Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "ReweightDriver.h"
2 #include <iostream>
4 #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
5 #include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
7 namespace NeutrinoFluxReweight{
9  ReweightDriver::ReweightDriver(int iuniv, const ParameterTable& cv_pars, const ParameterTable& univ_pars, std::string fileIn)
10  : iUniv(iuniv), cvPars(cv_pars), univPars(univ_pars), fileOptions(fileIn)
11  {
12  ParseOptions();
13  Configure();
15  }
19  //Creating the vector of reweighters:
21  if(doMIPPNumi){
24  }
41  }
44  //Parsing the file input:
45  using boost::property_tree::ptree;
46  ptree top;
47  std::string val = "";
48  read_xml(fileOptions.c_str(),top,2); // option 2 removes comment strings
49  ptree& options = top.get_child("inputs.Settings");
51  val = options.get<std::string>("Reweighters");
52  if(val=="MIPPNuMIOn")doMIPPNumi = true;
53  else doMIPPNumi = false;
55  }
58  double tot_wgt = 1.0;
60  //Boolean flags:
61  const int nnodes=icd.interaction_chain.size();
62  std::vector<bool> interaction_nodes(nnodes,false);
63  std::vector<bool> attenuation_nodes(nnodes,false);
64  std::vector<bool> absorption_nodes(nnodes,false);
66  /// ----- PROCESS INTERACTION NODES ----- ///
68  //MIPP NuMI Pions:
69  bool has_mipp = false;
70  mipp_pion_wgt = 1.0;
71  if(doMIPPNumi){
72  interaction_nodes = MIPP_NUMI_PION_Universe->canReweight(icd);
73  for(size_t ii=0;ii<interaction_nodes.size();ii++){
74  if(interaction_nodes[ii]==true){
75  has_mipp = true;
77  break;
78  }
79  }
80  tot_wgt *= mipp_pion_wgt;
81  }
83  //MIPP NuMI Kaons:
84  mipp_kaon_wgt = 1.0;
85  if(!has_mipp && doMIPPNumi){
86  interaction_nodes = MIPP_NUMI_KAON_Universe->canReweight(icd);
88  for(size_t ii=0;ii<interaction_nodes.size();ii++){
89  if(interaction_nodes[ii]==true){
90  has_mipp = true;
92  break;
93  }
94  }
95  tot_wgt *= mipp_kaon_wgt;
96  }
98  //Thin Target pC->piX:
99  pC_pi_wgt = 1.0;
100  for(int ii=(interaction_nodes.size()-1);ii>=0;ii--){
101  if(interaction_nodes[ii]==false){
103  if(is_rew){
105  pC_pi_wgt *= rewval;
106  interaction_nodes[ii]=true;
107  }
108  }
109  }
110  tot_wgt *= pC_pi_wgt;
112  //Thin Target pC->KX:
113  pC_k_wgt = 1.0;
114  for(int ii=(interaction_nodes.size()-1);ii>=0;ii--){
115  if(interaction_nodes[ii]==false){
117  if(is_rew){
119  pC_k_wgt *= rewval;
120  interaction_nodes[ii]=true;
121  }
122  }
123  }
124  tot_wgt *= pC_k_wgt;
126  //Thin Target nC->piX:
127  nC_pi_wgt = 1.0;
128  for(int ii=(interaction_nodes.size()-1);ii>=0;ii--){
129  if(interaction_nodes[ii]==false){
131  if(is_rew){
133  nC_pi_wgt *= rewval;
134  interaction_nodes[ii]=true;
135  }
136  }
137  }
138  tot_wgt *= nC_pi_wgt;
140  //Thin Target pC->nucleonX:
141  pC_nu_wgt = 1.0;
142  for(int ii=(interaction_nodes.size()-1);ii>=0;ii--){
143  if(interaction_nodes[ii]==false){
145  if(is_rew){
147  pC_nu_wgt *= rewval;
148  interaction_nodes[ii]=true;
149  }
150  }
151  }
152  tot_wgt *= pC_nu_wgt;
154  //Thin Target Meson Incident:
155  meson_inc_wgt = 1.0;
156  for(int ii=(interaction_nodes.size()-1);ii>=0;ii--){
157  if(interaction_nodes[ii]==false){
159  if(is_rew){
161  meson_inc_wgt *= rewval;
162  interaction_nodes[ii]=true;
163  }
164  }
165  }
166  tot_wgt *= meson_inc_wgt;
168  //Thin Target Nucleon Incident not hanldle NA49 or Barton:
169  nuA_wgt = 1.0;
170  for(int ii=(interaction_nodes.size()-1);ii>=0;ii--){
171  if(interaction_nodes[ii]==false){
173  if(is_rew){
175  nuA_wgt *= rewval;
176  interaction_nodes[ii]=true;
177  }
178  }
179  }
180  tot_wgt *= nuA_wgt;
182  //Any other interaction not handled yet:
183  other_wgt = 1.0;
184  for(int ii=(interaction_nodes.size()-1);ii>=0;ii--){
185  if(interaction_nodes[ii]==false){
186  bool is_rew = OTHER_Universe->canReweight((icd.interaction_chain)[ii]);
187  if(is_rew){
188  double rewval = OTHER_Universe->calculateWeight((icd.interaction_chain)[ii]);
189  other_wgt *= rewval;
190  interaction_nodes[ii]=true;
191  }
192  }
193  }
194  tot_wgt *= other_wgt;
196  //Target attenuation correction:
197  att_wgt = 1.0;
198  attenuation_nodes = TARG_ATT_Universe->canReweight(icd);
199  //we just see for the first position (prmary proton)
200  if(attenuation_nodes.size()>0 && attenuation_nodes[0]==true){
202  }
203  tot_wgt *= att_wgt;
205  //Absorption correction:
206  tot_abs_wgt = 1.0;
208  // Correction of the pi & K absorption in volumes (Al)
209  abs_ic_wgt = 1.0;
210  absorption_nodes = VOL_ABS_IC_Universe->canReweight(icd);
211  //std::cout<<"size of absorption_nodes is "<<absorption_nodes.size()<<std::endl;
213  if(absorption_nodes.size()>0 && absorption_nodes[0]==true){
215  }
216  tot_wgt *= abs_ic_wgt;
219  //Correction of the pi & K absorption in volumes (Fe)
220  abs_dpip_wgt = 1.0;
221  absorption_nodes = VOL_ABS_DPIP_Universe->canReweight(icd);
222  if(absorption_nodes.size()>0 && absorption_nodes[0]==true){
224  }
225  tot_wgt *= abs_dpip_wgt;
229  //Correction of the pi & K absorption in volumes (He)
230  abs_dvol_wgt = 1.0;
231  absorption_nodes = VOL_ABS_DVOL_Universe->canReweight(icd);
232  if(absorption_nodes.size()>0 && absorption_nodes[0]==true){
234  }
235  tot_wgt *= abs_dvol_wgt;
238  //Correction of nucleons on Al, Fe and He.
239  abs_nucleon_wgt = 1.0;
240  absorption_nodes = VOL_ABS_NUCLEON_Universe->canReweight(icd);
241  if(absorption_nodes.size()>0 && absorption_nodes[0]==true){
243  }
244  tot_wgt *= abs_nucleon_wgt;
247  //Correction of any other particle on Al, Fe and He.
248  abs_other_wgt = 1.0;
249  absorption_nodes = VOL_ABS_OTHER_Universe->canReweight(icd);
250  if(absorption_nodes.size()>0 && absorption_nodes[0]==true){
252  }
253  tot_wgt *= abs_other_wgt;
256  if(tot_wgt!=tot_wgt){
257  std::cout<<"Alert nan total wgt... check!!!"<<std::endl;
258  return 1.0;
259  }
260  return tot_wgt;
261  }
265  if(doMIPPNumi){
268  }
269  delete TARG_ATT_Universe;
270  delete VOL_ABS_IC_Universe;
271  delete VOL_ABS_DPIP_Universe;
272  delete VOL_ABS_DVOL_Universe;
274  delete VOL_ABS_OTHER_Universe;
281  delete OTHER_Universe;
282  }
284 }
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A list/table of parameter names and values.
virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionData &aa)
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virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionData &aa)
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virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionData &inter_data)
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std::string string
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virtual bool canReweight(const InteractionData &aa)
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calculate a weight for this interaction chain given the central value parameters and the parameters f...
std::vector< InteractionData > interaction_chain
vector of neutrino ancestors
virtual bool canReweight(const InteractionData &aa)
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double calculateWeight(const InteractionChainData &icd)
TargetAttenuationReweighter * TARG_ATT_Universe
AbsorptionICReweighter * VOL_ABS_IC_Universe
virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
calculate a weight for this interaction chain given the central value parameters and the parameters f...
virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionData &aa)
calculate a weight for this interaction given the central value parameters and the parameters for thi...
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virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionData &inter_data)
calculate a weight for this interaction given the central value parameters and the parameters for thi...
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OtherAbsorptionOutOfTargetReweighter * VOL_ABS_OTHER_Universe
virtual bool canReweight(const InteractionData &aa)
can the particular instance of this class reweight this interaction?
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virtual bool canReweight(const InteractionData &aa)
can the particular instance of this class reweight this interaction?
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NucleonAbsorptionOutOfTargetReweighter * VOL_ABS_NUCLEON_Universe
virtual bool canReweight(const InteractionData &aa)
can the particular instance of this class reweight this interaction?
virtual std::vector< bool > canReweight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
Look through the InteractionChainData input and identify those Interactions that can be reweighted as...
ReweightDriver(int iuniv, const ParameterTable &cv_pars, const ParameterTable &univ_pars, std::string fileIn)
virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
calculate a weight for this interaction chain given the central value parameters and the parameters f...
virtual std::vector< bool > canReweight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
Look through the InteractionChainData input and identify those Interactions that can be reweighted as...
virtual std::vector< bool > canReweight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
Look through the InteractionChainData input and identify those Interactions that can be reweighted as...
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virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
calculate a weight for this interaction chain given the central value parameters and the parameters f...
ThinTargetnCPionReweighter * THINTARGET_NC_PION_Universe
virtual bool canReweight(const InteractionData &aa)
can the particular instance of this class reweight this interaction?
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virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
calculate a weight for this interaction chain given the central value parameters and the parameters f...
ThinTargetpCKaonReweighter * THINTARGET_PC_KAON_Universe
virtual std::vector< bool > canReweight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
Look through the InteractionChainData input and identify those Interactions that can be reweighted as...
virtual std::vector< bool > canReweight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
Look through the InteractionChainData input and identify those Interactions that can be reweighted as...
virtual double calculateWeight(const InteractionChainData &aa)
calculate a weight for this interaction chain given the central value parameters and the parameters f...
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
virtual bool canReweight(const InteractionData &aa)
can the particular instance of this class reweight this interaction?