Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // Display parameters for the raw data
4 //
5 // \author brebel@fnal.gov
6 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 #ifndef __CINT__
10 #include <string>
11 #include <vector>
15 #include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
20 #include "nuevdb/EventDisplayBase/Reconfigurable.h"
22 namespace evd {
23  /**
24  * @brief Display parameters for the raw data
25  *
26  * Configuration parameters
27  * -------------------------
28  *
29  * This is an incomplete list of the supported parameters:
30  * - *RoIthresholds* (list of real numbers, default: empty): threshold in ADC
31  * counts for a tick on a wire to be "interesting", thus extending the
32  * region of interest to include it. The thresholds are specified one per
33  * plane; if no threshold is specified for a plane, the threshold for the
34  * last plane is used instead (therefore specifying just one threshold will
35  * apply the same threshold to all planes). If no threshold is specified
36  * at all, the value of 'MinSignal' parameter is used as threshold for all
37  * planes
38  *
39  */
40  class RawDrawingOptions : public evdb::Reconfigurable
41  {
42  public:
43  explicit RawDrawingOptions(fhicl::ParameterSet const& pset);
45  void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const& pset) override;
47  int fDrawRawDataOrCalibWires; ///< 0 for raw
48  int fTicksPerPoint; ///< number of ticks to include in one point
49  int fScaleDigitsByCharge; ///< scale the size of the digit by the charge
50  double fMinSignal; ///< minimum ADC count to display a time bin
51  double fStartTick; ///< Starting tick for the display
52  double fTicks; ///< number of TDC ticks to display, ie # fTicks past fStartTick
53  int fAxisOrientation; ///< 0 = TDC values on y-axis, wire number on x-axis, 1 = swapped
54  unsigned int fTPC; ///< TPC number to draw, typically set by TWQProjectionView
55  unsigned int fCryostat; ///< Cryostat number to draw, typically set by TWQProjectionView
56  unsigned int fMinChannelStatus; ///< Display channels with this status and above
57  unsigned int fMaxChannelStatus; ///< Display channels with this status and below
58  std::vector<art::InputTag> fRawDataLabels; ///< module label that made the raw digits, default is daq
60  bool fUncompressWithPed; ///< Option to uncompress with pedestal. Turned off by default
61  bool fSeeBadChannels; ///< Allow "bad" channels to be viewed
63  std::vector<float> fRoIthresholds; ///< region of interest thresholds, per plane
65  int fPedestalOption; ///< 0: use DetPedestalService; 1: Use pedestal in raw::RawDigt; 2: no ped subtraction
67  fhicl::ParameterSet fRawDigitDrawerParams; ///< FHICL parameters for the RawDigit waveform display
69  /// Returns the current TPC as a TPCID
70  geo::TPCID CurrentTPC() const { return geo::TPCID(fCryostat, fTPC); }
72  /// Returns the region of interest threshold for the specified wire plane
73  double RoIthreshold(geo::PlaneID const& planeID) const
74  { return RoIthreshold(planeID.Plane); }
76  /// Returns the region of interest threshold for the specified wire plane
78  {
79  return (plane < fRoIthresholds.size())?
80  fRoIthresholds[plane]: fRoIthresholds.back();
81  } // RoIthreshold(plane number)
83  };
84 }//namespace
85 #endif // __CINT__
87 #endif
int fScaleDigitsByCharge
scale the size of the digit by the charge
unsigned int fTPC
TPC number to draw, typically set by TWQProjectionView.
void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset) override
Display parameters for the raw data.
int fDrawRawDataOrCalibWires
0 for raw
std::vector< float > fRoIthresholds
region of interest thresholds, per plane
unsigned int PlaneID_t
Type for the ID number.
Definition: geo_types.h:473
The data type to uniquely identify a Plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:472
fhicl::ParameterSet fRawDigitDrawerParams
FHICL parameters for the RawDigit waveform display.
double RoIthreshold(geo::PlaneID const &planeID) const
Returns the region of interest threshold for the specified wire plane.
LArSoft includes.
#define DECLARE_ART_SERVICE(svc, scope)
unsigned int fCryostat
Cryostat number to draw, typically set by TWQProjectionView.
unsigned int fMaxChannelStatus
Display channels with this status and below.
double fMinSignal
minimum ADC count to display a time bin
double fTicks
number of TDC ticks to display, ie # fTicks past fStartTick
geo::TPCID CurrentTPC() const
Returns the current TPC as a TPCID.
The data type to uniquely identify a TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:386
PlaneID_t Plane
Index of the plane within its TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:493
Definition of data types for geometry description.
int fTicksPerPoint
number of ticks to include in one point
bool fSeeBadChannels
Allow "bad" channels to be viewed.
unsigned int fMinChannelStatus
Display channels with this status and above.
int fAxisOrientation
0 = TDC values on y-axis, wire number on x-axis, 1 = swapped
std::vector< art::InputTag > fRawDataLabels
module label that made the raw digits, default is daq
double fStartTick
Starting tick for the display.
IDparameter< geo::TPCID > TPCID
Member type of validated geo::TPCID parameter.
double RoIthreshold(geo::PlaneID::PlaneID_t plane) const
Returns the region of interest threshold for the specified wire plane.
int fPedestalOption
0: use DetPedestalService; 1: Use pedestal in raw::RawDigt; 2: no ped subtraction ...
RawDrawingOptions(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
bool fUncompressWithPed
Option to uncompress with pedestal. Turned off by default.