 corners,
104  // and extrapolate in the half-voxel space around the edges.
105  if (dr[d] == 0)
106  w *= 1 + rStepI[d] - rStepD[d];
107  else
108  w *= 1 - rStepI[d] + rStepD[d];
109  }
111  const int id = (rStepI[0] + rStepI[1] * (fxSteps) + rStepI[2] * (fxSteps * fySteps));
113  ret[iNeigh++] = {id, w};
114  }
115  }
116  }
118  // Sanity check the weights sum to 1
119  double wSum = 0;
120  for (const NeiInfo& n : ret)
121  wSum += n.weight;
122  if (std::abs(wSum - 1) > 1e-3) {
123  std::string msg = "PhotonVoxelDef::GetNeighboringVoxelIDs():"
124  " Weights sum to " +
125  std::to_string(wSum) +
126  " (should be 1)."
127  " Weights are:";
128  for (const NeiInfo& n : ret) {
129  msg += ' ';
130  msg += std::to_string(n.weight);
131  }
132  throw std::runtime_error(msg);
133  }
134  return {ret};
135  }
137  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
140  {
141  // float TempID = (float) ID;
143  // Decompose ID into steps in each direction
144  int xStep = ID % fxSteps;
145  int yStep = ((ID - xStep) / fxSteps) % fySteps;
146  int zStep = ((ID - xStep - (yStep * fxSteps)) / (fySteps * fxSteps)) % fzSteps;
148  auto const VoxelSize = GetVoxelSize<geo::Vector_t>();
150  double const xMin = VoxelSize.X() * (xStep) + fLowerCorner.X();
151  double const xMax = VoxelSize.X() * (xStep + 1) + fLowerCorner.X();
152  double const yMin = VoxelSize.Y() * (yStep) + fLowerCorner.Y();
153  double const yMax = VoxelSize.Y() * (yStep + 1) + fLowerCorner.Y();
154  double const zMin = VoxelSize.Z() * (zStep) + fLowerCorner.Z();
155  double const zMax = VoxelSize.Z() * (zStep + 1) + fLowerCorner.Z();
157  return PhotonVoxel(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, zMax);
158  }
160  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
161  bool
163  {
164  return ((ID >= 0) && (static_cast<unsigned int>(ID) < GetNVoxels()));
165  }
167  std::array<int, 3U>
169  {
170  std::array<int, 3U> ReturnVector;
171  ReturnVector[0] = ID % fxSteps;
172  ReturnVector[1] = ((ID - ReturnVector[0]) / fxSteps) % fySteps;
173  ReturnVector[2] =
174  ((ID - ReturnVector[0] - (ReturnVector[1] * fxSteps)) / (fySteps * fxSteps)) % fzSteps;
175  return ReturnVector;
176  }
178  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
179  std::array<double, 3U>
181  {
183  auto const span = fUpperCorner - fLowerCorner;
184  auto const relPos = p - fLowerCorner;
186  // BUG the double brace syntax is required to work around clang bug 21629
187  // (
188  return {{(relPos.X() / span.X()) * fxSteps,
189  (relPos.Y() / span.Y()) * fySteps,
190  (relPos.Z() / span.Z()) * fzSteps}};
191  } // PhotonVoxelDef::GetVoxelStepCoordsUnchecked()
193  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
194  int
196  {
197  if (!isInside(p)) return -1;
199  auto const stepCoords = GetVoxelStepCoordsUnchecked(p);
201  // figure out how many steps this point is in the x,y,z directions;
202  // `p` is guaranteed to be in the mapped volume by the previous check
203  int xStep = static_cast<int>(stepCoords[0]);
204  int yStep = static_cast<int>(stepCoords[1]);
205  int zStep = static_cast<int>(stepCoords[2]);
207  // if within bounds, generate the voxel ID
208  return (xStep + yStep * (fxSteps) + zStep * (fxSteps * fySteps));
209  }
211  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
212  bool
214  geo::Point_t const& lower,
215  geo::Point_t const& upper)
216  {
217  return isInsideRange(point.X(), lower.X(), upper.X()) &&
218  isInsideRange(point.Y(), lower.Y(), upper.Y()) &&
219  isInsideRange(point.Z(), lower.Z(), upper.Z());
220  }
222  bool
223  PhotonVoxelDef::isInsideRange(double value, double lower, double upper)
224  {
226  return (value >= lower) && (value < upper);
228  } // PhotonVoxelDef::isInsideRange()
230  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
232  std::ostream&
233  operator<<(std::ostream& out, sim::PhotonVoxelDef const& voxelDef)
234  {
236  auto const& lower = voxelDef.GetRegionLowerCorner();
237  auto const& upper = voxelDef.GetRegionUpperCorner();
238  auto const& steps = voxelDef.GetSteps();
239  auto const& stepSize = voxelDef.GetVoxelSize();
241  out << "Volume " << voxelDef.GetVolumeSize() << " cm^3 split in " << voxelDef.GetNVoxels()
242  << " voxels:"
243  << "\n - x axis: [ " << lower.X() << " ; " << upper.X() << " ] split in " << steps[0]
244  << "x " << stepSize.X() << " cm steps"
245  << "\n - y axis: [ " << lower.Y() << " ; " << upper.Y() << " ] split in " << steps[1]
246  << "x " << stepSize.Y() << " cm steps"
247  << "\n - z axis: [ " << lower.Z() << " ; " << upper.Z() << " ] split in " << steps[2]
248  << "x " << stepSize.Z() << " cm steps"
249  << "\n";
251  return out;
252  } // operator<< (sim::PhotonVoxelDef)
254  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 } // namespace sim
Definitions of voxel data structures.
span(IterB &&b, IterE &&e, Adaptor &&adaptor) -> span< decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterB >(b))), decltype(adaptor(std::forward< IterE >(e))) >
Utilities to extend the interface of geometry vectors.
void msg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:107
unsigned int fySteps
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:65
std::string string
unsigned int ID
Vector GetVoxelSize() const
Returns a vector describing the span of a single voxel in x, y an z [cm].
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:224
int GetVoxelIDImpl(geo::Point_t const &p) const
bool operator==(const PhotonVoxelDef &rhs) const
Representation of a region of space diced into voxels.
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:58
std::array< double, 3U > GetVoxelStepCoordsUnchecked(geo::Point_t const &p) const
Returns the coordinates of the cvoxel containing p in step units.
int GetVoxelID(Point const &p) const
Returns the ID of the voxel containing p, or -1 if none.
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:234
std::array< int, 3U > GetVoxelCoords(int ID) const
bool isInside(geo::Point_t const &p) const
Returns whether point p is inside the region (upper border excluded).
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:139
T abs(T value)
const double e
static bool isInsideRange(double value, double lower, double upper)
unsigned int fzSteps
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:66
std::void_t< T > n
decltype(auto) GetRegionUpperCorner() const
Returns the volume vertex (type Point) with the highest coordinates.
static int max(int a, int b)
Code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information.
bool IsLegalVoxelID(int) const
unsigned int fxSteps
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:64
geo::Point_t fLowerCorner
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:62
ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > Point_t
Type for representation of position in physical 3D space.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:184
Representation of a single small volume (voxel).
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:20
T min(sqlite3 *const db, std::string const &table_name, std::string const &column_name)
Definition: statistics.h:55
geo::Point_t fUpperCorner
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:63
unsigned int GetNVoxels() const
Returns the total number of voxels in the volume.
std::array< unsigned int, 3U > GetSteps() const
Returns the number of voxels along each of the three dimensions.
Vector GetVolumeSize() const
Returns a vector describing the full span in x, y an z [cm].
Definition: PhotonVoxels.h:98
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &output, const LArVoxelData &data)
static bool isInsideVolume(geo::Point_t const &point, geo::Point_t const &lower, geo::Point_t const &upper)
std::optional< std::array< NeiInfo, 8U > > GetNeighboringVoxelIDsImpl(geo::Point_t const &v) const
std::string to_string(ModuleType const mt)
Definition: ModuleType.h:34
decltype(auto) GetRegionLowerCorner() const
Returns the volume vertex (type Point) with the lowest coordinates.
PhotonVoxel GetPhotonVoxel(int ID) const