1 #ifndef REWEIGHTDRIVER_H 2 #define REWEIGHTDRIVER_H A list/table of parameter names and values.
Reweighter of thin target nucleonA interactions.
Reweight to account for attenuation of the beam in the target.
ThinTargetMesonIncidentReweighter * THINTARGET_MESON_INCIDENT_Universe
Reweighter of thin target nC interactions.
ThinTargetpCNucleonReweighter * THINTARGET_PC_NUCLEON_Universe
Information about the chain of interactions leading to a neutrino.
Reweighter of thin target pion production.
Reweighter of no thin target and no MIPP interactions.
A class to manage and drive the weight calculation procedure.
ThinTargetpCPionReweighter * THINTARGET_PC_PION_Universe
double calculateWeight(const InteractionChainData &icd)
TargetAttenuationReweighter * TARG_ATT_Universe
AbsorptionICReweighter * VOL_ABS_IC_Universe
MIPPNumiPionYieldsReweighter * MIPP_NUMI_PION_Universe
AbsorptionDPIPReweighter * VOL_ABS_DPIP_Universe
OtherReweighter * OTHER_Universe
OtherAbsorptionOutOfTargetReweighter * VOL_ABS_OTHER_Universe
Reweight a chain of interactions that are covered by the NuMI target pi+ and pi- yields measured by M...
const ParameterTable & univPars
ThinTargetnucleonAReweighter * THINTARGET_NUCLEON_A_Universe
NucleonAbsorptionOutOfTargetReweighter * VOL_ABS_NUCLEON_Universe
Reweighter of thin target meson production.
const ParameterTable & cvPars
ReweightDriver(int iuniv, const ParameterTable &cv_pars, const ParameterTable &univ_pars, std::string fileIn)
Reweight a MC survival probabiity when the particles through volumes.
MIPPNumiKaonYieldsReweighter * MIPP_NUMI_KAON_Universe
ThinTargetnCPionReweighter * THINTARGET_NC_PION_Universe
Reweight a chain of interactions that are covered by the NuMI target K/pi ratios measured by MIPP...
AbsorptionDVOLReweighter * VOL_ABS_DVOL_Universe
Reweight a MC survival probabiity when the particles through volumes.
Reweighter of thin target K production.
Reweighter of thin target p,n production.
ThinTargetpCKaonReweighter * THINTARGET_PC_KAON_Universe